The cat has a hematoma on the head. Diagnosis and treatment of ear hematomas. Neoplasms in the auricle

Illness is the result various injuries. Scratching with itching can also be accompanied by rupture of blood vessels and the formation of a hematoma, a tumor-like accumulation of blood in the tissues, in which blood flows out of the vessels, pushes the surrounding tissues apart and forms a cavity filled with blood. Hematomas are more common inner surface auricle. This is due to the fact that the skin here is connected to the perichondrium, and therefore the slightest displacement of it entails ruptures of blood vessels.

Symptoms of the disease

The main signs of the disease are a thickening of the auricle, on which a limited swelling becomes noticeable, the ear from a standing position takes a hanging position, fluctuation is felt when touched, and it is painful to touch it.

Diagnosis of the disease

Diagnosis based on anamnesis and clinical signs.

Treatment of the disease

With a fresh hematoma, the cat's ears should be pressed to the back of the head, apply cold and apply a tight bandage. After 2 days - heat and otodepine, a phytopreparation containing essential oil pine, silbiol and geranium extract. As a rule, the cure occurs in 7-10 days. In case of any complications, it is necessary to show the cat to the veterinarian. homeopathic treatment. At the first sign of formation ear hematoma effective subcutaneous injection of the drug traumeel. This stops the development of the hematoma and very quickly leads to its regression, which makes it possible to avoid surgery. With an already formed hematoma, traumeel is used longer: 5-6 days with the introduction of the drug twice a day. When there are signs of deformation of the auricle conservative treatment not efficient.

Ear hematoma in cats is a fairly common disease that is formed as a result of a rupture blood vessels in auricle and the space between the cartilage and the skin begins to fill with blood.

Within a few minutes after the rupture of blood vessels, the blood exerts strong pressure and the ear is swollen. If the hematoma is not treated, the pain in the ear will go away in a few days, but the swelling can form scar tissue and permanently deform the ear.

Causes of ear hematoma formation

An ear injury can cause a hematoma to form in a cat. It is clear that pets that do not leave the apartment are more protected than street dwellers. Allergy, ear mite and infectious diseases of the ears can also provoke the appearance of a hematoma, since an animal with any of these diagnoses experiences severe itching. Cats in this state begin to comb their ears and shake their heads. The likelihood of damage to the vessels in this case is extremely high.

Treatment of an ear hematoma in a cat

Depending on how quickly the ear hematoma was detected, appropriate treatment is carried out. Typically, surgery is required. The veterinarian should make an incision at the base of the ear, remove the blood, and sew up the incision. After the operation, the animal will have to walk with a bandage for some time. The surgical method of treatment is good because after the operation the deformation of the auricle is excluded, however, traces of stitches on the cat's ear can be attributed to the disadvantages of this method.

If the hematoma is caused by allergies, ear mites and infectious disease treatment of the underlying disease is necessary.

If the hematoma is small, you can do without surgery by removing blood clots with a syringe.

Prevention of ear hematoma in cats

Prevention of the occurrence of hematomas is reduced to the prevention of head injuries in the animal. To do this, you must carefully monitor the health of the cat, treat allergies and infections in time, remove ticks. At the first manifestations of a hematoma, you should immediately contact your veterinarian.

Hematoma of the ear cavity of animals is a fairly common variant of the disease. It is especially common in animals that roam freely and come into contact with other members of their species.

A hematoma forms when blood vessels in the ear rupture and the space between the skin and cartilage begins to fill with blood. As a result of the pressure of this blood, within a few minutes after the rupture of the vessels, the ear swells, causing very pain. If the hematoma is not treated on time, the pain usually goes away after a few days. However, the tumor persists and gradually forms in the fluid scar tissue leading to irreversible deformation of the auricle.

Causes of ear hematoma formation in cats, cats and kittens

A hematoma can form with an ear injury. It is clear that cats that do not leave the apartment are less likely to suffer than "free walkers". In addition, the formation of hematomas is provoked by infectious diseases of the ears, ear mites, and allergies. As a result of these diseases, the cat feels itchy, begins to comb his ears, shake his head. With intensive scratching of the ear, damage to the vessels is possible, and, as a result, the formation of a hematoma.

The main symptoms of ear hematoma in cats, cats and kittens

  • The ear swells (becomes stiffer and sagging, sometimes close to the head).
  • Raise local temperature auricle.
  • Education on the inner (sometimes on the outer) side of the ear painful fluctuation swelling with clear boundaries.
  • Constant shaking of the ears, scratching with the paw.
  • Restless state.
  • In chronic cases, the hematoma grows connective tissue and the auricle becomes dense, its curvature is possible.

Treatment is carried out different ways depending on how quickly the hematoma was detected and its size. Most often, it is carried out surgery, during which an incision is made at the base of the ear, blood is removed from under the skin and the incision is sutured. A bandage may be applied to the ear after surgery. With a hematoma caused by an infectious disease, ticks or allergies, treatment of the underlying disease is necessary. advantage surgical method treatment is that after recovery, the ear will have a natural shape, there is little risk of re-formation of a hematoma. Traces of stitches remaining on the cat's ear after the operation can be considered a disadvantage.

A variant is possible when the seams are not applied, but bandages are applied to the ear in a certain way. At the same time, there are no seams on the ear, which can be important for show cats. However, this treatment requires dressings and careful care until complete recovery.

In some cases, when the hematoma is small or very old and there are no clots, surgery can be avoided by removing the fluid with a syringe. Sometimes veterinarians use cannulas and drainage tubes to remove fluid from under the skin, which also avoids surgical intervention with suturing.

Prevention of ear hematoma in cats, cats and kittens

Prevention is about avoiding head injuries. The main reason is self-injury when a cat scratches its ears, so timely treatment from infections, ticks and allergies - The best way prevent the formation of hematomas. At the first signs of illness, if the cat shakes its head or scratches its ears, you should contact your veterinarian to find out the cause and prescribe treatment.

Hematoma- a fairly common disease of the cat's ear. A hematoma forms when blood vessels in the ear rupture and the space between the skin and cartilage begins to fill with blood. As a result of the pressure of this blood, within a few minutes after the rupture of the vessels, the ear swells, causing very painful sensations.

If the hematoma is not treated on time, the pain usually goes away after a few days. However, the tumor persists and scar tissue gradually forms in the fluid, leading to irreversible deformation of the auricle.

Causes of ear hematoma formation.

A hematoma can form with an ear injury. It is clear that cats that do not leave the apartment are less likely to suffer than "free walkers". In addition, the formation of hematomas is provoked by infectious diseases of the ears, ear mites, allergies. As a result of these diseases, the cat feels itchy, begins to comb his ears, shake his head. With intensive scratching of the ear, damage to the vessels is possible, and, as a result, the formation of a hematoma.

Treatment of ear hematoma in a cat.

Treatment is carried out in different ways, depending on how quickly the hematoma was detected and its size. Most often, it is carried out surgery, during which an incision is made at the base of the ear, blood is removed from under the skin and the incision is sutured. A bandage may be applied to the ear after surgery. With a hematoma caused by an infectious disease, ticks or allergies, treatment of the underlying disease is necessary. The advantage of the surgical method of treatment is that after recovery, the ear will have a natural shape, there is little risk of re-formation of a hematoma. Traces of stitches remaining on the cat's ear after the operation can be considered a disadvantage.

A variant is possible when the seams are not superimposed, but in a certain way on the ear dressings are applied. At the same time, there are no seams on the ear, which can be important for show cats. However, this treatment requires dressings and careful care until complete recovery.

In some cases, when the hematoma is small or very old and there are no clots, surgery can be dispensed with, removing liquid with a syringe. Sometimes veterinarians use cannulas and drainage tubes to remove fluid from under the skin, which also avoids surgical intervention with suturing.

Prevention of ear hematoma in cats.

Prevention is about avoiding head injuries. The main reason is self-injury when a cat scratches its ears, so timely treatment for infections, mites and allergies is the best way to prevent bruising. At the first signs of illness, if the cat shakes its head or scratches its ears, you should contact your veterinarian to find out the cause and prescribe treatment.

Appears when the integrity of the blood vessels is violated (usually as a result of an injury), while the integrity of the skin is not broken, because of which the blood does not spill out, but accumulates under the skin. Blood pressure leads to the formation of a new unnatural internal cavity. A small hematoma of the ear in a cat can go away on its own.

Development of pathology

The formation of a hematoma begins with damage to the vessels without compromising the integrity of the skin. As a result, the flowing blood due to pressure begins to stretch the surrounding tissues. This process occurs until the pressure inside the vessel is balanced by the resistance of the stretched tissues.

Small hematomas resolve on their own, while large ones form a subcutaneous thrombus without treatment., which is later replaced by connective tissue. Further, calcium salts can be deposited in this area, due to which a cyst is formed. With the penetration of infection at the site of the hematoma, an abscess or phlegmon is formed.

Symptoms of a hematoma

The ear hangs, swelling is visible, the animal does not touch it, reacts aggressively to touch. When the ear is translucent, dark red or black spot. The hematoma is soft to the touch, fluctuation is heard, skin tension is felt. Later, the pain disappears or decreases, but the swelling persists, the blood coagulates.


First aid should be provided at home. At the first sign of a hematoma, a pressure bandage to stop bleeding. The skin is preliminarily treated with antiseptics, it is rational to apply to the bandaged ear cold compress(ice bags).

If it was possible to stop the spread of the hematoma, then the operation is not performed, since the clotted blood will resolve itself. Otherwise, it is necessary to remove blood clots, for which they resort to surgical intervention.

Suction of blood

The operation should be carried out immediately after the detection of a large hematoma, while the blood has not yet clotted. The blood is aspirated with a syringe. Due to the low invasiveness, the cat is not subjected to anesthesia, even anesthesia is not necessary, but it is important to firmly fix the animal so that the needle does not cause additional damage.

The needle is inserted into the upper part of the ear, the blood is aspirated carefully so as not to create an excessively low pressure in the hematoma cavity. After suctioning the blood, the needle is not removed, but the syringe is disconnected from it and a solution of antibiotics and novocaine is injected through the same needle. After the operation, a pressure bandage and a collar are applied so that the animal does not try to remove it.

Surgery to remove blood

Suction does not always give a result, therefore, if no effect is observed after 5-7 suctions, then an operation is prescribed to open the hematoma and suture the vessel. Also, surgery is recommended to remove a blood clot when the blood in the hematoma has already coagulated. Surgical intervention carried out under general anesthesia.


Before anesthesia is necessary starvation diet at 8-12 hours, 2-3 hours before the operation, you should not give the cat to drink. There are two common anesthesia mixtures:

  • Premedication. Subcutaneously injected 1% solution of atropine sulfate in the amount of 0.5-1 ml/kg of animal weight. After 15-20 minutes, cats are injected intramuscularly with a 2% solution of Rometar in an amount of 0.1 ml / kg of body weight. In the same dosage, you can use the intramuscular ketamine-containing drug ursotomine. When using Rometar, it is recommended to inject a 1% solution of ketamine intramuscularly at a dose of 0.1 ml / kg.
  • Thiopental sodium anesthesia. Fast-acting type of anesthesia. A thiopental-sodium solution is used in the amount of 0.025-0.03 g/kg of the cat's weight, the drug is administered intravenously in a 5-10% concentration. It is especially important to maintain the functions of respiration and heartbeat to administer the drug slowly. The action occurs instantly - after the introduction of the first drops. The anesthesia itself lasts 20-40 minutes, and post-anesthetic sleep - 1-4 hours.

Operation technique

First, the skin is treated with any available antiseptic. Then an incision is made along the ear in the center of the hematoma. If available profuse bleeding from a damaged vessel, then it is blocked by pinching it with your fingers. liquid blood removed with a syringe, and blood clots - with tweezers, while you can not tear off the blood clots by force, you must act carefully so as not to create a new wound.

If necessary, the vessel is sutured with a ligature. After all the manipulations, the hematoma cavity is washed with an antiseptic solution (0.02% furacilin). Usually the doctor pierces the ear through and through, this leads to complete healing of the ear, but at the same time it can lose its natural shape and become thicker than normal. Therefore, it is recommended to use a rolled suture, especially for competitive cats. The stitches are removed after 10 days.

Bead seam technology

used on high tension fabrics, for example, on stretched skin with a hematoma. For sewing, short gauze rollers should be prepared in advance, a centimeter long and half a centimeter thick. They must be at least twice as large as right amount stitches.

The skin is pierced with a needle at a distance of 0.5-1.5 cm from the edge of the incision, with strong tissue tension, the distance can be doubled. In this case, the needle is not passed simultaneously through two edges of the wound, but first the first edge is pierced, the needle is taken out, and only then the other edge is stitched. It is especially important that when punctured wound surface the thread passed over the very bottom of the wound.

To create a seam with rollers, a thick silk thread is used, threaded so that the two ends of the threads are of equal length. When the seam is created, the needle is disconnected, as a result, a loop is formed at the first edge, and hanging threads at the opposite. From both edges, rollers are inserted between the threads, after which they are tightly tied.

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