Fell hurts the shoulder joint when you pick it up. Causes of pain in the shoulder joint of the right hand. Violation of the acromioclavicular joint

Treatment of pain in the arm, shoulder.

Do you feel pain while lifting your shoulder? There are many reasons for this phenomenon. It can be an injury, a disease of the joint, a disease muscle tissue. Pain that occurs in the shoulder is only the first symptoms that are completely “harmless”, or talk about a serious illness. Consequently, the treatment of an ailment in one case or another is prescribed individually, and the principles of the prescribed therapy themselves will depend on the detected pathology.

Pain in the shoulder is different, different intensity. They occur in every person, and age does not play a role here. Appear, as a rule, during the raising of the entire joint or lowering, as well as during the rest of the arm.

Only a specialist can find out the reason why this happens. Doctors can put accurate diagnosis, prescribe treatment.

The right and left hands do not rise up, shoulders ache and hurt: reasons

The main causes of occurrence similar pathology 3:

  • The first is an injury in the shoulder area
  • The second is the pathology of the periarticular element
  • The third is an injury to the shoulder joint simultaneously with a lesion of the periarticular element

Now consider the most common causes of pain that occur.


  • Such a problem appears after a prolonged load on the shoulder if hard work or physical exercises were performed. Also due to falling on his arms, which were stretched forward, due to injury during an accident.
  • The following reasons may be: dislocation, subluxation, rupture of ligaments, fracture of the humerus - during such ailments, severe pain appears even if the injured arm is resting.
  • Often, pain occurs in professional athletes whose sports profile is: bodybuilding, discus throwing. Or maybe loaders, builders, farmers, who are directly related to hard work, complain about pain.

Rheumatic diseases:

  • AT this group included many well-known "common" diseases of the body that occur with damage to the shoulder joint. For example, lupus erythematosus.
  • During Shulman's disease, the process of shoulder flexion is disrupted, as inflammation occurs, which accompanies damage to muscle tissue, tendons, and the synovial membrane. This process makes it difficult to move the joint, causing pain.

There are also less common reasons:

  • During violation of posture.
  • Cancer tumor.
  • congenital anomaly.
  • Calcification.
  • Angina.
  • Diseases associated with the liver.
  • Shoulder surgery.

The arm does not rise up, the shoulder ache and hurt: what are the symptoms of what diseases?

To understand why your shoulders hurt, you need to be examined in a hospital, because you need an accurate assessment of what symptoms are present, the nature of the pain itself, and its intensity. Plus, during the examination, the age of the patient, the presence of chronic disease and so on.

Most commonly, shoulder pain occurs due to the following diseases and pathologies:

  • Periarthritis of the humeroscapular. Symptoms of this disease are pain present in the muscle tissue of the shoulder joint. The disease develops due to: increased physical activity, shoulder injury. On the initial stage appears mild pain during moderate loads. When the symptoms begin to increase, the patient is unable to raise his arms to the top, bring them back,
  • Diseases of the spine. Very often, the cause of the appearance of an unpleasant sensation in the form of pain is a violation of working capacity. cervical area ridge. In this case, there may be constant pain that increases while turning the head. During a disease of the ridge, it is important to consider that pain may be present, but the patient can raise his arm.
  • Arthrosis. During this disease, there is a change in the tissues of the shoulder joint. In general, this risk category may include older people. The main reasons for the development of pathology are loads for a long time on the shoulder, complex type history, trauma. The main symptom of the disease is pain, moderate in the initial stage, which increases significantly over time. It is difficult for the patient to raise his hands up, sometimes it is even impossible to spread his arms to the sides.

  • Arthritis. The disease affects the joints: maybe only one, or maybe two at once. The patient is being tortured aching pain in all joints. With intense activity, the pain gets worse. When arthritis begins to develop rapidly, the patient feels pain even at night during sleep.
  • Bursitis. Inflammation occurs mainly in two forms. The first form is aseptic, the second form is infectious. The first appears due to heavy loads on the shoulder. It occurs in professional athletes who are involved in heavy sports. The second appears due to microbial infection. The patient experiences severe pain minimum load the position of the entire joint changes, it is weak, it is disturbed by chills, redness of the shoulder, throbbing pain, swelling.
  • Tendinitis. General symptoms diseases are as follows: the pain is acute, aching, may decrease as the activity of the shoulder decreases. Most often, the disease worries athletes, loaders.

What to do if the shoulder hurts, the shoulder joint and the arm does not rise up - bursitis, arthrosis, tendinitis, shoulders, rheumatism, hernia of the shoulder joint: which doctor should I contact?

Are you worried about shoulder and joint pain? The following doctors will help you with this problem:

  • Rheumatologist
  • Orthopedist
  • Traumatologist
  • Neurologist
  • Oncologist
  • Cardiologist
  • Allergist

Of course, you should not go to all the doctors right away. The best thing to do would be to get tested and wait. general diagnosis, and only after that get a referral to one or more doctors.

For complete examination you will be asked to do the following:

  • Donate blood for analysis
  • Get an ultrasound and CT scan
  • Get a biopsy, plus an ECG and other tests

For treatment, you will be assigned complex therapy, consisting of several stages:

  • From the very beginning, the cause of the pain and the development of the disease will be eliminated.
  • The second stage is therapy, which will stop the development of pathology.
  • The third stage - the treatment will be symptomatic, that is, removing pain, swelling, redness and other symptoms.
  • The final stage - a restorative treatment will be prescribed. In a word, there will be a restoration of those functions that were impaired in the joint or joints.

The shoulder is blown out - myositis of the shoulder, the hand does not rise: what kind of doctor is needed, how to treat?

Myositis, as a rule, occurs unexpectedly. The disease is characterized by inflammation that occurs in the muscle tissue of the neck and shoulder joint. The main causes of the disease: hypothermia of the body, sleeping in an uncomfortable position, prolonged stay during work in an awkward position. However, often myositis appears due to drafts.

Drivers who, being in a warm cabin, like to open the car window, can get sick, especially in winter. Very often more than a person who is in a well-heated room, and then jumps out into the cold. In general, the symptoms of the disease can occur already in the morning. next day. The inflammatory process affects all muscles or one defined in the area of ​​​​the shoulder or neck.

The pain can spread from one place, moving to the back of the head, shoulder and side of the neck. It is not difficult to determine which muscle is affected. Often the nerves become inflamed asymmetrically and the pains appear quite painful.

The characteristic signs of the disease are:

  • Sharp pain that is simply unbearable
  • Damage to only one side of the body
  • The focus of the disease extends to the interscapular zone and to the arm
  • Muscles harden, tense
  • Movement in the neck area becomes limited
  • Sore muscles become numb

If only the shoulder joint and neck are blown out, you can contact a neurologist. Professional doctors recommend in this case complete rest and warming medications. In the future, soft physiotherapy is prescribed. If the pain is excruciating, then injections are prescribed that relieve spasms and swelling.

Can give excellent results manual therapy, for example, post-isometric relaxation. This treatment stretches the muscle tissue and ligaments. During treatment, the patient actively helps the doctor: he alternately tenses the muscle tissue, then relaxes it. During relaxation, the doctor stretches the muscles, after which the pain becomes weaker, and after a few sessions they disappear altogether.

In diseases of the shoulder joint, a complex treatment method is used, which allows you to get the most effective results. You can use such a complex even at home. It consists of several items:

  • Treatment with medications.
  • Compliance special diet, proper nutrition.
  • Simple exercise.
  • Use of folk methods.
  • Physiotherapy methods for the treatment of the shoulder.

Try to adhere to these rules, and you will definitely defeat the disease. But first, try to start eating normally:

  • Eliminate harmful foods that have negative impact on the shoulder joints.
  • Add to food vegetable oils such as olive or linseed.
  • Eat foods that are high in antioxidants.
  • Do not drink alcohol.
  • Cook stews, boiled, baked dishes. Eliminate all fried, marinades are also harmful.
  • Eat as balanced as possible. So your body will receive a lot of vitamins.
  • Nutritionists advise eating sweet foods and drinking sparkling water.

You can sign up for a masseur or fitness. Just do it according to the recommendations of your doctor.

Video: What is myositis? How to treat it?

Many patients come to the clinic with complaints of pain discomfort when raising the upper limbs. In order to exclude complications (ankylosis of the shoulder girdle), leading to disability, all patients are advised to arm themselves with information: the shoulder hurts when raising the arm up, treatment, causes. Movement creates pain response plus inhibition motor function. The causes of this pathology are mechanical injuries or somatic diseases.

Pain is a consequence inflammatory reactions in separate parts of the articular structure of the shoulder joint. For proper treatment, followed by a full recovery without relapses, a deep instrumental plus laboratory diagnostics. Each patient is assigned a specific or completely individual scheme. medical therapy.

Cutting pain reaction in articulatio humeri is caused by wide list reasons, which are conditionally divided into several positions. They are purely associated with inflammatory, allergenic plus destructive reactions.

Groups of causes contributing to the development of pain when raising a hand:

  1. total defeat articulatio humeri involving all anatomical elements: bones plus a strengthening corset.
  2. Pathological reactions with damage to the muscle tissue, ligamentous system, meniscus, synovial pocket (bag).
  3. inflammation or destruction individual articular components, that is, the destruction of one ligament, articulation zone, muscle, bag with synovial fluid.

These groups apply to all patients, regardless of gender and age. According to statistics, men are more likely to get sick than women and children. And by age indicator- Elderly people get sick in 80% of all cases.

Sources of pain syndrome:

Pathology Short description
Injuriesarticulationhumeri different etiology Traumatization of articulatio humeri through severe physical exertion on the shoulder with heavy weights, increased training, as well as after car accidents, falls from a certain height or from body height - lead to subluxation, dislocation, sprain or ligamentary rupture. Often the injury is accompanied by bone fractures or cracks. Athletes who perform high jumps, long jumps, wrestling, weightlifting, throwing grenades are subject to frequent traumatization of the shoulder girdle. The risk group also includes loaders, builders, tractor drivers, drivers. Injuries of the shoulder joint in different cases can be without visual changes, but with deep destructive processes.
Specific joint diseases plus rheumatism With ankylosing spondylitis, gout, osteoarthritis, hydroxyapatite arthropathy, rheumatism, juvenile arthritis as well as Lyme disease main symptom: pain when trying to raise the arm up. Polychondritis, Shulman's disease, lupus erythematosus also disrupt the flexion function of the articular joint of the shoulder. This is due to inflammation of the ligamento-muscular junction plus inflammation of the synovial pocket. In all cases, the biomechanics of the joint was disturbed, especially locomotor, namely, raising + rotation + lowering the limb.
Inflammatory reaction in the ligamentous structure (tenosynovitis, tendinitis) The inflammatory reaction is located purely in the articular ligaments. Chronic form pathological processes leads to the destruction of tendons, soft tissues, cartilaginous plates. Tenosynovitis and tendonitis occur after enhanced function upper limbs, as well as after a sharp hypothermia, infectious diseases, long chemotherapy, intoxication with poisons or drugs. Specific symptoms these pathologies, it is a deaf crunch when performing any type of movement. It is accompanied by pain when lifting the locomotor organ. The nature of the pain depends on the depth of the lesion. The pains are moderate, dull, sharp, paroxysmal.
Tendobursitis For the inflammatory-infectious process of ligaments + articular pocket, pain is specific even during lung time touching the affected joint. It is exacerbated when trying to lift a limb. Gives to the neck, shoulder blades, forearms, often accompanied by migraines. These pathologies are characterized by sharp declines general temperature body: from normal numbers to 38-39 degrees, at night. The joint is slightly enlarged in volume, erythematous is observed, on palpation the patient reacts to pain, sharply removing his hand. AT general analysis blood shows an increase in the level of leukocytes and protein. After treatment, the joint works normally, the patient returns to the normal rhythm of life. But, at first, it is recommended to reduce physical activity.
Bursitis Bursitis is called a lesion synovial bag. Pathology inflammatory nature, with severe swelling of the shoulder girdle + complete limitation of the locomotor ability of the shoulder, especially the lifting function. Sharp pain, that's the result mechanical injuries, urolithiasis, heavy metal poisoning. Suppuration synovial fluid comes through open wound or scratches on the skin. Pathology is treated only by surgery.
Inflammation of the ligament of the cuff of the shoulder joint Long-term overstrain of the muscular + ligamentous corset of the shoulder or shoulders leads to the development of belt tendinitis. Painters, plasterers are at risk. The pain in the limb is aggravated in the morning when attempting any movement, it subsides during the night's rest. The joint is not externally changed, with pressure on the shoulder girdle, acute pain is felt. It lends itself well to drug treatment, but if you do not change your profession, relapses of the pathology will often alternate with remissions.
Periarthritis of the shoulder area Periarthritis is characterized pathological processes around the joint, that is, neurodystrophic changes occur in the muscles + articular ligaments, but without the involvement of the cartilaginous layer, bones. Injuries in the same place lead to muscle inflammation, their sclerosis, as well as weakening of tendons, ligaments. Such a mechanism of development is typical with increased physical work of the upper limbs.

Muscular sclerosis (muscle atrophy) disrupts the trophic articulatio humeri. Gradually, the articular structure loses its stability and mobility. The “frozen shoulder” syndrome develops, and then the ankylosis phase begins. The locomotor organ does not rise up, it stops at a horizontal level. The rotation is broken, plus the limb loses its "grip", that is, there is no strength to lift any objects. The pain syndrome is permanent. Combined treatment: medical + surgical.

Inflammatory process of the muscular corset Myositis or inflammation of muscle tissue occurs after intense training, strong blows, soft tissue compression, poisoning, viral infections. Muscles become "stone", swollen, palpation react to acute pain. Locomotor functions are completely impaired. Feeling sluggish fever and constant muscle pain. After anti-inflammatory plus detoxification therapy, discomfort in the shoulder girdle is completely eliminated. Attempts to raise the limbs are not accompanied by pain, the arms move freely.
Interdiscal hernia Pinching of the nerve bundle in the neck, with the formation of a hernial sac - is a source of stabbing + unbearable shoulder pain. Irradiation zone: left articulatio humeri, neck, occiput. There is a specificity of pain: shooting and sharp. Pain in certain forced postures, slowly becoming aching or dull.

The nature of these pains can also be signs of myocardial infarction.

Attention! When diagnosing one of these diseases, it is recommended to be treated according to the scheme prescribed by the doctor or to operate on the diseased joint. Otherwise, the hand will lose its locomotor function, and the patient will be assigned a disability group for life.

Sources of pain in the extremities include:

  • curvature spinal column.
  • Oncology.
  • Anomalies of articulatio humeri.
  • Urolithiasis disease.
  • angina pectoris (attacks of angina pectoris).
  • Cirrhosis.
  • Consequences of surgery.

The list can be supplemented diabetes, endocrine pathologies, cerebral palsy, head injuries, poisoning with poisons. All cases are considered individually, taking into account vital signs appropriate treatment is given.

Varieties of pain

Pathologies leading to pain syndrome of the hand when it is raised give rise to several types pain. They depend on main reason plus from concomitant diseases, from the individual reactivity of the body. Pain can be aching, dull, sharp, constant, variable, short and long.

After a dislocation of the shoulder joint, the pain is the strongest, and after its reduction pain syndrome disappears, when raising the upper limb pain is almost not felt. Inflammation of the muscles of the shoulder girdle, generates acute pain of a permanent type, passing without a trace after treatment. Arthritis, arthrosis, intervertebral hernia, are pathologies in which the pain of raising the arm never goes away. AT this case, the pain is aching, variable or acute. If the affected shoulder joint is operated on, the pain reaction will disappear.

Initial steps to relieve the condition

The hand must be placed in a suitable position, in which the pain subsides. Pain is relieved with analgesic drugs, as well as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as Dicloberl, Voltaren, Diclofenac. Acute pain requires both analgesics and NSAIDs. First aid consists in the administration of an intramuscular type of solution of Baralgin plus Dicloberl. Arthritis, arthrosis, myositis, tendonitis have an individual treatment regimen. For initial pain relief, before the doctor arrives, you need to take Analgin (in tablets or injections), Ortofen, and locally apply gels or ointments based on diclofenac sodium such as Feloran, Naklofen, Voltaren Emul Gel.

Attention! At acute form pain, compresses or warming ointments are not recommended. And these drugs are taken by patients who do not have a history of allergic reactions for these medicines.

FROM folk methods treatments need to be extremely careful. These funds are effective only after drug therapy or during rehabilitation after surgery.

Examination methods

In the clinic, that is stationary conditions the attending physician recommends to patients with pain when raising their hands, the following instrumental and laboratory studies:

  • blood tests;
  • x-ray in three projections;
  • computed tomography.

To exclude rheumatoid factor, a test for rheumatic agents is prescribed. After establishing the final diagnosis, the doctor will prescribe an adequate complex treatment, and if the case is urgent, he will send you for an operation.

Therapeutic tactics

When treating tactics, the complex structure of the shoulder joint is taken into account, individual reactions, accompanying illnesses which can be manifested by painful raising of the arm up. After diagnostic results, finding out the cause of discomfort, nutrition is adjusted, medication is prescribed, surgery, as well as massage + exercise therapy.

Medicines to relieve pain in the arm when it is raised

Scheme medical preparations should contain only targeted medicines that relieve pain, stop the spread of the inflammatory process to the articular components. Treatment should act on the lesion, strengthening the musculoskeletal apparatus of the shoulder girdle.

The treatment regimen consists of:

  • Analgesia of the pain syndrome through intramuscular injections of the solution of Analgin, Baralgin.
  • Stopping the inflammatory process with medicines NSAID groups like Diclofenac, Dicloberl, Movalis, Nimesil in the form of solutions or tablets.
  • Antiallergic drugs: Diphenhydramine, Tavegil, Suprastin (solutions or tablets).
  • Novocaine blockade of the affected joint.
  • Muscle relaxant prescriptions.
  • Drugs that increase immunity.
  • Preparations for the protection and restoration of cartilage tissue (Chondroxide, Chondrolon).
  • Combinations of the vitamin series (B, A, D, E).

Treatment tactics are based on general + biochemical analyzes blood, as well as on instrumental data (MRI, ultrasound, arthroscopy).

Physiotherapy, massage

The course of physiotherapy consists of electrophoresis, UHF, laser therapy, as well as paraffin, ozokirite, therapeutic mud procedures. Rest on the sea or on lakes rich in sulfur - good method to restore lost health. Massage, exercise therapy will help strengthen and stabilize muscles, ligaments, ligaments, restoring the function of a sore hand.

Gymnastics, performing a special set of exercises with alternating massage, will increase the peripheral and deep blood supply to the joints of the bones of the shoulder joint. A good blood supply is a trigger for improved metabolism, which directly affects the production of chondrocytes + collagen. After full course treatment, the synovial fluid in the bag and inside the joint reaches normal numbers, which will support the performance of the hand for many years.


Pain when lifting the upper limbs can be avoided by reducing physical activity and certain limb movements. Plus, it needs to be considered in full. nutritious diet reducing the amount of fats, carbohydrates. Fried foods, alcohol, smoking are not recommended. You need to eat fractionally and often, including salads from fresh vegetables in the menu.

In addition to nutrition, an important point is the caution of movement + the exclusion of mechanical injuries (bruises, compressions, fractures, cracks). Constant gymnastics in the morning is effective preventive method to prevent pathology of the shoulder joint. If an injury or inflammation of the shoulder has taken place, then in order to further exclude a relapse, in addition to the indicated points, it is necessary to include timely examination and sessions of therapeutic therapy in order to prevent the recurrence of the pathology.

Pain when raising a hand up disturbs almost every person, but not all incidents are pathological. More serious cases when the pain syndrome does not go away and is accompanied in parallel by inflammation, swelling and loss of motor function, is warning sign. In these situations, immediate health care. Chronic diseases of the joints must be treated in a timely manner, maintaining the efficiency of the organ of movement. Knowing everything about: the shoulder hurts when raising your arm up treatment - complications plus disability will pass you by.

If your shoulder hurts when raising your arm up, the reasons for this can be very different (injuries, various diseases joints and muscles). Pain in shoulder joint- this is just a symptom that can be both fairly "harmless" (for example, with a minor injury, where the cause of the problem is clear), and a sign of a serious illness. Accordingly, the treatment in each case will be individual; The principles of therapy are highly dependent on the pathology.

Shoulder pain can occur in any person, regardless of age, because it is on the joints of the limbs (including the shoulder) that the main loads occur during the day.

It happens that pain sensations of varying intensity occur only when the arm is raised up, and when lowering the arm, moving it to the side, and also at rest, there is no pain. Often the shoulder hurts with any kind of exertion.

A rheumatologist, arthrologist, orthopedist, traumatologist or neurologist can find out the cause of the pain and make an accurate diagnosis. It is these doctors who are engaged in the diagnosis, treatment of injuries and diseases with joint damage.

Causes of pain in the shoulder joint when raising the arm

All possible causes are conditionally divided into 3 groups:

    Defeat or damage directly to the joint.

    Pathologies of the periarticular elements - the muscular-ligamentous apparatus, the synovial bag.

    The defeat of both the joint and the periarticular elements at the same time.

Common Causes of Shoulder Pain When Raising Your Arm

Traumatic shoulder injury

This problem arises from prolonged stress on the joint when performing hard physical work, falling on outstretched arms, shoulder injury in an accident, playing sports.

With subluxation, dislocation, sprain or rupture of ligaments, fracture humerus- severe sharp pains occur not only when lifting or other movement of the hand, but also at rest.

Often amateur and professional athletes involved in bodybuilding, discus throwing or other sports complain of pain during raising their hands. Such pains are also typical for people whose work is associated with heavy physical exertion - loaders, builders, farmers.

Rheumatic diseases

An example of these pathologies: ankylosing spondylitis, gout, osteoarthritis, hydroxyapatite arthropathy, rheumatoid, juvenile or other types of arthritis, Lyme disease, etc.

This group includes most of the "common" diseases of the body that occur with damage to the joints: recurrent polychondritis, lupus erythematosus, etc.

With Shulman's disease (damage to the muscles, subcutaneous tissue), there is a violation of the process of flexion of the shoulder and other joints, caused by inflammatory damage to the muscles, tendons, synovial membranes. This makes it difficult to move, causing pain when raising the arm up or any other action.

tendovaginitis, tendinitis

With these pathologies, the inflammatory process develops in the tendons of the shoulder. At chronic course these diseases lead to the destruction tendon fibers and nearby tissues. Inflammation is caused by excessive motor activity in the shoulder joint, hypothermia, with different lengths extremities, a number of infections, taking certain medications, etc.

The characteristic signs of these pathologies are a quiet crackling or crunching in the joint during movement. active movements during an exacerbation are accompanied by pain, passive - painless. At first, the pain sensations are moderate, then their intensity increases - severe paroxysmal pain occurs even from the slightest movement of the hand.


This is inflammation of the synovial cavity, combined with dystrophic transformation of the tendon. At the height of the disease, acute pain forces you to sharply limit any movement. It is felt in the neck, shoulder girdle, shoulder.


Bursitis is an inflammation of the synovial cavity, which is accompanied by abundant formation and accumulation of inflammatory fluid (exudate). Occurs after injuries, prolonged mechanical irritation, salt deposits, bag infection through cuts, wounds, etc.

Rotator cuff tendonitis

This is an inflammation of the muscles, ligaments and other soft tissue elements that surround the shoulder joint. It occurs due to overstrain of the muscles of the shoulder girdle when performing movements that are unusual for the hands or the need to hold the arms in an extended, raised position for a long time (for example, while painting the ceiling, plastering walls). A sharp pain when you raise your hands up, appears in the morning of the next day.

Shoulder-shoulder periarthritis

it complex pathology shoulder joint with the development of neurodystrophic syndrome without changes in the cartilage and the joint itself. It is characterized by inflammation, thinning and destruction of the periarticular muscles, tendons, ligaments, epithelium of the synovial bag. It develops when the muscles of the shoulder girdle are overloaded, injuries; as a manifestation of certain diseases (mainly osteochondrosis of the spine).

In periarticular tissues, vascular communication and tissue nutrition are disrupted. Due to thinning, loss of elasticity of the joint capsule, the appearance of microcracks, the “frozen shoulder” syndrome is formed with the development of persistent contracture. As a result, raising the arm above the horizontal level and other movements are very difficult, accompanied first by a dull aching, and then by a sharp unbearable pain. Sometimes it is impossible even to comb your hair or bring a spoon to your mouth.

Myositis of the shoulder muscles

disc herniation

Pain in both the right and left shoulder, neck, occipital region of the head is characteristic of cervical osteochondrosis of the spine. With a hernia intervertebral disc with a pinched nerve, the pain radiates to the shoulder corresponding to the compression, arising as a backache when raising the arm up.

Other reasons

  • Violation of posture;
  • cancerous tumors;
  • congenital anomalies in the development of elements of the shoulder joint;
  • calcification (pathological deposition of calcium salts in soft organs);
  • angina pectoris (one of the most common heart diseases);
  • liver disease;
  • shoulder surgery.

Pain in the left shoulder when raising the arm may be a symptom dangerous disease- myocardial infarction.

But in general case the causes, symptoms and treatment of pain in the right and left shoulder are identical.

Treatment of shoulder pain when raising the arm up

Given the complex structure of the shoulder joint and the many diseases that can manifest as painful raising of the arm up, it is impossible to find out the cause of the discomfort on your own.

When you are in such a situation - first of all, you need to consult a therapist who, depending on the proposed diagnosis, will refer you to a narrowly specialized specialist, for example, a rheumatologist. For exact definition pathology, he will prescribe a number of laboratory and instrumental studies (blood tests, x-rays, ultrasound, MRI and others), based on the specific situation. Only after the diagnosis is established, the doctor will prescribe an adequate complex treatment.

Often the treatment of pain in the right or left shoulder when raising the arm is similar to getting rid of pain with any action by hand, because they are caused by the same causes or diseases.

Treatment Methods

What methods of therapy are used for pain in the shoulder when raising the arm?

The specific treatment is prescribed by the doctor, which depends on your pathology and individual situation. In the table below, I have listed therapies that are often used for the problem of shoulder pain:

(if the table is not fully visible, scroll to the right)


You should not endure when your shoulder hurts, if you raise your arm up for more than a week, and self-medicate - this often ends in aggravation of symptoms with the development of complications. Only by contacting a rheumatologist, arthrologist or other specialist in a timely manner, you can get rid of the pathology with the help of the correct complex treatment.

Many patients come to the clinic with complaints of pain discomfort when raising the upper limbs. In order to exclude complications (ankylosis of the shoulder girdle), leading to disability, all patients are advised to arm themselves with information: the shoulder hurts when raising the arm up, treatment, causes. Movement creates a pain reaction plus inhibition of motor function. The causes of this pathology are mechanical injuries or somatic diseases.

Pain syndrome is a consequence of inflammatory reactions in certain parts of the articular structure of the shoulder joint. For proper treatment, followed by a full recovery without relapses, deep instrumental plus laboratory diagnostics is necessary. Each patient is assigned a specific or completely individual treatment regimen.

List of pathological factors

The cutting pain reaction in articulatio humeri is caused by a wide list of causes, which are conditionally divided into several positions. They are purely associated with inflammatory, allergenic plus destructive reactions.

Groups of causes contributing to the development of pain when raising a hand:

  1. total defeat articulatio humeri involving all anatomical elements: bones plus a strengthening corset.
  2. Pathological reactions with damage to the muscle tissue, ligamentous system, meniscus, synovial pocket (bag).
  3. inflammation or destruction individual articular components, that is, the destruction of one ligament, articulation zone, muscle, bag with synovial fluid.

These groups apply to all patients, regardless of gender and age. According to statistics, men are more likely to get sick than women and children. And according to the age indicator, elderly people get sick in 80% of all cases.

Sources of pain syndrome:

Pathology Short description
Injuriesarticulationhumeri different etiology Traumatization of articulatio humeri through severe physical exertion on the shoulder with heavy weights, increased training, as well as after car accidents, falls from a certain height or from body height - lead to subluxation, dislocation, sprain or ligamentary rupture. Often the injury is accompanied by bone fractures or cracks. Athletes who perform high jumps, long jumps, wrestling, weightlifting, throwing grenades are subject to frequent traumatization of the shoulder girdle. The risk group also includes loaders, builders, tractor drivers, drivers. Injuries of the shoulder joint in different cases can be without visual changes, but with deep destructive processes.
Specific joint diseases plus rheumatism With ankylosing spondylitis, gout, osteoarthritis, hydroxyapatite arthropathy, rheumatism, juvenile arthritis, and Lyme disease, the main symptom is pain when trying to raise your arm up. Polychondritis, Shulman's disease, lupus erythematosus also disrupt the flexion function of the articular joint of the shoulder. This is due to inflammation of the ligamento-muscular junction plus inflammation of the synovial pocket. In all cases, the biomechanics of the joint was disturbed, especially locomotor, namely, raising + rotation + lowering the limb.
Inflammatory reaction in the ligamentous structure (tenosynovitis, tendinitis) The inflammatory reaction is located purely in the articular ligaments. The chronic form of pathological processes leads to the destruction of tendons, soft tissues, cartilage plates. Tendovaginitis and tendinitis occur after an increased function of the upper limbs, as well as after a sharp hypothermia, infectious diseases, long chemotherapy, intoxication with poisons or drugs. The specific symptoms of these pathologies are a deaf crunch when performing any type of movement. It is accompanied by pain when lifting the locomotor organ. The nature of the pain depends on the depth of the lesion. The pains are moderate, dull, sharp, paroxysmal.
Tendobursitis For the inflammatory-infectious process of ligaments + articular pocket, pain is specific even during light touching of the affected joint. It is exacerbated when trying to lift a limb. Gives to the neck, shoulder blades, forearms, often accompanied by migraines. These pathologies are characterized by sharp drops in overall body temperature: from normal numbers to 38-39 degrees at night. The joint is slightly enlarged in volume, erythematous is observed, on palpation the patient reacts to pain, sharply removing his hand. A general blood test shows an increase in the level of leukocytes and protein. After treatment, the joint works normally, the patient returns to the normal rhythm of life. But, at first, it is recommended to reduce physical activity.
Bursitis Bursitis is called the defeat of the synovial bag. Pathology of an inflammatory nature, with severe swelling of the shoulder girdle + complete limitation of the locomotor ability of the shoulder, especially the lifting function. Acute pain is the result of mechanical injuries, urolithiasis, heavy metal poisoning. Suppuration of the synovial fluid occurs through an open wound or scratch on the skin. Pathology is treated only by surgery.
Inflammation of the ligament of the cuff of the shoulder joint Long-term overstrain of the muscular + ligamentous corset of the shoulder or shoulders leads to the development of belt tendinitis. Painters, plasterers are at risk. The pain in the limb is aggravated in the morning when attempting any movement, it subsides during the night's rest. The joint is not externally changed, with pressure on the shoulder girdle, acute pain is felt. It lends itself well to drug treatment, but if you do not change your profession, relapses of the pathology will often alternate with remissions.
Periarthritis of the shoulder area Periarthritis is characterized by pathological processes around the joint, that is, neurodystrophic changes occur in the muscles + articular ligaments, but without the involvement of the cartilage layer, bones. Injuries in the same place lead to muscle inflammation, their sclerosis, as well as weakening of the tendons and ligaments. Such a mechanism of development is typical with increased physical work of the upper limbs.

Muscular sclerosis (muscle atrophy) disrupts the trophic articulatio humeri. Gradually, the articular structure loses its stability and mobility. The “frozen shoulder” syndrome develops, and then the ankylosis phase begins. The locomotor organ does not rise up, it stops at a horizontal level. The rotation is broken, plus the limb loses its "grip", that is, there is no strength to lift any objects. The pain syndrome is permanent. Combined treatment: medical + surgical.

Inflammatory process of the muscular corset Myositis or inflammation of muscle tissue occurs after intense training, strong blows, compression of soft tissues, poisoning with poisons, and viral infections. Muscles become "stone", swollen, palpation react to acute pain. Locomotor functions are completely impaired. There is a feeling of lethargy, fever and constant muscle pain. After anti-inflammatory plus detoxification therapy, discomfort in the shoulder girdle is completely eliminated. Attempts to raise the limbs are not accompanied by pain, the arms move freely.
Interdiscal hernia Pinching of the nerve bundle in the neck, with the formation of a hernial sac - is a source of stabbing + unbearable shoulder pain. Irradiation zone: left articulatio humeri, neck, occiput. There is a specificity of pain: shooting and sharp. The pains pass in certain forced positions, slowly becoming aching or dull.

The nature of these pains can also be signs of myocardial infarction.

Attention! When diagnosing one of these diseases, it is recommended to be treated according to the scheme prescribed by the doctor or to operate on the diseased joint. Otherwise, the hand will lose its locomotor function, and the patient will be assigned a disability group for life.

Sources of pain in the extremities include:

  • Curvature of the spinal column.
  • Oncology.
  • Anomalies of articulatio humeri.
  • Urolithiasis disease.
  • angina pectoris (attacks of angina pectoris).
  • Cirrhosis.
  • Consequences of surgery.

The list can be supplemented by diabetes mellitus, endocrine pathologies, cerebral palsy, head injuries, poisoning with poisons. All incidents are considered individually, taking into account vital indications, appropriate treatment is prescribed.

Varieties of pain

Pathologies that lead to pain in the hand when it is raised give rise to several types of pain. They depend on the main cause plus concomitant diseases, on the individual reactivity of the organism. Pain can be aching, dull, sharp, constant, variable, short and long.

After dislocation of the shoulder joint, the pain is the strongest, and after its reduction, the pain syndrome disappears, when the upper limb is raised, pain is almost not felt. Inflammation of the muscles of the shoulder girdle, generates acute pain of a permanent type, passing without a trace after treatment. Arthritis, arthrosis, intervertebral hernia, are pathologies in which the pain of raising the arm never goes away. In this case, the pain is aching, variable or sharp. If the affected shoulder joint is operated on, the pain reaction will disappear.

Initial steps to relieve the condition

The hand must be placed in a suitable position, in which the pain subsides. Pain is relieved with analgesic drugs, as well as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as Dicloberl, Voltaren, Diclofenac. Acute pain requires both analgesics and NSAIDs. First aid consists in the administration of an intramuscular type of solution of Baralgin plus Dicloberl. Arthritis, arthrosis, myositis, tendonitis have an individual treatment regimen. For initial pain relief, before the doctor arrives, you need to take Analgin (in tablets or injections), Ortofen, and locally apply gels or ointments based on diclofenac sodium such as Feloran, Naklofen, Voltaren Emul Gel.

Attention! In the acute form of pain, compresses or warming ointments are not recommended. And these drugs are taken by patients who do not have a history of allergic reactions to these drugs.

With folk methods of treatment, you need to be extremely careful. These funds are effective only after drug therapy or during the rehabilitation period after surgery.

Examination methods

In the clinic, that is, in a hospital, the attending physician recommends that patients with pain when raising their hands, the following instrumental and laboratory studies:

  • blood tests;
  • x-ray in three projections;
  • computed tomography.

To exclude rheumatoid factor, a test for rheumatic agents is prescribed. After establishing the final diagnosis, the doctor will prescribe an adequate complex treatment, and if the case is urgent, he will refer you for surgery.

Therapeutic tactics

The treatment tactics take into account the complex structure of the shoulder joint, individual reactions, concomitant diseases, which can be manifested by a painful raising of the arm up. After diagnostic results, finding out the cause of discomfort, nutrition is adjusted, medication, surgical treatment, as well as massage + exercise therapy are prescribed.

Medicines to relieve pain in the arm when it is raised

The scheme of therapeutic drugs should contain only targeted medications that relieve pain, stop the spread of the inflammatory process to the articular components. Treatment should act on the lesion, strengthening the musculoskeletal apparatus of the shoulder girdle.

The treatment regimen consists of:

  • Analgesia of the pain syndrome through intramuscular injections of the solution of Analgin, Baralgin.
  • Stops the inflammatory process with drugs of the NSAID group such as Diclofenac, Dicloberl, Movalis, Nimesil in the form of solutions or tablets.
  • Antiallergic drugs: Diphenhydramine, Tavegil, Suprastin (solutions or tablets).
  • Novocaine blockade of the affected joint.
  • Muscle relaxant prescriptions.
  • Drugs that increase immunity.
  • Preparations for the protection and restoration of cartilage tissue (Chondroxide, Chondrolon).
  • Combinations of the vitamin series (B, A, D, E).

Therapeutic tactics is based on general + biochemical blood tests, as well as on instrumental data (MRI, ultrasound, arthroscopy).

Physiotherapy, massage

The course of physiotherapy consists of electrophoresis, UHF, laser therapy, as well as paraffin, ozokirite, therapeutic mud procedures. Resting at sea or on lakes rich in sulfur is a good method to restore spent health. Massage, exercise therapy will help strengthen and stabilize muscles, ligaments, ligaments, restoring the function of a sore hand.

Gymnastics, performing a special set of exercises with alternating massage, will increase the peripheral and deep blood supply to the joints of the bones of the shoulder joint. A good blood supply is a trigger for improved metabolism, which directly affects the production of chondrocytes + collagen. After a full course of treatment, the synovial fluid in the bag and inside the joint reaches normal numbers, which will support the performance of the hand for many years.


Pain when lifting the upper limbs can be avoided by reducing physical activity and certain movements of the limb. Plus, you need to consider a fully nutritious diet, reducing the amount of fat, carbohydrates. Fried foods, alcohol, smoking are not recommended. You need to eat fractionally and often, including salads from fresh vegetables in the menu.

In addition to nutrition, an important point is the caution of movement + the exclusion of mechanical injuries (bruises, compressions, fractures, cracks). Constant gymnastics in the morning is an effective preventive method to prevent the pathology of the shoulder joint. If an injury or inflammation of the shoulder has taken place, then in order to further exclude a relapse, in addition to the indicated points, it is necessary to include timely examination and sessions of therapeutic therapy in order to prevent the recurrence of the pathology.

Pain when raising a hand up disturbs almost every person, but not all incidents are pathological. More serious cases, when the pain syndrome does not go away and is accompanied by inflammation, swelling and loss of motor function, is an alarming sign. In these situations, you will need immediate medical attention. Chronic diseases of the joints must be treated in a timely manner, maintaining the efficiency of the organ of movement. Knowing everything about: the shoulder hurts when raising your arm up treatment - complications plus disability will pass you by.

The occurrence of pain in the shoulder is an unpleasant and uncomfortable factor, because because of this, the mobility of the arm, and sometimes the entire joint, is limited, and the person cannot work, do household chores, becomes, in fact, disabled, he even has a shoulder pain when lifting hands up. Treatment should begin immediately, after the diagnosis is established in a medical institution.

What you need to know about the shoulder joint

The shoulder joint is functionally interconnected shoulder blade and hand bone. Shoulder upper part spherical shape enters the cavity of the scapula. It turns out, the so-called swivel, which provides rotation of the arm with a large amplitude. The fossa serves to soften the friction of the shoulder bone and provide protection from damage and does not hurt the joint.

The capsule of the shoulder joint is attached to the base of the scapula. The connection of the shoulder joint and the scapula firmly holds the bundle of dense threads with the nerves located in it. Such an arrangement nerve endings contributes to the fact that they begin to hurt with sudden movements and unexpected jerks. In addition to this connection, the joint has no nerve endings, which makes it possible to perform circular motions, but the complexity of the articulation gives the prerequisites for various injuries.

Pain when raising the arm

A symptom of the disease, the shoulder begins to hurt after raising the arm, is an unpleasant manifestation joint or ligament damage. Such a unique articulation human body, which allows you to make a wide variety of movements, does not withstand excessive and prolonged loads and begins to hurt. As a result of a frivolous attitude, inflammation develops, leading to edema and subsequent thinning of the cartilage tissue in the shoulder joint and requiring mandatory treatment.

Pain in the shoulder should alert the patient and serve as a reason for contacting a traumatologist, neurologist or orthopedist, but people rarely pay attention to the first minor symptoms and take pain in the shoulder joint for granted. If the shoulder begins to hurt when raising or moving the arm back, lifting light weights, turns, in calm state or at night, during sleep, you should know what these discomfort may be caused by various pathological changes in the bone or ligament tissue of the shoulder joint.

Like other "mechanisms" of the human body, the shoulder joint continues to work when wrong conditions- increased load, developing related diseases. Such exploitation of the joint leads to “breakage” and limitation of the mobility of the shoulder joint. The joint may hurt various ailments cervical spine. The pain covers the arm all the way down to the fingers. Cervical origin is indicated by recurring discomfort when moving the head, often there is a partial violation of sensitivity.

The cause found on x-ray is hernia in the chest or cervical region spine. The working properties of the affected discs become less pronounced and the gaps between them decrease, the protrusion of the hernia causes pinching of the nerve threads and the person feels pain. Surrounding tissues become inflamed and the pain becomes more intense.

Causes of shoulder pain

Despite the many reasons that gave rise to sharp pains, there are several characteristic causes causing persistent pain.

The most common reason is considered various injuries. These include muscle strains and joint dislocations. The reason is a fall on the ground or from a height, a blow to the shoulder or an unusual movement. The symptom is acute pain that appears after injury or after some time during the day. There is swelling of the shoulder area, possibly redness, increased when moving the hand up and to the side.

Overvoltage is an unusual increase in load in the form of force or non-standard movements that earlier man never did. As a rule, such pain lasts from two to four days and disappears on its own, without any medication or physiotherapy.

Osteochondrosis causes pain in the neck, which gradually spreads to the upper arm. The displacement of the vertebrae contributes to the infringement of the nerve, while the pain is often constant and does not go away, and long-term treatment is required.

Shoulder arthrosis represents chronic illness, the cause of which is a metabolic disorder and a decrease in the production of synovial fluid, which nourishes cartilage tissue. As a result, the cartilage, which serves as a shock absorber and pad during joint movement, ceases to perform its function and gradually collapses. A growth forms on the bones to compensate for the missing cartilage, and every movement of the arm during retraction and elevation causes pain.

Inflammatory tendonitis of the tendons in the periarticular region appear due to increased loads, with overstrain of muscle fibers and as a result of drafts and cold. Inflamed tendons when moving, they interact with the bones and cause pain. With such an inflammatory process, the patient can clearly indicate painful place. Dull tingling sensations do not appear too intensely, with palpation of the affected area they increase slightly.

The accumulation of calcium deposits in the joint is popularly called salt deposition, the leaching of lime from the articular ligaments most often occurs in a person over the age of forty. Pain manifests itself bad feeling creaking and crunching when moving the hand. Salts, most often, are localized in the region of the scapula and collarbone. Sometimes such layers do not manifest themselves as any unpleasant sensations, treatment is not prescribed, changes are detected only with x-rays.

Referred pain refers to discomfort in the arm or shoulder associated with the disease of other important internal organs. For example, diseases of the liver, gallbladder, heart attack, angina pectoris transmit pain to the arm area. In this case, in addition to the shoulder girdle, pain should be in the area of ​​the affected organ, colic in the side, cramps in the abdomen or chest, general well-being while worsening.

Biceps tendonitis is an inflammation of the flexor major muscle located on the upper shoulder. And although it is below the shoulder girdle, the pain is constantly transmitted to it. When probing, the pain intensifies. If the tendon is torn as a result of an injury, then the shoulder swells in the form of a ball.

Bursitis is an accompanying disease with tandenitis, which manifests itself with prolonged stress and increased power load, but it does not affect the tendon or muscle, but the joint.

Tendobursitis is called inflammation of the joint capsule resulting in muscle calcification. The pain is acute, the range of motion is significantly reduced, the pain affects the surface along the entire length from the fingertips to the neck.

Capsulitis occurs infrequently, with such a disease, the patient cannot raise his hand or take it behind his back. Violation of motor function occurs after non-standard work for a person, for example, in playing sports that he has never done or after working on wall decoration with repetitive monotonous sweeping gestures.

Pain can be due to the wrong structure of the joint from birth, which is formed under the influence of genetic inheritance.

Initial steps to relieve the condition

The patient cannot cope with the disease, as well as determine its name and cause of occurrence on its own; for this, a doctor is definitely needed and the right treatment, but to help with severe pain, in order to at least slightly improve the condition, you can:

Varieties of pain

Depending on the cause of the disease and the nature of the manifestation, pain according to standard signs divided into categories:

  • acute course is characteristic of arthritis, arthrosis, osteochondrosis, neuritis and traumatic lesions, while the pain covers the entire surface of the arm or shoulder, when using the arm, the discomfort intensifies;
  • pain during movement occurs suddenly when you raise or take your hand away, this condition is due to calcium deposits in the joints or sprains and tendons, discomfort occurs when the muscle is palpated;
  • chronic pain occurs with tendinitis, bursitis, capsulitis and tendobursitis, palpation is characterized by increased discomfort, articular disorders are manifested by swelling, it is impossible to sleep on the problem shoulder;
  • the aching nature of pain is characteristic of periarthrosis, myalgia and reflected conditions, constant pain makes it impossible to make any movements, often accompanied by pain in neighboring affected internal organs- heart, stomach, kidneys, liver.

Visiting a hospital for medical care

Despite the huge variety of pain sensations and the variety of causes that cause them, can't wait to see a doctor. Many inflammatory processes pass on their own, but this does not give a reason to be frivolous about the joints of your body and neglect treatment. Some mild discomforts do not force you to focus on yourself, so they are simply ignored. But repeated many times, they are already moving into the system and mean serious illness which must be treated immediately.

If the pain recurs in the same place of the shoulder girdle for a week or more, this is a reason to visit a doctor for treatment. When examining a sore shoulder, the doctor will ask the necessary questions and conduct an additional instrumental examination, prescribe blood tests and determine the correct diagnosis.

Knowing which movements of the joint and arm cause pain, the doctor will accurately determine name of the tendon or bone of the joint who received damage:

  • if discomfort occurs when the limb is abducted to the side, then the damage concerns the supraspinal tendon;
  • pain worries when turning with the elbow pressed to the body of the shoulder outward - problems in the infraspinal tendon;
  • the occurrence of pain when turning the shoulder inward, while the elbow is pressed to the body - the scapular tendon is damaged;
  • pain appears in the biceps brachialis muscle when the shoulder is turned inward - the biceps is damaged.

Examination methods for diseases of the joints

Doctor on examination refer the patient for examination

In conclusion, I would like to note that it is impossible to overload any joints of the human body, including shoulder joints. If a joint disease once manifested itself, then provoke its re-emergence by various strength exercises or severe physical work there is no point, the body will not forgive such a thoughtless attitude.

Shoulder-shoulder periarthritis is an inflammation of the tendons of the shoulder. Other names for this disease are capsulitis, "frozen shoulder".

The disease can occur in several variants and take different forms.

For example, there is mild form this disease - simple humeroscapular periarthritis. With simple humeroscapular periarthritis shoulder pain very weak and occur only with certain movements of the hand.

The mobility of the hand is not strong, but it decreases: it appears restriction of movement in the shoulder- it is impossible to stretch your hand up or bring it far behind your back, touch your knuckles to the spine.

Pain also occurs when the patient tries to make hand movements when the doctor fixes it. Indeed, at this moment, the affected tendon is tensed. Particularly painful in such a situation are the patient's attempts to raise his hand up, overcoming resistance doctor. Or attempts, overcoming resistance, to rotate the arm straightened at the elbow around its axis - clockwise or counterclockwise.

Surprisingly, the same movements, performed without resistance, bring absolutely no discomfort.

This form of the disease is easily treatable, and sometimes discomfort disappears by itself in 3-4 weeks. However, without treatment, simple humeroscapular periarthritis can easily transform into spicy humeroscapular periarthritis. This transformation occurs in about 60% of cases and is usually preceded by additional trauma or overuse of the affected shoulder.

Although sometimes acute humeroscapular periarthritis occurs on its own, as an independent primary disease, against the background of severe damage to the hand and a sharp response of the body to this damage. This response of the body results in sudden increasing pain in the shoulder that radiates to the neck and arm. The pain gets worse at night. Hand movements through the side up, as well as rotation of the hand around its axis, are difficult and cause sharp pain, while moving the arm forward is more free and almost painless.

characteristic appearance the patient - he tries to keep his arm bent at the elbow and pressed to his chest. When examining the patient, a slight swelling may be noted on the anterior surface of the shoulder. General state patients are often worsened by severe pain and the resulting insomnia. Maybe even slight temperature(within 37.2-37.5ºСº).

An acute attack lasts for several weeks, then the intensity of pain decreases slightly, movement in the shoulder is partially restored.

Alas, in about half of the cases, the disease passes into the next stage - chronic humeroscapular periarthritis. Chronic humeroscapular periarthritis is manifested by moderate pain in the shoulder, with which many patients could well come to terms. But periodically, with unsuccessful movements or rotation of the arm, the sore shoulder shoots with acute pain. In addition, in some patients, sleep is disturbed due to a feeling of ache in the shoulder, which most often manifests itself especially strongly in the second half of the night, in the morning.

In this form, chronic humeroscapular periarthritis can exist for a long time, from several months to several years, after which the disease in some cases "resolves by itself" - sometimes even without any medical intervention.

However, in a third of patients, chronic humeroscapular periarthritis transforms into ankylosing periarthritis (capsulitis, "frozen shoulder"). This form of the disease is the most unfavorable, and it can develop not only as a continuation of other forms of humeroscapular periarthritis, but also independently. In this form of periarthritis, the pain in the affected shoulder is dull at first, but is accompanied by a severe deterioration in the mobility of the shoulder. The shoulder becomes very tight to the touch and indeed looks frozen.

Most of the hand movements that involve the shoulder result in sharp pain. Some patients say that, compared to frozen shoulder pain, toothache- "flowers". Although there are also forms of "frozen shoulder" in which there is practically no pain, but the shoulder is blocked and immobilized.

In any case, whether there is pain or not, with a frozen shoulder, a sick person always loses the opportunity to normally raise his arm up - a straightened arm forward does not rise above shoulder level; and through the side it rises even worse - it happens that it is impossible to raise the arm from the hip to the side by more than 40-50 centimeters. In addition, the hand practically ceases to rotate around its axis, and it is impossible to bring it behind the back.

Another form of humeroscapular periarthritis, inflammation of the long head of the biceps, occurs mainly in men due to microtrauma that occurs after sudden movement hand, or after a blow to the front of the shoulder. Pain with inflammation of the long head of the biceps shoots into the front surface of the shoulder. It is rarely permanent; most often the pain occurs unexpectedly, with some movements. Usually painful lifting of weights from the floor, as well as flexion and extension of the arm bent at the elbow, especially carried out with resistance - that is, when someone interferes with these movements.

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