Calculation of a personal ovulation calendar. conception of a child

If your pregnancy is confirmed, then I wholeheartedly congratulate you on this bright event. Carrying a baby is a wonderful, unforgettable and special period in a woman's life. And this boundless happiness is not given to everyone - always remember this!

Nothing compares to carrying and giving birth to a baby. And no life problems, difficulties and troubles can exceed the significance of this event. Therefore, I can’t even imagine why a woman needs to know exactly the day on which the conception occurred. However, many of us are trying to determine the date of conception of a child, and it must be admitted that this is quite difficult to do.

How to determine the day of conception?

Calculating the exact date of conception, if it has already taken place, is simply unrealistic. It is only possible to determine the probable day of the conception of a child, but this date will never be 100% correct. This is because, in fact, conception can only take place during the period of ovulation. And if you do not calculate ovulation every month for a long period, then you can only approximately calculate the days on which it could take place in the last cycle. To do this, subtract 14 days from the date on which, according to your assumptions, the next menstruation should begin. It is believed that ovulation occurs on average 14 days before the start of the next menstruation: with a 28-day cycle, it occurs on the 14th day of the cycle, with a 30-day cycle, on the 16th day, with a 24-day cycle, on the 10th day, and so on. Further. But this is a very arbitrary guideline.

More or less accurately, the date of conception can be determined by a specialist conducting an ultrasound examination. He will give you an approximate gestational age, which also cannot be considered unmistakably correct.

The fact is that ovulation can be influenced by a large number of different factors that are not able to take into account any of the known methods for calculating the date of conception and childbirth.

How to determine the day for conceiving a child?

If you are trying to determine the most likely or, then everything is much simpler here. To do this, you need to calculate with maximum accuracy the day on which you ovulate. There are many different ways to do this:

  • by basal temperature: ovulation occurs after a temperature drop, observed a day before the release of the egg from the follicle (there is a decrease in BBT by 0.1-0.2 degrees). Then, after the onset of ovulation, the indicators increase by 0.2-0.5 degrees and exceed 37 ° C;
  • according to the nature of the vaginal mucus: before ovulation, sticky and thick in the first phase of the cycle, vaginal discharge becomes viscous and transparent, like egg white. The release of a mature egg may be accompanied by damage to the blood vessels, which a woman observes with slight impurities of blood in the vaginal discharge in the middle of the cycle;
  • for ovulatory syndrome: some women with hypersensitivity may feel pulling pains from the active ovary and even complain of a short-term malaise during this period;
  • by using: works on the same principle as a pregnancy test, only unlike the latter, it reacts to an increase in the concentration of the so-called fertility hormone (LH - luteinizing hormone);
  • folliculometry method: the process of maturation of the egg is monitored by ultrasound, which allows you to accurately determine the day of ovulation.

In addition, an experienced gynecologist can determine quite accurately the approach of ovulation while examining a woman on an armchair.

The most reliable result can be obtained by combining several methods at once.

Few days to conceive

Finally, we note that even knowing the exact date of the sexual intercourse that caused the pregnancy, it is impossible to say with certainty that it is also the date of conception of the baby. After all, the path of sperm to the egg can take more than one day. Moreover, a sperm cell that has already arrived at its destination can wait for the egg to leave the follicle, if this has not happened yet. Therefore, experts say that theoretically, the conception of a child can take place as a result of sexual intercourse, carried out a few days before ovulation and a day or two after it.

Thus, you cannot accurately determine the day of conception of a child, but looking forward to his birth and becoming the best mother in the world for him is within your power! Is there anything more important?

Happiness to you!

Specially for Elena Kichak

Many women who are planning to get pregnant do not know about the conception calendar, or think that it is difficult to use it. However, it's quite the opposite! All you need to know is the date of the last period and the average length of the cycle (the cycle should be fairly regular).

Please enter the start day of your last cycle:

January February March April May June July August September October November December / 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 / 2018 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2035

The usual length of your menstrual cycle: 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45

How does the conception calendar work?

If you want to make the calculations yourself, below we will try to describe in detail how to do this. This is not difficult, but to make it clearer, it is better to keep a calendar in front of your eyes (the figure shows the Advanced Woman Calendar program).

The female conception and childbirth calendar is a tool for predicting when your body is in a favorable period for conception. In order to make a forecast of this period, you must first study the menstrual cycle. This will take some time and require graphing. It's done like this. For an average 28-day cycle, we take the first day - the beginning of menstruation. By the 7th day of the cycle, the egg is preparing for fertilization. Between days 11 and 21, ovulation occurs, during which fertilization occurs. If fertilization does not occur, the hormonal level drops by day 28 and causes the next menstruation. Remember that each woman's cycle is different in length. This is one of the reasons to track cycle length to calculate the average using a conception and contraceptive calendar. The calendar method of conception requires patience. To collect the necessary data, ideally you need to track the cycle of 8 - 12 months.

An example of using a calendar for conception

Remember that the first day of your cycle is the first day of your period. Next, using the electronic ovulation and conception calendar, determine the longest and shortest cycles that you recorded. To determine the first day of a conception interval, take the number of days in your shortest cycle and subtract the number 18. For example, if your shortest cycle is 25 days, you would subtract 18 from 25, which is 7. This means your conception period starts on day 7 cycle. To determine the last day of the conception interval, take the number of days of the longest cycle and subtract 11. For example, if the longest cycle was 31 days, then 31 minus 11 is 20. This means that the 20th day of the cycle is the last day of the conception interval.

Calculation of the day of ovulation, the menstrual cycle and favorable days for conception and pregnancy.

With this calendar you can calculate the days ovulation, i.e. when the probability of pregnancy is maximum and determine the most favorable days for conceiving a child (boy or girl) without pharmacy ovulation tests for determining days of ovulation. The conception calendar helps women planning pregnancy to calculate the days of ovulation and create a personal conception calendar. You can chart your female menstrual cycle months in advance! You will receive a menstrual calendar for 3 months which will indicate: ovulation day, fertile days, days for conception of a boy and a girl. Do not confuse the duration of menstruation (monthly) and the duration of the menstrual cycle! The ovulation calendar is interactive: hover your mouse over a day in the calendar and read more information.

January February March April May June July August September October November December

20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50

. When hovering the mouse over the days in the calendar, additional information will appear. The duration of the menstrual cycle and the duration of the menstruation itself (monthly) are two different things. The duration of menstruation or "menstruation" is individual and usually lasts 3 days and does not affect ovulation day. If a menstruation goes less than 2 or more than 7 days, you need to contact gynecologist. The average cycle time is individual. (usually from 21 to 35 days) How to calculate the length of the menstrual cycle: from the day of the end of the previous to the day of the start of the next "menstruation". Typically it is 28 days. The first day of menstruation is the first day of the menstrual cycle.

Color marked
ovulation day chance of getting pregnant is high (conceiving a boy)
average chance of getting pregnant (conceiving a boy)
average chance of getting pregnant (conceiving a girl)
less chance of getting pregnant
the probability of getting pregnant is low (conditionally safe days)

Subject of this page: ovulation calendar free, ovulation test, ovulation, ovulation chart, time of ovulation, how to calculate "safe" days?, is it possible to get pregnant immediately after menstruation (you can!). Ovulation - the readiness of the egg for fertilization - occurs approximately in the middle of the menstrual cycle. The egg can be fertilized in a short time, this period, which ranges from 12 hours to two days. All this time there is a movement of the female germ cell towards the uterus, where the development of the future fetus should take place, it is at this stage that a meeting with male sperm should occur. Considering that spermatozoa, once in the fallopian tubes, can remain viable for up to 5-7 days in anticipation of an egg, conception is possible even if sexual intercourse was a week before ovulation, and by the way, this day may be immediately after menstruation. The period of ovulation is the most favorable time for conception.

One way to plan is to get the timing right conception– Shettles method. This method is based on knowledge about the lifespan of male sperm in a woman's genital tract. Sperm can remain active for up to five days, so couples can conceive a child by having intercourse before the release of the egg (ovulation). If you want a daughter, plan to have intercourse a few days before ovulation, son, plan sex 12 hours before ovulation. At irregular cycle other methods should be used to determine ovulation, for example, BT (basal body temperature). Please add this page to social networks and blogs.

You can also use an alternative ovulation calculator.

Ovulation - the readiness of the egg for fertilization - occurs approximately in the middle of the menstrual cycle. If menstruation occurs every 28 days, then ovulation happens around day 14. If your cycle is shorter (for example, 21 days) or longer (about 35 days), you can expect ovulation on days 8-11 or 16-18 of the cycle, respectively. Our ovulation calculator will help you accurately calculate the day of ovulation, as well as show the probability of pregnancy on each day. Carefully read also the notes at the bottom of this page. The most fertile days in each cycle (the days you are most likely to get pregnant through unprotected sex) include ovulation day and days before. These are the days of maximum fertility. High ability to conception also observed for a few days before. At this time you also have chances of getting pregnant. Outside of this "fertility window" of approximately six days, the chances of getting pregnant are very low.

You may also be interested in online pregnancy test. You can also take a test on our website how many children there will be or just play TETRIS online.

Most couples do not choose the day of conception of their baby, it happens spontaneously. But sometimes the desired child is in no hurry to please the parents for so long that many panic. The pregnancy planning calendar and knowledge of the basic physiology of men and women will help speed up the conception of a child.

In order for a small person to begin to develop in the mother's body, a favorable time is needed for his conception. A woman's ovaries once a month, in the middle of the cycle, produce an egg, which serves as the basis for conceiving a child. This is called ovulation. The egg is ready for conception immediately after its release from the ovary, but its ability to fertilize is limited to only 24 hours. If she does not meet viable, assertive spermatozoa on her way during this time, conception will not occur.

Spermatozoa during intimacy enter the woman's vagina. On average, their number during one sexual intercourse ranges from 300 to 500 million. But only a very small part of them will get into the cervix and continue the struggle for the continuation of life. For 2-2.5 hours, spermatozoa pass through the cervical canal into the uterine cavity, cross it and enter the fallopian tube. Here they are waiting for a meeting with the egg, maintaining their viability for 2-7 days. If she does not come to the meeting at this time, conception does not occur. When everything goes well, and the egg appears in the fallopian tube on time, there are still some obstacles. In order for one spermatozoon to be able to penetrate into the middle of the egg, it will take several hundred spermatozoa to impact on its shell.

As you can see, the probability of conception is very low, everything should coincide and turn out favorably. Therefore, it is not surprising that a couple who canceled contraception cannot conceive a child for several months. To do this, it is recommended to keep a conception calendar, marking favorable days.

Pregnancy planning: conception calendar

The conception calendar will help you monitor your health and determine the days that are most favorable for conceiving a baby. Compiling it is very easy. Within 2-3 months we celebrate the days of menstruation. This will most accurately determine when the female egg matures. If the cycle was 28 days, you can preliminarily say that ovulation occurs on the 14th day of the cycle, starting from the first day of menstruation. Pregnancy is most likely 3 days before and 2 days after ovulation. If we want to conceive a baby, these days we respond with favor to the wishes of our husband.

Since each woman has her own, individual cycle, ovulation can take place on different days. If the cycle is 25 days, ovulation may occur on the 11th day from the first day of menstruation, and if it is 32 days, it may be the 18th day of the cycle.

The most accurate way to determine the day of ovulation will be to measure basal temperature, an ovulation test or ultrasound.

  1. basal temperature. It is recommended to measure the temperature in the morning, lying in bed. During ovulation, body temperature rises by 0.2-0.3 degrees Celsius. At this level, the temperature will last until the onset of menstruation. The rise in temperature is caused by the production of certain hormones by the female body.
  2. Ovulation test. You can buy such a test at a pharmacy, and it works in the same way as a pregnancy test. It is enough to hold it under the stream of urine for a few seconds, as it will appear and show whether ovulation has occurred or not.
  3. An ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs gives accurate information whether ovulation has occurred or not.

By carefully observing her body, a woman may notice other signs of ovulation:

  • vaginal discharge increases, the mucus becomes transparent and viscous;
  • mammary glands become painful;
  • pulling pain appears in the lower abdomen.

Pregnancy planning calendar

The pregnancy planning calendar will help you calculate with a high probability the days favorable for conceiving a child. But it is worth remembering that the conception of a child is a great sacrament, and most often a woman will not guess exactly when she became pregnant. But there is an undoubted benefit from the calendar, because for several months a potential mother is watching her health. The collected information is useful if pregnancy has not occurred, and you need to see a doctor. Based on the data collected, the gynecologist can find the reason why pregnancy does not occur.

Pregnancy planning calendar: how to conceive a girl

Every mother dreams of a daughter, dreams of tying bows, having intimate girlish conversations, feeling female understanding. How to plan a pregnancy so that a girl is born? There are a huge number of folk signs, following which you can give birth to a girl. Our grandmothers and great-grandmothers put a spinning wheel under the bed on the night of conception. These observations are simply touching in our age, today science has come to the aid of planning.

In order to conceive a girl, you can use the conception or ovulation calendar. The sex of the unborn child is determined by spermatozoa. Some of them carry the male Y chromosome, while others carry the female X chromosome. If a girl is planned, sperm with an X chromosome will be required for conception. In order for the chances of these sperm to be as high as possible, intimate contact should be scheduled 2-3 days before ovulation.

Spermatozoa with a Y chromosome are light, fast and mobile. Quickly rushing to the place of meeting with the egg and not finding it, they die in a day. And spermatozoa with the X chromosome are slow, heavy, but their viability is much higher. Therefore, slow sperm carrying X chromosomes will slowly reach their destination. This method does not give a 100% guarantee, because due to circumstances, ovulation can shift by 1-2 days. On the other hand, the method is quite accessible to all couples.

You can use another method to determine the sex of the unborn baby. To find out the gender of the unborn child, you need to study 2 tablets. In the first one, from top to bottom, select the month of birth of the mother. In the top line, select the month of birth of the father. The intersection of straight lines indicates the number whose value must be transferred to the second table. For example, dad was born in May, mom was born in April, the intersection is the number 8. According to this figure, in the second table you can see the highest chances of conceiving a girl. As we can see, this is the month of April. Opposite this month, we see the largest number of crosses. Much less likely in December, but still they are.

There is also an ancient Chinese method for determining the sex of an unborn child. In the left column of the table we find the age of the mother, and in the remaining 12 we select the month of conception. At the intersection of the vertical and horizontal lines, you can see who will be born, a boy or a girl.

Pregnancy planning calendar: how to conceive a boy

The boy is the heir and successor of the family. In this case, we can understand men, because boys are always a father's pride. The most rational way to conceive a boy is a pregnancy planning calendar, or an ovulation calendar. As already mentioned, the calendar is compiled as a result of a woman's observation of her body. For several months, the regularity of menstruation was found out, and then the day of the alleged ovulation was calculated.

Now, using what we know about the mobility and lightness of sperm with the male Y chromosome, we choose the day to conceive a baby. For sexual contact, it is better to choose exactly the day the egg leaves the ovary, and more specifically, 10-15 hours before ovulation.

To conceive a boy, certain postures are sometimes advised during ejaculation. Perhaps there is some truth in this. The closer to the cervix the sperm is ejected, the more likely the light spermatozoa are to be the first to reach the target. The “knee-elbow” position and the “man behind” are considered the most suitable for conceiving a boy. These positions provide the deepest possible penetration into the vagina. A woman's orgasm during sex increases the chances of conceiving a boy. The female orgasm contributes to the creation of an alkaline environment in the vagina, which adversely affects the spermatozoa that carry the female X chromosome.

Some argue that diet can help conceive a boy. For 1-2 months before conception, it is recommended to focus on such products:

  • different types of meat and fish;
  • egg white;
  • tea, coffee, mineral water with soda composition;
  • rice, semolina;
  • muffins, biscuits and cookies made without milk;
  • potatoes and legumes;
  • mushrooms;
  • fruits and dried fruits.

Some foods should be excluded from the diet: egg yolk, seafood, milk, mineral water with calcium, nuts, dill, lettuce.

The most accurate way to conceive a boy is IVF. There you can definitely order the sex of the child, although this procedure is quite expensive and unpleasant. Much more pleasant - a night of love with a beloved man, and as a result, a long-awaited baby! And it will be a boy or a girl, well, what's the difference! He will definitely be loved, because he was conceived by two loving people!

Calendar of conception and planning of the child. Video

How to increase the chances of having a child of the desired gender.

The term "ovulation" itself comes from the Latin ovum - egg; this is the name of the process of exit of a mature, capable of fertilization of the egg from the ovary into the abdominal cavity.

Physiologically, ovulation is one of the stages of the menstrual cycle. Ovulation in women of childbearing age occurs periodically, every 21-35 days - in the middle of the menstrual cycle (the cycle is usually counted from the first day of menstruation). The frequency of ovulation is regulated by the hormones of the pituitary gland - an endocrine gland located in the brain, and ovarian hormones (estrogen and progesterone). Ovulation stops with the onset of pregnancy and after the extinction of menstrual function.

For the implementation of sexual intercourse for the purpose of conception, the most favorable moment is when ovulation is about to occur and the spermatozoa have enough time to enter the fallopian tubes, where they “wait” for the release of the female germ cell, or immediately after ovulation, when the egg is already in fallopian tube.

day of conception

If you correctly calculate on which day ovulation will occur, and live sexually during this period of time, then there is a high probability that a woman will become pregnant.

So, how can you determine ovulation? First of all, with the help of subjective signs. These can be short-term pains in the lower abdomen, a feeling of a “bursting bubble” in the middle of the cycle, some women note an increase in sexual desire - this is due to the release of estrogens during ovulation - female sex hormones that are produced in the ovaries. Some signs can be detected during a routine gynecological examination, although it is difficult to imagine that a woman who believes that she does not have reproductive problems will go to a gynecologist only to determine ovulation. However, a woman can notice a number of signs herself.

The day of ovulation can be determined by observing the secretion of mucus from the cervical canal. The maximum secretion of mucus is associated with a sharp increase in estrogen levels and coincides with the moment of ovulation. In addition, the extensibility of mucus is sometimes used, and its crystallization is also observed. During ovulation, the mucus becomes very viscous, it can be stretched between the fingers up to 8-10 cm. The more pronounced the crystallization, the greater the likelihood of ovulation. This phenomenon is most clearly manifested 3-4 days before ovulation and reaches a maximum on the day of the expected ovulation. Crystallization is the result of biophysical and biochemical changes in the cervical mucus. During this period, there is an increase in the amount of mucus and an increase in the concentration of salts, primarily sodium chloride, which, along with potassium ions, is responsible for the phenomenon of crystallization. With pronounced crystallization, the mucus looks like a fern under a microscope. There are special microscopes for home use that can be coated with mucus or saliva. The main changes occur precisely in the vaginal mucus, but they also affect the entire body, therefore, for convenience, they began to work with saliva, in which it is also possible to determine the symptom of crystallization. This phenomenon is based on the operation of the device for determining ovulation "Baby Plan".

The next most accurate and informative method for determining ovulation is the measurement of basal temperature - the temperature in the rectum. The method is quite simple and requires almost no special equipment other than a conventional medical thermometer.

Basal temperature is measured with the same medical thermometer in the morning, immediately after waking up, without getting out of bed. The measurement must be carried out at the same time, introducing a thermometer into the anus to a depth of 4–5 cm. The temperature measurement data is plotted on a graph, the temperature is plotted along the vertical axis, and the day of the menstrual cycle is plotted along the horizontal axis. The graph also marks the days of sexual intimacy.

In many women, careful basal temperature charting reveals that there is a short drop before the temperature rises. According to this method, it is considered that the moment of ovulation occurs 12 hours before the increase in basal temperature or between the decline and the beginning of its rise.

Can I choose the gender of the baby?

When planning a pregnancy, few potential parents do not think about how to choose the sex of the unborn child in advance. One wants a boy, the other a girl. Such planning becomes especially relevant when the family already has one child. As a rule, parents dream of having a second baby of the opposite sex.

There is only one way more or less scientifically sound to try to plan the sex of the child. A sperm cell with a male set of chromosomes moves faster but lives less than a sperm cell with a female set. Therefore, the coincidence of sexual intercourse with ovulation (about 14 days before the onset of menstruation with a 28-day menstrual cycle) increases the likelihood of having a boy, and the birth of a girl is more likely if sexual intercourse occurs 2-3 days earlier. However, this rule does not always work, since it concerns the classic situation of "super healthy" parents in all respects. If one of the partners has deviations in health, this, as a rule, also affects the “speed characteristics” of spermatozoa. For example, this happens when there is a violation of the acid-base balance of the genital tract or a change in the qualitative composition of the secret in women, or in case of physical fatigue in men (it also affects the mobility of the "gum").

But all these listed methods give only approximate results. The accuracy of them allows you to determine the moment of ovulation only by using all of them in a complex and with a rather long observation. What allows you to establish the moment of ovulation accurately and guaranteed to document it? There are, strictly speaking, only two such methods.

The first one is ultrasonic observation of the growth and development of the follicle - the vesicle in which the egg matures, and the determination of the moment of its rupture - the actual ovulation. Often, with the use of modern devices, it is even possible to see the very moment of the release of the egg, if the study is carried out at the right time.

The second method is the dynamic determination of luteinizing hormone in the urine (this is also an ovarian hormone, the amount of which increases during ovulation). This method is much simpler and can be applied at home, for which special tests are used. Tests begin to be carried out 2 times a day (every 12 hours) 5-6 days before the expected ovulation, strictly following the instructions attached to them. The determination is stopped after receiving the first positive result. Ovulation occurs approximately 16-28 hours after the first positive test result. For control, you can immediately conduct another test. The most convenient and informative use of tests for luteinizing hormone in conjunction with the measurement of basal temperature. Dynamic determination of luteinizing hormone used to be used only in specialized medical institutions, but now there are also test strips, the same as for determining a small gestational age. Such tests are sold in pharmacies. Thus, the problem of determining the moment of ovulation should be recognized as practically solved.

I must say that if there are no alleged problems with conception, then you can start with a simpler method - calculating your ovulation based on the duration of the menstrual cycle. To do this, as we have already said, the duration of the menstrual cycle must be divided in half. To start “working” on conception, given that some sperm live up to 7 days, a week before the expected ovulation, a favorable period will end 3 days after ovulation.

Keep in mind that pregnancy may not occur immediately in the first "dangerous" period, because. even healthy young women have 1-2 cycles a year in which ovulation (egg release) does not occur.

In addition, ovulation is affected by stress, climate change, etc.

Position for conception

After you have calculated the days most favorable for conception, you must abandon douching, any soap and similar products after intercourse. Firstly, the very fact of washing contributes to the mechanical removal of sperm, and secondly, hygiene products create an environment in the vagina that is unfavorable for spermatozoa. Yes, and before sexual intercourse, you should take a shower ahead of time (30-60 minutes), so that a normal, natural environment can be restored in the vagina.

Couples who want to conceive a child often wonder: is it worth using some kind of special position? It is safe to say that any position that is acceptable to both partners will do. After sex, it is better to lie down for 15-20 minutes on your side or with a raised pelvis to prevent semen from flowing out.

We hope that our advice will help you move into the category of future parents as soon as possible.

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