Pine bud honey step by step recipe. Pine honey from pine cones. Pine honey: recipe

In winter, we all often suffer from a feeling of soreness and sore throat, painful cough and other cold symptoms. And completely in vain we lose touch with nature! But she gives us her gifts free of charge. unique products, possessing the properties we need, able to heal and improve the body without the use of chemicals. There is a wonderful available remedy from angina and bronchitis. It's natural and very effective! our home, unique remedy- the so-called "cone honey" is an infusion of pine cones, young and green, in sugar syrup. We inherited the recipe from our great-grandmother. We make cone honey every spring. We use it all winter, the whole family. Both as a preventive measure and as a remedy. The resins of coniferous trees are rich in essential oils, tannins, and contain ascorbic acid. Cone honey is used as an expectorant, anti-inflammatory agent. The cone extract, which forms the basis of the infusion, has bactericidal properties, affects pathogens. How to prepare an infusion pine cones? We collect pine cones, always in April-May, when the cones are still young and soft, with pollen that has volatile properties. Rinse thoroughly in running water, cut into small pieces. We put it in a jar in layers, alternating chopped cones and sugar in a ratio of approximately 1: 2 - two parts of sugar for one part of the cones. We close it with an ordinary plastic lid, put it in a dark place (not in the refrigerator), for a couple of months. After some time, the sugar, dissolving and combining with the juice of the cones, forms a sweet syrup with a tart taste, which has astringent properties. So, in what cases is the remedy recommended? - with colds and coughs; - sore throat; - stomatitis (sores in the mouth); - deficiency of vitamin C; - how helpful additional remedy with bronchitis and pneumonia. True, the proverb works well: “Winter day feeds the year”? It turns out that if you take care of yourself in the spring and prepare a remedy from cones, then for the whole year the family will be provided with both vitamin C and a remedy for the prevention and treatment of colds. Honey from young pine cones. The first recipe is honey from young pine cones. Today I will take one kilogram of cones. We fill one kilogram of pine cones with 3 liters of water and put it on fire. Cook for four hours on low heat. Then set aside for 12 hours in a cool place to infuse. I boiled the cones in the afternoon, so I managed to leave them to infuse overnight. In the morning I strained the decoction with cones. I threw away the pine cones themselves, but I will continue to use the cloudy broth to make pine honey. My pine cones turned out to be whole, and on the Internet I read that they are boiled soft. Although I have a hard time believing this. Further, according to the recipe, one kilogram of sugar must be added to 1 liter of broth. I got 1.5 liters. I added a pound and a half of sugar. Brought to a boil and sweated for 5 minutes. Set aside until the evening. In the evening, I still sweated for about an hour, although according to the recipe it was said that 5 minutes would be enough. But even after an hour of languor, the honey did not become transparent, and I did not like its consistency. In general, honey will be liquid if you do not add more sugar to it. Pine cones in sugar This recipe will be without heat treatment. For the recipe, I used one kilogram of young buds and two kilograms of sugar. This is probably the only one of all the recipes in which I did not make changes. Probably because you don't have to cook it. Just take and cut the cones into small pieces. It is not necessary to grind strongly, the cones are not so easy to cut. To cut one kilogram of pine cones, it took me 40 minutes of time, a cutting board (preferably plastic or an old wooden one, in any case this board will not be used later), one rubber glove, and a good large knife. I use a rubber glove for its intended purpose, I put it on the hand of which I will take the bumps. The fact is that the cones are rich in resins, and these resins are not very easy to wash off later. I cut the cones into a large bowl with sugar. After slicing, I mixed everything well and put everything in jars. As you can see in the photo, I got 5 cans of 700 grams. But a day later, the pine cones sank and I scattered one jar over the other four. The photo above shows what bumps became in a day. I want to warn you that the lid does not need to be tightly closed. Sugar is sugar, and interacting with the bumps, it wanders a little. Although it is difficult to call this fermentation, nevertheless, it is better not to close the lid of the jar tightly, or simply close it with a nylon lid. After our mixture of chopped pine cones and sugar is in jars, we send them to a cool place until autumn. And already from the beginning of autumn, you can drink tea with tincture of pine cones on sugar, even for prevention purposes. You can drink simply by adding hot water. You can not use the cones themselves, we filter them and throw them away Jam from young pine cones The next recipe will be jam from pine cones. I got this recipe from the internet. But judging from the experience already gained, the one who wrote, and the recipe was without photos, never tried to make it. The recipe said that the cones should be poured with water to cover 1 centimeter, let stand for a day. After a day, drain the water and boil in new water. Bring to a boil, and add sugar at the rate of 1 kilogram of sugar per liter of water. Cook on low heat for 1.5 hours. At first it seemed suspicious to me, but I decided to try it anyway. Firstly, it was said that during the boil, remove the foam. And explain to me how to remove the foam if all the bumps have surfaced. And it is not possible to remove the foam normally. Of course, if possible, I removed the noise, but far from perfect. Secondly, after a light boil for 1.5 hours, the pine jam syrup was too thin, but beautiful and slightly transparent. Pink colour. When I decided to simmer more to evaporate the water, the buds began to open and the color of the syrup turned red-pink and clouded in addition. I have already decided to deviate from the recipe, next time I will be more careful to take recipes without photos. I added another kilogram of sugar so that at least this pine cone jam could be stored in the apartment. In general, I got my own recipe for making jam from pine cones. Now this recipe will look like this. For one kilogram of young pine cones, add two liters of water. Bring to a boil. Now I would drain this water and boil it again with new water. Because when boiling, a green foam formed. In boiled cones, I recommend adding 3 kilograms of sugar. And simmer on the stove until thickened. This is about one and a half to two hours, look at the thickening of the syrup. As a result, it turned out for 1 kilogram of cones, two liters of water and 3 kilograms of sugar. I also want to warn those who want to cook jam from pine cones, then be sure to remember. Any item that comes into contact with pine cones will smell like pine afterward and will also be smeared with resin. For example, I washed the knife, I specially took a rarely used cutting board, but I had to tinker with the pan to wash it. The resin was so strongly ingrained into the walls of the pan that I had to clean it with an iron mesh. Why I decided to stock up on pine honey and jam this year. The fact is that last winter my children often suffered from diseases of the upper respiratory tract, and I don’t want this to happen again. Why pine honey and not elderberry honey. How to make elderberry honey I wrote on my blog. But this honey was not to the taste of my children, and besides me, few people ate it. If only by deception I mix a little into tea, and then they refuse tea. But they liked pine honey. I brewed honey last year pine buds. Boiled a little, a few jars. But these few jars did not even survive the winter. They liked the unusual taste of this honey so much that they drank pine honey tea with pleasure. The recipe can be found in my article " pine honey, cooking recipe with photos“. The benefits of pine honey or jam Pine honey has a truly unique properties for our body. Firstly, it is rich in vitamin C, which we are especially lacking in viral diseases and especially in winter. Secondly, it helps to quickly cure almost any disease of the upper respiratory tract, as if it was created for this. It has a good expectorant effect. Thirdly, it is very useful for the stomach, when taking jam or honey from pine cones, the secretion of the stomach improves, and it is also an excellent antiviral agent. Pine honey is also useful for bile stasis, has a diuretic effect, and has an excellent tonic property. From my experience I can say the following, it really invigorates. I decided to check it out, and when I felt sleepy during the day, I went and made myself tea from pine honey. Drowsiness vanished. And I also recommend that you go to this article in winter or spring. I will try all my preparations, and probably in the comments I will describe all the recipes I have prepared from pine cones and buds, which is tastier, which, in my opinion, had a greater effect on the body. In general, I will tell you my feelings. By palatability so far, pine bud honey is leading the way, but I haven't tried half of it yet. After my children saw pine cone jam, they immediately remembered their favorite cartoon Masha and the Bear. There, in one episode, Masha just cooked jam from everything that came to hand. So the children remembered that they saw pine cones there. And they asked me to turn on this cartoon to watch it again. And I suggest you watch a video about how I made pine honey and cones with sugar.

Honey from pine shoots or pine cones is a conventional name, since this product is not related to bees. Jam has healing properties for the human body: effective at colds, disorders digestive system, violation metabolic processes, blood diseases and the presence of kidney stones. And also a decoction of cones increases the overall tone and charges vitality and energy.

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    Beneficial features

    A decoction of young shoots or green cones contains essential oils, as well as a vitamin-mineral complex that has a beneficial effect on the body:

    • Fights cough, asthma, bronchitis and other respiratory diseases.
    • Accelerates metabolism and normalizes metabolism.
    • Treats diseases of the digestive system.
    • Cleanses the liver and kidneys of toxins, removes toxins and harmful substances from blood.
    • An effective remedy for tuberculosis.
    • Oncology prevention.
    • Strengthens immunity.
    • It energizes the body and helps eliminate general overwork.

    The beneficial properties of pine honey are very extensive. It can be eaten by both adults and children. This remedy is especially effective during an exacerbation viral infections, therefore it is recommended to eat 1 teaspoon in the morning on an empty stomach as a preventive measure.

    Medicinal properties of pine cones - use in traditional medicine and contraindications

    Collection principles

    To get the most out of such a decoction, you need to know from which cones you can prepare a healing agent and where it is recommended to collect them:

    1. 1. You only need to collect green pine cones and young shoots, so the collection time is the spring months or early June.
    2. 2. You should carefully examine the trees, since you need to collect cones only from healthy pines.
    3. 3. Coniferous forest is an ideal place for gathering. Trees growing near roads will not work, as the harm from such a jam will be much more than good.

    Healing Jam Recipes

    Pine honey should be boiled from sugar syrup and young cones. There are also cooking options. healing agent without cooking. The most popular recipes are listed below.

    Honey from green cones

    For cooking you will need:

    • Cones - 70 pcs.;
    • Sugar - 0.8 kg;
    • Lemon - 1 piece of medium size.
    • Purified water - 1 liter;

    The process of preparing a healing agent is not laborious, even a beginner can cope with it:

    1. 1. Thoroughly rinse the cones from dirt in plenty of water.
    2. 2. Pour them with purified water and put under the lid on a slow fire.
    3. 3. Bring the broth to a boil, simmer under the lid for half an hour.
    4. 4. Leave for a day to infuse.
    5. 5. After the broth is infused, strain it through clean gauze folded in several layers and add sugar.
    6. 6. It is necessary to cook pine honey for about two to two and a half hours over low heat, stirring occasionally. The consistency of the finished jam should resemble liquid honey.
    7. 7. On last step cooking should be added lemon juice into the decoction and stir.

    Pouring pine jam on sterilized jars and roll them up.

    Jam from young pine shoots

    Ingredients: young shoots - 1 kg, sugar 1.2 kg; water - 1 liter.

    It is necessary to wash the shoots, cut into small pieces and cover with sugar. Leave for 24 hours in a dark place. To make jam, you need to add water to a mixture of sugar and shoots, put on the stove, turn on the burner on a slow fire, cover and bring to a boil. Remove from stove. Let cool completely. After the lapse of time, again put on a slow fire and repeat the steps two more times. Pour the finished honey into jars and put in the refrigerator.

    Pine cones in sugar without boiling

    You need to take 2 kg of granulated sugar and 1 kg of green cones (pre-washed). Cut them into small pieces. Should be worn by hand rubber gloves, because the pine resin very difficult to wash off. The knife should be large and sharp. Combine chopped cones with sugar and mix well. Pour the prepared mixture into jars and close with nylon lids. Lower into the cellar to infuse. The jam will be ready in 3 months.

Hello dear readers. Today I want to tell you, as promised, a recipe for pine honey, namely boiled honey from young pine shoots. I wanted to make a video recipe for you, but I didn’t really like the video, only fragments. After all, the process itself took more than a day, and I am not yet a great specialist in talking, and I recovered by 7 kilograms over the winter. AT general recipe as usual with photographs, so that you would not think that I am a storyteller. I used to love sweets. Now the truth is no longer very like that, it’s just that my children don’t eat jam and honey well, and my beloved wife feeds me so that sweets no longer fit. You know, the children are small, and they constantly have to cook, and I also fall under the distribution. True, son Michael began to show interest in natural honey, maybe the name started to work. After all, bears love honey.

Regular readers of my blog know that this is not my first artificial honey. I have already brewed elderberry honey. Thus, I try to avoid unnecessary trips to the pharmacy. In winter, I give my children tea from a medic, in this form they at least use it. And I learned honey making from my parents. They are also linden honey boiled, in front of our yard a large linden tree grew. And interestingly, my honey with lemon still crystallized a little, and my parents have honey for more than 5 years and nothing, as if cooked yesterday. You can see how crystals look in honey and read how to buy real honey on the market here.

First we need to go to the forest and gather young pine shoots.

It is better to collect shoots in the forest away from the road. And when you gather for shoots, do not forget to bring disposable rubber gloves with you. After all, pine is the leader in its species for the production of resin. You probably noticed this when you bet on New Year herringbone.

And as you remember, this resin is very poorly washed. In general, we need a small bag of shoots, in an approximate volume to fit in a liter pan, or so. Before cooking, the shoots must be sorted out from the needles and various debris that got into our bag, then rinsed and left for 5-10 minutes under the water.

During this time, if suddenly there were some insects, they will emerge. Fill with water approximately so that the water covers the pine shoots about 1-2 centimeters. This is not literally, but figuratively, because the shoots float in the water.

We put our shoots on the fire and boil for about 30 minutes. After that, we forget about them for at least 10-12 hours. Our decoction must be infused. Water should draw out all the useful vitamins and substances from the shoots. When the broth has already been infused, it must be filtered through folded gauze or dense fabric. Exfoliated scales of pine buds will remain on the fabric. The broth will turn green.

I got about 1 liter of broth. Add one kilogram of sugar to this broth and put on fire.

When the sugar has melted, add the juice of half a lemon. We boil this whole mixture over low heat for about 1.5 - 2 hours, while removing the scale that has formed, so to speak, “noise”. This can be done with a slotted spoon or spoon. In the meantime, you can prepare jars where we will pour our resulting pine honey. I pour boiling water over jars and lids.

After two hours of boiling our pine honey, we can finally pour it into jars prepared in advance. I got about one liter of honey. It tasted very pleasant. There is no pronounced taste of pine, there is a pleasant aftertaste. My family really liked pine honey.

I have another idea artificial honey. I want to show you how to make dandelion honey. But unfortunately I don’t find dandelions in the forest, and I won’t collect them along the roads. As soon as I get somewhere in the meadow with dandelions, you will know about it with a new honey recipe. I have been nurturing this idea for the second year, but there is no time for work and to go looking for dandelions. True, yesterday we were in the national botanical garden in Kyiv, there are a lot of dandelions, but you can’t pick them there. But what a beauty. The lilac is in bloom right now. Therefore, a new article about lilacs will be released soon. There you will see such beauty, it is simply breathtaking. See you soon on the blog pages.

Pine honey from young shoots

Hello dear reader!

From young pine shoots, from young pine cones, you can make jam or syrup, otherwise called pine honey. Today we are preparing pine honey from pine shoots.

You need to collect young pine shoots for making jam or pine honey in the spring, when these shoots have started to grow, but are not yet covered with young needles. It is best to do this in a young pine forest. Our pine buds blossomed in May, and I collected the shoots on May 19th.

You should not just cut off the shoots from the tops of the pine. Let the tree grow normally. We cut the shoots on the side branches. It is not at all necessary to cut off all the shoots that you can reach. It is enough to take the tops of two or three side branches from each pine.

We clean the cut young shoots of debris, remove the fallen needles. We wash the shoots in running water. We cut or break them into pieces one and a half centimeters long.

To make pine honey, I took about 300 grams of shoots and poured them with three glasses of cold water. For cooking more syrup, you just need to increase the amount of water in the same proportion.

We put the container for the preparation of pine honey on the stove, bring to a boil and cook over low heat for about 20 minutes. Remove from stove, cover with lid. And leave the broth for a day - to infuse.

Our decoction has a pleasant pine resinous aroma and a slightly bitter taste. After a day, we filter it through a filter of two to three layers of gauze, laid in a colander. I got a little more than half a liter of broth.

Pour sugar into a decoction of pine shoots and put on fire. Bringing to a boil, reduce heat to low and cook for 30-40 minutes. Until the moment when our pine honey begins to thicken.

Add lemon juice or citric acid so that our culinary work does not sugar later.

It turned out not very thick syrup pleasant yellow color reminiscent of real honey. It has a very pleasant pine scent. Pour pine honey into a washed and sterilized jar and store in the refrigerator.

For 0.5 kg of young pine shoots: water 1 liter

granulated sugar 1 kg

Let's not forget that pine honey is primarily a medicine. It should be consumed in moderation - one tablespoon for an adult, one dessert (or two teaspoon) - for a child. You should not take pine honey (as well as other preparations from Scots pine) with kidney disease.

Pine honey is used in the treatment of broncho-pulmonary diseases, airborne infections, colds. He is also wonderful prophylactic helping to avoid similar troubles with health.

Sincerely, Alexander Silivanov

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Pine honey: useful properties, cooking recipes

Pine honey is extremely rich in vitamins and microelements, has the most pleasant aroma coniferous forest, provides invaluable health benefits, and has only one drawback - it is not made by bees. Fortunately, making it yourself is not difficult - the recipes are very simple, but the health benefits are huge!

Pine honey is not obtained as a result of the life of bees, but is prepared by a person, since there is no nectar on pine trees. Surprisingly fragrant sweetness contains flavonoids, phytoncides, vitamins and minerals, therefore it brings to the body great benefit. Having prepared a folk sweet medicine for the winter, you will forget about the malaise, feeling unwell, colds and other illnesses.

Composition and benefits

Honey from pine buds or young shoots has an unusual resinous aroma. Despite the fact that this product is prepared by human hands, it is very useful for the body, because it contains such useful material:

  • iron, selenium, potassium and other minerals;
  • vitamins;
  • amino acids;
  • flavonoids;
  • antioxidants;
  • organic compounds;
  • essential oils and others.

The unique composition of the product contributes to the fact that pine honey has such beneficial features:

  • cleanses the blood;
  • reduces the level of "bad" cholesterol;
  • lowers blood pressure;
  • has anti-inflammatory and antiviral action;
  • improves metabolism;
  • eliminates pain;
  • has an expectorant effect;
  • charges the body with strength and energy;
  • improves memory and mental activity;
  • increases efficiency;
  • strengthens defensive forces organism;
  • has a urinary and choleretic effect;
  • slows down the aging process;
  • resumes the processes of hematopoiesis and so on.

The list of useful properties of this product can be continued for a long time. It has long been used in folk medicine for the treatment and prevention of various ailments.

Who benefits from pine honey

A sweet treat is useful for both adults and children. The substances included in the composition help to overcome various diseases and health issues:

  1. Iron and other minerals help to get rid of anemia and improve blood formation processes.
  2. Antioxidants normalize metabolism and slow down the aging process.
  3. The expectorant, anti-inflammatory and antiviral effect of honey is used in the treatment of colds, SARS, coughs or bronchitis.
  4. Flavonoids and phytoncides suppress pathogenic microflora in the stomach and intestines and restore the processes of digestion.
  5. The bile and diuretic properties help to get rid of kidney stones and gallbladder.
  6. The high content of potassium in honey helps to restore work nervous system forget about insomnia chronic fatigue and lethargy.

Take pine honey bronchial asthma, tuberculosis and other respiratory diseases. Delicacy helps to forget about violations digestive tract, kidney or liver problems. The intake of pine honey relieves physical or mental exhaustion, and is effective for beriberi and weak immunity.


Honey from pine cones, the benefits and harms of which are difficult to compare, can be called universal remedy which is used to treat many diseases. The product has practically no contraindications, but it is necessary to refuse it for diabetes mellitus, since sugar is included in the composition. Sweets should be taken with caution acute diseases kidney and liver, alcoholism and obesity.

The product is anti-allergic, so it can be used by both children (over 3 years old) and adults. If you have not eaten this delicacy before, you should start with small doses. AT rare cases may be observed negative reactions organism.

How to take

In order for homemade honey from young cones to bring only benefits, it is important to use it in limited quantities. To improve the body, it is enough in the morning and evening on an empty stomach to take 1 tablespoon with water. For children, the dose should be halved.

The product can also be used in the following ways:

  • add to tea, milk or other drinks;
  • eat with pancakes, buns and other pastries;
  • add to various desserts.

For colds and flu, pine honey is added to warm drink and also used for gargling. Inhalations are made from a sweet treat to treat coughs and runny noses. To cure tuberculosis, the honey from the cones is mixed with pine pollen.

How to make pine honey

Honey from pine cones can be prepared independently, besides simple recipes only contribute to it. You will need a minimum of products and a little time, and as a result you will receive a healing potion for many diseases. Do not miss the moment to prepare cone jam for the winter. Honey can be prepared both from cones and from young shoots.

Raw material preparation

The process of making pine honey begins with the preparation of raw materials. In order for the prepared delicacy to bring maximum benefit, it is necessary to observe simple recommendations:

  1. It is necessary to collect cones in April-May. During this period they contain the largest number nutrients, vitamins and minerals.
  2. Choose young green buds that are no larger than 4-5 cm. They should be soft to the touch. From hard buds it is more difficult for useful substances to come out.
  3. Go for raw materials in ecologically clean areas. Do not collect cones near automobile or railways, landfills, densely populated cities, enterprises.
  4. Put the collected raw materials into production immediately, do not store it, as it will lose its usefulness.

To prepare pine honey for the winter, take the following components:

  • 1 kg of sugar;
  • 1 kg of pine cones;
  • 2 glasses of water.

Put water in a saucepan on fire. When it boils, add sugar to it. Simmer the syrup over low heat until it thickens a bit, meanwhile rinse the buds and cut them into small pieces.

Add the main component to the sugar syrup and continue to boil the honey for about 45 minutes. Strain the amber-pink syrup through several layers of cheesecloth to separate the bumps and other solids. Pour hot pine jam into prepared jars and roll up.

For cooking, you will need 1 kg of cones and the same amount of sugar, as well as 1 liter of water and a little citric acid. The cooking process is a little longer than in the previous recipe, but the result is worth it. You need to do the following:

  1. Sort the pine buds and rinse. Place the cones in a bowl.
  2. Fill with water and send to the fire. After the mixture boils, simmer it for an hour over low heat.
  3. leave pine decoction infuse for 8 hours. The procedure must be repeated 3 times.
  4. After last time strain the broth and add sugar to it.
  5. Boil honey for 30 minutes.
  6. At the end, add a pinch of citric acid.
  7. Pour hot jam into jars.

Honey from pine shoots

Honey can be prepared not only from cones, but also from pine shoots. Remove needles from fresh and young pine shoots and rinse with water. Put the branches in a saucepan and fill with water so that it completely covers them.

Boil the shoots for about 20 minutes, and then leave to cool completely. Strain the broth and add sugar to it, based on one liter of broth, you need to take one kilogram of sugar. Boil the syrup until it thickens. Pour hot honey into jars.

Pine honey - unique healing product, which positively affects almost all organs and systems. Having jam from pine cones among the preparations for the winter, you will forget about colds, beriberi, anemia and other diseases.

Pine honey: benefits and harms, what does it consist of?

Nature is infinitely generous useful gifts you just need to know how to use them. Herbs give them to us in the form of decoctions, infusions and honey. But not always bees can help in creating natural medicine. Pine honey is prepared without their participation. Jam from young shoots and pine cones was known for its healing properties even to our distant ancestors.

It is no coincidence that sanatoriums for tuberculosis patients were always built in the pine forest. There, the air itself, saturated with coniferous phytoncides, heals. For us city dwellers, such a pleasure as a daily walk in the forest is not always available. But we can prepare a medicine for ourselves in the form of pine honey.

Composition and useful properties

Why is pine cone jam called pine honey? Probably because it is just as sweet and healthy. Young shoots - buds and milky pine cones give numerous useful properties to the infusion, from which delicious syrup is then brewed.

Honey from pine cones contains essential oils, tannins, phytoncides, mineral salts, turpentine, trace elements and amino acids. True, the vitamins contained in the prepared raw materials are partially destroyed during cooking.

Pine honey is not intended to be eaten as an ordinary delicacy - its composition is too strong. Main therapeutic effect it has on the respiratory system. It's all about the phytoncides contained in it. These are substances that can kill pathogenic bacteria. Essentially, this is natural antibiotic.

In addition, it has other effects on the body:

  • normalizes fat content, removes cholesterol, positively affecting metabolism;
  • diuretic and choleretic;
  • thanks to selenium and iron, it is able to improve blood composition, it is useful for anemia;
  • improves immunity;
  • slows down the aging process;
  • tones.

Procurement of raw materials

In order for honey from pine cones to turn out to be truly healing, it is necessary to properly prepare raw materials.

The forest area should be removed from the city and roads, since young pine cones have the ability to absorb harmful substances from the soil and air. Young pine plantings are also not suitable for collection - the tree begins to bear fruit only after 30 years.

You need to collect them immediately after the end of pine flowering. In the southern regions - this is April and May, in cooler regions - 1-1.5 months later. You need to cut off shoots or cones of pale green color, soft to the touch. Both very small and grown cones are suitable for making pine honey. If you are collecting young shoots, then do not take the central one - the one where the growth point is located. Side shoots are suitable for jam.

cooking recipes

What is honey made of? To prepare it, you only need cones or shoots and sugar. But there are several cooking technologies.

Recipe number 1. The prepared raw materials must be thoroughly washed. Although opinions differ here. Someone thinks that it is necessary to wash, experienced harvesters say that by washing off the resin from the cones, you can destroy some of the useful substances.

If you decide to wash the raw materials, then you will have to tinker a little with the shoots. First they need to fill cold water for 10-15 minutes, so that possible insects and adhering large needles fall off it. Then rinse with running water. Before cooking, the shoots must be cut.

Prepared cones or shoots are placed in a saucepan and filled with water so that its level covers them by 1-1.5 cm. After boiling, cook for half an hour over low heat, removing the foam. After that, the broth should be infused for half a day. We continue to cook pine honey, after filtering the infusion. The proportion of infusion of pine shoots (or cones) and sugar is 1:1. The syrup is brought to a boil and boiled over low heat for 1.5-2 hours until it thickens.

Recipe number 2. The preparation of raw materials is the same as in the first recipe. Chopped shoots or cones are sprinkled with sugar at the rate of 1:2. During the day, the kidneys will give juice. They must be put on fire, let boil and cook over low heat for 5 minutes. Then cool and boil again for 5 minutes. The procedure is repeated 3 times, after which they are laid out in jars, after adding a teaspoon of citric acid and mixing well.

Recipe number 3. The washed and chopped raw materials are laid out in jars, sprinkling each layer with sugar. Banks are placed in a bright sunny place. Gradually, the sprouts give juice and, mixed with sugar, a syrup is obtained. Banks need to constantly turn to the light with different sides.

Unlike classic bee honey, jam with pine cones should be stored in the refrigerator.

pine pollen

At times, pine pollen enhances the effect of honey. It is harvested during the flowering period of pine - in the first half of May. Pollen is found on small inflorescences resembling corn cobs. Usually they are located on the branches facing south. When they turn yellow, it means that they are covered with pollen.

Inflorescences are collected and sent to dry in a dark place. Pollen crumbled during the drying process is collected and stored in a plastic container.

In the pollen is a large number of biologically active substances that help fight cancer. For treatment, a mixture of tincture of pollen and honey is prepared.

The inclusion of pollen ancillary treatment in tuberculosis increases its effectiveness several times. To do this, 1 liter of honey and a tablespoon of pollen are thoroughly mixed and infused. Take 3 times a day, 2 teaspoons on an empty stomach, washed down with milk.

How tonic make a mixture of bee honey (100 g), pine (50 g) and pollen (10 g).

You can cleanse the body with a drink of 1 liter of green tea, where a tablespoon of a ready-made mixture of honey and pollen, half a lemon and a spoonful of vodka are added.

Honey with pollen is used to treat adenoma prostate and disorders of the digestive system. It will strengthen the body surgical interventions.

How to take pine honey?

Pine honey can be taken in pure form and can be combined with other folk remedies.

For the prevention and maintenance of vitality and health, honey is eaten in the morning and in the evening 1 tablespoon. With whooping cough, children mix honey from cones with olive oil and ordinary bee honey. For treatment urolithiasis it is added to a decoction of femur and wild rose, with hypertension it is prepared vegetable juice with the addition of pine honey.

Children can use pure pine honey from the age of 5.

Video: pine honey recipe.


This amazing product does not cause allergies. Its individual intolerance is rare. However, there are a number of conditions in which it is not recommended to use pine honey:

  1. Pregnancy and breast-feeding.
  2. Alcoholism.
  3. chronic diseases liver and kidneys during an exacerbation.
  4. Diabetes.
  5. Age over 60 years.

Pine honey is a delicious medicine that is especially loved by children. It is not difficult to prepare it, it will make the treatment of many diseases not only more effective, but also enjoyable. Be healthy!

If beneficial substances medicinal herbs can be obtained from honey, then, unfortunately, bees bypass coniferous trees, since they do not secrete nectar, which these insects feed on. Coniferous trees- this is a real storehouse of health, because even a walk through a pine forest gives us strength and makes breathing easier. To stock up on all the substances available in pines and spruces, you can make honey from young pine cones, which will have many useful properties. How to cook it and for what diseases to take, we will tell in this article.

Benefits of pine cone honey

As medicinal product pine honey is used:

  • with flu and;
  • with diseases of the digestive tract;
  • with tuberculosis.

Also honey from pine cones helps to overcome overwork.

Such a variety in the field of use is due to the fact that the primary material (cones, shoots, buds, pollen) contains a lot of useful things for humans:

  • vitamins;
  • essential oils;
  • amino acids;
  • minerals.

Pine cone medicinal honey recipes


  • green cones;
  • water;
  • sugar;
  • lemon or 0.5 tsp citric acid.

The required amount of products is calculated approximately as follows: for 1 liter of water, you should take 1 kg of sugar, 75-80 pieces of cones and 0.5 lemon.

First cooking option:

  1. We wash the collected cones from dirt and put a large enameled container.
  2. Fill them with water and begin to cook on a slow fire. After the brew boils, it is necessary to keep it on fire for 20-30 minutes. The readiness of the cones is determined by their softness, so the boiling time in each case may be different.
  3. Remove the container with cones from the stove and let it brew for 24 hours.
  4. We take out the cones from the broth and pour sugar into it.
  5. We put on a slow fire and cook, stirring regularly, until the consistency thickens. This usually takes 1.5 hours.
  6. Add lemon juice and mix well.

It is necessary to pour the resulting honey into jars while hot, close the lid and refrigerate.

Option two:

How to take honey from pine cones?

You can use such honey at any age, starting from about 5 years. It is only necessary to observe the dosage: for adults - 1 tablespoon, for children - a teaspoon. Pine honey is given three times a day 30-40 minutes before meals.

It is not recommended to take pine honey for people who have been diagnosed with hepatitis or exacerbation of liver cirrhosis, as well as those prone to allergic reactions. You should not use this medicine during pregnancy.

The phrase "pine honey" can be confusing. It would seem that the pine trees do not bloom, so the bees have nothing to collect pollen from to produce their sweet nectar. No, pine honey is not a bee product. It is produced by a person, preparing delicious and most useful honey from cones, young shoots and buds of a tree. The result is a real drug that can help the body cope with many diseases and strengthen immune system.

Pine honey and its beneficial properties

Walking in a pine forest, each person notices that it is incredibly easy to breathe in it. These trees secrete special substances that help with respiratory ailments. In the spring months, these substances are formed especially actively. But every day you can hardly come to the forest to enjoy its smells and improve your health. But anyone can cook a useful delicacy from a plant. Pine honey is a jam made from green cones and young shoots of the tree.

The benefits of the drug are recognized not only folk medicine. In the treatment of a number of diseases, doctors recommend using jam from pine cones, buds and shoots. It contains such useful substances as flavonoids, various vitamins and minerals. A treat is useful for the following ailments:

  1. Diseases that affect Airways. Jam with pine cones or buds has antimicrobial properties, so its use relieves the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx from harmful microorganisms. As a result, pain and coughing gradually disappear, sputum from the lungs comes off easier and faster.
  2. Pine secretes a lot of flavonoids, as a result of which the lipid content in the body normalizes, cholesterol in the blood decreases. These properties of jam help those patients who have metabolic disorders.
  3. Pine honey contains a lot of iron and selenium, so it is useful for those people who suffer iron deficiency anemia. The treat also strengthens the body's immune system and the hematopoietic system.
  4. Pine delicacy has diuretics and choleretic properties. It is recommended to use it for diseases of the kidneys, urinary and biliary tract.
  5. Pine honey is advised to be consumed during those periods when the flu is rampant. The beneficial properties of this product help to strengthen the body's defenses, increase its resistance to disease. And who is afraid to score overweight, must decide what is more important: the ability to avoid the flu or extra calories. You can easily get rid of the latter if you exercise.

Among all the useful properties of pine delicacy, it can also be noted that its use helps the body stay young for a long time. The product contains antioxidants and selenium, which slow down the aging process.

Pine honey preparation

Preparation of pine honey according to recipes recommended traditional healers, is a simple process. Young shoots are used as raw materials, which should be collected in the first spring months - in March or early April. Since ancient times, jam has been cooked from the green cones of the tree, as well as from its buds. All types of delicacies are tasty and have all the beneficial properties of pine.

Pine shoot jam is prepared according to the following recipe:

  • the first step is to prepare the shoots by clearing them of needles and thoroughly rinsing with cold water, preferably running water;
  • then you need to put the raw materials in a deep pan, pour water - approximately so that it covers the shoots by a centimeter;
  • after that, you need to put the pan on the stove, bring to a boil over high heat, then reduce it to a minimum and cook the infusion for 20 minutes;
  • turn off the stove, insist the broth for 24 hours (be sure to close the pan with a lid);
  • strain, add sugar - 1 kg per 1 liter of the resulting infusion, cook over low heat, like regular jam (stirring constantly).

Ready jam from pine shoots can be poured into jars and eat delicious and useful product as needed.

The recipe for pine bud treats is also quite simple. First you need to rinse the kidneys well in cold water and grind them up. Then the raw material should be poured with cold water, put on a small fire and bring to a boil. Boil the broth for at least 20 minutes, then add sugar and cook, stirring constantly. Pine honey is ready if its volume has decreased from the original by about a third. There is a little secret for those who do not care about the calorie content of the product: if you add natural honey, then the jam will acquire a special taste and become even more useful.

How to make pine cone jam

Honey from pine cones is prepared quite simply, but it will take a lot of time. You need to prepare the following products:

  • granulated sugar - 1 kg;
  • cold water - 1 l;
  • green pine cones (peeled of needles, well washed with water) - 1 kg;
  • citric acid - 1/2 tsp

Cones must be placed in a saucepan and pour water. Put on the stove, turning it on to a small heat. Bring to a boil over low heat and simmer for an hour. After that, the infusion should stand for 8-10 hours. The procedure should be repeated 2-3 times until the bumps become soft. Then the broth must be filtered, add sugar to the softened cones and cook for 30 minutes, stirring constantly.

Ready honey from pine cones will be stored longer if citric acid is added to it. It is poured into boiled jars and rolled up with lids, like other homemade preparations.

And for those who are worried about their figure, you should know that pine jam is not higher in calories than other sweet foods. It contains from 140 to 180 kcal per 100 g. But it is difficult to overestimate the benefits of jam: it is not just a treat, but a real medicine.

The use of honey prepared from pine

Pine honey contains the beneficial properties of all components natural healer- pines. It is useful for both adults and children.

It is best to use the drug up to 3 times a day, 1 tbsp. l. before meals (about 30 minutes). In this amount, honey can be used if the disease has worsened or the period of influenza epidemics has begun. AT preventive purposes 1 tbsp will be enough. l. in a day. Jam can also be given to children, but the dose should be reduced: instead of a tablespoon, a teaspoon is enough.

Traditional medicine has long used pine jam to treat tuberculosis. But this will also require pollen, which is collected in the spring from the inflorescences of the plant. Outwardly, pine inflorescences resemble tiny ears of corn. So they need to be collected, and then dried well. The dry composition must be shaken over a sheet of white paper. Pollen easily spills onto paper.

Pine honey (150 g) is mixed with pine pollen (1 tablespoon), resulting in unique medicine to help fight a serious illness. Take the prepared composition 3 times a day for a tablespoon one hour before meals. The duration of the course is 2 months, then a break is made (2 weeks) and the course is repeated.

Folk recipes are good and time-tested. But at serious illnesses it is better to use them after consulting with your doctor.

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