Remedies for bumps on the toes. Salt foot baths. coltsfoot and burdock

Why does a bump grow on the big toe and what to do about it, as well as the causes of appearance, methods of treatment, including folk remedies and prevention.

Many people are familiar with the protruding bump on the thumb, such a deformation, unfortunately, is currently not uncommon. Education not only makes its own adjustments to the choice of shoes, but also noticeably changes the gait. Modern medicine is able to get rid of the interfering build-up with appropriate treatment.

What are the causes of such a pathology?

Research in this area has helped to identify the main causes of:

  1. genetic inheritance. Weakened joints are passed on at the genetic level, so many people are in a certain risk group, in whom the predisposition to the appearance of a defect is much higher than others.
  2. Pathological diseases of the feet.
  3. Overweight. As a result, there is a multiple increase in load.
  4. Injuries. Previously damaged ligaments or joints can be the root cause for the appearance of such growths.
  5. Tight shoes or high heels. Constant pressure and incorrect position of the foot contribute to the appearance of formations.
  6. Walking feature. Too wide a stride or a waddle will inevitably lead to misalignment.
  7. Lack of vitamins A, C, E.
  8. Unbalanced nutrition.


If the following symptoms appear, you should consult a specialist, since the changes that appear are pathological:

  • Inflammatory process on the neoplasm
  • Calluses on the growth
  • Prolonged associated pain


  1. Deformity in the area of ​​1 metatarsophalangeal joint. Hard and immovable bone gradually increases in size. The finger is strongly deviated to the side, corns form on the pads.
  2. Arthrosis of the 1st metatarsophalangeal joint. Appears on the back, causes severe pain when walking.
  3. Bursitis. Inflammation of the soft tissue, appears suddenly and rapidly increases in size. The place looks inflamed, sometimes it is easy to feel the accumulated fluid.
  4. Gouty tophi. Mostly men are affected. Sizes can be completely different, it depends on the degree of change.
  5. Arthritis. The inflamed tissue looks edematous, the accumulated fluid is easily felt, in some cases there is an increase in body temperature.
  6. Valgus deformity. The phalanx of the first toe forms a pathological angle with the metatarsal bone. A strong tilt of the first finger noticeably affects the position of the other fingers.

Methods of treatment

Productive deliverance is possible only with an integrated approach. A timely visit to the doctor will help to completely get rid of the interfering defect. There are several basic loyal methods of elimination, the choice is made by the doctor and depends on the general condition of the patient.

Orthopedic way

Many doctors confidently consider this method the easiest to treat and prevent foot deformity. Orthopedic insoles or socks for the bone are recommended, the treatment is carried out directly during walking. Their use helps to keep the foot in the correct position and allows you to return the displaced part to its place. The return of bias is a rather painful process, but in the early stages a positive result is guaranteed. Modern developments in the field of orthopedics have introduced the innovative Valgus splint Valufix, which provides effective treatment and is an excellent alternative to surgery.

Medical method

Medicine has stepped far forward, numerous injections, ointments, and medicines have been developed that can get rid of bumps on the legs. This method is the most popular, in the doctor's prescription often appear such names as shark fat, bump stop cream, squalene or alkiglycerol.

Physiotherapy treatment. Many experts strongly recommend therapeutic foot massage, therapeutic exercises, and shock wave therapy.

Surgical intervention

There are cases in which the disease is overly advanced and loyal methods can no longer completely get rid of the defect that has appeared. Surgical intervention to eliminate bumps on the legs is divided into several types:

  • Soft tissue surgery. Occurs with inflammatory processes and accumulation of fluid. In this case, a small incision is made and the cause is carefully removed.
  • Bone surgery. Such an intervention is necessary with a strong deformation of the bones. An autopsy takes place, after which professional work is carried out with bone tissue, joints or ligaments.
  • combined operations. Often, a strong displacement of the bones is accompanied by an inflammatory process. Surgeons perform a mixed operation to eliminate defects.

Regardless of the type of operation, a special rehabilitation course is required, which will fully restore the usual movements. The duration of rehabilitation is individual and depends entirely on the speed of recovery of the patient.

How to get rid of growths at home

Traditional medicine practices the treatment of various diseases. Many years of experience of ancestors gave contemporaries many recipes that have been used for many centuries.
Children's bumps on the legs are treated with compresses of cabbage leaves, honey and salt.

Folk recipes

Burdock leaf compresses richly smeared with turpentine ointment are also popular. The compress is applied to the problem area and wrapped tightly with polyethylene. This method is considered one of the most effective. There are warnings, restrictions regarding the frequency of use of this compress, the procedure is carried out no more than twice a month.

Herbal tinctures are very popular. Dry dandelion flowers are poured with iodine solution, the tincture is prepared for 4 days. The tincture is used as follows: every day before going to bed for 2 weeks, the legs soar with the addition of this tincture. After the procedure, the foot is often covered with an iodine mesh.

The mixture of iodine, lemon juice and aspirin also has healing properties. The resulting homogeneous mass does not require time for tincture, the growth is abundantly lubricated with a mixture and covered with polyethylene. The procedure is carried out 3 days in a row, after which a week break is required.

Regardless of the fact that many folk methods are widely used, qualified specialist assistance is recommended, because the selection of effective treatment depends on the type of disease. During the time spent on ineffective treatment, the build-up can not only increase significantly in size, serious inflammatory processes often occur that require surgical intervention.


The use of correctors is permissible only at certain stages of the disease. Progressive forms require a more serious approach, so the use of correctors is effective only at the initial stage. The developed devices are not able to eliminate the build-up, they are aimed at stopping the growth of the cone.

The modern market offers different types of designs that differ in the chosen material during manufacture. The silicone corrector is the softest and less painful, unlike the plastic corrector, and at the same time more effective than the silicone-fabric product.


It has been scientifically proven that women suffer from these diseases much more often than men. And the point is not only in high-heeled shoes, but also in the features of the male foot, which is physiologically much stronger than the female one.

All orthopedic doctors recommend a standard list of preventive measures that can eliminate the formation of such diseases. First of all, you should choose comfortable and soft shoes made from natural fabrics, giving up heels and pointed toes. A definite plus will be the use of orthopedic insoles. It is also strongly recommended to carry out a scheduled visit to a specialist who can fix the changes in the initial stages.

It is important to understand that bumps on the toes not only contribute to aesthetic discomfort, but can also serve as the beginning of the development of more serious diseases of the spine and joints. The result of these diseases can be complete immobilization. Therefore, you should be careful about your own health.

Any orthopedic problem brings a lot of discomfort to a person's life. Take, for example, bunion of the big toe or hallux valgus, as orthopedists call this problem.

A protruding bone on the big toe creates many problems for its owners, ranging from cosmetic discomfort, i.e. the inability to wear your favorite shoes, and ending with pain in the area of ​​​​the growth and fatigue of the feet even after short loads. But this is only the beginning. Over time, due to the redistribution of the load on the foot, painful calluses appear on the feet and fingers, and the “bump” itself begins to bulge, become inflamed and more and more distort the big toe. In this case, a person has serious problems with movement, because it is too painful to stand on the foot in such a situation.

All this seriously worsens the quality of life, forcing a person to think about an operation that can radically solve the existing problem. But even in this case, there is no guarantee that bursitis will not reappear.

That is why it is necessary to fight with the “bump” that has appeared on the finger, without waiting for the problem to worsen. In this article, we will talk about the causes of valgus deformity of the finger, about the early manifestations of the disease, as well as how to treat it and prevent complications.

Causes of the disease

Hallux valgus is a fairly common orthopedic problem faced by every 3rd woman and every 5th man after 40 years of age.

The main reason for the appearance of "bumps" on the toe are age-related processes that occur in the human body after 30 years. Collagen synthesis plays a key role here. As long as a person is young, and collagen is actively produced, nothing threatens the integrity of the foot. However, with age, this connective tissue is produced less and less, and under the influence of various pathological factors, the foot begins to deform.

The fact that hallux valgus is directly related to age is also confirmed by statistics. If by the age of 30 this pathology is detected in only 3% of people, then by the age of 60 this figure rises to 24%.

It should be noted that bursitis is not observed in everyone, but only in people who are affected by the following pathological factors:

1. Hereditary genetic defects (Morfan syndrome, Ehlers-Danlos syndrome). With these congenital diseases, fibrin synthesis is disrupted in the body, due to which the ligaments and joints are weakened, and the so-called “looseness” of the legs develops. In this case, dislocations, subluxations and microtraumas of the joints eventually lead to the appearance of a bone on the finger.

2. Wearing uncomfortable shoes. First of all, this applies to women who are used to wearing shoes with high heels and narrow toes. When walking in such shoes, a person experiences an uneven distribution of the load on the foot, in particular, squeezing and overloading in the area of ​​​​the toes, which leads to the appearance of a “bump”.

3. Hereditary predisposition. Practice shows that people who have close relatives suffer from bursitis are 40% more likely to experience this disease.

4. Female. Women are more likely to suffer from hallux valgus, not only because of wearing high-heeled shoes. After each birth, calcium is washed out of the body of the fair sex, which increases bone fragility, as well as magnesium, which weakens the ligaments. All this contributes to the development of hallux valgus. As for men, their build-up often appears as a result of injuries and bruises.

5. Development of arthritis and arthrosis. Various diseases of the skeletal system, in particular arthritis, arthrosis or osteoporosis, contribute to the fact that the big toe gradually begins to bend.

6. Longitudinal or transverse flat feet. If a person has flat feet, especially transverse, in 70% of cases he will also have a valgus toe. This is due to the loss of shock-absorbing properties of the foot against the background of increased loads.

7. Overweight. Excess body weight creates an increased load on the foot, due to which it begins to deform over time. It is logical that such a problem over the years leads to a curvature of the joint. This should also include a sedentary lifestyle, which, on the one hand, contributes to weight gain, and on the other, leads to a weakening of the muscular apparatus.

8. Wrong gait. In some people, bursitis appears due to incorrect gait as a result of the physiological features of the body structure or injuries received during childbirth.

9. Some professions. Valgus deformity of the finger can also develop in people who, due to the nature of the profession, are forced to stand on their feet for a long time, lift and carry weights, and also strain their legs in inappropriate shoes. The last point applies in particular to ballerinas.

The mechanism of the development of the disease

Under the influence of pathological factors, the big toe begins to deviate inward, changing its angle in relation to the metatarsal bone. Because of this, his head begins to protrude from the side and is clearly visible. Such a displacement provokes friction between the phalanx of the finger and the metatarsal bone, as a result of which inflammation develops in the synovial bag, swelling appears and severe pain occurs.

The protruding head of the toe also becomes inflamed, and due to constant friction against the shoes, a corn growth appears on it, as a result of which the "bump" becomes even larger. If you do not sound the alarm and do not seek help from specialists, over time, the protruding bone will be covered with an additional layer of bone tissue, which will be considered the growth of a “bump”.

Degrees of development and symptoms of hallux valgus

I degree. This is the minimum curvature of the thumb, which does not cause discomfort to its owner. Rather, a person begins to feel that the old shoes have become uncomfortable for him. Having noticed a slight curvature and paying attention to the problem with shoes, you should consult a doctor and start treatment, because at this stage it is easiest to prevent complications.

II degree. In this case, the finger is displaced up to 30 degrees. At the same time, a person begins to experience fatigue in the feet at the end of the working day, a burning sensation in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe deformed finger, as well as discomfort while walking.

III degree. When the angle of curvature of the finger reaches 30-50 degrees, doctors speak of the third degree of curvature. Such a patient has serious pain even with short-term walking, and the “bump” itself periodically becomes inflamed, swells and rubs against the shoes.

IV stage. This is the last stage in which the finger deviates from its original position by more than 50 degrees. In this case, a person experiences constant pain in the finger area, both when walking and at rest, and the deformed joint itself is constantly inflamed and swollen. Moreover, the resulting "bump" increases in size due to the bone growth on it. It is difficult for such a patient to pick up shoes, and any physical activity leads to the appearance of corns.

Diagnosis of the disease

It seems to a person far from medicine that a visual examination of a deformed finger is quite enough to make a diagnosis. However, in reality this is far from the case. With the help of modern diagnostic tools, specialists not only identify the degree of damage to the joint, but also discover the relationship with other ailments. And this, in turn, helps to understand the root cause of hallux valgus.

That is why, to make a diagnosis, modern orthopedists prescribe a variety of diagnostic measures to the patient, including:

  • Foot x-ray. The most informative research method. It is performed in three projections.
  • Computer pedometry. A method that allows you to identify the disease at the initial stage of its development.
  • Computer plantography. One of the modern diagnostic methods that allows you to determine the degree of damage by the footprint.
  • Stop MRI. A study that allows you to assess the condition of the affected joint and its surrounding soft tissues.

How to treat hallux valgus

First of all, the specialist advises the patient to pay attention to shoes that should be comfortable, not squeeze the leg and minimize the load on the sore toe. Women in this case are strongly advised to abandon wearing high heels in favor of more comfortable shoes. Ideally, orthopedic shoes should be worn at all, which have an orthopedic insole and a special liner for a crooked toe.

In addition, if the patient is overweight, he needs to go on a diet. Getting rid of extra pounds is necessary to reduce the load on the affected finger. When professional activity has led to bursitis, it makes sense to change your profession and give your legs more rest.

Medical treatment and physiotherapy

To combat inflammation and swelling, the patient is prescribed anti-inflammatory ointments (Voltaren, Diclofenac). Such a patient is shown physiotherapy (ozokerite, paraffin therapy, darsonval, mud baths and electrophoresis).

If the patient has developed infectious bursitis, and purulent contents have appeared in the joint cavity, he is prescribed antibacterial agents. Can also be performed puncture of the articular cavity for suction of pus and subsequent injection of steroid hormones into the cavity (Kenalog). Thanks to such manipulations, it is possible to get rid of not only inflammation, but also block nerve endings so as not to feel pain.

Orthopedic correction

At the initial stage of the disease, orthopedic products become a great help in the treatment, i.e. various plastic or silicone retainers that are worn on two fingers. Such designs fix the sore finger in the correct position, and besides, they have a separator between the first and second fingers.

Doctors recommend wearing such retainers for at least 6 hours a day, and it is during the daytime. The retainer can also be worn at night, however, in this case, the effectiveness of treatment is significantly reduced, since the foot is in a relaxed state. Wearing retainers helps prevent severe deformation of the finger and deterioration of the patient's quality of life.

Gymnastics with hallux valgus

It is possible to strengthen the ligaments in the diseased foot, restore blood flow in the affected area and reduce the angle of finger deformity through gymnastic exercises. Here are some simple but effective exercises that you can do at home on your own. To do this, you just need to sit on the floor and stretch your legs forward.

1. Stretch your toes away from you, and then stretch your toes as far as possible towards you.

2. The next exercise is very similar to the previous one, with the only difference that the feet should remain in place, and only the fingers stretch towards and away from themselves.

3. Squeeze your toes as much as possible, and then straighten them with a fan.

4. Without moving your knees, try to turn your feet towards each other and touch your toes.

5. Lay a sheet of paper on the floor and try to crumple it with your feet as much as possible.

6. Put various objects on the floor - a tennis ball, a spoon, a handkerchief and any others. Try to lift them off the floor with just your feet.

Each exercise should be performed 10-15 times, and such gymnastics should be carried out daily, devoting at least 20-30 minutes to this.

Hallus valgus- deformation of the first toe, resulting in the formation of a growth, which is called in the common people a bump.

Most women do not seek help until the disease makes itself felt with pain.

But is the risk justified? What to do with a bump on the leg, how to treat - you will learn all this in the article.

Why do bumps grow on the legs near the big toes?

Many believe that the appearance of bumps contributes to the wrong shoes and high heels, but this is justified only in rare cases. Consider the root causes, from the most important to exceptional situations:

  • Transverse flat feet;
  • Weakness of the ligamentous apparatus;
  • neurological disorders;
  • Congenital deformities;
  • Endocrine disorders;
  • Wrong shoes.

If at the initial stage you do not turn to a specialist, then the deformation will only aggravate the situation. In the last stages, pain occurs and the correction is carried out only by surgery.

Who is most likely to get bumps near their big toes?

Most often, deformities of the toes are affected by women. Because it is they who exacerbate the situation by wearing the wrong shoes with a pointed toe and high heels.

But first of all, people suffering from flat feet are susceptible to deformation. The fact is that in this position the shape of the foot changes, its transverse and longitudinal arches droop. As a result, it is observed:

  • Longitudinal flatfoot- this is when the longitudinal arch is flattened, and the foot is in contact with the floor with almost the entire surface. In this case, the length of the foot increases.
  • Transverse flatfoot- when the transverse arch flattens, and the support falls on its anterior section and all metatarsal bones, the length of the foot decreases due to the fan-shaped divergence of the fingers. As a result, the first finger is deflected outward.

The lump grows with the aggravation of the diagnosis, an example of this is narrow shoes that do not give freedom to the toes. As well as a rise above 7 cm, which emphasizes the forefoot, deforming the outward deviation of the toe.

Types and stages of bumps (bones) near the big toes

There are 4 stages of metatarsal bone changes:

  • At I form there is a displacement of the first metatarsal bone (thumb) outward, which causes bulging of the metatarsophalangeal joint.
  • At stage II the deformity increases, causing the second metatarsal to be displaced, and a small outgrowth to form between the first metatarsal and the metatarsophalangeal joint.
  • At III form the overgrown bone becomes inflamed, which is indicated by pain when wearing narrow shoes or when walking in general. And the shift continues.
  • At IV stage walking on deformable feet becomes almost impossible due to pain. Progressive deformity comes to the point where the first metatarsal goes under the second 35 degrees outward.

Why is the appearance of a bump on the leg near the big toe dangerous?

The danger lies in the fact that if you do not turn to an orthopedist in time, the disease will progress. And each time walking will deliver more pain.

  • It will first show up in high heels - wearing it for a long time will cause pain.
  • Later, the manifestation will reach shoes without a heel - long walking will be accompanied by pain.
  • And at the last stage of deformation, pain is present in any position, sitting, standing, and even lying down.

How to get rid of bumps on the thumb?

Modern medicine offers many ways to deal with the displacement of the metatarsal bones.

  • Surgery- one of the most effective measures to combat the lump. Orthopedics offers more than 150 methods of surgical correction of the valgus prominence. All of them are aimed at reducing the angle between the metatarsal bones. In addition, modern methods allow you to save joints, support and mobility.
  • Special tools- are rather preventive devices in the form of bandages and insoles. At the initial stage, bandages can help in setting the metatarsal bone into the correct shape, but in advanced forms they will not lead to a result. The insoles have only a preventive and fixing effect, as a result of wearing, the support is distributed over the entire foot, which prevents the metatarsal bones from moving.

Removing a bump on the thumb with an operation with before and after photos

Below are the results of surgery. As a result, one can observe the primary appearance of the foot, without protruding bumps and with the correct position of the metatarsal bone. It should be noted that after the operation there is a period of postoperative healing, which lasts an average of up to 2 months. During rehabilitation, it is necessary to visit an orthopedist, wear an orthopedic insole and rational shoes.

Bumps on the big toes: treatment with drugs

Treatment with drugs does not give an effective result specifically for the foot. Valgus deformity in the first stage can be treated with:

  • Weight correction;
  • physical therapy;
  • Orthopedic shoes;
  • Corrective insoles for the arch of the foot;
  • Night bandage;
  • Interdigital pads;
  • shock wave therapy;
  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

NSAIDs, in turn, only suppress pain, but in no way affect the correction of hallux valgus.

Insoles, bandages from protruding bones on the legs

  • insoles- This is a special device in orthopedics, aimed at reducing the load in the forefoot and distributing weight over its entire plane.
    • They have a special shape that forms an arch for the foot. This arch allows you to reduce the load on the metatarsal bones and put the foot in the correct position.
    • Under the heel there is a recess, under the arch there is an arch support for shock absorption and in the bow there is a strap for the correct placement of the fingers. If additional fixation is required, then the insole also contains, among other things, a metatarsal cushion.
  • Bandage- is a device that fixes the correct position of the first finger. Mostly worn at night.
    • It consists of a rigid retainer that is put on the thumb and a fastener that fastens at the heel.

In the first stages, these two types of devices are usually used. In the daytime, an insole is worn, preferably in specially selected shoes, and at night - a bandage.

Creams, ointments from bumps near the big toes

Ointments and creams do not lead to recovery and correction of the foot. They are more like pain relief. These ointments and creams include:

  1. Turpentine ointment or sap resin based. Thanks to the main substance - turpentine:
    1. enhances blood circulation;
    2. irritates the skin;
    3. eliminates pain;
    4. blocks inflammation.
  2. Shark oil- ointment based on shark liver oil, which has healing properties:
    1. inflammation blocker;
    2. normalization of blood circulation;
    3. healing of the skin.
  3. Valgusteen- a gel aimed at eliminating the symptoms manifested by pain. Healing drug is aimed at:
    1. pain reduction;
    2. elimination of inflammation;
    3. improvement of blood circulation;
    4. deformation prevention;
    5. tissue healing.
  4. stop bump- a specialized cream aimed at combating hallux valgus:
    1. relieves fatigue;
    2. eliminates pain;
    3. reduces inflammation;
    4. softens and heals the dermis.

These drugs fight the symptoms of the disease, eliminating pain and inflammation. But in combination with other methods, it is quite realistic to expect a positive result. Combine ointments with massage, foot correctors and prevention, and the result will not be long in coming. But you should know that this applies only to the first stages.

How to treat bumps on the legs near the big toe with a massage?

With the help of massage, you can cure more than one disease, but it requires a large amount of time resource. Massage should be done daily. And it helps mainly those who have the initial stage of the disease.

  • Squeeze your toes inward, hold for 10 seconds and release.
  • Spread your toes like a fan, count to 10 and take the starting position.
  • With your fingers, protrude your finger into the correct position, and massage the area of ​​the valgus joint with circular movements.
  • With one hand, hold the phalanx of the first finger, and with the other, grab the finger and rotate it around its axis.
  • Make massaging movements in the muscle fibers between the fingers, going from top to bottom.
  • In a circular motion, massage the ligaments of the big toe, periodically lifting the first toe up.
  • Rub the muscle fibers of the first finger on the inside.
  • Stretch the first finger, slightly stretching it forward.

Alternative treatment of bumps on the leg at the big toe

  • Pepper and bodyaga- ointment aimed at combating pain and inflammation. All components are mixed and applied to the cone with a wooden stick. For its preparation it is necessary:
    • Bodyaga - 10 g;
    • Ammonia - 30 ml;
    • Camphor alcohol - 30 ml;
    • Dried chili pepper - 30 g;
    • Ethyl alcohol - 125 ml.
  • clove oil- copes with inflammatory processes and removes pain. To create an oil, you will need to combine the components and apply daily. You need:
    • Dry cloves - 10 g;
    • Olive oil - 100 ml.
  • Cold compress- Helps relieve pain. To do this, you need to attach ice or a frozen product to the bump for 15 minutes.
  • Iodine and analgin- Eliminates pain and inflammation. Connect the components and draw a grid on the hallux valgus every day. To create you will need:
    • Iodine - bottle;
    • Analgin - 6 tablets.
  • Lemon- eliminate pain. Apply at night and bandage a small slice of lemon. Wash your feet in the morning.

What to do if a bump on the thumb hurts?

If the hallux valgus hurts, then there is an inflammatory process. In this case, you can make an appointment with a doctor who will decide what you need in the first place. Or act independently and remove pain with the help of improvised means:

  • Self-massage;
  • Ointments and creams;
  • vernacular ways.

Prevention of the appearance of a bone on the big toe

To prevent hallux valgus from interfering with your life, it is necessary to use preventive methods to combat Hallux valgus. To do this, it is mandatory to comply with:

  • Wearing orthopedic shoes;
  • Wearing an orthopedic insole;
  • Putting on a bandage at night;
  • Self-massage and gymnastics;
  • The exception is narrow and high-heeled shoes in principle.

Only in this way and nothing else will the legs be healthy and beautiful. Compliance with all preventive rules will bring the correct position of the fingers and the correct distribution of the load on the foot.

The bone on the big toe (hallux valgus or valgus deformity) is a widespread deformity of the foot, which differs not only in a pronounced cosmetic defect, but also causes significant physical discomfort.

In the vast majority of cases, this pathology develops in women (98%). The risk of developing hallux valgus increases with age - up to 30 years, a bone on the side of the leg is formed only in 3% of people, and after 30 years, the disease is already detected in 9%.

Why does a bone form on the leg

Located on the inside of the foot at the base of the big toe, a bone formation commonly referred to as a bunion or bump is actually a thickened and protruding head of the metatarsal bone of the big toe.

Normally, all metatarsal bones of the foot are parallel to each other, but if the foot is not loaded correctly, the angle between the first and second metatarsal bones of the thumb increases, and the thumb begins to gradually shift to the side (the head of the bone deviates outward, and the upper part of the toe in the opposite direction). ).

A change in the angle between the bones (valgus angle) causes a gradually progressive curvature of the big toe, leads to weakening of the ligaments and muscles, provokes inflammation of the metatarsophalangeal joint (bursitis) and deformity of the remaining toes.

At the initial stage, the deformation is not accompanied by painful symptoms, so the changes are often perceived as a cosmetic flaw.

Stages of the disease

Since conservative treatment is effective only at the initial stage of the disease, before treating the bones on the legs, it is important to determine the stage of the pathology. The stage of the disease is determined not by the size of the bones on the legs, but by the size of the valgus angle.

  1. At the first stage, the valgus angle does not exceed 15 degrees. Unpleasant sensations are practically absent, a small tubercle at the base of the thumb is visible outwardly, reddening of the skin in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe bone is possible due to constant friction.
  2. In the second stage, the valgus angle does not exceed 20 degrees. Pain syndrome occurs occasionally, the tubercle increases in size, there is swelling and inflammation of the joint.
  3. The third stage is characterized by a deviation of up to 30 degrees. The deviation of the thumb and the bone on the leg from the side are clearly visible, sharp debilitating pains appear, corns and calluses form under the fingers.
  4. In the fourth stage, the angle increases by more than 30 degrees, pain is constantly present, deformation of other toes is observed.

Causes of deformation

The most common cause of a bony foot is wearing certain types of shoes. The female sex suffers from this orthopedic problem because of the love of high heels, narrow toe shoes or narrow pumps - such shoes cause increased stress on the foot and squeeze its front. Thus, orthopedists noted an increase in the number of cases of deformity of the thumb in Japanese women after the Second World War, when, in connection with the fascination with American culture, it became fashionable to wear high-heeled shoes on the Japanese islands (before that, hallux valgus was detected mainly among residents of Europe and America).

Not infrequently, shoes are not the cause, but a provoking external factor. If a bone has formed on the leg, the true causes may be internal (the patient may have various diseases that lead to foot deformity).

Internal causes of hallux valgus include:

  • Flat feet. With this change in the shape of the foot, drooping of the longitudinal and/or transverse arches is observed. The deformation of the metatarsal bones of the big toe is mainly affected by transverse flatfoot, in which the support of the forefoot occurs on the heads of the metatarsal bones, as a result of which these bones fan out and the big toe deviates outward. Similar changes occur with a low arch of the foot.
  • Connective tissue dysplasia (refers to systemic diseases and is manifested by congenital weakness of the muscular-ligamentous apparatus). This pathology includes hereditary pathological conditions of various origins in which the development of connective tissue is impaired. The deviation of the thumb and the development of valgus deformity in dysplasia is associated with congenital weakness of the ligaments and adductor muscles of the thumb.
  • Polyneuropathy, poliomyelitis and cerebral palsy, in which movement disorders are observed (peripheral flaccid paralysis of the limbs as a result of damage to the peripheral nerves, involuntary movements, etc.).
  • Rickets is a childhood disease that is characterized by a disorder of bone formation due to a lack of vitamin D during the active growth of the body.
  • Arthritis. This term refers to various joint lesions that develop with injuries, metabolic diseases, etc. May be acute and chronic. With arthritis of the metatarsophalangeal joint, the connective tissue is affected, which provokes a displacement of the thumb.
  • Psoriatic arthropathy. It is a chronic inflammatory disease of the joints, which develops as a result of hereditary predisposition in 5-7% of patients. Inflammation of the joint of the big toe causes gait disturbance, increases the load on the foot and provokes deformity of the big toe.
  • Gout. This metabolic disease is accompanied by the deposition of crystals of sodium and potassium salts of uric acid in various tissues, as well as the formation of tophi around the joints (gouty "bumps").
  • Diabetes. It is an endocrine disease characterized by poor circulation in the extremities. The formation of bumps on the legs of the big toe with diabetes provokes an increased load on the foot.
  • Osteoporosis is a disease of the connective tissue and the musculoskeletal system, in which bone density decreases, their microarchitecture is disturbed, and fragility increases. Women are 3 times more likely to develop this disease than men.

The reasons for the appearance of a bone on the leg also include:

  • chromosomal pathologies and hereditary diseases (Down's syndrome and Marfan's syndrome), in which joint hypermobility is observed;
  • multiple sclerosis (is a chronic autoimmune disease in which the myelin sheath of nerve fibers is damaged);
  • Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease (is a hereditary motor-sensory neuropathy, which is characterized by muscle weakness and atrophy of the muscles of the lower extremities).

Rapid growth during puberty also provokes the development of a bone on the leg (therefore, youthful hallux valgus deformity of the big toe is separately isolated) and professional excessive stress on the legs (ballerinas, waitresses, athletes, etc. suffer from excessive stress on the foot)

Valgus deformity of the big toe is an occupational disease of ballerinas.

Hallux valgus signs

The initial stage of bone formation on the leg is accompanied by a protrusion of a small tubercle at the base of the thumb, a slight swelling and redness of this area. When walking, pain may be felt in the middle sections of the phalanges of the fingers. It is at this stage that the treatment of the bones on the legs with the help of orthopedic products can give positive results, so you should not self-medicate - when symptoms of incipient deformity appear, you should, which will help you choose the appropriate treatment methods.

If untreated, the disease progresses steadily and already at the second stage, a clearly visible growth forms in the area of ​​the head of the metatarsal bone, and a dry callus appears under the finger in the area of ​​the middle phalanx. The joint of the thumb becomes inflamed, so there is constant swelling and aching pain of varying degrees of intensity (increased by walking).

A further increase in the valgus angle and displacement of the thumb is accompanied by keratinization of the skin in the affected area, the appearance of calluses under the third phalanx of the fingers. Patients suffer from sharp, debilitating pains not only in the area of ​​the big toe, but also in the sole of the foot. The bone increases significantly in size, the remaining fingers begin to deform (become similar to a hammer).

Treatment with conservative methods

The treatment of a bunion in the foot begins with the replacement of uncomfortable shoes with models with a wide toe and without high heels.

Depending on the individual characteristics of the foot, the doctor may recommend:

  • Special pads for the articular bag of the thumb (bursoprotectors). These pads protect the problem area from pressure and friction when in contact with shoes and reduce pain with regular use. The gel-fabric protector softens the skin thanks to the gel coating applied to the inside (the gel consists of mineral oils that have an anti-inflammatory effect). The silicone protector does not cause allergies, easily takes the required shape and returns to its original shape after use, is hygienic (can be disinfected and washed with soap).
  • Insoles for abduction of the big toe. They are distinguished by the presence of a bulge on the outside and have a special limiter in the thumb area.
  • Spacer orthopedic products that fix the toe and change the distribution of the load on the foot.

Expandable products include:

  1. Interdigital septum in the form of a ring for the first toe. Differs in anatomical shape, the ability to soften and protect the skin thanks to the vitamins that make up the material. Separates the 1st and 2nd toes and abducts the 1st toe to its original position. Non slip, hand washable.
  2. Corrective bandage made of hypoallergenic plastic. Helps keep the thumb in the correct position. It is put on only for the period of sleep (it is removed before getting up), in case of diabetes, the use requires a doctor's consultation.
  3. Non-slip gel corrective pads protect against friction, prevent the formation of corns, and reduce pain when walking.
  4. Valgus fixators. They are worn on the thumb or second toe, on the thumb and foot (part of the foot is open), etc.

Treatment of a bone on the big toe with the help of orthopedic products is carried out under the supervision of an orthopedic doctor.

In the presence of inflammation of the joint, apply:

  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. They can prescribe Artra (a drug that has a moderate anti-inflammatory effect and prevents the destruction of cartilage), Meloxicam (relieves pain and inflammation), etc.
  • Injections of corticosteroids in the area of ​​the affected joint.
  • Physiotherapy. Includes electrophoresis with calcium, ozocerite-paraffin applications and hydrocortisone phonophoresis, carried out in a hospital.
  • Shock wave treatment, in which the cartilage growth on the joint is reduced due to the destruction of calcifications. In the process of treatment, the blood circulation of the surrounding tissues is restored and their elasticity improves, the ligaments and muscles of the foot are strengthened, inflammation of the joint is eliminated.

Therapeutic exercise, massage and folk methods

How to treat a bone on the leg with the help of physiotherapy exercises, the attending orthopedist explains in detail. Remedial gymnastics gives tangible results in the initial stages of the disease, but to achieve the desired effect, it is necessary:

  • exercise daily;
  • observe the required number of approaches (if you are tired, you can take a break, but if you need to repeat the exercise 5 times, do it exactly 5 times);
  • do not forget to perform unloading exercises after the load on the legs.
  • Sitting on a chair, put your legs at a right angle, fully leaning on the foot. Using only your toes, move your legs forward and backward 8-10 times (movements resemble the movement of a caterpillar).
  • Sitting on the floor, stretch your legs forward and lean your hands on the floor, and then bend your legs at the ankles in turn (10-15 bends for each foot).
  • Sitting on the floor, straighten your legs and spread your toes as wide as possible, hold them in this position for 10 seconds, and then return your toes to their original position. Perform the exercise 10 times.
  • Place a small object on the floor (ideally a pencil or pen) and pick it up with your toes.
  • Sitting on the floor, alternately bend and unbend your toes until you feel tired.
  • Lay a sheet of paper on the floor and crumple it with your toes.
  • Put a bottle of water or a rolling pin on the floor and roll it with your foot (you can do it both sitting and standing).

You can also perform exercises using multidirectional movements. To do this, pull your big toe up with your fingers, and at the same time push it down with muscle effort. Fix your finger at one point, press for 3 seconds, take a break for 5 seconds. Similarly, an exercise is performed in which the big toe is pressed to the floor with the help of the fingers and at the same time it stretches upward with muscle effort.

Difficult exercises include drawing with the toes. The exercise is performed while sitting on a chair, the back should be straight, hands should lie on your knees. With your toes, the pen rises from the floor, is clamped between the first and second fingers, and then a circle or other figure is drawn on the paper lying on the floor (the task can be gradually complicated by moving on to writing numbers and letters).

In addition to exercises, if there is a bone on the leg, a foot massage is recommended. It can be carried out independently, being careful.

  1. The deformed joint is taken with two fingers of the right hand, and the tip of the thumb with two fingers of the left hand. Holding the tip of the finger, the finger must be turned with light movements of the right hand, first clockwise and then against it for 1 minute.
  2. Using your thumbs, rub the muscle fibers located between the toes of the foot, and then run with light pressure along each finger from top to bottom. Massage is carried out for 3 minutes on each foot.
  3. Using your thumbs, rub the ligaments of your thumb from top to bottom, lightly pressing on the ligament (perform movements for 3 minutes).
  4. Run your thumbs along the inside of the foot, lightly pressing on the muscles of the big toe (perform for 2-3 minutes).

Important: During the massage, there should be no sharp pain, the movements are performed smoothly, the efforts increase gradually.

With a bone on the leg, you can also use alternative methods of treatment:

  • Foot baths with salt (100-150 g per 3 liters of water) or herbs.
  • Red clay bone mask. To prepare a mixture of 50 gr. clay must be taken 50 gr. sea ​​salt, dilute these ingredients in a glass of water and add 7 drops of turpentine. This composition is applied to the bone and kept until completely dry, and then washed off with warm water.
  • Ointment from eggs, vinegar essence and pork fat. The egg in the shell is infused in vinegar in a dark place for a week, then removed, mixed with fat and applied to the bone once a day for 1-2 weeks.

Folk remedies can only be used as auxiliary methods of treatment.


Conservative methods of treatment help to stop the process of deformation only at the initial stage of the disease. With severe deformity of the thumb (moderate and severe) in patients of any age, surgical methods are used for treatment.

There are a variety of operational techniques that allow you to:

  • eliminate inflammation of the joint of the first toe;
  • reconstruct the bones that make up the thumb;
  • restore the arch of the foot;
  • balance the muscles located around the joint and restore the function of the foot.

How to treat a bone in the leg with surgery depends on the type of deformity, the condition of the bones and soft tissues, complaints, and the general health of the patient.

Surgery combines soft tissue surgery and osteotomy (cutting off the bone to correct the deformity). The specific method of operation is selected taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient.

Scarf osteotomy has been successfully used to eliminate moderate valgus deformity. This method allows:

  • displace the bone in the longitudinal plane and rotate part of the metatarsal head;
  • lengthen the bone if its longitudinal value is insufficient;
  • shorten the bone if necessary;
  • move bone fragments towards the center of the foot;
  • move bone fragments down and back, thus reducing the load on the inside of the foot and the first phalangeal joint;
  • rotate bone fragments in the transverse plane during pronation of the joints.

With a Scarf osteotomy, a small incision is made from the base of the toe towards the beginning of the metatarsal bone on the inside of the foot, a wedge is cut on the side of the first metatarsal bone (resembles the letter Z), after which the head of the thumb is displaced at the desired angle. In this case, the location of the tendons of the thumb changes, and the deformed joint capsule is separated from the outside. The bones are fixed with titanium screws, which do not require removal in the absence of discomfort. The operation is performed under general anesthesia, the recovery period takes from 3 to 6 weeks.

Immediately after the operation, the load on the foot is allowed in a special device (orthosis), which reduces pressure on the forefoot.

It is also possible to carry out:

  • Akin osteotomy, which can be proximal (the metatarsal bone is cut at the proximal end), distal (the bone is cut closer to the nail) and oblique (the bone is cut along the main phalanx). In this type of osteotomy, the bone wedge is removed from the base of the proximal phalanx, the finger is straightened and fixed with a screw or staples.
  • Weil osteotomy is a long oblique osteotomy of the small metatarsal bones, in which the bones can be displaced in the medial (towards the center), lateral (longitudinal) and proximal directions. During the operation, the head of the metatarsal bone returns to its normal position, longitudinal decompression is performed, and the hammer toe deformity is corrected.
  • The Schede-Brandes operation, in which a protruding bone is removed on the lateral part of the first metatarsal bone, then the proximal part of the main phalanx of the big toe is truncated, and a plaster cast is applied to the foot, which fixes the foot in the correct position.

These techniques do not affect the joint, so the mobility of the joints of the forefoot is preserved and improved.

If necessary, techniques can be used to create immobility of the joint (arthrodesis) and chevron osteotomy, during which the heads of the first and second metatarsal bones converge and the anatomical position of the foot is reconstructed.

If there are bones on both legs, the operation can be performed on both feet at the same time, or in turn.

In most cases, the patient can walk immediately after the operation. To reduce the load on the foot, special shoes are used (crutches are not required). It is recommended to wear postoperative shoes for 5 weeks.

Discomfort and moderate swelling after surgery persists in the forefoot for 3-5 months.

Complications and reoperations are extremely rare. The deformity does not return after surgery.


In order to prevent the formation of a bone on the leg, persons with an increased load on the legs are recommended:

  • before going to bed, do foot baths with sea salt or herbs to improve the blood supply to the feet;
  • wear comfortable shoes (avoid models with a narrow toe and limit the wearing of models with high heels);
  • in case of flatness, use orthopedic insoles;
  • eat right (monitor weight with a tendency to be overweight and follow a diet for gout);
  • perform physical exercises to maintain the tone of the legs;
  • if discomfort appears in the area of ​​the big toe, visit an orthopedist in a timely manner.

Massage is also useful, helping to unload the foot after a load during the working day.

A bump on the leg near the big toe is called hallux valgus. Mostly women are affected. This is due to the characteristics of the body and the tendency to wear narrow shoes with high heels.

Many people think that there is a curvature of the thumb or a growth appears on the joint, but this is not so. For various reasons, the metatarsal bone deviates inward, which causes the big toe to move outward.

The foot is part of the human musculoskeletal system and is under significant load. Under the influence of external or internal factors, the muscle ligaments do not withstand, as a result, hallux valgus develops. There can be many reasons for this, the main ones are:

  • Hereditary predisposition, the presence of pathology in the next of kin significantly increases the risk of developing a lateral bump on the foot.
  • Transverse flat feet can cause a growing bone.
  • Narrow shoes with high heels.
  • Shoes that do not have any heel, with a flat sole, contribute to the development of flat feet.
  • Excess weight increases the load on the musculoskeletal system.

Excess weight is a big burden for the whole body and especially for the joints.

  • Standing work.
  • Osteoporosis.
  • The presence of pathologies of the endocrine system, leading to hormonal failure.
  • Past diseases - lupus erythematosus, arthritis.
  • In a child, a bone may appear as a result of an injury, and in adolescents, with an increased sports load.
  • Mechanical damage to the foot due to injury.

First of all, the risk group includes women 30-50 years old. This is due to the presence of many osteoporosis and wearing uncomfortable shoes.

Often, a bump on the big toe occurs due to the high content of urea in the blood, this happens when purine metabolism is disturbed. The contributing factors are:

  • Uncontrolled diuretic therapy.

Shoes should be comfortable and not squeeze the foot

  • Injuries of various origins.
  • Constant pressure on the legs.

An elevated level of uric acid in the body can be recognized by chronic overwork and fatigue.

Stages of the disease

Depending on the symptoms and the degree of bone growth, the pathology is divided into stages:

  1. The disease begins with the appearance of a soft bump, which causes inflammation of the joint, and causes pain. At the site of the growth, hyperemia is observed, a person experiences burning pain, aches. After walking, fatigue and pain are felt. The process of deformation begins, this can be seen from the curvature of the thumb. At this stage, the disease can be successfully treated.
  2. In the second stage, the bone not only increases in size, but also becomes harder. It is becoming more and more difficult to find shoes, especially this problem is relevant for women. The thumb deviates more and more, provoking the appearance of corns on the foot. The pain is already haunting constantly, its intensity is growing.

Deformity of the foot with the growth of the bone on the big toe

  1. The last stage of the disease is a neglected form that is not treated. The thumb is so deformed that a person cannot stand or walk, while experiencing severe pain. It is impossible to pick up shoes, and dressing them becomes a whole problem. Due to severe deformity of the foot, several growths may appear at once.

Treatment of bones depends on the cause of their appearance and stage of development. At the initial stage, the growth that appears on the big toe can be treated at home.

Consequences of bone growth on the leg

Today, neoplasms in the form of bumps on the legs are an urgent problem for many, especially women suffer from them. They not only increase in size and cause pain, but also bring a lot of trouble to the life of the patient:

  1. The foot loses its aesthetic appearance, especially the curvature and growth are visible from above. A person cannot wear open shoes, and even in closed shoes, the bump is visible from the outside.
  2. Inconvenience when walking causes rapid leg fatigue, people experience heaviness and burning sensation in the foot area.

Bone on the big toe - what to do? The orthopedic doctor Kontaev Arman Zhazitovich will tell:

  1. When, the intensity of pain increases, in the end it becomes constant. A person avoids movements, which aggravates the general condition of the body.
  2. A bump on the leg complicates the selection of shoes, only orthopedic is suitable for many, there can be no question of any beauty of the models. Shoes in this case should be as comfortable as possible.

The main thing is that the changes occurring in the joint are irreversible. If you do not start treatment in the early stages, only surgery can help, but only the doctor chooses the method of treatment.

How to distinguish a bump on the thumb from other diseases

It is impossible to diagnose a bone on the leg on its own; it is easy to confuse the pathology with other diseases with similar symptoms. Tumors on the leg may be a sign of the development of arthrosis or indicate the deposition of salts in the joints, it also manifests itself.

Alarming signs of a developing pathology are the following factors:

  • Pain in the bone in the leg near the big toe, which increases with movement and causes unbearable suffering.
  • accompanied by hyperemia of tissues and joints.

  • With severe inflammation near the nail on the big toe, a purulent formation appears, which, when neglected, can be treated only with the help of surgery.
  • There is a swelling on the big toe that tends to increase with exertion and subside at rest.

In the presence of at least one sign, it is necessary to contact the clinic, timely diagnosis will help to avoid serious complications and surgical intervention. Valgus deformity at the beginning of development can be treated with folk remedies in parallel with drug therapy.

Treatment Methods

In the process of diagnosis, the doctor not only determines the stage of the disease, but also its etiology, this allows you to prescribe adequate treatment. An orthopedist, in addition to a visual examination of the leg, prescribes a number of additional studies, this is necessary to identify concomitant diseases and the cause of the appearance of the bone.

The method of treatment directly depends on the condition of the patient and the symptoms that he experiences:

  • If there is no intensive growth of the bone, the patient does not experience pain and problems when walking, he is recommended to wear a special corrector, massage, use an orthopedic insole or arch support. The corrector (does not allow it to deform, which stops the growth of the bump. It is convenient in that you can wear it both when moving and at rest.
  • In addition to massage, to relieve pain and eliminate discomfort in the foot area, ultrasound therapy, therapeutic mud applications, and electrophoresis are prescribed. In parallel, it is recommended to engage in physiotherapy exercises. These actions not only strengthen muscles and ligaments, but also help straighten the thumb bone and eliminate discomfort when walking.

  • To eliminate the inflammatory process, foot baths are used, they relieve pain and fatigue, but such treatment is effective at an early stage of pathology.
  • Also, to stop inflammation, you can use antiseptic ointments and creams, which the doctor will also recommend.
  • If the disease is advanced and the processes of deformation are irreversible, treatment can be carried out only by the surgical method. Surgery is resorted to in cases where the patient's condition worsens, and the bone grows inexorably.

With any method of treatment, it is necessary to follow a number of recommendations, which are as follows:

  1. It is necessary to change narrow shoes with high heels to the most comfortable and soft.
  2. Reduce the load on the legs, especially on the feet.
  3. Do special exercises.
  4. If the job involves being on your feet, you need to change it.
  5. Use orthopedic shoes and correctors, follow all doctor's recommendations.

After removal of the bump, long-term rehabilitation and further prevention of the disease are required.

foot bath treatment

These procedures are performed to relieve pain:

  1. To prepare the bath, you need to take equal proportions of lemon balm, thyme, birch and poplar leaves, 10 tbsp. l. collection, steam in three liters of boiling water and cook over low heat for 5 minutes. Cool to an acceptable temperature, pour into a basin and lower your legs there for 20 minutes.

Foot bath with iodine and table salt

  1. At home, it is easy to prepare the following composition: drip 10 drops of iodine into hot water, add 3-4 tsp. table salt. Hold your feet in this solution, wipe thoroughly, grease the bump with iodine, and wrap your finger in foil. Wear warm socks on your feet and do not take them off until morning. This procedure eliminates pain and reduces inflammation.
  2. To reduce the size of the bone, use a bath with laundry soap. It is rubbed on a grater, dissolved in a bowl of hot water and the legs are kept in it for 20-30 minutes. The procedure is recommended to be carried out several times.

All home remedies are used at the initial stage of the disease; with advanced pathology, they will not give the desired effect.

How to get rid of bumps with folk remedies

The most effective are the following traditional medicine recipes:

  • With the help of bile, it is recommended to use it as applications and compresses, you can also apply bile directly to the bump. The course of treatment is 2 months daily.
  • How to remove a bump with lingonberry tincture? Dry leaves are steamed with a glass of boiling water, infused for 7-8 hours and taken half a glass on an empty stomach and at night for two months.

Lingonberry leaves contain many useful substances and trace elements.

  • To get rid of pain, you need to mix the crushed bay leaf with ammonia (100 ml), it is recommended to insist the medicine for 7 days in a dark and cold place. The finished tincture is rubbed into the toe, on which the bone grows, twice a day.
  • How to reduce swelling on the finger? To do this, take honey and salt in equal proportions, mix until a homogeneous white consistency and lubricate the cone. It is recommended to wrap the finger with a film and put on a sock.

Iodine treatment

Iodine therapy is used to eliminate pain and reduce the bone on the finger. Several options for using iodine for this purpose are recommended:

  • Traditional medicine recommends using the following composition: iodine, 70% vinegar and glycerin are taken one part each and mixed with two parts of water. The mixture is applied to the finger after it has been steamed in hot salt water. The course of treatment should last at least 3 months.
  • To get rid of pain, iodine is used with analgin tablets (6 pcs. per 50 ml), the bump should be treated with this solution up to 5 times daily.

Medical treatment

Drug therapy comes down mainly to the use of . They reduce inflammation and relieve pain. As pain relievers, you can use an ointment, cream or a special patch.

If the pain is severe, drugs containing steroids are injected directly into the tumor. These are hydrocortisone, diprospan, ketanol.


If the disease is advanced and the process is irreversible, surgical intervention is necessary. The method of operation is determined by the doctor. The surgeon may use the following methods:

  • Removing a bump on the big toe with a laser, modern medicine allows you to get rid of the bump without surgery, the only drawback of the procedure is the high price.
  • If necessary, the joint can be replaced with an implant.

Removal of bones on the legs with a laser:

  • Resection with arthroplasty is performed.
  • In some cases, resort to osteotomy.
  • Arthrodesis of the joint.

Modern methods of surgical treatment of bumps on the toes can not only correct the deformity of the big toe, but also completely remove the bump, as well as reduce the effects of anesthesia, and shorten the rehabilitation period.

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