19th lunar day. Nineteenth lunar day

Name - "Spider", "Network", "Satanic Day".

The day of karmic trials and purification of the soul turns a person to morality and conscience. Next to a person with a pure soul, other people will also become purified. It is useful to think about your actions, get rid of lies, pride, other people's thoughts (since we often think not with our own thoughts and about what is not characteristic of us) and obsessions. You should turn to your conscience and, at least mentally, sincerely repent of your mistakes and learn from them. It is useful to sit by the fire, light a lamp, and walk around the house with a candle. But you need to take into account the position of the Moon: if the Moon is in a fire sign, it is better to clean the house in a different way - light incense, surround it with a illuminated object, read prayers, etc. The day of astral cleansing of the subtle bodies of a person. It is useful to apply the "flows" technique. Favorable for creativity. People say that “Spider-Man” is a loner who may be capable of creative thought taking off. It is best to stay at home on this day, or be alone in nature. If this is not possible, reduce, if possible, your communication with other people and postpone making important decisions. A dangerous and difficult day. Having become entangled in any connections, vices, or affairs, a person can become increasingly immersed in this karmic “net.” You cannot borrow and repay the debt on this day (“debt network”). You have to be very careful with all the new trends and plans and undertakings that you learn about these days. lunar day. This could be simple seduction. It's easy to become obsessed. You shouldn’t offer other people something new either - you can get confused in your obligations. The day is dangerous due to spiritual intoxication, splitting of consciousness, poisoning of the flesh and feelings. You need to try to get rid of negative feelings: resentment, anger, envy, irritation, etc. It is bad to swear and show pride. This day can be chosen by magicians for black magic actions, so people should be attentive to any external influences. Envy and slander can significantly complicate your communication with people and slow down (if you are their source) your spiritual development. You should refrain from any undertakings, obligations, or signing contracts, since the danger of deception or major complications in the future is extremely high. Quarrels may arise with children, acquaintances, even with pets. Sometimes disagreements return former friends or previously unresolved issues and matters: this means you can try to solve them again, showing prudence. You cannot get married or visit with alcohol on this day (misfortunes may be attracted). A particularly difficult day for weak people, they may need care and spiritual support. But if a person is selfish and opposes himself to everyone, he will be punished for pride, sometimes - precisely in the 19th ld.

Health- vulnerable places in the human body on this day are the appendix, rectum and sigmoid colon. From the 19th ld. The navel and the energy center Hara (“spool”) are connected. If on this day you feel pain or heaviness in the navel, it means that you have entered the “astral network”, since through this channel all kinds of evil spirits can enter our subtle bodies. An attack of appendicitis or constipation on this day - bad signs. They make it clear that it is time to start cleansing your soul and body, that you carry many harmful thoughts within yourself. Cleansing the Flesh (physical) body of a person will contribute to the cleansing of the Navy (astral) body. On these lunar days, the intestines and rectum are cleansed. It is useful to help the human flesh body by communicating with the elements of Nature. Diseases of this day, with the right attitude, are not dangerous and will pass soon.

Nutrition- on this day it is favorable to eat round vegetables (for example, cabbage, turnips, potatoes), fasting or at least a lighter diet than usual is favorable. Although it is on this day and others like it that even pure people are drawn to try foods with the qualities of “tamas” (darkness, ignorance), that is, dead or narcotic. It is important to resist temptation and pass the test.

Conception - By conceiving a child on this day, you take a risk. He will have amazing personal charm and attraction, but will lead a closed and lonely life. If you attract a high Soul, the child will be distinguished by great honesty, humanity and justice. In the worst case, he can be a selfish heartthrob and a sadist. Incarnate warrior will be distinguished by great vitality, the ability to self-heal, and a tendency to take risks (but he may be cruel and incapable of mercy), weighing will be distinguished by great hard work (but the question is - will he be kind and generous to others?). Be very attentive to each other on this day - any negative manifestation of feelings increases the risk of attracting a low soul.

Birth - On this day, highly moral souls can be born, bringing goodness and light to the world, modest, capable of self-sacrifice. But they will be lonely, since only people who are pure in soul and heart can understand and appreciate them. Single creators may be born, living a special life and being understood by few people. In the worst case, insidious, cunning, but smart people are born - skillfully weaving their networks and enjoying their intrigues and intrigues. People with weak character They'll just be losers. The parents of a child of this day of the Moon should cultivate in him the best, brightest traits of his character and teach him to cope with negative manifestations human nature. The most important thing will be to develop not the mind (a developed mind will be given to a child from birth), but kindness, modesty, decency, mercy and other best human traits characteristic of High Souls.

Dreams- may soon come true, especially if the dream repeats itself after three days. But often on this day there are empty dreams. Dreams scare us, we should not take them to heart, it is advisable to forget quickly, think about something good.

stones- Labradorite, jet (Scorpio, Pisces, Capricorn), morion (Cancer, Aries):approx. Vedana: Attention! Morion is not suitable for any living person, be careful with this stone, it was previously used by magicians to leave this world. Living people, having this stone, will die; hematite (Cancer, Scorpio), peridot (Pisces), uvarovite (Sagittarius, Leo), green garnet (Aquarius, Scorpio).

Day of deception. It is better to stay at home and not communicate with anyone, even by phone. It is believed that only “vampires” are active on this day. Do not conclude family unions. It is dangerous to poison yourself or accidentally poison someone else through food or spiritual deception. You can't sort things out. Beware of drunks and liars. We receive reward for pride. The day of our delusions and mistakes. You can't make decisions. It is useful to sit with a candle or lamp.

20th lunar day

Name - “Eagle-vulture”, “Eagle with a crocodile tail” (this name denotes the combination of the signs of Scorpio and Sagittarius). The sign of Sagittarius indicates the presence of the energy of Jupiter: it is no coincidence that the eagle is found in many coats of arms, including the Russian one. The eagle is an image of spiritual (religious) achievement. Last trine.

Serious and interesting day: time of spiritual transformation, overcoming doubts, ascension, knowledge of cosmic laws. After a day of cleansing the soul and thoughts, the transformation of a person begins. If the day before a person was able to cleanse his body, feelings and thoughts, he can gain clairvoyance and learn cosmic laws on this day of the Moon. The best day for spiritual insight, it is good to study sacred texts. But it is better to perform spiritual rituals (practices) under the guidance of a Teacher. It’s good to be at home, take care of household chores, family, and the customs of your people. But social activities can also be very successful: new things to do, trips, communication, overcoming the machinations of ill-wishers. New offers may appear related to business expansion that will improve your financial situation (for example, offers from foreigners). Communication with superiors and public figures is favorable. The day of making important decisions and getting rid of doubts. The day of a person's victory over himself.

Dangers twentieth day of the moon: pride and arrogance, anger and grumpiness. A difficult day for those who did not carry out self-purification the day before, who are not engaged in their own self-improvement. On this day it is better for such people to do simple household chores. If you do not fully control the energies of the day, it is better not to start any business, as they may go beyond your control. Especially when you are not confident in your abilities, because then the business you started can transform into something completely different.

Health- a very important day for health, it is called by healers the “Circle of Life”, since all energy connections in the human body are involved. The following organs are associated with this day: human body, like the shoulder blades and upper back (where the eagle has wings), as well as the peritoneum. The heart center - Anahata (Persian) - is associated with these lunar days. Improper use of the energies of the day can lead to increased blood pressure and even loss of consciousness, there may be numbness in the hands and pain in the shoulder blades, discomfort in your back (as if you are carrying a stone on your back or someone is sitting on you). Numbness in the neck or some part of the back may be a sign that a person is not living correctly. On this day, you should not perform extrasensory treatment if you do not have a lot of experience - it is easy to become exhausted, giving away too much of your own vitality, and the consequences of treatment can be unpredictable. You should not strain your eyes; the illness of this day may drag on.

Nutrition - On this day, even meat-eaters should refrain from eating animal food. The lighter, cleaner and fresher your foods are, the better you will feel. This day is favorable for fasting or a fasting diet.

Conception - a child conceived on this day will constantly try to achieve the impossible and learn everything. Whether this will succeed or not depends on the level of development of the parents and on what qualities and abilities they attract new soul into their family and on how they raise their child, as well as on the character of the child himself. Either transformation and spiritual achievements await him, or anger and other base character traits will prevail, then there will be falls and collapse of hopes. For such a person, a lie will be tempting and therefore dangerous, since it is equal to spiritual suicide. Parents should not lie on the day of conception. But it is better not to take any risks on this day, since the energies of the previous “Satanic day” still exert their influence.

Birth - a person born on this day lives in constant anticipation of a flight; he is prone to astral travel (in the Nav body). The people of this day of the Moon are very different. The best of them are devotees who sacrifice themselves for the cause. They live in anticipation of a feat and their time (like people of the 14th ld), they are able to learn cosmic laws and feel these possibilities within themselves: they have been preparing for something great all their lives. The worst of those born on this day are people who want to rise above others at any cost (selfish, proud, family tyrants, dictators of society and others). Often they are sure that they know everything, they can carry a false idea, blindly believing in it and deifying themselves, that is, they become false teachers. If the level of development of the parents allows, they will devote their entire lives to ensuring that their child bad character and with an evil disposition, he nevertheless cultivated in himself the best traits and moral values. Having such parents for children born on this day of the Moon is a great happiness, a gift from Heaven.

Dreams- unreliable, but can happen (especially if there is bad weather). On this day, many may be able to “order” themselves to sleep at will.

In a dream, you are able to solve serious problems and make long journeys in the subtle world. Day lucid dreams . We can dream about a distant friend and say something that we cannot say in life.

stones - red jasper (Virgo), rock crystal (Aries, Leo. Virgo), jadeite (Virgo).

Overcoming doubts, finding a core in the soul and in life. Longing for flight, for lofty thoughts and ideals. Dedicated to solving problems. Strengthen the home, take care of sick and needy relatives. Find the spiritual core of love. Sexual energies seething, creative too. A great opportunity to see everything from the height of an eagle. Assess the situation, understand what needs to be adjusted. Everything will work out, you just need strength. Feel free to tackle all matters. Decision day. But you can’t be proud!

21st lunar day

Name - “Horse”, “Herd of Horses”, “Chariot”, “Day of Winged Horses” - these horses carry a chariot on which the planets of the day sit. IN Ancient Greece- “The Day of Pegasus”, riding which Perseus freed Andromeda. This is the “Day of Mithra” - an astral warrior who sacrifices himself, defeats his base nature and transforms it into a highly spiritual one. Mithra kills the bull - an image of darkness and the abyss. While the bull is alive, it represents a danger, but when destroyed, it becomes the material from which Mithra creates new worlds. Mithra, sitting on a horse and killing a bull (darkness) is the image of the victorious Yarila-Sun. This is the day of all Centaurs, that is, horse warriors (in Ancient Rus' they were calledPolkanami- “half-horses”).

The day of courage, daring, voluntary sacrifice, renunciation of property, perseverance in achieving goals, the ability to achieve victory, as well as fearless movement forward upward. A day of restructuring, activity, creativity, sports competitions (best of all - running). The day of astral warfare, chivalry, quixoticism. For every person there is an opportunity to become better, to show their best qualities, and is favorable for overcoming physical and spiritual infirmities. A transformation of a person’s inner world is underway, you can engage in self-esteem and change (purify and enlighten) your carnal nature. You need to be completely pure (physically and mentally), honest and fair. On this day you can make a promise of fidelity, take responsibility; It is favorable to engage in matters related to the fulfillment of one’s own duty. People are advised to “form herds” - conduct common activities, make joint trips and travels. It is on this day of the Moon that you can change your type of activity, move to a new job, or hit the road. New opportunities may emerge related to rethinking the past and successful plans for the future. Friends and employees on this day are honest and ready to provide selfless help. You can improve your relationship with them. The day is favorable for making proposals, as well as for achieving success or agreement. Creative and sexual possibilities increase. The instinct and ability of foresight are sharpened, the will is strengthened. Successful for trade and economic affairs, preparing products for storage. What was missing that day will soon be found. This day is best spent on fresh air, in work and exercise for the body, in fun with loved ones and friends. It is good to wear light-colored clothes, especially white or golden colors.

On this day you cannot lie, break oaths (and it is better to never give them to anyone at all), leave those in need without help, be dirty, indulge your whims, laziness and selfishness. Not a very suitable day for prayer activities. It's bad to be alone on this day. It is worth paying more attention to the negative assessment of your words and actions by other people, maybe they are right. Even if you are confident that you are right, think: what reason did you give for such an assessment? Maybe you are flattering yourself by deceiving yourself?

Health- the day is associated with hematopoietic system, in particular - with the liver. On these lunar days it is necessary to cleanse the blood. Loads on the liver are contraindicated; it is better to strengthen and nourish it. It is advised to practice physical exercises- this is how you can get rid of infirmities and diseases. It’s good to walk on this day in the snow, on water after rain, on dew, on mown grass or just on clean earth - this will give additional vitality. You need to be in the fresh air as much as possible, breathe clean mountain or forest air, it’s good to be in the wind. Swimming in cold water will help transform a person's inner nature. The day is favorable for healing. It is associated with the energy center Sahasrara (Thousand Petal Lotus) - a spring that is responsible for communication with the Cosmos, cosmic energies and the spiritual egregor of a person. It is beneficial to focus on the “Lotus” and reflect on what information and what forces we receive through it from the Cosmos. If a person does not engage in self-improvement and does not change, this leads to liver dysfunction (even hepatitis) and blood diseases (including deterioration of its composition and changes in blood type).

Nutrition- it’s good to drink on this day herbal infusions and decoctions that will help cleanse the blood and also help the liver (for example, a decoction of chicory and dandelion roots). It is good to eat carrots, beets, cranberries, rowan berries, and pomegranates.

Conception - On this day, both the soul of a fighter for justice or a warrior, and a blind fanatic can be attracted. The best qualities of this person can be a sense of duty, honor, justice, desire for exploits and chivalry. Dangers will constantly await him, but patience and hard work will help him overcome them. A person must be kind, otherwise cruelty and rudeness will overcome him. And the soul of a poet can also be attracted.

Birth - the best of the people of this day are fighters for justice, honest and pure knights, people who are strong in spirit, defenders of the weak (warriors and knights). Those born vesyu (farmer, artisan, family man) will be distinguished by hard work and creativity, patience and restraint. In the worst case, blind proud people may be born on this day, who do not notice anything or anyone in their desire to achieve their goal. For this, they can “trample” others and walk “over corpses.” Selfishness will be justified by them with lofty goals and lofty words; they are unlikely to notice that they have become indomitable scoundrels. Parents should teach their child to direct their strength and energy to creative, noble goals, to teach them to fight destructive manifestations of selfhood (which are in the nature of every person and are called “eggchore”). This becomes possible if the parents themselves lead moral image life, setting an example with their actions, and are ready to learn together with their child from a worthy teacher.

Dreams- dreams of this day mean nothing or are false. Don't attach much importance to them.

stones- pyrite, zircon (Aries, Aquarius), aventurine (Taurus, Cancer, Virgo), obsidian (Capricorn, Leo, Sagittarius).

Giving up something for the sake of the future. Gaining internal energy using one of the methods that we recommended. The best day to change something in life. Invite guests. Exchange experiences. It's good to work together in a big company. Good shopping. Connection of energies, their multiplication, accumulation. A wonderful day for love. Developing loyalty to the cause and constancy. It’s good to gather in groups and discuss common problems. Successful transition to a new job. Don't start anything alone.

The energy of the day is very heavy today. On the 19th lunar day, energy vampires wake up, waiting for their prey and not averse to snacking on your energy. This is the day of dark magic, its influence is very unfavorable and strong. Abandoned dark rooms, corners, and rubble should be avoided. If you feel unwell in some house or room, it is better to immediately leave this place. There is no need to communicate with unpleasant and unfamiliar people, and also meet new people.

On the nineteenth lunar day, many people awaken pride, envy and anger, all the base feelings and instincts that lie dormant in us under a layer of morality, ethics and education. Depression sets in, fears and self-doubt worsen. On such a day, the likelihood of deception and self-deception is very high. You can easily believe and convince yourself of something that doesn’t really exist.

The 19th day of the moon is ideal for cleansing. Today you can cleanse almost everything: thoughts, soul, body, energy at home, etc. This day is considered ideal for getting rid of old grievances that have settled in our minds. After all, we have invisible energy threads with every person we have ever met. And the greater and stronger the resentment, the stronger your energetic connection with him. And through these connections our vital energy flows away, and every person needs it so much for development and a happy life.

Dreams today carry valuable information about future events in our lives.

Love and relationships

This is not the right time for romantic meetings and dates; the 19th Lunar Day is very difficult, so it is better to postpone them to another day. Today it is very easy to make mistakes and be deceived and is completely unsuitable for dating.


Today would be a very good time energy cleansing and general cleaning of the house, clearing away accumulated rubble, throwing out old and unnecessary things, cleaning where you very rarely clean. This will renew the energy of the house and bring fresh and clean vibrations.


On the 19th Lunar Day, it would be good to cleanse the body of accumulated toxins, go on a diet, or start doing new cycle physical exercise. The sigmoid colon and appendix are vulnerable today, so it is not recommended to perform surgical operations on them.

Business and money

This is a neutral day for business and career. Just don’t deal with money matters, as there is a high probability of self-deception and today it is easy to become a victim of fraud. It is not recommended to repay debts on this day, as there is a high risk of getting into new ones. This is a great day to work in a creative direction.

The nineteenth lunar day can be called a time of strength testing. The moon will not test us just like that, but there is no need to relax - today the Universe will want to find out: do we deserve the gifts that were showered on us in the previous lunar days?

  • The element of the 19th lunar day is considered to be Water. Since Water is the soul of our world and reflects the essence of things, you should look closely at secret signs and listen to the clues of fate and intuition. Today's Water is not a quiet gentle stream, but a stormy and fast-moving river - let's be skillful captains and try to get to a lighthouse, or a quiet harbor.
  • The spider, which weaves its web with a mysterious look, is a symbol of the 19th lunar day. But the spider today is not simple, and it even has the name Rachna, or Golden Spider. The spider is an ambiguous symbol; it represents wisdom, strength and courage. Often the Spider evokes horror in us, and inexplicable fear– let’s treat him kindly, let’s not tear the magic web, and the spinner will certainly reciprocate our feelings and bring order and harmony into our lives.
  • Let's dress up in blue or azure clothes, sit in a sea-green car, and we will be happy. It is these colors that will bring good luck on the 19th lunar day. The blue color of the sky gives peace of mind, and the color of the sea wave gives peace and comfort. The azure color speaks of calm and tranquility.
  • Let's get up early and be the first in line for happiness - it is the one who will attract success and prosperity into life today. Number One absorbs the energy of the Sun and has incredible magical powers.
  • There are many talisman stones for the 19th lunar day. Labradorite will reveal the truth and give inspiration, Peridot will relieve nervous tension, and will protect from enemies, and Olivine will attract money and protect from scammers and thieves. Green Garnet will help lovers, and Red Onyx will give its owners courage and eloquence.
  • The lucky direction of the 19th lunar day is the North. But if things call us to the south or east, there is no need to panic, and even more so, we will not gather a company of polar bear cubs - we will throw white threads in our pocket, and troubles will forget about us.
  • The ruler of the dark valley and the angel of promises, Falam, will protect us from conflicts. In addition, this guardian angel will help us in new endeavors and tell us how to achieve success faster.

Characteristics of the 19th lunar day

We monitor the situation, control our thoughts and words - the day is difficult, but this does not mean that we will turn into robots or zombies and lock ourselves in the apartment with anxiety. On the nineteenth lunar day, much will depend on our mood, because even in the most unpleasant situation we can find advantages, the main thing is to treat events correctly.

But let’s philosophize and don’t forget to look at our surroundings - today all the unpleasant guys are active: from energy vampires to banal brawlers. By the way, vampires are easier to deal with - some will be saved by a clove of garlic, while others will need their imagination, with which you can build a brick castle around yourself, or build a crystal dome. You should be careful with aspen pegs - they are suitable for a vegetable garden, but it is better not to use them to fight evil spirits.

Well, with conflicting personalities, the conversation is short, and it is better not to enter into a discussion with them at all, and avoid all communication - then the day will go well, and let the nervous guys quarrel among themselves.

Today we must overcome our fears, and the Moon does not care what we are afraid of, the main thing is to cross the line and look danger in the eyes. But in any heroism there must be reason, as they say, we take risks and don’t lose our heads - why rush into an embrasure if there is no need for it?

But even if we manage to limit ourselves in contacts, alas, we cannot hide from negative thoughts and emotions. We are looking for ways to fight, and on the 19th lunar day we have many helpers. Creative activity can relieve the blues, and physical work will make you forget about sadness and sadness. But even here it is advisable to avoid fanaticism, otherwise the Moon will decide that we are deceiving her and will begin to come up with intricate situations and arrange difficult tests.

It is better to keep all offensive words to yourself - otherwise the negativity will grow, and it will be bad not only for those who annoy us, but also for ourselves. In principle, the rules for the nineteenth lunar day are simple and clear. Sad? We smile. Sad? Let's start dancing. And for those who dream of fighting, or sorting things out using obscene words, it is better to immediately go out of town - in the forest you can scream until the evening, the main thing is not to scare impressionable mushroom pickers.

On the 19th lunar day you can do homework. But there is a danger of quarreling with all your relatives, and over all sorts of nonsense. Therefore, we distribute responsibilities in advance, and ideally, we arrange general cleaning in complete solitude.

It is better to throw away trash without regret - on the nineteenth lunar day, unnecessary things will take away with them unnecessary thoughts. Today awaits us great luck, if during cleaning we meet a Spider, the symbol of the day will certainly come down to announce some good news. The main thing here is to restrain yourself and not scare off the spider with your exclamation. It’s also better not to tear the web - let it hang, it’s even beautiful.

We remember that black magicians and “evil” sorcerers feel at ease on the 19th lunar day - we will try to protect ourselves from hypnosis, and will not allow everyone who is not too lazy to instill in us nonsense thoughts and unnecessary fantasies.

Today we can go on a trip, but we don’t need long distances - let’s wander by the river, light a fire, and all bad thoughts will disappear with the smoke. Dejection, as everyone knows, is one of the grave sins– on the nineteenth lunar day you can visit the church and talk with the priest. True, the devil is not bored today - irritation can overwhelm us even under the domes, but prayer has helped even with such temptations.

And even if the nineteenth lunar day is called the third satanic day - for any evil devil there are a dozen good angels, you just need to tune in for the best.

Haircut on the 19th lunar day

Trim the ends of your hair and you will be great - this is the phrase used to invite clients to hairdressers on the nineteenth lunar day. Of course, hairdressers do not dissuade us from other haircuts, but the stars advise us to refrain from drastic changes in our hairstyle - hair cut today will grow very slowly.

However, there are also advantages, and those who are too lazy to go to the hairdresser can shave their heads and not know grief for several months. But this recommendation is still more suitable for men, and for ladies it is better to take care of their curls and treat themselves to an elegant and neat haircut.

For example, a Pixie haircut for the 19th lunar day is simply ideal. It is suitable for young nymphs, women of Balzac’s age, and even old ladies. You can improvise with this hairstyle, but your head will always look like we just rushed out of the salon.

You can make Fik Fok on one side - here the masters’ imagination will run wild, and not only we, but also the beautiful Luna will be happy.

Well, and of course, the classic Kare. It can be on a leg, it can be without a leg - here, as they say, the Moon is not an adviser, the main requirement is clear lines, and no chaos.

We remember that the nineteenth lunar day is the time of magicians and sorcerers. If possible, you should take the cut hairs with you - you never know, suddenly an evil Grandma Hedgehog has appeared among the hairdressers and will do something else.

For people who are not afraid of change, on the 19th lunar day they can create a real mess on their heads. Scattered curls will attract cosmic energy, and so many brilliant ideas will come into your head that it will be difficult to sit in the master’s chair, and you will want to do something like that.

As for braids, on the nineteenth lunar day an extraordinary approach is welcomed, and we can weave whatever we want: even classic three-strand braids, even frivolous African braids, as long as the head is not overloaded with metal hairpins and bright bows.

By the way, about brightness - let's dye our hair orange, green, or even purple and we will have great happiness and crowds of fans. But the main thing here is not to overact - the Moon will like us in any case, but suitors may get scared, so it’s better to remember about moderation and age.

Natural dyes will become our best friends today. Henna and basma always go hand in hand, but it’s a good idea to remember about herbs. Rinse your blond locks with a decoction of sage or calendula, and a light touch of red will definitely bring good luck to your life. Well, with dark hair on the 19th lunar day, you will be happy to meet a collection of nettles, fireweed and walnut shells - the color of the hair will become deeper and more saturated.

It is advisable not to comb your hair often today - otherwise all the lunar energy will be shaken off along with the movements of the comb. But, of course, if our hair gets disheveled in a squall wind, or we accidentally get caught in a downpour, we comb our hair without hesitation - the Moon will not punish us.

All that remains is to take care of the evening procedure, which will help strengthen the hair, and even cure it - it all depends on our faith and suggestibility. So, take a clean (preferably new) basin and pour a liter of boiled water into it. While the water is cooling, we read the spell: “Magic water, as if from a spring, you are light, bright, clean. I was saturated with moonlight and met my hair. The hair will become strong, silky, strong, soft, and radiant.”

We rinse our hair, but do not dry it, but sit down near the window into which it pours Moonlight- wait for the curls to dry naturally, without any hair dryers and towels.

Also read: Lunar haircut calendar

Beauty on the 19th lunar day

Since it is a conflict day, we will do without any frills so as not to offend our face and body - what if our skin becomes too sensitive? And beauty will require sacrifice from us another day - today we take care of ourselves carefully and very carefully.

Let’s try to become beautiful without “harsh” measures - we definitely won’t need scrubs on the nineteenth lunar day. But lotions, tonics and masks are necessary today, and you don’t even need to go to the store, all the ingredients can be found at home.

Let's brew tea and pour a spoonful of tea leaves for an Hercules mask, which we will apply to the face, neck, and décolleté. We will eat an apple or a cucumber, cut off the skin and wipe the skin around the eyes. In general, we act quietly, peacefully, and without extremes.

Let's not forget about the cream - on the 19th lunar day you can steal a little cream from your children - Chanterelle or Cornflower will please our skin much more than super remedy for crazy money.

Let's hurry up for a manicure and pedicure, but before leaving home, let's put on some makeup. Although this is a matter of taste, you can do without makeup, but many ladies believe that an unmade-up face attracts unnecessary attention, and everyone does nothing but discuss short eyelashes and pale lips.

On the nineteenth lunar day, manicurists walk around with bags - there is a lot of money from grateful clients today. Well, where should the beauties go if they need to communicate in doses, but conflicts are not allowed at all - there is only one way to go to beauty salons!

We won’t cut our nails today, so we’ll file them a little and let’s calm down.

Of course, there will be no harm if we come across nail scissors, however, after this procedure, the nails will completely forget about growth. On the other hand, cut nails (not those that fell on the master’s table, but those that remained on the hands) will become a magnet for good luck and success, and financial well-being will not be long in coming.

Today we don’t have to think about fashion trends – we paint our nails the way we like. And even though ladies with multi-colored nails walk the streets, we are fine with a plain manicure. On the 19th lunar day, the stars advise extravagant people to restrain their impulses - the Moon pays increased attention to you even without nails, and if your nails begin to shimmer with all the colors of the rainbow, the Earth’s companion will go crazy.

With a pedicure on the nineteenth lunar day, the story is simple and clear - we do what is necessary, but we simply must pamper our fingers and heels with cream. A bath won’t hurt either, just watch the temperature and don’t immerse your feet in too much water. hot water. When it comes to coloring your toenails, you should approach them carefully – let’s stick to colorless varnish, and your nails will be grateful to us for your understanding.

It is not recommended to pierce ears and other parts of the body on the 19th lunar day. The body is already under stress, and even if we encounter a needle, our lobes, nostrils and tongues will become frightened. We choose earrings using intuition - if you really, really want to put on meter-long diamond danglers, the Moon will not object. But there is no need to give up ordinary small silver or gold carnations - ears also love harmony and do not need excessive attention from others.

We are all beauties and darlings, and look good in any outfit on any day, but on the nineteenth day the rule applies - excess harms us! Therefore, we look for plain dresses or suits, select modest shoes, and off we go. And for a change, let’s tie a belt, at the same time we will protect ourselves from negative personalities, because the circle, as you know, protects from evil spirits. Let's find a blue belt, and it will help make life calm and stable.

And on the nineteenth lunar evening we will arrange bath procedures, but not simple ones, but azure ones. Let's throw cornflower flowers into the bath and plunge into the magical water. Let’s close our eyes and whisper: “Cornflower, cornflower, amazing flower. Gentle, affectionate, simple, I’ll become sweet, young.”

Wedding on the 19th lunar day

The disgruntled receptionist keeps changing wigs, the guests roll up their sleeves and dream of fighting, and the bride and groom look at each other as if they were sworn enemies. And the unfortunate toastmaster quietly gets drunk under the table and dreams of sneaking away unnoticed. But the Moon warned - do not go to the registry office on the nineteenth lunar day, there is nothing to do there.

Marriages entered into on this difficult day usually end in divorce. In the “nineteenth families,” scandals, quarrels, and even fights happen endlessly. It’s as if fate is against the husband and wife loving and understanding each other, so if possible, it’s better to postpone the ceremony.

But if the date is set, the money is spent, and the guests are invited, you can try to smooth out the negative impact of 19 days. When the newlyweds take a bite of the traditional loaf, the bride should quietly take a grain of salt and throw it at her feet, reading the spell to herself: “You go, melancholy, into the dense forest. Don’t interfere with our wedding, don’t torment us.” But in this case, it is advisable not to prolong the celebration, but to sit at the table for the sake of decency, drink a couple of glasses, and hurry home - perhaps the Moon will have mercy and make the union strong and friendly.

The day is also not very suitable for a honeymoon - the trip will seem boring and tiring, and even at an exotic resort it will be sad and boring. But for extreme couples there are no obstacles on the nineteenth lunar day - any situation will be perceived as a source of adrenaline, and difficulties and obstacles will turn into fun adventures.

It is better to give up looking for shared housing on the 19th day - realtors will deceive you, and your neighbors will turn out to be scoundrels. If you already have an apartment, then young people may encounter many small, but unpleasant problems- either the tap will leak, or the wallpaper will fall off, or even the plaster will crumble, in general, it is advisable to refrain from improving your home on the nineteenth day.

There are no special obstacles for the wedding ceremony on the nineteenth lunar day. If the newlyweds believe in God, then even the devil will not stop them - in such a family there will be peace and harmony, and of course, eternal love. But if even a small grain of doubt enters the heart of the bride or groom, good luck - the devil is right there, and the church walls will not become an obstacle for him.

Ideally, we sit at home and don’t stick our heads out - and love confessions can be sent by mail.

Birthday on the 19th lunar day

People born on the nineteenth lunar day can be prophets, saints, liars, and scammers. They always have two paths, and, as they say, there is no third way - either the road of Good or the path of Evil. But no matter what path the “nineteens” choose, they all have a quality that distinguishes them from other people - they have incredible willpower and know how to control their emotions under any circumstances.

“Nineteenth babies” even scare the maternity hospital staff - the babies, without blinking, look at the midwives and do not make a sound, and when happy parents appear in the ward, the babies grin condescendingly and fall asleep. With age, “nineteens” understand that emotions are needed in order to explain their desires to others, otherwise, why cry or laugh?

IN school years The “nineteenth” hide their unusualness, but both the other guys and the teachers are afraid of them, because talent cannot be ignored, and magical abilities, by the way, too. But the “nineteenth lunar creatures” have many friends - they are capable of captivating anyone with them; directors, technicians, and even imperturbable security guards obey them. Well, the schoolchildren simply look into the “nineteenth”’s mouth, fulfilling all their requests or orders.

This is where the fun begins - if the “nineteens” understand where it is good and where it is bad, then they become amazing and special individuals, ready to help, support, and save. And if the concepts of good and evil are inseparable, we can assume that the “nineteenth” are lost - they will get confused themselves, and they will confuse others, but at the same time they will think that their path is the only correct one.

These guys have no concept of a “career ladder” - they simply occupy the desired position, and when they get bored, they leave work and look for a warmer place. There are almost no poor people among the “nineteenth” - they literally attract money. In addition, the “nineteenth” are not big spenders - self-control also helps in the financial sphere, and their needs are not very high. The life of the “nineteenth” becomes comfortable by itself - they wanted it, and they immediately got it.

The personal life of the “nineteen lunar guys” cannot be called simple - constant aspirations and tossing, and eternal dissatisfaction with fans prevents them from creating a strong and friendly family. Often “nineteens” idealize their partner, but are soon disappointed and go in search of a new victim. But not everything is so sad - the “nineteens” regard any experience, even a negative one, as a lesson, and thank fate for all their meetings and acquaintances.

“Nineteens” are born leaders, and this manifests itself both at work and in the family. They communicate with household members as if all relatives exist to please and fulfill desires. But no one in the family is offended - the relatives know that behind the “nineteenth”, like behind a stone wall, and problems will always remain outside the house. “Nineteenth Creatures” can be both gentle and sensitive - a lot depends on who is next to them.

Despite the apparent severity, the “nineteenth” are eternal children - they are always inventing something and rushing somewhere - adventures stick to them, and the riskier the undertaking, the better.

The “Nineteens” themselves create their own world, and the people around them can either join in or forget about this little and unusual universe. The “nineteen guys” have almost no enemies - all their rivals will fall in love with these creatures as soon as they open their mouths and enthusiastically begin to tell some story from their eventful life.

There are enough temptations and temptations in the life of the “nineteens,” but these creatures will not mope even in old age. They will celebrate their centenary anniversary with style and grandeur, but among the guests there will be no old men and women with crutches - only young people, delighted with the cheerful birthday people.

Dreams on the 19th lunar day

Today we can lie down either against the wall or on the edge - the gray top will still try to bite off our side. Gray wolf V in this case His Majesty the Devil, and he will take advantage of the opportunities of the difficult nineteenth lunar day. Is it really possible not to go to bed at all, and wait for the dawn and the crow of roosters, wrapped in a blanket, and outlining yourself in a magic circle?! Of course, we will not go to such extremes, and we will protect ourselves from unclean spirits in a simpler way.

The dream catcher today will be multifunctional. And it will protect from demons, and good dreams will attract, and come to an agreement with the Moon. You just need to add feathers from birds of prey to your decorations. There is no need to run after the falcon with a bow and arrow - feathers can also be found in the yard, on extreme case, draw, or cut out from a children's book (the offspring will be delighted).

We speak to the feathers: “The bird has flown, seen the world. Dreamcatcher, protect my shelter. Give me a good, bright and good dream, may the Moon help too.” You can improvise with words, the main thing is that they are spoken from the heart.

We lie down, count sheep, elephants, or trucks with watermelons - whoever likes what, and peer into the night images, calmly and carefully.

On the 19th lunar night, spiders may come to us, but we should not jump out of bed and scare away relatives and pets. Spiders are harmless, but it’s better if we dream about the good spider Anansi from an old favorite cartoon - he will definitely come with good news. We will perceive the rest of the spiders as ordinary pictures, and in a dream we can even talk to them and ask about our future.

But seeing the web is not very good, it means that we are captive of illusions, and we will have to be patient before we find the right direction. If the web shimmers merrily under the sun’s rays, and a cute spider sleeps peacefully in the center, there is nothing to worry about - the dream suggests that everything in our life will turn out great and wonderful.

On the nineteenth lunar night, you may have nightmares, but in fact, there is nothing terrible in these dreams. The moon hints: it's time to stop worrying and do what is really necessary and interesting. Light and good pictures creative people dream, such a dream promises sweet and happy life- with fun adventures and pleasant acquaintances.

Let's pay attention to the landscape. If in a dream we wander along a deserted street aimlessly, it means that in reality empty troubles await us. But tall buildings and cheerful people scurrying along the sidewalks dream of unexpected joy. Those of us who accidentally walked into a fairy-tale palace in a dream can count on success in the financial sector - fortune is about to turn its face towards us and present us with a gift.

Luna loves to surprise, and on the 19th night her fantasy is unlimited. If, wandering through the lunar labyrinths, we find ourselves in a pastry shop, and our eyes run wide from the abundance of delicacies, we need to take advantage of the situation - well, when else will we eat our fill of delicious pastries and cakes. And the dream itself is good - very soon we will meet our person, for someone he will become true friend, and someone will see a soul mate in him.

Colors in today's dreams are not particularly important, but it won't hurt to take a closer look at the coloring of the images, because blue, blue, and azure dreams promise good luck, and the Moon is preparing a fateful meeting.

In the nineteenth lunar dream, one should beware of the struggle of the elements. Water dominates today, and if in a dream we look at a flame, or jump over a fire, it means that in reality we are doing something wrong, and it’s time to consult with knowledgeable people.

Well, swimming is allowed today - such a dream will attract many cheerful and positive personalities into life, and when we wake up, we will become much kinder (devils and demons definitely won’t like this).

Business sphere of the 19th lunar day: business, work, finance

Millionaires run around in panic, and every now and then they throw gold coins at each other, oligarchs tear shares into small pieces, and businessmen destroy new furniture in their office, and break shiny computers, not forgetting to destroy important documentation - today turned out to be a difficult day.

But the Moon makes it possible to implement long-standing plans, most importantly, a thoughtful approach and healthy risk, that is, you need to show those qualities that are important for any business person. It is advisable to avoid harshness in communicating with others, although on the 19th lunar day this will be almost impossible - it’s as if everyone has conspired to irritate and irritate us.

Today, to achieve goals, any means will be good, of course, within the bounds of reason - it is still advisable not to stoop to crime. All documents must be carefully double-checked, and money must be counted several times - it won’t get any worse, and banknotes like it when they are stroked on their rustling, rough backs.

Every now and then conflict situations will arise, and future success and financial situation will depend on how we behave on the nineteenth lunar day. Business partners today are capricious and intractable, but willpower and determination will help us cope with any skeptics, and with a strong desire we can convince even Doubting Thomas that we are right.

By the way, on the 19th lunar day, scammers and thieves, liars and hypocrites are active - today these cunning guys feel at ease and scurry around wherever there is money. Therefore, we sew up pockets or mark banknotes - a thrifty businessman will be protected by financial success.

The situation with school on the nineteenth day is very difficult. There is chaos in institutes and schools, students are running around with stupid faces, and can’t even find their audience, it’s scary to talk about teachers - today they are like sleepwalkers (some came to class in house slippers on their bare feet and in bathrobes). But student life, as always, is fun and carefree, and even the most notorious students try to pass exams and dream, if not of A's, then at least of B's.

Of course, lazy people have found out a magical ritual with which you can achieve everything you want (you don’t even need to strain). Take a white sheet of paper, and write the word Freebie on it in large letters with a blue felt-tip pen. You need to make an envelope from a piece of paper and seal it with regular glue. Then it’s even simpler - the envelope is placed in a notebook with lectures, if there is one, of course, and that’s it - students can go to the test or exam with a clear conscience and with a smart head.

On the 19th lunar day, all signs about money are effective. So, we don’t put banknotes on the dining table so that the money doesn’t get eaten up, we don’t whistle in the apartment, and we don’t transfer finances from hand to hand - ours money energy We will still need it, and we don’t need someone else’s.

For magicians and business sharks, this day is full of chances and opportunities, but if we do not see any magical or business talents in ourselves, it doesn’t matter - there is a way for mere mortals to get rich. When we come home, we take nineteen coins from the piggy bank (preferably shiny and new ones) and put them in all corners of the apartment. Well, then you need to say loudly: “Go away with poverty, and don’t come near me. I’m about to become rich, I’m tired of counting money. The full cup is now my home, and prosperity lives in it.”

We will collect all these coins in a month, on the next nineteenth lunar day, throw them into a bucket of water, and wash the corners in which the money was lying. Yes, financial success is already rushing towards us, sitting in a golden carriage, waving a silver whip, driving three horses that bear the names: Happiness, Wealth, and Prosperity.

Health on the 19th lunar day

If we have to control our emotions all day, then why not chase several rabbits at once - and we won’t quarrel with anyone, and we’ll go on a diet, and we’ll take up sports, and maybe we’ll quit smoking. There’s nothing to lose, because you can’t be nervous anyway.

Let's start, perhaps, with the simplest thing - by refusing delicious food. And here we are faced with severe tests - the Moon loves to watch how we beat our hands, which reach for pieces of sausage and grab a ladle to scoop up the fragrant burgundy borscht. Don’t panic, because the wonderful and delicious porridge from magical rolled oats, fabulous buckwheat and wonderful oats. This is just overeating, and even if on the nineteenth lunar day they took away our butter, cheese and milk, a slim body much more important.

In addition, delicious blue fruits will save us from hunger. Yes, and berries and vegetables too. So, grapes, eggplants, blackberries and other delights can calmly stand on the dining table and wait to meet the long-suffering stomachs of losing weight guys. Juices are also not forbidden, but it is advisable to limit yourself to a couple of liters per day.

Let's quit smoking and become the favorites of the 19th lunar day - this is exactly the slogan with which all smokers in the world should spend this day. Let's assume that today is the Lunar Day of Quit Smoking, because the drawings on the packs seem more vile than usual, even the most imperturbable individuals faint from the cruel inscriptions, and even about tobacco smells and there is no need to say - these are the most disgusting aromas.

But in the morning, smokers face a test - no one threw away their cigarettes, and they lie peacefully on the table, looking with their white eyes and stamping their orange filter legs. Luna knows a way to get rid of these treacherous friends. Ideally, you need to lock yourself in the apartment, having first thrown everything away tobacco products out the window, along with the key to the house, but on the nineteenth lunar day you can do without extremes.

You need to take one single cigarette, crumble the tobacco along with the filter onto a light scarf. Wrap the crumbs and tie them in a knot. While the knot is being tied, whisper: “I want to be healthy, and I won’t smoke. I’m breaking up with the habit, I’m not afraid to be happy! Throw the handkerchief out the window, after first checking that there are no ubiquitous neighbors there.

If the method does not help, and the plot does not work, do not worry, and try to at least reduce the number of cigarettes to a minimum.

All that remains is to deal with the doctors. Although, why deal with them, after all, on the 19th lunar day it is undesirable to wander along the hospital corridors - everyone there is nervous, and the doctors are not very friendly either. There will be a couple of calm doctors, and even then - a radiologist and some young ENT specialist.

And dentists today are in their element, and they mock patients with all their hearts, so Luna advises you to forget about them at least for a day - your teeth won’t fall out, caries won’t spread, and the chair and drill won’t break.

But if we don’t have enough adrenaline, we can visit any doctors and test our license, however, these visits will end in a certain place, and there we will no longer wave our arms, they will simply be tied behind our backs with a beautiful white knot.

On the nineteenth lunar day, plastic surgeons stand at the windows and wait for clients, but all people who are dissatisfied with their appearance today are not eager to see beauty doctors. Indeed, there is no need to tempt fate, because tomorrow the new noses will seem scary, and the inflated lips will flatten and look like pancakes.

Restless day nerve cells end quickly - maybe you need to think about your mental balance. On the 19th lunar day, you can use medications, or folk remedies, the main thing is to consult your doctor. Ordinary valerian will save someone from stress today, and will help someone green tea with a spoon of honey. Let us be calm and healthy, and neither the nineteenth nor any other lunar day will scare us.

Bottom line

We defeated the vampires today, but if our souls do not feel calmer, maybe the demons are sitting inside us? The nineteenth lunar day is also insidious - while we are trying to overcome some enemies, others are creeping up on us, and even from where we did not expect.

Pride, envy and cunning awaken in us - of course, everyone has these qualities, but today all the negativity is just asking to come out.

But the Moon is on our side, and if we can throw the trash out of the house, then why don’t we throw out all the unnecessary negative thoughts, making room for beautiful desires and good thoughts.

This is difficult, but also interesting - good angels are trying with all their might to help us, but also evil spirits do not stand on the sidelines, modestly folding their black wings. Whichever path we choose, we will go there, but even if we make a mistake, today there is still a chance to correct everything and come back.

The day will seem gloomy if we ourselves are not particularly cheerful - the situation is difficult, but fixable. Magic is needed not only by gray-haired sorcerers and old witches - on the 19th lunar day there are many ways to restore peace of mind.

Let's walk around the house with a lit candle, say prayers, stop in those places where the flame burns unevenly or goes out - that's where the negativity has accumulated, or maybe the brownie is just being naughty, because he is also subject to lunar influence.

In any conflict situations, you should behave competently, and today you can remember a simple way - imagine that we have a mouth full of water (or milk, or wine - it’s even more interesting). Of course, there is no need to puff out your cheeks, we just swallow the imaginary liquid in small sips and count to ten, or to a hundred, if the situation is completely out of control.

There are a lot of offenders around us today, but we are not born with bastards - any unpleasant person can be put in his place without rude statements and fists. Let's imagine that our harmful neighbor ( evil boss, disgusting colleague) fell into a puddle and floundered there like a bug. When we laugh, the brawler will certainly change the topic of discussion (if he is, of course, adequate), and ask why we are having so much fun. There is no need to tell the mischief-maker about our fantasies, but a new joke will come in handy.

So, the 19th lunar day is not as scary as they are described, the main thing is our attitude towards them.

The 19th lunar day is fraught with empty illusions that can lead astray and deceive even the most insightful and careful person. This is an unfavorable day, because it awakens base instincts in a person, a thirst for revenge, anger and envy.

Symbol of the day - spider, web

What does the 19th day of the lunar month bring?

19th lunar day - very dangerous time, one of the most conflicting days in the entire lunar month, tension is simply “in the air.”

One single careless word or look is enough for a terrible scandal or quarrel with serious and tragic consequences to immediately break out.

In a sense, we can say that this day is a test of strength that must be passed, otherwise you will lose everything that you have achieved in the previous lunar days. The Moon Goddess needs to prove that you truly deserve all the gifts she has given you this month.

As you know, it takes a lot of strength to climb to the top, but to stay there you need several times more strength. Today you are required to show everything that you are capable of, how realistically you show restraint, patience and mercy towards others and how correctly you react to emerging difficulties.

The main motto of the nineteenth lunar day is “sink or perish!” Anyone who overcomes this period with honor will become a hero. The 19th lunar day makes the strong even stronger, and the weak even weaker. But the Moon gives even the cowardly a chance - today you can, with one strong-willed effort, just once not be afraid and openly look into the eyes of reality.

Now there is a high probability of falling into the trap of self-deception, imagining yourself to be someone you really are not. For this reason, today more than ever, it is necessary to be honest with yourself. On the 19th lunar day, you first need to think carefully before doing anything.

This is a period when your every action has global significance. How you treat the world is how the world will treat you in the future. On the nineteenth lunar day he evaluates you High power, so be a hero.

Having gone through the “fire, water and copper pipes” of this period, you will enter the next day renewed, and if you do everything correctly, then much wiser and enlightened.

Social Impact of the Day

The 19th lunar day is best spent at home, devoting it to creativity. It’s good now to do a general cleaning in the house, throw away unnecessary things, clean where you least want to clean, wipe the dust where you rarely wipe it.

It is advisable to clean the attic, closet, cellar, sort through the contents of the drawers - in a word, restore order wherever possible.

Mystical influence

This is a magical day that makes it possible to distinguish your thoughts from thoughts imposed by outside influences, therefore the energy of the Moon on the nineteenth day contributes to the process of moral cleansing of the soul¹ and thoughts.

During this period, any person needs to carefully look inside himself, analyze his thoughts and actions, repent of pride, lies and his illusory fantasies.

Try to remember the negative ideas suggested to you by someone and interrupt not only external, but also mental contacts with this person.

Clean your apartment by surrounding it in the corners with a lamp (candle). If the Moon is in the sign of Fire on this day (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius), it is better to clean the apartment with incense, i.e. smoke of incense, sage, wild rosemary, juniper, etc.

In any case, you must clean yourself and the place where you live. Light a fire in the yard and sit near it.

Medical influence

This is a day of internal cleansing. You should not eat heavy food or alcohol. You can clean the intestines², rectum.

How does this day affect business?

For businessmen this is difficult period, various failures and unforeseen complications occur, unpleasant surprises or nothing happens at all, when it is necessary for at least something to move forward.

Be careful with any news, especially rumors. Check each information carefully, since there is a high probability of either direct deception or the effect of a damaged phone.

New offers must be accepted with caution. Whatever benefits they promise, it’s better to wait a day or two, and only then, after carefully analyzing and checking everything, agree. On the nineteenth lunar day, there is a great danger of falling into a trap, under the influence of others, and of starting to serve other people’s interests to the detriment of your own.

It is very easy on the 19th lunar day to become a slave to other people's base instincts; there is a high probability of being drawn into some kind of adventure that has a criminal basis. If you easily succumb to the influence of others, then generally limit your contacts with others on this day. strangers, better devote time to family rather than work.

Great caution should also be exercised in relation to the people who appear in your life on this day. And if at the same time you are offered to do something that you have not done before and, instead of what has been proven life experience If you decide to make any risky deal, it is better to refuse.

Remember: abandoning the established system on the nineteenth lunar day will lead to serious destruction in life and, as a rule, to serious troubles with law enforcement agencies.

The Vedic lunar calendar warns: a person who brags about money on the nineteenth lunar day condemns himself to bankruptcy or risks being robbed in the near future. People with big amount money now you need to be “quieter than water, lower than the grass.”

Is it worth getting married on this day?

Starting a family or celebrating a wedding during this period is strongly discouraged. Nothing good will come from such an event. It is believed that a man who gets married on this day takes only the dark side of his bride as his wife and vice versa.

How does the 19th lunar day affect your health?

When in the lap of nature, exercise caution - avoid any insects. Their bites today can cause an unusual reaction. The nineteenth lunar day is good for performing Shank Prakshalana (cleansing the gastrointestinal tract), but not for the first time.

It is advisable to cancel all training and activities in order to avoid bruises, sprains and other injuries. At this time you may feel strong, but this is only an appearance.

Is it favorable to have sex on this day?

Recommendations of all astrological schools for this period - no sex! It is advisable to refuse even erotic massage. Maximum - you can limit yourself to a bath, but in no case herbal. Just a bath with warm water and that's it.

Today it is better to rest, because any sex will now become rape, even if you started it with the most noble feelings and intentions. Women on the nineteenth lunar day should be very careful - this is the period when sexual maniacs intensify their activities.

What do dreams tell you?

Dreams of this lunar period reveal to a person the “darkest”, deepest sides of the subconscious³. But there is no need to be afraid of this. If you dream that you are a sexual maniac, this does not mean that deep down you are one.

The main thing when interpreting the predictions of the nineteenth lunar day is not to fall into fatalism and extremes. Such a dream may mean that some part of your sexual nature does not find a way out.

For example, if you are a woman, it is quite possible that during sex you play a passive role, while your nature is active. Try it in intimate relationships show more enthusiasm, surprise your lover with assertiveness and imagination.

In general, according to Vedic lunar calendar You should not try to interpret dreams of this lunar period on your own, as erroneously made predictions will direct you down the wrong path. It is better to contact professional interpreters or psychologists working at the intersection of traditional psychology and occult sciences.

How does the esoteric aspect manifest itself on this day?

The Christian esoteric tradition strongly advises visiting church on the nineteenth lunar day. Some magical schools held magical tests at this time. The law of magical testing says: if you defeat your opponent, all his power goes to you.

But for this, he must meet your level, or better yet, exceed it. If the opponent is frankly weaker than you, then if you win, you will not only not gain his magical power, but you will also lose half of yours.

To protect yourself and your home, try to keep a burning candle in the house all lunar days, and stay closer to the fire - it drives away evil spirits and astral entities.

On this day, it is good to carry out rituals to destroy energy connections with former partners and people you dislike. How to do it?

  1. You need to imagine that a thick twisted tourniquet is coming out of your navel, onto which people who are unpleasant to you are clinging.
  2. This rope needs to be mentally cut off and set on fire.
  3. They mentally tie up their end of the rope and tuck it into their navel. Then a palm is placed on the navel right hand, and place the palm of your left hand on top of it and sit like that for a while.
  4. The same procedure must be done with the tourniquet coming out of the chest. If you can’t “see” the harnesses, it means there are no such connections.
  5. But just in case, on this lunar day, it’s good to mentally wave a fiery magic sword in front of your navel and chest to strengthen your protection and independence.
  6. Wikipedia).

The first phase of the waxing Moon begins immediately after the New Moon and is characterized by almost zero energy. This is a period that accumulates energy and strength both within a person and in the world around him. However, it is still very early to use it - the quantity is only enough for planning.

New business and projects will be successful if you plan and start them on the waxing Moon. These days, energy rushes upward and the further from the New Moon, the more active, so for this period you can transfer things from the previous one lunar month. Also now you can think about and implement financial investments and investments.

External and internal energy is growing every day of the first phase, so it is worth planning current affairs both at work and at home, as well as personal issues, taking into account the day of the lunar cycle. After all, the more energy you have for them, the greater the likelihood of successful resolution of cases.

This period is very successful for self-care - healthy image life, care and changes in appearance will be favorably received by the body. Medical procedures and minor operations can be performed.

The period is also good for working on a summer cottage and in the garden, and for doing small household chores. During this period, travel and trips are not contraindicated.

Positive influence of the first phase of the waxing Moon:

  • these days it is good to plan large work matters and start projects;
  • the time is favorable for financial transactions and investments;
  • At this time, acquaintances and new connections are successful;
  • Housework and gardening are encouraged;
  • You can perform cosmetic, hairdressing and therapeutic effects.

Negative influence of the first phase of the waxing Moon:

  • The period is not suitable for active business management - energy after the New Moon is almost zero.

Moon in Aries

The Moon in the sign of Aries is characterized by activity, a person’s enthusiasm increases significantly. But these are just sprinting abilities - everything that has been worrying for a long time and has accumulated a huge snowball in your soul will receive a huge impetus for implementation.
At the same time, you need to be careful with statements and rash actions, as they occur on emotions that are not always carried positive character. As a result, you may greatly regret what you said or did in the heat of the moment.

What to do when the moon is in Aries, and what is better to put off until later?

During this period, all your undertakings receive enormous potential for their implementation, but the main condition for success is the shortest possible time - the faster your plan is realized, the better. Optimal time for project implementation - 1 - 3 days. There is no need to start implementing tasks that will require many days of painstaking work. While the moon is in Aries, you receive a large supply of energy, which burns in geometric progression. Therefore, it is better to postpone long-term work until later.
It is not recommended to get carried away with financial transactions, investments, investments and others.
It's a great place to relax, whether it's active travel or relaxing while watching TV on the sofa.

Relationships with people

This period is characterized by increased tension in any relationship, be it business or domestic. Because the people around you have a predisposition to be hot-tempered. Therefore, in communication it is better not to touch upon conflicting topics, and once they have already been touched upon, try to move the conversation in a different direction. There are no exceptions in this regard, even calm and balanced people can easily become rude, raise their voice, etc. A walk or conversation in the fresh air will help defuse the situation.

Personal care

When the moon is in Aries, it is better to refrain from excessive loads in sports. It is generally better to postpone haircuts, as this threatens hair loss. But styling or coloring will give excellent results. In order to generally support your hair during this period, it is better to help it with strengthening and nourishing masks.

The influence of the lunar day

4 lunar day

On this day, household chores work out very well. Routine leisurely everyday matters are the most suitable activity to do the necessary and be alone with yourself.

The 4th lunar day is also successful in resolving money issues - this is the period when financial well-being is laid out for the month ahead. If you don't have any major expenses today, it would be a good idea to count or simply hold a significant amount in your hands.

A good day for quiet, family communication. Dating with your loved one will also be peaceful and with a good message. Large large-scale events with a large number of guests are not advisable.

A day under the symbol of the Tree of Knowledge is not conducive to physical activity, so it’s best to limit yourself to heavy foods and strenuous exercise. We also do not recommend sex, especially if you feel emotionally exhausted.

Influence of the day of the week


Monday is under the auspices of the most feminine and mysterious night luminary - the Moon. The constant satellite of the Earth embodies the feminine principle of the Universe and is the patron saint of women and children.

The Moon gives the day emotional instability, as well as indecisiveness and softness, making Monday an unreliable and truly unpredictable day.

Ideally, the first day of the week should be devoted to rest, light communication and reflection. To strengthen the connection with the lunar body, today it is better to practice meditative practices near an open body of water.

Use your intuition

It’s not for nothing that Monday is called a hard day, but not because it marks the beginning of the work week. It is today that a person experiences dramatic mood swings, which is why he can do amazing and sometimes unpredictable things.

On the first day of the week, it is advisable to refuse drastic changes or participation in risky ventures. Under the influence of unstable lunar energies, any undertaking today is equally likely to bring great success in the future or turn into a complete failure.

On Monday, logical thinking practically does not work, but people who know how to use their intuition can be incredibly lucky.

What can be done

Monday good point for networking and searching, for example, new job or business partner. You shouldn’t start general cleaning on Monday, but you can start learning new culinary recipes and please your household or unexpected guests.

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