Symptoms of teething wisdom. View full version

What begins at the age of 17-18 is manifested by acute or moderate symptoms. The eruption period is accompanied by soreness, inflammation of the gums, swelling, and a general deterioration in well-being. At this time, the temperature can constantly be kept at 37-38 degrees, but it is possible to understand exactly that the figure eight is growing by external signs.

The symptoms of teething are aggravated by the fact that the figure eight is not preceded by a milk organ, therefore the gum reacts especially sharply to this process, namely, it hurts, becomes inflamed, and swells.

Doing anything to speed up this process is useless, but you can reduce the symptoms at home or at the dentist. Normal and pathological figure eight eruption has general symptoms, but when there are problems, the growth of organs becomes especially noticeable.

Eruption period

A wisdom tooth is usually cut from the age of 16-17, but it happens that it erupts at 40 or does not appear at all. Consider it a deviation when none anxiety symptoms no, it's not worth it. If the figure eights do not grow and this is accompanied by pain or the bite changes, then the organ will have to be removed or an incision made on the gum to speed up eruption.

What kind deadlines teething? The wisdom tooth is cut unpredictably, recent times in dentistry, such a situation is more often observed when the figure eight begins to erupt in children 10-13 years old, but this is an exception. Optimal time for teething - 18-25 years.

The third molars grow in a certain sequence, the wisdom tooth is cut first on mandible on the right, then his antagonist on upper jaw. The order may sometimes change. The first symptoms of teething are difficult to confuse with other toothache. First, the gum hurts and swells, the body temperature rises and stays at 37-38 degrees, the cheek swells.

When to take analgesic, the symptoms subside a little, but the figure eight still climbs, and until it completely erupts, the signs of eruption will not go away. This does not apply to a group of lucky people for whom the eruption of the eight remains invisible.

When there is ideal conditions for this, there are no diseases of the oral cavity and there is enough space in the dentition for the third molar, then the organ climbs without unpleasant symptoms.

What are the symptoms of teething

Wisdom teeth grow differently for everyone, but when symptoms appear, it is better to consult a dentist. This will help determine how well the organ is growing and whether it needs to be removed. In some cases, the figure eight can cause anomalies in the dentition and pathology of periodontal tissues. Painful gums, purulent accumulation near the causative organ, constant biting of the cheek can accompany this.

Symptoms of normal eruption:

  • a little sore and inflamed gum;
  • the temperature rises to 37-38 degrees;
  • the organ climbs parallel to the adjacent crown and its tubercles are visible;
  • the gum does not bleed, only swells a little;
  • the jaw hurts a little, especially during chewing;
  • rises local temperature near the place of eruption;
  • the gums redden somewhat, there are no elements of the rash.

When the temperature rises to 37 degrees, the jaw already hurts and the gums turn red, these are sure signs of the growth of the figure eight. What should be done in this case? It is enough to carefully monitor oral hygiene, do antiseptic rinses and administer painkillers.

Anti-inflammatory gels can be applied to the gums. When the body temperature does not exceed 37 degrees, it is not necessary to take an antipyretic. During this period, it is better to rest more, to exclude stressful situations and eat well.

The pathological growth of the figure eight, when the gum becomes inflamed and pericoronitis occurs, requires more drastic measures. First of all, you need to go to the dentist and take an x-ray.

Signs of pathological growth of the figure eight:

  • the organ climbs with tubercles towards the cheek or adjacent tooth;
  • gums become very pale or redden;
  • body temperature exceeds 37 degrees;
  • loss of appetite and headache, nausea;
  • the whole jaw aches and hurts;
  • regional lymph nodes increase;
  • gums bleed for no reason;
  • cheek hurts from constant biting.

What to do when the figure eight climbs

In the case of signs of normal eruption, nothing special needs to be done with the oral cavity. Dentists recommend changing toothpaste, use therapeutic and prophylactic, based on natural herbs, anti-inflammatory.

Be sure to rinse after every meal. oral cavity and make sure that no food particles remain in the area of ​​\u200b\u200beruption of the eight.

Brushing your teeth should be done regularly, at least 2 times a day, and mouthwash should be increased up to 5-6 times, that is, after each meal. You should try to exclude too soft food, chew more fresh hard fruits and vegetables. With severe soreness, you need to do cold compresses or rinse your mouth with soda solution.

For pain relief, you can take a tablet of Paracetamol, Nimesil, Ibuprofen. These drugs simultaneously relieve inflammation and fever.

When the temperature is above 37 degrees, you can take the antipyretic Ibuklin, Paracetamol, Panadol. It is better to refrain from the drug Aspirin.

To relieve inflammation, you can try the same gels and ointments that are used during teething in children. These are Holisal gel, Dentinox, Solcoseryl.

With pathological eruption, the dentist must determine the cause and decide on the treatment or removal of the organ. Most frequent complication is a dystopia and retention. When a tooth is incorrectly positioned (dystopia), it affects the condition dental system in general, therefore, the crown must be removed. An impacted tooth, when it erupts only partially, can still be treated with conservative methods. If it constantly injures the mucous membrane, it is also removed.

Last night, the gum began to ache over one of lower teeth wisdom. True, not much.

And today she is already slightly swollen, with inside painful to press. When I eat, it does not hurt much, but there is discomfort. I don't have a temperature or anything.

I climbed at 16. immediately 4.

how else can it, at 14 my lower ones cut through, and at 18 the upper ones came out

I grew up at 20

I lived on pills, by the way, in the evening I fell asleep under them .. somehow survived. But I myself am like that, even a sore throat with snot will not hurt me to hang out, so think for yourself, you are capricious, or you can still relax.

Maybe. By the way, all my friends grew up at about that age, but I still don’t (I’m 23). Unwise))))

And it's probably still worth going to the doctor if you are going on vacation. At least consult.

All 4 of my wisdom teeth grew at 21.

The author, when wisdom teeth grow, it is again like feeling like a baby whose teeth are being cut: pain, temperature, and so on. The dentist recommended that I rinse with Miramistin so that there are no infections. Well, painkillers, of course.

I'm 35 too cut

They can very well. I have all 4 wisdom teeth, they just grew between 16 and 34 years old.

I have climbed far beyond twenty

and not everyone got out yet, so two just showed up and froze :)

I didn’t grow wiser, as I was a dumbass, so I remained so))

go to the doctor, she will calm you down and tell you how to rinse and what to take if you suddenly get sick

I started cutting my wisdom teeth at 17.

I climbed at 16. immediately 4.

Go better to the doctor. Let him take a picture. Suddenly this tooth crookedly climbs and will move all the teeth. I ended up getting this one removed.

Maybe easily. What are you afraid of the dentist? He will give good advice on what to take, how to care for the gums. Maybe he can do an X-ray.

However, these teeth grew intermittently from the age of 17 to 25. It will hurt - it will hurt, it will subside. After a couple of months. is growing again. Yes, and the pain is not to say that it really interfered with me, so - discomfort when you chew.

Yes, I'm afraid and creepy. I know it's stupid, but it's like a phobia for me.

At 19, everything erupted at once in about a month, at a friend at 18 they were cut. Probably even at 16 they can. In general, it is easier to go to the doctor than to listen to stories from a woman.

Here the wisdom tooth will grow - I will become uuumnaya.

No, don't even dream! By 23, all four got out, but the brains did not increase one iota.))))

It seems that these bastards have been cut for me somewhere since 16, every spring an exacerbation))) I'm 20

Hello! Can an impacted wisdom tooth grow after the removal of the 7th at 63?

My lower left wisdom tooth is coming in at 16 and a half.

how else can it, at 14 my lower ones cut through, and at 18 the upper ones came out

at 6 years old I have the first two and 16 two more

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What is the nature of their growth

Problems during their growth

When wisdom teeth grow and erupt

At what age is it supposed to expect teething and what to prepare for? Despite the similarity in anatomical structure with the rest of the molars, wisdom teeth are rightfully considered the most unique and unpredictable.

They have several key features, may not grow at all or crawl out partially, while their attempts to break through the gum and take their place in the dentition for a person almost always pass against the background of uncomfortable sensations.

What is the nature of their growth

At the very end of the upper and lower jaws, two germs of the third molars are symmetrically laid, and there are four of them in total. The growth of the third molars comes from the rudiments, the development of which is provided for the period complete replacement permanent molars, that is, at the age of 13-15 years. Wisdom teeth are cut only after the formation of the crown part, and this moment falls on adolescence, while the growth of the roots continues for another three years.

When eights appear, a lot of surprises can await a person.

In addition, the eights differ in other pathological abnormalities. Very often, the timing of development is violated in the rudiments, they may have an irregular shape and size, occupy wrong position inside the bone tissue and are located with abnormal deviations.

Some directions in which they can cut through.

All these non-standard qualities of wisdom teeth significantly complicate and delay timely eruption, negatively affect the state of the dentition, and also explain disease state man at the stage of germination. Moreover, discomfort occurs in people with right direction growth. After all, third molars climb through unprepared periodontal tissues, since milk teeth did not grow there before. A normally erupted molar is a cause for joy.

When do wisdom teeth appear?

When is a wisdom tooth cut? For all people, this moment comes individually. But there are certain time frames during which the eights erupt. As a rule, the timing of eruption of wisdom teeth varies from 16-17 to 25 years.

Sometimes it happens that the figure eight finally comes to the surface much later than the established dates by 30 and even 35 years, and for some it may not appear at all, remaining inside the gums impacted.

If you are wondering how many years wisdom teeth grow, then the answer is simple - throughout life until old age. There are cases when they began to erupt in old age.

How to recognize the sprouting of eights

When a wisdom tooth comes in, it overcomes bone tissue, therefore, its growth is always accompanied by a set of characteristic features:

How long will this painful process take? Almost everything depends on the individual and his clinical picture. You can do otherwise. Do not wait for the final germination, but simply contact your dentist to clarify the situation. The doctor will make an x-ray, thanks to which it is possible to formulate an adequate prognosis, as well as to take necessary measures. If their abnormal structure is found, then most likely, the doctor will inform about the need to remove such problematic molars.

Problems during their growth

The hereditary factor also influences when a wisdom tooth is cut in a particular person. That is, if the parents did not encounter a similar phenomenon, then with big share chances are the child will not grow third molars either.

Problems accompanying the wisdom tooth during growth.

It is advisable to stop the growth of dystopic molars (incorrectly located) immediately, and not wait for a certain age, since such teeth are a clear indication for removal. By the way, it is better to deal with the removal of eights in youth, until their root system has had time to fully form. But in mature years the extraction procedure and the recovery period are much more difficult.

So, above, you learned when the wisdom tooth begins to grow, at what age problems appear, and what you should start doing if the eights cut through. For more questions, watch this video:

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Nylon toothbrushes have been around since the 14th century. The materials for them were pig bristles, horse and badger hair.

On average, a wisdom tooth is cut at the age from 16 to 22 years old, but there are exceptions to this rule. In some patients, the "eight" began to erupt even at the age of forty. It's connected with anatomical features jaw structure. With age, the jaw gradually decreases in size, so there is simply no room for these teeth. Often they are cut incorrectly or do not erupt at all. Let us consider in more detail how the eruption of a wisdom tooth differs from other teeth.

When the "eights" erupt

bite normal healthy person consists of 32 teeth, we learned this well from school. Basically, by the age of 10, all teeth erupt in the mouth, except for the last eighth, which are called wisdom teeth. They usually erupt between the ages of 16 and 22. However, if the body young man there is not enough calcium and other trace elements, growth slows down.

Dentists consider even such rare cases when the "eights" grow in forty-year-old patients. Do not panic if you are already 23 and your wisdom teeth have not yet erupted - they may be a little late. But it still makes sense to visit a doctor to do X-ray and eliminate the possibility of improper growth.


You are very lucky if your wisdom teeth erupted the way they were supposed to, without deviating from the vertical. Often, even during the formation period, they occupy an incorrect position in the gum and begin to grow with a deviation from the vertical.

The following positions of wisdom teeth are distinguished: vertical, horizontal, lingual-angular, buccal-angular:

  • vertical is correct, that is, the tooth grows without deviations from the vertical axis.
  • Horizontal is the most difficult, because in this case the tooth cannot erupt, and when it starts to grow, it literally grows into the roots of the neighboring one, destroying it. G-8s located horizontally in the gum must be removed, as they injure the gum, causing inflammation, destroy the adjacent tooth and cause the patient a lot of suffering.
  • lingual-angular the position of the wisdom teeth, as well as the bucco-angular, is most common. With a lingual-angular position, the tooth erupts at an inclination to the tongue, as if inward, and with a buccal-angular position, at an inclination outward, towards the cheek.

impacted wisdom teeth

If the “eights” cut through partially or did not cut through at all, then the doctor diagnoses wisdom tooth retention, and the uncut tooth itself is called impacted. This phenomenon is often encountered, since such teeth have long ceased to fulfill their main function in chewing hard food, a person has somewhat changed his food habits.

Partial eruption may cause discomfort to the patient. If there are strong pain in an impacted tooth, but all the others have erupted normally and are doing their job well, the doctor may decide to remove it.

Complications of teething

The growth of a wisdom tooth is often accompanied by a number of complications, especially if it is located incorrectly in the gum or there is only partial eruption, that is, the tooth is impacted.

  • Since the "eight" erupts for a long time, already at the stage of eruption, especially if there is a partial eruption, it is affected by caries. This is due to the fact that the eighth teeth are located in a hard-to-reach place in the oral cavity and are difficult to clean from plaque. As a result, the tooth has not yet had time to erupt, but is already almost completely destroyed by caries.
  • Partially impacted "eight" can provoke the development of pericoronitis - inflammation of the gingival hood, which covers it from above. Remains of food accumulate under it, actively multiply pathogenic bacteria which causes an inflammatory process. Over time, there may be serious complications like periostitis and osteomyelitis.
  • Not less problems delivers and fully impacted tooth wisdom. It can cause severe facial pains and neuralgia, with pain in the ear, throat, head, and even in the chest and heart. These must be removed.
  • If the "eight" grows horizontally in the jaw, it gradually destroys the roots of adjacent teeth.
  • Often an impacted 8 tooth causes the formation of a cyst, which resolves on its own after the extraction of such a tooth.
  • There are cases when an impacted wisdom tooth "dozed" in the patient's jaw long years, and then suddenly “came to life” after prostheses were installed on the jaw. As a result of constant injury to the gums, he "wake up" and began to erupt, causing a lot of inconvenience to the patient. Agree - it is very unpleasant when you suddenly discover that a wisdom tooth is crawling under your prosthesis. Therefore, dentists recommend removing them.

How to deal with pain

Pain is a constant companion of the eruption of "eights". To facilitate the process of teething, it is recommended to chew solid food, but only if you do not have pericoronitis, if you have it solid food can only increase inflammation and pain.

Helpful and careful soft massage gums with fingers.

If the gum is inflamed, you should rinse your mouth with decoctions of herbs:

  • marigold,
  • chamomile,
  • sage,
  • or ready-made mouthwashes.

Can also be used to relieve pain local funds - such as gel metrogil, kamistad, anbesol. They have both analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects.

period features.

Dairy replacement starts at 10 years old chewing teeth and canines, on the corresponding permanent teeth: in the dentition, in place of the milk molars, the 1st and 2nd premolars appear. The last to erupt is the permanent canine.

By the age of 12, the child completes the physiological change of milk teeth to permanent ones. By the age of 12, a teenager has 24 permanent teeth in the oral cavity: incisors, canines, 1st and 2nd premolars and 1st molar.

At the age of 13, the eruption of the second molar (7th tooth) begins.

By the age of 18 (and sometimes at an older age), the eruption of the third molar, or "Wisdom" tooth, may begin.

Typical problems.

The formation of the dento-jaw system in this age interval usually proceeds without any problems. At 12 years old, not a single one remains in the oral cavity. milk tooth, which makes this period the most favorable for orthodontic treatment on braces. By the age of 15, jaw growth begins to slow down, which is why it is advisable to carry out any orthodontic treatment up to this age, as it allows you to do without tooth extractions.

In the event that there was an early removal of milk chewing teeth and no appropriate correction was carried out, a lack of space is formed in the dentition for the eruption of permanent premolars and canines. Since the canine is the last to erupt, it is precisely for him that there will not be enough space. Crowding of teeth is formed in the anterior part of the jaws: in this situation, the fangs can erupt outside the dental arch closer to the lip.

In the case of an incorrect location of the germ of the "wisdom" tooth on the lower jaw, the formation or aggravation of the already existing crowding of the teeth is possible. By exerting pressure on a nearby tooth (second molar), it leads to a displacement of the entire dentition in the anterior direction. Complete eruption of an incorrectly located "Wisdom tooth" is not possible (there is not enough space for it in the dentition). Incomplete eruption (retention) of the "wisdom tooth", in turn, leads to a deterioration in hygiene in this area and rapid development carious process both on the 8th tooth and on the adjacent second molar.

What to do when a wisdom tooth is cut?

Panoramic X-ray of the teeth: On the orthopantomogram (OPTG) on the lower jaw, the wisdom teeth are located at an angle of 45 ° to adjacent teeth which prevents them from cutting through. neighboring healthy teeth may begin to collapse due to the fact that "wisdom" teeth rest against them

The eruption of the "wisdom" tooth in the upper jaw in most cases is completely asymptomatic, while in the lower jaw this is possible only if there is enough space in the dentition for the 8th tooth. If there is not enough space on the lower jaw, the wisdom tooth may begin to erupt towards the adjacent tooth. The "wisdom" tooth starts to push ahead standing tooth, there is pain and symptoms of inflammation around the wisdom tooth.

It often happens that a wisdom tooth erupts partially and part of its crown remains “immured” in the bone. The erupted part of the crown is partly covered by an overhanging mucous membrane (hood), under which food debris can clog, leading to the development of inflammation of the mucous membrane around the wisdom tooth. To relieve the symptoms of inflammation, it is enough to wash the contents of the pocket formed under the hood, but only a qualified dentist can do this.

If the "wisdom" tooth is not properly positioned in the bone (when the "wisdom" tooth lies in the bone at an angle to the adjacent teeth), it is recommended to remove it.

As a prevention of the formation, or aggravation, of crowding of teeth and inflammatory complications, it is recommended to remove the "Wisdom tooth" in case of its incorrect position inside the bone. Removal is best done no earlier than 17 years old to avoid injury and dislocation of the adjacent tooth.

Milk teeth in adults are not at all from the realm of humor or fantasy. AT dental practice this phenomenon occurs occasionally. What are the reasons why a milk tooth is preserved in an adult, and what to do with this "relic" of childhood? All questions were answered in detail by the therapist and periodontist of the Doctor Bon clinic in Moscow.

Echo of childhood

Milk teeth are something from the area of ​​​​carefree and touching childhood, most of us are sure. No wonder the Scottish writer James Barry in the fairy tale about Peter Pan - a boy who did not want to grow up and remained forever young - specifically mentions that “his mouth was full of pearl baby teeth. None have come out yet." Replacing milk teeth with permanent ones is the same step in adult life, as the first class and the first deuce.

The change of teeth begins at the age of 5-6 and usually ends by the age of 14-16. Moreover, according to the observations of doctors, at present, milk teeth are changing to permanent ones in children in more younger age than a few decades ago. But sometimes milk teeth persist into adulthood. People face similar cases in their 20s, 30s, and even 50s! Why is this happening and what should be done in this case?

Why didn't the milk tooth fall out?

The structure of temporary and permanent teeth has certain differences. Dairy ones have the same shape as the indigenous ones, but they are smaller in size, their roots are much shorter, and they grow in an amount of only 20 pieces against 32 permanent ones, including wisdom teeth. The service life of “children's” teeth is also short: their roots begin to dissolve (dentists say “resorbed”) approximately 2 to 3 years after they are fully formed. The process begins with the area where they are touched by the crowns growing under them. permanent teeth.

However, it happens that the rudiments of molars for some reason do not form. In this case, the roots of the milk ones most often resolve under the influence of the rudiments of neighboring permanent teeth. But sometimes this does not happen, and then the "children's" teeth are preserved in adults - doctors call them persistent, from the Latin persistere - to stay, to remain.

The reasons for the absence of the rudiments of permanent teeth can be different. Sometimes it hereditary features, metabolic or glandular disorders internal secretion, injuries and osteomyelitis of the jaws. Damage and death of the rudiments of permanent teeth can also lead to chronic and inflammatory processes in milk teeth - in particular, periodontitis not cured in a timely manner.

It also happens that the rudiments of permanent teeth, although they are formed, lie very deep, without touching the roots of milk teeth. This may be due to lack of space or wrong position permanent tooth. In these cases, milk teeth can be preserved in an adult.

What to do if the milk teeth in an adult have not fallen out?

Of course, milk teeth in adults often create problems. First, they are designed for short term service, and therefore their resistance to caries is much lower than that of permanent teeth. Secondly, milk teeth that do not fall out in time can interfere with the growth of permanent teeth and lead to their incorrect location. However, this does not mean at all that a milk tooth found in an adult must be removed without fail. It all depends on each specific case. Most often, well-preserved milk teeth in adults, doctors recommend leaving them - let them last as long as they can. After all, permanent ones in their place may not erupt.

In any case, the question of the fate of a milk tooth in an adult is decided only after an x-ray is taken. This will help to find out if there are rudiments of an unerupted permanent tooth, as well as whether the roots of the milk tooth are resolving. If there are no rudiments, and the roots of the milk tooth have not resolved, while the milk tooth is motionless and looks quite aesthetically pleasing, then it should not be removed. The same applies to cases when the permanent tooth, judging by the radiograph, is in such a position that even after the removal of the milk tooth, it cannot be cut.

Is it possible to build a milk tooth for an adult?

If the milk tooth is mobile or does not suit you from an aesthetic point of view, you still need to start with x-ray examination. If it is found on the radiograph that there are no rudiments of a permanent tooth, and the roots of the milk tooth have resolved, while the milk tooth has mobility of 3-4 degrees (that is, the tooth is very mobile), in this case it should be removed and then decide what kind prosthetics are more suitable for you to replace the loss.

If you are not satisfied appearance tooth, it is necessary, again by X-ray, to determine the state of the rudiments of the permanent tooth and the roots of the milk. Further decisions will depend on each specific case, including the age of the patient and the position of the milk tooth in the dentition. If there are no rudiments, and the roots of the milk tooth have not resolved, then a veneer can be installed on it or the tooth can be restored, which will make it invisible in the dentition. And for those who want to completely transform their own, we can recommend putting Lumineers.

If there are rudiments of a permanent tooth, in this case it is worth evaluating how much time they need before eruption and making a decision to remove the milk tooth and “pull out” the permanent one.

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