Complete colonoscopy. Colonoscopy is a minimally invasive procedure for examining the bowel. Cleansing with medication

Colonoscopy is a diagnostic examination of the rectum and large intestine with a special device - a colonoscope. The procedure is quite complicated, requires long preparation and high qualification of the doctor. To understand how long a colonoscopy can last, you need to understand the technology of its implementation.

The essence of diagnostics

The colonoscope is a long flexible tube (up to 145 cm). It is equipped with LED illumination, a camera and holes for the introduction of additional instruments - a coagulator, forceps.

The probe is also equipped with a special air supply device. It is necessary for the intestines to smooth out. This facilitates the passage of the device.

Colonoscopy allows you to transfer an image of the intestine to the monitor. With its help, you can identify even the slightest deviations, conduct a biopsy, remove small formations and cauterize bleeding ulcers and erosions.


Colonoscopy of the intestine can detect:

  1. Cancer, even at the cellular level.
  2. Erosions and ulcerations.
  3. Atypical ulcerative colitis.
  4. Tuberculosis of the intestine.
  5. Crohn's disease.
  6. Polyps, diverticula, hemorrhoids, tumors, foreign objects.
  7. Pathological deviations of the intestinal mucosa, impaired motility, the presence of inflammatory processes.


Indications for diagnostics are various pathological abnormalities in the work of the organ and suspicions of them. Do a colonoscopy for:

  1. Chronic constipation or diarrhea.
  2. Impurities in the stool: mucus, pus, blood.
  3. Pain in the abdomen.
  4. Formations detected by other methods of examination.
  5. Suspicion of cancer, intestinal obstruction, Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis.
  6. Sudden, unreasonable weight loss.
  7. Anemia - to exclude bleeding and ulcers.


Colonoscopy is not always possible. There are a number of situations where the procedure is prohibited:

  1. Heart or lung failure.
  2. Inflammatory processes in the intestines.
  3. Poor blood clotting.
  4. Exacerbation of ulcerative colitis.
  5. Periodontitis.
  6. Acute infectious diseases.
  7. Diverticulitis.
  8. Extensive intestinal bleeding.


The duration of a colonoscopy includes preparation. This is the longest stage. It consists in a complete cleansing of the intestines.

Before the procedure, the patient is prescribed:

  1. Three-day slag-free diet. It is forbidden to use products that lead to gas formation. The diet includes light, dietary soups, fish, dairy products, juices. The last meal should be no later than lunch on the eve of the study.
  2. Enemas. They recommend if the subject can clean the intestines with their help. If not, laxatives are prescribed.
  3. Taking laxative medications. Most often, the drug "Fortrans" is prescribed. For 20 kg of weight, you need to drink 1 sachet of medicine diluted in a liter of water. The last appointment is no later than 4 hours before the procedure.

The intestines must be completely cleansed throughout. If this is not done, the colonoscopy will have to be postponed and all preparatory steps repeated.

How is a colonoscopy performed?

Colonoscopy of the intestine is carried out by a coloproctologist. It is carried out in several stages:

  1. The subject is placed on the couch in the fetal position. He should lie on his left side, straightening his left leg and bending his right.
  2. The tip of the probe is inserted into the anus with careful circular movements.
  3. The doctor carefully advances the colonoscope through the intestine. At the same time, he delivers a stream of air to smooth out the mucosa, and the nurse can press on the patient's abdomen to guide the tube.
  4. If small formations were found during the diagnosis, they are removed immediately with the help of forceps, and the bleeding is cauterized.
  5. If necessary, a biopsy is taken during a colonoscopy.

Examination is always associated with discomfort. Therefore, it is advisable not to do a colonoscopy without anesthesia and to use one of the types of anesthesia: local, general, or sedation. Most of the time can take full anesthesia.

How long does a colonoscopy take?

How long a bowel examination will take depends on several factors:

  1. Physician qualifications and experience.
  2. Quality and modernity of diagnostic equipment.
  3. The structure of the intestines of a particular patient: how curved it is.
  4. The presence of neoplasms, bleeding, manifestations.
  5. The need to carry out other procedures: biopsy, cauterization, microsurgery.

On average, a colonoscopy takes 15 to 20 minutes. Its duration may vary. If the intestinal patency is good, no pathologies are found, the period is reduced to 10 minutes. If deviations are present or additional manipulations are necessary, the time increases to 40-60 minutes.

Post-survey period

After a colonoscopy, it is recommended to stay in bed for several hours. It is better to lie on your stomach - it will be easier for the passage of residual air from the intestines. There are no dietary restrictions. The patient is allowed to eat any food.

Sometimes the doctor may ask you not to drink or eat for several hours. This recommendation is given in cases where microsurgery on the intestine was performed.

Colonoscopy is generally a safe procedure. Only occasionally (in 1% of all cases) complications may occur:

  1. Perforation of the intestinal wall. Usually occurs in the presence of purulent processes or ulceration of the mucosa. In this case, the doctor performs surgery and eliminates the damage.
  2. Bleeding. Perhaps after the removal of polyps and other formations. Removed immediately.
  3. Soreness in the abdomen. Appears after a biopsy or removal of neoplasms. Reception of analgesics is shown.

Colonoscopy is the most accurate and informative method for examining the intestines. It allows you to detect most pathologies at the initial stage of development. Its duration depends on the physiological characteristics of the patient, the need for other manipulations, the quality of the equipment and the experience of the doctor.

Colonoscopy is a minimally invasive examination procedure that is not as scary as the consequences of untimely detected diseases. Delayed diagnosis can lead to prolonged treatment, surgery, or the development of a pathological formation into a cancerous tumor. The procedure itself is extremely effective due to the collection of a large amount of information - in just a few minutes it can be used to assess the health of the intestinal tract.

What does a colonoscopy give?

Colonoscopy is performed with a modern medical device (colonoscope), consisting of:

  • long flexible probe;
  • optical device;
  • illumination;
  • a small video camera for displaying information on a monitor;
  • tubes for filling the intestines with air;
  • forceps for taking biological material for the purpose of histological examination.

In the process of examining the blind, colon and rectum by a colonoproctologist:

  • a visual assessment of intestinal patency, color and condition of the mucous membrane is performed;
  • it becomes possible to detect neoplasms on the walls of the colon;
  • a biomaterial is taken to distinguish the benign development of the growth from the malignant one;
  • pathological formations of minimal size are eliminated;
  • sources of bleeding are identified and stopped by exposure to high temperature (thermocoagulation);
  • video and photographs of the inside of the large intestine are taken for further study.

Colonoscopy provides a wide range of options for correct diagnosis and treatment without surgery, if possible.

Preparation for the procedure

To be able to fully examine the intestinal tract, the patient must carefully prepare for the event by clearing the gastrointestinal system before it. The subject is assigned to follow a diet for three days and cleanse the intestines with the help of medications or washing for a day.

  • boiled poultry or beef meat;
  • broths from lean meat or lean fish;
  • wheat bread;
  • biscuit cookies;
  • tea, mineral water without gas.

You can also eat foods that do not cause abundant accumulation of feces and gases. Be sure to exclude from the meal:

  • fruit;
  • greens;
  • nuts and beans;
  • carbonated drinks;
  • rye bakery products;
  • cereals.

The final meal is taken at noon 20 hours before the examination. After that, you are allowed to drink tea or water.

The gastrointestinal tract is cleaned in the evening and in the morning before a direct colonoscopy with an enema or drugs. Washing is done twice with an interval of 1 hour and a volume of water of 1.5 liters per procedure and repeat it in the morning so that clean water comes out of the intestines without fecal secretions.

The optimal method of cleansing is the use of Dufalac, Fleet or Fortrans, intended for emptying the intestines before research and operations. Medicines have a gentle effect on the body, without causing a person unpleasant and painful sensations. Use medications according to the scheme prescribed in the annotation.

How is a colonoscopy performed?

The patient is exposed to the lumbar region, lies on the left side, bending the legs at the knees and pressing them to the stomach. The doctor slowly and carefully inserts the working part of the colonoscope into the anus and gradually, moving it forward, diagnoses the intestine. To study the inner surface of the colon, the folds are straightened by pumping air. The minimally invasive procedure lasts for 10-15 minutes, during which the entire colon, 2 meters long, is examined.

Every second patient has an increased sensitivity threshold, therefore, in order to reduce discomfort, the patient is lubricated with painkillers: dicaine ointment or xylocaingel. Patients who are very afraid of pain are given a light general anesthesia.

At the end of the diagnosis, the air is pumped out with a colonoscope. After the procedure, there is no discomfort from bloating. Immediately after the endoscopic event, it is allowed to start eating without dietary recommendations.

Indications for research

Every person after 50 years of age should come to a medical facility for an examination of the intestines. The reason for this is age-related changes and functional impairment. People of any age with hereditary oncological diseases in the intestinal tract, as well as with sudden symptoms in the form of:

  • intestinal bleeding, mucous and purulent discharge;
  • persistent constipation or disorders;
  • frequent pain in the intestines.

In addition, colonoscopy is prescribed when foreign objects enter the intestinal cavity or in the presence of previously detected other research methods pathological formations.

According to statistics, timely appointed colonoscopic diagnostics reduces the level of death due to oncological formations in the intestinal tract by 75-80%.


diseases of infectious origin at various stages, contributing to an increase in body temperature and intoxication of the body; There is a list of ailments in which colonoscopy leads to complications in the patient's body. Among them:

  • diseases of the bronchial, pulmonary, cardiac and vascular systems;
  • hypotension;
  • ulcerative colitis;
  • peritonitis;
  • hernia (umbilical or inguinal);
  • decreased blood clotting;
  • pregnancy.

If there are contraindications, the colonoscopy method can be replaced by a similar endoscopic examination.

Read about another procedure for detecting gastrointestinal diseases - esophagogastroduodenoscopy. You can familiarize yourself with the methodology of diagnostic gastroscopy.

Possible complications after the procedure

Examinations should always be carried out in medical institutions under the supervision of a qualified specialist in order to avoid unforeseen situations. Complications almost never occur after a colonoscopy, but there is still a percentage of the risk. The patient needs to see a doctor immediately If the following symptoms appear after the test:

  • pain in the abdominal cavity;
  • bleeding in the intestinal area;
  • nausea;
  • dizziness;
  • fainting states;
  • increase in body temperature.

Such pathological changes in the body occur in isolated cases, so you should not be afraid of the procedure because of them.

The most common and informative method in the diagnosis of the colon, recommended by doctors. There are substitute methods of examination used by doctors in case of contraindications in a patient.

Sigmoidoscopy is recommended for patients to examine a small area of ​​the rectum by 25-30 cm. Irrigoscopy is used for X-ray examination of changes in the intestinal walls with a contrast agent. Ultrasound colonoscopy (US) is indicated for patients diagnosed with colon cancer. This technique is able to provide complete information about the size of the pathological formation, structure, diameter of the lesion.

Capsule endoscopy is used to examine the entire cavity of the gastrointestinal tract. During the eight-hour procedure, the endocapsule takes up to 60,000 photographs. The doctor can detect its presence in the body at any time and change the settings. After the end of the diagnosis, the capsule comes out naturally. The disadvantage of the cutting-edge technique is the impossibility of taking biomaterial for further research.

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is used to diagnose pathological changes in the intestine. In the process of tomography, several images of the peritoneum are taken, from which a 3D model of the large intestine with foci of diseases is made up and transferred to a specialist for examination. The disadvantage of MRI is the inability to detect neoplasms smaller than 1 cm in diameter.

Each of the techniques is effective in its own way, however, it is intended to replace the standard colonoscopy in special cases.

Remember that in any case, it is important to strictly follow the strict recommendations of the doctor so that the examination procedure is as informative and useful as possible for the subsequent diagnosis and effective treatment. Be healthy!

Colonoscopy is one of the leading methods for examining the rectum in proctology. With its help, dangerous diseases that pose a threat to the health and life of the patient are detected, and some of them are treated.

Despite certain difficulties in its implementation, with proper preparation of the patient and the competence of the doctor, this is a fairly safe and painless procedure, the implementation of which is recommended for all people over 45 years of age, provided there are no contraindications.

This helps to identify deviations from the norm in time and conduct timely therapy.

How did endoscopic research methods develop?

Instrumental methods for diagnosing diseases of the large intestine developed gradually.

In the early stages, their options were limited.

The invention of the rectosigmoidoscope made it possible to examine the patient's rectum, but made it impossible to move on, because the device was distinguished by its rigidity.

In some cases, radiography helped, but it did not show oncological processes and polyps on the intestinal walls. Doctors had to examine him surgically through small incisions on the patient's body, which often led to the development of complications.

The invention of the sigmoid camera in the early 1970s, which was able to move along a special conductor in the patient's body, made it possible to examine the entire intestine, but blind photographs of such an extended area were of little information.

In the mid-seventies, the fibrocolonoscope with a flexible end was invented. This was a breakthrough in endoscopy and allowed the doctor to go beyond the possibilities previously available.

The development of a colonoscope model, which allowed not only to examine the surface of the mucosa, but also to capture the image on the pictures, significantly improved the technique. Given the fact that during the procedure it became possible to take part of the biological material for analysis, significant progress was observed in the field of diagnosing diseases of the large intestine. With proper preparation of the patient's body, which consisted in a special slag-free diet and the use of laxatives and enemas to cleanse the intestines, colonoscopy made it possible to qualitatively examine the inner surface of the intestine.

What is a colonoscopy and what equipment is it used for?

An optical probe or fibrocolonoscope is used to examine the intestines by colonoscopy. Due to the fact that the device is flexible, it can almost painlessly pass all the anatomical bends of the intestine. With its help, they carry out not only a diagnostic study, but also carry out a biopsy and removal of polyps.

For the behavior of this procedure, a transmitting device is used, which is inserted through the anus. It is equipped with a backlight to improve the view inside the intestines. The image obtained as a result of the study is recorded. If necessary, the doctor can review it again.

Advantages of the method

The importance of colonoscopy as a method of diagnosing diseases of the large intestine can hardly be overestimated. It is more effective than conducting a virtual study (MRI), since its reliability is estimated at no more than 80%. In case of detection of deviations from the norm, it will still be necessary to conduct an instrumental study to make an accurate diagnosis, and in some cases eliminate them.

Colonoscopy allows you to find polyps, which over time can narrow the intestinal lumen, up to stenosis, and also, under unfavorable circumstances, degenerate into oncological formations.

Modern technology allows, upon detection, to immediately remove and take part of the biological material for histological examination. Another advantage of colonoscopy is the possibility of local anesthesia, general anesthesia is prescribed only in exceptional cases, or at the request of the patient.

Unlike rectoscopy, in which the doctor examines an area of ​​the intestine that does not exceed 30 centimeters in length, with the help of colonoscopy, information can be obtained about the condition of an area of ​​the intestine that is much larger.

Colonoscopy of the intestine: indications, contraindications and side effects

The health of the human body depends on the proper functioning of all organs and systems. Medicine is constantly developing and improving methods for diagnosing diseases that may occur in a patient, including pathologies of the large intestine.

Failures in its work can lead to an imbalance in the whole body, because it is responsible for performing such important functions as the digestion of food, the absorption of nutrients and water, and the excretion of feces. Intestinal colonoscopy is a modern method for diagnosing colon pathologies that can lead to the development of serious complications.

Indications for holding

The large intestine performs an important task for the whole body, which is the digestion, assimilation and excretion of food. With excessive loads and improper nutrition, its function may be impaired due to the development of pathological processes on its inner surface.

This may be expressed by the appearance of the following symptoms, which are indications for colonoscopy of the intestine:

  • The presence of permanent and prolonged constipation.
  • Abdominal pain of unknown etiology.
  • Discharge from the rectum, both bloody and purulent.
  • Significant weight loss for no apparent reason.
  • Severe flatulence and bloating.
  • Painful defecation.

Colonoscopy of the intestine is prescribed in preparation for some operations, and it is also mandatory for patients with suspected diseases of the large intestine.


To avoid damage to the colon, colonoscopy is not recommended for patients with the following conditions:

  • Ulcerative colitis in the active stage. In this disease of the colon, due to the interaction of genetic and environmental factors, the integrity of the mucosa is impaired, which can lead to its perforation.
  • Crohn's disease. It can affect any part of the intestine, including the area examined during colonoscopy, and is characterized by an inflammatory process, lymphadenitis with the formation of ulcers and scars. This granulomatous disease has a severe chronic course and is difficult to treat, in particular, treatment is carried out using the drug Imukin.
  • Presence of an umbilical or inguinal hernia.
  • Pregnancy women in any trimester.
  • Blood clotting problems, as this procedure can provoke bleeding.
  • Peritonitis.

Potential Colonoscopy Complications After Examination of the Bowel with an Endocolonoscope

In some cases, colonoscopy of the intestine causes undesirable consequences.

Violation of normal intestinal motility and bloating, which is caused by the fact that air is introduced into the intestinal lumen. This is eliminated with the help of special preparations or a gas outlet tube.

Injury to the anus due to insufficiently accurate insertion of the colonoscope. Unpleasant sensations are removed with the help of analgesics, and for the healing of the injured area, gels and ointments with anesthetics are prescribed. In most cases, the procedure is painless, although unpleasant for the patient.

Diarrhea and upset bowel movements caused by the use of enemas and laxative powder in preparation for a colonoscopy that resolves on its own. In some cases, the doctor prescribes drugs to normalize the stool and restore normal bowel function.

Pain and bleeding at the site of removal of the polyp. Another factor leading to complications is oncology, which disrupts the intestinal lumen and can contribute to injury.

The most dangerous complication of colonoscopy of the intestine is its perforation. This phenomenon is very dangerous, especially if it is not detected in time by the doctor. At the same time, the patient feels severe pain, which is very difficult to endure. Under the condition of poor bowel cleansing before colonoscopy, feces can enter the peritoneum through the hole formed and lead to inflammation.

In this case, an urgent operation is needed to suture the resulting hole. In the case of medical negligence, when the damage is not detected on time, everything can end with a resection of a part of the intestine, the installation of a stoma, or even death.

The following factors can lead to bowel perforation:

  • Inexperience and low qualification of the doctor.
  • Dystrophic phenomena and thinning of the intestine.
  • Poor cleaning of the rectum and intestines from feces.
  • Excessive bowel activity.

Injury during colonoscopy usually occurs in the area of ​​natural bends of the intestine, in the region of the hepatic and splenic angles. In this case, it is easy to damage nearby organs: the liver and spleen, which leads to severe blood loss and sometimes to the removal of the spleen. Therefore, a colonoscopy of the intestine is necessarily carried out in a medical clinic in order to provide the necessary assistance immediately in case of complications.

How colonoscopy is done, why preparation for colonoscopy is so important

Proper preparation for a bowel colonoscopy is very important for the success of the study. This will reduce the risk of complications and increase the information content of the procedure. The patient needs to approach her with all responsibility and strictly adhere to the prescriptions of the doctor, who will prescribe a special diet and take the necessary drugs before the colonoscopy. Its result and safety of carrying out depends on it.

Preparation for colonoscopy of the intestine consists of measures that will help facilitate the procedure for the doctor and patient, as well as increase the information content of the study:

  • Preliminary preparation consists in the abolition of iron preparations, activated carbon and bismuth, as well as hormones and cardiac agents.
  • To prepare for the procedure, a slag-free diet is prescribed. They begin to adhere to it 3-4 days before the date of the colonoscopy. At the same time, the following products are excluded from the diet: mushrooms, legumes, cereals and grain-containing products, some vegetables and fruits and berries, nuts, dairy products (with the exception of sour-milk), carbonated drinks, fatty meats and fish, canned food and sausage products, as well as smoked meats and pickles. The use of sweets is strictly limited to their permitted list. The day before the procedure, the use of clear broths and colorless liquids is allowed, the use of which ends 2 hours before the start of the bowel cleansing preparations.
  • Colon cleansing should be done with medications prescribed by a doctor, without vaseline oil enemas. Stimulant laxatives are usually prescribed. If the patient has prolonged constipation, then their dose is doubled or they are used in combination with osmotic agents. Bowel preparation is carried out using the Fortrans preparation, or cleansing enemas and castor oil are used.

Carrying out the procedure in detail

Patients who are scheduled for a study are interested in how a colonoscopy is done, what you need to be prepared for when going to the clinic. As a rule, the procedure takes place in a separate room of the clinic, equipped with the necessary equipment. The patient undresses and lies down on the couch in the fetal position on the left side. The study takes place under local anesthesia, under the influence of drugs with lidocaine. Such anesthesia is usually enough for the patient not to experience much discomfort.

The colonoscope is gently inserted through the anus by the doctor.

It controls its progress through the intestines, focusing on the performance of the camera. To increase the lumen of the intestine and smooth out its folds, which simplifies the diagnosis, gas is supplied to the intestine, which is felt by the patient as bloating.

Excess air is removed with the help of the apparatus used for the study, through a special channel. The advancement of the colonoscope in particularly difficult areas, where there are physiological bends of about 90 degrees, is controlled by the doctor and his assistant using palpation. Knowing how a colonoscopy is done will help the patient stay informed and reduce anxiety during the exam.

The duration of the procedure on average does not exceed half an hour. After that, the device is removed and sent for disinfection. These studies are drawn up by the doctor in the form of a protocol in which he gives the patient the necessary recommendations and referral to a specialist of the appropriate profile.

Women should remember that colonoscopy is not performed during pregnancy. With menstruation, it is done only in exceptional cases, it is better to wait until the discharge is over. In chronic hemorrhoids, colonoscopy is not only not contraindicated, but it will also help to more clearly see the clinical picture of the disease and determine the strategy for treating the patient.

Colonoscopy of the rectum: what shows what diseases are diagnosed with it

Colonoscopy of the rectum and other parts of the large intestine helps to examine the condition of the mucosa, find neoplasms, if any, take biological material for research and treat in some cases. It is good if the patient is informed what the colonoscopy shows, so that he has no doubts about the need for the procedure if indicated.

Despite the presence of contraindications and the possibility of side effects, the benefit of this diagnostic method for maintaining human health can hardly be overestimated.

Virtual diagnostic technologies cannot provide such accurate information as a study using a fibrocolonoscope camera.

The patient's immunity depends on the health of the large intestine, as it is formed in particular by the microbial flora in it. On a stretch of about two meters, water, vitamins and amino acids are absorbed. Violations in this organ can lead to a deficiency of substances important for the body and the development of various pathologies.

What does a normal colonoscopy reveal?

Despite the fact that colonoscopy of the rectum is unpleasant from a psychological point of view, its implementation helps to detect the diseases that have arisen in time and cure them, which will help save the patient's health, and sometimes even life.

With the help of colonoscopy of the rectum, all parts of the large intestine are examined for compliance with the indicators:

  1. The color of the mucous membrane should normally be yellow or pink, characterized by pallor. If the color is changed, this indicates the presence of inflammation or erosion.
  2. The shine of the intestinal mucosa indicates a sufficient amount of mucus on its surface. The areas where the pathology develops do not reflect light well.
  3. The surface of the intestine is almost smooth, the presence of non-characteristic bulges and tubercles is a sign of the development of pathology.
  4. The vascular pattern also carries information about the state of the intestine, it should look in a special way, any changes in its pattern should be further studied.
  5. The overlays of the mucous membrane should be light, if they are too compacted and have a different color, this is a sign of a possible pathology.

A proctologist is one of the most disliked by many doctors, a visit to which is postponed until the last. Yes, and talking about any problems in the intestines is considered rather shameful, but meanwhile the colorectal is so confidently gaining momentum and taking many lives.

And this despite the fact that if you turn to specialists for help in time, it is not difficult to diagnose this pathology. And he has a favorable prognosis, unless the patient comes in the last stage of cancer. Examination of patients may begin with screening tests to detect hidden bleeding.

They also undergo colonoscopy, barium enema and sigmoidoscopy. Not all patients understand what is meant by these terms, so patients may have such questions: what is an intestinal colonoscopy? How is the procedure? What does a colonoscopy show? Does it hurt?

general information

The colonoscopy procedure is an instrumental study of the large intestine and its lower segment (rectum), which is used to diagnose and treat pathological conditions of this part of the digestive tract. It shows in detail the condition of the mucous membrane. Sometimes this diagnosis is called fibrocolonoscopy (FCS colonoscopy). Usually, the colonoscopy procedure is carried out by a diagnostician-proctologist, who is assisted by a nurse.

This diagnostic procedure involves inserting a probe into the anus, equipped with a camera at the end, which transmits an image to a large screen. After that, air is forced into the intestines, which does not allow the intestines to stick together. As the probe advances, various parts of the intestine are examined in detail. In some cases, a colonoscopy is performed not only to visualize problems, but it also allows the following manipulations:

  • take a biopsy;
  • remove polyps or connective tissue strands;
  • remove foreign objects;
  • stop bleeding;
  • restore intestinal patency in case of narrowing.

The colonoscope is a soft and easily bendable probe that allows you to delicately move through all the anatomical structures of the intestine without injuring the tissues and without causing pain to the patient.

Colonoscopy for children is performed under general anesthesia.

Indications for carrying out

An intestinal colonoscopy is performed to confirm the preliminary diagnosis. It allows you to accurately determine the location and extent of pathological changes. This is especially appropriate for the following conditions and diseases:

  • bleeding from the rectum and colon (thermocoagulation is performed during the procedure);
  • neoplasms in the intestines of a benign nature (removal of polyps);
  • oncopathology in the large intestine (biopsy for histological examination);
  • Crohn's disease (granulomatous inflammatory disease);
  • nonspecific ulcerative colitis;
  • complete violation of the passage of contents through the intestines;
  • stool disorders (frequent diarrhea or chronic constipation);
  • rapid weight loss for unknown reasons;
  • low hemoglobin;
  • prolonged subfebrile temperature.

Colonoscopy of the rectum is indicated for prevention once a year in patients over the age of 50 years. This is especially true for those who have poor heredity (close relatives were diagnosed with colorectal cancer).


The preparatory process involves the following stages: initial preparation, dietary nutrition, drug cleansing of the intestines. Accuracy of following these steps will allow you to achieve the most reliable results.

Primary preparation

If the patient suffers from constipation for a long time, then cleansing medications alone will not be enough. In advance, such patients are prescribed castor oil (castor oil) or classic enemas. Castor oil is taken 2 days in a row at night. Quantity is calculated by weight. If on average the patient weighs about 70 kg, then 60 ml of the product is enough.

If constipation is persistent and neglected, and castor oil does not justify itself, then enemas are recommended. To perform such a manipulation at home, you will need a special tank with tips (Esmarch's mug) and 1.5 liters of water at room temperature.

Step by step procedure:

  • The patient should lie on the left side, while the right leg should be pushed forward and bent at the knee. It is better to spread an oilcloth under the body so as not to wet the sofa or bed.
  • Esmark's mug is filled with water, while the clamp is closed. The air is then bled off and the clamp is closed again.
  • The heating pad must be hung above the level of the sofa / bed by 1–1.5 meters.
  • The nozzle should be generously lubricated with petroleum jelly and carefully inserted into the anus to a depth of up to 7 cm.
  • The clamp is removed from Esmarch's mug and the entire volume of liquid is let into the patient, after which the tip is removed.
  • The patient should not immediately run to the toilet, but first you should move a little, squeezing the sphincter (5-10 minutes). After that, you can relieve the need. This manipulation should be performed 2 evenings in a row.

Doctors do not recommend combining the intake of castor oil inside and at the same time putting enemas. After 2 days of initial preparation, the patient should eat properly and take special cleansing preparations.

Diet food

Another way to qualitatively cleanse the lower parts of the digestive tract is to give preference to a slag-free diet 2-3 days before the scheduled procedure. During this period, products that cause increased gas formation should be abandoned. You can eat low-fat varieties of meat and fish, dairy products, boiled vegetables. The last meal should be no later than 8-12 hours before the scheduled procedure.


Drugs such as Fortrans and Endofalk prevent nutrients from being absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract, so food moves rapidly through the intestines and quickly leaves it in liquid form. And another group of drugs (Fleet Phospho-soda and Lavacol) delay the removal of fluid from the intestines, so peristalsis increases, feces soften and bowel cleansing is accelerated.

It is not recommended to choose drugs for bowel cleansing on your own (prescribed by a doctor)

Carrying out the procedure

Patients often run their imaginations in the wrong direction and have a completely wrong idea of ​​how a bowel colonoscopy is done. It seems to them that they are waiting for real torture, but medicine in this regard has long stepped forward. During the examination, as a rule, anesthesia or sedation is used.

Colonoscopy with local anesthesia

For these purposes, drugs are used where the active ingredient is lidocaine (Luan gel, Dicaine ointment, Xylocaine gel). They are applied to the nozzle of the colonoscope, inserted into the anus, or they are lubricated directly with the mucosa. In addition, local anesthesia can be achieved by parenteral administration of anesthetics. But the key here is that the patient is conscious.


Another option for premedication. In this case, the person is in a state resembling sleep. He is conscious, but at the same time he is not hurt or uncomfortable. For this, Midazolam, Propofol are used.

colonoscopy under general anesthesia

This method involves the parenteral administration of drugs that send the patient into a deep drug-induced sleep with a complete lack of consciousness. Colonoscopy performed in this way is especially indicated in pediatric practice, for people with a low pain threshold and observed by a psychiatrist.

The examination of the intestine is carried out in a special cabin for proctological examinations. The patient is asked to undress to the waist, in return he is given disposable diagnostic panties and laid on the couch on his left side. At the same time, the legs must be bent at the knees and moved to the stomach. When the patient receives the anesthesia chosen for him, the procedure itself begins.

The colonoscope is inserted into the anus, air is pumped in and gently pushed forward. For control, the doctor probes the anterior wall of the peritoneum with one hand in order to understand how the tube overcomes the bends of the intestine. All this time, a video is shown on the monitor screen and the doctor carefully examines various parts of the intestine. At the end of the procedure, the colonoscope is removed.

If the procedure was performed under local anesthesia, then the patient is allowed to go home on the same day. And if general anesthesia was used, then the patient will be forced to spend several days in the hospital, and will be under the supervision of specialists. The procedure usually takes no more than half an hour. A photo of individual sections of the intestine or a video of a colonoscopy can be recorded on a digital medium.

All the data obtained during the examination, the doctor draws up in a special protocol, which is given to the patient.

Contraindications and complications

Patients are also interested in the cases in which this procedure is contraindicated and what complications may appear after the test. Patients in the following conditions will not be able to undergo this examination:

  • peritonitis;
  • severe circulatory disorders;
  • acute myocardial infarction;
  • injury to the intestinal wall;
  • severe stages of colitis;
  • pregnancy.

In addition, there are also a number of relative contraindications, which can be read in more detail in this article. After examination of the intestine, the following complications may occur: rupture of the intestinal wall, internal bleeding, short-term bloating of the intestine, pain in the peritoneum, an increase in body temperature up to 37.5 ° C for 2-3 days (especially if a small resection was performed).

You should immediately consult a doctor if, after a colonoscopy, the following symptoms appear:

  • feverish state;
  • severe pain in the abdomen;
  • nausea accompanied by vomiting;
  • loose stools with blood impurities;
  • general weakness, dizziness.

Colonoscopy is a fairly safe research method if it is performed by a highly qualified specialist, and the patient follows all the recommendations during the preparatory period.

Standard laboratory diagnostics fail to detect many bowel diseases. Some serious pathological processes occurring in the organ require a colonoscopy. In the article, we will analyze why this procedure is needed and whether there is any alternative to it.

What is a colonoscopy?

Colonoscopy is a modern diagnostic procedure that is performed using a special probe, an endoscope. This allows the doctor to examine the inside of a person's intestine. The procedure makes it possible to assess the condition of the anus, rectum before entering the caecum, ileocecal canal, terminal ileum.

The colonoscope is a flexible and long probe. At its end is an eyepiece and a miniature video camera with illumination. The device comes with forceps, which are used to take tissues for further examination, as well as a tube for air supply. The probe is inserted through the rectum. It is soft and easy to bend, so it gently moves along the entire length of the intestine without injuring it and without causing pain to the patient.

The image from the camera is fed to the screen, so the doctor can visually assess the condition of the intestine, which is equal to 2 meters in length. The camera takes pictures at 10x magnification. The doctor examines the mucous membranes of the intestine and has the opportunity to evaluate all its pathological changes.

In addition to the usual examination of the intestine, the doctor can perform a number of medical procedures that will allow you to refuse the operation:

    It is possible to expand a certain part of the intestine by removing scar tissue.

    Tissues can be taken for further histological examination.

    You can remove foreign bodies from the intestines.

    The doctor may remove polyps and other benign tumors.

    It is possible to stop bleeding.

Colonoscopy is one of the most effective modern methods for diagnosing intestinal diseases.

Indications for endoscopic examination of the colon

Indications for colonoscopy are the following diseases and conditions:

    The person is over 50 years of age. In this case, the procedure is carried out with a preventive purpose, even if a person does not make any complaints about his state of health. The fact is that the risk of developing cancer of the distal intestines over the age of 50 increases significantly, and the onset of the disease is asymptomatic. Therefore, all persons who have crossed the age limit of 50 years are recommended to undergo a colonoscopy once a year.

    If a person has a hereditary predisposition to the formation of polyps in the intestines, as well as a family history, there were people who suffered from cancers of this organ. Provided that there was a relative in the family who had bowel cancer, then for a preventive purpose, this procedure should be started 10 years earlier than the age at which this relative was diagnosed with pathology. This is because the probability of transmission of the disease at the genetic level is extremely high.

Symptoms that should alert a person and force him to undergo a colonoscopy are:

    Violation of blood clotting.

    Crohn's disease, an acute stage of colitis with massive intestinal damage.

    Diverticulitis in the acute phase.

    Pronounced violations of the well-being of a person.

In addition, there are relative contraindications to the procedure:

    Massive anal bleeding.

    Anal fissures.

    Acute stage of hemorrhoids.

    The period of bearing a child.

    The presence of a large hernia.

    Early recovery period after surgery on the abdominal cavity.


    Poor preparation for bowel cleansing, etc.

Doctors should seriously consider the possible risks of a colonoscopy if a patient has the following diseases and conditions:

    Allergy to medicines.

    Lung diseases.

    Treatment with drugs that affect the processes of blood clotting.

The physician must be aware of the medications the patient is taking. You may have to refuse them, and after the procedure, resume their reception.

Video: Live great! "Colonoscopy - what is this procedure and who needs to undergo it?":

Preparation for a colonoscopy begins a few days before the procedure. A person will have to follow a certain diet and take steps to cleanse the intestines.

2-3 days before the study, you need to switch to a slag-free diet. Vegetables, nuts, meat, fruits, pastries, cereals are removed from the menu. 20 hours before the procedure, you can drink only water and weakly brewed tea.

To get the maximum information, you need to remove feces from the intestines. To do this, the patient is given an enema, or special medications are prescribed, for example, Fortrans, Lavacol, etc. They begin to be taken a day before the upcoming colonoscopy.

The more carefully the patient follows the doctor's recommendations, the more information the doctor will be able to get about the condition of the intestine:

    From taking activated charcoal, iron preparations, as well as blood thinning drugs, you must refuse 10 days before the procedure.

    If the patient has an artificial heart valve, then before the study, he must take an antibacterial drug. This will reduce the chance of developing endocarditis.

    On the eve of the study, you can take an antispasmodic, for example, No-shpu or Dicetel. However, this can only be done after medical consultation.

A person who is going to have a colonoscopy for the first time will be interested in the steps involved in the procedure.

Having this information in service, it will be possible to set yourself up for the easiest possible research:

    The patient lies on the couch on his left side and draws his knees to his stomach.

    The doctor treats the anus with an antiseptic and inserts a probe into it. Narcosis is not used. If the patient has a high pain threshold, then local anesthetics can be used for pain relief. Sedation may also be performed, but it reduces the diagnostic value of the procedure. Severe pain can occur only if a person has acute inflammation of the intestine, or adhesions are present in it. In this case, anesthesia is performed for a period of half an hour.

    After anesthesia, the doctor inserts the probe into the anus and slowly moves it forward. To straighten the folds of the intestine, air is supplied through the tube.

    The probe is advanced deep into the intestine by 2 meters. All this time, the doctor will assess the condition of the internal walls of the organ.

The procedure continues for 20-30 minutes. The study cannot be called pleasant, so it is often practiced under anesthesia.

Additional Research

During the procedure, the doctor can detect pathological changes in the mucosa of the organ, polyps and neoplasms. In this case, he performs a biopsy. With the use of special forceps, which are part of the endoscope, the doctor collects tissue changes.

Before the biopsy is performed, a local anesthetic is given through the endoscope tube. Then, with forceps, the doctor cuts off a small area of ​​\u200b\u200bdiseased tissue and removes it outward. In addition, during a colonoscopy, the doctor can remove small as well as single neoplasms. In this case, the doctor does not use forceps, but a special device that resembles a loop. With it, the doctor grabs the outgrowth at the very base and cuts it off.

Possible complications and undesirable consequences

Colonoscopy is a safe diagnostic method, but the procedure should be carried out by a professional.

Complications are rare, but they are possible.

These include:

    Perforation of the intestinal wall. This is observed no more than in 1% of cases.

    Bloating of the abdomen, which disappears after a short period of time.

    Intestinal bleeding, which develops in 0.1% of cases.

    Respiratory arrest on the background of the introduction of anesthesia. It happens about 0.5% of the time.

    After excision of polyps, the patient's body temperature may rise to subfebrile levels. For 1-2 days, abdominal pain may disturb.

If a person develops the following symptoms after a colonoscopy, they should contact their doctor immediately:

    Weakness appears.

    Decreased performance.

    The head is spinning.

    I have a stomachache.

    Diarrhea develops, in which blood impurities are observed.

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