Strong Orthodox prayer from an evil boss at work

Paisiy Svyatogorets

How to overcome anger

– Geronda, I want to be free from anger. I see how inappropriate anger is for a monk.

“Anger, pure anger, is the power of the soul. If this property of his character helps a person who is meek by nature in spiritual improvement, then an angry person will benefit twice as much from the strength that lies in his character, if only he uses this strength of anger against the passions and against the evil one. If he does not use this power correctly, then the devil will use it. If a gentle person by nature does not try to acquire courage, then he will not be capable of great deeds. But an angry person, if he decides on something big and turns his anger against evil, then consider the job done. Therefore, heights in spiritual life are reached by people in whom there is a spark of madness.

– So, Geronda, I should have been angry with the devil, and not with the sisters.

“You see, at first a person is angry with others, then, if he struggles, he will become angry with the Tangalash woman, and in the end he comes to the point that he is angry only with his old man, with his passions. Therefore, try to be angry only with the Tangalashka and your passions, and not with the sisters.

– Geronda, are my anger and stubbornness childish passions?

- No, darling! It is understandable if a small child is angry, knocks with his legs and shouts “I don’t want to, I won’t!” But with age, he must get rid of this, retain only childish simplicity, spontaneity, and not his childish nonsense. You see, some then reach what! They beat their heads against the wall in anger - it’s good that God arranged it so that people have a strong head, so nothing happens to them! Others tear their clothes! There was a man who tore his shirt every day in anger. Tore to pieces so as not to break down on others.

- It turns out that anger is the revenge of anger?

– Yes, but isn’t it better to take out your anger on your old man than on others?

Why are we angry

“I don't think I'm angry, I'm just annoyed.

- What is it like? If you are irritated, then you should see if you have the passion of anger in you. It’s one thing if a person in irritation says a harsh word, because he is tired, something hurts him, there are some problems, etc. Another can answer a greeting: “Leave me alone!” - although they didn’t say anything bad to him, they only said “hello”. But the person is tired, it hurts, that's why he reacts like that. After all, even the most patient donkey, if overloaded, will kick.

- When I have no peace with myself, then every little thing annoys me.

- If you do not have peace with yourself, then you have a spiritual malaise and it is not surprising that you react this way. If a person is sick, he sometimes gets tired even from the sounds of speech. It is the same when he is in a bad spiritual form, he does not have sobriety, patience, indulgence.

- Geronda, why do I get angry at the slightest reason?

“You get angry because you think that others are always to blame. In you, anger comes from the fact that you accept thoughts about others that come from the left. If you accept thoughts coming from the right, then you will not pay attention to what was said to you and how it was said. You will take responsibility for yourself and will not be angry.

“But, Geronda, I cannot believe that it is always my fault.

“You seem to have a hidden pride in you. Look carefully, because anger carries self-justification, pride, impatience, arrogance.

– Elder, why are people so easily irritated today?

- Now the flies are irritated! They have stubbornness, perseverance! Previously, if you drove a fly away, it flew away. Now he sits stubbornly ... But it is also true that today even certain types of activities not only do not help to find peace of mind, but can also make a naturally calm person nervous

– Why now, when I live in a monastery, I am not angry, but in the world I was very angry?

- Often, due to external reasons, a person experiences discontent and breaks down, because he does not feel satisfaction from what he does and wants something else. But such an irritation as external dust, it disappears when a person finds what he aspires to.

“Be angry and do not sin” ‘(Ps. 4.5)

– Geronda, does indignation come from selfishness?

- There is not always a righteous, sacred anger. The prophet Moses held the tablets with the commandments in his hands, but when he saw that the Israelites were sacrificing to the golden calf, in a sacred anger he threw them to the ground and broke them (See Ex. 32:1-24). Before going up to Mount Horeb13, where he was to receive the commandments, Moses told the Israelites what they were to do until he returned. In addition, they themselves saw lightning and heard thunder on the top of Hori-va, but since Moses did not return for a long time, they began to look for a god. They went to Aaron and told him. “We don't know what happened to Moses. Who will lead us now? Make us gods to guide us." Aaron did not agree at first, but then he relented. People got to work. They built a furnace, threw into it all the gold that the Egyptians gave them before the exodus from Egypt, and made a whole golden calf. They put him on a large stone and began to drink and be merry. “He will lead us,” the people said. Then God said to Moses, "Go down quickly, because the people have betrayed Me." Descending from Sinai, Moses heard screams. Joshua, who was waiting for him downstairs, says, “What happened? Foreigners have come!” “These are not battle cries, these are fun,” Moses answered him. They came closer, saw the people having fun, because the golden calf will lead them to the Promised Land! You see, the calf was golden! ... Moses was indignant, threw it on the ground and broke the tablets with the commandments.

A spiritual person can get angry, indignant, scream, but on a serious spiritual occasion. He has no evil inside, and he does not harm others. "Be angry and do not sin" - isn't that what the prophet David says?

“Get ready and not be embarrassed” (Ps. 119:60)

- Geronda, how can I overcome anger?

“The goal is not to get angry. Milk, if you do not have time to remove it from the fire, rises and immediately runs away.

- How not to get angry?

- You need to be awake. Take care of yourself and keep your anger in check so that passion does not take root in you. Otherwise, even if you later want to cut it down with an ax, it will constantly give new shoots. Remember what the prophet David said: "Be prepared and be not dismayed." Do you know how one monk acted? Leaving the cell, he was baptized and said: "My God, save me from temptations." He was ready to face temptation. Like he was on guard. He watched from which side the temptation would come in order to protect himself from it. If any brother did something bad to him, he was ready and answered him with meekness and humility. Do the same for you.

- Geronda, sometimes, when there is a temptation, I say to myself: “I will keep silent”, but in the end I can’t stand it, I break down.

- What do you mean break down? And where does the broken one go? Is it burning down? You seem to have little humility, so you reach a certain limit, and then you break down. A little more humility is needed. Before speaking, read the Jesus Prayer two or three times for enlightenment. One woman, when angry, first read “I Believe” and then opened her mouth. Worldly people, but you see how they strive!

– What should I do if I don’t like the behavior of one of the sisters?

- Be kind to your sister. Try to justify it with love. This will help you naturally acquire a permanent good spiritual disposition. And when the passion of anger comes to you, it will find your heart occupied with love and, having no place to stay, will leave.

With humility and silence we conquer anger

– Geronda, how can a person overcome anger?

– With humility and silence, we conquer anger. Why do we call the snake wise? Although she has a strong weapon, poison, and she can harm us, but as soon as she hears a small noise, she immediately crawls away: she does not go ahead, gives way to our anger. So you, if someone touches you with a word, do not answer. Silence disarms a person. Once the cat Dikas in my cell was going to strangle a frog. The frog sat motionless, and Deekas left him alone and walked away. The frog, with his silence and humility... defeated the cat. But if he had even moved a little, Dikas would have grabbed him, started throwing him and beating him like a tambourine.

- When my sister and I have disagreements and each stands on her own, then we reach a dead end, and in the end I get annoyed.

- You see, one of the two must reconcile and give in, otherwise there is no way. If two people want to carry a long board through a small door, one of them must go in first, the other behind him, otherwise they will not be able to bring it in. When everyone stands on his own, it's like hitting stone against stone - only sparks fly! - The inhabitants of Faras, when someone stood his ground, said: "Let your goat be a goat, and mine be a kid", and so they avoided quarrels . In any case, the one who yields is the winner, because he sacrifices something, and this brings him joy and peace.

- And if a person outwardly behaves correctly and yields, but is indignant in his soul?

– This means that the old man is still alive in him, and he is fighting with him.

- But why, Geronda, although he behaves correctly, does he not have an inner world?

How will he have peace? In order for a person to have peace, he must also be correctly oriented internally. Then anger and anxiety go away, and the peace of God enters the person. And when peace of mind comes, it destroys the children of anger, the eyes of the soul are cleansed, and the person begins to see clearly. Therefore, it is precisely about “peacemakers” that Christ says that they “will be called the son of God” (Matthew 5:9)

Elder Paisius Svyatogorets. The words. Volume 5. Moscow, 2009

Prayer from the wrath of Abba Dorotheus

God, merciful and merciful! By your inexpressible goodness, creating us from nothing, for the enjoyment of Your blessings, and by the blood of Your Only Begotten Son, our Savior, who called us who deviated from Your commandments! Come now, help our infirmities, and as You once forbade the troubled sea, so now forbid the revolt of our hearts, so that You do not lose us both in one hour, Your children, mortified by sin, and so that you do not say to us: “what good is My blood, always descend into destruction, "and:" Amen I say to you, we do not know you, "because our lamps went out for lack of oil. Amen.

Human life is surrounded by stress and resentment. It is not uncommon for people to face injustice and aggression, which causes a response in the form of anger and malice. Without noticing it themselves, people begin to hate their enemies, causing them irreparable harm, but at the same time harming themselves, because they become hardened, sowing chaos and dark malice in their souls. As a result, people close to them begin to suffer. Some try to relieve this ailment by using alcoholic beverages, others use the advice of a neighbor, or a psychologist. But in the spiritual culture there are more effective methods - these are Orthodox prayers from anger and irritation.

How to prepare and read a prayer

It is necessary to retire in a separate room so that no one distracts during prayer. Here is the procedure:

  1. It must be understood that prayer is communication with God and his helpers.
  2. Place one or more icons next to each other.
  3. Light a candle.
  4. Close your eyes and focus if you know the prayer by heart. Or, just keep the text of the prayer in front of you, and trying to understand the meaning more accurately, read the prayer sincerely.
  5. Read this prayer several times.
  6. Be quiet, listen to yourself.
  7. If you feel anxious, read the prayer a few more times.

Prayer from anger and anger to Ephraim the Syrian

Anger in the Christian tradition is considered one of the main sins of man. The remedy for this mental illness is Orthodox prayer. Especially effectively helps in the fight against anger and irritation of the prayer of St. Ephraim the Syrian. Ephraim himself during his lifetime was a quick-tempered man, but through hard spiritual work and with God's help, he acquired the gift of goodness and humility. And using the experience and gifts of this associate, one can be cured of the disease and find peace in the soul.

O saint of Christ, our father Ephraim! Bring our prayer to the merciful and all-powerful God and ask us, the servants of God (names), his goodness is all for the benefit of our souls and our bodies: faith is right, hope is unquestionable, love is not hypocritical, meekness and gentleness, courage in temptations, patience in misery , in piety progress. Let us not turn the gifts of the All-good God into evil. Do not forget, holy miracle worker, this holy temple (house) and our parish: save and keep them with your prayers from all evil. To her, Holy One of God, make us worthy of a good end and inherit the Kingdom of Heaven, let us glorify the wondrous God in His saints, to Him befits all glory, honor and power, forever and ever. Amen.

Prayers to Nicholas the Wonderworker

It is not uncommon for people to face injustice and aggression, which causes a response in the form of anger and anger. Orthodox prayers allow you to fight these ailments, and for this, you need to turn to the Lord, the Most Holy Theotokos and the saints, asking for help and support. In everyday fuss, faced with manifestations of anger and anger, it is better not to pay the attacker with the same coin, but to say a short prayer to yourself several times. If this is often done, then the power of prayer will increase, and the brewing clouds of conflict will quickly dissipate. But the main thing in this case is not to rely on laurels, but to continue prayer work.

Prayer for Anger

Prayer for Anger

Wonderworker Nikolai, pacify my anger and attack, do not let me fall into a sinful abyss. May your will be done. Amen.

Prayer appeal to the icon "Softening hearts"

Remembering what a terrible destructive force anger is, a believer should try to soften his heart. For this, in Orthodoxy there is an icon "Softener of Hearts" ("Seven-shot"). When reading a prayer, the heart of the praying one gradually thaws and warms up and acquires the ability to let in the rays of light and goodness. Of course, the feeling of anger is very persistent and does not immediately let go of the heart, but patient and persistent prayer work leads to good results. The bitterness recedes, the person softens and gradually opens up to spiritual truths.

Akathist to the Mother of God in honor of her miraculous icon "Softener of Hearts"

Oh, long-suffering Mother of God, who has surpassed all the daughters of the earth, in her purity and in the multitude of sufferings that you endured on earth, accept our painful sighs and save us under the cover of your mercy. We don’t have any other refuge and warm intercession for You, but as having boldness to the One born of You, help and save us with Your prayers, so that we unstoppably reach the Kingdom of Heaven, even with all the saints we will sing in the Trinity to the one God now and forever and forever centuries. Amen.

Soften our evil hearts, Mother of God, and quench the misfortunes of those who hate us and resolve all the narrowness of our soul.

At Thy holy image, looking at Thy suffering and mercy for us, we are touched and Thy wounds are kissed, but our arrows, which torment Thee, are horrified. Do not give us (names), Mother, merciful, in our hardness of heart and from the hardness of our neighbors, perish, You are the battle of truly evil hearts softening. Amen.

Prayer for irritability and anger (Abba Dorotheus)

The Monk Abba Dorotheos taught that one must learn not to show anger and irritability towards one's neighbor, putting one's humility above, so that the soul of the believer rises above strife and conflicts. In this case, a person put himself and the values ​​of life in harmony, above everyday conflicts and avoided head-on collisions, and his opponent, without meeting opposition, could not stay in a state of anger and irritability for a long time, and was forced to retreat. Turning to God in prayer, he was already clearing the atmosphere of his life and eradicating the very cause of the conflict.

Prayer text

Merciful and merciful God! By your indescribable goodness, creating us from nothing, for the enjoyment of Your blessings, and by the blood of Your Only Begotten Son, our Savior, who called us who deviated from Your commandments! Come now, help our infirmities, and as You once forbade the troubled sea, so now forbid the revolt of our hearts, so that You do not lose both of us, Your children, mortified by sin in one hour, and so that you do not say to us: “What good is of my blood, descend upon us always into destruction," and: "Amen, I say to you, we do not blow you," because our lamps went out for lack of oil. Amen.

Prayer for husband's aggression

In the case of a family conflict and aggression of the husband, it is very difficult for a woman during stress to remember a big prayer and therefore the prayer should be short. When reading a prayer, one must mentally overshadow the husband with the sign of the cross. The prayer must be repeated several times and then the demons retreat and the conflict subsides. But you can't stop there. It is necessary to pray every day so that advice and love will be fully restored in the family. According to reviews on social networks, women who used this prayer said that they managed not only to calm down the raging husband, but also the evil neighbors.

Prayer text

May God arise and scatter his enemies!

Prayer from anger in the soul

Keeping anger in the soul is dangerous both for the soul itself and for the body. Realizing that anger has settled in the soul, it is necessary to turn in prayer to heavenly helpers. As a result of this, the believer receives the support of the Heavenly Patrons, finds comfort and care. He gradually begins to understand that he is not alone, and in fact, he is surrounded by attention and a desire to help him, he just needs not to alienate those who are happy to come to his aid. It must be understood that peace in the soul is created by the efforts of two parties, the believer and the Forces of Heaven, and help comes as a result of his conversion.

Prayer text

Bind the union of love to Thy Apostle, O Christ, and us, Thy faithful servants, thereby firmly binding to yourself to do Thy commandments: love one another without hypocrisy, do it with prayers, Mother of God, the only philanthropist. With a flame of love they inflamed for me, a servant of God (...), the hearts of all, Christ God, before inflaming their hearts, thoughts, souls and all human strength, they will love me sincerely, as if they preserve themselves and my commandments glorify me and you, all the good giver. Deliver, O Lord, the servant of God (...) from hatred, malice, non-peace and dislike. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Prayers for resentment and anger

Without noticing it, a person sometimes takes offense at his loved ones, thereby causing them suffering, and hating his enemies, he himself becomes the property of demons. Therefore, one must accustom oneself to spiritual work by turning to Jesus Christ or St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. Prayer is a spiritual work and its fruits do not arise from scratch. You must first sow the seeds of goodness in your soul, take care of them and protect them from ailments, patiently cultivating them. It is no coincidence that everyday prayer work is called a spiritual feat. It is even much more difficult than ordinary worldly labor, but the values ​​grown as a result of this are of great importance for all people. The fruits grown in the field of spiritual labor can become the property of other people, and therefore it is difficult to overestimate the efforts of the prayer book. No wonder they say: "Acquire a peaceful spirit within yourself and thousands around you will be saved." Therefore, one must accustom oneself to everyday, albeit short, but sincere prayer.

Prayer to Jesus Christ

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God. Deliver me from resentment towards my neighbor at the command of the Most High God. May it be so. Amen.

Prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker

Wonderworker Nikolai, calm my exorbitant anger, clear the wrong path. May your will be done. Amen.

Prayer to the Mother of God

The prayer to the Theotokos from anger and irritation was included in the book "Prayers to the Most Holy Theotokos" as the eleventh prayer. The history of the creation of the book "Prayers to the Most Holy Theotokos" goes back to Metropolitan Veniamin (Fedchenkov). The Metropolitan said that the sole purpose of creating the book was for people to turn and pray to the Intercessor. An outstanding hierarch of the Russian Orthodox Church in the USA, a theologian, reported on the reasons that prompted him to write this book, and wrote bitterly in 1940 that “prayer is disappearing from life”, people have forgotten how to pray and do not turn to the Most Holy Theotokos at all. In his books, Benjamin tried in every possible way to convince and prove that prayer is the work and life of the soul and is the basis for its spiritual growth. He said that turning in prayer to the Mother of God, a person partakes of her holiness and in everyday prayer work transforms his soul, being cleansed of filth and disease.

Prayer text

Holy Mother of God! Hear my prayer and fulfill it; in you is the hope of all the ends of the earth, I trust.

Extinguish the flame of my body. Curb the storm of anger. To the end, destroy the vain exaltation of my vain youth. Weaken the crafty dreams of the heart, induced by evil spirits. Dry the incessantly finding stream of impure thoughts that tempt me.

Teach my language to speak only useful, my eyes behold the one beauty of the shrine. Open my ears, so that I can be saturated with the sweetest honey of the broadcasts of Holy Scripture and create with Your help. Cleanse my mouth, that I may be vouchsafed to call the Most High God my Father. Grant me the time of repentance and deliver me from sudden death. Cleanse and wash from all filth of the flesh and spirit. Give your servant a contrite heart, pacification of thoughts, chastity to the mind, sobriety of the soul, humility in thoughts, a right spirit, a prudent life, and also peace, which our Lord gave to His disciple. Save me in undisturbed silence; rejoice me with unspeakable and unceasing joy; as if I had repented, I walk the right path of the commandments of Your Son, and the rest of the field of my life I pass over already beyond the judgment of my conscience. Give me, now praying to You, a pure prayer; May I worthily glorify Thee, even to the very death, all the days of my saving feat. At the end, free me from the evil tortures of air publicans.

You, about the Lady Mother of God, the light of my darkened eyes, the consolation of my soul, my hope and salvation, I offer this prayer.

Until now and still, I pray to Thee, my Guide Preglazhaya: vouchsafe me, repentant and contrite for sins, uncondemned, if I am unworthy in every way, partake of the Most Pure Blood and Body of Your Son and God, for the salvation of the soul and the healing of the body and as a pledge eternal life. In the future age of the sweetness of the Heavenly Supper, partake of the heavenly inexpressible graces of the Kingdom of God. But, having been honored with the acceptance of these blessings, I will glorify Thy Son and God with His Beginningless Father and the Life-Giving Spirit, for ever and ever, even now, and forever, and forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer "Invoking the help of the Holy Spirit"

A person lives and makes mistakes, sometimes cursing himself and others for misdeeds, accumulating anger in his soul. Anger begins to eat him from the inside, looking for a way out and an object of revenge. This is a terrible period of the birth and development of a mental illness, and if it is not stopped, it can result in a serious illness or crime. When a person feels that anger has accumulated inside him, you need to admit this to yourself, and then direct this energy not to the one who causes anger in you, but to a good cause. The best remedy in this case would be Orthodox prayer. Turning to the highest values ​​in everyday prayer, he thereby gradually purifies his thoughts and soul, transforming himself, not only internally, but also externally. Fierce malice no longer blackens in the eyes of a person, but the light of love of the heavenly world begins to appear. In this case, the prayer “Invoking the help of the Holy Spirit” helps well. It is best suited for a person with a mental illness and therefore short and easy to understand and remember, allowing you to read it many times, including when mental confusion arises.

Prayer text

Creator and Creator of all kinds, O God, of the work of our hands, beginning to Your glory, hastily correct Your blessing, and deliver us from all evil, as the only omnipotent and philanthropist.

Prayer for hate

Hatred of a person is a grave sin and evil that burns out from within both the hater himself and his enemy. And here, in fact, it is not so important who was right and who was not. There is no winner or loser in this fight because both will suffer. When both opposing sides receive the ripened fruits of evil and weigh them by measure and at the cost of loss and suffering, they will be horrified at what they have done. It is easier to punish or kill an enemy than to understand and forgive him. But the retribution for this will be inevitable. No wonder they say that the best fight is the one that did not take place. Therefore, the Holy Scripture says that we must love not only our neighbor, but also the enemy, learn to forgive and be merciful. Therefore, it is necessary to turn in a prayer request for help and support to the Lord Jesus Christ.

It is not easy for a person to find a completely satisfying job, but it is also very difficult to experience everyday stress from a manager. For most, the answer will be unusual - you need to pray for your superiors so that they do not offend, but only encourage your undertakings.

Some people like their chosen profession, they are satisfied with the activity they are engaged in, there is a good salary and a team, but at the same time they still go to work every morning with negative emotions and fatigue. Most often, the reason for this lies in the evil bosses, who find fault every day, vent their bad mood on their subordinates, evaluate only the personality of the employee, and not his hard efforts.

Any person has his own difficulties and problems at work, there are ill-wishers and rivals. Eliminating problems with colleagues is also worth it with the help of prayer - this is the most correct solution. After all, the manifestation of evil cannot be eliminated by evil.

As all teachings say, good always triumphs over evil. On the topic of salvation from unfriendly people and envious people at work, common problems and difficulties, there are a large number of legends.

Help to pacify the attacks of the leader:

  • prayer addressed to David;
  • a petition in front of the icon of the Mother of God of the Seven Arrows;
  • prayer to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker;
  • akathist to Archangel Michael;
  • prayer to the guardian angel.

Prayer to the Guardian Angel

By the will of the Lord, you have been given to me, Guardian Angel, my guardian and intercessor. Therefore, I ask you at a difficult moment in my prayer that you protect me from great grief. I am oppressed by people who are invested with power on earth, and I have no more protection than the power of heaven, which stands over all of us and rules our world.

Holy Angel, help me against the oppression and insults of those who rise above me, save me from their injustice, as I suffer for this reason without cause. I forgive, as God instructed, people these sins before me, as the Lord exalted exalted above me to test me. Everything is your will of God, from everything that is beyond the will of God, protect me, my Guardian Angel. This is what I ask you in my prayer. Amen.

You can say a prayer against evil bosses not only at work. It is worth remembering that anger is a mortal offense Therefore, a person who shouts and gets angry a lot should repent and submit a note of health to the temple, pray for the state of the soul. Usually, the bosses negatively eat the employee and break down on him because of the demons, therefore, in addition to reading special prayers from the anger of the bosses, of course, you need to follow the Christian way of life: visit the temple on Sundays, take communion, conduct confessions, read evening and morning prayer according to the rules .

You should not turn to various sorcerers and magicians to eliminate anger from your boss - God sees all our actions, this will most likely not harm the oppressor, but your soul will suffer severe losses.

How can prayer help from the anger of the boss at work? Any person in times of danger turns to higher powers for help. Of course, this is not about those moments when a person needs to gather strength and start fighting for his life. Indeed, most often the Lord is remembered only when a person no longer has hope, and things are going really badly.

To always be ready for any difficult situation, to maintain clarity of thought, to discipline the mind, you need to use protective prayer to David. Prayer against the angry director, you see, should be remembered by everyone. This is what distinguishes an unbeliever from a religious believer. A true believer can independently calculate a possible dangerous situation, and then ask for help from the heavenly forces.

It is known that during his life, King David was quite God-fearing. And this is with all the successes in military affairs and government. At the same time, the king had a short temper.

It is worth noting that the tsar did not always follow the rules of the Orthodox Church. For example, the Lord does not give the right to have several wives at once. The ruler had a very large number of them.

Once the king fell in love with the wife of his servant, whose name was Bathsheba. She was very beautiful. To get her approval, the king sent the husband of his beloved to certain death.

Saint Nathan from Israel denounced King David of sin, and he did not begin to make excuses, but immediately sincerely repented to the Lord.

Since that time, prayerful words of repentance have become the most popular methods for protecting disasters such as:

  • Enemies.
  • Enemies.
  • Ailments.
  • In a particularly difficult situation.
  • In danger.

Prayer "Lord, remember King David" helps mitigation or even complete elimination of anger, which often appears in evil-minded leaders. Such prayer is able to pacify all evil leaders.

Finally, a psalm to David.

Deliver me, Lord, from a bad person, from an unrighteous husband.

Vel thought of untruths in her heart, all day the militia scolded.

He sharpened his whole tongue, like the venom of a snake of asps under their mouths.

Save me, Lord, from sinful hands, from unjust people, since my feet are stained with thoughts.

Hiding the network of pride to me, and already the network has been stretched by my feet.

In the path of temptations lay it down for me.

Rech of the Lord: My God, if you inspire, O Lord, the voice of my prayer.

Lord, Lord, power of my salvation, fall over my head during the battle.

You will not betray me, Lord, from the desire of my sinner, think of me, do not leave me, but once they will ascend.

The head of my entourage, I will cover their oral work.

Fiery coals, cast down by passions, will fall on them, and they will not stand.

A pagan husband will not be corrected on earth; a defective husband will be caught into destruction.

Knowing, as the Lord says, the judgment of the poor and to be miserable.

On both occasions, they confess to your name, and the grafts rejoice with your face. Glory.

You can say such a prayer at a time when you feel that you can’t cope with bouts of anger on your own, rage and irritation just come out. You can also say such a prayer to yourself. Priests advise doing this nine times a day. After prayer, the soul usually calms down, and complete peace sets in.

Prayer to King David against a negative boss is quite effective, since it constantly helps to protect yourself from irritable and rude people. It has been bringing two warring sides together for a long time. It is especially effective if you say it before taking exams. Such a request will help you avoid the wrath of a teacher or an observer.

Conspiracy to the Archangel Michael

Such a prayer against a rude boss helps to save yourself from the evil eye and the evil misfortunes of enemies. Archangel Michael is a more effective intercessor for the body and spirit of a believer, and is revered in the Christian church.

He is considered the main (supreme) angel, the leader of God's army, in other words, the archangel. It was under his command that the angels fought with the armies of the devil and demons. Even before the birth of Christ, at the behest of God, he supported the entire Jewish people in wars with the Gentiles.

O Lord Archangel Michael, pour out peace and grace on your servant (your name). Oh Lord Michael the Archangel, the six-winged first Prince and Voivode of the Heavenly Forces!

O great Archangel Michael, may there be help for me in everything, in sorrow, in resentment, in sorrow, in the desert, at the crossroads of many paths, on rivers and seas, give me a calm haven! Deliver me, Great Michael the Archangel, from the various charms of the devil, hear me your sinful servant (name), asking you and calling for help your holy name, speed up my help, and hear my prayer.

O great Archangel Michael, dine all the forces opposing me and the life-giving Cross of the Lord with the prayers of the Most Holy Theotokos and the holy Apostles, and St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. Amen.

When Moses led the Jews out of Egypt, Michael accompanied them and showed them the right way. He came to Joshua and before the start of the assault on Jericho. The annals of the Orthodox Church preserved the memory of the many miracles and unusual abilities of the angel. It is for this reason that the icon depicting the Archangel Michael is considered a very strong defense for every Christian, and the petition that is sent to him protects from any grief.

Saint Alexy

A powerful and effective prayer against the wrath of the leadership can be called a petition to St. Alexei.

The future Moscow Metropolitan Saint Alexy (in the world Eleutherius) was born in 1202 (there is evidence that in 1304) in the family of the boyar Byakont Fyodor in Moscow. According to legend, when he was twelve years old, he fell asleep while catching birds and heard a speech: “Why are you working just like that? You will catch people."

From that time on, Alexei began to retire often and at the age of fifteen he decided to connect his life with religion, becoming a novice. He entered the Epiphany Monastery, which is located on the territory of Moscow, in 1320, where he spent about twenty of his years here.

The strongest prayer from the authorities

The most powerful prayer against the evil eye is called prayer to the Archangel Michael. On icons and images, such an angel is depicted with a long and sharp sword in his hands. This weapon helps cut off anxieties and fears of a person, defeats evil spirits. Michael helps people cleanse themselves of evil, removes deceit and sins. He is considered the first intercessor of all those who adhere to the clear laws of the Lord.

The prayer was inscribed on the porch of the Church of the Archangel Michael, the Kremlin Miracle Monastery, which was blown up after the October Revolution. If you read it throughout your life and every day, then as a result you can get strong protection against such misfortunes as:

  • Evil people.
  • Craftiness.
  • Temptations.
  • tragic events.
  • From the evil eye and other magical influences.
  • From sudden robberies of a person and attacks on him.

Such a prayer, addressed to the main archangel, also helps to get rid of the soul from the torment from hell.

You should write on paper the names of your children, parents and all loved ones - all those for whom you are going to make a petition. After, reading a prayer to the saint, one should pronounce all the inscribed names where necessary.

As you know, the bosses are not chosen, so if you got a too angry and strict director, then you should prepare for the working day at home. It is imperative to read a prayer to your angel so that he warms you throughout the day.

If already in the morning you see that your boss is not in the mood and is looking for something to complain about, then say a pacifying prayer against the irritation of the leader. Most often it is read to the prophet David and contains the following text: “Remember, Lord, King David and all his meekness, like father King David and quiet, merciful, short, patient, so that all enemies for the servant of God (name) were quiet, merciful and patient.”

Attention, only TODAY!

Prayer from an evil boss at work to the "Seven-shooter" icon helps to restore benevolent and fair relations, helps to reason with an aggressive boss. One of the most powerful protective prayers is read to King David. For many centuries, he has been considered by Orthodox believers as the patron saint of rulers and leaders. Even in the most difficult conflicts with the authorities, prayers are recommended to be read in solitude and in a whisper, otherwise the request for protection will not be valid.

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    How to read prayers correctly

    Communication with the Saints is best done before dawn or after sunset. It is important to perform the ceremony in front of the icon of that Saint, to whom the immediate words of the Orthodox petition refer. If it is necessary to read the prayer at the workplace, it is better to read it in a half whisper and preferably without the presence of strangers. Attracting someone else's attention can break the power of prayer. The main strong prayers from the evil boss, for protection from enemies and envious people at work:

    • Prayer to King David
    • Appeal to the Archangel Michael.
    • Quick Prayer.
    • Petition to the Mother of God.
    • Prayer for protection from enemies at work to George the Victorious.

    Feeling the negativity on the part of the boss, it is important to calm down. The best remedy, according to believers, is to look at the fire of a church candle in a temple or in a familiar home environment. There is no need to curse anyone, it will be right to silently look at the bright flame, leaving negative thoughts in the past. All evil energy will pass after heartfelt and long prayers for ill-wishers.

    Prayer of King David

    With the repetition of certain troubles at work, constant anger and unjustified nit-picking on the part of the boss, you need to turn to the Holy King David for help. Prayer will help stop gossip and bad talk, normalize the environment, block negative attitudes, and get rid of evil. The most powerful prayer is for the leader to treat and love his employees well.

    A protective prayer is read from an evil boss and other ill-wishers at work. It helps to soften anger and pacify even the most aggressive person:

    "Oh, wonderful and glorified prophet David. Hear us sinners and objectionable! We earnestly ask before Your icon, pray for us the Lord God, the Lover of mankind, to send us repentance and humility, let him not leave us without His all-powerful grace and protect us from unclean ways, and He will strengthen us in the fight against passion and lust, and let him endow us with humility and chastity. Return to our hearts the spirit of meekness, brotherly love and not anger. With your prayers, ease the vicious and evil customs of the vain world, turn away the abyss of dishonesty, malice and envy. May God's righteous wrath save from deadly diseases, the invasion of enemies and internecine strife. Strengthen Orthodox people with your prayers in good undertakings and in search of the truth. May Your will be done. Amen."

    Prayer in front of the image of King David has the strongest defense against an evil boss

    "Lord, Jesus Christ, Son of God, protect me with Your holy angels and the prayers of the All-Pure Mother of God and Ever-Virgin Mary, with the power of the Cross of the Life-Giving Cross, the Archangel of God Michael the Holy Prophet John, the Hieromartyr Cyprian and the Martyr Justina, St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, the Monk Sergei of Radonezh and the Monk Seraphim Sarov, the holy torment of Faith, Hope, Love and their mother Sophia, in the name of all the forces of the Saints and Incorporeal, help your unworthy servant (the name of the one who prays), save from enemy slander, from any witchcraft, magic and magical influence, from sorcery and crafty people "Let them not be able to do any harm against me. Lord, by the light of Your radiance, by the power of Your Grace, turn away and remove all the unclean things done at the instigation of the Devil. Whoever does bad things to me and who thought to do evil - return everything back to hell. After all In this is Your Kingdom and Power, Glory to Your Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, Amen."

    The uniqueness of this prayer lies in the fact that the appeal in it occurs not only to Christ himself, but also to all the Saints. To protect against trouble at work, it is important to use her text every day.

    Prayer to Archangel Michael

    Archangel Michael is recognized as the most powerful protector of the entire human race. Its powerful power extends to prayer appeals in search of protection from enemies and evil people, from diseases, the evil eye, and damage. In order to be under the patronage of this Saint in front of the boss at work, you need to read a prayer to God with a request to make the Archangel a personal protector. Request text:

    “Everything is overshadowed by your grace, O our Lord, the Almighty, how you help you exorcise evil spirits with the help of the Archangel Michael. I pray you, help with your heavenly day, extinguish with your breath. , may the Lord reject from me all unclean thoughts and constantly the servant of God (name) tormenting, leading to complete despair, torment in faith and bodily suffering. destroy me. I beg you to be on guard over my dwelling and all those who live in it and all its property. Amen.

    You need to read the appeal only with pure thoughts and from the bottom of your heart. Insincere words will not be heard and can cause irreparable harm to the emotional state of the prayer. A patronizing prayer must be read three days in a row at any time of the day, even without the icon of the Holy Archangel.

    Prayer to Archangel Michael protects from gossip, envy and intrigues of ill-wishers at work

    Starting from the fourth day, a prayer intended directly for the patron Archangel should be read daily:

    "Oh, the Great Archangel Michael, save me your sinful servant (name), protect me, faithful to the providence of God, from adversity, sword, fire, the flattering enemy, from the invasion, from the storm, from the evil one. Deliver me, your servant of God (name) , Great Archangel Michael, from now on and always and ever and forever and ever. Amen."

    Prayer allows you to reliably protect yourself from gossip in the team. It is necessary to read it in the morning every day. She gives a person special protection if she rewrites it on a piece of paper and always carries it with her. It is recommended to purchase at least a small icon of the archangel in the temple and put it on your desktop.

    Prayers from corruption, evil eye and witchcraft to Cyprian and Ustinya - short and full versions

    Quick Prayer

    There is also a special prayer from the evil boss, which helps in emergency situations. It is very short, but effective even with a particularly strong negative effect on the energy field. It should be read by those who want the leader not to find fault and not touch on trifles. It in the shortest possible time helps to get rid of the negativity even from the worst and envious colleagues. Addressing Jesus Christ:

    "Lord, Jesus, the Son of God. Teach me how to avert the evil envy of enemies from myself. Please save me from mournful days. I faithfully believe in Your help and earnestly pray for forgiveness. In vicious deeds and sinful messages, I sometimes forget about the Orthodox faith. Forgive Me and bless for deliverance. Do not send wrath on my enemies, but return all envy to them. Thy will be done. Amen."


    The 90th Psalm has miraculous protective power from enemies and evil people. Believers claim that its great power lies in protecting the reader from all evil, from unclean and unkind people. Its main goal is to bring to every believer that it is the hope in God that is the best protection.

    With sudden attacks by ill-wishers at work and with problems in professional activities, you need to read the 34th Psalm. It is a prayer request for protection from enemies to the Guardian Angel.

    In combination with Psalm 90, Psalm 26 should be read. If you pronounce them together, then the protective power increases several times. Reading prayers three times a day protects the asker from absolutely all misfortunes. Strong protection against enemies is provided for many years if you wear the rewritten texts of the Psalms on your belt or next to your heart, in your pocket. In Orthodox churches, you can buy ready-made and consecrated belts with a psalm. There is a belief that the texts of such prayers, written by the mother's hand, have special power.

    Petition to the Mother of God

    Protective prayers to the Mother of God can protect from the evil eye, evil and damage at work, from the negative attitude of the boss. Reading the text in front of the image of the Mother of God with humility, purity and a righteous attitude can have a very strong effect. What is important is inner work on oneself and a strong conviction in eliminating aggression and anger from the immediate environment. Prayer gives strength and helps:

    • remain prudent in any difficult work situation;
    • think soberly in case of unexpected problems;
    • develop responsibility and discipline;
    • behave professionally in complex cases.

    A petition from corruption and envy of fellow ill-wishers is as follows:

    "Soften and warm our evil hearts, Holy Mother of God,

    take away the hatred of our enemies,

    and take away all rudeness and callousness of the soul.

    Prayers to Your Holy Image,

    We are touched by your suffering and mercy

    and your wounds of soul and body,

    from our unrighteous deeds that torment you, we are horrified.

    Do not let us, Mother of Mercy,

    perish in our cruelty and our loved ones.

    For You are the softening of evil hearts."

    A petition to the Mother of God for protection from a negative attitude on the part of the boss will have miraculous power if you pronounce it in front of the image of the icon "Seven Arrows"

    About protection from enemies at work to George the Victorious

    An appeal to George the Victorious will help any believer who needs support. It is customary to ask him for help during periods of struggle for truth and the restoration of justice. The Saint renders special help to weak and innocently slandered people. According to the legend, he was sent by Jesus to free people from a terrible scourge. Believers turned to God with prayers for protection when it was necessary to sacrifice babies to the terrible Serpent. Saint George won, and since then any prayer to him carries a unique protection from enemies.

    The miraculous image of the Saint is represented on horseback with a spear in his hands. A small icon, if you carry it with you every day, protects you from evil tongues and enemies at work. It is believed that it relieves obsessive fears and protects against any dangers. The prayer goes like this:

    "Great Savior, Saint George, the True Victorious. Turn your eyes from heaven and teach to be strong. Prompt and direct how to act in a relentless struggle. Help to win and not destroy faith and hope. Let all the troubles at work bypass, let the authorities not embittered, and colleagues do not shy away. If you are destined to be defeated, may the Almighty forgive. Be your will, Amen. "

    A true prayer for help must be pronounced subject to certain requirements:

    • You should never wish evil on your enemies in response to their negativity. If ill-wishers are known, it is better to pray for their health.
    • When reading a prayer in the temple, George the Victorious must be sure to light candles for the health of his enemies and envious people at work. This action forms a kind of shield from negative influences.
    • One cannot even mentally pronounce the word "enemy", only the name is mentioned.

    Orthodoxy focuses on the fact that prayer is important not to punish another, but first of all to rid oneself of negativity and evil. Prayers and candles for the health of people who wish bad things help neutralize their influence on the fate and health of the believer. The prayer word acts quickly enough, and if the hostile boss does not change his attitude, events will occur in his life that will divert attention from the person asking for protection.

We all understand what a contagious disease is. And we try not to go where we see the spread of some kind of infection. Prudence says: you will get infected. However, while acting prudently in the physical realm, very often we act recklessly in the spiritual realm.

A person with evil thoughts is a source of spiritual infection. He is sick with a kind of spiritual flu and can re-infect many. When we communicate with those who condemn and slander someone, we very often sit and agree. At the very least, we remain silent. But we do not block the mouth of another person. Interviews with people who are crafty and evil in their thoughts inevitably end in spiritual infection.

We need to remember the patristic teaching that the grace of God is removed from a person who carries within himself evil thoughts and condemnation. Bitter and sweet water do not flow from the same fountain (James 3:11). You and I remember that bad associations corrupt morals, that you will be with the reverend reverend, you will be depraved with the obstinate(Ps. 17:26).

Therefore, we should shun people who have murmuring, perverted, crafty thoughts. How to do it? In practical terms, this is quite easy.

First degree - do not participate in condemnation and grumbling. Are you unable to leave? Do you have a close relative or boss in front of you? Circumstances require your presence? Let it be so, but you can always not participate in an evil conversation.

Second Degree - Try Gently stop this thread:"Let's not talk to you on this topic", "Let's refrain from slandering our neighbor."

The third degree - when you feel that you are not able to bear the evil that others say, you can withdraw unnoticed. Under some pretext to go to another room, interrupt the conversation, referring to some business.

If you know behind a person that he constantly condemns others, gets angry, gossips, stay away from him. Because just as it is impossible not to get dirty in the midst of solid pitch, so it is impossible not to get dirty spiritually among people who censure and slander their neighbors.

But how can we be healed if we are already infected with angry thoughts? As the Holy Fathers teach, the cure for the irritable part of the soul is love. We can transform all the evil that we heard about a person and accepted into our hearts into love for him. Having realized it, we can show love for our neighbor, pray for him: “Help him,

God". Or - suddenly the Lord provides an opportunity to do good to this person.

So, our first instruction is to avoid those who speak evil. And the second - if we are infected, to heal - to transform our evil thoughts into good thoughts, pray for a person about whom evil is spreading, and render him all kinds of good.

Avoid quarrels with superiors, subordinates and peers

Quarrels and strife indicate, first of all, on human madness, on the clouding of the mind between the disputing parties and the absence of peace between the parties to the dispute.

Therefore disputes and contentions are of three kinds. These are disputes and bickering between subordinates in relation to superiors, discords sown by superiors in relation to their subordinates, and disputes that flare up in teams, in families and in general in any communities, between equal people.

When an employee argues with a boss, it is disobedience. There is no power other than from God. Our Lord Jesus Christ, through this leader, tries to reason with His subordinates. What is required? Listen to the leader and try to act in a way that does not cause criticism in relation to yourself. And every boss is a servant of God, no matter what he is. According to Senka and a hat. What kind of subordinates - the Lord sends such a boss. Therefore, laughing at the boss, people laugh at themselves. They slander themselves because they do not understand that the Lord puts before them a mirror in the face of their leader, showing their vices and shortcomings. From a subordinate, only one thing is always required - with humility to do at work what is due to him. To say: “Lord, Thy will, what I was commanded, then I must fulfill, I accept this not as a simple instruction, but as obedience to You.” And then everything falls into place.

The other plane is attitude of the boss towards his subordinates. It happens that a subordinate is constantly trying to prove something, to have his own opinion and to become one step with his boss. It is clear that such a co-worker violates the hierarchy of God. How prudent to act as a leader in this case? Simply do not impose your point of view, but calmly seek the fulfillment of what is due in the service. If you demand that this subordinate do something more than that, you can either sow anger or hatred, especially in your soul, or cause discord and quarrel.

A much more difficult situation is when a quarrel, a scandal, some kind of discord between equal people. As equals, they can express all kinds of barbs and insults; a chain reaction begins, and the spirit of the devil descends into one or another collective. Someone has to stop this. Let us remember how prudently St. Silouan of Athos acted. Most of the time he was silent and listened to what was being said. As a rule, we try to participate in all the word disputes that arise around us. It usually starts out harmlessly enough. The topic raised can be about anything - the state of the country, political authorities, wages, medicine - but our pride very often leads to the fact that we try to insist on our opinion. It must be remembered - if the spirit of contentiousness lives in you, this indicates a secret pride. The man is humble avoid any dispute and will give the disputant the right of primacy, if this is not of a fundamental nature. He will say: “Let it be as you say, as you see fit.” Unless, of course, the case does not concern the protection of the neighbor or the weak, when a person can and should raise his voice in his defense.

If we do not avoid disputes, clarifying relationships, discussing controversial topics, then we will definitely commit a sin, even a few sins. First, we will commit violence against another person - our interlocutor. Secondly, if we express our opinion for the second and third time, we can at this moment fall into irritation and anger. The Holy Fathers tell us the following: when you expressed one opinion twice and twice it was not accepted, shut your mouth and speak no more. Because this is followed by anger, irritation, annoyance and yours, and the one who wants to refute what was said. Your victory will be pyrrhic, it will bring nothing but the destruction of the heart, the devastation of the soul and discord with the person before whom we have achieved primacy.

Therefore, dear ones, if you want to save your soul so that it is not devastated, I give you this advice: in no case do not enter into any kind of disputes, by all means avoid both them and those people who are a source of contention. Of course, the devil will be dissatisfied, he will immediately begin to prick like needles: “Why are you silent? Why don't you speak your mind?" - “Don’t, - say, - I’m a small person, I don’t understand these things, you are educated people, argue without me, and somehow I will realize later and say something.” But pride rises in us, we want to show our mind, our education, to put the last point in the dispute. And we are entering it. And they listen to us and say: “Well, you stay with your opinion, now listen to what we will tell you.” And the demonic skirmish rolls on. Thus, a healthy climate in collectives is destroyed, people turn from friends into enemies, and all kinds of discord arise.

In spiritual terms, the disobedience of the younger to the elder in the spiritual world is called disobedience. To heal this spiritual illness, the younger must tell the older three words of humility: "Forgive, bless and pray (for me)." AT In the relation of the elder to the younger, it is necessary that the elder does not mock the younger, but prays for him, so that the Lord gives the spirit of peace, like-mindedness, mutual understanding and covered infirmities junior. And between people equal should reign compliance.

One of the ancient patericons gives us an example of righteous contention between spiritual people. Two brothers in the monastery could never quarrel in their entire lives. And in the end they decided: they say, something we live in peace, let's quarrel at least a little, in order to repent later, to ask for forgiveness from each other. They chose the topic: you will say that this jug is yours, and I will say that it is mine, and through this we will quarrel. Here the first one says: "This jug is mine." And the second says: "Mine." The first one repeats: “This jug is still mine.” And the second: "Well, if you think it's yours, let it be yours." This ended the dispute, and no quarrel happened. When a person makes this dispensation of spiritual compliance, everything falls into place. A prudent person should in every possible way avoid a contentious spirit: “Let it be your way. I give way you, but not I will seduce you. Thus, perhaps, humiliating myself, I will extinguish the quarrel that is beginning. I will accept your opinion or maybe not, because I know how things really are - but I will not act in such a way that you stumble over me.

I know that this is difficult for many, but I advise you to work on yourself, work hard, and try to develop such an inner disposition. From a person, I repeat once again, who argues, quarrels, the spirit of God moves away, does not stay with him, and another spirit approaches him, the spirit of malice, which takes possession of his heart and soul. Avoid quarrels and strife, my dear ones, and protect yourself from this spiritual contagion.

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