A watery swelling on the elbow in a man. Lump near elbow. Probable causes

Elbow joints are subjected to significant loads every day, this is especially true for people who perform monotonous hand movements due to their professional activities - handymen, athletes, hairdressers. Even a little discomfort causes a lot of inconvenience, and a bump on the elbow that appears can cause panic.

It should be noted that malignant tumors in this area occur infrequently, mainly the articular bag of the elbow becomes inflamed. However, self-treatment with this problem will not be able to cope, it is necessary to visit a doctor and undergo a diagnosis.


The inflammatory process in the tissues that surround the elbow joint is called bursitis. A sac near the joint, called the bursa, keeps the elbow joint functioning properly. The fluid inside the bursa acts as a kind of lubricant that prevents the articular surfaces from rubbing against each other. Thanks to this structure, the natural activity of a person does not injure the joint.

The elbow has three bursae - interosseous, ulnar subcutaneous and ulnar interosseous. Each of the bursae contains synovial fluid, which changes its composition and volume during inflammation - this is how bursitis appears.

Bursitis classification:

  • at the place of localization, in which particular bursa the damage occurred;
  • by severity - acute, subacute, chronic;
  • according to the composition of the fluid - purulent, serous, fibrous and hemorrhagic.

In cases where the causative agent is strepto- or staphylococcus, the disease is called nonspecific bursitis. Bursitis caused by gonococcus, pallidum spirochete, syphilis bacteria or tuberculosis is specific.

The reasons

Inflammation of the joint capsule of the elbow is a common phenomenon, it can occur for the following reasons:

  • a bump on the elbow joint most often appears due to arthritis. Acute inflammation of the cartilage is accompanied by the accumulation of joint fluid;
  • microtrauma is the second most common cause leading to bursitis. Injury occurs as a result of repetitive hand movements, especially in cases where the elbows rest on a hard surface. The joint bag can also become inflamed some time after a mechanical injury, for example, if a person falls on his elbow or hits.
  • infection with damage to the skin near the elbow. In this case, the culprit of the inflammation may be panaritium, which affects the bones and soft tissues of the fingers. Thus, pathogenic microorganisms enter the synovial sac not from the outside, but from the inside - either with the blood stream (hematogenous pathway) or with lymph (lymphogenic);
  • idiopathic bursitis. In some cases, the exact cause cannot be determined. Diagnosis of the idiopathic form of bursitis is extremely rare.

A risk factor is also considered to be the patient's diabetes and some other metabolic disorders, as well as a general weakening of the immune system and long-term use of hormonal drugs.


The insidiousness of the disease lies in its asymptomatic course at the beginning, and meanwhile the inflammatory process progresses, and a soft bump appears on the elbow joint. The mobility of the joint is disturbed, the person feels severe weakness, the body temperature rises, the elbow hurts and swells.

In the future, there is a sharp deterioration in the condition with characteristic symptoms of intoxication - lethargy, headaches, sweating and loss of appetite. If a person has not yet sought medical help, now is the time. Otherwise, the disease will go into a purulent stage, and fistulas and subcutaneous phlegmon will appear on the elbow bend. Often, the lymph nodes also increase in size.

Purulent bursitis

Purulent bursitis is characterized by incessant pain of a jerking or bursting nature, the skin near the elbow turns red and becomes hot. The synovial sac contains purulent contents caused by a bacterial infection. Pathogens - staphylococci or streptococci, penetrating into the bag through an abrasion or scratch. Any injury with damage to the skin can serve as the entrance gate of infection if the synovial bag is affected.

Early diagnosis is the best protection against suppuration of the joint, since under the right conditions, bursitis inevitably turns into a purulent form. A characteristic symptom of purulent bursitis is a bump below the elbow, at the very top. Depending on the severity of the disease, the size of the bump can be different, but the pain syndrome is intense, the skin is reddened and swollen, the body temperature can rise to high values.

Signs of purulent bursitis are very similar to those of purulent arthritis, the difference is only in a greater degree of joint mobility. With arthritis, it is almost impossible to move your arm.

Treatment is only surgical, sometimes one excision is not enough, since healing is slow, and a second operation is performed.


If the bursitis is not complicated and arose after a slight blow, then it is enough to temporarily limit the mobility of the arm and apply an absorbable ointment:

  • Dimexide. This drug has antibacterial, analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects. , diluted 1: 4, applied to the sore spot 2-3 times a day, and kept for several hours. If an allergic reaction occurs and the hand itches, the drug must be replaced. Dimexide is also available in the form of an ointment and gel, which can be applied directly to the skin, fixed with a bandage on top;
  • Collagen Ultra. The ointment acts quickly, restoring connective tissues and significantly reducing the time of cell regeneration. Even if the bump does not hurt, using this remedy will help normalize the function of the damaged joint and prevent further inflammation.

How to treat bursitis with folk remedies has long been known. Some recipes have not lost their relevance today. Here are the most effective ones:

  • vegetable compresses. Finely chop or grate potatoes, cabbage or beets (individually), put the mass on a bandage or gauze, and wrap the joint. Top can be wrapped with a cloth or scarf for a warming effect and additional fixation;
  • hot sugar compress Heat the sugar in a pan without melting. Then pour into a cotton bag, and apply to the sore spot. Top with a towel. The procedure can be done daily, until the pain stops;
  • propolis tincture. Combine 25 g of propolis and a glass of vodka, and leave for a week. Lotions with tincture are made twice a day;
  • baths with pine extract. To prepare the infusion, you need to take natural raw materials - branches, cones and pine needles. They are washed and soaked in cold water for 30 minutes, then boiled. Boiling time - 30-40 minutes, infusion - 10 hours. Strain the infusion, and add to the hand bath or to the general bath. In the latter case, you will need a fairly large amount of raw materials - about 2 kg. An alternative method is coniferous bath extract, which is sold in pharmacies.

Malignant tumors

Neoplasms of the musculoskeletal system originate in most cases in bone tissues. Most often, bone and joint tumors occur at a young age, up to 35 years, more than half of them are diagnosed in bone segments located in close proximity to the joints.

Joint tumors under the elbow may not manifest themselves for quite a long time, while actively disrupting the work of the joint. It is the changes in the functioning of the limb that the patient encounters that make it possible to diagnose cancer and sarcoma at an early stage.

There are a lot of blood vessels and nerve endings in the elbow, and therefore even a small sarcoma quickly captures nearby areas, destroying them, and contributing to the spread of metastases through the bloodstream.

When a sarcoma in the form of a bump on the arm damages the joint itself, symptoms appear:

  • paroxysmal pain that cannot be relieved by analgesics;
  • deformity of the elbow joint and protrusion of hard tissues;
  • the mobility of the articular head is severely limited, sometimes the arm does not bend at all;
  • lymph nodes near the elbow increase;
  • the patient feels unwell - gets tired quickly, eats poorly, loses weight, body temperature rises;
  • in the absence of adequate therapy, spontaneous fractures in the elbow joint are possible.

To make a diagnosis, palpation of the place where a soft bump appeared on the elbow is performed, and an x-ray examination is performed. To clarify the diagnosis, an MRI or CT scan is prescribed. Blood and urine donations are mandatory. Next, the biomaterial is taken by puncture or incision - a biopsy.

Magnetic resonance imaging is one of the most informative diagnostic methods

Until recently, with oncological formations, if a tumor appeared on the elbow, the entire limb was amputated. A more gentle method of removing the bone segment and replacing it with an implant is now being used. Chemotherapy is used to eliminate metastases. Chemotherapy is also given before surgery to reduce the size of the tumor and to prevent recurrences.

If for some reason chemotherapy is not possible and surgical treatment is not possible, radiation is used. However, this is undesirable, since sarcoma and cancer are not amenable to such exposure. The only exception is .

The survival rate for elbow cancer is 60-70-80% of the total number of cases, depending on the time of treatment. That is, cancer detected at an early stage is cured in 8 out of 10 patients.

Lipoma and hygroma

Lipoma, or wen, is a benign neoplasm of adipose tissue, prone to rapid growth. Patients note that such an education is absolutely painless and does not cause any discomfort. However, conservative methods of treatment in this case are absolutely useless, and the lipoma is removed only surgically.

To eliminate the wen, both the classical method of complete excision and modern methods are used - laser and electrocoagulation. Lipomas are subject to mandatory removal, since when they grow, blood vessels and nerve endings are compressed. In addition, when rubbed or injured, wen can become inflamed and form abscesses.

Elbow hygroma is a cystic formation with a serous fluid inside, which has a benign course. The development of hygroma can occur from the bag of the joint or from the tendons. With regular loads on the elbow tendons, bumps appear on the inside of the elbow, the motor ability of the joint is disturbed. As the watery tumor grows, it begins to compress the blood vessels, causing throbbing pain and swelling.

Previously, the method of treating hygromas was limited to crushing them, when the water tumor was subjected to mechanical action. This method is extremely painful and absolutely ineffective, since the percentage of relapses is high. Today, excision of the hygroma under local anesthesia or endoscopic removal is used.

If you notice a suspicious neoplasm on your elbow, you should not wait for pain and tumor growth. Consult a doctor, get diagnosed and follow all recommendations.

Elbow joints are subjected to significant loads every day, this is especially true for people who perform monotonous hand movements due to their professional activities - handymen, athletes, hairdressers. Even a little discomfort causes a lot of inconvenience, and a bump on the elbow that appears can cause panic.

It should be noted that malignant tumors in this area occur infrequently, mainly the articular bag of the elbow becomes inflamed. However, self-treatment with this problem will not be able to cope, it is necessary to visit a doctor and undergo a diagnosis.


The inflammatory process in the tissues that surround the elbow joint is called bursitis. A sac near the joint, called the bursa, keeps the elbow joint functioning properly. The fluid inside the bursa acts as a kind of lubricant that prevents the articular surfaces from rubbing against each other. Thanks to this structure, the natural activity of a person does not injure the joint.

The elbow has three bursae - interosseous, ulnar subcutaneous and ulnar interosseous. Each of the bursae contains synovial fluid, which changes its composition and volume during inflammation - this is how bursitis appears.

Bursitis classification:

  • at the place of localization, in which particular bursa the damage occurred;
  • by severity - acute, subacute, chronic;
  • according to the composition of the fluid - purulent, serous, fibrous and hemorrhagic.

In cases where the causative agent is strepto- or staphylococcus, the disease is called nonspecific bursitis. Bursitis caused by gonococcus, pallidum spirochete, syphilis bacteria or tuberculosis is specific.

The reasons

Inflammation of the joint capsule of the elbow is a common phenomenon, it can occur for the following reasons:

  • a bump on the elbow joint most often appears due to arthritis. Acute inflammation of the cartilage is accompanied by the accumulation of joint fluid;
  • microtrauma is the second most common cause leading to bursitis. Injury occurs as a result of repetitive hand movements, especially in cases where the elbows rest on a hard surface. The joint bag can also become inflamed some time after a mechanical injury, for example, if a person falls on his elbow or hits.
  • infection with damage to the skin near the elbow. In this case, the culprit of the inflammation may be panaritium, which affects the bones and soft tissues of the fingers. Thus, pathogenic microorganisms enter the synovial sac not from the outside, but from the inside - either with the blood stream (hematogenous pathway) or with lymph (lymphogenic);
  • idiopathic bursitis. In some cases, the exact cause cannot be determined. Diagnosis of the idiopathic form of bursitis is extremely rare.

A risk factor is also considered to be the patient's diabetes and some other metabolic disorders, as well as a general weakening of the immune system and long-term use of hormonal drugs.


The insidiousness of the disease lies in its asymptomatic course at the beginning, and meanwhile the inflammatory process progresses, and a soft bump appears on the elbow joint. The mobility of the joint is disturbed, the person feels severe weakness, the body temperature rises, the elbow hurts and swells.

In the future, there is a sharp deterioration in the condition with characteristic symptoms of intoxication - lethargy, headaches, sweating and loss of appetite. If a person has not yet sought medical help, now is the time. Otherwise, the disease will go into a purulent stage, and fistulas and subcutaneous phlegmon will appear on the elbow bend. Often, the lymph nodes also increase in size.

Purulent bursitis

Purulent bursitis is characterized by incessant pain of a jerking or bursting nature, the skin near the elbow turns red and becomes hot. The synovial sac contains purulent contents caused by a bacterial infection. Pathogens - staphylococci or streptococci, penetrating into the bag through an abrasion or scratch. Any injury with damage to the skin can serve as the entrance gate of infection if the synovial bag is affected.

Early diagnosis is the best protection against suppuration of the joint, since under the right conditions, bursitis inevitably turns into a purulent form. A characteristic symptom of purulent bursitis is a bump below the elbow, at the very top. Depending on the severity of the disease, the size of the bump can be different, but the pain syndrome is intense, the skin is reddened and swollen, the body temperature can rise to high values.

Treatment is only surgical, sometimes one excision is not enough, since healing is slow, and a second operation is performed.


If the bursitis is not complicated and arose after a slight blow, then it is enough to temporarily limit the mobility of the arm and apply an absorbable ointment:

  • Dimexide. This drug has antibacterial, analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects. Compresses with Dimexide, diluted 1: 4, are applied to the sore spot 2-3 times a day, and kept for several hours. If an allergic reaction occurs and the hand itches, the drug must be replaced. Dimexide is also available in the form of an ointment and gel, which can be applied directly to the skin, fixed with a bandage on top;
  • Collagen Ultra. The ointment acts quickly, restoring connective tissues and significantly reducing the time of cell regeneration. Even if the bump does not hurt, using this remedy will help normalize the function of the damaged joint and prevent further inflammation.

How to treat bursitis with folk remedies has long been known. Some recipes have not lost their relevance today. Here are the most effective ones:

  • vegetable compresses. Finely chop or grate potatoes, cabbage or beets (individually), put the mass on a bandage or gauze, and wrap the joint. Top can be wrapped with a cloth or scarf for a warming effect and additional fixation;
  • hot sugar compress Heat the sugar in a pan without melting. Then pour into a cotton bag, and apply to the sore spot. Top with a towel. The procedure can be done daily, until the pain stops;
  • propolis tincture. Combine 25 g of propolis and a glass of vodka, and leave for a week. Lotions with tincture are made twice a day;
  • baths with pine extract. To prepare the infusion, you need to take natural raw materials - branches, cones and pine needles. They are washed and soaked in cold water for 30 minutes, then boiled. Boiling time - 30-40 minutes, infusion - 10 hours. Strain the infusion, and add to the hand bath or to the general bath. In the latter case, you will need a fairly large amount of raw materials - about 2 kg. An alternative method is coniferous bath extract, which is sold in pharmacies.

Malignant tumors

Neoplasms of the musculoskeletal system originate in most cases in bone tissues. Most often, bone and joint tumors occur at a young age, up to 35 years, more than half of them are diagnosed in bone segments located in close proximity to the joints.

Joint tumors under the elbow may not manifest themselves for quite a long time, while actively disrupting the work of the joint. It is the changes in the functioning of the limb that the patient encounters that make it possible to diagnose cancer and sarcoma at an early stage.

There are a lot of blood vessels and nerve endings in the elbow, and therefore even a small sarcoma quickly captures nearby areas, destroying them, and contributing to the spread of metastases through the bloodstream.

When a sarcoma in the form of a bump on the arm damages the joint itself, symptoms appear:

  • paroxysmal pain that cannot be relieved by analgesics;
  • deformity of the elbow joint and protrusion of hard tissues;
  • the mobility of the articular head is severely limited, sometimes the arm does not bend at all;
  • lymph nodes near the elbow increase;
  • the patient feels unwell - gets tired quickly, eats poorly, loses weight, body temperature rises;
  • in the absence of adequate therapy, spontaneous fractures in the elbow joint are possible.

To make a diagnosis, palpation of the place where a soft bump appeared on the elbow is performed, and an x-ray examination is performed. To clarify the diagnosis, an MRI or CT scan is prescribed. Blood and urine donations are mandatory. Next, the biomaterial is taken by puncture or incision - a biopsy.

Until recently, with oncological formations, if a tumor appeared on the elbow, the entire limb was amputated. A more gentle method of removing the bone segment and replacing it with an implant is now being used. Chemotherapy is used to eliminate metastases. Chemotherapy is also given before surgery to reduce the size of the tumor and to prevent recurrences.

If for some reason chemotherapy is not possible and surgical treatment is not possible, radiation is used. However, this is undesirable, since sarcoma and cancer are not amenable to such exposure. The only exception is Ewing's sarcoma.

The survival rate for elbow cancer is 60-70-80% of the total number of cases, depending on the time of treatment. That is, cancer detected at an early stage is cured in 8 out of 10 patients.

Lipoma and hygroma

Lipoma, or wen, is a benign neoplasm of adipose tissue, prone to rapid growth. Patients note that such an education is absolutely painless and does not cause any discomfort. However, conservative methods of treatment in this case are absolutely useless, and the lipoma is removed only surgically.

To eliminate the wen, both the classical method of complete excision and modern methods are used - laser and electrocoagulation. Lipomas are subject to mandatory removal, since when they grow, blood vessels and nerve endings are compressed. In addition, when rubbed or injured, wen can become inflamed and form abscesses.

Elbow hygroma is a cystic formation with a serous fluid inside, which has a benign course. The development of hygroma can occur from the bag of the joint or from the tendons. With regular loads on the elbow tendons, bumps appear on the inside of the elbow, the motor ability of the joint is disturbed. As the watery tumor grows, it begins to compress the blood vessels, causing throbbing pain and swelling.

Previously, the method of treating hygromas was limited to crushing them, when the water tumor was subjected to mechanical action. This method is extremely painful and absolutely ineffective, since the percentage of relapses is high. Today, excision of the hygroma under local anesthesia or endoscopic removal is used.

If you notice a suspicious neoplasm on your elbow, you should not wait for pain and tumor growth. Consult a doctor, get diagnosed and follow all recommendations.

The appearance of bumps on the back, especially near the spine, is a very common and unpleasant problem that many people face. It is worth noting that in this case you should not engage in self-medication, since only a doctor can help solve this problem.

Volumetric formations on the back - causes

A bump on the back near the spine can be of various sizes, be soft or hard. This voluminous neoplasm can be both hyperemic and have the same shade as the surrounding skin. On palpation, the bumps may be painful, or they may not be felt at all. Whatever the symptoms, you should seek help from specialists who, after diagnosing, will be able to determine why the lump appeared and how to get rid of it.

Lipoma is the most common cause of bumps.

A lot of people ask the doctor a question: a bump on the spine - what is it? Most often, after the examination, the doctor makes such a diagnosis as a lipoma. In the people it is customary to call wen lipomas. These neoplasms can develop over several months, or they can appear in just one night. Sometimes they are caused by trauma.

Lipoma is a benign neoplasm that develops from its own adipose tissue. To the touch, such a formation is soft, painless and mobile. It can reach a diameter of four centimeters, but there are cases when it grows up to ten centimeters.


If a person has a bump on the cervical spine, then the doctor can diagnose him with such a diagnosis as atheroma. This is a benign tumor that develops due to the fact that the duct of the sebaceous gland is clogged. The contents of such a tumor are mushy, it consists of epithelial cells, as well as fatty substances. The size of atheroma can vary, from a pea to a chicken egg.

Atheroma is a round, painless neoplasm. It is dense, has clear contours, the skin above it does not gather into a fold. If the contents of this tumor become infected, then symptoms such as hyperemia, soreness, swelling, and a rise in temperature occur. Surgical treatment of atheroma - a doctor in a surgical room (in a dressing room or in an operating room to perform minor surgical interventions) performs an autopsy of atheroma, rinses the wound with antiseptic solutions or completely excised this neoplasm.


Another reason for the appearance of bumps on the back can be a hemangioma. It is a benign neoplasm consisting of an accumulation of abnormally enlarged blood vessels. Despite the fact that hemangiomas are benign tumors, they grow extremely quickly. Developing, these neoplasms destroy the tissues that surround them.

It is difficult to predict how a hemangioma will develop. Sometimes a pinpoint tumor grows to a significant size in just a couple of months, requiring emergency treatment. Hemangioma can disappear on its own and completely unexpectedly, which is why doctors used to prefer to use expectant tactics when faced with this type of tumor. Modern surgeons prefer to treat hemangiomas as soon as possible. The method of treatment in this case is determined by the doctor depending on the patient's condition, the size of his tumor and its location.

What diagnostic methods will help determine the cause of the formation

Each person who finds a bump on his back should definitely consult a surgeon, and if necessary, additionally visit specialists in other specialties.

The list of mandatory examinations that the patient will have to perform includes:

  • clinical blood test;
  • blood chemistry;
  • some special tests (as prescribed by a doctor) - these studies are prescribed in the case when there is a suspicion of the tumor nature of the neoplasm;
  • ultrasound examination of the focus of the disease - it allows you to clarify the nature and structure of the bump, its connection with the surrounding tissues, the location of the relatively large nerve and vascular trunks;
  • tomography - this study is necessary if a metastatic nature of the process is suspected.

There are other types of pathologies that manifest themselves in the form of a volumetric formation, localized near the spine. Unfortunately, not all types of these neoplasms are harmless. Sometimes a bump near the spine is a symptom of very formidable diseases, including cancer. That is why a person who has noticed a similar problem on his back should seek help from a specialist as soon as possible, undergo diagnostics and treatment.

The elbow joint withstands serious loads every day, especially for people who perform the same movements with their hands throughout the day. Any discomfort in this area brings a lot of inconvenience, often patients turn to the doctor with a complaint about a lump that has suddenly appeared in the area of ​​the elbow joint.

The material is devoted to a soft formation, which, when palpated, causes discomfort to a person. Education limits the movement of the elbow joint, is a noticeable cosmetic defect. What kind of formation is this, the reasons for its occurrence, how to deal with it? The answers to the questions are described below. Do not self-medicate, be sure to consult a doctor.

Probable causes

Flexion of the upper limb at the elbow is possible due to a special periarticular bag around the joint - the bursa. The special fluid in this area plays the role of a lubricant, reduces friction, and prevents damage of various kinds. For various reasons, the bursa can become inflamed, a process called bursitis. As a result of the course of the disease, the synovial sac is filled with a huge amount of fluid, a soft lump appears in the area of ​​the elbow joint.

Bursitis is common, unlike cancerous growths near the elbow joint. The risk group includes middle-aged men, oncological diseases also provoke the appearance of bumps in the elbow joint. There is a third theory of the appearance of a bump near the elbow joint - a wen. This formation is not considered a pathology, it is removed surgically, in most cases the wen has a solid texture to the touch, it appears from the inner surface of the hand.

In the material, we consider two main causes of a soft bump in the elbow joint: bursitis and a cancerous tumor. Fortunately, the latter pathology is extremely rare.

The causes of bursitis of the elbow joint are:

  • various injuries. The risk group includes professional athletes, such as tennis players. A sudden sharp movement leads to a dislocation, an inflammatory process, the formation of a soft bump. In some cases, the size of the formation reaches a chicken egg;
  • regular increased loads on the elbow joint. Constant weight lifting leads to regular irritation of the synovial bag, the development of the inflammatory process;
  • nonspecific infectious. The causative agent is often staphylococci, streptococci. As a result of trauma and other damage, pathogens enter the synovial sac, triggering the pathological process. In the exudative fluid, the presence of pus and blood is noted. Pathology leads to tissue necrosis, is life-threatening;
  • specific infectious bursitis. It develops against the background of the course of certain ailments: gonorrhea, syphilis, tuberculosis, gonorrhea. In this case, you can get rid of the bumps only by eliminating the primary ailment;
  • sometimes bursitis develops against the background of a current,.

Cancer tumors arise for many reasons: genetic predisposition, the influence of carcinogenic chemicals, and other negative factors. If tumor formations were found in close relatives, regularly undergo examinations, follow preventive measures.

Learn interesting details about the rules for gout and high uric acid.

On the characteristic symptoms and methods of treatment of spondyloarthrosis of the lumbosacral spine, read the page.

Clinical picture

Due to the many negative factors, the clinical picture may include various symptoms. Bursitis in an acute form develops rapidly, posing as pain, unlike arthritis, the mobility of the damaged elbow joint is reduced, but not completely impaired.

The chronic course of the disease is characterized by a mild pain symptom. It is the bump on the outside of the elbow that attracts the patient's attention. To the touch, the formation is soft, with palpation there is a slight discomfort. Such an ailment is characterized by a general increase in body temperature, signs of intoxication of the body: fever, nausea, chills, muscle pain, which indicates the course of the inflammatory process.

The clinical picture of a cancerous tumor differs from the course of bursitis. Pain occurs at night, is not stopped by conventional analgesics. In the area of ​​the elbow joint, a gradual growth of the bump is observed, the local temperature rises, the seal becomes hard over time, the surrounding tissues swell. A person becomes irritable, gets tired quickly, appetite decreases, which leads to weight loss.

Important! A malignant tumor is life-threatening for the patient, if you notice unpleasant symptoms, visit the doctor immediately to make a diagnosis and prescribe the correct treatment.


If the bump is the result of an injury, x-rays are prescribed to rule out fractures and bone fractures. CT and MRI will help assess the degree of damage to the joint by the inflammatory process. Many use ultrasound to detect damage to nearby tissues.

To detect a malignant formation, the same methods are used as for the diagnosis of bursitis. Additionally, they resort to the help of a biopsy. To date, this technique is the most accurate and reliable. During the operation, a small area of ​​the affected tissue is taken, a cytological and histological examination is carried out. As a result, the doctor makes a final diagnosis, prescribes the appropriate course of therapy.

General rules and methods of treatment

For successful treatment, the help of doctors is required. The doctor will identify the specific cause of the pathology, prescribe the necessary treatment. It is strictly forbidden to try to get rid of a soft bump on the elbow on your own.

In acute bursitis, it is necessary to provide rest to the sick arm, if necessary, put on a special fixing bandage that restricts movement and prevents further damage. Under anesthesia, the doctor cleans the bursa from exudate, pus, blood, rinses the cavity with an antiseptic solution. Only after such manipulations, they begin complex treatment.

View a selection of therapy options and effective hand techniques.

Osteopenia and osteoporosis: what is the difference and how to treat ailments? Read the page for useful information.

Go to the address and learn about the rules for treating a bruised big toe.

The scheme for eliminating bursitis in the elbow joint area is as follows:

  • relief of pain. To alleviate the patient's condition, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed. They not only cope with pain, but also stop the inflammatory process, eliminate general intoxication in the patient's body. The drugs are produced in the form of ointments, tablets, injections, the specific form and medication is prescribed by the doctor (Ketoprofen, Ibuprofen, Diclofenac);
  • hormone therapy. Used for chronic bursitis in the elbow joint. are prescribed in short courses, the funds show excellent results, have many contraindications, are used carefully. Specific drugs are prescribed by a doctor;
  • elimination of the infection. If the inflammation of the bursa is provoked by the vital activity of pathogenic microorganisms, then their destruction is the key to a speedy recovery. Antibiotics are prescribed, according to the causative agent of the pathology. A specific microorganism is detected by bakposev;
  • operation. In advanced cases, they resort to surgical removal of the damaged cavity, the missing elements are replaced with an implant. During the rehabilitation period, physiotherapy exercises and physiotherapy are actively used. Recently, the scalpel has been replaced by a laser. This technology allows to reduce the rehabilitation period, reduces the risk of infection of tissues, the occurrence of other complications.

Folk remedies and recipes

Natural medicines are in a separate group, many patients prefer to get rid of bursitis using proven "grandfather" methods.

Traditional medicine recipes:

  • take a tablespoon of propolis tincture, dilute with two tablespoons of boiled water. Rub the resulting liquid well into the bump on the elbow, wrap it with an elastic bandage, keep it until the morning. Do healing compresses daily for two weeks;
  • use regular table salt. Heat a glass of the product in a frying pan (without oil), pour it into a canvas bag, attach it to the cone. Secure the product with a scarf for several hours. Perform treatment procedures three times a week until complete recovery;
  • combine a tablespoon of aloe juice (from an old bush), two tablespoons of liquid honey and 50 grams of alcohol. Mix the resulting mass well, place in a glass container, let it brew for one day. Use the finished medicinal product in the same way as a propolis compress.

Cancer treatment

Dealing with malignancy is not as easy as dealing with bursitis. Often resort to the help of surgeons. Affected tissues are excised, if possible, as many healthy cells as possible are preserved. In the case of involvement of large vessels in the pathological process, the rapid growth of the tumor, it is necessary to radically eliminate the tissues, up to the amputation of the limb.

Also, cancerous tumors are subjected to radiation therapy, which involves exposing a bump in the elbow joint area to X-rays, which causes the death of cancer cells. The technique is carried out in a hospital, sometimes used before surgery to reduce the risk of relapse.

Prevention of tumors consists in preventive regular blood tests. A person should lead a healthy lifestyle. Bursitis can be prevented by regular moderate exercise, the absence of strong tension in the elbow area, timely access to a doctor at the slightest discomfort, the appearance of a bump.

In any case, a bump on the elbow is an alarming sign. Refuse self-medication, coordinate all methods of therapy with the doctor. Advanced cases are difficult to treat, require high moral, physical and material costs. The sooner you identify the cause of the pathological formation, the sooner you get rid of it. Take care of the health of the joints, follow the useful recommendations of doctors.

A bump on the elbow joint or bursitis is a consequence of bruises, fractures, as well as sprains and tendons. If you do not engage in treatment, then very serious complications are possible, the disease becomes chronic. Folk remedies for bursitis are a great option for treatment if they are used correctly and on time. See a selection of recipes:

The appearance of bumps on the elbow contribute to various reasons. Usually a bump on the elbow appears after a blow, injury or bruise. It rarely happens that a bump has formed on the elbow due to an infection, an allergy, or a metabolic disorder. From a medical point of view, this ailment is called "elbow bursitis". Quite often, ulnar bursitis refers to an occupational disease. Characteristic for drivers who "like" to keep their hand on the door handle. Also, this disease is typical for athletes.

Elbow bursitis is also a symptom of tuberculosis, gonorrhea, or gout. Therefore, if you find a bump on your elbow, contact a specialist immediately, because. incorrect or untimely treatment can even lead to disability. Also, only a doctor can help you distinguish bursitis from arthritis, because these diseases are similar in symptoms.

It is necessary to start treatment of ulnar bursitis from the cause of its occurrence. Naturally, the sooner you start treatment, the better. It is better to limit yourself to local therapeutic measures than to delay and bring the matter to surgery.

In addition to a round swelling in the joint area, another symptom is an increase in temperature in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthis swelling.
There are acute and chronic ulnar bursitis. In acute cases, there is severe pain during palpation, and in chronic cases, formations in the elbow joint look like a scar.

During acute bursitis, the patient needs rest, and a tight pressure bandage should be applied to the lump on the elbow, and it is also recommended to do warm compresses, BUT not with purulent bursitis. Still need to apply fixing bandages.

With the help of an injection of hydrocortisone, traumatic bursitis is treated, but first you need to anesthetize the sore spot. The procedure should be repeated about 5 times, if necessary. And it is best to consult a doctor so as not to bring any infection.

During chronic bursitis, you need to remember that you need to free the cavity from the accumulation of inflammatory effusion, and then rinse with an antiseptic or antibiotic.

For the treatment of purulent bursitis, punctures are used. If it does not help, then the bag is opened and the pus is removed.
You can also surgically remove a bump on the elbow, for example, using extirpation.

During treatment, it is important to remove this very bump on the elbow, and for this, methods such as dry heat, UHF and other procedures are used. They also use radiation therapy and radiotherapy. Thanks to this method, pain syndrome is removed, damaged tissues are restored, and an anti-inflammatory effect is exerted.

If, nevertheless, a bump on the elbow of the arm is a symptom of tuberculosis or gonorrhea, then it should be treated with the underlying disease.

There are also folk remedies for treatment. For example, a contrasting alternation of cold and heat or compresses from medicinal herbs. But if you decide to treat your elbow bursitis on your own, then ALWAYS consult a doctor so as not to harm.

A small or large bump on the elbow is not uncommon and is quite common. A watery swelling near the elbow joint may indicate a serious illness. Often, bursitis and other joint diseases become a source of growth on the arm. A neoplasm under the skin gives the patient discomfort, and sharp pain can occur when the elbow is bent. It is worth contacting a doctor who will conduct a comprehensive diagnosis and tell you what to do with the bump.

The growth of a bump on the elbow can be caused by various events or diseases, so one or another method of therapy may be required to eliminate it.

Why it is formed: the main reasons

Most often, a pathological formation in the elbow joint is the result of a previously received injury or improper landing during a fall.

The cause of the bump is also a disturbed metabolic function, as a result of which lipomas are formed. Lymphadenitis, which is a consequence of inflammatory processes in the lymph nodes, can provoke pathology in the elbow area. Due to such a violation, 1 or more bumps of different sizes are formed in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe arms, which leads to a change in the shape of the upper limb. Less commonly, the causes of bumps on the elbows are such factors:

  • allergy;
  • disturbed metabolism;
  • diseases provoked by viruses, fungi, bacteria;
  • gonorrhea;
  • tuberculosis disease;
  • gout.

Clinical manifestations of a bump on the elbow

A lump on the elbow can cause pain and stiffness, having a hard or soft structure.

A hard or soft bump in the elbow area does not hurt at first, but causes aesthetic discomfort. A person is noticed, then the shape of the upper limb has changed. Unpleasant manifestations occur with the development of the inflammatory process under the skin. In this case, the patient complains of the following symptoms:

  • pain of a pulling or dull nature;
  • increase in body temperature;
  • impaired motor activity of the elbow joint.

If a lump with liquid has grown, then most likely it is a lipoma or a wen, which does not hurt and is not accompanied by additional unpleasant symptoms. As the tumor grows in size, nearby localized nerve endings are damaged, which provoke pain attacks. With the progression of lymphadenitis, the patient complains of pathological manifestations only at the stage of exacerbation of the disease. Independent actions that can complicate the course of the pathological process are strictly prohibited.

Diagnostic procedures

If a bump appears on the elbow joint, then you should not delay a visit to the doctor, especially if unpleasant symptoms appear. In case of a problem, they turn to a surgeon who will conduct a comprehensive examination. It is important to find out how dense, mobile and homogeneous the formation is on the elbow. As a rule, it is possible to make a diagnosis by visual examination of the injured limb. To confirm it, the following instrumental examinations are often required:

As prescribed by the doctor, a hardware examination of the structure of the lump on the elbow may be required.
  • magnetic resonance or computed tomography;
  • radiography, excluding bone damage;
  • ultrasound examination to assess the condition of a number of localized tissues;
  • biopsy with the collection of the damaged area of ​​tissue, which is sent for cytology and histology.

How and what to treat?

Effective drugs

A water bump in the elbow area is eliminated in various conservative or operational ways. The appropriate treatment is selected by the doctor based on the results of the diagnosis. It is not recommended to try to get rid of the bump on your own using unverified drugs or try to pierce it, such actions will lead to complications and can provoke the degeneration of the tumor into a malignant one.

Medications are aimed at eliminating pain and other unpleasant manifestations in the elbow area. It is possible to use medicines of local and systemic effects. Anti-inflammatory drugs are often prescribed:

  • "Dolgit";
  • "Diclofenac";
  • "Movalis";
  • "Naklofen";
  • "Ibuprofen".

Sometimes hormonal therapy is required, in which corticosteroid drugs are used. It is worth taking them in short courses, since side reactions are likely. If the bump in the elbow area is provoked by infections, then antibacterial drugs are required, selected individually, taking into account the pathogen. To identify it, additional bacteriological culture is required.

Physiotherapy procedures

Compresses and wave action will help get rid of the bumps on the elbow.

This method of treatment is especially necessary for a painful bump on the elbow. Manipulations relieve pain and alleviate the patient's condition. Mandatory physiotherapeutic manipulations in case of a chronic disease. Often the following procedures are carried out:

  • the use of cold and warm compresses;
  • treatment with ultra-high frequency waves;
  • ultrasound therapy.

When is surgery required?

Surgical treatment is required if the bump has grown to a large size. Also, surgery is used in the advanced course of the disease with pronounced symptoms. Surgical intervention is mandatory if the formation on the elbow is malignant. If the growth is associated with bursitis, then the following surgical manipulations are prescribed:

  • drainage of the affected area;
  • puncture of the intraarticular bag;
  • bursectomy.

If the bump is of a benign nature, then you can do without the use of a scalpel. Effective methods for removing such a growth on the elbow are laser therapy, cryodestruction or radio wave treatment. Such techniques are less traumatic and do not require a long recovery. Also, such procedures minimize the likelihood of penetration into the tissues of infection and the development of other complications.

Non-traditional ways

Folk remedies for a lump on the elbow should be agreed with the doctor in order to avoid adverse reactions and complications.

Treatment with natural ingredients relieves the patient from pain and helps to improve the human condition. Helpful Recipes:

  • Propolis. From 1 st. l. substance is prepared tincture with the addition of 2 tbsp. l. boiling water. The mixture is thoroughly stirred and applied to the sore elbow. Wrap with an elastic bandage on top and keep it all night. The duration of therapy is 14 days.
  • Salt. A product that is chopped in a pan without the use of oil will help to cope with a bump on the elbow. Hot salt is placed in a small canvas bag and applied to the affected area of ​​the elbow. The bag is fixed with a scarf for several hours. To get rid of the bumps, manipulation is carried out 3 times a week.
  • Aloe, honey and alcohol. For 1 st. l. plant juice is used 2 tbsp. l. bee product and 50 ml of alcohol. All substances are mixed until a slurry is obtained. The medicine is insisted for a day, after which it is used in the same way as a compress with propolis.

Prevention measures

Avoidance of injury and proper wound care will minimize the formation of bumps on the elbows.

It is possible to prevent bumps on the elbow by conducting regular prophylaxis. In case of injury, the wound should be immediately treated with a disinfectant solution to avoid infection. Do not overload your elbow joints by carrying heavy bags. With the development of diseases of the infectious-inflammatory course, treatment is required immediately, since disturbed metabolic processes are likely, leading to the formation of bumps on the elbows.

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