What do dogs get from tick bites? Treating a dog after a tick bite. The main symptoms of a bite by an infected tick

Dog owners face a serious problem while walking their pets - the animal can be bitten by a tick. Some pets calmly tolerate bites (especially outbred ones), while others notice an increase in body temperature and allergic reactions. However, for many animals, a tick bite can result in serious complications, disruption of the internal organs, and death is also possible.

To prevent this from happening, you need to regularly examine the animal after a walk, and if a tick is found, immediately remove it yourself or seek help from a veterinarian.

What does a tick look like on a dog?

However, after a walk, it is advisable to inspect the animal as a whole, since the tick can also be on its paws, stomach, bite behind its back, etc.

Symptoms of a tick bite in a dog

Even if the dog is bitten by a sterile tick, the animal may not feel well. The incubation period after a bite lasts up to 10 days. You need to sound the alarm if after a walk:

  • The urine of the animal has acquired a brown, red or brown color.
  • There was shortness of breath without exertion.
  • The animal is weak, lethargic, sleeps a lot.
  • The dog constantly falls on its hind legs, the gait becomes uncertain.
  • There is an increased temperature up to 39-40 C and above.

If you have noted one or more signs of a tick bite in a dog, contact your veterinarian as soon as possible - your animal's life is in danger!

dog treatment

The danger of ticks is that they carry infections that can infect your dog. It is important to observe how the animal behaves after you have removed the tick in order to detect the first signs of the virus in time.

The most common diseases in dogs that they can contract from a tick bite are piroplasmosis or babesiosis.

The incubation period lasts 1-2 weeks. You can determine piroplasmosis from a tick by fever, lethargy, lack of appetite, dark urine or blood. If you notice any of the following in your dog, contact your veterinarian as soon as possible. Piroplasmosis will not go away on its own, drug treatment is necessary. Without treatment, the dog dies. There is no vaccination against piroplasmosis or babesiosis.

Lyme disease (or Lyme disease) is less common.

The infection has become widespread in central Russia, in the Moscow region. Statistically, up to 25% of the studied ticks are carriers of Lyme disease.

The incubation period in dogs can last weeks, and many animals may be asymptomatic. However, if you notice lameness and fever in your dog, lethargy, erosion and skin rash, contact your veterinarian. Like piroplasmosis, borreliosis will not go away on its own - treatment from specialists is necessary.

The consequences of a bite

Even in the case of timely medical care, there is a risk that the animal will have chronic dysfunctions of the affected organs, joint diseases, neurological changes, etc.

However, this is rare. In most cases, the animals tolerate the treatment well and do not suffer from the effects of tick bites. Everything is individual and depends on the breed, size, health of the animal and other factors.

Tick ​​bite protection

Unfortunately, there is no remedy that gives a 100% guarantee of protection against a tick bite. Theoretically, a tick can bite a dog while walking anywhere: a yard, a park, a designated area, a forest, etc.

Depending on the breed and size of the animal, the forms and dosages of repellents are selected. Check with your veterinarian before purchasing a tick repellent for your dog.

Spring brings with it not only sunny warm weather, in which you just want to walk with your pets in the forest or park. But at the same time, this season is fraught with great danger for your dog, the source of which is ticks. What kind of ticks can bite your dog, how to recognize a tick bite and what to do if a dog is bitten by an ixodid tick? What are the symptoms and treatment of a bite? Read about all this in our article.

Types of ticks in dogs

Ticks belong to one of the most numerous groups in the arthropod subclass. In total there are more than 48 thousand species. True, only a few species pose a serious danger to our pets:

  • ixodid ticks;
  • Scabies mite;
  • Demodectic mites.

Scabies mite becomes the causative agent of such a disease as sarcoptic mange or itchy scabies, as well as otodectosis - ear scabies. The mites that cause the disease are very small, they bite into the skin, swarm in the subcutaneous layers and lay tunnels there. This causes very severe itching that does not go away without treatment. The disease is very contagious, it is transmitted from a sick animal to a healthy one, at any time of the year.

In this article, we will dwell in more detail on ixodid ticks, which, although they settle on the body of a dog for a short time, can cause irreparable harm to it. They are carriers of piroplasmosis, helminthiases, bacterial infections.

What does a tick look like and where to look for it?

By the size of the tick, you can determine how long it has been on the animal's body. If the tick has already managed to increase in size, it means that it has bitten the dog for a long time and the probability of infection with dangerous viruses is high.

Most often, ticks bite in hard-to-reach places where the dog cannot comb them: behind the ears, on the neck, under the paws. However, after a walk, you need to carefully inspect the entire body of the pet, as the bite can be anywhere.

Symptoms of a tick bite in a dog

Ticks are a seasonal danger - they are active in spring and summer. Even a thorough examination of the animal does not always reveal a tick bite, since its size is quite small, and the animal's hair prevents detection. During this period, it is very important to monitor the condition of the pet and record all changes in time in order to recognize the symptoms of a tick in a dog.

If you find and remove the tick on time, most likely there will be no consequences for the animal, so you should not take it to the veterinarian after each bite. But you need to carefully monitor the state of health. If you find the following signs of a tick bite in a dog, you should contact your veterinarian:

If a dog is bitten by a tick, symptoms may appear within a few days or weeks, so be vigilant!

Treating a dog after a tick bite

So, how to remove a tick:

  • Treat the tick's body with oil or gasoline. This will make it difficult to breathe, causing the tick to loosen its grip.
  • Prepare a noose from the thread, wrap it around the proboscis at the base of the tick and gently twist it counterclockwise. Do not pull it up, as this may break the proboscis.
  • After removing the tick, be sure to treat the bite site with disinfectants.
  • Monitor the condition of the animal for several weeks and if suspicious symptoms appear, contact the veterinarian. Ticks can carry various diseases. The doctor must accurately determine the disease and prescribe treatment.

As an alternative to a thread noose, you can also use tweezers, just remember that you need to pinch the tick's proboscis, not its body!

The dog was bitten by a tick: consequences

By itself, the bite of a tick does not pose a danger to the health of the dog; diseases that the tick can act as carriers of are a threat. The consequences of a bite will depend on the disease.

One of the most common and dangerous is piroplasmosis. Pathogen - unicellular organisms - babesia, which destroy the red blood cells of the animal. As a result of the development of the disease in an animal, the work of the heart, liver, kidneys, and lungs is disrupted, which, if not treated in time, can lead to death.

Other diseases that can be transmitted by tick bite include:

  • Bartonellosis. May present with fever, inflammation of the joints, anemia, weight loss, and heart problems.
  • Ehrlichiosis - most often manifested by severe fever and can be dangerous to humans.
  • Borreliosis or Lyme disease is a disease that is dangerous for both the dog and its owners. After infection, arthritis, neurological disorders are possible. At the first stage of the disease, inflammation of the joints located near the bite site, lameness can be noticed.

In any case, the nutrition of the dog after a tick bite and the general care of the animal should be very balanced, since good immunity will become your assistant in the fight against diseases.

A tick bite can be very dangerous for your dog, so it is extremely important to regularly inspect the animal and monitor its condition in the spring and summer. However, when a dog has been bitten by a tick, treatment may not be required unless the tick was a carrier of the disease.

Preventive measures and timely consultation with a veterinarian will help you keep your pet healthy.

Many owners had to detect a dried tick or tick eggs in a dog (a photo of tick reproduction on a dog is presented below). Some begin to panic in such cases, while others do not pay much attention to such a fact.

By itself, it is not dangerous, and it is not capable of drinking all the blood. However, the bloodsucker is able to carry infectious bacteria that, having settled in red blood cells, damage them. Bacteria multiply quite quickly, and in the absence of appropriate treatment measures, in almost 98% of cases, the disease leads to the death of the animal.

What are the symptoms of a tick bite in a dog?

Symptoms of a dog bite with a tick may not be detected immediately, which is the danger of a bloodsucker attack. Most of all, the owners of four-legged friends are afraid of infectious diseases with a lot of complications, but the realization that the pet is sick often comes too late.

On a note!

In a state of hunger, the bloodsucker is no larger than a match head, so it is almost impossible to notice it in the thick coat of a pet.

On a note!

You can find out that a dog has been bitten by a tick by the following symptoms:

  • The presence of local reactions: blush and itch. Why the pet often licks and combs the damaged area. The site of a tick bite in a dog can also fester, which is caused by pyogenic microorganisms brought into an open wound.
  • The presence of tick-borne paralysis, as a result of which the hind limbs are affected, and subsequently the forelimbs.
  • Perhaps the manifestation of neurotoxic reactions, which are expressed in the form of a violation of the swallowing reflex and the vocal apparatus of the dog, as a result of which it makes barely audible sounds.

Having found such signs of a dog bite with a tick, it is urgent to provide emergency assistance to the pet, as some bloodsuckers can become a carrier of very dangerous diseases.

What are the diseases of dogs from ticks

Depending on the causative agent of the virus, diseases of dogs from ticks also differ.


Piroplasmosis, babesiosis, or as people often call plasmosis in dogs, is the most dangerous disease caused by the pathogens of the Babesia canis virus. The infection is transmitted exclusively through the blood when bitten by a pest. There are the following stages of the development of the disease:

Another disease that can cause a tick in a dog. The culprits of the disease are Bartonella bacteria. The behavior of a dog after a tick bite infected with bartonellosis changes dramatically: the animal experiences weakness in the hind limbs and sleeps most of the time. The danger of the virus lies in the fact that it can cause anemia, fever, cause meningitis and pulmonary edema. Nosebleeds are also possible.

On a note!

The disease has hidden symptoms, which is why the animal can get sick with it for a long time. And not every owner knows that his dog died from a tick bite.

Lyme disease

A tick bite for a dog is also dangerous for a disease such as borreliosis or Lyme disease, the causative agents of which are Borrelia bacteria. The incubation period is 10-14 days, as a result of which the animal begins to refuse food, may experience fever and problems with the cardiovascular system. The pet's lymph nodes increase, lameness and stiffness in gait become noticeable.

On a note!

Such a disease of dogs from ticks can also be transmitted from mother to fetus, often leading to the death or birth of unviable puppies.


An equally dangerous infection that a dog can contract not only after a tick bite infected with Hepatozoon bacteria, but also when it is accidentally swallowed. The disease manifests itself in the form of fever and tearing, pain in the joints and muscles, general weakness of the animal. After infection with hepatozoonosis, more than one year may pass before the manifestation of obvious signs of the disease.

What to do if a tick has bitten a dog

The consequences of a tick bite in a dog described above can be avoided if first aid is provided to the pet in a timely manner. This is especially important if the tick has bitten the puppy.

If the dog was bitten by ticks in different places, then it is urgent to contact a veterinary clinic. A large amount of toxins can lead to the death of the animal.

How to pull out a tick

It is good if there is an opportunity to purchase in a pharmacy for extracting bloodsuckers called Tick Twister. Such a peculiar grip can be of two variations: for bloodsuckers in their normal state and enlarged after a meal.

It is equally important after infection to properly feed the dog. If the pet is very weak and refuses his favorite foods, force-feeding (from a spoon or syringe) will put a lot of stress on the body. Usually in such situations, a nutritional dropper is placed for the dog after a tick bite.

If the dog, though a little, but still shows interest in food, then it should be fed in minimal portions several times a day. It is better if the diet of a sick animal consists of the following dishes:

  • buckwheat and rice porridge;
  • boiled vegetables;
  • meat puree from beef or turkey;
  • corn or olive oil;
  • dry food swollen in boiled water;
  • canned food in a warm form, mixed with water.

On a note!

Any food must be given to the animal in a warm form. Also, the pet must have clean water available. The load should also be limited: short walks at a leisurely pace, refusal to train, compete and various exhibitions.

The recovery period, depending on the severity of the disease, can last up to 2 months. After that, the pet must be shown to a specialist again and a second blood test should be taken.

How to save a dog from a tick bite

What to do if a dog is bitten by a tick? The question is relevant in spring and summer. The first ticks can be found in April. After hibernation, they need food - fresh blood of animals and people. The peak of their activity falls on the month of May. During the breeding season, the number of bloodsucking colonies increases millions of times. In June, offspring (larvae) are born, which from the first minutes of life can feed on blood.

  • encephalitis;
  • borreliosis;
  • piroplasmosis.

Piroplasmosis is defined by veterinarians as tick-borne encephalitis. Piroplasmas (the simplest viral organisms) enter the blood with the saliva of an insect.

Ticks are able to mutate and adapt to chemicals. Often, the means used have a short period of action or a weakly expressed nature of protection.

Bitten by a tick - primary actions

Before penetrating under the skin, he conducts "anesthesia", and the dog does not feel pain from the bite. Then he gnaws a tiny hole and begins to screw into it clockwise and strengthens himself in the wound. After drinking blood, it grows in size and looks like a huge papilloma, digests food and injects the digested "waste" containing the virus into the body of the victim.

Not every tick bite is dangerous. The chance of infection is low. According to statistics, it is 6-14%.

How to remove a tick at home

You can extract the "vampire" yourself. Unscrew it counterclockwise, like a bolt. The capture is made as close as possible to the body of the victim.

It is extremely important not to tear off the body of the insect from the proboscis and mouth apparatus. You can not pull or try to snatch the tick with a sharp jerk, in this case, parts of the insect will remain in the body. This will lead to an inflammatory process, suppuration and an abscess.

Tip 1 - pharmacy tweezers

You can use special tweezers (sold in a pharmacy). They have bent ends and allow you to unscrew the insect with high quality, without breaking.

Tip 2 - tweezers

Tip 3 - "Lasso" from a strong thread

Take a strong silky thread, form a lasso loop in the center. Throw it on the bloodsucker and fix it. Then pull the left and right ends of the thread alternately, thereby loosening the insect.

Tip 4 - manual removal

Tip 5 - syringe

Buy an insulin syringe and cut off the tip with a knife. Attach the cut syringe to the "vampire" and, pulling back on the piston, try to get the insect. The method is suitable if it has not yet had time to penetrate deeply into the skin.

All operations must be carried out with gloves and make sure that the parts and entrails of the removed pest do not get on the skin and mucous membranes.

Stages and symptoms of piroplasmosis

  • number of bites containing infectious virus;
  • the state of health of the pet before the bite;
  • age (it is believed that individuals older than 4 years are more resistant to the virus);
  • whether vaccination was carried out.

It is not always possible to detect and remove a tick in a timely manner. It is possible that, having drunk blood, he fell off on his own. To understand that a dog was bitten by a tick, you need to know what the clinical picture of the development of piroplasmosis looks like, and what are its stages and symptoms.

primary stage

  • lethargy, depression;
  • loss of appetite;

A positive result of the treatment of the disease at an early stage is achieved in 2 days. Next, recovery therapy is prescribed.

Running stage

  • a sharp increase in temperature to 41-42 degrees;
  • urine becomes dark, atypical color.
  • smell from the mouth;
  • body trembling;
  • dyspnea;
  • diarrhea with blood particles;
  • vomit;
  • eyeballs acquire a yolk hue.
  • vaginal bleeding in bitches.

Extremely difficult stage

  • a combination of symptoms of the primary and secondary stages;
  • unsteadiness of movements
  • limb failure
  • convulsions

The chance of salvation at a severe stage is small. The treatment period lasts from 1-3 weeks and has serious further consequences. Limb failure and convulsions lead to cerebral edema, salvation is impossible.

According to veterinary conclusions, in the case of an advanced stage of the disease, 98 out of 100 dogs die. If a dog is bitten by a tick, then timely recognized symptoms and timely treatment are fundamental factors.

Medical treatment and consequences

Virus-infected plasma strikes the vital organs of the animal. At the first symptoms, try to contact the veterinarian. To detect infection, you will need to take urine and blood tests.

Veterinarians do not advise to carry out drug treatment at home on their own, but if for some reason the owner cannot take the pet to the hospital or call a doctor at home, then you can purchase the necessary drugs at the veterinary pharmacy and try to save the pet on your own. The drugs used in this case: Piro-stop, Berenil, Azidin-Vet, Pirosan, Veriben or their analogues. Injections are made with novocaine, intramuscularly, in the back thigh.

If a dog is bitten by a tick, then home treatment gives only 20% of a positive result. She needs 1-2 hour intravenous drips to purify her blood. Not a single owner is able to put a dropper without special education.

With transferred piroplasmosis, immunity is not formed. Each subsequent case of infection will be more difficult to cure than the previous one.

Often after a course of treatment life-long complications are formed:

  • heart failure;
  • disruption of the central nervous system;
  • organ anemia;
  • joint diseases;
  • kidney disorders.

Be carefull! If a dog is bitten by an encephalitis tick, then there is a danger of human infection with the encephalitis virus (in case of contact with a sick animal through the ingress of infected saliva into the bloodstream).

Preventive measures

In order to protect your tailed friend from ticks in the spring-autumn period, you need to use available means: drops on the withers, a special collar, spray for wool.

Many dog ​​owners, in an attempt to protect their pet, use both at the same time. Drops are dripped, tablets are given, a collar is put on, and the animal is treated with a spray before each walk. This cannot be done!

All products are toxic. Follow the guidelines for use. An excess of toxins can lead to poisoning.

After a walk, carefully inspect your pet. Particular attention is required for breeds with voluminous and thick wool.

Currently, there are two vaccines in the Russian Federation designed to protect pets from tick-borne piroplasmosis: Pirodog, Nobivak Piro.

Vaccines are aimed at creating a weak immunity to resist the disease. To consolidate the result, injections are administered twice with an interval of 14 days. The effect of vaccines is 6 months. The principle of their action is to help a milder course of the disease, in case of infection.

reference Information

Until now, the answer to the question remains controversial - do animals suffer from encephalitis. It is not excluded that encephalitis may be due to piroplasmosis. Veterinarians do not single out this disease separately and there are no methods for its treatment today. The death of the patient occurs in a short time. In this case, euthanasia (euthanasia) is performed.

Summing up

  1. Remember that a tick bite does not always lead to illness.
  2. Use only high-quality and proven protective equipment.
  3. Get your vaccinations up to date.
  4. Learn the first symptoms of piroplasmosis.
  5. If you suspect a virus, do not delay an emergency visit to the veterinarian.
  6. Do not try to cure the animal on your own (except in cases of force majeure).

You can also ask a question to our site staff veterinarian, who will answer them as soon as possible in the comments box below.

    Hello! The Spitz was bitten by a tick, the tick was removed, the wound was treated with iodine. They made two injections of Gemavit, they said two more injections for two more days, they gave drops of hematology. The dog is active, there are no symptoms, what else needs to be done? Whether it is necessary now to drip frontally?

  • Good night! The problem is the same and with the same topic! A young dog, 3 years old, on a leash, never let go, walking only on the territory where grass does not grow .. and suddenly got rid of and started for a day “on a business trip” ... through for a couple of days, my mother noticed that she had no appetite, that she was lethargic .. they gave an albena tablet (dogs tolerate it well and never had problems with it) .. after a day the condition did not improve, lethargy and lethargy appeared. They untied it, let them walk around the yard ... they thought about albena poisoning, although it didn’t work out according to the dosage - Khan weighs 10-12 kg, he’s not thoroughbred, but it doesn’t matter - the dog is dear as a memory ... on the 3rd day he just lay down and didn’t get up. put him on the sofa in the house, he still reacted to the voice, got up and urinated himself ... unfortunately and horror, there is no veterinary clinic nearby, so it was simply not possible to take him. They checked for the presence of a tick, it was not there. On the 3rd day, the urine went dark, and the sclera turned yellow. gamavit, they gave an injection, there was a reaction to it - bradycardia, salivation treatment, muscle contractions, weak, but terribly scared !!! please tell me what to do next (there is no clinic nearby), what drugs can be given to the dog to alleviate the symptoms and the course of the whole disease? in the evening (the injection was given at 12 noon) Khan raised his head himself and even crawled away from the soaked place to dry. Refusal of food is categorical, he drinks water often, but little by little...

  • The dog stopped eating, became lethargic, almost stopped leaving the booth. I came to my senses late, on the fifth day of this condition they took me to a veterinary clinic. They removed 4 drunk ticks from the dog. A diagnosis of advanced piraplasmosis was made. Instructed a bunch of injections, made a dropper. They advised me to take it at least 3-5 more times. I agree to all the procedures that the doctor prescribes, only the dog survived. Doctors do not give an exact answer whether this treatment will help or not. Tell me, is there a chance to cure the dog?

  • Anna 19:52 | 13 Mar. 2019

    Hello, the dog drooped, they showed the doctor, they said a tick bite, they gave injections and we also injected at home for five days, but the dog is still lethargic, at first he seemed to hang out, he even began to eat a little, but then he wilted again, three days passed after a week of treatment, what could it be?

  • Good afternoon! Tell me, on the 4th day after the onset of signs of a bite (urine with blood, loss of appetite, vomiting after eating, intermittently) are there any chances to save the pet? Adult Rottweiler, 8 years old. Already taken to vrcau, unfortunately, 4 days have passed .... Tell me please!

  • A dog lives in the yard of an apartment building, during the week I notice her convulsions, she doesn’t eat much .. one of the residents said that she was bitten by a tick. When asked if they removed it, they shrug their shoulders .. I personally could not find the tick. What measures to take? How can you heal a dog on your own? What drugs should be given? I will be grateful for your help.

  • Hello. Today a dog was bitten by a tick, what to do on the way, we found in the region of the Republic of Chuvashia. They just took it off with a napkin, treated the hand gel with a disinfectant that is in the car, there is no way to drive into the cities because by truck. Can ticks that can infect during this period of time?

If neurointoxication does occur, it can manifest itself in a dog in different ways. But most often happens "tick paralysis". As a rule, at first the hind limbs, the pelvic region fail in the pet, and as a result, the forelimbs fail. But failures in the work of motor functions are not the limit of the progression of tick infection. Your four-legged friend, after some time after an insect bite, may simply lose his voice. This phenomenon is called dysphonia. The ligaments work as before, but there is either no sound as such, or it is intermittent.

But much more serious consequences arise due to a disruption in the work of the cranial nerves. The pet's swallowing reflexes do not function well, it can simply die from suffocation. But such complications appear infrequently, most often the dog breeder has to treat his pet for problems with motor skills.

Remember: sometimes motor disturbances go away on their own after 2-3 days. This means that the infection in your dog was mild, and you should not be afraid of any complications. But if your pet's health is deteriorating, it's time to contact the veterinarian. Delay in this case can cost the life of the dog.

Local changes at the site of the bite

If a dog is bitten by a tick, what are the consequences? Already 2-3 hours after you removed the insect from the dog's skin, skin disorders are noticeable. Such an allergic reaction of the body makes itself felt in various manifestations. This is influenced by several external factors:

After two days, purulent reactions may occur on the body of the dog. All this is due to harmful microorganisms that enter the body of the animal through the saliva of the tick. The main thing is to provide full treatment at this stage. If you own a small breed dog, you may need to inject antihistamines into your pet's skin. Thus, you exclude the possibility of further development of allergic reactions.

Infectious diseases

If the first symptoms do not always alert dog breeders, further progression of the infection can result in much more serious consequences. But the main problem lies in the fact that the dog owner cannot always associate the symptoms with a tick bite. Infectious diseases make themselves felt much later, after a bite, several months can pass.

That's why you need to contact the veterinarian as soon as possible. To clearly understand what dog owners have to deal with after being bitten by an infected tick, consider the list of the most common diseases:

  • bartonellosis. This disease affects red blood cells and macrophages. Its manifestations can be varied. Sometimes a dog is a carrier of the disease for several years, and there are no specific symptoms. But there are times when a dog dies suddenly, without previous signs. Diagnosis of the disease is difficult, among the most common symptoms are fever, weakness or partial failure of the hind limbs, drowsiness, weight loss. In some cases, the dog has meningitis, swelling of the lungs, or hemorrhages in the eyeballs;
  • hepatozoonosis. This infection will not cause harm to a person, but among dogs the disease is quite common. Pests enter the leukocytes, spread throughout the body. Interestingly, the pet becomes infected with such an ailment not through the bite of a tick, but rather due to its ingestion. Moreover, the symptoms appear after some time, which finally confuses any dog ​​breeder. And all because, while the immunity of the pet was high, the infection "sat" in the body. At an inopportune moment for the dog, the disease is activated, and you may experience the following symptoms - fever, watery eyes, weakness, muscle or joint pain;

  • erlichiosis. This tick-borne disease is characterized mainly by increasing fever. 2-3 weeks after the tick has been on the dog's skin, your pet may become inactive and even lethargic. There are cases when, until the last moment, the disease does not manifest itself in any way, and then it turns out that your four-legged friend has internal organs affected;
  • borreliosis. Another name for the disease is Lyme disease. This disease is primarily dangerous because it is transmitted in utero. The first signs include inflammation of the joints. In the future, a reddish ring forms around the bite site, which increases in size. After a few weeks, borreliosis manifests itself in full. The dog suffers from fever, stiff gait, swollen lymph nodes, weakness and poor appetite. Articular inflammation can become chronic;
  • piroplasmosis. Perhaps this disease most often appears in dogs after a tick bite. Lethargy and lack of appetite eventually develop into jaundice and heart failure. The color of urine becomes dark, blood may appear in it.

Remember that all these infectious diseases are fatal if left untreated. Therefore, it is advisable to contact the veterinarian immediately after removing the tick from the dog's skin.

First aid

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