Essay on the moral lifestyle of Confucius

Confucius (551 - 479 BC) - a latinized form of the Chinese Kung Fu Tzu - Teacher Kun, Kun Tzu, Kun Qiu, Kun Zhongni. Confucius is the first Chinese philosopher whose identity is historically reliable, the founder of Confucianism, the state religion of China.

The teachings of Confucius were based on the natural human desire for happiness and dealt with issues of ethics and worldly prudence. The philosophical direction in Confucianism (natural dualism) arose at the end of the 11th century.

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Oh, too long, in the dusk of the grave,
Sons of mighty ancestors, you slept!
Truth, Hope has powerful forces,
Wake up, stand up proud as lions!
And the thrones of oppressors are before you,

Hearing your swift running,
Fall to dust, and fresh winds
That pitiful ashes will be scattered forever,
And the Idol that convinced you to powerlessness,
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Abdrakhmanova Aigul Taymysovna

An essay on the moral lifestyle of Confucius

"A man can make a great path,

who goes, but the path cannot

make a man great

Confucius (551-479 BC)

Oone of the great sages of antiquity, is a kind of symbol

China, its culture, philosophical thought. Confucius is also considered great

the first teacher of all Chinese. For many tens of generations, billions

Chinese people revered him as a teacher of life. For the Far Eastern civilization, Confucius is about the same as Jesus for Christians or Muhammad for Muslims. But the Chinese sage was still only a man, moreover, simple and accessible in communication, as a teacher should be. He emphasized that in his ideas he relies on the wisdom of antiquity. "I transmit, but do not create. I believe in antiquity and love it." And it really was so, that was the power of Confucius. At the same time, it is quite obvious that Confucius creatively reworked this knowledge, taking into account reality, which made him great, and his teaching - alive for thousands of years.

Poverty did not allow him to enter any of the public schools where

trained officials. But this did not stop Confucius. From the age of 15 he began to take

private lessons and self-education. Having mastered hieroglyphic wisdom, he began to study ancient literature.

At the age of 19, Confucius married a girl from the Qi family, who lived in the Song kingdom. A year later, their son was born. On the occasion of this joyful event, the ruler Zhang-gong congratulated Confucius by sending him a live carp with a servant. In gratitude for the honor shown by the ruler, the happy father gave the newborn the name Li, which means "carp". It should be noted that in family life the sage - like Socrates - was not happy. From the pages of the treatise "Lun-yu" the life of Confucius was the life of a lonely and not spoiled by success teacher, only his devoted students.

Confucius in his soul was always a service man, an honest official, he was constantly concerned about the unrest in the country. Under the influence of what he saw in the service, and what he found in old books, he had the conviction that the people had long gone astray and that only a return to the ancient way of life could save them.

Confucius has always been characterized by genuine modesty. He was invariably

courteous, attentive, affable, wore simple clothes of black and yellow. AT

to the circle of disciples he was cordial and natural, alien to arrogance. He never

flaunted his education and knew how to listen to advice. Students

had a great influence on him. More than once he changed his mind on their advice,

He listened to reproaches from them, justified himself before them. Confucius did not promise his students to give some higher secret knowledge. He instructed them in a simple earthly science, to which he himself was selflessly devoted.

In 528 BC mindyelled mother. According to custom, he had to leave the service for 3 years as a sign of mourning. And although many at that time no longer paid attention to this rule, he decided to strictly observe it. Confucius devoted all his free time to an in-depth study of Chinese history.

Soon the son of Confucius died, and after him his beloved student Yan Yuan, selflessly devoted to the teacher. The death of Yan Yuan shocked the philosopher. Confucius felt it was his turn. All this time he did not stop working. In thought, Confucius came to the conclusion that nothing positive can be

achieve if not guided by the right principles. In comprehending them, he saw the meaning of his own activity, of life itself. "If at dawn you learn the right path, then at sunset you can die."

The image of a "noble husband" as a social ideal passes red

thread through the conversations of Confucius with his students. Its main quality is jen.

This concept, introduced by the teacher, has no literal equivalents in European

languages ​​and is close in meaning to the meaning of "philanthropy", "humanity", "humanity". It characterizes the ideal relationship that should be, first of all, between fathers and sons, brothers, between rulers and officials, friends. Ren is a certain type of behavior. "If a person is firm, persistent, simple, stingy with words, he is close to philanthropy."

Confucius came to the conclusion that the reason for the suffering of people lies in the chaos that reigns in the country. In order to get rid of it, one should return to the ancient customs. But this must be done consciously. Each person must be demanding of himself, observe the established rules and canons, only then the whole society will be healed of its illness.

Kato Pythagoras and Socrates, did not leave a written statement of his teaching

But the friends and followers of the sage wrote down his statements in the book "Lun-yu" -

"Judgments and Conversations". It consists mainly of collected aphorisms that begin with the words "The teacher said". Sometimes it contains facts from the biography of Confucius, sometimes there are episodes showing the teacher in a conversation with friends. "Lun Yu" remains almost the only reliable evidence of the sage and his teachings. "Lun Yu" begins and ends with statements that speak of the need to study and the noble husband. These two interconnected thoughts permeate the entire work, indicating that the teachings of Confucius are at the same time a program of personal self-improvement. “Direct your will to achieve the right path, adhere to the principles of morality, act in accordance with philanthropy, practice the arts,” says Lun Yu.

In his ethical teaching on philanthropy, Confucius advises a person to always be respectful, to show respect even when doing work, to show devotion to people. A philanthropic and wise husband should not forget about all these qualities even if he "goes to the barbarians."

“For people, philanthropy is more important than water and fire. I saw how people, falling into water and fire, died. But I did not see that people, following philanthropy, perished "-this is the opinion of a great teacher.

Confucius said: "He who is able to manifest the five qualities is philanthropic." These are such qualities as respectfulness, courtesy, truthfulness, sharpness, kindness. If a person is respectful, then he is not despised. If a person is courteous, then they support him. If a person is truthful, then they trust him. If a person is smart, he achieves success. If a person is kind, he can use others.

Confucius taught people a tolerant, kind attitude towards each other, they have a desire for universal harmony.

The wisdom of great thinkers is fundamental in modern moral and spiritual education "Self-Knowledge". The legacy that they left us is the fact that they all educated their students only by the example of their own moral life, based on the principles of universal human values ​​and disinterested service to society.

The famous Chinese philosopher and thinker touches upon the problem of the process of cognition and its forms, their unity, and in particular is devoted to the sensory form of cognition. The problems of cognition have always been and remain relevant in society, since man at all times has tried to know himself, the world, to get to the truth. In addition, many philosophers singled out cognitive activity as the main ability that distinguishes a person from an animal. According to the author, cognition is a very complex process, during which one should not rely entirely on knowledge obtained with the help of the senses, since the cognitive ability of the senses is limited, and they cannot give a person the full knowledge about the object being studied.

In my opinion, in the process of cognition it is important that the sensual form be closely connected with the rational one. This will allow you to obtain true knowledge about the object and not be misled.

Let's consider the theoretical substantiation of the problem. As is known from the course of social studies, cognition is the process of acquiring knowledge. Along with work and play, cognition is the leading human activity, the purpose of which is to obtain objective knowledge about the surrounding reality, i.e. truth. Allocate a sensual form of knowledge and rational. The structure of the first consists of such elements as sensation, perception and representation. Sensations help us to study the individual properties of objects and phenomena. For example, everyone can smell or taste raspberries, or let's say heat and cold. In the course of perception, a person creates a holistic vision of all the properties of an object. So, a person who examines a picture, every detail of it, forms a holistic image in his mind. Through representation, a certain image of objects and phenomena is preserved in the human mind without their direct interaction. A person leaving the museum in the evening can remember this picture if it made an impression on him. However, our feelings do not always convey the real state of affairs. For example, a spoon in a glass of water looks crooked. Many phenomena and processes of social life are not accessible to human perception, for example, spiritual values ​​- beliefs, faith, conscience. This is precisely the difficulty of knowing the world by means of sensory knowledge.

A vivid example of the limited cognitive ability of the senses is the story itself, which happened to Confucius and is described in the Chinese encyclopedic work "Spring and Autumn of Mr. Lu". Its essence is that while the student of Confucius was preparing rice, the philosopher himself fell asleep. Waking up and opening his eyes, he suddenly saw that his disciple allegedly snatched some rice from the cauldron and ate it. Confucius pretended not to notice anything, but decided to ascertain the honesty of the student. He told him about the dream of the late father and that now it is necessary to honor his memory and sacrifice his soul with only pure untouched food. The student replied that this was impossible, since an ember had fallen into the cauldron, and it had to be taken out and eaten in order to eliminate the bad omen! And the thinker, sighing, uttered the above-mentioned phrase.

As you can see, Confucius was faced with the limited ability of the senses to reflect and know the character of a person and deluded himself at first about the honesty of his student. But, I think, you should not categorically deny and distrust your feelings, because this is the only channel of communication between a person and the outside world, without which a person will lose the ability to both know and think. It is feelings that give us the material on which rational knowledge is based. A specific factual example is the history of the development of modern aerodynamics. So, N.E. Zhukovsky, the founder of aerodynamics, before developing a mathematical model of a wing for aircraft, observed the flights of birds. There is a connection between the two forms of knowledge.

Summing up, we were convinced that the process of knowing the world is one of the most complex and controversial types of human activity. Sensory cognition has certain possibilities and limits, and in order not to fall into error, one should rely in the process of cognition on the mandatory participation and unity of both sensual and rational cognition.

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564.) Fear is the main source of superstition and the main source of cruelty. Overcoming fear is the beginning of wisdom." Bertrand RUSSELL ( Philosopher denies the church-biblical teaching that "The beginning of wisdom is the fear of the Lord" - Psalm 110:10; Wisdom 1:7; ... I expressed my attitude towards God clearly and never retracted my words. If any of my statements may seem religious to someone, then this is probably my boundless admiration for the structure of the world that science shows us ...


Demands that they immediately believe him): "using questions and answers", he enlightens the mind of his followers philosophy. (In a number of places, Plato notes that) the good is knowable "for a few", that many, full of "wrong contempt ... What (Plato) points out with these words is not easy for everyone to understand, unless he can statements: "Because of our weakness and heaviness, we are not able to rise to the limits of air", "if nature (man) were capable of ...

3. The teacher said: "If a person does not have philanthropy, then how can he observe the ritual? If a person does not have philanthropy, then what kind of music can we talk about?"30 4. Lin Fang31 asked about the essence of ceremonies. The teacher replied, "This is an important question! Ordinary ceremonies are best made moderate, and funeral ceremonies are best made sad." 7. The teacher said: "A noble husband does not compete with anyone, except when he participates in archery. After mutual ...

1. The teacher said: "Where philanthropy reigns, it is beautiful. Therefore, when [someone] settles where there is no philanthropy, is he wise?" 2. The teacher said: "A person who does not have philanthropy cannot live long in conditions of poverty, but he cannot live long in conditions of joy. For a philanthropic person, philanthropy brings peace. For a wise person, philanthropy benefits." 3. The teacher said: "Only one who has philanthropy can love people and hate people ...

2. Ai-gun asked [the teacher]: "Which of your students is the most diligent in learning?" Kung Tzu replied: "The most diligent in teaching was Yan Hui. He did not take out his anger on others, did not repeat mistakes. Unfortunately, his life was short, he died. Now there is no such person, I do not know who would be like that diligent." 6. Ji Kang-tzu asked: "Can Zhong Yu deal with the affairs of administration [of the state]?" The teacher replied, "Yu is capable of solving issues. Why can't he deal with matters of administration?" [...

1. The teacher said: "I transmit, but do not create; I believe in antiquity and love it. In this I am like Lao Peng"64. 2. The teacher said: "To silently keep [what you know], to study without satiety, to enlighten without fatigue - which of these am I doing?" 3. The teacher said: "When morality is not perfected, what is learned is not repeated, having heard about the principles of duty, unable to follow them, unable to correct evil deeds, I mourn"65. 5. The teacher said: "Oh, how weak I am: I have not seen in my dreams for a long time ...

1. The teacher rarely talked about profit, the will of heaven and humanity. 2. A man from Daxian said: "Kung-tzu is great. His learning is great, but he has not yet become famous." Hearing this, Kung Tzu said, addressing his students: "What should I do? Shall I prove the art of driving a chariot or the art of archery? I will show the art of driving a chariot." 3. The teacher said: "According to the ritual, hats should be made from hemp. But now they are made from silk. It's more economical, and I follow this. ...

He saw the meaning of human existence in the affirmation in the Celestial Empire of the highest and universal form of the social and ethical order "tao", or the path. He considered the main manifestations of Tao to be humanity, justice, self-respect, respect for the son, fidelity and mercy. This article will focus on the sayings and aphorisms of Confucius.

Confucianism in China

In modern terms, we can say that Confucius is the main brand of China. After all, the self-identification of the people is associated with the choice of a person who represents it as accurately and vividly as possible. Actually, this is not such a simple question. On a solid and extensive Chinese foundation, from the oldest historical and philosophical thought of the world, the figure of Confucius rises, the wisdom of aphorisms and teachings of which really deserves veneration.


As mentioned in the "Historical Notes" by Sima Qian, an ancient Chinese historian and encyclopedist, Confucius was born in a "wild marriage." Such a concept as "wild marriage" means that a parent in his advanced years allowed himself to have a relationship with a young concubine. His father died, and Confucius was brought up in an incomplete family. He became the first Chinese educator to teach to anyone for a bunch of dried meat. So, the school replaced him with a related association. His very name Kung Fu Tzu (in Chinese) speaks of his vocation, because "fu-tzu" is translated as "teacher, sage, philosopher."

Confucius lived in an era of fragmentation and struggle of many kingdoms. The age was difficult, but remarkable for that, and therefore was called the golden age of Chinese philosophy. In China, becoming a philosopher means becoming a teacher and getting a school. Confucius traveled to different countries with his students and offered his services in state administration - now it is called management. His activity is truly unique, its results had a strong impact on the life of society in the 6th-5th centuries BC. Despite the innovative trend of his teaching, Confucius insisted on returning to the origins, that is, on rethinking the knowledge already available.

good and evil

You should study the sayings and aphorisms of Confucius about good and evil.

As if confirming the wisdom of many religious movements and anticipating the Christian ideology, Confucius appeals to the mind and awareness of a person with the phrase: “Do not do to another what you do not want for yourself.” From century to century, this wisdom is based on not causing harm to others, since, as the people say, retribution for deeds far from goodness will follow either inevitably, or over time, or will affect the lives of descendants. Performing any action, we send certain information into space, which creates a certain charge of energy that overtakes us like a boomerang at the most unexpected moment. When we do good things, we attract good things into our lives, and vice versa.

Speaking about the aphorisms of Confucius about good and evil, one cannot fail to mention such a saying: “Try to be at least a little kinder, and then you will see that you will not be able to do a bad deed.” This expression can be interpreted as follows: once having embarked on the path of goodness, we form in our head a block of rejection of everything unworthy in the behavior of a conscious and developed person, which simply does not allow us to sink again, because in this way we will betray ourselves. Having once tasted something better in our everyday life, we yearn for it with all our hearts, and run away from the old. This is how development happens.

Aphorisms of Confucius about the meaning of life

“You can curse darkness all your life, but you can light at least a small candle.” This saying of Confucius, an ancient thinker and philosopher, is imbued with the deepest wisdom. How often do we lose our bearings, forget to look back at all the beauty that is in us, in other people, in the environment, and get hung up on the negative side of life. It is enough just to kindle the flame of one pleasant thought in yourself, as life begins to acquire new colors. Flourishing from the inside, we are transformed on the outside, as well as we influence others. This is how we create our own reality.

"Not the great one who never fell, but the great one who fell and got up." This can be called one of the best aphorisms of Confucius. As aptly noted, every failure leads to success. "Falling" is useful and necessary if a person knows how to learn a lesson. The height of our achievements is determined by the depth of the pit into which we have fallen. Every time you fail, you rejoice - because you have room to grow, you are not a lost option for society and the planet, you still have to work on yourself.

“In fact, life is simple, but we persistently complicate it.” Indeed, everything complex is veiled simple. Each complex subject can be disassembled into simple components, this is what helps to comprehend something complex. Having dealt with simple things, we are able to unravel something that previously seemed absurd to us. Another meaning of this statement lies in the fact that we are bored with things that we understand, we need mystery, pretentiousness, some pathos and difficulty in execution. For example, simple dishes and gourmet dishes. Sometimes you need to use remarkable abilities to reveal the ingredients of a dish saturated with various spices and additives. So we are moving away from a simple truth - simplicity leads to health, because healthy food is not always tasty (at first glance) food that has undergone a minimum of heat treatment. We are served dishes that, in addition to various pickles, could pass through a pot, frying pan, oven, only to get to your table. It would seem, why such tricks? Everything lies in the greed and insatiability of human nature, unable to enjoy the little for a long time.

Aphorisms of Confucius and their interpretation - about education

“The most beautiful sight in the world is the sight of a child who confidently walks the path of life after you have shown him the right path.” Many of us are still the same children who have not found their destiny. And all because we were brought up by children wandering in the dark. Yes, in life you need to be a child, but purposeful - so that your eyes burn and your hands do. Sloth and idleness lead to the destruction of personality. A true child is a creative being, ready to do what he loves at any moment.

About the board

We attributed the following to the aphorisms of Confucius about the state: "If you are overzealous in the service, you can lose the favor of the sovereign. If you are overly cordial in friendship, you will lose the favor of friends." We can say that this quote contains the idea that obsession and the desire to please everyone only repel. Don't try too hard to please others. And is it worth trying to get the location of another person? Isn't it easier and calmer to be yourself, without antics and self-restraints? Do not be afraid to refuse people if their proposals contradict your principles and attitudes. So, on the contrary, you will earn the respect of others as a person you can rely on in difficult times. Honesty with oneself leads to honesty with others. On some invisible level, people are able to feel whether they are being flattered or not. And this largely shapes their further attitude towards a person.

"If he himself is direct, then they will do everything even without an order. And if he himself is not direct, then they will not obey, despite your order." A man who changes his mind, who has seven Fridays in a week, is not able to maintain his person as an authority for subjects. Being unsure of himself, such a person may turn out to be unreliable in governing the country or the household - he will squander everything until a rainy day with his conflicting ideas and infantile decisions. A person in leadership should be distinguished by directness of views and thoughts in order to convey them as accurately as possible to the environment.

"It is a shame to be poor and to occupy a low position if law reigns in the state; just as it is a shame to be noble and rich when lawlessness reigns in the state." This statement can fit absolutely any state, because now there are not so many countries in the world where noble people are in power, and the law is fair and humane.

About love

"Only a truly human person is capable of both loving and hating." In this statement of Confucius, we see that strong feelings that are revealed to the fullest are capable of being experienced by people who know how to empathize with others, sympathize with them, who look at the world with a heightened sense of justice. There is boundless love, there is just hatred. The rest may experience high and low feelings, but without fanaticism. Here, people who have departed from the usual animal habits learn righteous anger and love.

"Love is the beginning and the end of our existence. There is no life without love. Because love is what a wise person bows down to." This is one of the most heartfelt quotes and aphorisms of Confucius about love. The one who rejects love is stupid, because, left without love, he loses motivation for activity, life, awakening in the morning. We must love, if not the people around us, then at least the things that surround us every day, otherwise life turns into complete chaos. You can also understand it as self-love. Only by loving himself, a person begins to transform and improve, create and comprehend this world. Confucius, whose quotes and aphorisms we are considering in this article, was a wise and deep man. Therefore, all his sayings, falling into the field of vision of a developed person, flourish in the thought process of the recipient.

"When the paths are not the same, they do not make plans together" - this is one of the most practical aphorisms of Confucius about love, which alludes to the fact that people with different life goals cannot combine their destinies with favorable consequences. Only a single spirit of lovers is able to maximize the potential of each of them and move them as far as possible towards a common goal.

About happiness

“Eating roughage, drinking spring water, sleeping with your own hand under your head - all this contains a special joy. And wealth and nobility, acquired unrighteously, are like floating clouds for me!” This is one of the most striking aphorisms of Confucius about happiness, which implies the search for bliss in the small and pious. Being satisfied with this bit of comfort, a person can survive anywhere and anytime, while not experiencing extreme deprivation, because he has not adapted to luxury. Abundance guarantees the degradation of the soul and body. And wealth acquired dishonestly generally destroys a person from the inside, devours him whole, turning him into his most devoted slave, ready to embark on adventures again and again to preserve the illusory freedom from poverty. All these "floating clouds", like dust, dissipate in difficult times or harm their owner, because he is attached to them with all his soul, which means he is ready to die for them.

Another pearl from Confucius's aphorisms about happiness: “To study and apply what you have learned to business at the right time - isn't it wonderful! Talking with a friend who has come from distant countries - isn't it joyful! Isn’t it lofty not to be appreciated by the world and not to bear a grudge!” Here we see that Confucius considered happiness not only wisdom, not only humanity, but also uniqueness, isolation from the general mass of people, the ability to think individually and at the same time feel organic, not feel like an outcast, not complain about the world and society. .

About work

The following was attributed to the aphorisms of Confucius about work: "Whoever repeats the old knowledge and finds something new in it, he can be the leader." The essence of this statement is that innovation can be shown only on the basis of previously known ideas. Nihilism, based on the denial of the mistakes of the past, is not appropriate here. The past is a tool for sculpting our current and future state, just as looking into the future, we can change the present. The one who uses the knowledge of his ancestors and extracts from them the grains of truth is able to occupy leading positions in the state, because he knows the ancient secret of government.

"The human husband will not be long in straitened circumstances, but he will also not be long in idleness." This is one of Confucius' aphorisms about work and laziness. Reading these lines, you immediately remember the Russian folk wisdom: "Cause - time, fun - an hour." Here, however, there is some deviation from the image we are accustomed to: according to Confucius, a person does not exhaust himself with work and finds enough time for rest, that is, an hour for business, an hour for rest. Here we are talking about balance in life, which is achieved by balancing all aspects of life. Good, pleasant work will not cause inconvenience and displeasure to the person who undertakes it. That is, having found something to your liking, you can enjoy every moment as much as possible, without experiencing torment and suffering from the feeling of being in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Character traits

Confucius, wise sayings, aphorisms and quotes of which we are considering in this article, according to his students, had an affectionate and good-natured disposition, was distinguished by patience and justice, his diet was always dominated by plant foods, although he did not shun meat. He was immoderate only in wine, revering it as a way of meditation, but he never got drunk to the point of unconsciousness. He was modest in speeches and in food, dividing the main and the secondary. In his life, ginger was always of great importance, which, as it is believed in China, neutralizes the harmful effects of meat and intoxicating substances.

He finds the reasons for his failures in himself, and the vile one finds them in others. "This wonderful statement describes the way of life of people who are accustomed to blaming anyone but themselves for all their troubles. It is not they who are lazy and lack of initiative, but the state undermines their "wings", it is not they who are weak-willed, but their parents "raised badly". Excuses can always be found. A truly strong-minded person is able to admit his imperfection and strives to change himself at all costs.

"When you meet a worthy person, think about becoming equal to him, and when you see an unworthy person, look into yourself." To notice the merits of others is a whole art of life, because initially a person looks for shortcomings in others. This property of an animal is to rise above others by finding their weaknesses, while humanity implies seeing God in another person through admiration for his creativity, skills, knowledge. Only a developed personality can see the divine principle in each person and help him unleash this powerful force of creation.

"Nothing so easily excites a person and does not bring him to self-forgetfulness, which leads to the most harmful consequences, as outbursts of annoyance and anger, and therefore, in order to avoid great errors, it is necessary to notice them in the bud." How much firewood can be broken, being in a bad mood! A person who cannot control his anger is not able to control his life.

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