Chelyabinsk State University (ChelSU)

One of the leading scientific centers of the Southern Urals, was founded in 1976. The first university in the South Urals. The official name is the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Chelyabinsk State University" (FGBOU VO "ChelGU").

Chelyabinsk State University
international name Chelyabinsk State University
Motto Primum mobile in saecula saeculorum
Year of foundation
Rector Tsiring, Diana Alexandrovna
Location Russia Russia, Chelyabinsk
Legal address Chelyabinsk, st. Brothers Kashirin, 129


In May 2018, the Faculty of Fundamental Medicine was opened.

University structure

The university is housed in 8 academic buildings.

The university includes:

  • Institute of Information Technologies (acting director - Petrichenko Yu.V.)
  • Institute for Advanced Studies and Retraining of Personnel (Director - Khudyakova A.E.)
  • Faculty of History and Philology (Dean - Grishina N.V.)
  • Institute of Economics of Branches, Business and Administration (Director - Barkhatov V.I.)
  • Institute of Pre-University Education (Director - Sadovnikova T.V.)
  • Faculty of Mathematics (Dean - Sbrodova E.A.)
  • Faculty of Physics (Dean - Taskaev S.V.)
  • Faculty of Chemistry (Dean - Burmistrov V.A.)
  • Faculty of Eurasia and the East (Dean - Yagnakova E.Z.)
  • Faculty of Ecology (Dean - Sibirkina A.R.)
  • Faculty of Management (Dean - Golovikhin S.A.)
  • Institute of Law (Director - Kireev V.V.)
  • Faculty of Linguistics and Translation (Dean - Nefedova L.A.)
  • Faculty of Psychology and Pedagogy (acting dean - Evstafeeva E.A.)
  • Faculty of Biology (acting dean - Stashkevich D.S.)
  • Faculty of Correspondence and Distance Learning (Dean - Yagafarov Sh.Sh.)
  • Faculty of Economics (acting dean - Vereshchagina T.A.)
  • Faculty of Journalism (Dean - Kirshin B.N.)
  • Institute of International Education (acting director - Yakovets K.V.)
  • Faculty of Fundamental Medicine (Dean - Tupikov V.A.)

College, 3 museums, 64 departments, center "

About the university

State educational institution of higher professional education "Chelyabinsk State University", FGBOU VO "ChelGU". (Chelyabinsk State University).

Chelyabinsk State University is the first classical university in the South Urals. Founded in 1976 on the basis of the Decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR dated September 3, 1974 No. 690 with the aim of forming a center of education, science and culture in the South Ural region, meeting the region's need for highly qualified personnel with fundamental university training.
The first rector of the university was Semyon Egorovich Matushkin, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Corresponding Member of the USSR Academy of Pedagogical Sciences (headed the university from 1976 to 1987). In 1987, he was replaced as rector by Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, laureate of the USSR State Prize Valentin Dmitrievich Batukhtin (1987-2004). Since 2004, the university has been headed by Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor Andrey Yuryevich Shatin.
The university carries out level training of graduates in the main educational programs of higher professional education: bachelor's degree, specialist's degree, master's degree. It also implements pre-university training, postgraduate professional education, additional education and advanced training.
In the structure of the university, educational activities are carried out at 13 faculties and 7 educational and scientific institutes.
There are 3 branches in the structure of GOUVPO "ChelGU": in the city of Miass, the city of Troitsk, and also abroad - in the city of Kostanay of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
There are 4 dissertation councils for the defense of doctoral dissertations and 3 councils for the defense of master's theses.
Educational activities at ChelGU are carried out by highly qualified specialists, 67.6% of whom have an academic degree (academic title). Candidates of sciences, associate professors make up 53.4%, doctors of sciences, professors - 15.8%. The number of students enrolled in all forms of education today is about 24 thousand people.
From year to year, the circle of scientists working on grants from the European Commission "TEMPUS", the President of the Russian Federation, the Government of the Russian Federation, as well as scientific foundations: the Russian Foundation for Basic Research, the Russian Humanitarian Foundation, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, regional targeted programs: state support for fundamental scientific research and higher professional education and support of scientific creativity of youth in universities.
Chelyabinsk State University students and postgraduates annually become holders of scholarships from the President of the Russian Federation, the Government of the Russian Federation, the Governor of the Chelyabinsk Region, the Legislative Assembly of the Chelyabinsk Region, and the City Administration of Chelyabinsk.
ChelGU is the only Russian university involved in the development of the European Diploma Supplement "Diploma Supplement" and since 2001 was the first to start issuing them.
At the moment, the university is introducing a credit-modular system into the organization of the educational process.
The fundamental principle of the organization of scientific activity at the university remains the orientation towards the development of fundamental research in the natural sciences, the humanities and socio-economic areas, their balance with applied research, and the support of scientific schools.
At the Faculty of Mathematics, a full member of the Russian Academy of Sciences A. M. Il'in, who heads the school of Ural mathematicians who study asymptotic methods for solving equations of mathematical physics, conducts teaching and scientific activities. Under his leadership, the Regional Mathematical Seminar has been operating on the basis of the Chelyabinsk State University for several years, in which all the leading mathematicians of the Chelyabinsk region participate.
Under the guidance of Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor S.V. Matveev conducts scientific activities in the field of topology of manifolds and computer topology. The Department of Mathematical Analysis is headed by one of the youngest Doctors of Science in Russia at present, professor, winner of numerous grants V.E. Fedorov.
In total, more than thirty scientific schools are successfully developing at Chelyabinsk State University. Under the guidance of Professor V. D. Buchelnikov, applied and fundamental research in the field of physics of magnetic phenomena is being developed. Widely known in the Russian Federation is the Interuniversity Medical and Physical Center of the Chelyabinsk State University and the Chelyabinsk Medical Academy. In the center, under the guidance of Professor A.V. Lappa, unique methods of minimally invasive operations using lasers are being created.
In 2007, in order to develop fundamental research in the field of physics and chemistry of modern functional materials produced by the industry of the Urals and to develop modern materials, a Shared Use Center equipped with ultra-modern equipment was established at ChelGU. In particular, the multifunctional X-ray diffractometer D8 ADVANCE, which allows you to study the structure of a substance at the molecular level.
Under the guidance of Professor E.A. Belenkov, research is being conducted in the field of computer materials science, nanodiamonds and related carbon nanomaterials.
Since 1999, Professor L. A. Shkatova has been successfully leading the work of the university academic laboratory of intercultural communications, created on the basis of an agreement on scientific cooperation between the Institute of Linguistics of the Russian Academy of Sciences and ChelGU. The Center for Research on Constitutional and Legal Problems of Sovereign Democracy, headed by Professor V.A. Lebedev. A good example of a harmonious combination of fundamental scientific research with practice is the activity of the departments of "Microbiology" and "Radiation Biology", under the general supervision of the Dean of the Faculty of Biology, Professor A.L. Burmistrova.
Scientists of the Institute of Psychology and Pedagogy are working in one of the most important areas in pedagogical science today: they study the problems of managing the education system and managing the quality of education.
The university and academic center, created by the Faculty of Economics and the Institute of Economics of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, carries out a set of studies, including the development of methodological recommendations for predicting the socio-economic development of small towns of the subjects of the Federation (supervisor - Professor A.Yu. Davankov), for the development of theoretical - methodological foundations for the development of human capital (supervisor - Professor A.V. Gorshkov).
An important factor in the formation and development of the university has always been the activity of archaeologists. In 1987, under the guidance of Professor G.B. Zdanovich, a unique proto-city "Arkaim" was discovered, whose age is more than 4 thousand years.
Since 1992, ChelGU has been educating disabled people since 1992. Currently, this work is one of the priority areas of activity, and Chelyabinsk State University is an experimental platform for the Ministry of Education and Science of the Chelyabinsk Region in the field of education for disabled people. To date, the university has formed an innovative system of accessibility of higher education for the disabled. For these purposes, it provides for a special structure - the Regional Center for the Education of the Disabled (RTsOI), which has no analogues in Russian universities.
Since 2002, for the first time in Russia, the Association of Educational Institutions and Scientific Organizations "Chelyabinsk University Educational District" has been established. The Association includes educational and scientific institutions interested in the development of education in the Chelyabinsk region. The main goal of the association is to increase the efficiency and quality of the educational process, develop and improve the regional education system, join forces in implementing the principles of continuity and accessibility of education, develop methods for new forms and technologies of education, develop and implement advanced ideas, adapt educational institutions and their graduates to social , economic and cultural needs of society and changes in the labor market.
Constant work is underway to establish bilateral relations of ChelSU. At the moment, partnerships have been established and cooperation is underway with universities in the UK, Germany, Holland, France, China, Turkey, Syria, etc.
More than 500 foreign students study at ChelGU.
The university has concluded agreements and is cooperating with a number of European universities on double degree programs.
Postgraduate studies are conducted in 43 specialties. 32 master's programs are being implemented in 10 scientific areas.
Currently, more than 1,000 students are studying at the faculty in 32 additional education programs.
The university management pays great attention to the development of student self-government and the organization of the system of educational work in general. The model of the organization of student self-government of ChelSU took 1st place at the All-Russian competition in the nomination "Successful Start" (2006). The university has created conditions for the realization of the creative and other potential of students. For this purpose, the Student Creativity Center and the sports club operate. There is a sports and recreation camp "Sail".
Since the first year of foundation of the university, the university has been publishing the newspaper "Universitetskaya Embankment" (until 1995 "Chelyabinsk University").

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