Cancer man and Libra woman: compatibility in love and family life of an uneasy union. Cancer and Libra - compatibility, chances for the future, the pros and cons of the union

What is a compatibility horoscope today is known to every person who believes in astrology, numerology and other sciences that greatly facilitate our lives. But what is the concept of "compatibility"? Most often, by compatibility, people mean the possibility of a comfortable and long-term coexistence of two people born under different signs or people born under the same sign. Today there is great amount methods to determine the compatibility of two people. Psychological and astrological compatibility are the most effective of them.

This article will discuss the compatibility of Cancer and Libra, so if you or your friends belong to this sign, it will be useful for you to familiarize yourself with its contents.

What do Cancer and Libra have in common?

So, if we talk about astrological compatibility, then Cancer and Libra have absolutely nothing in common. So, in this case one can speak of a harmonious union only from the point of view of theory. Although, it is possible that people born under these signs will be united by a mental union or marriage of convenience. But naturally, in the latter case, one can not talk about harmony at all. Cancer and Libra are so different that, most likely, they cause each other a feeling of mutual dislike, well, or, in last resort they get curious. And here everything will depend on the degree of interest, it is quite possible that if people belonging to these two signs manage to captivate each other, then living together them is quite possible.

The compatibility of Cancer and Libra can also be based on the fact that both of these signs adapt quite easily and naturally to others and are able to adapt to the situation and people. Cancer skillfully knows how to blend into any environment and feel "like a fish in water." He perfectly understands people, knows how to feel them, and at the right time can support, both in word and deed. Libras have other talents. First of all, people born under this sign are able to catch all the subtleties of what is happening, as well as read between the lines, which gives them the opportunity to quickly get close to people and inspire their trust. So, cancers and scales have similar positions in relation to people - they prefer to be outside observers, and, if necessary, to negotiate with others.

Cancer man - Libra woman: is there a future?

Compatibility Man-Cancer - Woman - Libra is very doubtful, but if this union does take place, then it is quite possible that it will last a very long time. Cancer man at some points is distinguished by isolation, unlike Libra, who are more open and liberated in relationships. The peculiarity of men born under the sign of Cancer is that they can live in their own world, into which no one can enter without his consent. However, the tenderness and responsiveness of the Libra woman can break through the thick walls of the fortress built by the Cancer man around his world, and in the end his defenses will fall, allowing him to be more open and cheerful.

Zodiac sign compatibility: Cancer and Libra can be based on the romantic feelings that partners will have for each other. Moreover, it can bring people born under these signs very close together. sex life which promises to be rich and varied. In terms of sexual compatibility These two characters are just perfect for each other. However, one sex will not go far, and problems in this pair will appear very quickly. And the main problem will be that people under the sign of Cancer and Libra love to dream and make endless plans, but in order to bring them to life, they will not lift a finger.

Both signs are quite passive, they have no incentives, they do not want to go forward, but prefer to go with the flow. In a couple of signs of cancer and scales, each partner is waiting active action from their other half, but they themselves prefer to stay away. Real actions - this is what can hold together the union of cancers and scales, but, in real life None of them want to do real things. And the reason for this is not laziness, but complete absence desire to move forward. Both of them need to be pushed to action, stimulated and supported, however, they themselves will not be able to do this due to their own passivity.

There is a possibility, there would be a desire

And, despite this, at first glance, disappointing compatibility horoscope, Libra and cancer can still be together and live a long time. happy life. This couple is morally strong, and their strength lies in the fact that both of these signs know how to navigate the situation and are able to subtly feel the impending crisis in the relationship. Often such an alliance is created on the basis of material background. If one of the partners is financially interested, then such an alliance can be very strong and long.

The Libra woman does not know how to take responsibility, therefore, in a relationship, cancer should take the lead. In the event that the Cancer man shows himself strong and confident, then the Libra woman will gradually begin to feel the stability of the relationship and will reach out to her partner as to reliable support and protection. I must say that in the opposite case, where the compatibility of cancer is considered, a woman and a Libra man are all the same as described above, though exactly the opposite.

Stories from our readers

Cancers are representatives of the element of Water. They are known for their emotions and sensitive nature. Libra is very powerful air sign, He is known

his sociability, diplomacy and peacefulness. The Libra man is not 100% perfect, but with some effort, they can really learn to accept each other with all the differences. If we consider in detail all aspects of this pair, you can find a lot in common. For example, both love to live in peace and harmony and not get involved in problems that can ruin life. Sounds good, doesn't it? But if we look at some of the features of these zodiac signs in more detail, it becomes noticeable that the differences can be quite sharp, and this often brings conflict to stable relationships. For example, Cancer spends most of their time for household chores, communication with loved ones, while Libra loves public life, they are constantly pulled out of the house. Feel the difference?

Compatibility: in friendship

Friendship between let's see. Yes, it really has the right to exist, subject to mutual attention and participation. The most interesting thing about these two signs is that one complements the other. This means that the quality either that one person has or lacks can help balance another. A perfect example: the intelligent and sensible Libra man, the Cancer woman is sensitive and emotional. Together, these qualities help to make a well-thought-out decision, to find balance. Speaking about the friendship of these signs, initially you might think that they do not get along. But over time, they learn to understand each other's individuality, and as a result, this union can be one of the most durable.

Compatibility: Cancer woman, Libra man. Interests

Both of these zodiac signs love art, including intellectual art. They are adherents of harmony in everything. Although their approaches to things and their understanding of them can be strikingly different, they are confident that they will succeed if they work as a team. It is believed that relationships are successful only if each of the partners is successful. They say that the elements of Air and Water may well create a beautiful song. This is a union that can become a classic example of mutual understanding, respect, love and care for each other.

Compatibility: Cancer woman, Libra man. Love

Initially, these two signs will be attracted to each other, they are attracted by mutual passion, a thirst for romance. They seem to fly to heaven in an embrace. But when it comes to the real situation, problems begin. Cancer wants to be always pampered, understood, to be with him. Scales are free birds, they easily fly away, easily return. And although they respect the wishes of a partner, they also want to have fun, communicate with other people, which is incredibly annoying for Cancers. What else does the horoscope say? Libra man - Cancer woman - this couple is in danger: lack of understanding. As a result, in order to achieve harmony, partners need to learn to respect each other's individuality and be ready for compromises.

Astrologers composing general horoscopes signs for compatibility, they say that the Cancer man and the Libra woman are only 50% suitable for each other. Character traits are absolutely opposite, but this has its advantages - everyone can learn from their partner the best.

Compatibility of the signs of the zodiac according to the horoscope

Cancers have an amazing ability to be constantly in a state of anxiety. They are excited by absolutely everything, starting with their own inner world and ending with behavior completely strangers. Moreover, they tend to drag strangers into their affairs, bringing confusion and anxiety. In fact, everything they do in relation to others has no selfish motive. Many people like such care, they thank, praise such men, and they need nothing more than praise. It would seem that everyone is happy.

Libra women have a natural talent to converge with absolutely any person. As soon as they get to know each other, they seem to see a person from the inside, trying to find positive traits. Most often they succeed, and they do not hesitate to discard the praise of a new acquaintance. Of course, others like such unusual behavior, cheers up, saturates with positive, gives self-confidence.

When these zodiac signs meet, they show clear respect for each other, but they are in no hurry to make close contact. The whole problem is that in fact, each of them perceives and feels life differently. Libras are more positive and energetic. They quickly forgive insults, they tend to think about their actions, to continue to try not to make such mistakes. Cancers rarely change their minds, forgive insults with difficulty, usually hiding them in the depths of the subconscious for a long time. If Libra acts openly, then it is sometimes difficult to understand the intentions of the Cancer man.

Overall Compatibility: 3 out of 5.

Compatibility in love and marriage

The attraction of partners occurs not only at the level of mutual sympathy. Of course, the Cancer man initially pays attention to the external attractiveness of a woman, positive attitude sincerity of actions and emotions. Those who note for themselves the care of a strong sex, they like that Cancers always defend the interests of the person of interest to her.

Of course, the compatibility of signs is weak, but by creating relationships, taking care of their well-being, it is possible to create a strong, friendly family, where everyone will be happy in their own way.

The only thing that can overshadow family life is the behavior of partners. Cancer Husbands Relate to Questions family life subjectively, their wives look at any situation objectively. They do not tend to hover in the clouds and make impossible plans. Such women know perfectly well how a partner will behave in a particular situation, but they try not to give a look in advance. They are less friendly than Cancers and prefer not to bypass the "pitfalls".

Compatibility in love relationships: 3 out of 5.

Sexual Compatibility

An attractive appearance, a bright surge of emotions, of course, from the very beginning prophesy an incredible sex life for a couple, full of fantasies and mutual pleasure. However, very soon sexual attraction begins to subside, due to personal disagreements between partners. One is too emotional, the other is as rational as possible, everyone does not accept the partner's opinion, hence all the problems.

Special views on life, despite the craving for a partner, lead to the fact that everyone has their own “measurements” in bed, as well as in work, or something else. Astrologers assure that the sexual life of the spouses will be ideal only when everyone understands what the partner wants from him, tries to meet his bar.

Sexual compatibility: 5 out of 5.

friendship compatibility

Melancholic, lonely Cancers find it difficult to get along with people, they are constantly looking for a new friend. Such guys immediately pay attention to the cheerful, sociable, restless girls of Libra. At first, they honestly admire the newly-made girlfriend, but soon misunderstandings and quarrels begin to arise. The reason for which is hidden in the same original attractiveness.

Such ladies need to constantly start new relationships, change the circle of acquaintances, exchange knowledge and information. Cautious in life, Cancer simply does not understand her, often misinterprets such behavior that is unusual for him, thereby greatly offending her.

Nevertheless, such a couple has a high chance of friendship. In friendship, everyone can learn a lot, understand, accept what is alien to him, strange. She easily draws him into fun life, will open the world from another cheerful side. He will be able to convey to her that not everyone and not always can be trusted, he will teach her not to waste what is wasted.

Friendly compatibility: 3 out of 5.

Compatibility in work and career

Speaking of a business union, experts note that the couple watches each other too closely in business and other matters. Much causes frank irritation, especially when someone plays the role of a boss, and the other is a subordinate. Coldness is always noticed between the Cancer man and the Libra woman at work, they often argue, not even hiding their dislike from colleagues.

At the same time, astrologers assure that if each of them begins to control their negative emotions in relation to another. Will be more reasonable, calm and restrained. Will be able to determine main goal and will not be distracted by trifles associated with personal hostility - they will easily achieve their goals, they will become a wonderful duet.

Business compatibility: 3 out of 5.

What do they need to know about each other?

Cancer men start some kind of relationship with Libra women without even realizing that an unusual attitude towards others is just a way of self-affirmation on the part of Libra. It is important for them that loved ones feel that they are needed, they are loved, while Libra expects the same for themselves. Abrupt change mood does not yet mean that a woman somehow reacts negatively to a partner, the reason can be any. These signs tend to tell the truth, if something does not suit them, they will tell you straight in the face, no matter how close they are with the person, without thinking about how he will react to it.

Scales are irritated when they begin to study, monitor, control. The response becomes abrupt change behavior, increased caution to everything. In addition, they categorically dislike the need for Cancers to solve other people's problems and do things that do not concern them.

Men born under the sign of Cancer often adapt to the behavior of others, are not able to objectively assess what is happening. The disapproval of others, and Libra obviously will not be silent, leads to the fact that a person closes, withdraws into himself. However, compatibility in love relationships, the patience of partners lead to the fact that Cancers gradually begin to agree with the opinion of their partner, sincerely accepting her position.

Relationship Benefits

When a marriage is concluded by a couple that does not suit each other well, there may be different kind Problems. However, if everyone is interested in not losing a partner, they can achieve a lot. Relations will develop on mutual respect, friendship and moral support.

Each of them is trying to give people something special - she is love, generosity, he is care, affection and kindness. Giving, they want to receive the same from their loved ones, you need to know and understand this. Everyone's actions are motivated by personal interests, only the couple is trying to deny it to the end. Each believes that his position is correct, the other accepts with great difficulty.

Eliminating their arrogance, Libra women will get along quite well with the Cancer man, especially when he pushes the concerns of others into the background and stops caring only about himself. It will be difficult for such different partners, but there is a chance for success, everything depends only on them. In general, such a couple from the side looks beautiful. She is incredibly attractive in appearance and interesting in communication. He is timid, often insecure, modest, but always ready to help.

Relationship Disadvantages

It will be extremely difficult for a Cancer man to settle down with a Libra woman, as, indeed, for her to him. You will have to constantly overcome a lot of internal contradictions, life obstacles in order to endure a partner. Not all survive! Too different temperament, character, disposition make such people very different, and their actions contradictory. It is difficult to catch the harmony of relationships and save it.

However, when you manage to learn to remember a partner, respect his actions, appreciate, cherish - the connection will be bright, rich and interesting for both. Family life to the joy of loved ones and the envy of others will be quiet, calm, happy.

The relationship between the Cancer woman and the Libra man will be tender, because both of them are real romantics. She is deeper, introverted, he is light, focused on internal and external harmony, loves everything beautiful and elegant. In relations with each other, the Cancer woman and the Libra man show maximum tact, they skillfully adapt to each other. Perhaps both of them would like to have a more proactive (Libra man) and a more serious, reliable (Cancer woman) partner, but if they are in love, they try to see this initiative and reliability in each other. If the feelings are bright and strong, then they even succeed, however, there is a high probability that it will not last long.

The sex life of this couple can be quite good, although, of course, they will lack passion. Both of them are rather charged with strong emotions from their partners, but in this case, you will have to look for other sources of energy. Fortunately, both of them know a lot about music, cinema and art in general, so finding something that will set both of them in the right mood will not be difficult. The Cancer woman will be a gentle lover, able to fulfill any desire of her partner - the same can be said about the Libra man. The problem, by the way, may arise at the very beginning of their sexual history. The fact is that both of them are used to the fact that the partner takes the first step towards rapprochement, so one of the two of them will have to act in an unusual role for themselves. And most likely, it will be a Libra man - solely because he is a man.

Family and marriage

If they get married, then the pros and cons of their family life will be about the same as in a relationship before marriage. They will be interested and pleasant with each other, but they are unlikely to be able to organize their life in such a way that they feel comfortable. Also, the Cancer woman and the Libra man will lack drive, energy - they will both need outside support. The Libra man will not become the ideal husband for the Cancer woman that she dreams of, while she will be a classic wife: a good housewife, gentle, caring mother.

Making friends with them will be easy and pleasant. The Cancer woman generally appreciates the connections between people, and the Libra man does his best to maintain the existing relationship. They can talk a lot, spend time together, they will be connected by the warmest feelings. The Libra man will feel at home next to the Cancer woman, and with her he will share his calmness and inner harmony.

Work and business

They will be very comfortable working together if their activities are related to the field of art or creativity. They both think outside the box, so they can easily create something fundamentally new, unexpected in these areas. The rhythms of their activities also largely coincide, the Cancer woman does not like haste, she does everything slowly, progressively, the Libra man cannot choose methods and methods of work for a long time, which significantly increases the time spent on work. Thanks to her subtle intuition, the Cancer woman is always able to choose the right direction in which both of them can realize their potential.

Everything today more people Those who are building new relationships or trying to maintain old ones turn to compatibility horoscopes for help. What is it? Compatibility according to the Zodiac is called the similarity of the characters and habits of people born under different signs. It is impossible to argue with the fact that very often such a characteristic affects the fate of families.

It is worth noting that compatibility is checked not only by couples in love, but also by friends and business partners. In this article, we will take a closer look at such compatibility as a Libra man - a Cancer woman.

Characteristics of the signs of the zodiac

A man born under the sign of Libra is a man - a holiday. He really likes to always be in the center of events and positively influence the people around him. When a man is called boring or uninteresting, it offends him, which is why he tries to please everyone.

Libra chooses a job where they are always in front of other colleagues. In front of the listeners, they are very boastful and can sometimes lie. Despite the fact that friends from such men are delighted, Libra does not always find a common language with women. An alliance with a Cancer woman is especially rare.

A girl born during the reign of Cancer does not like unnecessary noise and big company prefer solitude. She often takes offense at trifles and can burst into tears, dramatically changing her mood.

If you find an approach to such a woman, then she will become an ideal wife and mother. Romanticism is inherent in her from birth, so she really appreciates care and comfort.

Cancers do not take criticism well and for a long time remember the evil that was done to them.

How are the relationship between Libra and Cancer

Does the union of the man-Libra - the woman-Cancer have the right to exist? From the very beginning, these two signs can be called interesting, because both partners must try very hard to understand each other. But when they reach harmony, their relationship becomes romantic and lasting.

A man knows how to pamper his passion with small gifts or bouquets of flowers. He appreciates the freedom of his partner, but he wants the same for himself. A woman is able to fully trust her beloved and never be jealous of him.

This couple always has a very beautiful home, so the man strives to return home. Before the housing was perfect, the couple had to argue a little, because Libra wants a new TV, and Cancers consider this purchase a waste of money.

Based on the fact that partners have completely different interests and hobbies, the house for them is the place where romance, humor and silence are concentrated, allowing them to take a break from the outside world.

How are the love relationships Cancer woman - Libra man?

What are they, Libra man and Cancer woman in love? Insecure Cancers welcome the sociability of Libra, who quickly attracts a partner. Thanks to this, the relationship between signs can be characterized by ardent passion, tenderness and sensitivity. But here we should not forget that Libra is often unable to take Cancer's personal principles seriously.

A woman is looking for the habits of a gentleman in her beloved, and a man longs to get a feminine and modest partner. This explains the fact that love between Libra and Cancer flares up instantly, and does not grow out of friendship. Two people understand each other without words, a glance or a hint is enough for them.

Romance in a relationship is so strong that even everyday life cannot kill it. But this does not last forever, because a man can become a melancholic, and a woman cannot understand what is happening to him. At such a moment, Cancer must endure a little until Libra recovers and returns tenderness and affection to the family. It is very important here not to get hung up on such difficulties, because this can significantly harm the union.

What kind of marriage awaits such a couple?

If the Cancer woman wanted to be Libra's husband, then she would have to push the man a little to take decisive action. Due to their excessive modesty and shyness, it is difficult for them to take the first step on their own, and their partner must be ready for this.

Among other things, the zodiac sign of the Cancer woman and the Libra man can better get along in character. If the lady managed to ring her beloved, then their marriage is not afraid of any domestic troubles. The Cancer Woman is able to dissolve in the family: maintain comfort in the house, cook dinner and give birth to children. The Libra man will thank her with generosity and stability.

What will be the union if Libra is a man and a Cancer woman? Marriage is very dependent on the woman. A partner will succeed if a partner helps him. The advice and support of his beloved is very important to him. If the wife criticizes him as little as possible, then Libra will gain confidence in their abilities. And this is a guarantee of success in any field of activity.

What is this union based on?

Will it strong union Libra man - Cancer woman? In fact, this marriage already has everything you need to be perfect. Cancers are considered wonderful wives who surround their husband with affection and tenderness, give him happiness, peace and comfort. The Libra man is so soft that he easily accepts the dreaminess and some simplicity of his passion. But this does not prevent him from reasoning logically and firmly moving towards the goal - to become a wonderful husband and loving father.

How to conquer a Cancer man to a Libra woman?

A person who was born under the sign of Cancer beckons with his optimism, beauty and inner attractiveness. If the Libra lady wanted to conquer such a man, then she would have to forget about shame and take the first step.

Libras think things through and value reliability in relationships. They like beauty, harmony in appearance, intelligence and confidence in a man. Cancers should be calm and independent on a first date. A Libra woman will definitely pay attention to the presence of a sense of humor and a minimum of aggression in a man.

How strong is this alliance?

How strong will the relationship be in such a pair as Cancer woman - Libra man? Due to the fact that representatives of these signs are excellent family men, their union can last a very long time. But only on condition that the couple learns to yield to each other in some way. Should not be allowed constant quarrels and squabbling - it exhausts both partners.

In the union of a Cancer woman - a Libra man, there are quite difficult moments. Due to the fact that Libra is very sociable, they spend quite a lot of personal time on the outside world, and not on the family. Therefore, the wife is insanely jealous of her beloved both to her comrades and to her hobby.

A man can stay at work, then go to the aid of a friend or friends of a friend. This suggests that a woman has little partner, because she does not have enough time for her. Here it is worth learning that the more Cancer tries to control the freedom of Libra, the less often they will appear at home.

Libra and Cancer Compatibility at Work

The Libra-man and Cancer-woman sign is just perfect for business. Partners have a sense of tact, an excellent sense of humor, which is very important when working in a team. In addition, both Cancer and Libra are quite smart and prudent, they prefer to play it safe several times rather than puzzle over correcting mistakes later.

If a woman is a leader, and a man is a subordinate, then this can be called a fruitful combination. The only disadvantage of Libra is poor punctuality and delay in completing work. But everything unpleasant moments overlaid with positive qualities.

When Cancer is a subordinate, and Libra is a boss, then such cooperation is considered the most effective. Cancer really likes to follow the instructions of Libra, who know well what they are doing and respect all their employees.

Friendship between signs?

If a Libra man is a Cancer woman, then the friendship between them is always distinguished by sincerity and strength. Quite often it happens that people call themselves brother and sister. Undoubtedly, everyone has disagreements, but the unique feeling of soul kinship instantly corrects the current situation.

Both Libra and Cancer have a great sense of humor, love a quiet holiday, strive for harmony and follow safety precautions. Cancerians feel secure with Libra, although they rarely trust people. Libra, on the other hand, wins female girlfriends with its gentleness and calmness, easily enters into their confidence.

In unions, a Libra man - a Cancer woman, it is very rare to encounter adultery. This is due to the fact that the stronger sex tries to avoid difficulties in family relationships, and girls are too faithful to their partners.

The problem of compatibility of these zodiac signs

What is the problem of compatibility in the union of a man-Libra - a woman-Cancer? The main disputes in the family may arise due to the fact that the girl is more in her own world, and the guy is in the outside: he loves fun and loud companies. In order to avoid problems in the union, you will have to work long and hard. You can’t be impatient - this can lead to a cold in a relationship and cause misunderstandings between each other. If no compromises are reached, then the picture will be like this: the Libra man is constantly out of the house, and the Cancer woman is waiting for her husband.

The second common problem in a family duet is the material side. Libra can not live without chic: the situation in which a man spent his entire salary on a trip is the norm. The woman, on the other hand, becomes furious at the waste of money and tries to explain it to her husband to no avail.

Among other things, the Cancer woman is very vulnerable, she is often offended by harsh words that she does not like. Often a man does not understand what he did wrong and on this basis disagreements arise in the family.

At the very beginning of the birth of love, Libra can fluctuate somewhat. Here a woman should step in and, if she is completely sure that she wants to connect her life with this man, push him to further development relations.

Zodiac compatibility can be called a complex science, which sooner or later every person turns to. That is why everyone is recommended to study it thoroughly in order to be able to delve into the characteristics of the character of a potential partner in more detail.

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