Types of nuts. What types of nuts are there? What types of symmetries are there in walnuts?

Nuts are a very tasty and nutritious product that has a beneficial effect on all human life systems. However, this product today is expensive enough that absolutely everyone can afford to eat it in sufficient quantities. There is a wide variety of this product, so you need to know what kind of nuts there are and what benefits you can get from them.

Nuts are a very healthy product. It contains more calories than our everyday foods: apples, chocolate, wheat bread, etc. There are 520 kcal per 100 grams.

Nuts contain a lot of proteins, carbohydrates and fats, which the body needs to maintain normal metabolism. The product contains various groups of vitamins, minerals and trace elements, amino acids, glucose, and spices. Their composition depends on the variety of nuts that grow in different latitudes.

When consuming nuts in large quantities, signs of an allergy may appear, so they should be eaten in moderation. The fruits are collected from both trees and bushes.

Almost all omnivorous animals feed on them, since this product contains the necessary substances to maintain the body in good shape.

Nuts can be stored for a long time in a dry place. They can lie in the ground for quite a long time and germinate over time, if favorable conditions arise for this. Nowadays this product is mainly used in confectionery products as a filling or decoration.

Video “Views”

From the video you will learn what types and varieties of nuts there are.


Nuts in general have a good effect on the human body. A large amount of calories allows you to quickly make up for their deficiency by eating a small handful of peanuts or almonds.

There are few carbohydrates in this product, so it is an excellent help for overweight people. Nuts contain about 70% fat. Only in this case we are not talking about the usual fat, which enters our digestive system along with meat, but vegetable fat. They do not contain cholesterol, but only special fatty acids that help normalize metabolism in the body, do not clog the bile ducts, and do not increase the load on the enzymatic organs (liver, pancreas).

Almost all varieties of nuts contain vitamin E, which is necessary for humans to actively break down fat. Vitamin E also prevents the formation of cholesterol deposits and blood clots.

The nut has a positive effect on the circulatory system, thinning the blood and maintaining the elasticity of blood vessels. It contains vitamins A, B, and P. For obesity, nutritionists recommend eating 30-40 grams of almonds per day.

Compared to meat or most vegetables, nuts contain 2-3 times more vitamins and minerals. Of course, you can’t eat half a kilogram of them, but per 100 grams of weight this product is richer in nutrients.

The composition contains calcium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, potassium, which are needed for all vital systems of human life. The functioning of the heart, digestion, nervous and musculoskeletal systems improves. Amino acids have a positive effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

It must be remembered that most of the nutrients and beneficial properties are lost after heat treatment of the product.

All types of nuts are healthy in a certain dosage, unless people have contraindications to their consumption (for example, a peanut allergy).


In nature, there are many different types of plants, the use of which can affect the human body both positively and unfavorably.

Let's talk in more detail about the most popular types of nuts that are eaten. You can usually buy them in large supermarkets where they have a good selection.


Peanuts are high in proteins, vegetable fats, vitamin E and folic acid. It is considered a leguminous plant. The entire fruit is covered with a dense shell, where the peanuts themselves ripen. You can eat it to prevent many serious diseases: gastritis and ulcers, ischemia, diabetes, cancer pathologies and immune system disorders.

Sometimes you can see pots of flowering peanuts on people's windowsills; they bloom beautifully.

Pine nut

One of the best varieties is pine nut. It has many beneficial properties that have a beneficial effect on the human body. Useful for pregnant women.


This is a good choice for those who adhere to proper nutrition and who do not want to get excess carbohydrates from food. These nuts are rich in nutrients without starch. This variety is rich in vegetable fats. Almonds contain a large number of substances that help the heart function. It is believed that it is best to consume raw almonds; they contain much more vitamins.


Cashews have a dense shell, which is removed by heat treatment. It is better to give preference to dried fruits. They can be stored for quite a long time if placed in a separate airtight container.


Pistachios grow in a strong shell. When it opens slightly, it means the fruits are ripe. The nut itself is green, the greener it is, the tastier it is.
Contains a lot of vitamin E and B. It is not recommended for use by people who have a tendency to allergies of various kinds.


Walnut is the most common in our country. Rich in various nutrients and microelements. It has a positive effect on the male reproductive system, being considered a natural aphrodisiac.


Hazelnuts are completely covered with a strong, thick shell, in which they ripen. When the fruit begins to rattle, it means that it is ripe and can be eaten. Contains vegetable fats, fiber, folic acid. Suitable for pregnant women, as it does not contain complex compounds or enzymes.


This name is quite rare. By consuming macadamia in small quantities, you can help your body with cholesterol. The composition contains zinc, thiamine, potassium, iron, magnesium.


Pecans are considered to contain the highest amount of fat. It is thanks to this that this variety saturates our body very quickly. It has long been assumed that it is a good source of energy and saturates the body well. This is due to the high fat content. Of course, pecans are rich in vitamins, minerals and amino acids.

There is another unusual variety that we can’t help but talk about – gray walnut. Gray walnut is a long-livers, capable of growing for more than 300 years. The fruits will begin to appear 10 years after germination. The gray nut has tasty and buttery kernels when the outer shell is peeled. Gray walnut is also called Manchurian. Gray walnut got its name because of the color of the branches, not the fruits.

Video “Useful properties”

From the video you will learn about the benefits of nutritious nuts.

Walnut is one of the oldest food products. Mentions of him are found in epics, legends and myths of all cultures of the world. The product also occupies a special place in Slavic folklore. Our ancestors also noted its special nutritional properties. This product is stored for quite a long time, and for many centuries it has been used as a preparation for the winter. There are many types of nuts that differ from each other in size, shape, taste and growing environment.

Product Definition

Nuts are the fruits of shrubs or trees. They are a box that consists of an edible core and a shell - the shell.

According to botanical definition, a nut is an unopened fruit with a pericarp, inside which is a seed or kernel.

There is a whole family of plants - nuts. However, the crops only look like nuts, but are not biologically nuts.

There is also a whole family of nuts that look like nuts, but, from a botanical point of view, they are not. Popular nuts(types and names):

  • Nuts - walnuts, Manchurian, black, bitter nuts, hazelnuts;
  • Birch - hazelnuts, hazel, Turkish walnut;
  • Beech trees - plane tree, chestnut, acorn.

There are many other varieties, among them earthen and. It is noteworthy that it is the fruit and seed of plants.

Classification and features

There are hundreds of varieties of nuts, but there are several dozen that are edible and used for food. It is worth highlighting the most popular species that humanity cultivates industrially. These nuts can be found on store shelves:

  • Peanut, or . The plant is a legume. This is a high-calorie product containing a large amount of useful substances, for example, antioxidants, vitamins, acids. The product was widely used in the United States during World War II as a solution to food problems. Currently, peanuts are used to make desserts, snacks and first courses.
  • Brazilian nut. The product is less popular than peanuts, but it is worth paying attention to its beneficial properties. The product contains a lot of fat, but this minus is compensated for by vitamins A and B, microelements (selenium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus). Brazil nut is a strong aphrodisiac. Useful for children for growth and proper development. It is believed that two nucleoli per day will replenish the supply of micro- and macroelements in the body.
  • The water chestnut is an annual plant that grows mainly along the banks of rivers and lakes. The bush is attached to the bottom with the help of last year's fruits. Often the current carries it to the shore, where it continues to develop. All parts of the plant are used as a traditional medicine in the treatment of the urinary system, dyspepsia, allergies and gallbladder diseases.
  • Walnut is very popular in the southern regions of Russia and Greece. The kernels are used for cooking (meat dishes, desserts and sauces). The product is rich in fats, acids, vitamins and microelements. Green fruits contain large amounts of iodine. It is recommended for use in cases of weak immunity, anemia, as well as in lactating and pregnant women.
  • Hazelnut. It is a shrubby plant that grows both in the wild and in the garden. Hazelnuts are good for the body, just like other types of nuts. All possible diseases of the central nervous system, stabilization of metabolic processes, increased immunity are only part of the body's problems that the kernels of this fruit will help to cope with. It is widely used in cooking as an additional ingredient for preparing dishes.
  • Chestnut is not a nut, but due to its nutritional value it is still considered one. There are many varieties, but only large, sweet chestnuts are eaten. In the culture of many countries, fried fruits have become a traditional Christmas dish.
  • Pine nuts. One of the healthiest products. It contains many useful substances. Moreover, cedar is a panacea for many diseases. In folk medicine, not only nuts are used, but also pine needles, shells, bark, and resin. They say that the famous Siberian health owes its strength to this coniferous plant. Based on the kernels and shells of nuts, infusions and teas are made that have miraculous properties. Used for preparing salads, main courses and drinks.
  • Cashew nuts. This is a product that has relatively recently entered our lives. However, thanks to its taste, it won love. The product contains a small amount of fat, but is rich in carbohydrates and mineral compounds. This allows it to be used in dietary nutrition.
  • Pecan is a large nut. With regular use, the activity of the cardiovascular system is stabilized. It is extremely rich in protein, so it is recommended for use in the diet menu. Unsaturated fatty acids displace “bad cholesterol”.
  • Pistachios. Nuts perfectly satisfy the feeling of hunger. The product contains amino acids, mineral compounds of iron, potassium, calcium, magnesium. Snacks, first and second courses, and desserts, including marzipan, are made from pistachios.
  • Macadamia nuts are large white nuts. They grow on relict trees and mature in about 7-8 months. This is a rather expensive product, which is also used in folk medicine.

Pecan is a deciduous tree of North American origin, which can also sometimes be found in Asia, and even in the Crimea. Its fruit is a nut, similar in shape to a walnut, and is its direct relative. Unlike its brother, pecans have a smooth, elongated shell that hardens and cracks when ripe. Its taste is softer, more delicate, does not carry a hint of bitterness, and the shell does not contain partitions inside that complicate the extraction of the fruit.

This chocolate-flavored nut is not only an excellent alternative to animal proteins, but also contains many more nutrients. The content of fatty acids in these fruits allows us to consider it as a recommended food product for all heart patients.

The first people to appreciate the pleasant taste and satiety of these nuts were the American Indians. Even before the discovery of the mainland by Columbus, pecans played a vital role in their food. They also made milk from them, which was considered healing and endowed with the ability to strengthen the body and restore strength. The fruits were kept in reserve in case there was no game or fishing ponds nearby, and were used as currency. The trees themselves were planted by the tribes wherever their camps roamed.

Their legacy has reached us, leaving a large number of places where pecans grow. It is most widespread in the southern and eastern United States. However, trees have also taken root well in the Caucasus, Crimea, Australia and Central Asia. The general requirements for their growth are humidity and hot air.

Nut value

These chocolate nuts contain more sugar than any other, and are also the highest in calories. 200 grams of pecans contain about 1,750 calories, thereby accounting for half of a person's daily needs.

One hundred grams of product contain:

  • 70% fat;
  • 11% proteins;
  • 14% carbohydrates;
  • 14% sugars;
  • 0.50 g starch;
  • vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B9, C, E;
  • 121 mg magnesium, 70 mg calcium, 277 mg phosphorus, 410 mg sodium, 2.5 mg iron, 4.5 mg zinc, 1.20 mg copper, 4.5 mg manganese, 3.8 mg selenium.

Beneficial features

Chocolate pecans are known for their antioxidant properties. Scientists have found that a type of vitamin E found in pecans helps slow the growth of tumors. The phytosterols contained in the kernels can reduce cholesterol levels in the body and reduce the risk of coronary and varicose veins. Recommends consuming nuts for anemia and vitamin deficiency. In addition, they improve the functioning of the reproductive and hormonal systems and help get rid of fatigue.

By cold pressing, an oil is obtained from the kernels, which has the same medicinal properties as the nuts themselves, but with a higher level of concentration. The resulting liquid is very similar to olive oil and is characterized by a golden color. Taking the oil internally relieves migraines, cures colds, improves appetite and restores strength.

Pecan oil is also credited with the ability to slow down the aging of the body and restore impaired immunity. External application allows you to get rid of bites, irritations, bruises and fungus on the skin. It is also useful for treating burns.

Harm and contraindications

While savoring a chocolate nut, it is very important not to forget about precautions. Eating more than 100 grams of pecans at a time can easily cause serious digestive problems. The high fat content in nuts can lead to intestinal disorders. People suffering from allergies should also refrain from using it.

Without the shell, the fruits spoil very quickly and acquire a bitter taste; they cannot be eaten, so the nuts should be stored unshelled. In this state, they can not spoil for up to six months at cool air temperatures.


Pecans are usually eaten raw, roasted or dried. It is often a flavor added to baked goods, delicacies, and even the base for spirits. Sometimes, as several centuries ago, milk is made from these nuts by grinding them and mixing them with water.

Pecan kernel oil is often used as a salad dressing and an ingredient in sauces. In America, pies baked with chopped nuts are an important part of any holiday feast.


Growing pecans is best done in warm climates, taking into account the heat-loving nature of this tree. The soil must be chosen fertile and moist, but without stagnant water.

The first couple of years the plant practically does not change in growth, then it accelerates. Flowering usually occurs towards the end of spring - beginning of summer, and the fruits ripen in mid-autumn. The yield of nuts is small in the first decades, but increases every year. The plant is usually propagated by cuttings and grafting, that is, vegetatively.

Pecans: Video

You should eat nuts because they: a) are delicious and b) boast an incredible concentration of vitamins and minerals. In this article we talk about nuts that you most likely have never heard of.


Let's start with one of the most expensive nuts with a melodious name - macadamia. In Australia, at home, a kilogram will cost $30, but when they come to Europe they are already more expensive – $60. In addition to taste and nutritional value, the price of the nut is determined by the difficulty of growing (constant hurricane winds from the ocean), the difficulty of extracting the nut from a strong shell, as well as the small number of plantations.

The tree begins to bear fruit at the age of 10, but produces fresh nuts for up to 100 years. The taste is moderately sweet, some compare macadamia with cashews, others with hazelnuts.

Mullimbimby (one of the local names) has long been used in the Aboriginal diet and was valued as a particularly nutritious product. 100 g contains 718 calories! And also 76 g of fat, 368 mg of potassium, 14 g of carbohydrates, 8 g of protein. Essential oil, vitamins B and PP - all this makes macadamia one of the most valuable nuts for humans.

Despite their calorie content, nuts promote weight loss because they remove cholesterol from the body. The substances contained in macadamia help normalize the functioning of the cardiovascular system and internal organs. This nut can be eaten roasted or as an additive to any dish.

But be careful - macadamia nuts are poisonous to dogs!


Yes, yes, the familiar chestnut that children love to play with. Well, to be honest, not exactly the same: most often we see horse chestnut, but it is not edible. But the second type - noble chestnut - is readily consumed in the diet. In France it is a national delicacy.

154 calories, 14 mg of sodium, 329 mg of potassium, 2.25 g of protein and 0.53 g of fat - this is the composition of the chestnut. And of course vitamins B6, C, thiamine, minerals iron, magnesium, zinc, phosphorus and others.

Chestnut contains a lot of tannins, which limits the raw consumption of nuts. Chestnuts are best eaten baked: they crack slightly and create a wonderful aroma. In addition to direct consumption, chestnuts can be crushed as a spice. The nut has a sweet and slightly starchy taste.

Kola nut

In West Africa, cola trees are actively cultivated, reaching a height of 20 meters. Nuts grow in “boxes”, each of which contains 5-6 nuts. Opening a nut is not so easy - they either have to break when dropped, or they are soaked to soften them. The price of cola is quite high, and local tribes used the nuts as money in the past (and even today).

The composition contains starch, cellulose, protein, tannins, essential oils and caffeine. The nut has powerful tonic properties. The properties of cola are somewhat reminiscent of alcohol - this makes the nut popular in Muslim countries where alcohol is prohibited.

After cleaning and drying, the nuts can be eaten. In Africa, nuts are eaten as an aperitif before the main meal.

By the way, kola nut extract is used in the Coca-Cola drink.

Kukui nut

A tree native to Panama gives us the little-known “candle tree nuts.” With 620 calories per 100 grams, kukui is one of the most nutritious foods on the planet.

Nuts are rich in protein, carbohydrates, fats, as well as calcium and iron. Kukui strengthens teeth and prevents anemia and bone destruction.

Eating raw kukui nuts is unacceptable - they are toxic. But after careful heat treatment they resemble macadamia. They are used as spices and as a complete product.


Unusual nuts that taste like cookies with a vanilla-chocolate flavor. In North America, pecans are an integral part of the Indian diet. They even make “milk” from the nuts: the finely ground mass is mixed with water until a milky white liquid forms.

The tree bears fruit for 300 years.

It is best to eat pecans immediately after shelling, as the nuts spoil very quickly after shelling.

Pecans are high in calories and boast 70% fat content. In addition, it contains a lot of iron, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium and zinc.

Helps with vitamin deficiency, fatigue and lack of appetite.

water chestnut

A plant with a scary name has a very peculiar appearance. It develops for a year, after which the dead “drupe” sinks to the bottom and becomes an “anchor” for the shoot, which will form the next year. The plant is attached to the bottom and emerges to the surface of the reservoir in a strange shape with 4 horned appendages. Often it comes off the bottom and floats freely.

Inside the “drupe” there is a white mass. It is incredibly rich in carbohydrates, phenolic compounds, flavonoids, and triterpenoids. Tannins, nitrogenous compounds and vitamins are also present.

You can eat it raw, boiled in water with salt, or baked in ash.

Pine nuts

The incredibly picturesque Mediterranean pine tree reaches a height of 30 meters and lives up to 500 years. The abundantly growing cones are filled with dark seeds (nuts). Small seeds, up to 2 cm, are covered with a thick shell and a coloring pigment. Therefore, the hands of harvesters are usually colored dark brown.

Shelled nuts are not stored for more than two weeks. Fats oxidize and nuts become bitter.

630 calories, 11 g of protein, 61 g of fat, 9 g of carbohydrates, ash, water - and all this per 100 grams of nuts. The benefits of nuts were first described by the medieval Persian scientist Avicenna.

Pinia is widely used in spice mixtures for French and Italian cuisines. Nuts are especially piquant in confectionery products.


A light-loving plant from South Africa begins to bear fruit only at the age of 25, and lives on average 70 years. Growing in the desert, the tree has adapted to preserving the nutritional properties of its fruits: the nuts fall to the ground green and can be stored for up to eight months without loss of nutritional value.

Mongongo is steamed after harvesting. As a result, the pulp peels off from the peel and becomes available for consumption. The delicate flavor is reminiscent of toffee and cashew nuts. Widely used in cooking for decoration.

Black Walnut

An American relative of the walnut. A very beautiful fruit that even grows in the south of Russia. The plant serves as a real treasury of useful substances: the leaves contain a huge amount of minerals, the nut shell concentrates vitamin C, A and quinones, sugar, and the kernel consists of 75% polysaturated acids. In addition, the nut contains many rare elements such as cobalt, selenium, phosphorus and manganese.

Black walnut is used to make tinctures and jam. The fruits are added to salads and other recipes. It can be consumed both raw and cooked.

Canarium philippines

And we’ll finish with the exotic – canarium nuts, which are also called pili. They are native to the Philippines and the Pacific Islands. Oblong, similar to an elongated plum, the nuts have dense pulp and have a special astringent taste.

If you try them raw, you will remember the taste of pumpkin seeds. When fried, the aroma and taste are transformed into something similar to almonds. Nuts are added everywhere: to confectionery and chocolate, baked goods and hot dishes. Raw nuts are used to make healthy oil.

The nut is very high in calories - 719 per 100 grams! Fat 79.6 grams, protein almost 11 grams. It contains many vitamins, including A, B, C, PP. There is also manganese, potassium, iron, sodium.

In the end, I would like to add that not many nuts grow in Russia. And of those listed in the article, practically none of the species are found. However, this does not mean that you cannot find the nut you are interested in in the store. Enjoy the shopping!

Dmitry Shevko

Walnut is a plant known to us since ancient times. Even in the Middle Ages, it was considered an essential food due to its nutritional value and calorie content. What are they? Do they have any contraindications? You will find answers to all these questions in the article.

Varieties of nuts

In the modern world, nuts are as popular as they were in the Middle Ages. And given their diversity, even the most picky person will be able to find something to suit their taste.

So, what kinds of nuts are there? Today there are many varieties of them. They are as follows:

  • Peanut.
  • Gretsky.
  • Cashew nuts.
  • Water.
  • Chestnut.
  • Cedar.
  • Coconut.
  • Cola.
  • Macadamia.
  • Almond.
  • Nutmeg.
  • Pecan.
  • Pinii.
  • Pistachios.
  • Hazelnut.

These are the types of nuts. Walnut is especially popular in our country because it is quite easy to get and has a low cost. The nuts, the names of which we listed above, bring both benefit and harm. This will be discussed further.

benefit and harm

Peanut is a short, annual herbaceous plant that belongs to the legume family. It grows in countries where a warm and humid climate prevails.

Peanuts are nuts, the benefits and harms of which have been studied for a very long time. What can you say about them, other than that they are delicious? are that it contains a huge amount of unique amino acids and vitamins (A, B1, B2, D, E, PP). There are also lionic and folic acids, fats obtained from plants.

Peanuts contain 35% protein and approximately 50% fat; there is no cholesterol.

Due to the optimal ratio of amino acids in peanut proteins, they are well absorbed, and fats can have a slight choleretic effect on the body, which significantly helps in the presence of stomach ulcers or gastritis. In addition, regular consumption of peanuts improves memory, hearing, vision, and increases potency in men. And the folic acid contained in peanuts promotes cell renewal.

It has been noted that in America, doctors prescribe peanuts to people who have problems with the nervous system, insomnia or constant loss of strength.

But despite the apparent benefits, peanuts can also cause harm.

As a rule, eating raw peanuts leads to problems with the digestive system. In addition, its peel is one of the strongest allergens, so this type of nut is best eaten roasted.

It is strictly forbidden to eat peanuts for diseases such as gout, arthrosis and arthritis.

Since peanuts are quite high in calories, their excessive consumption is fraught with problems with excess weight.

Even if a person only eats roasted peanuts, it is very important to store them properly. In places with excess humidity, it can become covered with a fungus, which, when entering the body, causes significant damage to internal organs.

The benefits and harms of walnuts

Walnut is a tree from the nut family, reaches a height of 4 to 25 meters, the trunk diameter is about 1.5 meters.

Each part of this tree has a whole list of useful microelements:

  • the bark contains triterpinoids, steroids, tannins and vitamin C;
  • leaves contain essential oils, alkaloids, vitamins PP and C, aromatic hydrocarbons and much more;
  • pericarp - carotene, tannins, vitamin C and much more.

A distinctive feature of walnuts is that, despite the presence of a large amount of fat in their composition, they help to significantly reduce the level of cholesterol in the blood. Several years ago this was even confirmed by American scientists.

Walnuts are very high in calories - 654 kcal, which is two times more than the calorie content of premium wheat bread.

Walnut decoctions have antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. Therefore, in case of abrasions and scratches, it is recommended to make lotions from this infusion.

Nuts, the names of which you know so well, may not be entirely beneficial for the body. Among the harmful properties of walnuts, the following can be noted:

  • the product contains a lot of vegetable protein, which is not only poorly absorbed by the human body, but also causes an allergic reaction;
  • The consumption of this type of nut is contraindicated for people with psoriasis or eczema, since the substances contained in the product can contribute to the exacerbation of diseases;
  • You should not eat more than 100 grams of nuts during the day, since their excessive consumption can cause swelling of the larynx, inflammation of the tonsils and migraines.

Benefits and harms of hazelnuts

Hazelnut is a nut obtained from hazel or Lombard. That is, hazelnut and hazelnut are one and the same thing. Its main area of ​​use is confectionery.

Hazelnuts contain even more calories than walnuts - about 700. If we draw an analogy with other products, then this is 8 times more than milk. This nut contains acids that lower cholesterol levels in the blood and reduce the likelihood of vascular diseases.

In addition, Lombardy nut includes a large amount of vegetable protein, B vitamins, as well as C and E, and many minerals - potassium, iron, calcium, zinc and others.

This nut is indispensable for preventing cancer, heart and vascular problems. It is also worth noting that with regular consumption of hazelnuts, male strength increases significantly. And the high calcium content in this nut helps strengthen human bones.

Among the negative effects of hazelnuts on the human body, the following stands out:

  • It is forbidden to give to children with various types of liver diseases and diabetes, since an exacerbation of the disease may occur;
  • is a strong allergen;
  • If you consume more than 50 grams of hazelnuts per day, a migraine may occur.

It is imperative to buy hazelnuts with shells, as they allow the nut to retain its beneficial properties for a longer time.

The benefits and harms of eating almonds

Almond is a small tree that belongs to the Plum family. For many years, there have been disputes among gardeners regarding the identity of almonds; some claim that it is a nut, while others classify it as a stone fruit. In appearance, peanuts and almonds are not at all similar, as many claim. The latter very much resembles a peach pit. Peanuts are smooth and more regular in shape.

Almonds contain a large number of different minerals and vitamins, including vitamin E, which has a strong effect on blood lipids. In addition, this type of nut is an excellent substitute for animal protein. Widely used in folk medicine to detect problems with the kidneys and digestive system.

The combination of almonds and sugar helps improve memory and cleanse internal organs. In addition, this combination is used to treat ailments such as insomnia, cough, and anemia.

Quite often, almonds are prescribed in the diet for intestinal problems (walnuts also cope well with some problems, such as constipation).

Among the harmful factors of this nut are the following:

  • high calorie content - prohibited for overweight people;
  • it has a direct effect on the cardiovascular system, so people who have this kind of problem should avoid this product;
  • Raw almonds contain hydrocyanic acid, which is toxic to the human body.

Positive and negative effects of pine nuts on the human body

Pine nuts are small pale yellow grains that are found in cones growing on cedar pine trees.

This nut contains a huge amount of vitamins, minerals and trace elements. According to information received from scientists, 100 grams of pine nuts contain the daily dose of manganese, copper, and zinc necessary for the body.

Pine nuts are simply an irreplaceable thing for those who have switched to vegetarian food, since its consumption provides the body with all the missing protein.

It is strictly forbidden to buy peeled ones because they may contain a fungus dangerous to human health.

It has been noted that after eating these nuts, a large number of people feel bitterness in their mouths.

Benefits and harms of pistachios

Pistachio is an evergreen tree from the sumac family.

It is a high-calorie variety of nuts and contains a large amount of minerals and vitamins.

Recommended for use as an astringent. Decoctions of these nuts are widely used for external use, namely in the form of compresses for burns and weeping ulcers. It has been noted that tinctures and decoctions from this tree help even with diseases such as tuberculosis and pneumonia.

It is strictly prohibited for women to use during lactation. In addition, pistachios should be avoided if you have hypertension, kidney failure, or a tendency to edema.

Beneficial and harmful properties of pecans

Pecan is the closest relative of the walnut. Their taste is quite similar, but pecan is softer and more delicate.

One of the most high-calorie foods, approximately 200 grams contains about 1700 kcal, which exceeds the daily requirement.

The benefit of this nut is that if consumed regularly, it can prevent the growth of cancer cells.

It is a strong allergen, so children are generally prohibited from consuming this nut. If you eat this product in large quantities, you may experience digestive problems.

Benefits and harm to the body from cola

Cola is a nut that grows on an evergreen tree of the Steculiaceae species.

This product effectively reduces blood pressure. And decoctions from it help with hepatitis and rheumatism.

Excessive consumption of cola can cause stomach problems, heartburn, vomiting and nausea.

Now you know what nuts are, their benefits and harm to the body. Be healthy.

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