A common disease among pubertal boys is testicular hydatid necrosis. testis hydatida

Testicular hydatid torsion is a pathology that consists in twisting this formation around its axis. Hydatida is a rudimentary formation in the upper part of the testicle or its appendage, which was preserved after the embryonic development of the fetus and does not perform any functions. Sometimes the hydatid turns around its axis, which causes a violation of the blood supply to the formation, and necrosis develops. In this case, the characteristic symptoms of a pathological condition appear, the main of which is severe pain in the scrotum.

Traditional medicine treats torsion with surgery. If the operation was not carried out on time, the consequences can be severe, up to amputation of the scrotum.

Causes of testicular hydatid torsion

By itself, testicular hydatida is not a pathology and does not cause inconvenience to a person. However, if torsion of the hydatid pedicle occurs, it is a life-threatening condition. Torsion occurs if the formation is located on a long and flexible stalk that is not sufficiently rigid.
Possible causes of epididymal hydatid torsion or testicular torsion include:

In most cases, this condition occurs as a result of trauma to the male genital organs.

Another possible cause is a sharp and strong contraction of the scrotal muscles responsible for raising the testicle. This condition occurs when:

  • sharp exposure to cold;
  • strong emotional arousal;
  • as protection for minor trauma to the scrotum.

Torsion of the testicular hydatid develops more often in children, because they have not yet completed the process of formation of the connective tissue (muscles and ligaments) of the scrotum. Compared to an adult man, a child's connective tissue contains more water, it is more pliable to external influences.

Symptoms of testicular hydatid torsion

Symptoms of testicular hydatid torsion depend on the stage of this process.

  1. The beginning of the pathological process. The patient complains of severe pain in the scrotum (right or left part, depending on which hydatid of which testicle is twisted). At the same time, the corresponding part of the scrotum swells, hyperemia develops in its upper part.
  2. Development of the pathological process. In the future, the symptoms change slightly. The edema subsides, and redness remains only in the upper part of the scrotum in the area of ​​the affected epididymis or testicle. In the upper part of one of their testicles, a small oblong formation of a dark red color appears. The patient may experience a symptom of a blue dot, which is located in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe affected appendage or the testicle itself. The patient continues to experience severe pain even with a light touch on the painful area.
  3. Necrosis. If help is not provided to the patient in a timely manner, necrosis of the affected area develops, which extends to the entire scrotum. If delayed with therapy for a pathological condition, this may lead to the need for amputation of the scrotum. In this case, symptoms of intoxication of the body appear: body temperature rises, nausea and vomiting occur.

Diagnosis of testicular hydatid torsion

The symptoms of testicular hydatid torsion make up the picture of acute scrotum syndrome, which, according to the recommendations of traditional medicine, requires prompt surgical intervention. Often an accurate diagnosis is made during the operation.

For preoperative diagnosis, the method of diaphanoscopy is used - transillumination of the scrotum with an ordinary flashlight. If the patient has a torsion of the testicular hydatid, then when translucent in the upper part of the scrotum, a small bean-shaped formation of a dark color will be visible - this is the inflamed formation.
The characteristic symptoms of torsion are the basis for an ultrasound diagnosis. Such a study allows you to accurately determine the localization of inflamed hydatitis.

Torsion treatment

Since there is mechanical twisting of the hydatid with subsequent development of necrosis, there are no methods of non-surgical treatment of the disease. During the operation, the affected area is removed.
In order for the rehabilitation of the child after the operation to be effective, it is important to ensure that there is no infection of the wound. To do this, it is necessary to make aseptic dressings daily using an alcohol tincture of iodine.

Useful for healing wounds and folk remedies

  1. Burdock root. For 200 ml of vegetable oil, 75 g of crushed burdock root are taken, insisted for a day, then boiled over low heat for 20 minutes, cooled and filtered. The drug is stored in the refrigerator and used to lubricate the damaged area twice a day.
  2. It is also useful to drink a decoction of burdock root. 10 g of crushed vegetable raw materials are poured into 200 ml of boiling water, simmered for 5 minutes, then cooled and filtered. Drink 1 tbsp. l. decoction 3 times a day before meals.
  3. Eucalyptus. 50 g of crushed leaves of this plant are poured into 500 ml of boiling water, insisted in a thermos for half an hour, then cooled and filtered. In the drug dissolve 2 tbsp. l. natural honey. Used for lotions on the postoperative wound.
  4. Sophora japonica and fat. Sophora fruits and goose or badger fat are mixed in equal volumes. The mixture is heated over low heat for 2 hours. Over the next 3 days, the mixture must be warmed up for 2 hours each time. On day 4, the composition is boiled, then thoroughly mixed and poured into a glass dish. The ointment is stored in the refrigerator and lubricate the seam twice a day.

Lifestyle after surgery

This surgery is not traumatic. Recovery after it takes 7-10 days, after which the patient's stitches are removed if there are no complications in the form of infection of the wound. Younger children do not need to wear special scrotum-supporting trunks. However, such special underwear is indicated for adolescents, especially in the case of the development of purulent inflammation.

To avoid unpleasant consequences of torsion after surgery, it is important for patients to avoid colds and other viral diseases for some time. Due to the operation, the patient's blood-testicular barrier is broken, and nothing prevents the penetration of viruses into the tissue of the testicle or epididymis. This can negatively affect the health of the reproductive system in the future.

  1. Recipe number 1. 2 large lemons, along with the peel, are grated or chopped in a blender and mixed with 300 IU of natural honey. Use 1 tsp. drugs several times a day.
  2. Recipe number 2. Grind and mix 1 cup of walnuts, raisins and dried apricots, 1 large lemon with peel and 300 ml of honey. Use 1 tsp. this drug several times a day.
  3. Recipe number 3. Grind and mix equal volumes of figs, dried apricots, raisins, prunes, walnuts, honey, add 1-2 crushed lemons along with the peel. Use 1 tsp. drugs several times a day.

Consequences and complications of testicular hydatid torsion

Symptoms of torsion of the hydatid are a sufficient reason for surgical intervention. However, if for some reason adequate therapy was not carried out in a timely manner, then necrosis of this formation develops, followed by its purulent fusion. Pus enters the scrotum, and the patient subsequently develops an infection of the testicle and epididymis.

If this is not provided with appropriate treatment, the inflammatory process in the scrotum can lead to sepsis (blood poisoning), which often ends in coma and death.

Such complications are now very rare. Often there are consequences of an incorrectly performed operation.

These consequences include:

  1. Sometimes the vas deferens may be ligated by mistake. This leads to a violation of spermatogenesis and subsequent infertility of the patient.
  2. During the operation, the nerve that innervates the genitals can be damaged. In this case, the patient may develop temporary and, subsequently, permanent impotence.

Prevention of testicular hydatid torsion

Most often, this condition develops as a result of an injury. Therefore, the best prevention is to avoid injury to the genitals.
It is also important to avoid sudden hypothermia of the testicles, for example, it is not recommended to go into very cold water.

Hydatid torsion is a very common acute disease of the reproductive system in boys. However, the disease does not always pass under the correct diagnosis, as it disguises itself as pathologies such as epidymitis or orchitis. Torsion of the hydatid involves twisting of the epididymis around the pedicle, which is accompanied by an acute clinical picture, and subsequently can lead to atrophy or even necrosis of the testicles. Hydatids were first described in the 18th century when they got their name hydatid Morganii. In anatomical reference books, these formations are listed as appendixes of the testis, epididymis and other organs of the scrotum. Hydatids, by their origin, are vestiges of various ducts that function in the embryonic period. The formations are connective tissue, well supplied with blood, containing small cyst-like inclusions of stalks.

The presence in the male reproductive system of organs such as hydatids is not a pathology and does not bring any discomfort. The causes of testicular hydatid torsion are not too numerous, although the disease is very common. Main etiological factors:

  1. Mechanical damage to the scrotum;
  2. Excessive contraction of the muscle that elevates the testicle (this can occur as a reaction to cold, stress, and mild injury)
  3. Underdeveloped connective tissue (which is why the disease most often manifests itself in childhood);
  4. Dysregulation of muscles (nerve impulses are poorly conducted, their increase or decrease, which is also typical for children).

All of these conditions can cause the hydatid to twist around its pedicle, cutting off the blood supply to the testicle. Pathology is dangerous in terms of male infertility, since the lack of treatment leads to the fact that the testicles become necrotic or atrophy.

Clinical picture

Torsion of the hydatid testis is acute and has three stages, each of which replaces the previous one. Seeing a doctor should be at the initial stage of the pathology, after the first symptoms appear. Timely treatment will stop the development of pathology and avoid dangerous consequences.

  • First stage. As soon as twisting occurs, a strong pain syndrome develops in the affected half of the scrotum. In addition to pain, patients complain of an increase in the affected area, which is associated with swelling. Also, the scrotum may turn red (more at the upper pole, at the location of the hydatid). If you do not quickly begin to take measures to get rid of the pathology, then it will move to the next stage.
  • Second stage. This stage is characterized by a decrease in swelling on the affected side. Because of this, a twisted hydatid can be visually detected, which looks like an oblong cyanotic-purple formation. The process is located on the upper pole of the scrotum. On palpation, the hydatid is sharply and painfully painful, and the skin above it is very reddened. In most cases, during this period, the disease begins medical care for the patient, thereby stopping the further development of the pathology. However, if for some reason treatment is not carried out, then the last stage begins.
  • Third stage. This stage is the final one in the development of pathology, as it is characterized by necrotic lesions of the hydatid and testis. This process ends with purulent infection, and then the melting of all organs of the scrotum. Such neglected cases are rare, however, clinical examples are described in practice, when the torsion of the hydatid ended with the removal of the entire scrotum.

The clinical picture of the disease is very similar to inflammatory processes in the organs of the scrotum, due to which the diagnosis can be made incorrectly. However, in any case, at the first sign of pathology, you should quickly visit a doctor.

In addition, torsion of the hydatid is characteristic of childhood and adolescence, when boys tend to hide their health problems, especially those related to the reproductive system. Parents during this period should be very attentive to any changes in the appearance and behavior of their child, so as not to miss a dangerous disease.


For torsion of the testicular hydatid, such a type of diagnosis as intraoperative is typical. Due to the fact that the clinical picture of the disease is not specific, and the patient's condition is urgent, surgical treatment is started without confirming the diagnosis, establishing it directly during the operation, visually assessing the condition of the scrotum organs. Any preoperative diagnosis is rarely carried out, as time is lost before the start of treatment, which leads to an aggravation of the disease. However, among all the methods, several are still rarely used:

  1. Diaphanoscopy. This method involves the transillumination of the scrotum under a special lamp. In case of torsion of the hydatid, a darkening will be visible at the upper pole of the scrotum.
  2. Ultrasound diagnostics. The technique allows you to assess the area of ​​the lesion (its size and location), as well as plan a future operation.

Laboratory diagnostics is not used at all, since obtaining results takes a lot of time, and therefore does not make sense. In general, with this disease, it is important not to make an accurate diagnosis, but to determine the acute scrotum syndrome, which is an absolute indication for surgery.

By the way, we wrote a separate article about why situations arise when, look!


Any conservative treatment for this disease does not make sense, and therefore is not used. Therapy implies surgical intervention, the success of which directly depends on the period of the patient's treatment and the speed of response of medical personnel. Anesthesia for this surgical intervention can be different. The most commonly used local anesthesia, which is suitable for adult men and boys. little kids operated under general anesthesia. The incision in most cases is made in the area of ​​the hydatid, that is, along the upper pole of the scrotum. After that, the doctor carefully examines the cavity of the scrotum, where he finds a pinched hydatid, which is pinched and cut off. The remaining process is tied up, and drainage is installed in the cavity. After surgery, the organ must be examined histologically to exclude oncology. In addition to getting rid of torsion, the doctor must carefully examine the testicle and determine its viability. In some cases, it is necessary to remove it and make a disappointing diagnosis - atrophy. The postoperative period of testicular hydatid torsion includes the use of broad-spectrum antibacterial drugs to exclude the occurrence of an infectious process. Also an important role is played by local antiseptic procedures, which involve dressings using iodine solutions, which are carried out every day. The sutures are removed a week after the operation (sometimes the time may be longer depending on individual indicators). Physiotherapy procedures are not used in all cases at the discretion of the doctor and should not be long, since high temperatures have a bad effect on the vital activity of the testicles. In practice, we use:

  • Magnetotherapy;
  • Galvanization.

With the correct implementation of all the doctor's prescriptions, the postoperative period is relatively short, since after the removal of the stitches, patients are discharged home. The first time after the cure of the disease, patients should be very careful and adhere to some rules:

  1. You can not supercool;
  2. It is not recommended to drink cold drinks;
  3. Swimming in the waters is strictly prohibited.

These precautions are related to the prevention of secondary infection, which will not necessarily affect the scrotum, but will affect the recovery period. You should also by all means maintain a high level of the body's immune system. As for alternative medicine, with hydatid torsion, this type of therapy is completely excluded. In this case, only the operation will have a therapeutic effect, and various compresses and lotions will only aggravate the inflammatory process. In medical practice, there are cases when attempts to get rid of pathology with folk remedies led to blood poisoning, peritonitis and subsequently to death.


Life-threatening consequences of testicular hydatid torsion occur in cases where there was a late visit to the doctor or the wrong treatment was carried out in the hospital. There are such complications of pathology:

  • Purulent fusion of the organs of the scrotum. This condition occurs when the hydatid undergoes necrosis. In this case, pus accumulates in the cavity of the scrotum, which infects its organs. In the future, to get rid of this consequence, it will be necessary to remove all formations of the scrotum.
  • Sepsis. Blood poisoning occurs when even during the development of a purulent process there was no proper treatment. It is not easy to recognize this condition, but the following symptoms should alert the patient and the doctor: fever, reaching very high numbers, jumping in rates throughout the day, profuse sweating, severe pallor, lethargy. If no measures are taken, then the outcome is a toxic coma, which ends in death.

Separately, postoperative complications are distinguished, which include:

  1. Ligation of the vas deferens (leads to infertility);
  2. Nerve damage (impotence, which is curable if caught early and becomes permanent if not treated).

The prognosis for this disease is favorable in all respects in cases where patients consulted a doctor in a timely manner and adequate treatment was carried out. Deaths are rare, but infertility often develops. Men are saved only by the fact that hydatid torsion is usually a unilateral pathology.

Hydatid necrosis of Morgagni is a common but little-known disease. The timeliness of the performed surgical treatment is the prevention of infertility in the future.

Testicular hydatid necrosis (or Morgagni hydatids) is a disease characterized by torsion of vestigial organs on the testicle- Morgagni's hydatids - with their subsequent death and possible involvement in the pathological process of the testicles and its appendages.

Hydatida Morgagni is a rudimentary accessory formation resulting from testicular embryogenesis with incomplete reduction of the Müllerian duct. Hydatida has a lobed structure, attached to the testicle by a thin leg.

Causes of the disease

Pathology is common, but little known among the population.

It is more common in children aged 4-15 years. The maximum rise in the disease in boys aged 10-13 years. During this period, there is an active growth of the testicles, which may be one of the causes of the disease in boys of this age category.

The causative factors are not fully understood. The predisposition to torsion is explained by the special anatomical structure of the hydatid: a thin long pedicle of the appendage, the loose structure of the hydatid. As a result of torsion, blood and lymph circulation is disturbed.

The role of trauma as a triggering factor is possible. The acute onset of the disease occurs, as a rule, after active physical exertion.


  1. Initial stage. Manifested by constant pain in the scrotum. The pain appears suddenly, increases with physical exertion and increased intra-abdominal pressure (cough, laughter). The duration of the stage is 2-3 days. At this stage, local signs are expressed: swelling, redness of the scrotum, pain in the testicles. This stage in some categories of patients may manifest as a pulling pain in the lower abdomen. Therefore, all patients with abdominal pain need to examine the genital organs for Morgagni hydatid torsion. It should be noted that the symptoms may be mild: swelling, hyperemia, and tenderness of the scrotum may be absent or manifest slightly. Probably, the severity of clinical signs depends on the size of the hydatid, the degree of disturbance of blood and lymph circulation in it.
  2. stage of the disease. Increased local signs of damage. The asymmetry of the scrotum is visually noticeable due to the increase in fluid in the testicular membranes. The general condition changes (subfebrile condition, possibly malaise, nausea, vomiting). This period is characterized by the development of acute intense dropsy of the testicle.
  3. Decay stage. Symptoms decrease. The water pressure is reduced. In the area of ​​the testicle, it is possible to palpate a slightly painful infiltrate. The subsidence of symptoms is a sure sign of hydatid necrosis.


Diagnosis: carried out by a urologist (https://www.urologist.com.ua/) or a surgeon based on complaints, clinical signs and local changes. To clarify the diagnosis, ultrasound of the genital organs and diaphanoscopy are used.

Ultrasound of the scrotum reveals the location and size of the hydatid. The condition of the testicles and appendages is also assessed.

Diaphanoscopy - allows you to determine the presence of hydatida in the form of a dark spot and intense dropsy in the form of translucence. Unchanged testicles and appendages have a red glow.


Treatment: exclusively operational in the first hours of diagnosis of the disease.

On the scrotum through a skin incision, access is made to the alleged twisted hydatid. In the shells of the testicles, an effusion is found - serous, hemorrhagic or cloudy, depending on the stage of the disease and the attachment of the infection. The modified hydatid is excised by first ligating its leg. Unchanged hydatids are removed for prophylactic purposes. Carry out meticulous hemostasis. Self-absorbable interrupted sutures are applied to the skin of the scrotum.

After the operation, anti-inflammatory therapy is prescribed, if necessary, antibacterial.


The prognosis of the disease is favorable with timely surgical treatment. The function of the testicle after the operation is restored completely. In advanced cases, secondary inflammatory diseases of the testicles and appendages are formed, which can lead to obstruction of the vas deferens and cause infertility.

Thus, parents of boys should be aware of such a common disease as Morgagni's hydatid necrosis, and remember that the condition of their child's reproductive system in the future depends on the timeliness of seeking medical help.

Hydatid torsion is the twisting of a vestigial process on the testis. This condition needs immediate diagnosis by a qualified physician and subsequent treatment. In case of ignoring the symptoms, complications can develop that will lead to a complete loss of the reproductive ability of a man.

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    Hydatid torsion

    Hydatida - a formation on the surface of the testicle and its appendage, which is a rudiment. These are thin rounded growths on the so-called leg. Their diameter rarely exceeds five millimeters.

    The torsion of this rudiment is predominantly detected at an early age. After 10 years, this pathology practically does not occur.

    The reasons

    Hydatid torsion is provoked by a number of factors that depend both on living conditions and on the prenatal development of a man. The main reasons are:

    • severe trauma to the scrotum;
    • prolonged exposure to cold (hypothermia);
    • violation in the development and formation of connective tissues;
    • pathological disorders of the innervation of the tissues of the scrotum;
    • physical overload of the body.

    Hydatids, which have a thin or long stalk, are most susceptible to torsion. In addition, the risk group includes inflamed hydatids or hydatids with impaired blood flow. To complicate the situation is capable of insufficiently formed tissue surrounding the testicle. This is the reason for the prevalence of the disease in young boys (up to 8 years). The disease is caused by a feature of the anatomical structure of the child's body.

    Clinical symptoms

    Such a twist causes many unpleasant consequences. These consequences provoke the occurrence of the following symptoms:

    • unbearable penetrating pain in the scrotal region;
    • pain radiates to the perineal region and to the lumbar region;
    • development of asymmetric edema and hyperemia of the skin on the affected side;
    • the occurrence of an infiltrate on the upper part of the testicle.

    The first symptom is a sharp pain in the scrotum, which gradually subsides and completely disappears after two days. After that, a seal forms at the upper pole of the testicle. This is a twisted inflamed hydatid. Then the skin begins to redden and swell. A characteristic feature is the appearance of a cyanotic edematous node with a seal that shines through the surface of the skin.


    If the patient does not go to the doctor for the timely diagnosis of testicular hydatid, then he risks getting serious complications:

    • the occurrence of an abscess in the scrotum;
    • gangrenous processes in the scrotum or the testicle itself;
    • inflammation of the testicle (orchitis);
    • development of chronic hydrocele;
    • inflammation of the epididymis (epididymitis);
    • testicular tissue necrosis (cell death).

    In case of violation of the course of therapeutic therapy, the risk of inflammation of the testicular tissues increases, which leads to atrophy of the epithelium, which produces spermatozoa. This condition is the cause of infertility in men.


    If a man has a sharp pain in the testicles, you should immediately contact a specialist for help. To find out the etiology of the symptom, doctors carry out the following diagnostic measures:

    1. 1. Preliminary inspection. To make a preliminary diagnosis, the doctor conducts an external examination of the patient, paying attention to the condition of the skin of the scrotum, the mobility and size of the testicles, and the pain that occurs during palpation of the scrotum. If more than two hours have passed since the onset of the first pain sensations, the doctor will detect swelling of the scrotum or dropsy, which has arisen due to the impossibility of outflow of lymphatic fluid.
    2. 2. Ultrasound of the scrotum.
    3. 3. Diaphanoscopy. This diagnostic method is especially important if hydatid torsion is suspected. The doctor shines through the skin of the scrotum with a special lamp, which allows him to observe dark areas on the upper pole of the testicle. Based on these data, he diagnoses the disease.

    In some cases, the doctor suggests undergoing a radioisotope examination of the testicles and spermatic cords (scintigraphy). Laparoscopy is also prescribed for a more accurate diagnosis of the disease.


    With hydatid torsion, conservative treatment is not possible. When the diagnosis is confirmed, urgent surgical intervention is prescribed.

    When twisting the hydatid, the surgeon makes an incision in the skin on top of the testicle. Then he conducts an audit of the internal cavity of the scrotum and removes the damaged hydatid. Doctors send the excised biomaterial for histological analysis. The operation ends with layer-by-layer suturing of the wound.


    After the operation is completed, the patient is advised to follow a number of recommendations that will help the body recover faster:

    • Antiseptic. To avoid infection, postoperative wound treatment with a special antiseptic agent is necessary.
    • Antibiotic therapy. The use of antibiotics prevents the development of infectious processes at the site of surgery. It is recommended to take broad-spectrum antibiotics for one week.
    • Stimulators of the microcirculatory bed. The intake of these drugs is prescribed to improve the blood supply to the testicles in order to improve the regeneration of organ tissues.
    • Peace. For the best tissue repair, doctors recommend refraining from sexual intercourse and other physical activity until the patient has fully recovered.
    • Physiological treatment. Helps to rehabilitate the patient and reduce side effects after surgery. Magnetotherapy and UHF therapy are used.

    A week later, the doctors remove the stitches. In the postoperative period, it is recommended to wear special elastic underwear or a bandage so that the scrotum is motionless. After surgery, complications such as hemorrhage, infection, or suture divergence may occur.

    Most often, the operation is successful, without causing any complications. But experts advise the patient not to lose vigilance and carefully monitor their feelings in the postoperative period.

    Particular attention should be paid to the following symptoms:

    • divergence of seams in a child;
    • pain at the site of surgery that does not go away for more than five days;
    • hemorrhage from the site of surgical intervention;
    • high fever that occurs three or more days after surgery;
    • suppuration of the wound.

    If the patient has found at least one of the above symptoms, you should immediately contact your doctor for advice.

One of the most common diseases in males under 30 years of age is testicular hydatid torsion. Such a disease is dangerous because necrosis occurs at an advanced stage - complete necrosis of the cells of the organ and appendage, which is fraught with unpleasant and even dangerous consequences.

Characteristics of the pathology

To understand what we are talking about, you first need to find out what a hydatid is and where it is formed. In medical terms, this is a cystic formation that is located on the leg. Basically, its location is in the appendage or near the place of their connection with the organ.

This outgrowth is also called Morgagni's hydatid, as it is formed from the Morgagni duct. By itself, such education can be called harmless. For many years a man can live with him and not feel any discomfort. But in a large number of cases, the development of torsion of her legs occurs.

This causes acute pain and various problems of the male genitourinary system.

Therefore, without waiting for the exacerbation of the disease to the stage of necrosis, with torsion of Morgagni's hydatids, it is necessary to consult a doctor - a urologist.

Causes of the disease

Torsion of Morgagni's hydatids often causes pain and greatly complicates a man's life.

Medicine distinguishes three types of torsion:

  • Rotation of the testicle along with the shell around its axis;
  • Rotation of the testicle inside its own shell;
  • Mixed option.

There are several reasons for the formation of Morgagni's hydatids, and they are divided into internal and external.

Internal include:

  • Pathology of the testicle (as a result of development, the organ in the scrotum does not attach to the bottom);
  • Cryptorchidism (location of organs outside the scrotum as a result of their failure to descend).

External causes include:

  • Injuries (as a result of bruises and injuries, edema is formed, which provokes torsion);
  • Hypothermia (as a result of frequent lifting and overstrain of the muscles of the scrotum under the influence of cold, torsion is possible);
  • Sudden movements (cause a sharp muscle contraction);
  • Wearing tight underwear or uncomfortable clothing.

All these reasons in combination increase the possibility of Morgagni's hydatid torsion, so you need to correctly distinguish the symptoms of the disease for timely treatment.

Key Symptoms

The symptoms of hydatid torsion are varied and develop individually depending on the stage of the disease.

In total, two stages of development of Morgagni's hydatids are distinguished:

  • The initial stage is the appearance of the first signs of the disease: swelling and redness of the skin of the scrotum;
  • The second stage is the activation of the disease - the edema disappears, but an oblong dark red formation appears on the surface of the scrotum in the testicle.

The development of the disease is characterized by several symptoms:

  • Slight malaise, lethargy and loss of muscle tone;
  • Frequent sharp pain in the genitals;
  • swelling of the scrotum;
  • Redness on the scrotum where the hydatids are torn;
  • The appearance of a dense infiltrate;
  • Increase in body temperature;
  • Nausea, rarely vomiting.

This disease develops in each man in different ways, and therefore the set of symptoms is individual. But, if even a few of them appear, you need to see a doctor.


In the absence of specialized treatment, the consequences can be irreversible. Torsion of the hydatids during active development causes complete or partial necrosis. This can even lead to the removal of organs.

Fortunately, this disease is diagnosed at an early stage. To confirm the diagnosis of hydatid torsion, the doctor needs to perform several procedures.

First, conduct a medical examination by palpation (palpation). Secondly, to clarify the overall picture of the disease, laboratory tests are carried out.

There are several more specialized methods for diagnosing Morgagni's torsion:

  • Puncture (study of the type of education, its structures);
  • Rectal examination (internal examination through the anus);
  • Ultrasound (shows the location and size of the problem area);
  • diaphanoscopy (external examination with a flashlight).

A full set of such diagnostic procedures will help to reveal the extent of the disease.

Treatments and rehabilitation

To date, the most effective treatment for testicular hydatid torsion is surgical. It is the surgical intervention that helps to get rid of this disease as soon as possible. The operation is simple, lasts no more than 20 minutes, can take place under local or general anesthesia.

During the operation, the surgeon acts according to the standard scheme:

  • an incision in the area of ​​redness of the skin;
  • examination of the scrotum and search for a bean-shaped formation near the organs (this is the hydatid);
  • pinching it and cutting it off with a scalpel;
  • clipping point;
  • suture at the incision site.

To avoid infection of the wound in the postoperative period, the doctor should prescribe a course of antibiotic treatment. In most cases, broad-acting drugs are used "Ceftriaxone" or "Amricillin".

Also, the wound should be treated with an antiseptic until it heals completely. To do this, use aseptic dressings with an alcohol or aqueous solution.

Removal of hydatids takes place in a stationary mode, but after a few days the patient can go home. In order not to complicate the healing process, infectious diseases should be avoided whenever possible. Also, until full recovery, it is recommended to wear loose clothing, for a while to give up bathing and sexual life.

In the initial period, this disease can be overcome without surgery. The method of manual reduction is as follows: the doctor twists the left testicle counterclockwise, and the right testicle in the opposite direction. But this method is effective only at the initial stage of the disease.

There is an opinion that hydatid torsion can be cured with folk remedies. But modern medicine completely rejects such a theory. The fact is that the use of compresses leads to the activation of the inflammatory process and the spread of infection throughout the body. This can cause necrosis, sepsis and blood poisoning. Therefore, it is better to contact a highly specialized doctor for quick and effective help.


Prevention of hydatid torsion is complicated by the fact that most males are unaware of their existence. A complete diagnosis can only be given by a professional urologist upon examination. It is periodic examinations that become the main preventive measure.

In addition, after the first symptoms appear, it is also necessary to seek help. Since untimely treatment leads to severe pain, the development of necrosis of the tissues of the scrotum / testicles, removal of the testicle, infertility and other unpleasant consequences. By the way, necrosis is one of the most serious pathologies.

A visit to a highly specialized urologist will protect you from this disease.

One of the methods of prevention is to protect against infection in the body. But, living a normal life, it is very difficult to organize this, because "pick up" the virus can be anywhere.

The main thing in the process of dealing with testicular hydatids is not to be afraid of treatment. Only timely diagnosis, surgery and proper rehabilitation will help restore men's health and forget about sexual problems.

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