The best sources of protein. The best sources of protein Protein excess and its consequences

It so happens that nutrition is one of the most important functions on the planet, and all living organisms need it. And the person in this case is no exception.

Almost everyone knows that all our food contains basic chemical components: proteins, carbohydrates and fats, as well as a number of minerals. But by delving into this topic, there is a chance to find out what role they play in the body, nutrition and cooking. It’s quite interesting how to cook what will later become you (this is the sacred meaning of food) and what happens at that moment.

Let's start with proteins (as proteins are often called, although in essence they are simple protein compounds consisting of amino acids), they play a major role in metabolism, since they are involved in almost all processes occurring within us.

Functions of proteins in the human body

Elementary biology or chemistry will help us answer the question of why our body needs proteins... in a word, science. An ordinary person not associated with these areas does not need to know all the formulas for the reactions occurring in the body (and believe me, there are very, very many of them), but it will be useful to delve into your own body in more detail.

And if we omit all the subtleties and complexities, then in reality everything will be much simpler than in textbooks.

We need protein for better absorption of minerals, fats and carbohydrates that enter the body as a result of digestion of food, as well as for this very digestion. Because proteins are part of enzymes, digestive acids and hormones.

During the digestion of food, proteins accumulate in a certain reserve, from where they are then spent on the needs of the body. Such as the structure of cells and tissues. Moreover, both during the growth and development of new ones, and in the case of restoration of damaged ones. That is why protein is the No. 1 friend of all athletes and bodybuilders, because muscle growth is impossible without protein compounds.

Processes such as the transport of nutrients, minerals and cellular metabolism are also based on the participation of amino acids in these processes.

As well as motor functions, because contractions of our muscles are possible thanks to cellular metabolism, metabolism in general and in particular certain types of protein reactions and chains.

Proteins in the body also have a protective function, and to be precise, more than one. And they consist in the fact that our blood clots, wounds heal, and the body fights toxins and viruses. In other words, even immunity depends on the protein composition of the foods we eat.

All of the listed processes, which can be called metabolism, must be regulated, and this happens, again, with the help of protein reactions, or rather amino acid compounds.

Protein in cooking and food

Here, too, everything is quite transparent; it is enough to clarify what the chemical value of protein foods is.

As you already know, protein consists of amino acids, and some of them are synthesized in our body, but others can only be supplied with food, and therefore they are called essential.

The protein intake rate for humans is not strictly limited, and is about 1-2 grams. per 1 kg of weight (depending on the activity of the lifestyle, the period of recovery after illness, etc.), with greater consumption of protein foods, protein digestibility decreases.

There is such a thing as a complete protein, this is a set of essential amino acids that is similar to what is found in our body.

Protein foods can be divided into products of animal and plant origin.

Eggs, meat, fish and milk are considered the most complete in terms of protein composition; on the plus side, they are absorbed faster and in larger quantities. All these are products (and therefore protein) of animal origin. Plant foods lack some essential amino acids. This includes cereals, vegetables, legumes and everything else that does not breathe or run.

Despite the fact that there are a huge number of vegetarians, the majority of people live on a mixed diet. And this is somewhat better in that plant foods can be supplemented with animal foods and get the most effective and complete set of amino acids.

Beating and foaming whites used in the preparation of baked goods, namely biscuits (sponge dough), confectionery (soufflé, marshmallows) and various sauces, where it is necessary to use beaten eggs (the most common protein for these purposes), cream and similar food products. Also used in cocktails. The foaming process can be observed, for example, when cooking potatoes or milk.

It must be remembered that long-term storage of food products violates, or rather weakens, all the physical and chemical properties of proteins. Which requires increased cooking time, or boiling and soaking. That is why old meat is stewed, and dried peas are soaked and then boiled for a long time.

This may not be the last conversation about proteins in cooking, but first we should understand fats and carbohydrates in order to have a more complete understanding of changes in the nutritional value of foods during cooking. So expect new articles on , and we will continue to delve into food.

Have a good day!

The key ingredients of the human nutritional diet are foods that have a high percentage of protein. Each product in this category is considered biologically valuable to the highest degree due to its unique properties to activate the body's metabolism. Having a similar basis, protein foods have amazing dietary effectiveness, bringing the entire human body back to normal.

How much protein should you eat per day?

Everything is very simple!

Daily protein intake = 1 gram of protein for every 1 kg of weight.

Exceptions include athletes, 2 grams of protein for every 1 kg of weight. And pregnant women, 1.5 grams of protein for every 1 kg of weight.

And now the main question!?

Do I need to eat meat and animal products to meet my daily protein requirement?

It turns out not.

There are many herbal products of natural origin. Many of them are rich in proteins. You might even be surprised. Some of them contain almost twice as much protein as meat!


Let's take a closer look.

1. Spirulina

38 gr. proteins / 100 gr.

These green-blue algae are considered the leaders in protein content among all protein foods.

One small spoon of spirulina already provides 3-4 g of pure protein.

Among other things, the product is rich in iron - the same small spoon of algae has 82% of the norm consumed by a person per day. Such food stimulates alkalization in the human body and reduces active inflammatory processes, which cannot be said about products of animal origin.

2. Soy

35 gr. proteins / 100 gr.

This product of plant origin is considered to be more protein rich in comparison with other foods of this kind.

Today, soy is considered practically the main substitute for meat products and is included in the recipes of a large number of dishes. However, the best place for soy is on the table as a side dish.

3. Lentils

25 gr. proteins / 100 gr.

The protein content in lentils is quite high and is quickly absorbed.

Tryptophan and sulfur amino acids are contained in lentils in small quantities, which other legumes cannot boast of.

Lentils are rich in iron, while the percentage of fat is significantly lower than that of peas. Folic acid in this culture has a colossal content - 92% of the required daily dose for a person is contained in just one serving of cooked food. Lentil beans are rich in fiber, which stimulates digestive function and also reduces the likelihood of cancer in the rectum.

4. Beans

22 gr. proteins / 100 gr.

The quantitative protein content of beans leaves many meat products behind.

And you knew that the beneficial properties of beans help in the treatment of many diseases.

The reduction of excess sugar in the body is carried out thanks to the arginine contained in this culture. Therefore, beans are incredibly beneficial for diabetics. Beans produce an effect similar to insulin, affecting the body's metabolism.

Beans have quite useful characteristics that can help treat ailments such as hypertension, atherosclerosis, and arrhythmia. The copper content synthesizes adrenaline and hemoglobin in the body, thanks to zinc, metabolism is normalized, the digestive system improves its work processes.

Regular consumption of beans in the form of various dishes helps to get rid of excess weight, eliminating the need for painful diets.

5. Different Types of Nut Butter

22 gr. proteins / 100 gr.

Almond or other nut butter in two large spoons of the product has 7-8 g of protein per 30 kcal. This is the same amount as many types of meat.

High percentage of magnesium, calcium, vitamins E, healthy fats.

Having the highest calorie content, nut butter is recommended by many American nutritionists as the main protein resource of plant origin.

6. Hemp seeds

20 gr. proteins / 100 gr.

The seeds of this plant are one of the best foods high in amino acids. A couple of large spoons of the product has 10-12g of pure protein and fiber.

The daily requirement of iron required by a person is contained in a large spoon of hemp seeds by 46%.

The main amount of calories comes from protein and polyunsaturated fatty acids, which are responsible for reducing cholesterol in the body. When mixed with food of animal origin, hemp seeds produce an alkalizing effect in the body.

Thanks to magnesium, contained in large quantities, a person’s energy resources increase and mood improves. Most nutrition for athletes contains hemp protein.

The seeds can be added to the recipe for freshly prepared desserts, light breakfasts, mixed with flour, and baked.

Now let's look at foods with more protein per unit of calories.

7. Cereals

12 gr. proteins / 100 kcal.

Almost all cereals have excellent absorption.

When prescribing healthy nutrition courses, today's nutritionists have increasingly begun to turn to cereals for help.

The key advantage of such a product is its richness in the most important components of a healthy diet. The high content of fats, proteins, carbohydrates, and minerals puts cereals at the level of vital everyday food.

Therefore, it is worth paying more attention to cereals when preparing a homemade side dish, as opposed to pasta and potatoes.

By correctly combining the listed food ingredients, you will get dishes that are excellent in taste, while being incredibly healthy and rich in proteins and other components necessary for your health.

8. Brussels sprouts

5 gr. proteins / 44 kcal.

Don't look at the fact that it only says 5 grams of protein. If we take the calculation of proteins by the number of calories (43 in total), then the protein content is several times higher than that of meat.

Comparisons of this product with similar protein foods revealed the maximum protein content.

Brussels sprouts are 5 times richer in vitamin C than their relatives. Only black currant can match the percentage of vitamin C.

This applies not only to this group of vitamins. A whole vitamin complex is contained in this product, which cannot be said about other types of cabbage. Riboflavin is contained in quantities that can only be found in dairy products.

9. Broccoli

4,5 gr. proteins / 28 kcal.

An amazing fact that just needs to be recognized: beef is inferior to broccoli in protein content (4.5 grams per 30 kcal).

An exceptional source of amino acids, B vitamins, fiber. Incredibly uplifting, it is a favorite among products with antioxidant characteristics.

10. Spinach

12 gr. proteins / 22 kcal.

The protein base of spinach is 52%, which equals 4-5g of protein in one small spoon per 30 kcal.

Spinach has a high content of vitamin C, is rich in iron, and causes a pleasant taste.

Healthy green foods are generous with folic acid, which is so necessary for the fair half of humanity. Thanks to it, girls’ brain functionality significantly increases and their reproductive ability improves.

By adding a little spinach to salads or other freshly prepared dishes, a person gets 10-12g of light protein.

Despite all the value of protein, its amount must correspond to the individual norm. Diets based only on protein foods can cause serious disruptions to the functioning of the human body. How to properly create a protein diet, what foods will help you achieve your goals faster?

Calculation of needs

Athletes and those losing weight are interested in protein diets. Proteins are known to help burn fat and prevent its accumulation, as well as accelerate muscle gain.

To lose extra pounds and gain muscle, you will need to include high-protein foods in your diet. Those losing weight will benefit from high energy consumption when digesting proteins and a long-lasting feeling of satiety, and bodybuilders will benefit from using protein supplied from outside for muscle synthesis. In this case, it is necessary to correctly calculate the dose of pure protein that will be supplied per day along with food products.

Athletes will need 2 g of protein per kilogram of body weight, those losing weight - 1.5 g. Ordinary people leading a moderately active lifestyle require 0.5 g of pure protein per kilogram of body weight per day.

Protein is different from protein

It turns out that not all foods containing proteins can benefit the body. The amount of pure proteins in food and the body’s ability to fully absorb the protein supplied with food are important. To assess the quality of proteins, scientists have developed an indexing system. The product whose absorption coefficient is closer to one will be more useful and preferable for improving health.

  • Milk protein. The absorption coefficient is equal to one. The content of pure protein in milk is only 3%, but its composition is completely absorbed by the body. The exception is individual intolerance. Milk contains lysine, methionine, leucine, tryptophan, leucine, valine, vitamins and microelements, carbohydrate compounds. Fermented milk products are valued by nutritionists more than whole milk, as they are enriched with enzymes and bacteria that improve absorption and facilitate the digestion of proteins. The leaders in protein content are sour cream and milk, but due to their fat content, those losing weight are advised to limit their consumption. Whey is useful as an ideal source of essential amino acids.
  • Soy protein. The coefficient is one. It is considered one of the most useful substances, since it contains all the essential amino acids in sufficient quantities to support health. Soy protein makes up about 36% of the total mass of the product and is absorbed by the body almost completely, creating competition with meat products. It contains the amino acid arginine, which is a simulator of the synthesis of anabolic hormones. Therefore, muscle mass gain in athletes occurs especially actively.
  • Egg white. It is considered one of the most useful types of natural protein. The absorption coefficient is one. 90% of protein consists of water, the remaining 10% is pure protein, amino acids in the form of polypeptide chains. Rich in ovoalbumin, ovomucin, lysozyme, as well as vitamins A, E, D and group B.

The absorption coefficient of beef is close to one (0.92), but the wheat protein contained in gluten has an indicator of 0.46. Therefore, wheat products are not suitable for dietary nutrition. Another disadvantage of wheat is the high content of carbohydrates, which are not used to cover the body’s energy costs, but are converted into fat deposits.

Products containing protein: choose for your diet

In dietetics and bodybuilding, animal protein is most valued. Its amino acid composition fully provides the body with those polypeptides that it does not synthesize on its own.


Meat products are suitable for following a protein diet. The percentage of protein content in them ranges from 12 to 20%. Extractive substances promote the production of gastric juice and provide improved digestion. Meat is rich in essential amino acids, vitamins and macroelements, therefore it is a must-have product for every person’s diet.

But the choice of meat should be approached with special responsibility. Some varieties of pork contain only 2% protein with 50% fat, which means they only contribute to obesity. If pork is used in your diet plan, it is better to choose tenderloin. There is only 2% fat.

The leader in dietary value is skinless chicken breast. Almost 21% pure protein and a minimum of fat make it an excellent way to satisfy hunger on a diet. Beef is not inferior in protein value (19%). However, first grade veal has the best taste. Turkey and rabbit meat are also suitable for dietary nutrition. The latter is considered the most beneficial for human health. Using the table, you can compare the protein content in different types of meat.

Table - Amount of protein in meat products

Offal products are also valued in dietetics: liver, stomachs, heart. The best of them are considered to be poultry by-products. While on a diet, it is not recommended to eat fatty pork, duck, lamb, sausages, except for diet ham. The ideal methods of heat treatment for meat are baking in the oven, grilling, and steaming.


Among the foods containing large quantities of protein is fish. Its meat consists of 16% protein, the exact content depends on the variety. The value of fish products lies in their unique amino acid and mineral composition. It is a source of iodine, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium. Fish proteins are absorbed by the human body more easily than meat proteins, and the low content of connective tissue turns almost any fish meat into a soft and tasty dish, with minimal heat treatment.

Fish is rich in natural collagen, which is part of the connective tissue of the human body. Fish oil is a source of vitamin D and a natural stimulant of the immune system; it is not deposited on the sides, as it consists of polyunsaturated fatty acids. Interestingly, losing weight according to the famous Dukan diet does not prohibit the consumption of even salted and smoked fish.

Seafood is a separate part of the diet. A large percentage of proteins, as well as a minimal amount of fatty compounds, make them a source of easily digestible amino acids.

Table - Amount of protein in fish products

When dieting, it is better to choose tuna, hake, pollock, salmon, sardines, squid and shrimp. To preserve all the beneficial substances, it is recommended to bake the fish.


The protein and vitamin composition of eggs is considered ideal for the human body. They are completely digestible and contain not only valuable amino acids, vitamins, minerals, but also healthy fats and enzymes. Eggs are among the foods with the highest protein content - about 17%. However, for dietary nutrition it is worth using the protein part directly: the yolk is a source of cholesterol and additional calories.

When consuming a whole egg, it is better to give preference to quail eggs, and eat no more than three or four chicken eggs per week. When boiled, the egg does not lose any of its beneficial properties, since its contents are protected by the shell.

When following a diet, it is ideal to cook eggs for dinner. Omelette, steamed or fried without fat, is considered a filling, tasty and low-calorie dish.


When listing protein-rich foods, do not forget about a variety of dairy dishes. The fattiest and most harmful to the figure are cream, fatty types of cheese, and whole homemade milk. Low-fat dairy products are ideal for dietary nutrition:

  • serum;
  • cottage cheese;
  • sour cream;
  • plain yogurt;
  • kefir.

Of particular value is casein protein, which contains a large amount of essential amino acids, calcium and phosphorus. This polypeptide provides a long-lasting feeling of satiety when consuming cottage cheese. But it creates difficulties in digesting milk due to enzymatic deficiency. Therefore, nutritionists highly value whey, a source of easily digestible protein. It contains polypeptide chains in half-split form, enough enzymes and lactic acids to provide a feeling of lightness, rapid digestion, and accelerated metabolism.

A special place in dietary nutrition belongs to cheese - a concentrate of milk proteins and fats. To follow a diet, you should give preference to low-fat varieties (feta, feta cheese) and consume them in the first half of the day. Based on the table, you can choose the most suitable dairy product for yourself.

Table - Amount of protein in dairy products


Protein products of plant origin contain much less protein than meat or fish, but they have their advantages. Their amino acid composition is rich in steroid substances; cereals provide the body with some amino acids synthesized only by plants. They are easily and fully absorbed by the body.

The leading position in protein content is occupied by legumes. Soybeans contain about 40%, peas, lentils, beans - 17-20%. Recently, soy has ceased to be included in the list of products recommended for athletes and bodybuilders due to the content of phytoestrogens (female hormone-like substances). The theory of a decrease in muscle mass under their influence has not been proven. But men seeking to build muscle with soy nutrition are now wary of it. For girls trying to lose weight, this high-protein product is simply irreplaceable.

Buckwheat, millet, barley are low-carbohydrate cereals. They contain 2-3% protein, and due to their reduced calorie content, they will serve as a healthy side dish when following a protein diet. The table contains the most popular cereal products.

Table - Amount of protein in cereals


Nutritionists always supplement the list of foods containing protein with nuts. Calorie kernels not only quickly satisfy hunger, but also contain a large amount of valuable protein compounds. It is best to consume raw nuts, which contain the maximum amount of beneficial compounds. Unsaturated fats of valuable vegetable oil have healing properties. The amount of protein in different types of nuts can be found in the table.

Table - Amount of protein in nuts

When using nuts as a protein source, you should be careful because they are high in calories. When following a diet, it is better to limit consumption to a small handful twice a week (as a snack or addition to cottage cheese).

A diet based on increased protein intake can do a lot: strengthen and build muscles, help you lose weight, speed up your metabolism and prevent the accumulation of extra pounds. At the same time, proteins in food products have much greater value, variety and degree of digestibility than hydrolysates of food additives. The key to the safety of a protein diet is variety, balance, and addition of vegetables and fruits.

Table of composition (proteins, fats, carbohydrates) and calorie content of foods

For reference. Calorie content is the amount of energy received by a person as a result of the absorption of a particular product. The number of calories a person needs depends on the work performed, physical activity, gender, age, latitude (cold or hot climate). Like any fuel, food products, when burned in the body's furnace, release energy. Therefore, food has a certain energy value that can be measured (for example, in kilocalories or joules). Therefore, another name for the energy value of food products is calorie content. Each of us has more than once seen on the factory packaging of store-bought products a number that corresponds to the energy value of 100 g of this product. Anyone can calculate how much energy their body will receive after consuming a certain amount of a product.

Knowing someone's daily diet, that is, the number of foods eaten per day, including drinks, and their energy value, it is easy to calculate the amount of energy received - the calorie content of the daily diet. Biochemists and nutritionists have long calculated the calorie content and composition of almost all food products.

It is simply impossible to provide for all the variety of food. However, taking into account the information on food labels, calculating the calorie content of the daily diet does not present serious difficulties.


Product Water, g Proteins, g Fats, g Carbohydrates, g kcal
Eggplant 91,0 0,6 0,1 5,5 24
Swede 87,5 1,2 0,1 8,1 37
Green peas 80,0 5,0 0,2 13,3 72
Zucchini 93,0 0,6 0,3 5,7 27
White cabbage 90,0 1,8 - 5,4 28
Red cabbage 90,0 1,8 - 6,1 31
Cauliflower 90,9 2,5 - 4,9 29
Potato 76,0 2,0 0,1 19,7 83
Green onion (feather) 92,5 1,3 - 4,3 22
Leek 87,0 3,0 - 7,3 40
Bulb onions 86,0 1,7 - 9,5 43
Red carrots 88,5 1,3 0,1 7,0 33
Ground cucumbers 95,0 0,8 - 3,0 15
Greenhouse cucumbers 96,5 0,7 - 1,8 10
Sweet green pepper 92,0 1,3 - 4,7 23
Sweet red pepper 91,0 1,3 - 5,7 27
Parsley (greens) 85,0 3,7 - 8,1 45
Parsley (root) 85,0 1,5 - 11,0 47
Rhubarb (petiole) 94,5 0,7 - 2,9 16
Radish 93,0 1,2 - 4,1 20
Radish 88,6 1,9 - 7,0 34
Turnip 90,5 1,5 - 5,9 28
Salad 95,0 1,5 - 2,2 14
Beet 86,5 1,7 - 10,8 48
Tomatoes (ground) 93,5 0,6 - 4,2 19
Tomatoes (greenhouse) 94,6 0,6 - 2,9 14
Green beans (pod) 90,0 4,0 - 4,3 32
Horseradish 77,0 2,5 - 16,3 71
Cheremsha 89,0 2,4 - 6,5 34
Garlic 70,0 6,5 - 21,2 106
Spinach 91,2 2,9 - 2,3 21
Sorrel 90,0 1,5 - 5,3 28

Fruits and berries

Product Water, g Proteins, g Fats, g Carbohydrates, g kcal
Apricots 86,0 0,9 - 10,5 46
Quince 87,5 0,6 - 8,9 38
Cherry plum 89,0 0,2 - 7,4 34
A pineapple 86,0 0,4 - 11,8 48
Bananas 74,0 1,5 - 22,4 91
Cherry 85,5 0,8 - 11,3 49
Pomegranate 85,0 0,9 - 11,8 52
Pear 87,5 0,4 - 10,7 42
Figs 83,0 0,7 - 13,9 56
Dogwood 85,0 1,0 - 9,7 45
Peaches 86,5 0,9 - 10,4 44
Rowan garden 81,0 1,4 - 12,5 58
Rowan chokeberry 80,5 1,5 - 12,0 54
Garden plum 87,0 0,8 - 9,9 43
Dates 20,0 2,5 - 72,1 281
Persimmon 81,5 0,5 - 15,9 62
Cherries 85,0 1,1 - 12,3 52
Mulberry 82,7 0,7 - 12,7 53
Apples 86,5 0,4 - 11,3 46
Orange 87,5 0,9 - 8,4 38
Grapefruit 89,0 0,9 - 7,3 35
Lemon 87,7 0,9 - 3,6 31
Mandarin 88,5 0,8 - 8,6 38
Cowberry 87,0 0,7 - 8,6 40
Grape 80,2 0,4 - 17,5 69
Blueberry 88,2 1,0 - 7,7 37
Blackberry 88,0 2,0 - 5,3 33
Strawberries 84,5 1,8 - 8,1 41
Cranberry 89,5 0,5 - 4,8 28
Gooseberry 85,0 0,7 - 9,9 44
Raspberries 87,0 0,8 - 9,0 41
Cloudberry 83,3 0,8 - 6,8 31
Sea ​​buckthorn 75,0 0,9 - 5,5 30
White currant 86,0 0,3 - 8,7 39
Red currants 85,4 0,6 - 8,0 38
Black currant 85,0 1,0 - 8,0 40
Blueberry 86,5 1,1 - 8,6 40
Fresh rosehip 66,0 1,6 - 24,0 101
Dried rose hips 14,0 4,0 - 60,0 253

Dried fruits

Product Water, g Proteins, g Fats, g Carbohydrates, g kcal
Dried apricots 18,0 5,0 - 67,5 278
Dried apricots 20,2 5,2 - 65,9 272
Raisins with pit 19,0 1,8 - 70,9 276
Raisins sultanas 18,0 2,3 - 71,2 279
Cherry 18,0 1,5 - 73,0 292
Pear 24,0 2,3 - 62,1 246
Peaches 18,0 3,0 - 68,5 275
Prunes 25,0 2,3 - 65,6 264
Apples 20,0 3,2 - 68,0 273

Candy, sugar, chocolate

Product Water, g Proteins, g Fats, g Carbohydrates, g kcal
Honey 17,2 0,8 0 80,3 308
Fruit dragee 7 3,7 10,2 73,1 384
Marshmallow 20 0,8 0 78,3 299
Iris 6,5 3,3 7,5 81,8 387
Marmalade 21 0 0,1 77,7 296
Caramel (average) 4,4 0 0,1 77,7 296
Chocolate coated candies 7,9 2,9 10,7 76,6 396
Paste 18 0,5 0 80,4 305
Sugar 0,2 0,3 0 99,5 374
Tahini halva 3,9 12,7 29,9 50,6 510
Sunflower halva 2,9 11,6 29,7 54 516
Dark chocolate 0,8 5,4 35,3 52,6 540
Milk chocolate 0,9 6,9 35,7 52,4 547

Cakes and other confectionery products

Product Water, g Proteins, g Fats, g Carbohydrates, g kcal
Waffles with fruit fillings 12 3,2 2,8 80,1 342
Waffles with fat-containing fillings 1 3,4 30,2 64,7 530
Puff pastry with cream 9 5,4 38,6 46,4 544
Puff pastry with apple 13 5,7 25,6 52,7 454
Sponge cake with fruit filling 21 4,7 9,3 84,4 344
Gingerbread 14,5 4,8 2,8 77,7 336
Sponge cake with fruit filling 25 4,7 20 49,8 386
Almond cake 9,3 6,6 35,8 46,8 524

Bread, bakery products, flour

Product Water, g Proteins, g Fats, g Carbohydrates, g kcal
Rye bread 42,4 4,7 0,7 49,8 214
Wheat bread from grade I flour 34,3 7,7 2,4 53,4 254
Butter pastries 26,1 7,6 4,5 60,0 297
Baranki 17,0 10,4 1,3 68,7 312
Drying 12,0 11,0 1,3 73,0 330
Wheat crackers 12,0 11,2 1,4 72,4 331
Cream crackers 8,0 8,5 10,6 71,3 397
Premium wheat flour 14,0 10,3 0,9 74,2 327
Wheat flour, grade I 14,0 10,6 1,3 73,2 329
Wheat flour, grade II 14,0 11,7 1,8 70,8 328
Rye flour 14,0 6,9 1,1 76,9 326


Product Water, g Proteins, g Fats, g Carbohydrates, g kcal
Buckwheat core 14,0 12,6 2,6 68,0 329
Buckwheat done 14,0 9,5 1,9 72,2 326
Manna 14,0 11,3 0,7 73,3 326
Oatmeal 12,0 11,9 5,8 65,4 345
Pearl barley 14,0 9,3 1,1 73,7 324
Millet 14,0 12,0 2,9 69,3 334
Rice 14,0 7,0 0,6 73,7 323
Wheat "Poltavskaya" 14,0 12,7 1,1 70,6 325
Oatmeal 10,0 12,2 5,8 68,3 357
Barley 14,0 10,4 1,3 71,7 322
Hercules 12,0 13,1 6,2 65,7 355
Corn 14,0 8,3 1,2 75,0 325


Product Water, g Proteins, g Fats, g Carbohydrates, g kcal
Beans 83,0 6,0 0,1 8,3 58
Peas 14,0 23,0 1,6 57,7 323
Whole peas 14,0 23,0 1,2 53,3 303
Soybeans 12,0 34,9 17,3 26,5 395
Beans 14,0 22,3 1,7 54,5 309
Lentils 14,0 24,8 1,1 53,7 310


Product Water, g Proteins, g Fats, g Carbohydrates, g kcal
White fresh 89,9 3,2 0,7 1,6 25
White dried 13,0 27,6 6,8 10,0 209
Fresh boletus 91,6 2,3 0,9 3,7 31
Fresh boletuses 91,1 3,3 0,5 3,4 31
Fresh russula 83,0 1,7 0,3 1,4 17

Meat, offal, poultry

Product Water, g Proteins, g Fats, g Carbohydrates, g kcal
Mutton 67,6 16,3 15,3 0,0 203
Beef 67,7 18,9 12,4 0,0 187
horsemeat 72,5 20,2 7,0 0,0 143
Rabbit 65,3 20,7 12,9 0,0 199
Pork lean 54,8 16,4 27,8 0,0 316
Pork is fatty 38,7 11,4 49,3 0,0 489
Veal 78,0 19,7 1,2 0,0 90
Lamb Kidneys 79,7 13,6 2,5 0,0 77
Lamb Liver 71,2 18,7 2,9 0,0 101
Lamb Heart 78,5 13,5 2,5 0,0 82
Beef Brains 78,9 9,5 9,5 0,0 124
Beef liver 72,9 17,4 3,1 0,0 98
Beef Kidneys 82,7 12,5 1,8 0,0 66
Beef Udder 72,6 12,3 13,7 0,0 173
Beef Heart 79,0 15,0 3,0 0,0 87
Beef Tongue 71,2 13,6 12,1 0,0 163
Pork kidneys 80,1 13,0 3,1 0,0 80
Pork liver 71,4 18,8 3,6 0,0 108
Pig heart 78,0 15,1 3,2 0,0 89
Pig tongue 66,1 14,2 16,8 0,0 208
Geese 49,7 16,1 33,3 0,0 364
Turkey 64,5 21,6 12,0 0,8 197
Chickens 68,9 20,8 8,8 0,6 165
Chickens 71,3 18,7 7,8 0,4 156
Ducks 51,5 16,5 61,2 0,0 346

Sausage and sausage products

Product Water, g Proteins, g Fats, g Carbohydrates, g kcal
Boiled sausage Diabetic 62,4 12,1 22,8 0 254
Boiled sausage Dietary 71,6 12,1 13,5 0 170
Boiled sausage Doctorskaya 60,8 13,7 22,8 0 260
Boiled sausage Lyubitelskaya 57,0 12,2 28,0 0 301
Boiled sausage Milk 62,8 11,7 22,8 0 252
Boiled sausage Separate 64,8 10,1 20,1 1,8 228
Boiled veal sausage 55,0 12,5 29,6 0 316
Pork sausages 53,7 10,1 31,6 1,9 332
Dairy sausages 60,0 12,3 25,3 0 277
Russian sausages 66,2 12,0 19,1 0 220
Pork sausages 54,8 11,8 30,8 0 324
Boiled-smoked Amateur 39,1 17,3 39,0 0 420
Boiled-smoked Cervelat 39,6 28,2 27,5 0 360
Semi-smoked Krakow 34,6 16,2 44,6 0 466
Semi-smoked Minsk 52,0 23,0 17,4 2,7 259
Semi-smoked Poltavskaya 39,8 16,4 39,0 0 417
Semi-smoked Ukrainian 44,4 16,5 34,4 0 376
Raw smoked Amateur 25,2 20,9 47,8 0 514
Raw smoked Moscow 27,6 24,8 41,5 0 473

Canned meat and smoked meats

Product Water, g Proteins, g Fats, g Carbohydrates, g kcal
Beef stew 63,0 16,8 18,3 0 232
Tourist breakfast (beef) 66,9 20,5 10,4 0 176
Tourist breakfast (pork) 65,6 16,9 15,4 0 206
Sausage mince 63,2 15,2 15,7 2,8 213
Pork stew 51,1 14,9 32,2 0 349
Raw smoked brisket 21,0 7,6 66,8 0 632
Raw smoked loin 37,3 10,5 47,2 0 467
Ham 53,5 22,6 20,9 0 279

Fats, margarine, butter

Product Water, g Proteins, g Fats, g Carbohydrates, g kcal
Rendered lamb or beef fat 0,3 0 99,7 0 897
Pork bacon (without skin) 5,7 1,4 92,8 0 816
Milk margarine 15,9 0,3 82,3 1 746
Sandwich margarine 15,8 0,5 82 1,2 744
Mayonnaise 25 3,1 67 2,6 627
Vegetable oil 0,1 0 99,9 0 899
Butter 15,8 0,6 82,5 0,9 748
Ghee 1 0,3 98 0,6 887

Milk and dairy products

Product Water, g Proteins, g Fats, g Carbohydrates, g kcal
Cow's milk cheese 52,0 17,9 20,1 0,0 260
Natural yoghurt 1.5% fat 88,0 5,0 1,5 3,5 51
Low-fat kefir 91,4 3,0 0,1 3,8 30
Full fat kefir 88,3 2,8 3,2 4,1 59
Milk 88,5 2,8 3,2 4,7 58
Acidophilus milk 81,7 2,8 3,2 10,8 83
Whole milk powder 4,0 25,6 25,0 39,4 475
Condensed milk 74,1 7,0 7,9 9,5 135
Condensed milk with sugar 26,5 7,2 8,5 56,0 315
Curdled milk 88,4 2,8 3,2 4,1 58
Ryazhenka 85,3 3,0 6,0 4,1 85
Cream 10% 82,2 3,0 10,0 4,0 118
Cream 20% 72,9 2,8 20,0 3,6 205
Sour cream 10% 82,7 3,0 10,0 2,9 116
Sour cream 20% 72,7 2,8 20,0 3,2 206
Special cheeses and curd mass 41,0 7,1 23,0 27,5 340
Russian cheese 40,0 23,4 30,0 0,0 371
Dutch cheese 38,8 26,8 27,3 0,0 361
Swiss cheese 36,4 24,9 31,8 0,0 396
Poshekhonsky cheese 41,0 26,0 26,5 0,0 334
Processed cheese 55,0 24,0 13,5 0,0 226
Fat cottage cheese 64,7 14,0 18,0 1,3 226
Cottage cheese semi-fat 71,0 16,7 9,0 1,3 156
Low-fat cottage cheese 77,7 18,0 0,6 1,5 86


Product Water, g Proteins, g Fats, g Carbohydrates, g kcal
Chicken egg 74,0 12,7 11,5 0,7 157
Egg powder 6,8 45 37,3 7,1 542
Protein powder 12,1 73,3 1,8 7 336
Dry yolk 5,4 34,2 52,2 4,4 623
Quail egg 73,3 11,9 13,1 0,6 168

Fish and seafood

Product Water, g Proteins, g Fats, g Carbohydrates, g kcal
Gobies 70,8 12,8 8,1 5,2 145
Pink salmon 70,5 21 7 0 147
Flounder 79,5 16,1 2,6 0 88
crucian carp 78,9 17,7 1,8 0 87
Carp 79.1 16 3.6 0 96
Chum salmon 71.3 22 5.6 0 138
Smelt 79.8 15.5 3.2 0 91
Icy 81.8 15.5 1.4 0 75
Bream 77.7 17.1 4.1 0 105
Salmon 62.9 20.8 15.1 0 219
Macrurus 85 13.2 0.8 0 60
Lamprey 75 14.7 11.9 0 166
Pollock 80.1 15.9 0.7 0 70
capelin 75 13.4 11.5 0 157
Navaga 81.1 16.1 1 0 73
Burbot 79.3 18.8 0.6 0 81
Marbled notothenia 73.4 14.8 10.7 0 156
Sea bass 75.4 17.6 5.2 0 117
River perch 79.2 18.5 0.9 0 82
Sturgeon 71.4 16.4 10.9 0 164
Halibut 76.9 18.9 3 0 103
Blue whiting 81.3 16.1 0.9 0 72
Saber fish 75.2 20.3 3.2 0 110
Caspian fisherman 77 19.2 2.4 0 98
Carp 75.3 18.4 5.3 0 121
Large saury 59.8 18.6 20.8 0 262
Small saury 71.3 20.4 0.8 0 143
Salaka 75.4 17.3 5.6 0 121
Herring 62.7 17.7 19.5 0 242
Whitefish 72.3 19 7.5 0 144
Mackerel 71.8 18 9 0 153
Som 75 16.8 8.5 0 144
Horse mackerel 74.9 18.5 5 0 119
Sterlet 74.9 17 6.1 0 320
Zander 78.9 19 0.8 0 83
Cod 80.7 17.5 0.6 0 75
Tuna 74 22,7 0,7 0 96
coal fish 71.5 13.2 11.6 0 158
Sea eel 77.5 19.1 1.9 0 94
Acne 53.5 14.5 30.5 0 333
Hake 79.9 16.6 2.2 0 86
Pike 70.4 18.8 0.7 0 82
Ide 80.1 18.2 0.3 0 117
Far Eastern shrimp 64,8 28,7 1,2 0 134
Cod liver 26,4 4,2 65,7 0 613
Squid 80,3 18 0,3 0 75
Crab 81,5 16 0,5 0 69
Shrimp 77,5 18 0,8 0 83
Sea kale 88 0,9 0,2 3,0 5
Pasta "Ocean" 72,2 18,9 6,8 0 137
Trepang 89,4 7,3 0,6 0 35


Product Water, g Proteins, g Fats, g Carbohydrates, g kcal
Chum salmon granular 46,9 31,6 13,8 0 251
Bream punch 58 24,7 4,8 0 142
Pollock punch 63,2 28,4 1,9 0 131
Sturgeon granular 58 28,9 9,7 0 203
Sturgeon punch 39,5 36 10,2 0 123


Product Water, g Proteins, g Fats, g Carbohydrates, g kcal
Hazelnut 4,8 16,1 66,9 9,9 704
Almond 4 18,6 57,7 13,6 645
Walnut 5 13,8 61,3 10,2 648
Peanut 10 26,3 45,2 9,7 548
sunflower seed 8 20,7 52,9 5 578

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In this table, products are arranged by category. The first column indicates the amount of protein in the products, the second - fat, and the third - the calorie content of the products.

Chicken eggs - product number one. The protein content in these products is very impressive. In addition, egg white is considered ideal in its structure and digestibility.

Cooked meat . Meat is the main source of animal protein. From the point of view of meat, boiled or steamed meat is healthier, since in this form it contains more nutrients and less harmful fats. The most popular are chicken breasts and lean beef. Chicken breasts are rich in protein and contain almost no harmful fats. This is a dietary product. Beef combines a set of useful components such as zinc and iron, which are beneficial for the body as a whole.

Product Fats per 100 g. Calorie content per 100 g.
Veal 30,7 0,9 130
Kura 25,2 7,4 170
Turkey 25,3 10,4 197
Rabbit 24,6 7,7 175
Beef 28,6 6,2 170
Pork 20 24,2 298
Mutton 22 17,2 243

Grilled meat . Meat is usually fried in oil, which adds extra calories. In addition, in a frying pan, for example, all the fat that drains from the meat comes into contact with it again, which is not very good from a dietary point of view. An excellent solution in this situation is an air fryer, where the meat is perfectly fried and the saturated fats flow into a special reservoir. Again, the calorie content here may vary depending on the frying method you use. Also, the fat content in steak and similar products may vary depending on the cooking recipe. The table shows average values.

Product Proteins in products per 100 g. Fats per 100 g. Calorie content per 100 g.
Beef 28,8 16,8 254
Steak 24,9 11 214
Beef Stroganoff 17,9 14,3 228
Beef liver 23,1 10,2 227
Kura 26,9 11 207
Turkey 26,2 13,6 226
Pork 23,1 30,9 375

Boiled fish. Fish, unlike meat, contains less fat and is not so harmful. At the same time, fish contains a sufficient amount of protein and other substances beneficial to the body.

Product Fats per 100 g. Calorie content per 100 g.
Pink salmon 23,1 7,9 163
Flounder 17,9 3,4 104
Pollock 17,7 1 78
Sea bass 20,1 3,7 111
Zander 21,4 1,4 98
Cod 18,1 0,7 79
Hake 18,5 2,3 95
Pike 21,4 1,4 98

Seafood . Seafood, like fish, contains a large amount of protein and almost no fat.

Fried fish . Fish, even fried, does not contain much fat. But again, it all depends on the preparation. If you fill the pan halfway with oil, the number of calories will naturally increase.

Product Protein in products per 100 g. Fats per 100 g. Calorie content per 100 g.
Flounder 18,6 8,5 166
Carp 18,9 11,2 191
Pollock 15,9 5,2 127
Sea bass 21,1 9,8 187
Zander 17,9 5,3 138
Cod 15,8 5 123
Hake 16,3 6,5 135
Pike 17,8 5,9 138

Caviar. Caviar is a product from which a new living organism subsequently appears. And, naturally, it contains a huge amount of not only protein, but also all other vital components.

Product Proteins per 100 g. Fats per 100 g. Calorie content per 100 g.
Red caviar 31,7 13,8 251
Black caviar 28,7 9,8 205
Pollock caviar 28,4 1,8 131

Low-fat dairy products. When choosing dairy products, you should pay attention to the fat content. I think we don’t need extra fat.

Product Protein in products per 100 g. Fats per 100 g. Calorie content per 100 g.
Skim milk. 3 0,05 31
Kefir is low fat. 4,3 1 49
Yogurt 1.5% fat 5 1,5 51
Cottage cheese is low fat. 18 0,6 88
Cheeses: low fat. 25-30 190-255

Medium fat dairy products.

Product Proteins per 100 g. Fats per 100 g. Color value per 100
Milk 3.2% fat 3 3,2 58
Kefir fat. 3 3,3 56
Cottage cheese semi-fat 16,7 9 55
Low-fat cheesecakes. cottage cheese 19,1 3,2 160
Half-fat cheesecakes. cottage cheese 17,7 11,4 223
Low-fat casserole. cottage cheese 17,7 4,3 171
Half-fat casserole. cottage cheese 16,5 11,8 232

Dairy products are fatty. It is better to avoid such products.

Product Proteins in products per 100 g. Fats per 100 g. Color value per 100
Milk 6% fat. 3 7 85
Cream 10% fat. 3 10,1 119
Cottage cheese fat. 18% 14 18,2 231
Cheeses and cottage cheese. masses 7,2 23,2 340
Cheese eyes. 8,5 27,9 408
Condensed milk without sugar (7.5%) 7 8,5 141

Legumes . The so-called beans are also quite a healthy product, although legumes do not contain a large amount of protein. Because of this, it is a vegetable protein, which in its structure differs from animal protein and is also necessary for us.

Nuts. Nuts are an excellent source of vegetable protein, but are quite high in calories. Therefore, you should not overuse nuts.

Product Protein in products per 100 g. Fats per 100 g. Calorie content per 100 g.
Almond 18,7 57,8 650
Cashew 25,3 53,7 634
Hazelnut 16,2 67 708
Walnuts 15,7 62,1 701
Peanut 26,4 4,3 552
Pistachios 20,6 48,61 611
Chestnuts are hot. 3,3 2,3 183
Coconut nuts 3,5 33,6 381
Pumpkin seeds 24,6 46,1 581
Sunflower seeds 23,1 49,6 611
Pine nuts 12,1 61,1 630

Porridge. We do not consider porridge as a source of protein. They have their own advantages. Porridges and cereals are an excellent source of carbohydrates to provide your body with energy for training and building muscles.

Product Proteins per 100 g. Fats per 100 g. Calorie content per 100 g.
Rice porridge on water, viscous 1,5 0,1 78
Buckwheat porridge crumbly 6 1,7 163
Buckwheat porridge on water is viscous 3,3 3 90
Millet porridge crumbly 4,8 1,2 135
Millet porridge on water is viscous 3,1 0,8 90
Oatmeal from ‘Hercules’ in water is viscous 3 1,4 84
Pearl barley porridge 3,2 0,4 106
Oatmeal on water is viscous 3,1 1,8 88
Wheat porridge on water 3,3 0,3 92
Barley crumbly porridge 3,5 0,4 108
Sticky barley porridge 2,4 0,3 76
Rye bread 6,6 1,2 190

Vegetables. In terms of protein content, of course, vegetables cannot boast of their presence in the required volumes. For this reason, it is a first-class source of vitamins.

Product Proteins in products per 100 g. Fats per 100 g. Calorie content per 100 g.
Green peas 5,1 0,2 74
Cabbage 1,9 0,1 28
Cauliflower decoction. 0,1 0,3 27
Zucchini 0,8 1,9 41
Green onion (feather) 1,4 - 20
Bulb onions 1,5 - 42
Carrot 1,4 0,1 35
cucumbers 0,8 0,1 12
Sweet pepper 1,4 - 27
Greens (parsley, sorrel, dill, lettuce, etc.) 1,6-3,8 0,4 17-50
Radish 1,3 0,1 22
Turnip 1,6 - 28
Boiled beets 1,9 - 50
Tomatoes 1,2 0,2 32

Fruits. Fruits, like vegetables, are primarily carriers of vitamins.

Product Proteins per 100 g. Fats per 100 g. Calorie content per 100 g.
Apricot 1 0,1 42
Cherry plum 0,3 - 28
Pineapples 0,5 0,2 50
Bananas 1,6 0,1 50
Cherry 0,8 0,5 53
Pomegranate 0,9 - 53
Pears 0,5 0,3 43
Peach 1 0,1 44
Plums 0,9 - 44
Persimmon 0,6 - 54
Cherries 1,2 0,4 51
Apple 0,5 0,4 46
Orange 0,9 0,2 40
Grapefruit 1 0,2 36
Lemon 0,9 0,1 33
Mandarin 0,8 0,3 41
Cowberry 0,8 0,5 44
Grape 0,7 0,2 66
Strawberry 0,9 0,4 35
Cranberry 0,6 - 27
Gooseberry 0,8 0,2 44
Raspberries 0,9 0,3 43
Red currants 0,7 0,2 40
Black currant 1,1 0,2 39

Mushrooms. Fresh mushrooms, given to us by nature itself, are not only tasty, but also healthy. Although the protein content in them is also not high.

Honey. Honey is an irreplaceable product. This is the only product in the world that contains almost the entire periodic table.


Product Proteins per 100 g. Fats per 100 g. Calorie content per 100 g.
Dutch cheese 27 26,7 353
Kostroma cheese 25,3 26,4 346
Bryndza cheese 18 20,2 262
Smoked sausage cheese 23,1 19,1 271
Processed cheese 22,3 21 343

Bakery products. It is better not to consume baked goods in large quantities. Although they do not contain much fat, they do have a huge amount of carbohydrates.

Product Proteins per 100 g. Fats per 100 g. Calorie content per 100 g.
Corn diet meal 7,3 1,6 331
Rice diet flour 7,5 0,7 372
Premium wheat flour 10,4 1,2 335
Wheat bran 15,2 3,9 192
Hearth rye bread 6,2 1,3 207
Wheat hearth bread 8,8 1,6 210
Pita 9,2 1,2 278
Protein bran bread 23,6 3,5 217
Common loaf 8,1 1 236
Bran loaf 9,3 2,9 274
Common cod 7,9 2,5 260
Bagel 9,1 1,2 285
Ordinary drying 11 1,4 226
Sweet straw 9,8 6,1 374
Charlotte 3,6 6,1 187
Cheesecake cheesecake 10,7 12,4 319
Pie with jam 5,4 2,2 285
Pie with meat 13,3 7,6 285
Donuts 5,7 13,1 297
Chebureks 9 13,6 265
Pancakes 5,2 3,2 187
Pancakes with cottage cheese or sour cream 25,9 33,2 641
Pancakes 0,8 6,7 226
Ordinary yeast dough 6,9 2,4 245
Yeast dough 7,6 7,7 284
Unleavened puff pastry 6,1 18,7 345
Premium pasta 10,5 1,2 338
Egg pasta 11,4 2,2 346
Sugar cookies 7,6 11,9 436
Butter cookies 10,5 5,3 459
Biscuits 9,3 10,3 416
Crackers 9,3 14,2 440
Waffles with fruit filling 3,3 2,9 351
Gingerbread 4,9 2,9 351
Rye flour 10 1,85 296
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