What hurts on the left side. Causes of pain in the left side of the lower abdomen. Treatment and main causes of pain in the left side

Let's look at what can cause pain in the left side behind and or in front, and why it can hurt from the back and under the ribs, as well as in the lower back and lower abdomen. Let's start our study with an analysis of human anatomy.

The left side includes the thoracic and abdominal regions. A conditional distinction between the sternum and peritoneum is carried out along the diaphragm, one of the largest muscles in humans. Above the diaphragm is the chest. Below is the abdominal cavity with the organs of digestion, excretion, reproduction.

Pain and heaviness in the left side is a sign of internal pathology.

Any discomfort, whining and soreness are formed with internal pathology. You can understand which organ has failed, and what measures need to be taken to treat it, by the nature of the pain. What do you experience - a strong stabbing pain, or a pulling-aching sensation, or a slight bursting, discomfort. Consider the possible pathologies of the internal organs, and what kind of pain is formed in this case.

Why does the left side of the abdomen hurt

What organs are located on the left side of the abdomen?

  • Digestive- stomach, pancreas.
  • excretory- kidney.
  • Sexual- In women, the ovaries and appendages.
  • Immune- spleen.

Each of them can cause pain. Here is a description of the diseases that form pain in the left side of the lower abdomen.

Pain in the digestive organs - pain zones

On the left are the unique digestive organs. Stomach and pancreas (depot of digestive enzymes). Each of them does not have a paired neighbor (there are two kidneys, and the stomach or pancreas is one). If one of them fails or malfunctions, there is a serious threat to human life and health. What to do, how to determine which of the listed organs is sick?


The stomach is a hollow organ, a cavity with two openings. This is where most of the digestion of food takes place. Complex proteins and carbohydrates are broken down into simple protein and carbohydrate compounds. At the same time, digestion initiators are aggressive substances. They are able to dissolve the walls of the stomach itself (under certain conditions and circumstances).

For the correct diagnosis and choice of treatment, it is important to know where, how, and, most importantly, when does it hurt?

  • Stomach pains are often felt in the fourth intercostal space. Simply put, it hurts above the navel on the left, under the ribs. If this is chronic gastritis (inflammation of the mucous epithelium lining the stomach, against the background of increased or decreased acidity), then periodic mild pains occur. There is a feeling that the left side is “pulling”. And with low acidity, a feeling of heaviness, fullness is formed (food in the stomach is not digested enough, it becomes a source of decay and toxins). With gastritis, soreness appears immediately after eating.
  • Dull pain in the left side is characteristic of an ulcer. She makes herself felt in the upper part of the hypochondrium, almost under the heart. If the diet is broken, something that cannot be eaten with gastritis is eaten, then the walls of the stomach and the surface of the ulcer are irritated. A person has colitis on the left side under the ribs. Pain with a stomach ulcer is formed one to one and a half hours after eating. The time of manifestation of pain is determined by the type of food. Food with coarse dietary fiber (these are vegetables, fruits), black bread - gives discomfort after an hour. If this is the so-called buffer food (boiled meat, milk), then the pain in the left side under the ribs in front occurs later, after an hour and a half.
  • For comparison and differential diagnosis. A duodenal ulcer is felt more strongly than a stomach ulcer, and is formed later - one and a half, two hours after eating. If an ulcer has formed in the duodenum, it will hurt along the lower edge of the left hypochondrium.
  • With perforation or perforation of an ulcer in the stomach or in the duodenum, severe acute pain appears in the left side. The sensations are so strong that a pain shock is formed in a person.


The next unique human organ is the pancreas. It is an organ of the digestive and endocrine systems. It is located close to the stomach and duodenum, at the level of the upper lumbar vertebrae (this is slightly above the navel). Part of the pancreas (the so-called tail) falls into the right side of the body. However, the main sections (head and body) are located to the left of the umbilical ring.

The pancreas secretes pancreatic juice with enzymes to digest food. With its inflammation (pancreatitis), the enzymes are activated ahead of time and begin to “digest” the pancreas itself. There is pain in the left side at waist level, to the left of the navel. Sometimes the left side under the ribs also hurts. A feature of pancreatitis pain is persistent nausea, severe and prolonged, inability to digest food (expressed in a change in the consistency and color of stools). Another feature of pancreatitis is that the pain is slightly relieved after eating (unlike stomach ulcers, in which the pain increases after eating).

With prolonged inflammation (chronic pancreatitis), the pancreas increases in size. Then a sharp pain in the left side spreads in all directions - the left side of the abdomen hurts, as well as the area below the solar plexus, around the umbilical ring. Severe acute pancreatitis can even radiate to the shoulder blade and shoulder.

Large and small intestine

The intestine is made up of several sections. On the left is the descending colon and sigmoid colon. When the left side hurts below, an accumulation of feces in the sigmoid region is possible. If this is the descending part of the large intestine, then pains are possible at the level of the waist and below.

In any case, with intestinal inflammation, the left side aches 2-3 hours after eating. Diet helps prevent discomfort. The human intestine provides the absorption of nutrients. In case of violation of the assimilation process, not only aching pain is formed in the left side. Digestion and absorption of food is disturbed. With any amount of food eaten, a person receives less nutrition, starves.

Also, pain in the left side of the abdomen in women is formed with inflammation of the left appendage, ovary.

Kidney pain is more often felt in the lumbar region. But it is also possible to spread them in the lower abdomen. Pain in the lower back in the left side of the renal etiology causes a spasm of muscle fibers. Therefore, soreness can be relieved with a warm bath, a light massage.

In addition, renal pathology is accompanied by additional symptoms, according to which differential diagnosis can be made:

  • Increased urge to urinate.
  • When urinating - there is discomfort, burning during emptying.
  • Edema appears on the legs and arms (the kidneys cannot cope with the load).

By the presence of these symptoms, one can judge the reasons why it hurts in the left side - due to a diseased kidney or for another reason.

Inflammation of the appendage - it hurts in the left side of the lower abdomen

Gynecological pains are formed exclusively in the lower abdomen, above the pubic bone. Gynecology is often confused with intestinal pain (they accompany dysbacteriosis, various digestive disorders), and sometimes viral infections, influenza.

Pain in the left side below is characteristic of the following gynecological problems:

  • An ectopic pregnancy is a pathology that can only be solved surgically. The earlier an abnormal fixation of a fertilized egg is detected, the better the treatment prognosis. With such a pregnancy, small pain sensations appear, which quickly increase and become strong. Begins to give in the perineum and back. The woman's condition worsens every hour, as with appendicitis.
  • With inflammation of the left ovary or appendage, there is a pulling pain in the left side.

In gynecology, the left side of the lower abdomen in a woman does not necessarily hurt. Sometimes the lower back gives, pulls the lower back. At the same time, it whines and pulls the left side from behind, below the waist.

Spleen hurts - pain on the left under the ribs

The spleen is an immune organ. It is responsible for the functioning of the immune system and performs several important functions. Controls the activity of bacteria, synthesizes immune bodies, stores iron, removes dead cells from the bloodstream. With inflammation, the spleen increases in size and presses on neighboring organs (stomach, small intestine and duodenum), causing pain.

Pain syndrome with an inflamed spleen is felt under the ribs, from the left side of the abdomen. In addition, it irradiates (spreads) up the back - to the scapula and left collarbone. Thus, the main sign of splenic pains is their vastness, spreading to the upper back. The left side hurts from the back and the scapular and clavicular regions adjacent to it.

The nature of the pain is determined by its cause. With a traumatic rupture, the pain is strong, sharp, accompanied by the appearance of bruises on the body. If there is inflammation or blood supply is disturbed, the pain is chronic, aching.

Pain in the left side during pregnancy

Short-term mild pain occurs in any months of pregnancy. More often they form in the second and third trimester, when the size of the uterus increases several tens of times. Why does the left side hurt during pregnancy?

The growth of the uterus is accompanied by stretching of the ligaments. This causes some discomfort and pain. Pulling in the left side, there is pain above the pubis. Discomfort also appears with sudden movements, with strong sneezing or coughing.

Such soreness does not carry any danger, it is easy to remove it with complete relaxation. If you take a warm bath, the discomfort will noticeably weaken and disappear.

However, in this case, it is still necessary to consult a specialist, at least for your own peace of mind.

Pain in the left side in men

If we talk about purely male diagnostics, then left-sided pains are the result of inflammation of the genitourinary organs.

What can be found during the examination:

  • Cystitis- inflammation of the bladder.
  • Prostatitis- inflammation of the prostate gland.
  • Urolithiasis disease.

What is the nature of the pain

According to the peculiarities of painful sensations (they are described in words - pulling, pulling, aching, cutting, as well as weak or strong, pulsating or even), one can judge the stage of the pathological process. To determine how urgently medical intervention is needed, it is necessary to analyze how the left side hurts?

  • Dull pain is characteristic of a chronic inflammation process. It is felt as weak, you can forget about it for a while, not notice it. However, if the process continues, an exacerbation occurs, in which the pain becomes more noticeable, stronger.
  • A tingling sensation is characteristic of circulatory disorders. When the inflamed organ enlarges and compresses the surrounding tissues, normal blood flow is disrupted. In addition, the inflamed tissues swell, which is also a causal disorder in their blood supply. So there is a periodic feeling in which colitis in the left side. Tingling sensations are replaced by numbness, when sensitivity decreases at the site of recent discomfort.
  • Pulsation - characteristic of purulent processes. If there are throbbing pains in the abdomen, throbbing, a visit to the doctor is necessary.
  • Severe pains (pressing, cutting, stabbing, etc.) accompany acute processes. They may be the result of internal trauma. Important: with severe pain, it is better to first see a doctor, and then drink painkillers. The doctor must see the full picture of the disease, its vivid symptoms. This will provide an accurate diagnosis. Pain medications are often antispasmodics. They break the picture of the disease, "lubricate" its visible manifestations. Therefore, with severe pain, do not drink painkillers, but immediately consult a doctor.

Pain in the left side can be caused by various reasons. There is only one unequivocal conclusion: examination and treatment are necessary.

Painful sensations of a different nature, localized in the abdomen or left hypochondrium, may be the first signs of serious pathologies. If, with intense, prolonged pain in the left side, nausea is added, you should consult a specialist, and in severe cases, call an ambulance.

Acute gastritis - occurs with the development of the inflammatory process of the gastric mucosa. It manifests itself in case of poisoning (food, acid, alkaline) or due to malnutrition.

The characteristic symptoms of the disease are:

  1. Feeling of heaviness and fullness in the stomach associated with eating.
  2. The pain is constant, aching in nature, aggravated by physical exertion. It is localized throughout the epigastric region, but the left side can hurt and give to the left hypochondrium.
  3. Nausea and repeated vomiting.
  4. Belching due to increased pressure inside the stomach.
  5. Dyspeptic disorders of the stool (diarrhea).

Only a doctor can diagnose a disease, he also decides whether it is worth treating the patient in a hospital or whether he can be cured at home on his own. Treatment of acute gastritis is aimed at eliminating the causes of the disease, relieving pain and removing dyspeptic disorders:

  • Rinse the stomach. You can use plain warm water or add 5-6 dissolved potassium permanganate crystals to it. Washing is carried out to clean water.
  • The appointment of sorbents for the rapid removal of toxins from the body (activated carbon, Enterosgel).
  • Antispasmodics for severe pain syndrome (No-Shpa, Pentalgin).
  • Rehydration saline solutions to prevent dehydration during vomiting and diarrhea (Rehydron, Oralit).
  • A sparing diet (vegetable broths, pureed cereals, sour-milk products).


Acute inflammation associated with a violation of the secretion of the pancreas and the production of digestive enzymes. In a healthy person, bile and toxins secreted by the pancreas are released into the large intestine. With pancreatitis, the outflow of all fluids is disturbed, the body cannot cope with the load and begins to throw them into the coronary circulation. A person needs emergency hospitalization, as the disease can be fatal.


  • Sharp piercing pain in the stomach, radiating to the left side. It is localized 4-5 centimeters up from the navel and gradually spreads throughout the epigastrium.
  • Multiple vomiting.
  • Persistent nausea.
  • Staining of feces in a light color, and urine - in a dark one.
  • Yellowness of the sclera of the eyes and skin.
  • Resurrection symptom. With intense pressure on the abdomen, the pulsation of the aorta passing in the abdominal region is not detected.
  • Mayo-Robson sign. When pressed into the region of the left vertebral angle, the tension of the muscles in front of the abdominal wall is determined.
  • Kach symptom. On palpation of the peritoneum, there is a sharp pain radiating under the left rib.

Treatment of pancreatitis is carried out in a hospital with the use of cephalosporin antibiotics to prevent the development of complications (Ceftriaxone, Cefazolin), which are administered intravenously or intramuscularly, depending on the severity of the disease. If there is a complete blockage of the ducts by gallstones, then surgical intervention is possible.

For uncomplicated pancreatitis, doctors prescribe a strict diet (low-fat soups, cereals, dairy products) and mineral water (Essentuki 17). Antispasmodic (to eliminate pain) and enzymatic (to improve the functioning of the gland) drugs can also be used.

Spleen dysfunction

The spleen is a flat, long sphere, part of which is under the left rib, and the other half is in contact with the stomach. It performs a protective function of the body, produces bile and promotes blood renewal. The main cause of pain under the ribs is inflammation of the spleen. This is a pathological process that is caused by infections, viruses, diseases of the hematopoietic system (leukemia), physical injuries (blows, wounds).

Symptoms of inflammation:

  • an increase in organ size. It is determined on the ultrasound machine or by palpation;
  • aching, persistent, exhausting pain in left side. It can occur in the stomach, in the lower abdomen and give under the shoulder blade;
  • weakness;
  • dizziness;
  • subfebrile condition (temperature up to 38.5 degrees);
  • and constantly nauseous.
  1. Antibacterial therapy.
  2. Relief of pain with antispasmodics.
  3. Strict diet (exclusion of fatty, salty, sweet).
  4. Vitamin therapy (B6, B12, vitamin E).
  5. Physiotherapy (magnets and UHF).
  6. Splenectomy (removal of the spleen). With severe abscesses and neoplasms. If a hernia occurs in a child at the site of the spleen, then it is also removed surgically.

Exacerbation of gastric ulcer

Gastric ulcer - degeneration of the mucous membrane under the influence of acid or bile. The main cause of a defect in the wall of the stomach is the bacterium Helicobacter pylori. But there are many other factors that can cause the disease (long-term medication, smoking, alcohol, neoplasms, infections).

It alternates with periods of exacerbation (autumn - spring) and remission. If medical care is provided on time, treatment is started and there are no complications, then the prognosis is usually favorable.

Symptoms of a stomach ulcer:

  • Cutting, stitching pain on the left side of the sternum. It is well removed by antispasmodics, passes after eating.
  • Slight nausea.
  • Belching. May have a bitter or sour taste.
  • Tension of the abdominal wall.
  • Loss of appetite.

Peptic ulcer causes a lot of unpleasant and painful sensations, but the most dangerous is the development of complications caused by this disease, which can be the cause of human death.

The most dangerous consequences

- an ulcer destroys the wall of the stomach, and all the contents seep into the peritoneum. There is peritonitis. It is characterized by paroxysmal cutting pains in the lower abdomen, aggravated in the supine position on the left side, symptoms of intoxication of the body, severe weakness, increased heart rate, sticky sweat. Emergency hospitalization and immediate treatment are indicated.

Gastrointestinal bleeding

It is characterized by a sharp pain of a different nature, black coloring of the stool, a sharp decrease in hemoglobin, pallor of the skin, sweating, loss of consciousness. Before the arrival of the ambulance, the patient should be in a state of complete physical rest, do not eat, do not drink anything. With a quick and correct diagnosis, assistance and treatment, the disease, as a rule, goes into remission.

In about 5% of cases, an ulcer can transform into cancer.

Treatment of peptic ulcer of the stomach:

  • Antibacterial drugs of a narrow spectrum of action (Amoxicillin, Clarithromycin), aimed at eliminating Helicobacter pylori. Usually, several courses are prescribed to achieve maximum effect.
  • Drugs that reduce the production of hydrochloric acid (Maalox, Phosphalugel).
  • Drugs that improve the functioning of the gastric mucosa (Venter, Imodium).
  • Antacids (Renny, Gastal, Almagel).
  • Alginates (Natalsid, Laminal).
  • Reparative drugs promote the healing of damaged tissues and have regenerative properties (Gastrofarm, Acemin).

Frequent, non-spasmodic pains in any part of the epigastrium should alert and serve as a good reason for contacting a specialized doctor.

As you know, the same symptom can be with dozens of completely different diseases. Nausea, vomiting, weakness, loss of consciousness - if you are asked to remember and name five diseases in which each of these symptoms occurs, you will cope with this task in a couple of minutes.

The most universal, most frequent symptom, with which the description of the clinical picture of diseases often begins, is, of course, pain. On the one hand, this sign is the most “useful” of all. If something hurts us, it becomes obvious that some kind of pathological process is taking place in one or another part of the body. However, not all so simple. We know how to behave with or, for example, pain in the finger after a bruise. But in some localizations it can be very difficult to determine where the unpleasant sensations come from and how they should be regarded. For example, a symptom such as pain in the left side can indicate a variety of pathologies that always require a visit to a doctor.

Side is a fairly large part of the body. It occupies the entire lateral surface of the body below the arm and above the pelvis. Pain sensations can occur in different parts of this anatomical region, look more or less strong, disturb constantly or from time to time, be accompanied or not accompanied by other symptoms. It is easy to get lost in such diversity.

What does pain in the left side mean? What medicine can be taken? What to do: go to the clinic, call a doctor at home or call an ambulance? To shed some light on the situation, let's take a look at a few of the more obvious ones. reasons .


A fall on a skating rink, a domestic injury, an unsuccessful sports training - all this happened to everyone. After an injury, we can immediately forget about it, but sometimes the next day it again reminds of itself. Therefore, if you get out of bed and feel pain in your left side, remember if you had a fall or bruise.
If the discomfort continues for several days, and the sensations increase with pressure on the painful area and during deep inspiration, consult a traumatologist and undergo a chest x-ray. You may have suffered a broken or cracked rib in a fall.

angina pectoris

Are you over forty years old, does your blood pressure rise from time to time, and does it hurt in the left half of your chest or in your side during exercise? Do you lead a sedentary lifestyle, do not watch your diet, and among your relatives someone has "heart" problems?
Perhaps the pain appeared as a result of angina pectoris - a heart disease in which cholesterol plaques grow in the vessels supplying the myocardium. They reduce the lumen of the arteries and cause oxygen starvation of the heart muscle.
With angina pectoris, unpleasant sensations occur in attacks during physical exertion, with excitement, after a heavy meal, and even when inhaling cold air, and stop after a short rest. By nature, the pain is pulling, compressing, less often burning, it can be given to the left arm, the left half of the neck, the interscapular space.
If you suspect that she was the cause of the discomfort, this can be confirmed or refuted by applying a simple test. During the next attack, put a nitroglycerin tablet under the tongue. If the pain goes away in 0.5-1 minute, then you need to see a cardiologist.
Use not validol, not Corvalol, namely nitroglycerin, tableted or in the form of a spray (nitrospray, nitromint). Only it has a direct effect on the coronary vessels and improves myocardial nutrition; other means have a weaker effect.
Nitroglycerin relieves pain, but this does not make it a wonderful tool on which you can "sit" all the time. Having found a way to deal with pain for yourself, you should not relax and leave everything as it is: one medicine is not enough to stop the development of the disease. Firstly, nitroglycerin fights only with the symptoms, and secondly, with frequent use, it develops addiction. Do not confuse addiction with addiction: you will not dream about the “dose” all the time and scour the surrounding pharmacies in search of the desired pills, just over time, the previous dosage will no longer be enough to relieve sensations, and it will need to be increased.
Your program - at least - go to a cardiologist, take an ECG and follow all his recommendations.

Dry pleurisy

This is the name of inflammation of the pleura - a film that lines the inside of the chest cavity and covers the lungs. As a rule, it develops as a complication of pneumonia.
If you have been diagnosed with pneumonia, or if you have a high fever and cough that may indicate it, then pleurisy is quite likely. It manifests itself in the form of sharp, stabbing pains that increase during deep breaths and decrease in the position of the body on the sore side. Unpleasant sensations are localized in the area of ​​​​the site of pneumonia, so that pain in the left half of the chest is possible with left-sided pneumonia.
In order to confirm this disease, you will need to go to a general practitioner and have a chest x-ray. If pneumonia is confirmed, you will have to undergo a full course of treatment with antibiotics, and you will fight the pain itself with the help of analgesics - nimesulide, etc.


Pancreatitis is an inflammatory disease. If you are worried about intense pain that worsens after eating, it may well be its cause. The pain is often accompanied by nausea, vomiting, stool disorders, and somewhat weakens after taking antisecretory drugs: omeprazole, famotidine.
Unpleasant sensations can be not only in the left side, but also “under the spoon”. Sometimes patients describe their sensations as "girdles": the pain is on the right and left, and spreads in the form of a "ring" at the level of the upper abdomen.
Treatment of pancreatitis must be carried out under the supervision of a physician. Consult a gastroenterologist; he will prescribe you tests (first of all, blood for amylase) and recommend the necessary treatment.


Doctors say that every third woman is familiar with this problem, although sometimes the disease can also occur in men. If the left kidney is inflamed, the sensations will also be on the left.
With pyelonephritis, patients complain of fairly severe pain in the side or lower back, which can radiate to the groin, and fever.
This disease must be treated with antibiotics, and if severe, hospitalization may be required. Be sure to go to the doctor and take a urine test (general and Nechiporenko analysis). If the level of leukocytes is sharply increased, then the sensations appeared due to pyelonephritis.

Pain in the left side can overcome you for other reasons. But other diseases are much less common and go into the "exotic" section. In any case, if you have any discomfort, do not try to deal with them yourself. Only a specialist can accurately determine their origin and prescribe the optimal therapy. Visit or call a doctor, and your suffering will end much faster than when trying to solve the problem on your own.

More useful resources:

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When you feel pain in the left side of the abdomen it should be taken into account that in this case there is a malfunction in the work of some organ located on the left side of the abdominal cavity (stomach). Moreover, since many internal organs, various tissues and structures are located in the abdomen - causes of pain in the left side of the abdomen may be different.
Among the main diseases causing abdominal pain on the left diseases of the stomach, pancreas, spleen, intestines, and diaphragm can be distinguished.
1) Diseases of the stomach.
Pain in the left side of the abdomen, which occurs with diseases of the stomach, is considered very common. The fact is that the mucous membrane of the walls of the stomach can be irritated by various drugs and many foods. If this happens often enough, then the risk of gastritis (one of the most common diseases) increases, from which about 40% of people suffer. With gastritis, there is a long and aching pain in the left side of the abdomen (in both hypochondria). The pain may be accompanied by nausea and vomiting. In this case, relief will bring antacids that reduce the acidity of the gastric environment. However, if it hurts a lot in the left side of the abdomen, then there may be an ulcer, and even stomach cancer, therefore, in any case, it is better to undergo a medical examination - it is imperative to consult a doctor for an accurate diagnosis and proper treatment.
2) Diseases of the spleen.
Very often it hurts in the left side of the abdomen due to diseases of the spleen (since the spleen is located close to the surface of the body). As a rule, pain in the abdomen on the left, associated with the spleen, occurs when the capsule of the spleen is stretched, with an increase in this organ in size. The rupture of the enlarged spleen as a result of abdominal trauma or infectious diseases (for example, mononucleosis) is very dangerous. A ruptured spleen can be judged if a blue area forms around the navel, along with this there is severe pain in the lower abdomen.
3) Hernia of the diaphragm.
If it hurts on the left in the upper abdomen, then this may indicate the presence of a hernia of the diaphragm (the wide muscle that separates the chest cavity from the abdominal cavity).
Since the diaphragm is located in two cavities - chest and abdominal - pain in the left upper side of the abdomen can occur when it is pinched. This disease is most often seen in the elderly.
4) Diseases of the pancreas.
If suddenly there is a dull pain in the left side of the abdomen below, especially after eating, seasoned with hot sauce, pepper, or after drinking a cup of coffee or some carbonated drink, then it means the pancreas.
Pain in the left side of the abdomen may indicate inflammation of the pancreas, which is called pancreatitis. At the same time, a rather characteristic girdle is observed, very sharp pain in the left side of the abdomen, which gives back. There is a feeling that the pain is somewhere inside. In addition, there is an increase in body temperature, as well as nausea and vomiting. In this case, you need to call an ambulance. Also, with a disease of the pancreas, pain can be observed in the right side of the abdomen, and pain in the center of the abdomen, because the pancreas is stretched through the entire upper abdominal cavity. If treatment is not started on time, then pancreatic disease can turn into cancer. It should be noted that people with a history of chronic alcoholism, as well as smokers, patients with diabetes mellitus, asthma and arthritis, are at risk.
5) Diseases of the reproductive system
If there is severe pain in the left side of the lower abdomen in women, then this may indicate diseases of the reproductive system (torsion of the legs of the ovarian cyst). Such a pathological condition requires emergency medical intervention. Indeed, in this case, a violation of the general condition of the body occurs: blood pressure drops, the temperature rises, vomiting occurs.
6) Flatulence
The stomach also hurts on the left and with excessive accumulation of gases in the stomach. At the same time, aching and dull pain is observed in the left side of the abdomen. Also, with flatulence, there is bloating, cramps, and belching.

In addition to the diseases listed above, pain in the left side of the abdomen and with pyelonephritis, myocardial infarction (angina pectoris), left-sided pneumonia, localized in the lower lobes of the left lung.
In general, all pains in the left side of the abdomen differ in their characteristics, which provides additional diagnostic features in determining the disease. That also happens:
a) Visceral pain. It is observed with violations of the motility of the stomach and intestines (with spasms or sprains of their muscle fibers). This may be a cramping pain in the left side of the abdomen (for example, with intestinal colic), or maybe a dull, aching pain in the abdomen on the left (for example, with flatulence). This pain often radiates to nearby areas of the body.
b) Peritoneal pain. As a rule, it is clearly localized and constant. It is caused due to irritation of the peritoneum (for example, when a stomach ulcer is perforated). In this case, there is a sharp, cutting pain in the left side of the abdomen, which increases with movement and breathing.
c) Referred pain. Such pain in the left side occurs as a result of irradiation of pain sensations. Pain in the left abdomen is observed with left-sided lower lobe pneumonia, pleurisy and some other diseases.

Diagnosis of pain in the left side of the abdomen
In order to correctly diagnose pain in the left side of the abdomen, it is first necessary to clarify such an important sign as their localization. Very important for diagnosis
physical examination, often a complete examination is needed to determine the cause of the pain. Diagnosis of pain in the left side of the abdomen includes:
- laboratory tests such as blood tests, liver enzymes, pancreatic enzymes (amylases and lipases) and urinalysis
- a simple x-ray examination of the abdomen
- endoscopic procedures
- Ultrasound (ultrasound examination).

Treatment of pain in the left side of the abdomen
Pain in the left side of the abdomen is treated on the basis of the diagnosis, taking into account which disease caused this pain. That is, the treatment of the disease is carried out directly, as a result of which it hurts in the left side of the abdomen.
In the event that it hurts in the left side of the abdomen for 30 minutes, and the pain is pronounced, and is also accompanied by other negative symptoms, then it is urgent to seek medical help. Self-medication is contraindicated.
In general, most diseases, due to which the stomach hurts on the left, need immediate medical attention, followed by hospitalization of the patient. Therefore, in no case should you underestimate the pain syndrome. Diseases that cause pain in the left side of the abdomen are treated by various specialists: surgeons, traumatologists, gastroenterologists, infectious disease specialists, gynecologists, as well as endocrinologists and neuropathologists.

Everyone has felt at least once. It can be localized in different parts of the body. Very often it is typical for people who are already over 40 years old, but it can also occur at a young age. It is considered a mistake when people want to remove the pain with the help of various painkillers, but it only subsides for a while, with the help of analgesics you cannot cure it. That is why it is so important to find the true cause of the pain and eliminate it with the help of an effective course of treatment. How can pain be cured?

If there is pain in the left side, this already indicates some kind of disease of the organ. The abdomen has in its structure a clear arrangement of organs that have a variety of tissues and structures. Therefore, the reasons vary.
Whatever the nature of the pain, you need to urgently pay attention to it, most often, of course, it is not caused by diseases of the gallbladder, stomach. Genitourinary system and intestines. In cases of blockage of some internal organs, sudden death can occur. If acute pain in the left side lasts more than two hours, it should already alert.

Reasons why the left side hurts

Pain in the left side cannot appear on its own, but may be one of the symptoms and begins to disturb the patient in many diseases:

1. In acute kidney disease and.

2. In case of trauma to the spine, diseases of the spine, in the lower back and sacrum, disc herniation,.

6. Tumor process.

7. Bearing a fetus.

Symptoms of pain in the left side

Lower back pain can occur from many reasons, if the pain is caused by osteochondrosis, trauma, curvature of the spinal column, due to these reasons, the intervertebral disc is asymmetrically displaced, the roots in the spinal nerve are infringed. Because of this, a very strong pain of a sharp nature appears, as if shooting through, intensifies when you start moving and change the position of the body.

With renal colic and urolithiasis, the pain is sharp, cramping in nature, which may be accompanied by vomiting and nausea. Why do they arise? Due to the fact that the renal pelvis is clogged, the ureter, which disrupts the urinary outflow. In this case, the kidney can increase, and the kidney capsule is very much stretched. At the same time, the patient begins to be disturbed by pain of a pulling nature, it begins to radiate to the groin, to the left thigh.

Diseases that cause pain in the left side

1. Angina pectoris, myocardial infarction can not always be expressed by pain behind the left breast. In cases of the posterior diaphragmatic myocardium, the process proceeds atypically, and pain may occur in the left side. In this case, the pain is intense in nature, while there is a fear of death.

2. The occurrence of pain in the left side due to chronic, acute diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Especially for those diseases that require urgent surgery. In this case, there is a local tension in the abdominal wall, in the lumbar muscles. If the disease is associated with a disease of the liver, gallbladder, the pain is aching in nature, after eating junk food. That is, not always, if the liver is on the right side, it is the right side that will hurt, the pain can also be given to the left side.

3. Pneumonia and an inflammatory process in which the pleura is involved. On the left, the diaphragm begins to irritate, which causes pain. In this case, severe shortness of breath, cough and a very high temperature appear.

4. Left side also causes pain in the left side.

5. Disease of the spleen, this organ is on the left. When the capsule begins to stretch, the organ begins to grow very strongly, thereby causing pain in the left side. When the spleen is ruptured, a person cannot withstand the pain, it can end in death or a state of shock in a person. Pain in the left side may be accompanied by sensitivity of the zone at the top of the left, very severe pain in the abdomen, the skin around the navel turns blue due to the accumulation of blood in the spleen area.

6. Due to. The diaphragm is a wide muscle, with the help of which the abdominal zone is separated from the chest cavity. Most often, a hernia occurs in people aged.

7. Pain in the left side due to pregnancy, because the woman undergoes changes in the anatomical organs and their functionality. In this case, the uterus begins to put pressure on the bladder, intestines, spleen. The pressure inside also rises, the diaphragm rises higher, the nerve fibers in the lumbar and sacral begin to be irritated. Pain that begins to be accompanied by bloody discharge may indicate a miscarriage.

Diagnosis on the left side

Laboratory and diagnostic studies will help to accurately determine the cause. What kind of research will be, only the doctor decides. If necessary, he can send you for a consultation with a surgeon, radiologist, gynecologist, traumatologist, ultrasound doctor.

With the help of an extensive laboratory blood test, you can find out about inflammation, if the level of leukocytes rises, erythrocytes settle at a high rate. To confirm or exclude inflammation in the kidneys, you need to pass a urine test. To check the lungs, you will need to take an x-ray, it may be necessary for the spine. In cases of suspected heart disease, it is imperative to undergo an electrocardiogram.

Treatment of pain in the left side

First, find out the cause of the pain. It is best not to take any medications until a doctor's examination so that a more accurate diagnosis can be made. Most often, pain on the left side can be caused by a serious condition that needs surgery.

So, pain in the left side can be a symptom of many diseases, which is why it is so important to diagnose and eliminate it in time so that complications of a different nature do not arise.

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