How dangerous is a tick for a person. Types of dangerous ticks. Ticks: statistics on tick bites and diseases

How dangerous is a tick for a person? In addition to the fact that the insect sucks blood from a person, it injects its saliva into the body of the victim, which contains an infection. That is why ticks are the source of a number of serious and dangerous diseases. Many of them are difficult to treat and cause great harm to the whole organism. In addition to blood-sucking ticks, there are other species that can cause allergies with their bites, as well as a strong pruritus. Why are ticks dangerous? This is what we will discuss now.

Diseases caused by tick bites

How dangerous is a tick bite for a person? Consider the diseases transmitted by these insects and their symptoms.

Lyme disease, characteristic:

  • constant state of fatigue;
  • appears headache;
  • the bite site turns into a noticeable wound;
  • a red rash occurs on the body;
  • at timely handling easily treated with antibiotics.

Spotted fever, characteristic:

  • body temperature rises significantly;
  • arises strong pain in the head;
  • nausea is observed, and vomiting is possible;
  • there is pain in the muscles;
  • a rash appears on different parts of the skin, most often on the wrists, arms and legs;
  • causes serious complications, in the future, a stroke or impaired renal function is possible.

Tularemia, characteristic:

  • body chills;
  • a very high temperature rises;
  • bothered by a headache;
  • nausea;
  • lymph nodes are enlarged;
  • there is swelling in the bite area;
  • an open wound is formed;
  • severe consequences are possible, such as pneumonia, peritonitis, gangrene, etc.

Ehrlichiosis, characteristic:

  • manifests itself from the first day after the bite;
  • persistent nausea and vomiting;
  • feeling weak;
  • Strong headache;
  • inflammation occurs in any organ;
  • there may be a state of chills;
  • Exodus this disease unpredictable, as the disease can be asymptomatic, and can cause serious damage, even death.

Relapsing fever, characteristic:

  • heartbeat increases significantly;
  • unbearable pain in the abdomen and head is felt;
  • weakness of the whole organism is observed;
  • feverish state;
  • usually cured without consequences, death is not observed.

Encephalitis, characteristic:

  • temperature keeps around 39;
  • fever is noted;
  • severe chills;
  • weakness of the whole body, muscle soreness;
  • there is a pronounced detachment in consciousness;
  • severe consequences in the form of meningeal syndrome and paralysis;
  • manifests itself three days after the bite.

Babesiosis, characteristic:

  • constant feeling of malaise;
  • complete aversion to food;
  • general fatigue is felt;
  • concerned about fever and chills;
  • anemia develops;
  • the disease provokes kidney and liver failure;
  • profuse sweating.

I would like to note that even if a preliminary vaccination against a tick bite was carried out, it only helps against encephalitis and does not apply to other diseases.

A photo dangerous ticks for the person you have the opportunity to see in the article.

Periods of tick activity

Seasonality is directly related to the activity of ticks and the danger from their bites.

Features of the behavior of ticks in the spring:

  • the end of April is considered the beginning of the attack of ticks on humans and animals;
  • in May, the number of individuals increases significantly;
  • spring is considered dangerous period, since during the winter they become very hungry and accumulate a lot of toxic substances in themselves;
  • the likelihood of contracting encephalitis when bitten infected tick about ninety percent.

Features of the behavior of ticks in summer:

  • in early June, females actively attach themselves to mammals in order to start reproducing their offspring when they are satisfied;
  • by the end of summer, the harm from tick bites decreases, as they are no longer so hungry and the concentration of poison in saliva decreases.

Features of the behavior of ticks in the fall:

  • in September, activity drops significantly;
  • with a warm autumn, a tick bite can be obtained in October.

If the summer is very hot, then the activity of ticks drops noticeably, as they cannot tolerate heat above thirty degrees. These insects hibernate at plus four.

What ticks are considered dangerous to humans

Types of dangerous ticks

Among the ticks that harm human activity, the following types are distinguished.

Barn pliers, characteristic:

  • settle in flour and cereals;
  • getting on a person, cause an allergy;
  • they do not stay on the body for long, as they mostly prefer plants;

Bed mites, characteristic:

  • meet in bed linen, carpets and mattresses;
  • eat dead human cells and scales;
  • can provoke an allergy in the form of a rash and itching, in rare cases cause bronchial asthma.

Dust mites, characteristic:

  • live in an apartment on furniture among the dust;
  • a person is allergic to them;

Scabies mites, characteristic:

  • very small size, almost impossible to detect on the human body;
  • transmitted through touch or common household items;
  • conducts its activity directly under the skin, gnawing tunnels in it and thereby causing severe itching.

Which tick is the most dangerous for humans

Ixodid ticks, description:

  • the shape is oval, the body itself is flat;
  • colors vary from light shades brown to black;
  • covered with durable and elastic chitin, which cannot be crushed, but at the same time, as it is filled with blood, it stretches well;
  • mite eggs are oval, no more than a millimeter;
  • the stages of development are larva, nymph and imago.

Among all diseases transmitted by ixodid ticks, encephalitis is considered the most dangerous. It can be mild or severe. In the first case, a person has a febrile condition, which completely disappears after a couple of weeks. In the second, the brain is affected, which leads to paralysis, mental disorders, or even death.

Tick ​​habitats

To avoid tick bites, you should know where they live. Ticks prefer to settle and attack their prey in the following places:

  • in areas with dense and wet vegetation;
  • in shaded areas full of foliage;
  • in the undergrowth;
  • in the meadows;
  • at the bottom of ravines full of moisture;
  • in thickets near water bodies;
  • in the grass on the trodden paths.

That is why you should be wary tall grass, with which ticks can jump on a person or animals, and not trees, as many believe.

Bite symptoms

The fact is that it is impossible to immediately determine and detect the moment of a tick bite, since it does this absolutely painlessly due to the introduction of natural anesthetics under the skin. However, after a few hours, the following symptoms may appear:

  • slight pulling pain;
  • mild subcutaneous itching;
  • increase in body temperature;
  • headache;
  • visible enlargement of the lymph nodes;
  • rash over the body.

These symptoms indicate the penetration of the infection into the blood and the onset of infection.

How to detect a tick bite

  • in the armpit;
  • on the shoulders and forearms;
  • on the inside hips;
  • in the inguinal zone;
  • in the place where the elastic band from the pants is located;
  • behind the ears;
  • between the shoulder blades;
  • under the knee;
  • in the chest area and under it.

Children should be especially carefully examined, because their skin is thin and delicate, which makes it easy for a tick to cling to any part of the body. Most importantly, when an insect is found, do not panic, do not try to brush it off and tear it out.

What should I do if bitten by a tick

Self-extraction of a tick

  • a thread is taken, and a loop is tightened as close as possible to the proboscis;
  • then the insect is carefully pulled out, making sure that the head does not come off and does not get stuck in the skin.
  • to extract, you will need ordinary tweezers or tweezers;
  • the tick is clamped and begins to slowly twist in one direction.
  • take the usual insulin syringe for five cubes;
  • the beginning of the syringe is cut off with a knife along with the tube;
  • the desired area is moistened with water and the prepared syringe is tightly applied to it;
  • slowly pull the piston, thereby sucking out the body and head of the tick.
  • if the head of the tick remains under the skin, then a sewing needle can help;
  • it is burned until it darkens, and the bite site is moistened with alcohol;
  • the needle is carefully inserted under the head of the tick, then lifted, thereby removing the remnants of the insect;

Precautionary measures

Ticks are dangerous, you already know. Are there any precautions? These tips are familiar to many, and it is simply necessary to follow them:

  • avoid damp places with tall grass;
  • you need to be especially careful during the period of activity of ticks (May-June);
  • if a walk in nature is planned, clothing must match; it's best if she white color, tight, covering the body to the maximum;
  • do not forget about the headdress, because it is very difficult to find a tick in the hair;
  • you can pre-vaccinate, which can protect against encephalitis;
  • before the walk, treat open areas of the body by special means from ticks;
  • upon returning home, you should carefully examine yourself;
  • since the tick tries to get to soft places before biting, their inspection should be taken more carefully;
  • if, nevertheless, a bite of an encephalitic tick was committed, then within three days you need to have time to give an injection of immunoglobulin, which will block the virus.

Stick to these rules and be healthy!

With the onset of warm weather, few people deprive themselves of the pleasure of going on a picnic to the nearest forest park or going with their family to the country. In nature, a person is relaxed and forgets that he found himself in the native element of numerous representatives of the world of fauna, who are not always friendly. If mosquito bites and the importunity of flies are completely harmless, then a meeting with ticks can end in failure. What are dangerous ticks for humans, and what consequences can be from the bite of these arachnids, is described in this article.

The danger of ixodid ticks

The tick is a synotropic organism, ubiquitous in forest and steppe areas. For some species of arachnids, the soil has become a native habitat, which at the same time serves as a source of nutrition, since the diet includes decay products of organic substances. Such mites are useful: they are active participants in soil-forming processes - decomposition and humification of dead biota. A person should be wary of ixodic arthropods, whose home is grass or piles of fallen leaves, and their favorite dish is blood.

Tick ​​bite ceases to be a harmless injury skin if the lover to profit from someone else's blood turns out to be a carrier pathogenic microorganisms- viruses and bacteria. The danger of ticks lies in the risk of contracting serious viral infections - tick-borne encephalitis and borreliosis. All 79 constituent entities of the Russian Federation provided Rospotrebnadzor with data for the 2016 infectious season: the number of survivors of tick attacks and seeking medical help is about 31,500 people, of which 9,200 are children.

Tick ​​attack: behavioral features

Ticks prefer to live in a humid environment, so undergrowth, ravines, willow thickets, stream banks are the most likely places to meet them.

The bloodsucker's lack of vision is compensated by its excellent sense of smell plus the presence of tenacious limbs. The animal is able to smell the smell of the victim long before its appearance, therefore it is in full combat readiness mode when a person is close. A jump is enough to get on clothes or shoes. Further, the arachnid quickly climbs up, choosing the most vulnerable places where capillaries shine through the thin skin - the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe armpits, internal elbow and knee folds, the area behind auricles, groin area.

The threat is the bite of a mature individual, larvae and nymphs can not be feared.

VIDEO: This will save your life. ten important facts from the life of ticks

The mechanism of infection with acute viral infections

The result of a tick attack is the risk of developing:

  • tick paralysis;
  • encephalitis;
  • Lyme disease - borreliosis;
  • tularemia;
  • hemorrhagic fever;
  • spirochetosis;
  • rickettsiosis;
  • typhus, typhoid.

It is the infection with tick-borne encephalitis that can cause disability or death. In addition to humans, the bloodsucker also feeds on animals, mainly forest rodents - natural reservoirs terrible virus. After drinking infected blood, the tick becomes encephalitic.

the main task- remove the arthropod unharmed: depriving it of its head and leaving part of the body inside, the concentration of atogenic can be even higher, since the entire volume of the poison that the bloodsucker contains will enter the bloodstream.

The lack of confidence in the effectiveness of independent manipulations should be a reason to go to the nearest emergency room. Doctors are guaranteed to carry out the procedure correctly. Situations are different, people tend to relax far from the benefits of civilization, therefore medical institution may not be around. Will have to make do on your own and hand tools.

How to remove a tick yourself

On sale you can find a special pincer. It costs from 100 to 300 rubles. and very convenient to use. The tick is hooked, as if with a fork, and gently twisted. In this case, it is impossible to crush or tear off the head.

Often, adults remove ticks on their own, not really worrying that it can be a source of the disease. What signs directly indicate contact with an infected synatrop:

  • thickening of the skin, the formation of bumps;
  • the appearance of a spot of intense red hue;
  • temperature rise;
  • enlarged lymph nodes;
  • skin rashes.

Reddened bite area - normal phenomenon, warning sign- an increase in the size of the spot, the emergence of new erythema. It makes no sense to immediately do an analysis that reveals encephalitis, borreliosis - no. Gotta get through certain period time for microscopy to show the presence, absence of infection.

The month following the bite will be decisive, therefore it is important to monitor the condition of the victim's body, any changes in well-being are a reason to consult a doctor.

VIDEO: What to do and how to prevent an attack

Acute viral infections

Encephalitis is distinguished by a sharply manifested symptomatology and a rapidly progressive development of the pathological process.

Warning signs appear:

  • temperature increase up to 40°С;
  • sudden convulsions (most often at night);
  • muscle spasms, paralysis of the limbs;
  • severe migraine;
  • nausea, vomiting.

A severe headache is caused by infection along with the bloodstream in the brain cells. The patient experiences increased arousal, there is no sleep, space-time connections are gradually lost. The disease affects the central nervous system. The result of violations of the spinal cord, the brain can be partial or complete paralysis, loss of speech, impaired thought processes. Lack of timely medical care is the cause of a chronic sluggish form of the disease, a fatal outcome is possible.

Both diseases require immediate hospitalization, treatment is carried out under the vigilant supervision of physicians.

Features of infection: incubation period

In addition to the above symptoms, a sure sign developing disease Lyme are redness of the skin. The presence of a slight erythema is normal, since an allergic reaction is a reasonable response of the immune system, which has identified a foreign protein as a threat to the body. The stain may last a couple of days. The cause of suppuration of the bite site is an insufficiently well-treated wound. The exact answer will be given by the doctor.

Terms of diagnosis of acute viral infections:

  1. Blood test by polymerase chain reaction(PCR), which detects the presence / absence of the virus tick-borne encephalitis, borreliosis is carried out after 10 days.
  2. Conducting a blood test showing the presence / absence of antibodies to the causative agent of encephalitis is advisable after two weeks, antibodies to Borrelia burgdorferi - a month.

With negative test results for the indicated periods, you can finally calm down: the danger has passed.

Vaccinations: a panacea or a waste of money

Vaccination is real. effective method protect yourself from harm viral infection, but only if the scheme is followed. One injection is not enough to form a stable immunity. Two will be enough to protect yourself for only one season. And only with a triple application of the drug, a person for 3 years will be spared the risk of encephalitis.

Vaccination is recommended for those people who, by the nature of their activities, spend a lot of time in the forest or field, as well as ordinary citizens. Living near forest plantations. In regions with a high epidemiological threshold (Siberia, the Urals), vaccinations are recommended for everyone. In other cities and districts - on request.

Like most vaccines, the vaccine against encephalitis tick made on the basis of a dead virus that "launches" in safe mode immune system human to produce antibodies. When a live virus appears (with an insect bite), antibodies instantly block the threat.

With this schedule, protection is provided for 3 years, after which revaccination is necessary.

Lifelong immunity against the encephalitis mite cannot be acquired.

What vaccines are allowed for use

On the territory of the Russian Federation, the following drugs are certified and approved for use in agreement with a virologist or therapist:

  • Encevir;
  • Encepur;
  • FSME Immun;
  • purified vaccine against tick-borne encephalitis.

Knowing how ticks are dangerous for humans, it is equally important to understand how to protect yourself from the attack of a bloodsucker. Since it is easy to bring an arthropod home with you, and thereby creating comfortable conditions existence for several weeks ahead, it is important to carefully shake up all items of clothing, returning from the dacha or from the forest. Seams, pockets, folds, decorative inserts require especially careful inspection. Additional laundry will eliminate the risk of being bitten in your own home.

You can avoid trouble by following simple rules. When planning a vacation outside the city you need:

When choosing a tick repellent, pay attention to its composition. One of the main ones should be diethyltoluamide, thanks to which insects do not even come close to a person, while for himself it is absolutely safe.

These drugs include:

  • Off!;
  • Extreme;
  • Reftamid Maximum;
  • Gardex extreme;
  • Data.

For children over 3 years old, you can choose one of the following options:

  • Off! Extreme;
  • Mosquitol-anti-mite;
  • Defi Taiga.

The drugs are not applied to the skin, but if the risk of damage is huge, you can treat the skin for a short time. After - be sure to rinse warm water with soap.

VIDEO: Why ticks are dangerous for humans

Ticks are a large subclass of arthropods, which includes more than 54,000 species. Basically, these are creatures up to 5 millimeters in size with six pairs of appendages and a characteristic mouth apparatus. What are the varieties of ticks that are dangerous to humans?

Malicious representatives are distinguished by a variety of forms with a relatively small number of species. The greatest harm ticks bring not their bites, but their consequences. In the mouth apparatus of these arthropods, a large number of dangerous diseases - encephalitis, Lyme disease, plague, typhus, hemorrhagic fever and Q fever. Other species are provocateurs of skin diseases - scabies, demodicosis.

Dermancetoids can be distinguished from other mites by their characteristic coloration with brown stripes on the back.

If you find yourself already a large, blood-drenched tick, it is recommended to carefully remove it and take it for analysis to any sanitary unit. Such a precautionary measure will help you recognize the diseases that can come with a bite in time.

In the literature, you can also find another name - a shell mite, so named for its strong chitinous covers.

The arthropod is active in spring and summer. It is rare to avoid ixodid tick bites, so doctors recommend using special encephalitis vaccines. It is worth worrying about its use in advance - immunity occurs only two weeks after the injection. But such a small precaution can save you and your loved ones from a deadly disease.

Morphologically, several varieties of ixodid ticks are distinguished. The black tick loves dark, damp places. The characteristic color of its covers, as well as its small size, distinguishes it from other arthropods of this group.

The white ixodid tick has a creamy, whitish abdomen. The closely related gray ixodid tick is best recognizable. It is this tick that people most often find on themselves.



It is found in the literature under the name Demodex. Demodex is a normal inhabitant of human skin. Problems begin with its excessive reproduction against the background of weakened immunity, malnutrition or taking antibiotics. Uncontrolled reproduction of the tick manifests itself in the form of demodicosis. This is an acute inflammatory process on the integument, accompanied by severe itching, acne, extensive areas of redness of the affected skin. treatment subcutaneous tick done by dermatologists.



Extremely rare in humans. The main hosts of this arthropod are cats and dogs. This arthropod causes them acute inflammation of the middle and outer ear, which without treatment can turn into otitis media or even meningitis.



The representative is not harmful to humans and animals. To a greater extent, plants, including cultivated ones, suffer from it. In plants, mites not only damage the integument and suck out the nutritious juices from the roots, but are also carriers of extremely dangerous diseases.


It is a very large arachnid arthropod that feeds on mites. It is common where there is a large number dust mite. For humans, it is absolutely safe and even useful. The predatory mite is a natural population controller of other microscopic arthropods.


It is also found as a flour or bread mite. Getting along with unprocessed grain or residues cereal crops in the granary, he eats both flour and already finished products. The presence of eggs or adults in food can lead to allergic reactions and digestive disorders.

A tick bite is often recorded by epidemiologists in a variety of natural and climatic zones. Ticks, belonging to the subclass of arthropods from the class of arachnids, are common on various continents and in various climatic zones.

In the process of evolution, more than 50 thousand species of ticks have formed.

All species have been sufficiently studied and described within the framework of such a science as acarology. This is the name of the scientific discipline that specializes in the study of ticks.

Such evolutionary success of this species of arthropods was facilitated by the maximum reduction in size and weight. It is quite easy for these insects to survive in conditions prolonged absence food. The body of most species has a length of 0.2 to 5 mm. elastic abdominal part can increase significantly when filled with blood drunk. Particularly noteworthy is complex structure appendages-legs of these insects. Typically, such appendages have claws and stalked suckers, which allow them to be firmly fixed in the skin of the host - the carrier.

A tick bite is most often detected precisely because the insect is firmly fixed on the human body, and leaves it only after a considerable time has passed, which is necessary to obtain a sufficient amount of the nutrient.

Ixodid ticks: where do they live, how do they reproduce, what do they eat?

In our latitudes, people are attacked by the so-called ixodid ticks. For these insects the best place Habitat and breeding areas are humid, warm green areas. Most often, their habitat is forests, parks, gardens. Going to the forest, fishing, walking along the shady alleys, a person simply asks to be bitten by a tick. This probability is especially high if the clothes do not cover any parts of the body (neck, legs, lower back, head).

Ticks usually live on the surface of the soil, on grass, shrubs and trees, without climbing too high.

Adult ixodid ticks usually have a body length of 1 to 5 mm. They cannot be seen against the background of grass or leaves, just walking through the forest or park area. Such excellent disguise contributes to frequent successful attacks of insects, they attack any animals and humans. The cycle of reproduction and life of ticks involves several stages. First, the female, having fed on blood, lays eggs, from which the larvae then hatch.

Ticks live on grass, shrubs and trees

Adult individuals feed on the blood of the host - the carrier. For this, a special oral apparatus is used, which includes elements for piercing the skin and a proboscis, with the help of which additional suction and retention on the host's body occurs. After complete saturation, the insect removes the proboscis and disappears. Female ticks stick for a longer period than males. This is due to the need to perform a reproductive function.

Each female at one time can absorb an amount of blood that exceeds her own weight by 100 times.

After that, the female falls off, lays eggs and dies. The male may feed several times during his life cycle on the bodies of different hosts. More about ixodid ticks see here:

It is important to note that insects are inactive. They do not know how to fly, jump, move quickly on their limbs. Their main method of attack is to wait for the victim in a secluded place. When an insect senses the approach of a warm-blooded organism, it spreads its legs and makes a small jump. If he's lucky, it gets on his skin or hairline and securely hooked.

In addition, ticks are perfectly fixed on a person’s clothes, climbing into the folds, and then they can be brought into living quarters.

Ticks for attacks are most active from late April to mid-June. In late summer and early autumn, insect activity decreases significantly. Frequent bites at this time are associated not so much with the aggressiveness of insects, but with large quantity people going to the forest for mushrooms. What happens after a tick bite and what to do after its discovery?

How to detect that a person has been bitten by a tick?

Why, after an adult or a child has been bitten by a tick, can this not be detected immediately? The fact is that the bitten person does not experience any pain during the penetration of the proboscis of the insect under the skin. Tick ​​saliva contains a significant amount of a special anesthetic substance.

It is difficult to feel the moment of a tick bite, as it injects an anesthetic into the blood

Nature developed such a tool specifically so that the victim would not notice the sucking insect for as long as possible, allowing it to get enough blood. But it may take 2-3 days for a tick to be fully saturated.

If the insect initially enters the hair, then it will attach itself behind the ears or at the lower back of the head.

Primary bite symptoms

  • a slight increase in temperature (up to 37.5 - 38˚С);
  • chills, weakness, drowsiness;
  • a slight ache in the joints and short-term muscle pain;
  • itching sensation at the bite site and elsewhere.

Symptoms: fever, body aches, itching

If the reaction worsens, the first symptoms after a tick bite gradually change, more severe and disease state. A noticeable headache may begin, an urge to vomit may occur. This, too, may well be attributed to overheating in the sun or an extra piece of barbecue eaten on a hike.

In the end, a person may develop thickening and swelling of the lymph nodes (lymphadenopathy) and even difficulty breathing.

OUR READERS RECOMMEND! In the fight against bedbugs, our readers advise the Pest-Reject repeller. The electromagnetic and ultrasonic technology is 100% effective against bed bugs and other insects. Absolutely safe, ecological product for humans and pets.

What to do when a bite is detected?

How to behave after a tick bite and what to do in this case? Often in such situations, people experience panic conditions associated with exaggerated and incorrect information about the danger that the bites of these insects carry. Such panic most often leads to a temporary deterioration in well-being associated with a psychosomatic effect. The person begins to worry more and more about the consequences of this unpleasant situation. Is it worth it to really panic if a tick has stuck into the skin, and what to do after that to minimize harm to health? See this video for answers to questions:

Panic and fear always get in the way. If a person does not know what to do with a tick bite, it is best to ask for help from a more knowledgeable relative or acquaintance. In addition, to find out what to do after a bite, you can call a special medical service, whose phone number in a particular region can be found on the relevant websites. A competent assistant will not only indicate what exactly needs to be done after a tick bite, but also calm, reduce nervous tension bitten.

It is important to understand that in the vast majority of cases such situations do not lead to any grave consequences for human health.

Perhaps it will come in handy later for research.

Bite site treatment

The bite site should be treated with iodine

With normal healing, this area may be slightly reddened. This redness will last a little longer if the head or any part of the insect remains in the skin. However, after 1-2 days, any foreign bodies must be squeezed out and the wound heals completely. This course of healing is typical for the vast majority of cases.

However, if the tick contributed to the entry of an infectious disease into the human body, everything can happen in a completely different way.

Serious diseases carried by ticks

Although most bites go away without serious consequences, there are very unpleasant situations. The fact is that infections carried by ticks are very dangerous and often occur in an acute form.

Ticks carry encephalitis, borreliosis and hemorrhagic fever

  • borreliosis, or Lyme disease;
  • hemorrhagic fever.

Tick-borne encephalitis

Viral encephalitis is extremely dangerous infection, which can lead to significant pathological changes in the functioning of the brain and central nervous system. most often causes inflammatory processes in different departments brain and may contribute to the development of meningitis. characteristic symptoms tick-borne encephalitis are:

  • a sharp increase in body temperature;
  • severe headache, in which it is difficult to perform even the usual actions;
  • convulsive attacks, numbness and even paralysis and paresis of the limbs;
  • mental pathologies (hallucinations, involuntary physical activity, delirium).

This is enough complicated symptoms, in the event of which a person in any case will consult a doctor. However, in order for a correct diagnosis to be established as quickly as possible, it is important to inform the doctor that a person was attacked by a tick a few days ago. And even if the tick was not found, you need to inform the doctor that you have been hiking in the forest or walking in the park in order to additionally carry out the required tests if you have symptoms.

Tick-borne encephalitis is manifested by convulsions, headache, mental disorders

The incubation period for tick-borne encephalitis is 7 to 21 days. It is possible to determine the presence of the disease by analysis only 10 days after infection. But if the body of an insect removed from the skin is preserved, it can be given to the laboratory of the local sanitary and epidemiological station to detect the presence of the virus in its body. So you can find out the probability of infection of a person a few days earlier. This will allow you to take additional therapeutic measures. Remember: the sooner there is information about a possible or occurred infection, the more favorable the treatment prognosis will be.

Lyme disease (borreliosis)

This disease (as opposed to viral encephalitis) represents bacterial infection. On the one hand, it greatly facilitates the treatment process. modern medicine It has enough drugs (strong antibiotics) for effective fight with this disease. Timely diagnosed borreliosis is quite simply cured and does not entail significant complications. The first symptoms of this disease are:

  • intoxication;
  • temperature rise;
  • headache;
  • severe fatigue;
  • wandering erythema.

The last feature is the most characteristic. A very specific rash appears at the site of the bite - several irregularly shaped circles. The inner circle becomes darker (red, burgundy, brownish-pink). Next comes a white ring, strongly contrasting with the internal redness. Around the white ring, a blurred zone of the rash is formed, which has a slightly less bright color than the inner zone. If such a rash has formed at the site of the bite, you should immediately contact an infectious disease specialist.

Borreliosis is manifested by fever, headache and wandering erthema

Although Lyme disease is relatively easy to treat today, untimely appeal to specialists, it can turn into serious complications. This infection can cause pathologies various organs person. The central nervous system is most commonly affected cardiovascular systems. Therefore, it is strictly not recommended to independently select antibiotics for yourself, even on the advice of friends who have had such a disease. Therapy should be carried out exclusively under the supervision of an appropriate specialist.

Hemorrhagic fever

The carriers of such a febrile virus are mainly wild animals, most often rodents. It is from them that the disease enters a person in most cases. However, there is a possibility that the tick, which previously fed on the body of the host animal, will get to the human body for secondary nutrition.

Hemorrhagic fever is manifested by blockage and fragility of blood vessels, leading to hemorrhages

It is extremely rare, but it still happens that hemorrhagic fever gets to a person in this way.

There are many varieties of this disease. Their common signs are intoxication, changes in blood composition, parenchymal and subcutaneous hemorrhages.

The following processes take place in the human body:

  • viruses or products of their metabolism damage the walls of blood vessels;
  • biologically active substances penetrate into the gaps of damaged and lost their integrity of the walls of blood vessels;
  • bleeding deficiency leads to blockage of blood vessels in some places and excessive accumulation of blood in others.

Hemorrhagic fever viral etiology is extremely dangerous disease having enough high percent deaths. However, it is extremely difficult to get this disease from tick bites. Pronounced symptoms allow you to quickly diagnose and proceed to the correct and timely treatment.

Prevention of tick bites

In order not to worry about whether a person has caught one of the dangerous diseases listed above after discovering a tick bite, it is best to take preventive measures, which contribute to almost complete protection against tick-borne attacks. Learn more about prevention in this video:

general description

Ticks are classified as animals because, unlike insects, they have 4 pairs of legs, the body is divided into the cephalothorax and abdomen, which swells greatly when filled with blood, and the antennae are completely absent. The sizes of arthropods vary from 0.2 to 5 mm. On the paws there are claws and stalked suckers, with the help of which the tick is firmly fixed on the body of the victim.

The activity of ticks is most weakly manifested in September, but if the autumn is warm, you can get a bite even in October. Arachnids hibernate when the thermometer falls below +4°C.

Males and females

The female tick is larger and more dangerous than the male

The most dangerous are females, because they stick to the skin longer, contact with saliva is delayed. The animal can drink blood for several days, becoming more and more until it falls off. At one time, the female manages to drink an amount of blood ten times her own size.

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