Clostilbegyt: ovulation stimulation. An effective method of combating infertility is ovulation stimulation with Clostilbegit

There are quite a lot of drugs that stimulate ovulation, but only a specialist can choose the right one and describe the regimen for its administration. Walkthrough drug therapy- this is only half the battle. It is important to monitor the growth of follicles and try to conceive a child in time. In this article, we will look at how to properly stimulate ovulation with Clostilbegit, Duphaston, Gonal-F, Letrozole, Menopur, Puregon, Femara, and others. However, such treatment requires prior medical consultation.

What if ovulation is irregular or does not occur at all? You can create it artificially by taking Klostilbegit. It is also prescribed for, as well as in cases where pregnancy for a long time does not occur for unknown reasons. This drug, among other things, increases the concentration of prolactin.

The action of Clostilbegit is aimed at increasing the level of hormones that stimulate the ovaries and contribute to the onset of ovulation. His active substance triggers the production of hormones by the pituitary gland. The duration of therapy is five days. To restore fertility, as a rule, 1-2 stimulated cycles are enough.

Unfortunately, Clostilbegit stimulation is allowed to be done 5-6 times throughout life. This is due to the fact that its active substance, if used irrationally, can provoke the strongest. It should be borne in mind that against the background of taking the medication, there is late ovulation.

Klostilbegit is a drug, the stimulation of ovulation which often leads to such an undesirable phenomenon as a deterioration in the growth of the endometrium. That is, it may happen that conception will occur, but implantation of the embryo will be impossible. For this reason, while taking the medication, it is necessary to monitor the condition of the endometrium.

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Scheme of application of Clostilbegit

How to stimulate ovulation with Klimofen (Klostilbegit)? The drug is taken from the fifth to the ninth days of the cycle. The dosage is calculated individually, and is determined by the body weight of the patient and the characteristics of her menstrual cycle. On the first or second day of use medicinal product A woman needs to undergo an ultrasound examination. This will track the development of follicles and the thickness of the endometrium. If positive dynamics is not found, then you will need to take medications containing estrogen.

The results of Clostilbegit stimulation are monitored throughout the entire period of therapy. If there is no effect, the issue of re-using the drug is decided, while the dosage is increased. IN medical practice commonly used dosage options are as follows:

  • the maximum dose per day at the first stage of therapy is 150 mg;
  • with polycystic ovary syndrome - 50 mg per day;
  • in the case of depleted ovaries - 100 mg per day in combination with estrogens.

To prevent the formation of an epididymal cyst when using the ovulation stimulation scheme with Clomiphene or Clostilbegit, an injection of hCG can be used. After the injection, it is usually possible to get natural ovulation within 1-2 days. If pregnancy has occurred, then injecting progesterone is most often recommended to the patient to maintain function.

The combination of Klostilbegit and Proginov for stimulation

Therapy with Klostilbegit, according to the decision of the doctor, is supplemented by taking Proginova. The composition of the last medication includes the hormone estrogen. Proginova must be taken from days 5 to 21 of the cycle. This will set hormonal balance and to prevent the rapid depletion of the appendages due to the use of Clostilbegit.

Stimulation of ovulation with Puregon

This drug is used to activate the maturation of the egg if conception is planned. naturally or with IVF. The mechanism of action of Puregon is to enhance the production of sex hormones by the pituitary gland and ensure the release of the egg from the ovary.

Menogon (analogue - Menopur) to stimulate ovulation

During the administration of the drug, FSH hormones and LH, as well as increased levels of estrogen in the blood. In addition, Menogon stimulates the growth of follicles in the appendages, and also builds up the endometrium. As a rule, this medication is taken from the second day of the cycle for 1.5 weeks. Stimulation by Menopur is based on the same principles as Menogon, since these drugs have the same active ingredient in their composition.

Stimulation of ovulation by Gonalom-F

Gonal-F is one of the most powerful drugs for stimulation and is used in its absence, PCOS and for other indications. It is prescribed during IVF, which allows you to get several mature follicles at once. Gonal-F is produced in the form of syringe pens and powder ampoules, which must be diluted with saline. The dosage is determined by a specialist. Standard scheme ovulation stimulation drug is as follows:

  • first week of cycle daily rate 75-150 IU;
  • the second week - the dosage is the same as in the first week;
  • third week: in the absence of own ovulation to stimulate it daily dosage increases by about 37.5-75 IU.

The maximum dose of Gonal-F should not exceed 255 IU. Otherwise, the ovaries may develop with the subsequent appearance of cysts and even rupture of the appendage. Total duration therapy is 28-30 days. During this period, the effectiveness of the drug administration is monitored by ultrasound and, at the discretion of the doctor, hCG injection. After the release of the egg from the ovary, the woman is usually recommended the introduction of progesterone.

Other drugs to stimulate ovulation: Duphaston, Letrozole, Actovegin, Dexamethasone


Duphaston is not used to stimulate ovulation, however, its use in courses by some patients can improve hormonal levels and become pregnant. This drug is an artificial progesterone. According to the instructions, Duphaston is taken 1 tablet 2 times a day (preferably at the same time) for infertility - from 14 to 25 days of the cycle, and for irregular periods - from 11 to 25 days of the cycle. Gynecologists often recommend drinking 1 tablet of Duphaston 2 times a day from 16 to 25 days of the cycle.


Stimulation with Letrozole (Femara), in contrast to similar therapy with Clostilbegit, gives a less pronounced antiestrogenic effect. Femara is taken from the third day of the menstrual cycle for five days. The dosages of the drug are different. Most experts recommend drinking 2.5 mg per day, others - 5 mg per day. Stimulation with Letrozole is especially appropriate if Clostilbegit is ineffective or if there are contraindications for therapy with this drug.


Actovegin is a drug that improves tissue metabolism. Sometimes he is assigned to complex therapy stimulation and promotes successful pregnancy even in natural cycle. The use of this medication normalizes blood circulation in the tissues of the uterus, which leads to intensive growth of the endometrium and increases the likelihood of conception.


Dexamethasone is actually a glucocorticosteroid and is recommended for the treatment allergic diseases. In gynecology, when stimulating ovulation, it is used if the patient has adrenal hyperandrogenism. In this case, the dosage of the drug is from 0.125 mg to 0.5 mg. Along the way, 17KS of urine or 17OP and DEA in the blood are necessarily controlled. In combination with Dexamethasone, it is necessary to take medications that improve tissue metabolism, or vitamin and mineral complexes for pregnant women with the obligatory content of folic acid.

If pregnancy does not occur for two or three cycles, then Klimofen or Klostilbegit is stimulated at a dosage of 50 mg from the fifth to the ninth days of the cycle simultaneously with Dexamethasone. After successful conception child, if the patient suffers from increased production of androgens by the adrenal cortex, the use of the drug continues at a dose selected individually (usually not more than 0.5 mg).

Before proceeding with the stimulation of ovulation, it is necessary to examine the woman's sexual partner for infertility. A comprehensive study of the problem of a woman's insufficient fertility should be organized and her state of health should also be assessed. This will reduce the likelihood of developing side effects when using medicines.

What women do not go to in pursuit of happy motherhood! More than half of the fairer sex does not experience any problems with conception. However, there is a group of women who unsuccessfully try to get pregnant, and use all known methods for this. So, some ladies use drugs, while others prefer folk ways and recipes. This article talks about how ovulation stimulation is performed. "Klostilbegit" is a drug that is most often used by physicians for these purposes. Below you can read about the application of the tool and the results obtained.

Ovulation is a natural process in a woman's body.

Before you find out what kind of ovulation stimulation "Klostilbegit" reviews has, you need to say a few words about natural process. Approximately once a month (less often - two or three) maturation occurs female gamete. On a certain day, having reached the desired size, the follicle ruptures and ovulation occurs. releases in abdominal cavity cell completely ready for fertilization. With a timely meeting with the sperm, fertilization occurs and, as a result, pregnancy.

The drug "Klostilbegit": application

This remedy is used when a woman does not ovulate on her own. Also, the medication is prescribed in cases where you need to get several eggs at once (with artificial insemination, donation, and so on).

In addition (if ovulation stimulation is not required), Clostilbegit is prescribed for uterine bleeding of an unknown origin. During amenorrhea, it also makes sense to use this medication. In some diseases (for example, Chiari-Frommel syndrome), the medicine has a positive effect.

Not everyone knows that the drug can be used by men. Of course, in this case, the goal of treatment is not to stimulate ovulation. The drug acts on and helps to improve the quality of sperm.

Are there any contraindications?

This remedy is hormonal. That is why it must be taken with extreme caution. It is worth refusing treatment in the following cases:

  • if there are cysts on the ovaries (their nature is completely unimportant);
  • with malignant tumors in the body;
  • during pregnancy and lactation;
  • with problems with the liver and diseases of the pituitary gland;
  • if there is bleeding from the genital organs of unknown etiology;
  • at hypersensitivity to some constituents.

How does the drug work?

The action of the drug "Klostilbegit" has the following results. After the tablet enters the body, it begins active action. The drug inhibits the production of estrogen and enhances the action due to prostaglandins. Also, the drug increases the amount of luteinizing hormone, due to which the follicle ruptures.

It should be noted that the tool should be used only under the supervision of a specialist. In some cases, doctors do not wait for the moment when the follicle bursts. With the help of a puncture, they take all the mature cells and fertilize them outside the body of the expectant mother.

How is the remedy used?

If you are assigned to stimulate ovulation, "Klostilbegit" must be used in a strictly prescribed dosage. Moreover, in each individual case, the agent may have a different activity.

Most often, the drug is prescribed from 5-7 days of the cycle. Daily dose is 50 milligrams (one tablet). You need to drink the remedy within five days. In this case, ovulation occurs in the period from 11 to 15 days.

If no effect is observed, then next cycle treatment can be repeated. In this case, most often the dosage of the drug is doubled. Remember that with an increase in the number of tablets, you need to carefully monitor the reaction of the ovaries.

Medicine "Klostilbegit": price

Price this tool may vary depending on where you get the pills. It is worth noting that the price of the drug "Klostilbegit" is not cheap. One pack of medicine will cost you about 700-800 rubles. Inside you will find only 10 tablets. This amount may be enough for one or two cycles of stimulation. It all depends on the prescribed dosage.

Special instructions, expert opinions

After Clostilbegit, a drug is often prescribed, which may contain Duphaston tablets, Utrozhestan vaginal capsules, or an injection.

With this treatment, the likelihood of pregnancy increases several times. Also, such a correction allows you to adjust the menstrual cycle and save the patient from constant bleeding.

Results and reviews

So, you know how ovulation is stimulated. "Klostilbegit" has become one of the most popular drugs. It is prescribed more often than any other drugs that have similar action. What do patients say about this remedy?

Most women claim that a positive result was obtained already from the first cycle of treatment. If earlier ovulation did not occur for a long time, then after a few days of taking the pills, follicles began to grow. This became evident during the ultrasound diagnostics.

Pregnancy does not always occur immediately. Many representatives of the weaker sex claim that they had to drink capsules for several months before the long-awaited fertilization. However, the fact that the egg began to come out of the ovary indicates a positive result.

There is a group of women for whom it is not enough to use only one tablet of the drug per day. The hormonal background of such representatives of the weaker sex is especially unstable. Patients say that the result was obtained by increasing the dose.

Also, some women had a not quite expected reaction to taking this remedy. One of the most frequent complications is ovarian hyperstimulation. It manifests itself as follows. During ultrasound examination the specialist detects enlarged ovaries. Also in these bodies there is a large number of follicles. A woman can mark pulling pain on the sides and discomfort in the lower part of the peritoneum. If such a complication occurs, you need to suspend treatment and wait for the moment when the ovaries return to normal. Next, choose alternative way ovulation stimulation.


So, the remedy "Klostilbegit" is one of the most popular and effective in stimulating ovulation. However, you need to remember that you can not prescribe this medicine for yourself. Otherwise, you may face serious complications, up to Know that the pills must be taken under the strict supervision of a specialist who regularly examines you with ultrasound. Also, before starting treatment, you need to pass some tests to determine the condition. hormonal background. Only then, based on the results, you can select the appropriate dosage of the drug. Follow your doctor's orders and stay healthy!

Women who have difficulty conceiving and bearing a fetus modern gynecology offers to help medicines based chorionic gonadotropin human (hCG) and clomiphene. These funds are also integral part technologies of assisted artificial reproduction - methods:

  • ICSI;
  • GIFT;
  • ZIFT.

Stimulation of ovulation

Providing a drug effect on the maturation of the egg is a process that requires special training, functional support and monitoring, compliance with precautionary measures. Drug stimulation of ovulation: the choice of drugs, their dosage and scheme of application - the procedure is extremely responsible and should be performed only under the direct supervision of the attending physician.

The protocol for the procedure of drug stimulation of ovulation is strictly individual for each couple and includes:

  • a schedule indicating the exact time of individual examinations and analyses;
  • the choice of specific drugs, their dosage, scheme and time of use;
  • preferred method of fertilization;
  • graph of ultrasound monitoring of the development of the follicle and the first weeks of embryonic development.


Stimulation of ovulation has a very powerful effect on the ovaries, can be applied no more than 6 times within reproductive period woman's life, therefore it is appointed only in case of its long absence.

For women under the age of 35, such “assistance” is resorted to if, in the absence of overt illnesses, preventing the onset of pregnancy and with regular unprotected sex for more than one year, the couple fails to conceive the fetus naturally. After 35, such a period of time unsuccessful attempts, is reduced to six months.

Stimulation will not positive result if, when choosing a recovery method, the doctor did not exactly establish the reason for the absence of egg maturation. During the above time, you should be careful about measuring and scheduling basal body temperature. It is recommended to take tests to check the hormonal levels several times. It is possible that during the restoration normal ratio estrogen, androgens and progesterone, normalization of hormone levels thyroid gland(T3 and T4) and the pituitary gland (TSH and prolactin), the ovulatory cycle will also fully recover.

The passage of a spermogram by a partner will also be absolutely justified. Even if before the present attempts, he already had children of his own or his previous partners became pregnant, all the same, one should check the "combat readiness" of the sperm at the moment.

Application confirmation

The basis for the auxiliary excitation of the ovaries is the result of ultrasound monitoring, confirming the violation of the development of follicles and corpus luteum. This observation is carried out according to the following schedule - the first study is carried out on the 8-10th day after the end of menstruation, then every 2-3 days until the next critical days.


In any case, ovulation induction is not carried out when following states or diseases:

  • renal and / or liver failure;
  • endometriosis, uterine bleeding for unknown reasons;
  • obstruction fallopian tubes, ovarian cyst, the presence of neoplasms on the genitals, malignant tumor ovaries;
  • thrombophlebitis or predisposition to it;
  • pathologically early menopause;
  • hypothyroidism of the thyroid gland;
  • during breastfeeding;
  • pituitary tumors;
  • individual intolerance.


Before performing stimulation, be sure to:

  • Check the individual tolerance of stimulating hormonal drugs.
  • Get a therapist's opinion on the ability to bear.
  • Make a blood test for the simultaneous determination of FSH, LH and prolactin, as well as assess the hormonal status of the reproductive system by examining the level of DEA-C, TSH, T3 free, T4 total, SHBG, estradiol, 17-OH Progesterone, testosterone, androstenedione, estrone, DHEAS , LH-RH. Determine the circadian cycle of cortisol. Make tests: dexamethasone suppression, ACTH stimulation, LH - RH.
  • Exclude contraindications and, if necessary, take a course of preliminary estrogen therapy.
  • Make sure your partner's sperm are viable- make a spermogram.
  • Pass tests - a detailed ELISA, HIV, syphilis, hepatitis B and C.
  • Perform a general and oncocytological examination of a vaginal smear, including cultures for the presence of ureaplasma, mycoplasma, trichomonas, chlamydia, gardnerella and candida.
  • Check the patency of the fallopian tubes by any of the available methods.
  • Perform hysteroscopy of the uterine cavity according to the indications (inflammation or trauma of the mucous membrane).
  • Undergo an ultrasound to check the condition of the endometrium, ovaries and mammary glands.
  • Make sure there are no sharp inflammatory processes in organism.

Important importance should be given to early support of the body with the help of balanced nutrition, normalization of sleep patterns and vitamin therapy, where, first of all, pay attention to saturation with folic acid and control the proper intake of potassium iodide.

Stages of stimulation

The specific date and duration of the auxiliary excitation of the ovaries is determined during the preparation of the individual protocol. Ultrasound monitoring is carried out starting from the 2nd day after taking the first hormonal drug, and is repeated every 2-3 days, until the positive dynamics of embryo development in the first weeks of pregnancy.

If during the initial monitoring it was found that dominant follicle independently and normally develops to the desired size, but cannot rupture on its own, but regresses or turns into a cyst, then in such cases, only an injection of hCG is used, which serves as an artificial stimulus for rupture. If ovulation does not occur for other reasons, then one introduction of chorionic gonadotropin is not enough and the following step-by-step actions are performed.

Follicle maturation and clomiphene preparations

Clostilbegit tablets are the most common clomiphene-based remedy, which enhances the production of FSH and LH and, thereby, stimulates the development of follicles.

The classic scheme is taking Clostilbegit tablets from the 5th to the 9th day of the menstrual cycle, with mandatory ultrasound on the 7th and 9th day and subsequent hCG-stimulating injection of Pregnil, Horagon or Profazi. The time interval for taking the tablets can vary from 2 (3) to 7 (10) days, if the doctor considers it necessary to use more gentle varieties of chorionic gonadotropin - menopausal or laboratory recombinant.

To maintain hormonal balance, in parallel with clomiphene tablets, drugs containing estrogen are prescribed - for example, Proginov tablets. These drugs are started at the same time. Estrogen withdrawal occurs on the 21st day of the menstrual cycle.

Refusal to use clomiphene-containing drugs and a fundamental revision of the tactics of infertility treatment (for example, replacement with Gonal, Puregon, Menogon) occurs only after three failed attempts conception.

Oocyte maturation and hCG injection

When an ultrasound scan shows that the selected one or more follicles have grown in size to 17-18 mm, an hCG injection should be given, which will contribute to the final maturation of oocytes (immature eggs), rupture of the follicle walls and the release of a mature egg from the body of the ovary.

After an injection of gonadotropic hormone, the ovaries increase in size and cause discomfort in the lower abdomen. However this condition is not a 100% guarantee of follicle rupture, release of the egg and requires confirmation by ultrasound.

The onset of ovulation and fertilization

Regardless of the dosage of the injection, 5000 or 10000, the process of maturation and release of the egg ends 42-48 hours after the injection.

If the protocol provides artificial insemination outside female body, then the puncture of the follicles is prescribed for the interval between 24 and 36 hours after the injection of human chorionic gonadotropin.

In the case of fertilization of the egg in a natural way, sexual intercourse should be carried out daily - the day before, on the day of the hCG injection and for the next 2 days.

Important - the decisive moment is the exact observance of the estimated time of the introduction of chorionic gonadotropin, and not how many units of the hormone will be introduced.

Embryo development and progesterone

Immediately after ovulation, for additional support, insurance and facilitating the work of the corpus luteum, estrogen intake is canceled, progesterone-based pills are prescribed - or Utrozhestan. Progesterone helps prepare inner layer uterus to the implantation (attachment) of a fertilized egg and helps to maintain pregnancy in the first weeks of embryo development. Supportive intake of progestin drugs continues until the full development of the placenta.


Clostilbegit tablets are taken one at a time once a day.

An hCG injection can be performed only once for the entire treatment cycle. The choice of the drug and its dosage remains solely in the competence of the doctor. As a rule, an injection of gonadotropin is given once at a dosage of 5,000 or 10,000 IU. The drug is a dry powder, which must be diluted immediately before the injection with the solvent attached to it. Intramuscular injection performed by a woman on her own and is painless. It is important to carefully monitor dosage compliance, because its excess will lead to hyperstimulation, egg death and ovarian exhaustion, and underestimation will not give the desired result.

There is also a practice when the protocol for the administration of gonadotropic hormone is amended and injections are performed several times in one cycle. If the follicles have reached the desired size (20-25 mm), and ovulation has not occurred, then a second hCG injection may be prescribed to re-stimulate the rupture of the walls and prevent the formation follicular cysts. Another additional injection is possible to help the corpus luteum. The dosage of these injections is small (300 - 1500 IU). How many units will be specifically introduced - the decision is made by the doctor.

An overdose during stimulation - an excess of gonadotropin, can cause ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome or end with their rupture. Using the drug more than 6 times threatens with ovarian exhaustion and early menopause.

HCG injection during pregnancy

During pregnancy, it is necessary to monitor the level of gonadotropin in dynamics: after conception, its level doubles every 2-3 days; By the end of the first trimester, it reaches its maximum performance, then it decreases slightly and should remain unchanged until childbirth. If such monitoring shows a decrease in concentration or a complete stop in the production of chorionic gonadotropin, then to maintain pregnancy, prevent fetal fading or the threat of miscarriage, hCG injections are prescribed, which will maintain the level of gonadotropin within normal limits, depending on the duration of pregnancy. As a rule, the dosage ranges from 1000 to 3000 IU.

Before the appointment of medicinal stimulants, the lady passes full course examinations, as well as her sexual partner. It turns out true reason lack of release of the egg, and only then the doctor selects ovulation stimulation schemes individual for each person.

Klostilbegit - ovulation stimulation scheme

Stimulation with hormones is prescribed to a woman if her egg does not mature, that is, there is no development of the follicle. Factors affecting conception are age future mother, cause and duration of infertility.

The purpose of the prescribed hormonal drugs is to help form a complete sex cell capable of fertilization and further development.

Significant place in this method treatment of infertility is occupied by the scheme of stimulation of ovulation with clostilbegyt.

This hormonal drug helping the follicle to grow to right size. Treatment begins on the 5th day of the menstrual cycle and lasts for 9 days. Ultrasound is systematically performed. The first is prescribed 2-3 days after taking the medicine, and then repeated at the same time intervals until the liquid bubble reaches 20-25 mm in diameter. The next step is the introduction of hCG to start the process of egg release itself.

If pregnancy does not occur after three courses, it is advisable to take a break in treatment and revise the regimen, it may be worth switching to another drug. More than 6 courses of treatment with clostilbegit throughout life cannot be carried out, so as not to cause early menopause or ovarian hyperfunction.

Clostilbegit and proginova

Taking clostilbegit can inhibit the production of estrogen, which causes thickening of the cervical mucus, and this is an obstacle to the penetration of sperm.

To avoid such unwanted effect, doctors often prescribe an ovulation stimulation scheme with clostilbegit and proginova.

Proginova is indicated under the following conditions:

  • thin endometrium;
  • decrease in estrogen in the blood;
  • with miscarriages that were before.

Proginova maintains the level of the hormone at the right level, helps the endometrium to acquire the desired thickness and leads to cervical mucus into a state of promotion male cells in uterine tubes. The drug is prescribed only by a doctor in individual doses. The course of treatment lasts from 5 to 21 days of the cycle. It should be remembered that it is impossible to take this medicine with other estrogens, so as not to get ovarian dysfunction.

Scheme of stimulation of ovulation by gonal

Often, ovulation is stimulated by gonal, the regimen of which is also individual. It is considered safer and more effective than clostilbegit.

This drug, like follicle-stimulating hormone, regulates the menstrual cycle and ovulation, helps restore disturbed hormonal levels and the ability of the ovaries to reproduce the egg. Apply it in the first 7 days of the cycle, that is, from the day of menstruation. Further appointment is regulated by the doctor. The duration of the course depends on the size of the follicle. When it reaches 18 mm according to ultrasound, the reception is usually stopped. Stimulation can last up to two weeks, but 2-3 days before cell maturity, it stops so that after this period hCG is administered.

What vitamins are needed to stimulate ovulation

Before planning pregnancy, it is necessary to have an adequate supply of vitamins and minerals in the body. If they do not match, ovulation is stimulated with vitamins, the regimen of which depends on the period of the menstrual cycle:

  • Vitamin B9 is essential folic acid, it stimulates the growth of the follicle and is needed for the development of the fetus.
  • Vitamin C improves blood circulation and boosts immunity.
  • Vitamin E contributes normal growth eggs, so their intake is indicated already from the first phase of the cycle.
  • Other B vitamins are more effective after ovulation.

It is important to use potassium iodide, which is necessary for normal development pregnancy. It is permissible to replenish it by consuming iodized salt instead of regular salt. The doctor must also select vitamin complex during conception and pregnancy.

Among those who used the described ovulation stimulation schemes, the reviews on the results of treatment are different. Some women conceived in one course of treatment, others took longer and even additional examination with the replacement of the stimulant drug.

In any case, if the doctor correctly established the cause of the deviation and correctly selected the ovulation stimulation scheme, pregnancy will occur at the end of treatment.

You have not ovulated for more than six months, or have problems with reproductive system. This does not mean that you will not be able to give birth. Thanks to modern science, procedures such as . At its first stage, ovulation is stimulated with Clostilbegyt, which increases the production of more oocytes. If you follow all the instructions indicated in the scheme, the probability of a successful result the first time is 60%. In the case of planting both embryos in the body, 30% of women who no longer dreamed of becoming pregnant give birth to twins.

When a specialist says that there is no need for IVF, he implies that it is possible to get pregnant during sex.

If during the inspection they noticed problems with reproductive organs in vitro fertilization is scheduled.

In medical practice, there are many cases when ladies drew conclusions according to measurements of basal temperature, independently searched for information on the Internet, and were treated themselves. And when they ended up in the hospital because of the consequences, they found out that the measurement table only determines the best day for conception.

Before the procedure, you must have some tests to find out if you can do ovulation stimulation. It is also important for drawing up the right schedule.

The task of stimulation is to form a viable, healthy cell, and then accelerate the release of the egg into the abdominal cavity from the follicle.

How is the procedure carried out?

If we talk about inducing ovulation with Clostilbegit, then its intake begins on the 5th day of the menstrual cycle, and on the 9th day the course stops. But do not forget about the uniqueness of each organism, the health of the girl, as well as the state of the internal genital organs. Therefore, the dosage of the medicine is decided only by the doctor.
A few days after the start of the course, the gynecologist will refer you for an ultrasound scan. Ultrasonography repeated every 2-3 days until the size of the follicle is 20-25 mm.

The woman is then given an injection of hCG, which will induce ovulation. It occurs 24-36 hours after the injection.

What procedures are done before stimulation

Individual provocation of a day favorable for conception cannot be done to people with certain diagnoses: obstruction of the fallopian tubes, hormonal imbalance, etc. To determine whether you can do stimulation or not, you need to go through:

  1. Consultation with a general practitioner.
  2. Study of the fallopian tubes for patency.
  3. Ultrasound of the mammary glands and small pelvis.
  4. Folliculometry.
  • Antibodies to the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).
  • The presence of trichomoniasis and candidiasis.
  • Determination of hormonal levels.
  • The presence of antibodies to rubella;

Characteristics of the drug Klostilbegit

It is most often used by doctors, as it is the most effective tool at female infertility. Tablets Klostilbegit belong to the antiestrogen group. Active substance- Clomiphene. After stimulation with this medicine, the production of follicles is observed, and the likelihood of pregnancy also increases.

But since the tablets large doses tend to reduce the release of gonadotropins, their intake should be carried out under the supervision of a doctor. The course of treatment can not be continued for more than 5-6 cycles. Otherwise, there is a risk of complications and neoplasms.

Indications for use

These tablets are prescribed to women with the following diagnoses:

  • Amenorrhea;
  • anovulatory infertility;
  • Androgen deficiency;
  • Galactorrhea;

Also, the drug is used to treat dysfunctional metrorrhagia, galactorrhea that has arisen against the background of a pituitary tumor. Clostilbegit is also used by representatives of the stronger sex with oligospermia ( reduced amount in seminal fluid of spermatozoa).

Scheme of application of Clostilbegit

The medicine begins to be taken before ovulation, starting from the 2nd-5th day of the cycle, for five days one tablet at bedtime. All this time, it is necessary to undergo an ultrasound scan every day to track the growth of the follicle. Only its length reaches 20 mm, the doctor injects hCG. Usual dose 5,000-10,000 IU. But it all depends on the results of the tests that the doctor sent you to.

Ovulation occurs 24 hours after Clostilbegit. But do not have sex on the principle of "the more the better." Consult your doctor on this subject. He will analyze your age, health status, and tell you how often you need to have sex in order to succeed.
In two weeks, you will have a blood sample taken to determine your hCG capacity. If your hormone levels are higher than normal, you are most likely pregnant.

Combined schemes

Each qualified doctor, before prescribing Clostilbegit to a patient, will send her to additional tests. It can cause many complications. If you take the medicine for too long, the girl may experience an early menopause.

To avoid these and other complications, specialists use combined stimulation schemes.

To prevent an ovarian cyst, in parallel with this drug, the patient is prescribed injections of human chorionic gonadotropin. This injection is also used to maintain corpus luteum if pregnancy has already occurred.

It is known that when taking Klostilbegit, estrogen production is reduced. Therefore, it is recommended to use Proginov with it. Tablets are used as auxiliary drug. They stabilize hormonal level, and also prevent the depletion of the girl's reproductive system.

When does ovulation occur after Clostilbegit

You can determine the onset of the most favorable day for conception using tests that are sold in every pharmacy. They respond to a surge of the hormone luteotropin, which will be observed on the 12-16th day of the menstrual cycle. But it is better to start checking a little earlier, 2-3 days in advance. See the bright pink stripe? So in a day and a half, you can wait for the onset of ovulation. However, therefore, it is necessary to verify the correctness of the result by observing all conditions of use and making repeated checks.

If you are taking Clostilbegit, then given period should occur approximately 10 days after the end of the course. This is approximately 16-19 days, although in practice it often happened that the process began earlier - 11-15 days.

Is it advisable to use Clostilbegyt if there is an ovulation?

The opinions of scientists on this issue are radically different. Some argue that it is pointless to take Clostilbegit during your ovulation. After all, its main task is to induce ovulation. Why poison your body again?

The other half of the experts do not agree with this position. They argue that the use is necessary for ladies who have weak follicles. You can also increase the chance of successful pregnancy, because with the help of the drug hyperovulation is caused, which means that the chances of success are much greater.

Contraindications for use

The medicine contains 100 mg of lactose. Therefore, if you suffer from galactose intolerance, lactose deficiency, or glucose malabsorption, its use is strictly prohibited for you.

  • Hypersensitivity;
  • Polycystic;
  • Neoplasms in the genital area;
  • Liver or kidney failure;

Side effects

This medicine can provoke various reactions.

Nervous. Frequent headaches, depression, dizziness, insomnia. There is also increased irritability, excitability, a slowdown in the speed of mental and motor reactions.

Digestive. Gastralgia, vomiting and diarrhea, nausea, frequent flatulence.

Urogenital. Frequent urination, dysmenorrhea, menorrhagia, enlargement of the ovaries in size, pain in the lower abdomen.

In addition to the above side effects, patients often experience obesity, alopecia, and blurred vision.


If you do not want to put up with the diagnosis of "infertility", and decide to stimulate ovulation with Clostilbegyt, expect that you may experience complications. It must be handled very carefully, only a gynecologist should prescribe the dosage, self-medication is excluded here. And no matter what method of fertilization you choose: IVF, ICSI, IUI, or conception with a partner during sex, consult a doctor before stimulation.

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