Compensation for a delayed flight charter. What to do if your flight is delayed. If the flight is delayed by a European airline or within the EU

My flight from Antalya was delayed for 13 hours. Six months later, the tour operator paid me 36,500 R for this. Despite the fact that it was a charter and sort of like "no guarantees."

Sergei Boldin

received compensation from the tour operator

Last fall, I bought a package tour and flew with my family to Turkey. While we were resting, our airline went bust. Our charter flew home with a delay, so I wrote to the tour operator and asked to compensate for the lost time. The operator replied that the airline should do this.

The tour operator did not take into account that I am a lawyer and I know my rights. I did not make a fuss, but collected evidence and sued him.

Inquiries, checks, details of calls

The problems with our airline began even before we flew to rest. The day before departure, the travel agent sent us tickets for a charter flight. The departure time was known, the flight appeared in the airport schedule. But when we arrived at the airport, it turned out that the flight was delayed.

By law, if a flight is delayed for more than two hours, the carrier is obliged to provide passengers with soft drinks free of charge and organize communication: two phone calls or two e-mails. If the flight is delayed for more than four hours, he is obliged to feed everyone with a hot meal. If longer than six at night or eight during the day - place in a hotel.

Our flight was delayed more than four hours, but no one offered us food or drinks. We bought them with our own money, I kept the receipts.

While we were vacationing in Turkey, the airline's problems worsened. Compatriots on the beach discussed the news: someone could not fly away on vacation on a package tour, others could not return home. The day before departure, I asked the hotel guide for insurance to extend our stay. The guide replied that the flight would be on schedule and there was no need to pay for housing.

On the morning of departure, it became obvious that the plane would not arrive on time for us: our flight was not on the airport schedule. We did not want to wait outside, so we had to arrange a late check-out so that we would not be evicted from the room. The representative of the tour operator was not there, so I paid for everything myself - and asked to issue a check.

The rest of the day we sat on our suitcases and waited for the representative of the tour operator to pick us up at the airport. Departure was postponed several times. After the late check-out time from the hotel expired, the tour operator nevertheless extended our stay - but did not provide two required phone calls. I called at my own expense and after returning I ordered the details of these calls from the telecom operator.

They came for us only in the morning. We were supposed to take off from Antalya at 8 pm, but instead took off at 9 am the next day - with a delay of 13 hours.

Upon arrival at the Moscow airport, I turned to the information desk and asked to put a mark on the delay of both flights. Such marks are usually placed on the back of the boarding pass or on a printout of the itinerary receipt.

Then I collected all the documents about violations of our rights and turned to the tour operator for compensation.

The tour operator answers

What is special about a charter

Roughly speaking, the tour operator says to the airline: "I want to rent a plane from you to take 200 people to Antalya on September 9, and return them back on September 23." The airline replies: "Okay, on the 9th and 23rd for three hours the plane is yours, along with the pilots and stewardesses."

While the plane is leased by the tour operator, flight delays are on his conscience, which is why he pays compensation. The only exception: if the flight is delayed for safety reasons, for example, if the plane has broken down and it is dangerous to fly on it. Judicial practice shows that in this case it will not be possible to receive compensation.

The reason for the delay of our flight at the airport was not announced, but it was found on the delay stamps, which were put upon arrival home. The marks "PPS" and "U05" mean "late arrival of the vessel" and "change in departure time by decision of the dispatch service." Not a word about security.

How to make a claim

The claim must be submitted to the tour operator within 20 days from the end of the trip. The tour operator has 10 days to check everything and answer something.

In my claim, I described the situation and demanded that all expenses be reimbursed to me, as well as moral damages for the flight delay. In addition, I indicated the details of the account to which I expect to receive the money.

I attached copies of checks and certificates to the claim and sent all this to the legal address of the tour operator by registered mail. Postal receipts for sending later came in handy in court.

Which court to sue

While the tour operator was thinking about how to respond to my claim, I studied the jurisprudence on similar disputes. I had to decide in which court to file a claim if my claim was denied.

As a general rule, an action must be filed in the court at the location of the defendant. But the law protects the consumer as a weak side of legal relations, therefore it gives him a choice: to sue where the defendant is located or where he lives.

If the defendant is a large company, most likely it has already been sued. To find out how it all ended, it is useful to study the jurisprudence on the website of the court that has jurisdiction over the legal address of the company. If decisions are often made not in favor of consumers, it makes sense to sue the court in your place of residence. And if you find a court decision in a similar case in favor of the consumer, you can use it to draw up your claim.

Another option is to search through the official websites of city courts of general jurisdiction and magistrates' courts. For example, on the Moscow website there is a section “Territorial jurisdiction”, where you can determine the defendant's court by the address of the defendant. Decisions on claims are usually published in the "Courtwork" section.

In my case, decisions were more often made in favor of tourists, so I did not use the right to choose a court. I waited until the tour operator ignored my claim, and filed a lawsuit in the court at his location.

Statement of claim

In the statement of claim, you need to write in which court you are filing it, who the plaintiff and defendant are, at what address they can be found, the price of the claim, what is the violation of rights and what you want to achieve. Also, list documents that support your position. All this is mandatory information - without them the claim will not be accepted. When drawing up a claim, it is worth checking with the Civil Procedure Code of the Russian Federation.

It would not be superfluous to bring judicial practice in favor of consumers in similar cases. Consumers do not need to pay state duty.

Before drawing up a claim, you need to calculate the amount of compensation and the price of the claim. These are different things. Simply put, the amount of compensation is all the money that you want to receive from the defendant through the court. The price of the claim is only the money that you lost because of his actions and the penalty provided for by law. The price of the claim does not include compensation for non-pecuniary damage and a fine for the fact that the defendant did not pay you without a trial.

For example, in my case, the price of the claim includes the cost of the hotel, food, drinks and phone calls. In addition, it includes a penalty for violation of the terms of travel. In total, I demanded almost 130 thousand rubles from the tour operator, and the price of my claim was 5123 rubles.

The amount of the claim determines which court will hear your case. If it is less than 50 thousand rubles, then the world one, if more - the regional one. It does not affect anything else in disputes involving service consumers.

In my statement of claim, I demanded from the tour operator:

  1. Compensate for everything that a passenger is entitled to in case of a flight delay: drinks, food, two phone calls and accommodation.
  2. Compensate for non-pecuniary damage to all family members, including two children.
  3. Pay penalties for violation of the terms of the service - 3% of the cost of the tour package for one day of delay in departure.
  4. Pay a fine for refusing to voluntarily satisfy my claim - 50% of the amount of compensation awarded.

I attached two copies of it to the claim - for the tour operator and the travel agency that sold me his ticket. The tour operator is responsible for paying compensation, so it makes no sense to involve the agency as another defendant. But he can be involved as a third party - if the judge approves. A representative of the agency will come to the meeting, and if questions arise, he will be able to answer them immediately.

So that the court would not be postponed if I could not come, I asked to consider the claim without me.

Here's what my statement looked like:

I attached certificates of flight delays, copies of checks for food and a hotel, details of calls that I took from the telecom operator, a copy of the claim against the tour operator, as well as a press release from Rospotrebnadzor that an administrative case was opened against the tour operator due to flight delays.

Complaint to Rospotrebnadzor

Before going to court, you can complain to Rospotrebnadzor. This will not help to obtain compensation without a trial: Rospotrebnadzor has no right to oblige the tour operator to pay you money. But he can fine him on your complaint, and this will strengthen your position in court. In addition, Rospotrebnadzor specialists will advise you on how to file a claim and, possibly, help protect your interests in court.

But all this is in theory. In my practice, the quality of assistance from Rospotrebnadzor depends on the case, and it is dangerous to completely trust him with your business.

So I made my own claim.

The court's decision

The court decided that the charter flight is included in the tour package, so the tour operator is responsible for its delay. In December, three months after returning from vacation, the court partially satisfied my requirements and exacted from the tour operator:

  1. The cost of living in the hotel - 1153 R.
  2. Penalty for violation of the terms of travel - 3215 R.
  3. Moral damage - 20,000 R, 5,000 R for each family member.
  4. The penalty for refusing to satisfy the claim is 12,184 R.

The court refused to compensate for the cost of food at the airport and reduced the compensation for non-pecuniary damage. But even taking this into account, the amount of compensation amounted to 36,552 R - this is 34% of the cost of the tour.

Getting compensation

In February, two months after the court decision, I received the writ of execution. Now I had to get money. To do this, it was necessary to send the sheets to the bailiffs, and then wait until they initiate enforcement proceedings and forcibly recover compensation from the tour operator. The law allocates two months for this, but the period can be extended. In practice, receiving money is highly dependent on the quickness of the bailiffs and the perseverance of the claimant.

Another option is to receive compensation yourself through the defendant's bank, but for this you need to know what kind of bank it is. Sometimes the details of the tour operator's account can be found on his website or in the contract for the sale of tours.

My tour operator did not publish his details in the public domain, but I was lucky. Already when the claim was in court, he answered my claim and transferred compensation for phone calls to my account. He rejected the rest of the demands and stated that the carrier was responsible for the flight delay, but it didn’t matter anymore: having transferred the money to my bank account, he exposed his own, and when I received the writ of execution, I didn’t send them to the bailiffs, but simply took them to his bank.

A day after receiving the writ of execution, the bank transferred the money to me.

How to get compensation from the tour operator

  1. Keep all receipts, bills and call details. All requests and refusals - only in writing. If the flight is delayed, ask the airport to put a note about it.
  2. Demand compensation from the tour operator - for this you have 20 days after the end of the trip. In 10 days he must answer something.
  3. If the tour operator is silent or refuses to pay, sue him or complain to Rospotrebnadzor.
  4. Look for the account details of the tour operator on his website or in the contract. If the court is on your side, they will help you get the money faster.

Flight delay compensation

If your flight is delayed, you should know the following basic rights and actions:

1. Passengers of charter and regular flights have the same rights. The carrier is equally responsible to the passenger for the delay of both charter and scheduled flights.

2. You have the right to true and accurate information. Contact the representative of the airline operating the flight (most carriers have representative offices or name desks in almost all major Russian airports) or, if you are flying from a small airport where there is no official representation of the airline, the employee at the airport information desk. In any case, you must explain why and how much the flight is delayed.

If the responsible persons of the air carrier or airport refuse to understand you, you can remind them that, in accordance with the requirements of paragraph 72 of the Federal Aviation Rules “General Rules for the Air Transportation of Passengers, Baggage, Cargo and Requirements for Servicing Passengers, Consignors, Consignees”, approved by order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia dated June 28, 2007 No. 82 (hereinafter referred to as FAR), regular flights are operated in accordance with the aircraft traffic schedule, formed by the carrier and published in the computer data bank of the aircraft schedule, and charter flights - in accordance with the charter traffic plan (schedule) .

At the same time, paragraph 73 of the FAR defines the information requirements for each scheduled flight, which the published schedule of aircraft movement must meet. In the event of a change in the timetable for the movement of aircraft, the carrier must take possible measures to inform the passengers with whom an air transportation agreement has been concluded about the change in the timetable for the movement of aircraft by any available means (clause 74 of the FAR).

Information about the delay or cancellation of a flight, as well as the reasons for the delay or cancellation of a flight, is communicated to passengers by the carrier or the organization carrying out airport activities (service organization) directly at the airport in visual and / or acoustic form (paragraph 92 of the FAR).

3. You have the right to require a representative of the airline or employees of the airport of departure/destination to put a note on the ticket about the flight delay. It is necessary if you later write a claim to the carrier or sue him in court. Ask for the exact time of the actual departure to enter by hand the representative of the airline / airport and certify with a stamp (this can be done when landing or re-registration - it is carried out in cases where tourists were accommodated in a hotel during the flight delay).

4. In case of any delay in the departure of the flight, the air carrier, in accordance with the requirements of paragraph 99. FAP, is obliged to organize the following services for passengers free of charge:

1) provide a mother and child room to a passenger with a child under the age of 7 years;

2) organize luggage storage.

4.1. If the flight delay is more than two hours:

1) 2 phone calls or 2 emails;

2) soft drinks.

4.2. If the flight delay is more than four hours:

1) hot meals; at the same time, they should be fed hot every 6 hours during the day and every 8 hours at night.

4.3. If the flight delay is more than six hours:

1) accommodation in a hotel (when waiting for departure for more than 6 hours at night and more than 8 hours during the day);

2) organize transportation from the airport to the hotel and back in cases where the hotel is provided without charging an additional fee.

It is customary to accommodate passengers in the hotels closest to the airport. You have no right to be accommodated in a double room with strangers. If the conditions are not at all satisfactory, you have the right to choose a hotel yourself and wait for departure there, after agreeing with the airport representatives that you will be warned about the departure time. In this case, pay for the room yourself. And after returning home (or arriving at the resort), you will need to write an official request to the main office of the airline demanding a refund of part of the amount spent.

5. If the airline, in order to minimize the delay time, and the likely claims to zero, sends you by another route or flight of another company, then this should be carried out exclusively at the expense of the airline or airport, there can be no talk of any additional payments in this case .

6. If your trip has become shorter due to a flight delay, you have the right to demand a refund from the tour operator for all paid, but unused services: for a night in a hotel, a missed excursion, etc. As a rule, claims are made after returning from vacation. At the same time, it must be borne in mind that tour operators are willing to offer compensation right on the spot: an additional excursion, full board instead of breakfast, etc.

7. In accordance with the provisions of Article 120 of the Air Code of the Russian Federation for delay in delivering a passenger to the destination, the carrier must pay a fine in the amount of twenty-five percent of the minimum wage established by federal law for each hour of delay, but not more than fifty percent of the carriage charge.

Tourists should take into account that a fine cannot be collected if the change in the departure time of the flight occurred due to force majeure, the elimination of an aircraft malfunction that threatens the life or health of the passengers of the aircraft, or other circumstances beyond the control of the carrier.

According to the provisions of paragraph 3 of Article 401 of the Civil Code, force majeure circumstances do not include violation of obligations by the debtor’s counterparties, lack of goods needed for execution on the market, lack of the necessary funds from the debtor (for example, to pay for fuel), and the carrier has the right to cancel, delay the flight specified in the ticket, change the type of aircraft, change the route of transportation only if it is required by the conditions of flight safety and / or aviation security, as well as at the request of state authorities in accordance with their competence.

To receive compensation, you need to file a claim with the airline, attaching copies of documents confirming your right to compensation. According to the provisions of Article 126 of the Air Code, the passenger has the right to make claims against the carrier (the application can be submitted in person or sent by registered mail) within 6 months from the date of arrival - at the airline's representative office at the airport of destination or departure. The carrier company is obliged to consider your claim within 30 days.

If the appeal was ignored or the perpetrators refused to compensate your expenses, you have the right to sue them. Claims against the carrier in accordance with the relevant rule on exclusive jurisdiction contained in Part 3 of Article 30 of the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation are filed with the court at the location of the carrier against which the claim was filed in the prescribed manner.

The statement of claim to the court will need to be accompanied by copies of the air ticket with a note about the flight delay (its cancellation), invoices for the expenses incurred by you (for example, for a hotel, food, telephone calls), as well as your written claim to the carrier and the answer of its representatives.

8. The fact of cancellation or delay of the flight due to the fault of the carrier, as well as the failure to fulfill the obligations assigned to it in accordance with clause 99. FAP for the appropriate passenger service may, in the event of a guilty interruption in transportation, be grounds for the passengers to present a claim to the carrier for compensation for moral damage due to the infliction of the relevant physical and moral suffering (the basis is Article 15 of the Law of the Russian Federation of February 7, 1992 No. 2300-1 “On Protection of Consumer Rights”). The amount of compensation for moral damage is determined by the court and does not depend on the amount of compensation for property damage.

June 22, 2017, 12:36

The peak of charter delays occurs in the summer, when the masses of vacationers move to warmer climes. Sitting on suitcases at the airport is one of the nightmares of our tourists. PROturizm has collected a minimum of advice on the correct perception of this problem.

When the unpleasant inscription “flight delayed” appears on the scoreboard, the main thing is not to panic. It's always a good idea to have a representative (airline or airport) come out to meet you and explain what's going on.

Reasons for charter flight delays

There are various reasons for flight delays. Sometimes the airport and the airline have different data. To determine the exact cause, the courts make inquiries to the weather and other airport services.

  • Non-arrival of the aircraft
  • Aircraft breakdown
  • Weather (weather) conditions

If the flight is delayed for reasons beyond the control of the airline, you will not be able to receive financial compensation. But in any case, the airline is obliged to provide you with certain amenities while waiting for the flight.

This is where the first difficulties come - it is not profitable for airlines to admit, and passengers do not know their rights. So - the flag is in our hands, more precisely FAP - federal aviation rules.

Obligations of the airline in case of flight delay

The first thing an air carrier (or airport) has to do is to inform passengers about the change in the schedule and the reasons for the change. This is evidenced by paragraph 92 of the FAP (Federal Aviation Rules).

If the airline does not notify passengers and a representative cannot be found, you can complain about charter carriers to the Federal Air Transport Agency and tour operators. The first, as they are the parent organization of the airline. The second - as having concluded a contract for charter transportation, now they are responsible to passengers for the services provided.

What should I do if my charter flight is delayed?

If you intend to make a claim, you will receive a certificate of flight delay (cancellation). The boarding pass must indicate (by hand) the current time of departure and be stamped.

If, while waiting for a flight, you are not provided with mandatory services, buy them yourself, save your receipts and present the costs for reimbursement to your tour operator, and he will deal with the charter carrier. Please note that monetary compensation can only be obtained if the carrier's fault in the flight delay is proven. In Russia, the amount of compensation for a flight delay is set at 25% of the minimum wage for each hour of delay, but not more than 50% of the ticket price.

Passenger rights in case of flight delay

According to paragraph 99 of the above air rules, in case of a flight delay, passengers with children under 7 years of age are required to provide a room for mother and child, and for the rest, organize luggage storage.

After two hours of waiting, air passengers at the expense of the airline are entitled to soft drinks and 2 phone calls or the ability to send two e-mails.

So, in case of a flight delay, the airline must provide:

  • after 2 hours - soft drinks and 2 phone or email messages,
  • after 4 hours - hot meals, and then every 6 hours during the day (or 8 hours at night),
  • every 6 hours at night (8 hours during the day) - free hotel accommodation (and delivery to and from it).

Unfortunately, for charters, rescheduling flights for up to 10 hours is acceptable. If the airline delays the flight for a longer period, the Consumer Rights Protection Law comes into force. Such a flight delay is a significant change in the terms of the contract between the tourist and the tour operator. In case of “loss of a day” of rest, Rospotrebnadzor comes to the defense of the Consumer and you can receive compensation.

What you need to know about charter flight delays

Different types of liability are shared by carriers of scheduled and charter flights. In the latter case, the tour operator who chartered the aircraft is responsible for the transportation, and not the carrier itself.

For any reason for a flight delay, the air carrier is obliged to provide the passenger with the opportunity to call, refreshments, hot meals, and hotel accommodation within a certain period of time.

The first thing you need to do is get a flight delay stamp at the check-in desk. Then, if you are not provided with the necessary "amenities" in due time, you can, as a last resort, order them yourself and then present checks for payment to the airline or tour operator. Here, disassemblies can bring you to court, but often it doesn’t come to that, and claims are considered by the offending party in a pre-trial order.

You can file a claim within six months from the date of the flight, and the airline (tour operator) must consider it within 30 days.

The consequences of flight delays

Since the beginning of the season, the tourist community has been solving problems with the transfer and cancellation of VIM-Avia flights. In the case of charters, the responsibility for transporting vacationers to the place of rest passes to the customer of the transportation, that is, the tour operator.

It is impossible to foresee everything in the world. You can buy the most profitable plane tickets, but do not fly away, because already in the arrivals hall it turns out that the flight is delayed. This trouble is almost always associated for the traveler with a whole avalanche of related problems, ranging from where and for what money to eat during a long wait, and ending with how to get to the desired point of arrival, since a hotel is booked there, an important event occurs. an event, a transfer to another flight should take place, etc.

And since few of us have clairvoyant abilities, it will be useful at your leisure to find out what to do if your flight is delayed, since panic and anger in such a situation are the worst advisers. First of all, the procedure depends on how long the delay occurred.

What should a passenger do if a plane flight is delayed?

Even in the event that the waiting time for a flight is small, say, 1 hour or a little more, you should not let things take their course. It is necessary immediately after the announcement to go to the information desk and demand from the employee to give an explanation. There is usually no answer for such delays, but the main purpose of such a trip is to put a mark on tickets about the delay. This will serve in the future in any proceedings as indisputable evidence.

The delay time and its reasons can be anything, but every passenger should know what to do if the flight to the plane is delayed. This list includes:

  1. Provision of a place in the mother and child room for passengers with children under 7 years of age.
  2. Luggage storage until departure.

Having freed your hands from suitcases and settled in with children in comfortable conditions, waiting for a delayed flight is incomparably more convenient. The carrier provides further services depending on the delay time.

If the flight is delayed by 2 hours and more the passenger has the right to demand:

  1. Opportunities to make 2 free phone calls to anywhere in the world, as well as send 2 free messages via the Internet.
  2. Drinks (water, tea, coffee, juices) in the required quantity.

If the flight was delayed for 4 hours and more, then the list of requirements can be safely included:

  1. Hot meals immediately, and then every 6 hours during the day and 8 hours at night.

If the flight is delayed for 6 hours or more, all passengers on a flight by the carrier must be provided with:

  1. A place in the hotel until the very moment of departure. A hotel room is provided to all passengers of the flight during the day after a delay of more than 8 hours, and at night after a delay of more than 6 hours. It doesn't matter how many times the delay announcements have been extended at the airport, the countdown is from the time on the tickets.
  2. Transportation from the airport building to the hotel by airport transport.

All the listed services are available to the passenger absolutely free of charge. At the same time, any excuses do not matter, since the rules oblige the carrier to take care of customers under any circumstances. In cases where the flight is delayed due to the fault of the airline, then it will not get off with a hotel room and a hot lunch. All passengers on the flight are additionally entitled to:

  1. 3% of the ticket price, multiplied by the number of hours of delay in departure (clause 5, article 28 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Protection of Consumer Rights").
  2. 0.25% of the minimum wage for the number of hours of flight delay.

In total, due to compensation, the passenger will be able to return up to half of the ticket price (Article 120 of the Air Code of the Russian Federation). Of course, if the flight did not take place, then the passenger will receive back the cost of the tickets, in addition to the compensation due. All the listed amounts of compensation are valid in Russia, but in the EU countries they are much higher. In proportion to the flight time and distance, a passenger who receives a notice from the airline of a flight cancellation less than 14 days before the date of departure can receive compensation up to 600 euros.

Important: do not wait too long if the plane flight is delayed until the carrier pays for the hotel or hot lunch. Pay for everything yourself, but keep all payment documents: checks, receipts, as the money will be returned later, but, however, already through the court.

Also, do not worry about transplants. If you had to transfer to another aircraft at the place of landing, the carrier is obliged to provide a seat on the aircraft for another flight with the same point of arrival. You will not have to pay a penny extra for a new ticket, even if you are placed in business class instead of economy. But if the ticket was originally purchased in business class, and a new one is offered only in economy class, then you need to demand your money back!

How to get money from the carrier if the plane's flight is delayed?

To get everything spent back, you need to write an application on your behalf to the airline and ask to reimburse all costs, as well as pay the due compensation for the delay in departure. Attach to this application:

  • checks for hotel and meals;
  • a certificate from the airport information desk about the flight delay;
  • air ticket.

This claim does not have to be urgently carried somewhere, it can be sent to the legal address of the carrier by mail, but no later than 6 months from the date of the delayed departure. Usually such a claim is enough to get the money back to your bank account indicated in the letter. If there is still no answer, you can safely go to court, because the law is on your side!

If you were supposed to fly on a tour package, part of the cost of which were air tickets, then you can additionally demand a refund from the tour operator for those paid days that you spent waiting for departure. This claim must be filed in a hurry with the office of the tour operator within 20 days from the date when the signed service agreement expires.

Where to complain?

For the passenger, it matters which airline of which country he is dealing with. Cancellations and delays of domestic flights of Russian airlines are considered under Russian law. Passengers' complaints against foreign carriers who have violated their obligations to Russian travelers are considered in the same way. It is worth noting that when going on a trip, you need not only to buy plane tickets, but also.

Tell friends:

In this article, we will consider the varieties, difference, difference between charter flights and regular regular flights.

Traveling abroad has become an integral part of our lives. However, many tourist destinations are still expensive for most citizens of our country. Therefore, charter flights are in great demand. After all, the cost of tickets for this type of air travel is much lower.

We will consider what types of charter flights are, what are their advantages, and whether it is possible to get abroad with their help. In addition, we will analyze how and where you can buy a ticket, and what kind of food carriers can offer passengers.

What is a charter flight: varieties, are there international ones?

The concept of "charter" means an agreement between a transport company and a charterer, which allows the carriage of passengers. As a rule, the term of the contract is one-time or regular. Charter flights are:

  • Marine
  • River

There are several types of such transportation:

  • Shuttle (plane or ship delivers one group of passengers and picks up another)
  • With sediment (the duties of the captain or pilot include: delivering people to the place of arrival, waiting for the expiration of the tour package, transporting passengers in the opposite direction)
  • Split (this is a combination of both charter and regular transportation; people get from remote points of their place of residence to the main airport and then continue on a regular flight)

Charter flights can be classified according to the location of the final destination. Therefore, allocate:

  • International
  • Domestic (when transported within one country)

Often only with the help of charter flights you can get to your destination. Therefore, most major travel companies buy out the service seasonally. Thus, it is possible to reduce the cost of the ticket, which means that the price of the ticket will not change.

What is the difference between a charter flight and other regular flights: explanation

Charter flights have several distinctive features compared to regular flights. The main ones are:

  • No classes (all passengers fly under equal conditions)
  • Seat size (narrower on charter flights)
  • Late and delayed departure (in case of an unforeseen situation, regular flights are the first to be released at the airport)
  • Unplanned change in departure or arrival time
  • Lack of early booking option
  • Affordable cost

  • No transfers
  • If the trip is canceled, the ticket cannot be returned, and its cost is not compensated
  • Bonus points for cooperation with the airline are not awarded
  • Need to adapt to flight schedule
  • Meals may be extensive, minimal, or non-existent, as the service is ordered by the company that provided the travel packages.

Charter flights are not always inconvenient. After all, with their help you can get to almost anywhere in the world at the lowest price and without the need for a transplant.

How to find out: charter flight or regular?

In order to find out which flight you are going to fly, you need to pay attention to the following factors:

  • The number of charter flights has 4 digits, and the number of regular flights has only 3
  • The airline's website indicates the intended type of flight.
  • In most popular resort countries, there is a practice of separating flights. Therefore, it is necessary to clarify at which airport you will be landing. So you can understand if the flight is charter
  • On sites for searching and buying tickets, it is possible to specify the desired type of flight

In the case of purchasing a ticket through intermediaries, it is imperative to clarify whether the flight will be regular or charter. Since the departure time of the latter can change just a few hours before the one indicated on the ticket. Also, information about charters is displayed on the information board at the airport no earlier than 24 hours before departure.

Why are charter flights cheaper than regular ones, are they fed on charter flights?

Everyone knows that the cost of a charter flight is significantly lower. This is due to a number of different factors that allow you to reduce the price of air tickets. The main ones include:

  • Full payment of the cost of tickets for all passenger seats (since the travel company rents transport for a certain period of time, the total cost of the service is calculated as a percentage for each of the clients who purchased a tourist package and went on vacation on this flight)
  • Absence of a regular long period for the implementation of transportation (due to this, the need for daily technical inspection and maintenance of the aircraft is reduced)
  • For charter flights, as a rule, older aircraft are used
  • A large number of passengers (since the seats are narrower, the aircraft is able to accommodate more vacationers)
  • Charter flights are rarely used for long distance travel.

There are also several features regarding the nutrition of passengers. The most significant of them are the following:

  • Meals and menus are chosen by the company that rented the vehicle
  • Drinks and food may be included in full or in part
  • A travel company may refuse the menu and customers will be deprived of the opportunity to order something throughout the entire journey.

Therefore, it is necessary to check with the travel agent whether meals are provided on board the aircraft, as well as how long the flight will last.

Why are charter flights bad, how often are they delayed and how long can they be delayed?

Despite the low cost and lack of transfers, charter flights have a number of negative characteristics. These include:

  • Inability to exchange a ticket or refund its cost
  • Frequent flight delays
  • Impossibility of early booking
  • It is impossible to predict whether the power will be turned on
  • It is not possible to choose a seat in advance, as tourists take them on a first-come, first-served basis.
  • All passengers have equal conditions and it is impossible to buy a ticket in business or first class

It is also impossible to say exactly how much the landing or arrival of the aircraft can be delayed. After all, the delay occurs not through the fault of the crew, but in case of emergency situations at the airport. Therefore, in the event of a long technical inspection, a hacker attack or a vehicle breakdown, regular flights are the first to land and take off. As a rule, charter flights are delayed no more than 6 hours.

Where can I find information about delays of scheduled and charter flights?

In order to find out about a delay in boarding or arrival, you need to check the information by choosing one of several methods. Data on charter and scheduled flights are updated daily on the following carriers:

  • Electronic scoreboard at the airport
  • The website of the aviation company whose services you use
  • On the website of the Federal Air Transport Agency
  • At the information desks of airlines at the airport

Also, in the case of buying tickets through intermediaries (travel and legal agencies), you can contact the specialist who issued the travel document in your name.

How to buy tickets for a charter flight?

In order to purchase a ticket for a charter flight, you can use the services of a company or make a purchase on your own. Intermediaries can be:

  • Travel agencies
  • Law firms
  • State and regional travel agencies
  • Tour Operators
  • Aviation ticket offices

In order to buy a travel document without intermediaries, you need to issue a ticket on the website of a company specializing in charter flights. The most popular carriers in Russia are:

  • Azur Air
  • Russia
  • Meridian
  • Royal Flight
  • Gazpromavia
  • I fly Airlines
  • Izhavia
  • Grozny-Avia
  • Nordwind Airlines
  • Jet Air Group
  • Severstal Airlines
  • Kosmos Air Enterprise
  • Lukoli Avia

These companies carry out charter flights from all over Russia and cover various destinations:

  • Domestic transportation
  • Flight to Europe and the CIS
  • Southern resorts
  • Asian countries
  • North Africa

After completing the electronic issuance process, the virtual ticket must be printed on office paper and presented to the airport staff if necessary.

How to find out the ticket number, is it possible to return tickets for a charter flight?

In case of cancellation of a ticket for a charter flight, the following factors must be considered:

  • When returning a travel document, the airline does not compensate for its cost
  • In case of cancellation of the trip, the ticket exchange for another date is not provided
  • The ticket can be transferred to another person (however, you will need to contact the agent or airline to notify and replace the passenger's data)

To find out the travel document number you need:

  • Print the form on paper or save it electronically
  • Pay attention to the upper corner on the right side
  • Under the black hologram there is a number consisting of 13 digits
  • You will find the same number on the boarding pass after marking "e-Ticket"
  • This code of 13 characters is the ticket number

Each of us independently decides which airline to use, as well as which type of flight will be more convenient. Of course, the advantages of charters are obvious: low cost, regularity of flights, lack of separation of passengers into classes, the ability to get to anywhere in the world without transfers and problems with luggage. However, this type of flight is suitable for those who are in no hurry to important meetings and business meetings, since such flights are most often delayed, which can create a lot of discomfort and further inconvenience.

Video: Description of charter and scheduled flights

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