The youngest surgeon Man with a scalpel. Who was the world's oldest practicing surgeon. Did you know

And he did good day by day throughout his long life. October 5 marks the 112th anniversary of the birth of the legendary surgeon Fedor Grigorievich Uglov.

Only the facts

F. G. Uglov (September 22 (October 5), 1904–June 22, 2008) – Soviet and Russian surgeon, doctor of medical sciences, professor, academician of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences, laureate of the Lenin Prize, member of the Union of Writers of Russia. Performed over 10,000 surgeries. Listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the oldest practicing surgeon in the world.


Even now, when spaceships plow the world space, and by plane you can get to any, the most remote corner of our country, Kirensk, one of the oldest cities in Eastern Siberia, in which Fyodor Uglov grew up, looks cut off from civilization - 650 km north-north-east Irkutsk. At the end of the 19th century, the authorities exiled politically unreliable people to this remote place, rightly believing that just staying here would be a punishment.

The destinies of people are different. Siberia absorbed someone, and on the contrary, gave someone the strength to start life anew. The latter include the father of the famous doctor. Condemned at the age of seventeen on a political case to an eternal settlement in Eastern Siberia, he did not despair, but managed to preserve the best human qualities in himself in order to subsequently instill in his children love for the Motherland, sympathy for the suffering of others and the desire for hard work.

Fedor Grigoryevich Uglov carried feelings of love, respect and gratitude to his mother through his whole life, who "was distinguished by a high internal culture, exactingness towards herself and active kindness to others." It was from her that he received the most important moral lessons: “Once she told me:“ Try to do as much good as possible and do not expect immediate gratitude from people. All these years I have strived to follow the mother principle. He did not pursue fame and success, he tried to do his job honestly, conscientiously helped patients.

Fedor Uglov. Photo:

Despite a more than modest existence, ordinary people, Grigory Gavrilovich and Anastasia Nikolaevna Uglov, gave five of their six children a higher education, which was a rarity in those days when not everyone had three grades of school behind them. As Fyodor Uglov writes in his book, “my brothers and sisters, I was very lucky that our parents were clearly aware of the high importance of education.”


Fedor Grigorievich Uglov wrote to himself: “And the beginning of the path, full of work and daring, is visible in the distant days of childhood. My friends in the street and at school wanted to be sailors and travelers, machinists on a railway we had not seen and famous detectives, changing their attachments with understandable boyish ease, endowing themselves with a new dream ... And I don’t remember when I didn’t want to become a surgeon, I knew for sure and aspired to one thing - I will be a doctor, and a surgeon.” An example for him was the Kirensky surgeon Svetlov, a man with skillful hands, a bright soul, compassionate for someone else's misfortune, who served in the only hospital available for 500 miles and, it seemed, could cure anyone.

In 1923, after graduating from the teacher's seminary and having received his father's blessing, Fedor Uglov, just like Lomonosov, set off on a journey for knowledge in order to fulfill his dream. In Irkutsk, the journey to which stretched for twenty-two days, he entered the medical faculty of the East Siberian University (now Irkutsk State University).

Fedor Uglov. Photo:

I had to rely only on myself, but the newly-minted student had a goal to which he went, no matter what. And the obstacles were such that a weaker person, perhaps, would have been broken: constant need, illness - Uglov literally had been ill with typhoid and typhus one after another, - difficulties in mastering the profession. After all, a person who was later said to be born with a scalpel in his hands did not succeed in many things at the very beginning of his professional path, but he did not retreat with his characteristic perseverance, striving to achieve perfection in everything.

Due to illness, he had to continue his studies at Saratov University, from which he graduated in 1929. After receiving his diploma, Uglov worked as a local doctor in the Nizhnevolzhsky Territory, then in Abkhazia and Leningrad. And after graduating from the internship, from 1933 to 1937 he was the chief physician and head of the surgical department of the interdistrict hospital in his hometown of Kirensk.

In 1937, Fedor Grigoryevich entered the graduate school of the Leningrad State Medical Institute for the Improvement of Doctors in order to stay forever in the city, which he did not part with even during the terrible 900 days of the blockade, working in one of the hospitals as the head of the surgical department.

Operates 90-year-old surgeon-oncologist, Academician Fedor Grigoryevich Uglov. Photo: / Rudolf Kucherov

Above space

F. G. Uglov possessed a unique surgical technique, which was highly appreciated by both Russian and foreign specialists. American cardiac surgeon Michael Ellis DeBakey even called Uglov our national treasure, who "moved surgery as high as you moved the conquest of space."

And these are not lofty words, because he was the first in carrying out the most complex operations on the heart, esophagus, lungs and other organs, not being afraid to take responsibility even in seemingly hopeless cases. Academician Uglov developed and put into practice many effective surgical techniques, he is the author of the invention "Artificial heart valve and method for its manufacture." In 1994, he was listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the world's oldest practicing surgeon. He performed more than 10 thousand operations, the last of which he performed at the age of 100.

It is difficult to overestimate the role of F. G. Uglov in educating more than one generation of doctors, to whom, in addition to professional experience, he sought to convey his views on what a real doctor and his relationship with the patient should be like: “There are no trifles in surgery. It depends on the art of the doctor whether the patient can live a normal life or remain disabled. Therefore, the surgeon is always obliged to do everything with such tender care, as if in front of him is a close and beloved person.

From the pages of his book The Surgeon's Heart, he addresses young people who are going to become doctors: “If you have a cruel heart, if you do not feel compassion for the sick, do not go into surgery! For people with increased responsiveness to human grief should work here!” And further: “Although the life and work of a surgeon are hard, strewn with thorns, nevertheless, in my opinion, no other profession can bring as much spiritual satisfaction as the profession of a surgeon! What can be compared with the happiness that you feel when you defeat death in a duel? But I am deeply convinced that only a person with a noble and kind heart can become a true surgeon.”

The grave of F. G. Uglov at the Nikolsky cemetery of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra. Photo: / Rusu Lokys

The path of health

Fedor Grigoryevich Uglov saved thousands of lives - and not only on the operating table. Himself, following the path of health and longevity, waged an uncompromising struggle with alcohol, nicotine, and drugs.

He was the permanent chairman of the Union of Struggle for People's Sobriety. Uglov repeatedly expressed his position in publications and books, which gave many people the strength to give up these addictions.

Fedor Uglov. Photo: RIA Novosti / Sergey Pyatakov

Uglov never hid the secrets of his active longevity, setting out for everyone 12 life principles that he followed all his life.

  1. Love Motherland. And protect her. The homeless don't live long.
  2. Love work. And physical too.
  3. Know how to control yourself. Do not lose heart under any circumstances.
  4. Never drink or smoke, otherwise all other recommendations will be useless.
  5. Love your family. Feel free to answer for her.
  6. Maintain your normal weight, no matter what the cost. Don't overeat!
  7. Be careful on the road. Today it is one of the most dangerous places for life.
  8. Do not be afraid to go to the doctor on time.
  9. Spare your children health-destroying music.
  10. The mode of work and rest is laid down in the very basis of the work of your body. Love your body, spare it.
  11. Individual immortality is unattainable, but the duration of your life largely depends on you.
  12. Do good. Evil, unfortunately, will work itself out.

On October 7, 2016, a monument to academician Fyodor Uglov was unveiled in St. Petersburg, on the pedestal of which his words are inscribed: "The work of a doctor is extremely humane and noble."

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World News


20-year-old Palestinian Ekbal Assad got into the Guinness Book of Records as the youngest doctor in the world. Recently, she received her bachelor's degree in medicine. The girl plans to continue her education in Ohio and become a pediatrician, reports .

The young Palestinian was previously listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the youngest medical student. Then she was 14 years old.

Iqbal Mahmoud al-Assad The daughter of Palestinian refugees from the Bekaa Valley, born and living in Lebanon, has been distinguished by unique abilities since childhood. She completed elementary school at the age of four. It took her four more years to complete high school.

So at the age of 12, the girl received a bachelor's degree, and thanks to information in the media, she began to receive a special scholarship from a foreign state to study medicine.

A few years ago, the girl was offered to study at one of the best medical universities in the world, Weill Cornell Medical College in Qatar, and she agreed without hesitation. Iqbal Assad became the youngest doctor in the world at the age of 17.

Now Iqbala Assad is 20 years old and the Guinness Book of Records has recorded her as the world record for the youngest medical student in the world and the youngest doctor in the world.

As you know, medicine takes a long time to learn it. At the time of graduating from medical school, the graduate is usually 30 years old or thereabouts.

RATNER Georgy Lvovich



The name of the author of the book, Professor Georgy Lvovich Ratner, Honored Scientist of the RSFSR, is well known not only in our country, but also abroad. Heading a large surgical clinic for many years, he successfully developed the most modern sections of surgery, taught and educated students, subordinators and young surgeons. His surgical school has 20 doctors and more than 70 candidates of sciences, 11 books written by him personally and 11 collective monographs published under his editorship, more than 40 invention certificates. This alone allows us to think that the book offered to the reader, created on the basis of the richest material of the author, will be useful to any surgeon and not only to a beginner.

However, this is not enough. Perhaps the most valuable thing in the book is that the author covers in detail exactly those aspects of the surgeon's practical activities that are so necessary for him in his daily work, and you will not find systematic information about them either in textbooks or in surgical manuals. In fact, just look at the table of contents: How to stop bleeding that complicates the operation. How to choose and provide surgical access. How to act in the presence of an adhesive process. How to win the trust of the patient and be able to manage it. And also much, much more.

Throughout our many years of friendship with Georgy Lvovich, I have always been impressed by the style of his performances. He can immediately clearly reveal the essence of a phenomenon, brilliantly analyze it and draw important practical conclusions. And he does it all clearly, clearly and witty. He did not change his style in this book, so you read it not only with benefit, but also with great pleasure. The author has just pleased us with a very necessary and well-written book "How to work on a medical dissertation", and here is a new one. I am sincerely glad that our young surgeons have received an extraordinary book, which should play an important role in the rapid development of their professionalism.

Academician E. Wagner


Modern surgery has very serious possibilities in the treatment of patients with a wide variety of diseases. However, on the way to mastering it and in the future professional work of the surgeon, not only good luck, joy and glory, but also many troubles, disappointments and sorrows await. This profession is not for everyone. Therefore, at the beginning of the book, I tried to outline the main qualities that, in my opinion, a surgeon should possess in one way or another. This essay is written not only for those who, graduating from the institute, are going to become a surgeon, but for very many young people who are just choosing their profession and have a very poor idea of ​​​​surgery and surgeons. Perhaps, having become acquainted with the qualities that should be inherent in a surgeon, and with his work, they will decide to go into medicine and instead of failed mediocre engineers, builders or brokers, we will have new Pirogovs, Sklifosovskys or Yudins.

However, the main goal of the book is still to help young surgeons successfully master their specialty and get back on their feet faster.

When I start writing an article or book, preparing for a lecture or report, I first of all try to put myself in the place of readers or listeners, I think and try to understand what they would like to receive from me.

Since this book is written for a young surgeon, I have to mentally go back many years and remember what problems most affected me at that time. However, this alone is not enough. Perhaps not a single young person who is at the beginning of his career can imagine the many problems that he will have to face in life and professional activity. Unfortunately, in surgery, these problems often arise suddenly, at a time when the doctor is not at all ready to deal with them, especially since he often did not even know about their presence before.

That is why, while working on the book, I constantly had to simultaneously be, as it were, in two guises: both a young and an experienced surgeon. Young, in order not to stray into teachings, tedious academicism and constantly remember how little the young still knows. And experienced - in order to be able to tell the reader what the surgeon needs to know, understand and be able to, from what he practically constantly needs and exactly what he could not get at the institute, to draw from textbooks and manuals, to extract from his first solo experience.

The idea of ​​writing such a book arose long ago, but the right to write it appeared only with the accumulation of extensive experience in surgical work and as a result of long deliberations. I have made every effort to make the book as useful as possible for the practical activity of a young doctor, to help him understand the essence of our specialty, gain experience faster and teach him how to properly organize the thought and business processes of his professional activity.

Oddly enough, both in the theoretical and practical training of the future surgeon at the medical institute, there are serious gaps that, upon taking office, delay his professional maturation for a long time. It seems to me that, first of all, this can include the inability of the doctor to successfully contact the patient, a poor understanding of the manual art of the surgeon, poor familiarity with the basic postulates of surgery, dislike for differential diagnosis and the inability to clearly carry it out, as well as questions of surgical ethics.

Of course, I would like this book not only to be read, and then put aside and gather dust on the shelf for many years. Therefore, I made every effort to ensure that she turned out to be for a more or less long time a good companion of the surgeon, from whom he could sometimes receive useful advice in difficult situations, both moral and purely surgical.

The book is structured in such a way that each section of it is completely independent and, if it does not interest the reader, it can be omitted without loss when reading. Perhaps a person who already holds the position of a surgeon will not be interested in reading about the professional qualities necessary for a surgeon, maybe someone not, want to get acquainted with my life and surgical work or other sections. Well, I want to hope that the other sections will still be useful to you.

Medicine does not belong to the category of exact sciences, hence there is an unusually polar pluralism of opinions in it both on very many theoretical problems and on issues of diagnosing and treating patients. Therefore, I do not and cannot have any claims to absolute truth on any of the issues discussed in this book. Here, only the views that I have formed as a result of my own accumulated medical and life experience, analysis of the experience of colleagues and friends, and discussed in the light of theories and hypotheses that appeal to me, as well as my personal worldview, are stated. I always try to treat dissidents with great respect and I really hope that they, having become acquainted with the book, will treat me the same way.

I wrote the book in troubled times, when a lot of various charlatans appeared, working in the so-called "alternative medicine". Sometimes you have to be surprised at the huge number of people who pay a lot of (and often very large and last) money to obvious crooks in the naive hope of being cured, losing weight, getting younger, and smarter. It is impossible to call them all fools, because many people go to them only after being convinced of the possibilities of traditional medicine, after treatment by an incompetent doctor, or after reading unusually enthusiastic press reviews.

"Excuse me, but where is your vaunted pluralism, tolerance and dissent then?" you might ask. The thing is, for better or worse, I was raised a materialist and, apparently, I will remain one to the end. Yes, sometimes in life you encounter such amazing, extraordinary and so far scientifically inexplicable things that you begin to doubt whether there really is a Creator. Medicine, although not exact, is nevertheless undoubtedly a science, since it is based on rigorous facts and scientific evidence. All "alternative medicine" as a rule does not have any strict scientific justification. The case sooner or later ends with the exposure of another charlatan, but dozens of new ones come to replace it, since the “non-traditional” one always smells like big money.

So, I am ready to respect other opinions of scientists, to discuss with them, sparing no effort and time, but I can’t in any way recognize the actions of people that are not based on strict scientific research, but at best only supported by the testimony of easily suggestible people, that are useful for a sick person. , false witnesses or frivolous journalists. However, I do not think "that this cannot be because it can never be." Please, gentlemen, present the data of reliable scientific studies of your non-traditional methods, and I am ready to recognize your science, at least so much that I can enter into a comradely discussion with you. In the meantime, I strongly warn patients, students and even doctors against any of the most tempting charlatan advertising and against betrayal of our traditional medicine.

This city is divided into two parts by a railway track: trains from here go in four directions at once. We are in Osipovichi, from where he left to study in the capital seven years ago Leonard Prokopenko. After graduating Belarusian State Medical University, he became surgeon, and to work out the distribution went to his hometown. What is "classic" surgery, why a doctor will never wear a shirt inside out and how not to "burn out" every day when faced with human grief, read in our article.

First stress, first seam...

A young doctor meets us in the hospital corridor. Leonard has been working in Osipovichi since this summer. Behind - six years of study at the university plus a year of internship.

Everyone knows that students are the best time, but when it comes to a medical university, everything is a little different here, the doctor recalls. - Training took a lot of time. Some days we could learn literally from 8 am to 8 pm.

The medical trail is not a family tradition at all. Leonard's parents have an art education. The father was also in the military.

I don’t even remember what motive prompted me to go into medicine, says Leonard. But now I think that I was not mistaken. Since there are no thoughts of leaving the profession, and something turns out, it means that the choice was right.

The first three years at the university were the most difficult. During this period, many different "pre-clinical" subjects were read, which were an additional burden to the already busy schedule of classes. Subsequently, it became a little easier: the necessary knowledge had already accumulated in my head, and experience in studying an incredible amount of information in one evening had already appeared. In addition, practice has begun, and this is already much more interesting.

But gradually I felt that the hours allotted for it were very few. In senior years, no one really forces you to work in a medical institution in parallel with your studies in order to gain additional knowledge, Leonard says.

According to him, if a student has some kind of goal, then he is looking for such an opportunity for himself. If this is not done, you can graduate from the university without being present at the operation, even as an assistant.

First surgical suture Leonard was able to impose when he was in his third year. Many operations had to be an assistant, but most of all I remember the case that occurred outside the operating block. Once, while working on an ambulance, I had to save a man who cut his carotid artery. And it wasn't an accident.

We entered the door, and a moment before that, a man had managed to damage his artery and lay in blood. Everything was decided by seconds. Luckily, the man was saved,” Leonard recalls.

During his studies, he had a chance to practice, consider, in all clinical hospitals in Minsk. I must say that the surgeons of the older generation, who then shared their experience, were real professionals who adhered to the principles of the so-called "classical" surgery. One of Leonard's teachers, for example, made sure that students learned to hold the instrument or syringe correctly, and not in the way that was convenient for them, as young surgeons often do. Such interesting and necessary nuances today can only be comprehended by working in a narrow surgical specialty, such as neurosurgery.

Best practice - in the "outback"

Before going to Osipovichi for distribution, I had my doubts for a long time. There were thoughts of staying in Minsk and doing neurosurgery. True, before that I had to work in a polyclinic for two years, - says Leonard Prokopenko.

But thoughts nevertheless converged on the city where he grew up. The young doctor decided that he must first comprehend general surgery, and only then go to a narrower specialization. The opportunity to get a good practice, apparently, became the decisive argument.

I don't regret my choice now. Working in Osipovichi, I can do many types of surgeries: to set my hands, and to treat craniocerebral injuries. Still have to deal with purulent surgery, proctology, urology, so the experience is invaluable, - says Leonard Prokopenko.

From the very beginning, the new employee was thrown "into battle".

It is known that it takes time to gain experience, so if suddenly the necessary knowledge is not immediately in the head, Leonard does not hesitate to look at something in a book or consult with colleagues.

I downloaded a lot of medical literature into my computer. When faced with a difficult case, I will definitely turn to her. For example, for injuries, I always call and ask for advice from surgeons I know. The main rule is do no harm, and any means are suitable for its implementation, - says the young doctor.

Many of his classmates remained in the capital. As Leonard says, some even regret their decision. The main reason is simple - the salary, which is difficult to live on in Minsk. Many parents still help.

When he first arrived in Osipovichi, he lived with his parents, but recently began rent an apartment. I pay $100 for it. The queue for the construction of an apartment is not for me yet. Parents have enough meters, - says Leonard. - How much money I spend on food, I have not yet calculated. When I'm at work, I have the opportunity to dine here, but at home I manage to cook myself, it's more economical. There were many more opportunities to spend money in Minsk, but there is no such thing here. After all the necessary expenses, I have more money than my young colleagues working in the capital. After my arrival, they didn’t give me a “lifting” allowance, because I came home, which means that theoretically I can live with my parents. Additional payment as a young specialist- not very big money. So I don’t have any special advantages from the status of a “young specialist”.

Conquer diseases and... yourself

In addition to Leonard Prokopenko, two doctors are currently working in the surgical department of the hospital, two more are still on advanced training courses. There are also two surgeons in the clinic. It turns out that Osipovichi and the area adjacent to the city serves seven doctors.

I am framed as doctor-surgeon of the surgical room of the polyclinic, and I work in the hospital because there are not enough people in the hospital, - says Leonard.

The work schedule is different. If you need to work in a hospital, a young doctor comes at 8 o'clock in the morning. At 9:30 - the beginning of the bypass, which lasts until about 10.00. Next - dressings and operations. If there is no need to stay longer, then at 14.30 it is already free. On duty, it's a little different. Leonard should be on it from 18.00 to 8 in the morning. And recently I had to be on duty all day. One mandatory day off - Saturday or Sunday.

Forcing yourself not to sleep at night is not necessary. There are sick people - you can't sleep. You need to “turn on” your head, think about how to help, and sometimes stand for many hours at the operating table.

Somehow for a shift, from 8 to 15 hours, I took 120 patients(norm - 50-60 people). Then one of our doctors was forced to urgently leave, and I worked for two, - says Leonard.

The young doctor often spends his free time... in a dream. Another option is to watch a movie or get out with friends in the city.

Of course, readers are interested in the salary of a doctor who lives on such an unthinkable work schedule.

The first salary was a little more 3 million rubles, and recently received 8 million, as he took a lot of shifts, and even the bonus was written out, - says the young doctor. - When a family appears, I will work at this pace only if I really, really need money. Basically, working for a rate, surgeons receive 4-4.5 million.

Leonard says that young people from Osipovichy most often dream of "conquering" Minsk or some other big city. They remain here only in two cases: either the person is well settled, and therefore there is no point in looking for a better life, or he has no aspirations at all, and therefore “ floating downstream».

Many young specialists do not stay in the places where they came by distribution, because the main problem is housing. It is impossible to build it on a small salary. But on the other hand, why should a young specialist pay a lot of money? - says Leonard Prokopenko. - Yes, but before that he needs to study for more than 10 years, and not 6, as we have. For some reason, some of our compatriots are confident that someone should provide them with an adequate standard of living and a large salary. In my opinion, it is possible not with the help of wages, but in some other way to support young people. For example, increase child support.

The patients now being treated by the young surgeon are very different from those in the capital: more friendly. It is not customary to complain about the doctor here.

As my colleagues tell me, in Minsk they face complaints almost every day, - the surgeon explains the difference.

At the same time, says Leonard, it is physically difficult with the so-called "asocial" persons. They, as a rule, do not think about cleanliness and hygiene, do not follow the doctor's recommendations. They have to be treated almost "with a fight." And the highest emotional heaviness is felt when you have to work with patients with cancer ...

The university provides theoretical training, which is supposed to help deal with emotional burden. But not to take to heart human tragedies, of which there will be many throughout the entire career of a surgeon, really helps only professional cynicism, which sooner or later is produced by every doctor. It is not yet fully developed in me, I feel sorry for the patients, - says Leonard Prokopenko.

And the young specialist is sure that people with “ surgeon's talent" does not exist. When they say that, they usually mean vocation. If a person has a desire to help just like that, without thinking about a reward or a good salary, there will definitely be a desire to "get a hand" and become a professional. And everything will work out for him.

Anna Garustovich. Minsk - Osipovichi - Minsk. Photo by Marina Begunkova.

Did you know?

Many surgeons - very superstitious people says Leonard. - For example, in our environment it is not customary to operate on your relatives and friends. Another of the signs - you can not wear a surgical shirt inside out. In addition, on holidays everyone tries not to operate unless there is an emergency.

And here is a well-known stereotype that surgeons " take care of hands”and do no homework without gloves, Leonard considers an exaggeration.

Of course, I would not want to hit myself with a hammer on my fingers, because any injury to the hands makes the surgeon incapacitated. But at home, no one will put on gloves for any little thing. At least my colleagues and I don't do that, he says.

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