Cat ear mites are dangerous to humans. Ear mites in humans. Are ear mites in cats contagious to humans?

Male ear mite fertilizing a female

The source of nutrition is lymph, blood, intercellular tissues. The result of vital activity is the release of toxic compounds and disruption of the normal functioning of the cat's body.

Transmission of infection occurs through direct contact between an infected and healthy animal or through interaction with personal items of infected pets.

Does the ear mite pose a threat to human health - no, however, often a person can become a carrier of the pathogen, thus infecting his pet.

Symptoms of infection

Ear scabies is characterized by the gradual development of the disease, yet with a careful attitude to the health of the pet, it will not be difficult to notice the appearance of indirect signs of infection.

Primary symptoms appear:

  • slight redness, swelling of the skin inside the auricle;
  • a change in habitual behavior - the cat often shows anxiety.
  • constant combing of problem areas - inside and around the ears. So the pet is trying to get rid of the unbearable itching, which will bother more and more as the disease develops;
  • the appearance of reddish discharge - exudate in the ear, due to inflammation, as well as a fetid odor;
  • the formation of micro injuries, crusts, glued wool around the lesions;
  • how the animal often shakes its head or tilts it to the side where the infected ear is located.

With advanced forms of the disease, the temperature may rise, there is a deterioration in the general condition of the body, loss of appetite, and weight loss.

In the absence of timely assistance, a cat's ear mite can cause serious complications, damaging the auditory canals, eardrums, and as a result, the animal can become deaf.

VIDEO: How cats are treated

Is there a risk of human infection?

To minimize the risk of infection, it is enough to follow simple rules:

  1. Observe personal hygiene during any manipulations with the cat litter - replacing the filler, sanitizing. Dishes and other individual items - bedding, wool brushes, toys, clothes, carriers must be kept clean and regularly treated with disinfectants.
  2. Take care of a balanced diet and provide specialized food containing the necessary vitamin complexes and supplements.
  3. Eliminate the possibility of contact of mustachioed pets with mice and rats - these rodents are natural reservoirs of the most dangerous viruses and bacteria.
  4. To control the well-being of the animal, in case of any change in the state, it is necessary to contact the veterinary clinic.

Despite the fact that, in theory, the tick is not dangerous to humans, doctors have recorded isolated cases of human infection with otodectosis, although without identifying the source of infection itself. Otodectes cynotis poses a danger to human health under the condition of weakened immunity and interaction with the carrier of the infection. The result may be the development of otitis externa.

Treatment Methods

Thanks to a huge selection of effective drugs, you can get rid of ticks in record time, usually the treatment takes only a week. After testing and examining the cat, the veterinarian prescribes therapy, which is based on the use of drugs containing insecticides. The form of drugs can be different, ranging from drops, emulsions, aerosols to intramuscular injections, providing an almost instantaneous lasting therapeutic effect.

Before applying the drops, a thorough cleaning of the auricle will be required to remove crusts, purulent discharge, with cotton swabs previously moistened with an antiseptic - hydrogen peroxide 2%, camphor alcohol can be used. Then, strictly adhering to the dosage instructions, the agent is instilled, after which the ear is lightly clamped and massaged, ensuring an even distribution of the drug inside. In the absence of self-confidence to carry out this procedure, they turn to a specialist.

VIDEO: Ear mites in cats - symptoms and treatment

Without proper treatment, otodectosis can lead to inflammation of the inner ear and the development of deafness. The theory that ear mites in cats are transmitted to humans has not been proven to be practical, but close interaction with an infected animal suggests that there is such a risk.

Healthy pets, as a rule, become infected through contact with sick animals on the street or from owners who accidentally brought the pathogen on their clothes or shoes.

The main symptoms of a tick infection in a cat

The development of ear scabies occurs gradually, therefore, in the first few days, only indirect signs can be noticed:

  • slight redness or swelling of the skin inside the ear;
  • restlessness of the animal.
  • scratching the ears into the blood as a result of severe itching;
  • constant head shaking
  • the appearance of exudate (liquid discharge as a result of the inflammatory process);
  • the presence of wounds and crusts;
  • glued wool in the area of ​​​​the auricles;
  • lowering the diseased ear to the bottom or frequent inclination of the head to the side;
  • fever, sometimes seizures;
  • plug formation, tympanic membrane rupture, purulent inflammation, brain damage (only in severe cases).

If any of these signs of infection or similar symptoms are detected, you should immediately contact your veterinarian. He will examine the animal and make a scraping for analysis (if necessary), prescribe treatment.

Causes of ear mites in cats

The main reason for infecting cats is the convenient structure of the ear for the kozheed tick. Kittens aged 1.5 months to six months are most at risk, as their protective functions have not yet been fully formed, as well as older individuals with weakened immune systems. The main carriers of infection are homeless individuals (in 80% of cases), including rodents and farm animals (rabbits, martens and others). Therefore, you should not allow direct contact of a pet with street representatives of our smaller brothers.

Ear mites in cats - are they transmitted to humans?

Many are interested in several questions regarding otodectosis: what is the danger of ear mites in cats and do mites pass from cats to humans?

This once again confirms that it is necessary to immediately seek help from a specialist, not to ignore the disease of the animal.

Treatment of ear mites in cats

The veterinarian, after a thorough examination, determines the method of treatment, its duration, as a rule, is 6-7 days. The healing process is fast and painless. The specialist prescribes several procedures:

  • thorough cleaning of the ears with cotton swabs and antiseptic;
  • liquid medicines (drops);
  • treatment of passages in the ears with ointments or aerosol preparations.

Measures to prevent otodectosis

  • conduct regular examination of the ears;
  • avoid contact of a pet with homeless or infected individuals;
  • regularly treat the ears with special products that can be purchased at a veterinary pharmacy;
  • treat the location of the cat with disinfectants.

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Causes of ear mites in cats

The main reason for infecting cats is the convenient structure of the ear for the kozheed tick. Kittens aged 1.5 months to six months are most at risk, as their protective functions have not yet been fully formed, as well as older individuals with weakened immune systems. The main carriers of infection are homeless individuals (in 80% of cases), including rodents and farm animals (rabbits, martens and others). Therefore, you should not allow direct contact of a pet with street representatives of our smaller brothers.

Stages of development of the disease

Inflammation of the inner ear (labyrinthitis) in advanced cases in the middle and inner ear causes a strong inflammatory process. The pathology involves the tympanic membrane, the hearing apparatus of the animal. A symptom of this stage is crookedness: the animal is more often with its head turned 90 or 120 degrees.

It is important for the owner to understand that the consequences of such a seemingly harmless disease can be deplorable.

External signs of otodectosis are already detected by visual examination of the outer part of the ears. On examination, matted hair, unkempt appearance, crusts and scabs are observed. Turning away the ear, you can find dark brown formations - a purulent mass. Often, the discharge has an unpleasant putrid odor, which distinguishes it from earwax.

Scabies mite, spreading to the middle and inner ear, causes a strong inflammatory process. The pathology involves the tympanic membrane, the hearing apparatus of the animal. A symptom of this stage is crookedness: the animal is more often with its head turned 90 or 120 degrees. In this case, the affected ear is directed downward.

In the absence of treatment, the meninges are involved in the pathological process. This complicated stage of ear scabies is accompanied by nervous phenomena: seizures, convulsions, convulsions. The outcome is usually fatal.

Knowing how dangerous an ear mite is, the owner should seek help from a veterinarian at the first sign of the disease.

The main symptoms of a tick infection in a cat

  • restlessness (the cat constantly shakes its head and scratches its ears)
  • scratches, scratches on the ears up to wounds and ulcers
  • reddish-brown to black crumbly substance inside the ear, resembling coffee grounds
  • bad smell

The development of ear scabies occurs gradually, therefore, in the first few days, only indirect signs can be noticed:

  • slight redness or swelling of the skin inside the ear;
  • restlessness of the animal.
  • scratching the ears into the blood as a result of severe itching;
  • constant head shaking
  • the appearance of exudate (liquid discharge as a result of the inflammatory process);
  • the presence of wounds and crusts;
  • glued wool in the area of ​​​​the auricles;
  • lowering the diseased ear to the bottom or frequent inclination of the head to the side;
  • fever, sometimes seizures;
  • plug formation, tympanic membrane rupture, purulent inflammation, brain damage (only in severe cases).

If any of these signs of infection or similar symptoms are detected, you should immediately contact your veterinarian. He will examine the animal and make a scraping for analysis (if necessary), prescribe treatment.

Ear mite diagnosis

It is important not to confuse otodectosis with other ear diseases with similar symptoms (for example, dark discharge in the ears (exudate) may also be from a yeast infection). And the use of drugs against ticks where they are not available can worsen the situation. Therefore, for an accurate diagnosis, as always, we go to the doctor.

Diagnosis is based on history (owner's story), clinical signs, and laboratory data.

It is not difficult to diagnose otodectosis, since the ear mite is quite large. It can be seen with an otoscope with a magnifying glass and illumination.

For laboratory research, a scraping is taken from the inside of the ear, the contents of which are laid out on a glass slide and examined under a microscope. Under a slight magnification, transparent white ticks are visible - the dead are motionless, the living are actively moving.

Are ear mites contagious?

Having attached to the skin of the external auditory canal, the tick begins to actively feed. Its food is the epidermis of the inner ear. A tissue fluid is released from the damaged skin, which dries up and forms brown crusts on the inside and in the ear canal.

Then, in search of a breeding partner, the tick disengages and begins to move, causing the animal to itch intensely. The cat shakes its head, combs the affected areas with its claws, where scratches and suppurations form.

Damage to the skin, otodectes causes inflammation. Microbes and fungi enter the wounds, and a favorable atmosphere for a secondary infection arises.

And then - redness, an increase in local temperature. Soon, purulent inflammation appears with a characteristic repulsive odor, swelling of the ear canal. If the tick has penetrated deep into the ear canal, deafness is inevitable.

With inflammation of the inner ear, the cat constantly turns its head to one side, lowering the diseased ear down (“crooked head”).

When the inflammation reaches the meninges, the animal begins to have seizures and convulsions - harbingers of death.

The main source of ear mite infection for pets is their homeless counterparts. Even direct contact with a stray cat or dog is not necessary to get sick - interaction with an object that they have recently scratched is enough.

In addition, fleas and flies are carriers of otodectosis.

Many are interested in several questions regarding otodectosis: what is the danger of ear mites in cats and do mites pass from cats to humans?

As for humans, theoretically, ticks of this species are not dangerous for him. Can you get ear mites from a cat? According to official data from scientific experts, Otodectes cynotis is not transmitted from animals to humans. Science knows several cases of human infection with otodectosis, but the exact source of infection has not been determined.

This once again confirms that it is necessary to immediately seek help from a specialist, not to ignore the disease of the animal.

Ear scabies is seasonal. More often animals become infected in the warm season. This is due to the fact that at positive temperatures, the tick persists longer in the environment and can infect care items, shoes, and clothes.

Young individuals up to 1 year old are more susceptible to the disease. Adult animals get sick in close contact with patients, with weakened immunity, violation of the regime of maintenance. Otodectosis affects not only domestic cats, but also foxes, foxes, raccoon dogs.

Preventing the development of the disease is much easier than curing an ear mite in a cat. For prevention, you should follow certain rules:

  • regularly conduct a preventive examination of the pet's auricles, clean from sulfur and accumulated dirt;
  • avoid contact with sick and suspicious animals;
  • strengthen the pet's immunity through rational feeding, vitamin therapy;
  • observe hygienic conditions for keeping animals;
  • in case of suspicion of ear scabies, the cat should be shown to a veterinarian.

For humans, otodectosis is not dangerous, due to the fact that it is typical only for fur-bearing animals.

Otodectosis is not dangerous to humans.

However, people can be carriers of the disease, and taking all precautions is a must.

Treatment of ear mites in cats

Treatment is prescribed by the doctor after the diagnosis. Thanks to modern veterinary remedies, the fight against ear mites is not a problem if it is started in a timely manner.

Do you need ear cleaning? It depends on the degree of ear damage, the amount of discharge and the drugs used for treatment.

Firstly, air is opened to the place cleared of exudate, which contributes to the drying and ventilation of the affected skin for its further healing.

Secondly, drops against otodectosis (Otoferonol, Bars, Anandin, etc.) work directly on the skin. Once on the ear dirt, they simply dissolve in it without having a therapeutic effect. Therefore, before using them, cleaning is necessary.

In the clinic, the doctor cleans the ears with a special tool. When cleaning your ears yourself, it is important to try not to push the infection deeper into the dry canal. For cleaning, it is better to use special ear lotions that soften dried scabs and sulfur and make the procedure as easy as possible. The process itself is carried out using napkins or disks, but it is better to forget about cotton swabs.

It should be remembered that the surface of the auricle and ear canal is delicate and sensitive, and cleaning the ears is rather unpleasant. Therefore, a beloved pet during the process can become aggressive, use claws and teeth. Then sedation (relaxation drugs) and ear washing in the clinic may be required.

Some new drugs do not require thorough cleaning of the ears before use, as they are not used specifically in the ears. Let's dwell on them in more detail.

“The drug is applied directly to the dry skin of the animal. To do this, move the hair between the shoulder blades at the base of the neck and completely squeeze out the contents of the pipette. Do not massage the site of application of the drug. It is important that the cat does not have the opportunity to lick the drug from the skin!

As a rule, a single application is sufficient. In our clinic, the doctor recommends triple use with an interval of 3-4 weeks. To be sure

The instructions for the drug recommended twice the use with an interval of 8-10 days. Our doctors usually prescribe 3-5 injections (more if necessary) one per week. It should be noted that the injection of otodectin is very painful!

In advanced cases, when otodectosis is complicated by a secondary infection, complex treatment with immunomodulatory, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antifungal drugs is prescribed.

Some facts about otodecosis in cats and cats:

  • Although a cat can “catch” otodectosis at any age, it is still predominantly a disease of young people (from 1.5 months to a year) due to weak immunity.
  • Since ear scabies is very contagious, all pets (!) should be examined and treated at the same time.
  • The record number of ear mites found in a cat's ear is 3,500.

In order to avoid otodectosis, you should regularly look into the pet's ears, clean them if necessary, sound the alarm in a timely manner and, most importantly, not let them hang out with "bad company".

Treatment at home is not particularly difficult, but you will have to pay a lot of attention and effort to it: it is known how cats “love” to be treated, and meanwhile, procedures must be performed regularly and for quite a long time. To carry them out, the animal will most likely have to be swaddled - so that the "straitjacket" does not interfere with the cat's breathing, but does not allow it to swing its paws.

Next, a remedy for ear mites in cats is injected directly into the ear. These can be ear mite drops for cats - such as Aurikan or Amatrizin, or aerosols - Acrodex, Dermatozol, Cyodrin, etc., or ointment - for example, Amidel-gel. All of these medicines are affordable, and it will not be difficult to purchase them in pharmacies or directly from the veterinarian to whom you came with a question about how to cure your pet.

After administering the tick medication for cats, you need to hold the animal on your lap, gently massaging his ears. At the end of the procedure, almond or camphor oil is instilled into the auricles.

For kittens and pregnant cats, there are contraindications to the use of most common drugs for otodectosis. In these cases, you will need to specifically clarify with the doctor the recommendations on how to treat the pet.

If the cat is in serious condition and the veterinarian has stated extensive inflammation, the animal will need antibiotics - the medicine will have to be administered by subcutaneous injection. It is not particularly difficult to give injections to cats, it is quite possible to do it at home on your own, just ask the doctor to show you everything and explain it clearly.

The veterinarian, after a thorough examination, determines the method of treatment, its duration, as a rule, is 6-7 days. The healing process is fast and painless. The specialist prescribes several procedures:

  • thorough cleaning of the ears with cotton swabs and antiseptic;
  • liquid medicines (drops);
  • treatment of passages in the ears with ointments or aerosol preparations.

Measures to prevent otodectosis

As we can see, it is better not to joke with otodectosis - this disease is quite dangerous, and its treatment will require from the owner, if not huge expenses, but a lot of attention and effort. Meanwhile, proper prevention of ear mites in cats can prevent the fact of infection of the animal.

First of all, you need to limit the contact of the cat with street counterparts as much as possible. If the animal leads an active lifestyle and walks unattended, it would be cruel to deprive him of this pleasure - in this case, more attention should be paid to the second aspect of prevention: periodically examine the pet's ears for early symptoms of scabies mites in cats. Treatment, if necessary, should be started as early as possible - the more successful it will be.

An ear mite in humans is not such a rare occurrence as it seems at first glance. At the same time, lifestyle and social status are often not of fundamental importance. This problem is much more complicated than relatively harmless otitis media - infection leads to damage to the skin. How to recognize the presence of a tick in the ears of people, and how dangerous an ear tick is, will be discussed today.

As provoking factors for the development of the disease, experts distinguish the following:

  • severe past illnesses;
  • severe or regular stress;
  • unbalanced or insufficient nutrition;
  • age-related changes in the body;
  • chronic sleep deprivation;
  • pregnancy.

Any of these factors can weaken the protective functions of the body and lead to tick activation.

Treatment Methods


Answering the question whether the ear mite is dangerous, we can definitely say: such a mite for a person is much more dangerous than those arthropods that we sometimes “bring” from country walks.

Moreover, the symptoms and treatment of the disease can not always be recognized immediately. We sincerely hope that every mother who has read this material has learned the necessary knowledge and will carefully monitor the health of her children in order to prevent such a problem.

Ear mite or otodectosis is a fairly common disease not only among stray cats, but also widely found among pets. And the manifestation of this disease should not be taken lightly. The consequences of neglected painful damage to the cat's body by ticks can be very serious.

Every cat owner should have a clear understanding of the disease picture and know what to do if a tick is found in their pet. You should also know what an ear mite looks like.

Where does it come from - causes

The question “where does the ear mite come from in cats” most often worries pet owners, who, at times, never even go outside. The causes of otodectosis can be not only direct contact with stray animals, but also indirect ways of transmitting the disease.

Homeless animals still occupy the leading positions as a source of infection. They account for about 80 percent of the total number of infections. The anatomical structure of the auricle of a cat is an additional risk factor for the occurrence of this disease. The owner of the cat can also become a carrier of ear mites on clothes, shoes, and even on hands.
In a kitten, ear mites can occur as a result of infection from the mother.

Ear mites in cats: signs and symptoms

You can see the picture of the disease of the ear mite in the photo. Click to enlarge.

The greatest percentage of tick damage occurs in kittens aged 1 to 6 months and in aged or weakened cats.

The main symptoms of the disease are as follows:

  • The animal often shakes its head, and a rattling sound can be heard.
  • Black wax forms in the ears, which can lead to stone-like plugs.
  • When a cat shakes its head, liquid drops may squirt out of its ears.
  • Bleeding scratches form in the auricle and around it.
  • As a result of the expiration of pus from the ears, the hair around the ear can stick together.
  • High body temperature.
  • Nervous attacks.
  • Constant desire of the cat to scratch the affected ear.
  • Nervous, restless behavior, sometimes even aggression from the cat.
  • Bad smell from the ears.

The listed signs may be supplemented by an atypical tilt of the head with the affected ear lowered down. If you have these symptoms, you should consult a doctor to decide how to treat your pet.

Why are ear mites dangerous in cats?

The consequence of a neglected ear mite lesion in cats can be the development of a serious inflammatory process, resulting in a rupture of the eardrum and hearing loss.

In severe cases, the mite can enter the inner ear and damage the lining of the brain. Evidence of a far-reaching process is systematic seizures resembling epileptic ones. These symptoms can lead to death and the inevitable death of a pet.

Are ear mites dangerous to humans?

The question of whether an ear mite is transmitted to a person and whether it is possible to get it from pets has an ambiguous answer. The risk of otodectosis for a person is a small percentage.

It is scientifically confirmed that a dangerous disease is not transmitted to humans. Still, some experts recommend caution when dealing with a sick pet. Perhaps the development of otitis media in immunocompromised people when caring for an infected animal without observing safety measures.

Treatment of ear mites in cats

Ridding a pet of an ear mite at the beginning of the disease is not difficult. If you find symptoms that indicate a possible infection of the pet, you should immediately consult a doctor. It is impossible to independently diagnose and treat a pet! Why?! Because this can aggravate the situation and waste time, and in the meantime, the disease can move to the next stage.

Only a doctor determines how to treat otodectosis, taking into account the stage of the disease, the age of the animal, its state of health, and the presence of pregnancy in cats.

With the help of special preparations, ear diseases are treated with great success. A prerequisite before processing the auricles is their cleaning.

You need to do this as follows:

  1. A cotton pad or cotton swab is wetted in one of the means - in chlorhexidine or 2% hydrogen peroxide solution, or in camphor alcohol
  2. Cleaning the ears
  3. Then apply the amount of ointment indicated by the doctor or instill the required number of drops.
  4. The auricle is gently massaged at the base to evenly distribute the product.

Medical preparations

For the treatment of ear mites, medicines in the form of sprays, powders, ointments, solutions, as well as injections will be used.

At the initial stage appoint:

  1. "Amit"
  2. "Acromectin"
  3. "Amitrazin",
  4. "Tactician"

Special preparations in the form of sprays, such as Cyodrin, Acrodex, Dermatosol, can simply be sprayed on the area at the will of the diseased ear, approximately at a distance of 5-5.5 cm from it.

To reduce the manifestation of itching and relieve inflammation, drops "Otonazol" are prescribed. Ointments with sulfur compounds can be called effective - Sulfur ointment, Vishnevsky ointment.

At advanced stages of the disease, Otodectin is used.

Folk remedies for ear mites in cats

Folk remedies are used purely at the initial stage.

At homeThe following folk remedies for ear mites in cats are successfully used:

  • Brewing green tea. Bury in the ears several times a day.
  • A mixture of ½ clove of garlic and 2 tablespoons of almond oil, insist for a day, and after filtering through gauze, lubricate the ears with it daily 1 time per day. Owner reviews testify to the effectiveness of using pure almond oil, without the addition of garlic.

How long does it take to treat ear mites in cats?

It is possible to quickly cure a cat affected by an ear mite only if the disease is detected in the early stages. When the process is running, you will have to fight for a long time. It will be necessary to conduct a full course of treatment, which can be from 7 to 10 days. The treatment process, in order to completely remove ticks, must not be stopped before the specified period.

After a successful course of treatment, the black content in the ears disappears. In this case, the black plaque changes its color to brown.

Prevention of ear mites in cats

Prevention of infection with an ear mite is to exclude contact of a pet with street animals. An ear mite in a cat can be the result of other factors. It is necessary to examine the cat every time after a visit to the clinic, mating in a strange house, walking on the street. You should exclude the use of items from other animals and carefully monitor the hygiene and health of the pet. The cat should not be allowed to rub against street shoes or clothes. It is necessary to carry out mandatory wet cleaning in the house with special means against ticks.

Video with advice from a veterinarian:

With careful attention to the problem of infection with ear mites, you can achieve a positive result and save the animal from a serious illness. Timely and high-quality treatment will restore health to your pet and leave no chance for ticks.

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