Immunity stimulants drugs. What methods are applied? The main condition to boost immunity

Do not be immune system, the human body would not exist in healthy condition and hours! Its high mission is to protect the biochemical environment of the body from the aggression of external and internal enemies, from viruses to mutant tumor cells. Thanks to immunity, the body successfully prevents a myriad of diseases.

What are the pills to increase immunity in adults

Such medicines are usually combined into independent groups. Pills to increase immunity for adults - the list is long, but you need to choose with a doctor - differ significantly in the principles of action on the body's defense system:

  • Synthetic drugs. Active ingredients are artificial chemical compounds, which are able to increase the activity of the immune system in adults and children.
  • Biogenic stimulants . Preparations produced from plant and animal raw materials. aloe extract, kalanchoe juice, FiBS, Biosed, Apilak, Peloid distillate, Peat, which improve the stimulation of metabolism, help to increase the activity of the glands internal secretion.
  • vitamins. These are organic or synthesized dietary supplements (biologically active additives), which help to strengthen the immune system due to the normalization of biochemical and physiological processes.
  • Medicines to increase immunity of plant origin. Drugs stimulate it at the cellular level, enhancing phagocytosis. Help improve the body's resistance negative factors external environment.

Herbal preparations to increase immunity

It is wrong to assume that such drugs are completely safe. Really, natural extracts, tinctures, lozenges, pills to increase immunity for adults - their list is not so long - they have a minimum side effects. The main property of plant and homeopathic medicines- strengthening resistance to infections. However, these medicines can cause allergic reactions.

Particularly popular are:

  • tinctures of echinacea, ginseng, eleutherococcus, lemongrass, rhodiola rosea;
  • Immunal, Immunorm, Estifan (echinacea tablets);
  • Dr. Theis (a line of preparations with echinacea, calendula, comfrey, etc.), etc.


Preparations of this group for strengthening the immune system are effective only if used at the very beginning of the disease. Popular drugs that help increase the body's resistance:

  • Grippferon- nasal drops;
  • Viferon- ointments, rectal suppositories;
  • Interferon leukocyte- powder for injection solution.

Interferon inducers

These medicines are especially effective for viral diseases induce the body to produce protective proteins on your own. Such drugs have fewer side effects than drugs containing interferon. Inductors last longer, are not addictive, and are cheaper. It:

  • Amiksin;
  • Arbidol;
  • Dipyridamole;
  • Kagocel;
  • Lavomax;
  • Neovir;
  • Poludan;
  • Cycloferon.

Bacterial immune preparations

Fears that such drugs can be harmful are completely unfounded. Bacterial medicines for raising immunity are intended not only for adults, but also for children. Due to the presence of fragments of streptococci, staphylococci, other pathogenic bacteria these drugs are strong immunostimulants:

  • Imudon- lozenges for resorption for infections oral cavity mouth, throat;
  • Broncho-munal- capsules, effective at frequent inflammations top respiratory tract;
  • IRS-19- immunomodulator in the form of a nasal spray, widely used in the treatment of diseases of the nose, throat, ear, respiratory tract;
  • Ribomunil- tablets and granules for solution, effective against frequent infections ENT organs;
  • Pyrogenal- suppositories and injection solutions for immunorehabilitation and prevention of many inflammations;
  • Likopid- a universal immunomodulator in the form of sweet tablets for the elimination of infectious processes of any localization.

Nucleic acid immunostimulatory drugs

Required medicines:


If they are not allergic, then these are indispensable medicines that help adults restore weakened immunity. Immunoglobulins differ in price from vitamin preparations, contain antibodies to pathogens of many diseases, are administered using injections and droppers:

  • Intraglobin;
  • Gamimun N;
  • Cytotect;
  • Pentaglobin;
  • Humaglobin.

Synthetic pills for immunity for adults

To strengthen defensive forces body during seasonal epidemics, it is recommended to drink synthesized drugs. The only condition: the medicine selected for immunity by adults should not cause intolerance to the components. Effective synthetic immunomodulating tablets that provide powerful immunostimulating and antiviral action:

  • Galavit;
  • Amiksin;
  • Polyoxidonium;
  • Neovir.

Vitamins to boost immunity

Vitamins are indispensable participants in biochemical reactions that support protective forces on high level. The most popular multivitamin-mineral complexes at an affordable price for women, men, children:

  • Centrum;
  • Supradin;
  • Multitabs;
  • Vitrum;
  • Alphabet;
  • Vitrefor;
  • Complivit (a series of inexpensive products).

The price of pills to increase immunity for adults

Inexpensive drugs can be bought in the online store by ordering from the catalog. Estimated cost of medicines (in rubles, the price difference depends on the city, pharmacy network):

  • neither hardening, nor diet, nor folk remedies help.
  • It should be remembered: most immuno-boosting drugs have a lot of contraindications, side effects! For example, many interferons cause allergic reactions, depression, furunculosis, disorders of the digestive and hematopoietic processes, cardiac activity, so only a doctor should prescribe immunostimulating tablets.

    At the same time, it is extremely important to follow the therapy regimens and dosages, which should be age-appropriate, general condition patient's health. The best remedy for immunity - not pills, but the elimination of factors that weaken the body's defenses: healthy, active image life, quality products nutrition strengthen them no worse than pills.

    Video: how to increase immunity for an adult

    Today the fashion trend in modern medicine was an intervention in the immune system in order to stimulate its work, the use of immunotropic and immunomodulatory drugs. In particular, they are widely and actively used in pediatrics, when the immune system is still being built and is under special stress, and when any intervention can upset the delicate balance. It is worth remembering that to activate the immune system without prescribing similar procedures doctor is very dangerous for health - almost all specialists in immunology and clinical medicine talk about this.

    One of the consequences of thoughtless or inept intervention in the immune system of children and adults may be the occurrence serious illnesses, which can affect different tissues and organs of the body, such as joint lesions, lesions thyroid gland and even the occurrence of lesions nervous system, multiple sclerosis. If you take drugs for immunostimulation for any colds or minor ailments, then in cases where the work of the immune system is really needed, it internal reserves will be depleted, and then the immune defense may simply not be enough. Of course, to strengthen the immune system under the strict supervision of an immunologist for residents of areas where there is little sunlight and vitamins needed. But these methods should be non-drug, sparing and used only in children exposed to stress, who have undergone serious illness with chronic somatic debilitating pathology. Today, before starting any treatment, it is important to conduct a full-fledged immune study with extended blood tests and an immunogram and weigh ten times whether it is worth getting into the immune system and what such an intervention can turn into in the future. I will give you the facts that are known today about infectious processes, on the strengthening of immunity and the effect of gamma-interferons.

    How is the fight against infection

    All of us know from advertising and the media that a quantitative deficiency in the immune system is bad sign. With such a quantitative deficiency of immune protection, the body of children will suffer, which will be expressed in frequent and prolonged morbidity in children and weakened adults. Immunity is a means of combating, first of all, infectious agents that enter the body. And the classic examples of those processes that occur to a person with immunodeficiencies are known to all. These are diseases that occur when people with HIV infection or with congenital immune problems (immunodeficiencies). But, as a result of planting the problems of immunodeficiencies in thought, many parents have a strong feeling that the stronger and higher the strength of immune defense, the better it will be in order to fight against adverse effects environment, and especially with viral and microbial infections. Evolutionarily, immunity was formed in people specifically to fight infections, and only then he connected forces to antitumor and other immune defenses. But these processes are already, most likely, secondary, and secondary.

    If immunity fails

    Despite the seeming need to stimulate the immune system to fight numerous and more and more new infections, to stimulate immune defense extremely dangerous beyond measure. There is also such a concept in the body as autoimmunity, the situation of recognizing one's own damaged (or even not damaged) tissues and removing them from the body. With the development of autoimmune diseases, the immune aggression of the body is directed to the body's own tissues, which it begins to recognize as foreign and cause rejection and inflammation in them, which normally should not happen at all. Initially, defects in immunity can be genetically induced, but the program does not start when normal conditions while the immune system works itself. And if it is rudely interfered with from the outside, you can launch a pathological genetic program, and then the immune system will actively fight not only with alien, but also with its own tissues. This triggers extremely severe and very difficult to treat (if at all treatable) pathologies.

    Under normal conditions, the work of the immune system will be accompanied by constantly working mechanisms at the cellular level, which cleanse the body of unnecessary clone cells that can give rise to dangerous processes or neoplasm growth, aggression against one's own tissues, and so on. But, in the presence of an overactive immune system in complex mechanism self-cleaning of the body from infections and foreign may fail. And in such cases, into the bloodstream and lymphatic system, cells that are able to recognize their own tissues as an "enemy" get to the periphery of tissues and organs - then such serious diseases as rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus, autoimmune types of diabetes and thyroiditis. These organs become a target for attack by overactivated immune cells.

    Danger in boosting immunity

    If the body is faced with serious illnesses

    This process is normal and necessary to limit infection. With excessive immunity, this reaction can be so strong and lightning fast that it gives the course of the disease up to toxic and septic shock due to over-aggression of immune cells. This will lead to a very serious condition of the patient and a severe course of the disease. Today, there is no ability to clearly limit the degree of stimulation of immune cells - and this is done "blindly". That is, they stimulate it with standard doses of drugs, but how they behave in the body and so activate the cells is unknown. This is not all about immunity, tomorrow we will continue talking about the dangers of stimulating it.

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    Natural Immunity Booster #6
    Red wine. But only natural, high-quality, from red grape varieties improves the functioning of immune cells. Half a glass a day is enough for an adult

    But, unfortunately, even with all the fantastic possibilities, the human immune system is quite vulnerable. Immunity is hit malnutrition, regular stress, incorrectly prescribed medicines - especially antibiotics, environmental problems.
    The central organ of the immune system is the thymus gland, which is located behind the sternum. Until the age of 22-25, it develops, and then its growth stops and begins reverse process, from the age of 35-40 its functions begin to fade. By the age of 60-70, almost everyone develops age-related immunity deficiency. Resistance to infections decreases, diseases become protracted.

    There are 2 main types of immunity: innate and acquired in the fight against various diseases. But there is an opportunity to stimulate the immune system without expecting diseases. Many are known natural stimulants immunity, which do not have side effects, and besides, they are tasty and affordable.

    The body's resistance, like all complex systems, cannot always work effectively, demonstrates strong addiction from the surrounding conditions. Stimulation of immunity is sometimes an unsuccessful undertaking. Untimely intervention in the work of the defense system can result in the formation of an autoimmune disease. Even if there are reasons for concern, you need to choose without bias, with an understanding of the principle of their action.

    When and who needs to stimulate the immune system?

    Children's susceptibility to infections is not yet a cause for alarm. on natural feeding receive protective proteins with mother's milk. At the time of birth, some of the immune bodies from the common with her body remain in their vessels. circulatory system. But maternal agents of resistance perish in due time, and then the child should have his own, formed by infection or vaccination.

    In adults, resistance may decrease due to “shakes”, among which there are not only negative ones (a baby in the family who does not allow parents to sleep for days). At the end of the causal situation, the resistance itself returns to normal. Worse are the cases when:

    • the child continues to get sick 3 times or more per year over the age of 10 years;
    • in an adult to existing chronic pathologies new ones join, especially from the upper respiratory tract and;
    • exacerbations chronic diseases come more often, proceed harder;
    • acute new infections no longer cause dramatic responses ( high temperature, chills, fever, aching joints), acquire a tendency to sluggish and protracted course;
    • adults develop childhood or rare infectious diseases(including, relapses transferred at the “appropriate” age).

    Stimulation of immunity will also inevitably be required if a child or adult:

    • passed radio or;
    • received the status of HIV-infected;
    • underwent any operation, but especially - on thyroid gland, spleen, caecum;
    • have taken or are taking immunosuppressants;
    • has deviations in the composition of the blood of any etiology, including low after replacement of blood loss or with leukemia;
    • had an acute stage of any herpetic infection(this pathogen remains forever in the body and lowers the defense, multiplying in the immune bodies of the lymph).

    Pregnancy, childbirth and lactation can also negatively affect resistance in women, and menopause in both sexes.

    Basic Methods

    A healthy lifestyle is useless in conditions of increased pollution of the atmosphere and soil, harmful conditions work, family conflicts. In such cases, you have to resort to third-party products of natural or synthetic origin.

    Immune stimulating drugs

    The best way to "deliver" many drugs based on blood components is intravenous, using a dropper. Not everyone can put it at home, without the help of a nurse. Therefore, when choosing immunostimulants, you need to pay attention to the method of their administration.

    1. "Interferon". Named according to the active substance, it is a whole line of products - from powder ampoules for injection to gel, ointment, drops, aerosol, rectal / vaginal suppositories and microclysters. Interferons are synthesized by all cell types. These are not separate bodies, but proteins, but they block the infection of the cell with the virus and its reproduction. Modern pharmaceuticals receives them by methods genetic engineering. The synonym for "Interferon" is "Viferon", its range is limited to ointment, gel and rectal suppositories. In order to avoid digestion of interferons by the stomach along with other food, it is better to administer them rectally, intramuscularly, intravenously or through local applications.
    2. "Ingavirin". His active substance shortly called vitaglutam, and in full - imidazolylethanamide pentanedioic. It was developed as an allergy drug, but later it was found to have the ability to stimulate interferon receptors (they help the protein distinguish the virus from any other organic formation). The drug is produced in enteric-soluble for oral intake. AT this case this is sufficient, since the stomach and intestines do not have a specific "appetite" for the active substance.
    3. "Cycloferon". It is based on meglumine acridone acetate and accelerates the production of interferons by the body's own cells. He has one form of release - in, but with the expectation that it is completely dissolved only in the intestines. It is believed that "Cycloferon" also equalizes the ratio in the lymph of T-type lymphocytes (T-helpers, T-killers and T-suppressors).

    The regimens listed depend on the form of release chosen. But in order to stimulate the immune system in the absence of "special wishes" (the threat of a specific infection or infection / relapse), it is enough to use 1 dose indicated in the instructions, 1 time per day, for 10-14 days. Courses are repeated, on average, every 3-6 months.

    dietary supplements

    They have several advantages over the "miracles" of pharmaceuticals at once:

    • mixed base - giving a versatile effect on the defense system and its bodies;
    • natural origin - only sometimes with the addition of synthetic components;
    • cumulative (delayed in time) action is more of a disadvantage than an advantage in the case of acute stages diseases, but pleasant when taken as a preventive measure because this method of exposure rarely causes a sharp activation of the immune system (it manifests itself as an allergy).

    The cost of all listed drugs is 990 rubles. for a bottle.

    Folk remedies

    Drugs that stimulate the immune system are able to produce not only pharmacists. Herbalists and healers were the first to master this skill, and scientific medicine only then put a significant part of their discoveries on stream.

    • with mint and honey. The daily portion of the product is prepared by mixing 0.5 lemon, 2 tbsp. l. honey and 1 tsp. concentrated mint infusion (1 tsp chopped mint leaves pour 50 ml of boiling water, let cool under the lid and strain). The drug is taken 1 tsp, 3 times a day, after meals, for 2 months. (especially in autumn and winter).
    • Birch buds. They need to be collected while still unopened, which is difficult due to their small size, and cooking is quite simple. 2 tsp washed warm water kidneys are poured into a glass, poured with boiling water to the top, covered with a lid and allowed to cool on their own. Throw raw materials into a colander and take 2-3 times a day, 1 tsp, before meals, 2 weeks.
    • Sage with raspberries and linden. Fragrant is obtained by mixing 1 tsp. sage herb with 2 tbsp. l. dried berries raspberries and 1 tbsp. l. lime blossom. Take 1 tsp. with a “hill” of the finished mixture and brewed with boiling water in a glass, like tea. Take 1 time per day, at night, no longer than 30 days.

    What else?

    To speed up the process, such methods of stimulating immunity can also be used, such as:

    • visits to the bath - in the absence of varicose veins, hypertension, ischemia and other complications from the heart / blood vessels. Warming up with its help should be arranged no more than 1 time in 2 weeks, only in the cold season;
    • a visit to the solarium - which supports the production of D necessary for leukocytes, lymphocytes and macrophages in the skin, even with a lack of sunlight;
    • speleotherapy - at least at the level of hiking in salt room the nearest hospital at least 2 times in 7 days, for 30-45 minutes;

    All of these procedures, as well as those that are not always available with diving into an ice hole, stimulate the adaptive resource of the body (its adaptability to environment). The immunity included in their list also responds to them with activation.

    Now you rarely meet a person who managed to avoid a runny nose, cough, fever in the cold season. And if some people endure the disease quickly and are already on their feet in a few days, then others get out of the cold quite hard, with the development of various complications.

    Immunomodulators and immunostimulants

    Cause lingering current is a decrease in the body's resistance, which happens with insufficient immunity. Exist medications that have this or that effect on the human immune system - immunomodulators. These funds stimulate defense mechanisms, while the body begins to effectively fight viruses and bacteria.

    It should be said that there is confusion between concepts such as immunomodulators and immunostimulants. Many people think that these funds belong to the same group. However, there is a difference between them. Immunostimulants affect the nonspecific resistance of the body, increase the natural ability to resist infectious diseases.

    Immunomodulators are used in the presence of malfunctions in the immune system and the restoration of its function. The group of immunomodulators includes immunosuppressants - drugs used to suppress the immune response. Such an action is necessary during the treatment of autoimmune and oncological diseases.

    The drugs in this group have the following effect:

    • stimulate immune processes;
    • activate immunocompetent cells (these include T and B lymphocytes);
    • increase the body's resistance;
    • accelerate the processes of tissue regeneration.

    The use of immunostimulants in infectious and infectious diseases inflammatory diseases helps a person to cope with the disease faster.

    Depending on the origin, immunomodulators are:

    • exogenous origin - bacterial and herbal remedies;
    • endogenous origin;
    • synthetic.

    Immunostimulants - herbal preparations

    They are based on medicinal plants- clover, lungwort, echinacea, chicory, lemongrass. They are naturally restore protective forces without negatively affecting hormonal balance.

    Among the means of this group, echinacea has a powerful stimulating effect. it perennial has a rich composition: trace elements (selenium, calcium, silicon), vitamins. Echinacea preparations work:

    • anti-inflammatory;
    • antiviral;
    • antibacterial;
    • diuretic;
    • antiallergic;
    • detoxification.

    Echinacea is one of the medicines like Immunal, Immudon.


    The medicine consists of echinacea juice and ethanol, is available in drops. Immunal is used to increase the body's resistance to recurrent colds during an influenza epidemic preventive purpose, to prevent immunodeficiency during antibiotic treatment.

    Herbal preparations are often used as immunostimulants for children (with frequent and prolonged colds). Use in pediatrics due to the fact that the funds are well tolerated and do not have toxic action. However, even such, it would seem, harmless drugs have their own contraindications. Herbal immunostimulants should not be used for autoimmune diseases, when the immune system is too active and produces antibodies against its own cells. Immunostimulants are contraindicated in leukemia, diabetes, individual intolerance, collagenosis.

    Immunostimulants of bacterial origin

    Effective means of this group are Immudon, IRS-19.


    The drug contains lysates of many bacteria and fungi, which are part of the tablets for resorption in the mouth. Immudon stimulates the production of lysozyme in saliva, and this substance has a detrimental effect on bacteria. It also has an immunostimulating effect.

    Immudon is used for inflammatory diseases in the mouth (periodontal disease, gingivitis, stomatitis), as well as for inflammatory processes in the pharynx - pharyngitis, tonsillitis. Among the contraindications is individual sensitivity, the medicine has no side effects and is well tolerated by patients.


    The product is produced in the form of a metered aerosol. Contains standardized lysates of inactivated bacteria. IRS-19 is used to treat respiratory diseases and inflammation in the oral cavity (rhinitis, bronchitis, sinusitis, tonsillitis), as well as for the prevention of complications of influenza and colds.

    Immunostimulants of endogenous origin

    Medicines are obtained from thymus(thymus) and bone marrow. The thymus gland plays an important role in the functioning of the cellular and humoral immunity. The maturation of lymphocytes and stem cells occurs in it, and the gland also secretes specific substances - hormones that affect the differentiation of lymphoid tissue cells. Extractive preparations (Timalin, Taktivin) are obtained from the thymus, which are used to treat immunodeficiencies with predominant lesion T- cellular immunity(purulent and neoplastic diseases, tuberculosis, herpes).

    The bone marrow preparation - Myelolid - is used to treat diseases that occur with damage to humoral immunity (leukemia, chronic infections, purulent diseases).

    Endogenous stimulants also include nucleic acid preparations and cytokines. Cytokines are low molecular weight proteins that carry information about the functioning of the immune system, they are able to influence the processes of cellular interaction. There are many types of cytokines, but the most active are interleukins - substances secreted by leukocytes. Cytokines are used to treat purulent-septic diseases, wounds, burns and some types of tumors. Preparations - Betaleukin, Roncoleukin.


    Medicines are obtained through scientific development and chemical synthesis. These include Polyoxidonium, Amiksin, Neovir.

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