Ruta fragrant: description, treatment with rue. Rue

Ruta fragrant - another bright representative"pharmaceutical garden" The raw materials of this plant with fragrant leaves and flowers are recommended for use in many diseases, including neurosis, asthenic conditions, atherosclerosis, epilepsy, gout, exhaustion, impotence and menopause. Used extensively in aromatherapy essential oil fragrant rue.

Description and cultivation of fragrant rue

Pharmacy name of fragrant rue (Ruta graveolens L.): rue herb.

Used parts: leaves.

Collection time: June July.

Plant description: Rutaceae family. perennial herbaceous plant or semi-shrub with a straight, branched grayish-greenish stem up to 50 cm high. The leaves are twice- and thrice pinnatisected, alternate. Yellowish-greenish flowers on the tops of the stems are collected in semi-umbrella inflorescences. Blooms in June-August. The fruit is an angular capsule. The whole plant has a strong unpleasant smell. Blooms in June-July. Fruits in July-September.

Spreading: fragrant rue grass is cultivated in gardens and orchards as a medicinal and ornamental plant in the middle and southern zones European territory Russia.

Growing: fragrant rue is a southern plant, so in the middle lane it is grown as annual plant. It should be placed in a sunny area protected from cold winds. The soil is preferably fertile, light. Ruta does not tolerate stagnant moisture in the spring and abundant watering in the summer. Propagated by seeds. They are sown in March and in the phase of 3-4 true leaves dive into separate pots. In early June, seedlings are planted in a permanent place with a distance of 30-40 cm from each other. Care consists in weeding, loosening and fertilizing with complex fertilizers or diluted mullein, or bird droppings 1 time during the entire growing season. You can propagate rue by dividing the bush in spring or by cuttings in summer, rooting in water or in pots of earth and overexposure in winter in warm greenhouses, and next spring, planting in a garden. AT warm greenhouses grows like a perennial plant.

Collection of raw materials and the use of fragrant rue

High healing properties fragrant rue is due to the presence of active substances in the plant. AT various parts contains: ar-borinin - leaf., rast.; bergapten - crown, plant, leaf, fruit; valeric acid - in ef. vegetable oil; graveolinin; gravacridondiol - crn.; gravacridontriol - crn.; gravelliferon - crn.; daphnoretin - crown, plant; dictamnin (dictamine) - crn., rast.; xantilethine; 2-undecanone (methylnonylketone) - ef. oil, leaf. 14.4%, in eff. oil from tsv., fruit. 79.3%, in eff. oil from the family. 60.1%; alpha-, beta-pinenes (a); marmesin - crown; methyl salicylate - oil; platidesmin; psoralen - plant, fruit; ribalin; rutaverin - rast., crn., fruit; rutacridone epoxide - crown; ruta-lin; rutamarin; rutin - rast.; savinin - crown; salicylic acid- in ef. fruit oil; skimmianin (beta-fagarin) - rast.; tannin (tannin); umbelliferon - crown; gamma-fagarin; halepensin - crown; cineol.

Collection: for use in medicine, fragrant rue leaves are harvested during the budding period and the beginning of flowering. Since the essential oil contained in the leaves is poisonous and can cause irritation if it comes into contact with the skin, this should be done with gloves. The collected leaves are laid out in a layer of 3-5 cm and dried in the air in the shade or in dryers at temperatures up to 35-40°C. The medicinal properties of the raw materials of fragrant rue are preserved for one year.

Application: acts as a tonic, antispasmodic, antiseptic, anticonvulsant, hemostatic and antitoxic agent.

The beneficial properties of fragrant rue make it possible to use this plant for the treatment of neurosis, atherosclerosis, and menopause.

Ruta is also effective in therapy. asthenic condition, hysteria, epilepsy, migraine and chorea, with headache associated with vasospasm, pneumonia, amenorrhea, exhaustion. Rue grass is used for rheumatism, gout, impotence, for the treatment of myopia, with fragility blood vessels, with rickets, as well as with spastic pains in the stomach and intestines.

AT traditional medicine Fresh Juice rue was used internally for bites of poisonous insects and snakes.

The plant is widely used as an external remedy, festering wounds and ulcers are covered with powder, fresh leaves are applied to the site of bruises and bruises.

Diluted juice and decoction of rue also have healing properties: they are used as lotions for festering eyes and conjunctivitis.

In the 18th century, rue was recognized as one of the best disinfectants and was widely used for this purpose in England.

In France, along with other herbs, rue was used to "flavor vinegar", which people rubbed the body to protect against plague infection during epidemics.

Before vitamin preparation"Rutin" (Rutinum) was extracted from odorous rue, now it is made from green mass buckwheat and Sophora japonica flower buds.

In homeopathy, the beneficial properties of rue are used for diseases of the eyes, cartilage, tendons, uterus, cancer lower section intestines, prolapse of the rectum during defecation after childbirth, cough, pain in the neck, back and lower back, lumbago.

Economic purpose: the plant is very decorative all season.

Dry leaves are used in small quantities as a spice for flavoring meat, fish, vegetables, egg dishes and also cheese.

Fresh leaves are added to salads.

Rue leaves are also used to make herbal vinegar.

The essential oil is used in the alcoholic beverage industry in the production of cognacs and liqueurs, as well as in medicine.

Here you can see a photo of the fragrant rue plant, the healing properties of which are described above:

Traditional medicine recipes based on fragrant rue

Recipes for the use of fragrant rue in folk medicine:

  • tincture: dry leaves with vodka in a ratio of 1:10, insist 10 days, filter. 10 drops with water or on a piece of sugar 3 times a day.
  • infusion for internal use: 1 teaspoon of raw materials per 200 ml of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes, filter, let cool. Take this remedy based on rue according to the traditional medicine recipe, 1 tablespoon 3 times a day.
  • infusion for external use: 1.5 teaspoon of raw materials per 200 ml of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes, filter, let cool, or: 15 g of raw materials per 400 ml of water.
  • fresh leaves for scrofula: children are given on an empty stomach 3-4 leaves of rue with bread until complete healing.
  • infusion at nervous exhaustion, hysteria: add 1 teaspoon of rue to 1 cup of valerian root decoction, leave for 1 hour, filter ( daily dose). Take sips throughout the day.
  • Wine tincture for paralysis, epilepsy, headaches of catarrhal origin, dizziness, palpitations, rush of blood to the head, tinnitus, dropsy of the abdomen, thrombophlebitis, cooling of the lower back and kidneys, loss of appetite, flatulence, hemorrhoids, retention and painful periods, nosebleeds, coughing. Calming nervous irritability and as an anthelmintic: 100 g of dry grass per 2 liters of dry white wine, leave for 3 weeks, filter. Take 25-30 ml 4 times a day before meals. The timing of the application of the infusion of rue according to this traditional medicine recipe depends on the severity of the disease. Usually, having finished taking 2 liters of tincture, you should take a break for 1-2 weeks and repeat the course of treatment several times.
  • infusion with menopause: 1 teaspoon dried leaves per 2 cups cold boiled water, insist 8 hours, filter. Take 1/2 cup 4 times a day before meals.
  • leaf powder: festering wounds and ulcers fall asleep.
  • ointment: grind fresh grass and mix with the fat base 1:2. Apply to bruises, purulent wounds.

Contraindications: the plant is poisonous, therefore, internal use is permissible only for its intended purpose and under the supervision of a physician.

  • Rue preparations are contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation.
  • Rue should not be used for gastritis with high acidity gastric juice, for low blood pressure.
  • External use of rue (whole plant) can cause skin burns.
  • The fresh herb, when applied to the skin, causes redness and inflammation.

Signs of poisoning large doses plants: salivation, swelling of the tongue, acute gastrointestinal disorder, shortness of breath, bradycardia. There is a feeling of weakness and a feeling of numbness in the whole body, as after a fall, the joints especially hurt.

Treatment and prevention: it is necessary to urgently stop taking the drugs. Treatment is symptomatic according to the doctor's prescription.

Essential Oil of Rue: Uses and Precautions

Rue scented essential oil color: yellow or orange.

Aroma: pungent, bitter, herbaceous-fruity.

Used Part: the aerial part of the plant.

Receiving method: aromatic oil obtained by steam distillation from fresh plant. Oil yield: depending on the variety and age of the plant, it can vary between 0.6-1.2% (Spain). In countries with a cool climate, the yield of rue oil does not exceed 0.25%.

The main property of rue herb oil is the ability to heal wounds.

healing action: antitoxic, resolving, antiseptic, antispasmodic, diuretic, insecticidal, healing, stimulating, tonic, improves the menstrual cycle. It is used to treat insomnia, headaches, neurosis, etc. It is effective in the treatment of the nervous system, convulsions and gastric disorders.

Other Application: used for the production of luxury perfumes, is a source of methyl nonyl ketone. It is used in cooking in the preparation of some alcoholic beverages to give them a bitter taste, as well as cheeses and salads. In medicine, it is used as an antispasmodic.

Traditional use: one of the most popular potions since ancient times. Ruta was considered an antidote, it was protected from evil forces.

Feel: when applying the essential oil of fragrant rue to the skin, redness, peeling can be observed.

Rue essential oil is poisonous!

Precautions and contraindications when using rue essential oil:

  • Toxicity - acute: oral LD50 > 5 g/kg (rats), derm. LD50 > 5 g/kg (rabbits); according to other data, for Ruia graveolens oils (from leaves) - oral LD50 2.54 g / kg (white mice), Ruta bracteosa (from leaves) - oral LD50 3.99 g / kg (white mice). In the form of a 1% solution in petrolatum for 48 hours, it does not irritate human skin, does not have a sensitizing effect.
  • Irritates mucous membranes. Internal use causes severe stomach pain, nausea, convulsions. Phototoxicity - has a distinct phototoxic effect at a concentration in methanol even slightly more than 0.78%.
  • Pregnancy - do not use, has a strong abortive effect.

In the article we are talking about fragrant rue, the use of which raises questions and concerns. You will learn about all the pros and cons of using this plant, whether it is poisonous. Let's talk about precautions when using rue herb. A photo of a plant will help you recognize it when you meet it in nature and avoid unpleasant consequences.

Appearance (photo) fragrant rue

Ruta fragrant is a perennial subshrub of the Rutov family. Grows in Southern Europe and Crimea in the wild, cultivated as medicinal plant in many European countries.

Ruta is fragrant, the photo of which is present in all directories of popular herbs, has healing properties and looks elegant. She decorate summer cottages and grow for the sake of collecting leaves, which have a strong specific aroma. They are used fresh and dry as a spice and for medicinal purposes.

Chemical composition

Rue leaves contain:

  • alkaloids;
  • essential oil;
  • flavocolrutin;
  • furonumarin;
  • furocoumarin;
  • xanthoxin;
  • routine;
  • coumarin;
  • flavonoids;
  • organic acids;
  • vitamin C;
  • bitterness.

Beneficial features

From the root was allocated medicinal substance- rutin (or vitamin P), it reduces blood viscosity, improves the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels and capillaries.

Most valuable property root - relieve spasms smooth muscle intestines and bile ducts. This plant improves the outflow of bile and urine, reduces arterial pressure. The bitterness in the composition of the rue helps in the treatment of cholelithiasis.

The ability of drugs based on rue to normalize the excited nervous state man is used to treat epilepsy and neurosis.

AT Indian medicine The most frequent use of rue is scented as an antiseptic. In Europe, rue herb is added to pharmaceutical herbal preparations for coughs and colds.

The affected joints are rubbed with a tincture of rue in case of gout and rheumatism, and the skin with rashes is wiped with a decoction.

Rue oil is used in aromatherapy for migraines, sprains, and bruises. Young leaves of rue are added to tea. Dried rue is used as a spice in cooking.

Application in cooking

Fragrant rue can be purchased at a pharmacy or specialized stores

The main rule when using rue is to add it in a small amount.. Fresh young leaves have a sharp, spicy smell and spicy bitterness. Add crushed leaves to:

  • salads;
  • meat or vegetable dishes;
  • unsweetened filling for pies;
  • herbal tea.

A couple of young rue leaves added to vinegar will make it aromatic and spicy.

Ground dried rue is used both alone and in combination with other spices to add:

  • in sandwiches with cream cheese;
  • when cooking meat with a specific taste (lamb, game);
  • in Italian tomato sauces with olives and capers;
  • in marinades and vegetable juices;
  • in cranberry juice.

Application in traditional medicine

inherent in the herb rue medicinal properties found wide application in folk medicine. This plant has proven itself in the treatment gastrointestinal diseases, headaches, venous insufficiency and varicose veins, neuroses and conjunctivitis. The main preparations from the rue:

  • infusion;
  • wine tincture;
  • vodka tincture;
  • alcohol tincture.


Infusion of fragrant rue has a calming effect, restores the digestive tract, relieves dizziness.


  1. Rue herb - 1 tablespoon.
  2. Water - 300 ml.

How to cook: Pour the crushed grass with water room temperature. Leave for 8 hours, strain.

How to use: Drink ¼ cup four times a day 30 minutes before meals.

Result: Infusion restores sleep and peace of mind, eliminates bloating and flatulence. Reduces pain with migraine.

Wine tincture

Rue tincture on wine is used to treat tachycardia, neutralize and remove toxic substances from the body, alleviate convulsions, and improve vision.


  1. Rue powder - 4 g.
  2. White wine - 200 ml.

How to cook: Pour rue powder with wine. Leave for 7 days, shaking from time to time. Filter.

How to use: Take 10 ml once a day.

Result: Such wine improves general state, thanks to cleansing the body of toxic substances and normalizing the work of the heart and internal organs.

Vodka tincture

This tincture is effective for epilepsy, varicose veins and weakness of the body.


  1. Dried rue leaves - 15 g
  2. Vodka - 100 ml.

How to cook: Pour the crushed grass with vodka. Leave in a dark place for 14 days, strain.

How to use: Drink 10-15 drops three times a day 15 minutes before meals.

Result: The use of tincture reduces the number and intensity of seizures in epilepsy. Strengthens the body. Eliminates blood stasis in limbs affected by varicose veins.

Alcohol tincture

An effective form of using rue herb - application alcohol tincture. Active ingredients This plant is best dissolved in alcohol. This tincture improves appetite, when used externally, it fights skin rashes. They rub it painful places with rheumatism, sciatica and gout. Bruises and sprains pass faster when rubbing the tincture.


  1. Rue grass - 1 part.
  2. Alcohol - 6 parts.

How to cook: Fill the raw material with alcohol in the suggested proportion. Leave in a dark place for 10 days.

How to use: Take 10 drops per day in a spoonful of water or per sugar cube. Massage inflamed areas by applying a small amount of tincture.

Result: Regular use of tincture improves appetite. Rubbing relieves pain in gout and sciatica.

How to prepare and how to store

For harvesting, the rue is dried in a ventilated room.

Fragrant rue is harvested during its flowering period. Carefully study the rue plants photo to be sure of right choice collection object.

The tops of the shrub are cut and laid out in a well-ventilated area without direct sunlight. When collecting, avoid getting the juice of the plant on the skin, use gloves for this. Otherwise, redness and itching of the skin is possible, allergic reactions are likely.

Store dried herbs in a dry, cool place in a dark container or a thick paper bag. You can use raw materials throughout the year.

Contraindications and possible harm

You can not use rue and preparations from it:

  • pregnant and breastfeeding women;
  • hypotensive patients;
  • children;
  • patients with gastritis.

Excessive consumption of rue can cause poisoning.

The plant is poisonous, all preparations from it must be made with strict observance dosage. Root oil should not be consumed internally, only externally. Treatment with rue is best done after consulting a doctor, in doses agreed with him.

What to remember

  1. Ruta fragrant is a medicinal plant with a unique chemical composition and a wide range therapeutic action.
  2. The plant is poisonous and requires special care when harvesting and consuming.
  3. Rue is used as a spice, it improves the taste of meat, cheese and vegetables.
  4. Before using the medicinal properties of rue, you should consult a doctor.
  5. There are a number of diseases in which rue is not used.

Fragrant rue is a herbaceous perennial subshrub belonging to the rue family. The stem of this plant reaches a height of seventy centimeters. It is woody at the base, branched. Shoots of fragrant rue are bluish-green in color. The lower and middle alternate leaves can be twice or thrice pinnately dissected into oblong lanceolate segments, the upper ones are sessile, pinnately dissected into narrower segments. There are numerous dots on all leaves (in the light it seems that they are pierced with sharp needles). The inflorescences of the plant in question are loose, apical, corymbose. Greenish-yellow flowers contain four triangular green sepals, 4 yellow petals six to nine millimeters long, one pistil. The fruits of fragrant rue are almost spherical four-five-cell boxes, the diameter of which is 5-7 mm. Seeds - angular, black.

Southern Europe is considered the birthplace of this shrub. The plant is distributed in China, Japan, Crimea, Ukraine.

Preparation and storage of fragrant rue

AT medicinal purposes mainly the herb fragrant rue is used. Its preparation is carried out during the flowering period of the plant. Due to the fact that the fresh juice of this shrub can cause allergies, it is better to collect raw materials with rubber gloves. The cut tops are washed, dried in the shade, in a well-ventilated attic, under a canopy or in special dryers at a temperature not exceeding forty degrees.

Application in everyday life

Fragrant rue is used to flavor tea, cocktails, drinks, sausages. It is added to meat dishes and various sauces.

Medicinal properties of fragrant rue

  1. Fragrant rue has an antiseptic, tonic, anti-inflammatory, anticonvulsant, hemostatic, wound healing effect.
  2. The plant relieves spasms of the urinary and biliary tract, smooth muscles of the gastrointestinal tract, increasing the outflow of bile, improving urination, reducing the heart rate and blood pressure.
  3. Preparations prepared on the basis of fragrant rue are recommended for use in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract: colic, gastritis with low acidity. In addition, they must be taken by people who have bronchitis, pneumonia, arrhythmia, heart failure, hemorrhoids or dizziness, neurosis, urolithiasis disease, violation menstrual cycle.
  4. Scented rue has detoxifying properties for snake bites. It relieves worms, reduces pain that occurs when chronic diseases joints, rheumatism, neuralgia, lumbago, neuritis infectious nature, sciatica, paralysis of the facial nerves.
  5. Means based on the indicated half-shrub contribute to the healing of bedsores, bruises, chronic ulcers and wounds, and relieve hemorrhages.
  6. Rue combined with sage and vinegar cures anemia and fever.
  7. Ruta can act as a resolving, carminative agent.
  8. By mixing the plant in question with soda, warts can be removed.
  9. Paralysis, inflammation sciatic nerves fragrant rue helps in the form of drinking and honey compresses.
  10. Ruta is used to improve visual acuity. For these purposes, it is mixed with fennel juice. In addition, it restores potency.
  11. An infusion based on the shrub under consideration is used to wash the eyes with conjunctivitis, rinse the mouth with abscesses on the gums. It is used to improve appetite, strengthen the stomach, eliminate tinnitus, remove the smell of onions and garlic from the mouth, with epilepsy, flatulence, hypothermia of the kidneys and lumbar region, dropsy.
  12. The use of fragrant rue in folk medicine

    On the basis of the herb rue, effective medicines are prepared that are used in the treatment of various kinds ailments. Let's consider the main ones.

    Infusion of fragrant rue, which normalizes the work of the gastrointestinal tract, relieves dizziness, has a diaphoretic, calming effect

    Pour dry grass (1 tsp) with cool boiled water (500 ml), infuse for eight hours, stirring occasionally. After straining, take a quarter cup four times a day half an hour before meals.

    A tincture of fragrant rue on wine, capable of removing poisons from the body, relieving heaviness in the head, heart palpitations, abdominal pain, convulsions

    Rue leaves, powdered (4 g), pour white wine (200 ml), infuse for 7 days, shaking occasionally. After straining, take the composition of 10 ml once a day. Using the remedy for 50 ml, you can improve your eyesight, resume menstruation.

    Tincture of fragrant rue herb, taken with general weakness of the body, epilepsy

    Pour dry grass of the plant (15 g) with vodka (100 ml), insist in a dark place for fourteen days. Drink the remedy 10-15 drops three times a day fifteen minutes before meals.

    Fragrant rue tincture, improves appetite, helps with indigestion

    Leaves and herbs of fragrant rue (1 part) pour alcohol (6 parts), insist in a cool, dark place for 10 days. Take 10 drops diluted in a tablespoon of water or on a piece of sugar.


    You can not take fragrant rue:

  • during pregnancy;
  • during lactation;
  • children;
  • people with individual intolerance.

Hello dear readers. Today will be discussed about interesting plant. Ruta fragrant is a perennial shrub, up to 70 cm high. The flowers of the plant are yellow in color. Green leaves have interesting feature: if you look at them through the light, you can see miniature holes that cover their entire surface. The holes contain essential oil, due to which the plant has a pronounced smell.

The plant is wild and common in the Mediterranean and in the south of Crimea.

Since ancient times, the plant has been used as a remedy for many ailments. Its amazing ability to act as an antidote to snake venom is still in use today. It was believed that it was able to protect from evil spirits. Despite its beneficial properties, rue should be handled with care as it is poisonous.

Rue fragrant - properties

The plant has the following properties:

  • Antiseptic.
  • Anti-inflammatory.
  • Wound healing.
  • Hemostatic.
  • Fortifying.
  • Anticonvulsant.
  • Detoxification.
  • Carminative.

Ruta fragrant - chemical composition

The plant is rich in various active substances, the main ones being:

  • Vitamin C. Needed by the immune system, especially during various diseases. Vitamin increases the body's defenses and allows you to quickly cope with ailments. The element promotes the removal of toxins. It is present in the composition of collagen, so it is necessary to maintain skin elasticity. Good for the heart.
  • R. Required for of cardio-vascular system. Vitamin thins the blood, makes the vascular and capillary walls more elastic.
  • bitterness. Important for the digestive system. They stimulate the process of digestion, improve appetite, eliminate constipation and fermentation in the stomach.
  • organic acids. Have great importance for metabolism, providing protein, fat and carbohydrate metabolism. Stimulates the secretion of saliva, gastric juice and bile. Possess antiseptic properties. Positively affect the condition of hair, nails and hair.

In addition, fragrant rue contains alkaloids, furonumarin, essential oil, coumarin, flavocolrutin, quercetin, resinous substances.

Benefit for health

  1. The plant helps to reduce blood pressure and heart rate. Used in the treatment of heart failure and chronic arrhythmias.
  2. It has a positive effect on the gastrointestinal tract: it relieves spasms and colic, it is effective in the treatment of gastritis with low acidity, it improves the outflow of bile.
  3. Preparations containing fragrant rue are prescribed for the treatment of urolithiasis.
  4. Diuretic effect helps eliminate excess water from fabrics. It also removes toxins and toxins.
  5. The plant helps treat bronchitis and pneumonia.
  6. In gynecology, the herb is used to normalize the menstrual cycle, as well as during menopause.
  7. The plant is able to reduce pain in case of neuralgia, chronic joint diseases and rheumatism.
  8. Effective in the treatment of infectious neuritis, paralysis facial nerve and inflammation of the sciatic nerve.
  9. Ruta can relieve systematic headaches and dizziness.
  10. It has high anthelmintic qualities.
  11. Helps to remove intoxication from snake venoms.
  12. Increases visual acuity.
  13. By mixing rue herb with sage and vinegar, you can get effective remedy from fever and anemia.
  14. Used for more fast healing bruises of soft tissues and elimination of hemorrhages. Means with rue stimulate the healing of diligence, ulcers and various wounds.
  15. Infusion of the plant is recommended for use in conjunctivitis.
  16. Rinsing with infusion can cure inflammation of the gums and various damage to the mucosa in the oral cavity.
  17. The plant is indicated for use by men in case of problems with potency.
  18. Assign in the treatment of epilepsy.
  19. Ruta is able to get rid of bad smell from mouth. Eliminates even the smell of onions and garlic.


Ruta fragrant has not large quantity contraindications. It should be abandoned in the following cases:

  1. With allergic reactions.
  2. During pregnancy and lactation.
  3. At childhood- up to 14 years.
  4. With gastritis with high acidity.
  5. With hypotension.
  6. During menstruation or other uterine bleeding.

It is important to know that the plant belongs to the category of poisonous, so the slightest overdose is dangerous to health.

Long-term use of funds in fragrant rue in the composition significantly increases the skin's susceptibility to ultraviolet radiation. Therefore, there is a risk of sunburn.

The use of fragrant rue in cooking

Despite the fact that the plant is poisonous, its moderate consumption is not considered dangerous.

Rue is used in cooking due to its strong aroma. It is important not to overdo it with its quantity, as it can easily interrupt the taste and smell of the dish itself.

Although rue is little known as a condiment, it pairs wonderfully with huge amount ingredients. It goes well with various meat dishes especially lamb. It can also be paired with fish.

It is added to sauces and combined with other spices. With most of which the root does not conflict.

In some countries, it is used to give a special flavor to cottage cheese and cheese dishes.

Rue can be added to teas, compotes, cocktails. Liqueurs are prepared on its basis.

You can add rue to salads from vegetables, eggs, lamb, eggs, cheeses, game. It is often included in marinades for canning vegetables.

Both fresh and dried fragrant rue herb is used as a spice. Depending on this, it has different taste and aromatic characteristics. Fresh leaves are similar to a mixture of onions and garlic. And dried ones resemble the aroma of rose petals.

Ruta fragrant - use in traditional medicine

For the treatment of many ailments, tinctures, fees, and teas are made from rue. Ready products can be used for external or internal use. To improve efficiency therapeutic effect, fragrant rue is often combined with other herbal ingredients. But even if you cook medicinal products exclusively from fragrant rue, many diseases can be eliminated.

impotence treatment

The plant restores potency quite well. Finished product it is necessary to drink in the morning and in the evening 0.1 l. To prepare it, it is necessary to pour fragrant rue (1 tbsp.) With boiling water (0.2 l.). Let it brew for 15 minutes and strain.

Treatment of headache and neuroses

How to cook:

  1. Pour the crushed rue grass (1 tsp) with boiling water (2 cups).
  2. Leave for 8 hours.
  3. Shake the container occasionally.
  4. Strain.

To restore the menstrual cycle

An infusion of wine will help when periods have disappeared or come at very long intervals. The same recipe is useful for those who want to improve their eyesight. Ready infusion should be drunk in 30-50 ml. per day.

How to cook:

  1. Rue powder (4 gr.) Pour white wine (0.2 l.).
  2. Infuse for a week in a dark place.
  3. From time to time the vessel with the mixture must be shaken.
  4. Strain.

General tonic

The infusion will help increase efficiency and feel a surge of energy. It is effective for constant feeling of weakness. It is also recommended for epileptics. The finished product must be added (10 drops) to a sugar cube. It is possible to use no more than two times a day.

How to cook:

  1. Pour the ground grass of fragrant rue (15 gr.) into a container.
  2. Pour in vodka (0.1 l.).
  3. Insist 14 days in a dark place.
  4. Alcohol tincture should be shaken from time to time.
  5. Strain.

Treatment of indigestion

An infusion of alcohol is effective for poisoning. In addition, it is indicated for those who suffer from lack of appetite. Ready infusion (10 drops) is dripped onto a piece of sugar or diluted with a spoonful of water.

How to cook:

  1. Mix the juice from the rue with alcohol in a ratio of 1:6.
  2. Put for 10 days in the dark.
  3. The infusion needs to be shaken from time to time.
  4. Strain.

Treatment of varicose veins

The remedy must be taken 3 times a day, diluting the infusion (10 drops) in water (1 tablespoon).

How to cook:

  1. Pour crushed rue (2 tablespoons) into a glass jar.
  2. Pour in vodka (0.2 l.).
  3. Place for 10 days in a dark place.
  4. Sometimes the jar with the mixture needs to be shaken.
  5. Strain.

Therapy for beriberi

A decoction made from several components will help to fill the lack of vitamins in the body. The drink must be drunk 2 times a day, 100 ml.

How to cook:

  1. Mix in one container rue leaves (1 tbsp), black elderberry flowers (2 tbsp), tricolor violet grass (2 tbsp).
  2. pour hot water(0.2 l.).
  3. Boil 3 minutes.
  4. Strain.

Remedy for neuroses

At various problems With nervous system it is recommended to drink a remedy prepared from fragrant rue. In combination with valerian, it is possible to make an amazingly effective natural sedative. Ready portion should be drunk within 1 day.

How to cook:

  1. Mix in equal proportions (25 gr each) fragrant rue leaves (dried) and finely chopped valerian root.
  2. Pour boiling water (0.2 l.).
  3. A little insist.
  4. Strain.

Grass harvesting and storage

Fragrant rue should be cut off during the flowering period (June - July). It is necessary to choose an ecologically clean area, otherwise the grass will bring much more harm than good. Going only top part plants, no root needed.

Fragrant rue has a very aggressive juice. If it comes into contact with the skin, it can cause redness, rash. In some cases, it can cause serious allergic reaction. Particular caution should be exercised by people prone to allergies. To make the process of cutting the plant as safe as possible, you should wear rubber gloves on your hands.

After the stems are cut, they must be thoroughly washed. This will help rid the fragrant rue of insects and dust. Then you need to lay out the grass where it will dry. The place should be dry, well ventilated and shady. The stems should be laid out in a thin layer.

If the grass is dried in special dryers, then you should follow temperature regime. It should not exceed 40°C.

After drying, fragrant rue should be stored in a tight paper bag or a tightly closed jar. Remove to a dark and dry place. Subject to all requirements, the grass can be stored for no more than 1 year.

Despite the fact that rue can be very beneficial for health, it is not recommended to use products with it without first consulting a specialist. He will select the most correct reception scheme.

Ruta fragrant is a medicinal plant that is used in pharmacology and traditional medicine. On the basis of phyto-raw materials, preparations are made that help in the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, musculoskeletal system and reproductive system. Infusions and decoctions of fragrant rue are suitable for both internal and external use. Before using the herb for therapeutic purposes, you need to familiarize yourself with its useful properties and contraindications for taking, because fragrant rue is a poisonous plant.

Botanical reference, composition

Ruta fragrant is a perennial herbaceous plant that has the appearance of subshrubs.


  • straight and strong stem, the height of which reaches 70 centimeters;
  • leaves are oblong, small dots resembling perforation;
  • flowers are characterized by a light green hue;
  • fruits resemble spherical boxes;
  • seeds black, angular.

    Rue blooms in June-July. The plant is common in the Crimea and the Kaliningrad region. You can meet fragrant rue on dry stony slopes and rocks.

    In pharmacology and folk medicine, the ground part of the plant is used - leaves and inflorescences. Raw materials are harvested during the flowering period of the crop. Grass juice causes skin burns, so you need to collect the plant with hands protected rubber gloves. Dry raw materials in the form of bundles on outdoors. dry plant stored in glass containers or in paper bags.

    Ruta can not only be prepared independently, but also bought at a pharmacy.

    The composition of medicinal raw materials:

    • alkaloids;
    • essential oils;
    • routine;
    • coumarin;
    • vitamin C;
    • bitterness;
    • organic acids.

    Due to this composition, fragrant rue is actively used in the manufacture of traditional medicine, the benefits of which have been known for many years.

    Benefit and harm

    Ruta fragrant has a pronounced sedative, antimicrobial, antispasmodic effect.

    Medicinal properties:

    • relieves skin inflammation rosacea, acne, furunculosis, dermatitis;
    • eliminates nervous tension and neuralgia;
    • at the expense high concentration routine strengthens the walls of blood vessels;
    • normalizes the tone of the bile ducts;
    • increases the acidity of gastric juice;
    • has a regenerating effect on hemorrhoids;
    • treats helminthic invasion;
    • due to the high concentration of phytohormones, it normalizes the hormonal background in women;
    • in men, fragrant rue restores libido.

    Due to the powerful analgesic effect, odorous rue is used in the production of pharmacological preparation Akofit, used in the treatment of sciatica.

    On the basis of the plant, the drug Ascorutin is made, which is prescribed for patients with increased fragility of capillary walls.

    Contraindications to taking herbal medicines include:

    • blood clotting disorder;
    • gastritis with high acidity;
    • age up to 12 years.

    Ruta odorous is pharmacy herb, which has an abortive effect, which is why it is contraindicated for pregnant women.

    Traditional medicine recipes

    Rue-based products are taken orally in the form of infusion, decoction and tea. At home, the plant is also used externally in the form of healing lotions, compresses and ointments. Reception features medicines from rue depend on the disease requiring treatment.

    Folk remedy Indications for use Recipe Reception scheme
    Alcohol tincture
    • Varicose veins.
    • Haemorrhoids.
    • Flatulence.
    • Indigestion
    1. 1. Take a glass of vodka and pour 2 tablespoons of raw materials into it.
    2. 2. The workpiece is infused for 10 days in the dark.
    3. 3. Filter before use
    Take 10 drops with a small amount water before every meal
    • Avitaminosis.
    • Weakened immunity
    1. 1. For 1 gram of leaves, take 2 grams of violet leaves and elder flowers.
    2. 2. Raw materials are poured with a glass of boiling water and boiled for one minute
    Take 100 milliliters twice a day
    TeaA teaspoon of herbs is poured with a glass of fresh boiling water and infused for 5 minutes under the lidTake a cup in the morning and evening for two weeks
    • Radiculitis.
    • festering wounds
    Fresh leaves of the plant are ground to a pulpApply to affected areas of the skin

    Any remedies based on odorous rue are taken in moderate doses. To avoid harm from the use of the plant, before using folk remedies made from it, you need to consult a doctor.

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