Essential oils for colds and flu. Essential oils for colds and runny nose. Tea Tree Oil Recipes

Essential oils for colds are an effective natural remedy that gently treats the disease. The use of a cold is not addictive and some oils are allowed even for children. Oil for colds is safer than chemicals, as it does not cause addiction and has no side effects.

Antibacterial properties

Essential oils are usually used mixed with pure oils or other natural products. They are safe, most are allowed to be taken during pregnancy and lactation.

Before use, it is only necessary to check for individual intolerance, especially in children. This can be done by dropping the product on the back of the hand. If after a few hours there is no unpleasant reaction, irritation or redness, then there is no allergy.

Esters are made from natural ingredients, so they retain all the beneficial substances. Cold oil has the following effect on the body:

  • Fights microbes;
  • Strengthens immunity;
  • Acts against pain;
  • Stops the inflammatory process;
  • Restores a weakened body.

Aroma oils for colds can be taken orally with drinks, and externally for rubbing. You can do inhalation with them, they are useful for the respiratory tract. To restore the whole body, you can take baths with oils.

It is best not to wait for the development of the disease, but to start therapy already at the first symptoms. Then recovery will come faster, and the disease will proceed easier than in severe form.

List of oils

Almost all esters have a therapeutic effect on the body. But they all have different properties. Therefore, you should choose according to the result you want to achieve. Cold oil has the following properties.

Increase immunity:

  • Lemon;
  • Orange;
  • Rose;
  • Geranium;
  • Sandal;
  • Tea tree.

Struggling with high fever, can be taken as an antipyretic:

  • Chamomile;
  • Mint;
  • Bergamot;
  • Melissa;
  • Lavender.

Action against bacteria and viruses:

  • Pine;
  • Juniper;
  • Tea tree;
  • Thyme;
  • Geranium;
  • Mint;
  • Ylang-ylang.

Relieve inflammation:

  • Tea tree;
  • Pine;
  • Juniper;
  • Rose;
  • Eucalyptus;
  • Sage.

When buying these products, pay attention to the label. They should not contain any impurities or fragrances. Only in this case, the ether will retain its useful properties. Otherwise, the oil for a cold will not have a therapeutic effect.

Cold treatment

Aroma oils for colds can be used in several ways. It is best to use them together to provide a complex effect on the disease.

You can brew herbal tea with esters - it will strengthen the immune system and fight against viruses from the inside. But it is important to add to tea only those oils that can be consumed internally.

Recipe for tea against flu: add honey, lemon, a piece of ginger root and one drop of mint ether to a glass of boiled water. Wait 15 minutes for the drink to infuse. Drink several times a day.

For adults, you can prepare inhalations with essential oils. It is enough to add 2-3 drops of ether to hot water. You need to breathe 3-5 minutes a day. Procedures are carried out daily for a week.

If there is no special apparatus for inhalation, you can drop the oil into a dish of boiling water. You need to breathe over it for several minutes, covered with a towel.

Usually, coniferous oil is used in inhalation for colds. You can also prepare the following mixtures:

  • Pine, mint, rosemary;
  • thyme, eucalyptus, cloves;
  • Juniper, eucalyptus;
  • Lavender, eucalyptus, tea tree.

The simplest inhalation is to put tea tree oil on a handkerchief and inhale it several times a day.

Inhalations with tea tree oil help sputum discharge, treat bronchitis and tracheitis. Antiseptic action helps to quickly cure colds and flu.

In addition to inhalation, you can use pine oil in a bath or sauna.

You can make therapeutic compresses, this method is especially good for children. It is necessary to mix olive and eucalyptus oils with grated potatoes or honey. Apply a compress on the chest or on the shoulder blades, hold for half an hour. After that wrap yourself in a blanket.

Before going to bed, you can massage the entire body or chest with eucalyptus ether for flu. It helps treat coughs and also improves sleep and calms the nervous system.

Treatment of diseases of the nose

To eliminate congestion, it is necessary to lubricate the sinuses with tea tree oil. Before that, it is advisable to clean them with salt water. You can combine this method and inhalation.

Rubbing can be used as maintenance therapy against the common cold. To do this, mix oils of rosemary, fir and mint. Rub the neck, chest and back at night every day.

You can carry out not only a body massage, but also a massage of the wings of the nose from a cold. To do this, mix the esters of rosemary, pine, eucalyptus, geranium and mint.

With purulent discharge from the nose of green and yellow color, the sinuses should be washed with the following mixture:

  • 2 tablespoons of an alcohol solution of chlorophyllipt;
  • 1 spoon of water;
  • 1 spoon of sea salt;
  • 2 drops of eucalyptus ether.

Carry out the procedure three times a day for a week.

You can prepare an ointment for the nose. To do this, mix petroleum jelly and esters of mint and eucalyptus. Lubricate the wings of the nose against the common cold three times a day.

For the treatment of a runny nose, you can instill a mixture of esters of eucalyptus and mint with warm water. It should be dripped 1 drop into each nostril four times a day.

In its pure form, one drop of thuja ether can be instilled into each nostril. It effectively acts against rhinitis, and also relieves fatigue, strengthens the immune system.


At the first symptoms of a cold, you can take a bath with aromatic oils. It is enough to lie down for 10 minutes for a therapeutic effect. After the bath, you do not need to take a shower, you should dry your body, put on warm socks and wrap yourself in a blanket. But you need to remember that at high temperatures this procedure is prohibited.

The following aroma bath oil blends for flu are effective:

  • Tea tree plus sea salt;
  • Juniper, eucalyptus, thyme;
  • Chamomile, tea tree, thyme;
  • Eucalyptus, chamomile, lavender.

Based on the description of the properties, you can create your own composition. At the same time, take into account the additional properties of esters, for example, citrus fruits excite the nervous system, while conifers, on the contrary, calm it down.

Aromatherapy is needed not only to influence the patient's body, but also to disinfect the air in the room. The aroma lamp kills microbes that are transmitted by airborne droplets, relieves nasal congestion, and improves mood. Tea tree oil is especially effective and can be used alone or mixed with other esters.

You can turn on the aroma lamp for half an hour three times a day. Usually esters of citrus and tea tree are added to it. Coniferous oils, sage, lavender oils also have a beneficial effect on the patient. You can use them individually, or mix them up to your liking.

Treating a Childhood Cold

The only contraindication of essential oils against influenza for children is an allergy. Before use, you must make sure that it is not present.

If there is no individual intolerance, then you should take the funds in the same way, but slightly reducing the adult dose.

The body of pregnant and lactating women, as well as children, is sensitive to all new products, so they should also take the minimum dose of natural remedies. Pregnant women should not take some esters, this is usually indicated on the package.

For a child of any age, baths and massages with essential oils are suitable. You can take the following combinations:

  • Juniper, chamomile, eucalyptus;
  • Lemon, thyme, chamomile, tea tree;
  • Pine, thyme, eucalyptus, chamomile.

They should be taken one drop at a time and mixed with base oil. You can take peach, it is harmless even for the smallest children. The resulting mixture is added to the bath and the baby is bathed in it or the whole body is rubbed.

Essential oils for colds relieve inflammation, treat a runny nose and cough, strengthen the immune system, and fight germs. They are safe for children and adults. Due to the natural composition, they can treat a child and a pregnant woman. There are several ways to use, everyone can choose the right one. Oil for colds can be taken orally and externally (massages, aroma lamps, inhalations, compresses).

Video: How I save myself from a cold with these essential oils.

In the season of colds, aromatherapy will come to the rescue. A couple of drops of essential oil for colds will help eliminate rhinitis, cough, lower the temperature and generally improve well-being. Most essential oils have anti-viral properties that help fight colds and flu. For maximum results, the use of oils should be started already at the first sign of illness.

High efficiency

Many patients are wondering if oils are effective for ARVI, and which essential oil for colds and flu is the most effective.

One of the most acceptable antiviral oils is fir. Often it is used alone, as it is indispensable for rubbing and inhalation, but still a greater result can be expected from the use of combinations of substances. Oils will only complement each other's properties and improve the effect.

The main therapeutic composition can be made by combining 50 ml of olive oil with 5 drops of rosemary, mint and fir oils. Keep the medicine in the refrigerator in a dark glass container only. This tool is perfect for rubbing and massage.

All coniferous oils are effective, but essential aromatic oils for colds are:

  • naioli;
  • lavender;
  • eucalyptus;
  • tea tree.

Thyme oil is used to eliminate inflammation and pain in the throat, and marjoram essential oil is perfect to lower the temperature and fight headaches.

Among all the remedies, there are also such aromatic oils for colds, which are characterized by antibacterial and antiviral effects. If a cold has caused complications and developed into a bacterial infection, then use oils that prevent viruses from spreading.

These include aromatic oils:

  • bergamot;
  • eucalyptus;
  • rosemary;
  • lavender;
  • manuka;
  • juniper;
  • tea tree.

In the treatment of SARS, base oil also plays a special role. Experts recommend using ordinary vegetable oil instead of conventional oils of grape seed, jojoba, avocado, wheat germ.

The most effective base is olive oil. Due to the large amount of phytoncides and antioxidants in the composition, it helps to strengthen the body's defenses, restore the epidermis and soften the mucous membranes.

Therapeutic properties

Essential oils for colds and runny nose are highly effective, but only when used correctly. It is very difficult to choose the best substance. It is necessary to take into account the etiology, type of disease and nature of the course in order to choose the best option for therapy.

Essential oils from the common cold and colds affect the body in this way:

  • antivirus: geranium, lemon balm, mint, fennel;
  • antiseptics: tea tree, clove, rosemary, thyme, cinnamon, patchouli;
  • immunostimulants: juniper, eucalyptus, menthol, chamomile, rose, pine, lavender;
  • restorative: sandalwood, incense, rose, anise;
  • antiphlogistic: orange, oregano, myrtle, grapefruit, thyme;
  • antipyretic: bergamot, mint, lavender, lemon, chamomile, eucalyptus.

Most experts tend to use tea tree oil. It is characterized by a huge number of useful properties. It is used to eliminate acute inflammatory processes, wound healing, regeneration of the epidermis, and the treatment of acute respiratory viral infections.

How to apply correctly?

Oils can be used in a variety of ways. Everyone chooses the most suitable option for themselves.

Hot inhalations

The most effective method of curing a cold is hot inhalation. For their implementation, there is no need to buy a special device. To complete the procedures, follow a simple guide:

  1. It is necessary to pour water heated to 90 degrees into a deep container.
  2. Add 3-4 drops of the desired anti-flu essential oil.
  3. Bow down in front of the container and cover with a towel on top to form a small dome. Start breathing fragrant healing vapors.
  4. Breathe through your mouth or nose, depending on the symptoms of the disease. At the same time, be sure to close your eyes.

Sessions should last no more than 7 minutes, but it is recommended to start from two minutes at all. The duration of the procedures should be increased only incrementally. Actions should be performed 2-3 times a week, but not more than 7 days.

One session must be done before bedtime. After manipulations, meals are unacceptable for 60 minutes, it is forbidden to inhale cold air and make sudden movements.

If there is a desire to carry out therapy with only one essential oil for a cold, then the choice is on fir. But if the nasal passages are heavily clogged and there is a strong increase in temperature, then give preference to procedures with oils of mint, tea tree, rosemary, eucalyptus. Before going to bed, lavender oil should be used as it relieves symptoms and helps to fall asleep quickly.

Oil burner

When treating a cold, it is important to remember the aromatherapy method - the use of aroma lamps. A full course of therapy to get rid of a cold includes daily procedures for 15 days. Also, to consolidate the result, you will need to resort to sessions for another 2 days. The procedures themselves are carried out within 30 minutes until the moment of full rise to the feet.

The best mixture is 5 drops of lavender oil and 1 drop each of peppermint and eucalyptus oils. Place the aroma lamp in the room where the patient stays most often. Be sure to ensure that healing air does not seep through open windows and doors.

Bath with essential oils

If symptoms of SARS are noticed and there was severe freezing, then be sure to take a bath with tea tree oil prepared in advance. If the body temperature is not elevated, then before going to bed it is recommended to use marjoram and lavender oils.

It is also possible to dissolve 4 drops of tea tree, fir, eucalyptus or pine oil in a glass of milk. Add a drink to the bath and take it for a quarter of an hour. After the procedure, be sure to wipe the skin dry, put on warm socks, wrap yourself in a blanket and sweat well.


The method of rubbing with essential oils for colds and flu is very effective in combination with inhalations. To carry out the procedure, add up to 10 drops of the selected oil to a large spoonful of the base. The composition is carefully rubbed into the skin until completely absorbed.

If therapy is combined with inhalations, then rubbing is carried out before or after the procedure. It is also important to have a session before going to bed.

Essential oils for colds

With a runny nose, the most popular are:

  • mint;
  • geraniums;
  • pines;
  • sage;
  • eucalyptus.

They are only used for:

  • massage;
  • inhalations.

To conduct a massage session follow the guide:

  1. In 30 ml of the main substance, dilute 3 drops of the required above substance.
  2. The resulting tool to do acupressure of the nasal and maxillary sinuses.
  3. Massage the side of the nose with the composition.

It is also allowed to place swabs soaked in this mixture of essential oils for colds in the nasal passages.

Essential oils for sore throats and severe coughs

Oils effectively cope with infection, expel mucus from the respiratory tract, and weaken bronchial spasms. In the fight against diseases of the throat and respiratory tract, the following are usually used:

  • fir;
  • tea tree;
  • anise;
  • sage;
  • eucalyptus;
  • cedar pine;
  • rosemary;
  • fennel.

Most often substances are used for:

  • baths;
  • compresses;
  • irrigation;
  • rubbing the chest;
  • inhalations.

Oils help to recover even with angina. Recipes for using essential oils for colds and flu are as follows:

  1. Rinsing the mouth and throat. To a glass of warm liquid, add a large spoonful of milk and 4 drops of thyme, lemon or sage oil. Gargle with the prepared composition every couple of hours.
  2. Compress with alcohol or vodka. For 30 ml of vodka, add 4 drops of fir or mint oil. Treat the cotton-gauze lotion with a solution, and apply it to the throat area for half an hour.
  3. Rubbing. Lubricate the feet with cedar or fir oil. Be sure to thoroughly rub into the epidermis. Then put on socks, and woolen socks on top.
  4. Inhalations. Doctors recommend taking 6 large spoons of salt and dissolving them in a liter of warm water. Put the composition on a small fire and bring to a boil. At the end, add 8 drops of peppermint oil. Breathe in vapors for a quarter of an hour. It is also possible to dissolve a tablespoon of soda in a liter of liquid. Bring the mixture to a boil, then add a couple of drops of iodine and 6 drops of sage oil. The duration of the session is about 10 minutes.

How exactly to use the prescription will tell the attending physician.

Essential oils for colds for children

Starting from the age of three, pediatricians recommend using these essential oils for colds for children:

  1. Lavender. Great for any type of skin. Helps with flaking and irritation. The oil calms the nervous system. It is characterized by an antiseptic effect.
  2. Fennel. Calms the stomach for gas. It is characterized by expectorant and antispasmodic effects. Significantly alleviates the condition of patients with bronchitis or a cold.
  3. Bergamot. It has a beneficial effect on respiratory infections of the upper respiratory tract.
  4. Chamomile. It has a mild sedative effect. Promotes relaxation and tranquility.
  5. Sandal. Helps the body to relax and also promotes good sleep. Activates the immune system, protecting the body from infections.

Together, the oils combine a relaxing and soothing effect. But lavender oil is considered the most effective and safe.

Children over 6 years old with a cold should perform inhalation and chest massage with such a mixture: lavender, chamomile, tea tree, eucalyptus. Take 2 drops of each oil. Dilute the mixture in a dessert spoon of vegetable oil. Perform daily manipulations for 10 minutes once a day. In this case, you will need to massage the neck, chest, tonsils, as well as knees and elbows.

Also, aroma oils for children with a cold can be used to flavor rooms. You will need to mix a drop of chamomile oil with 2 drops of each of the oils: thyme, tangerine, tea tree.

Perhaps just drip them into the locket and breathe from time to time. For sore throats, you need to add a drop of lavender oil to a glass of water, mix everything well and warm it up. Moisten a piece of gauze in the solution, attach to the chest. Top the compress with a towel. After half an hour, remove the gauze, and cover the baby warmer.

It is allowed to mix substances independently. Pine tree oils quickly fight the symptoms of a cold. Cloves have a positive effect on viral ailments. Chamomile and geranium are characterized by analgesic effect. Camphor oil has antibacterial properties and activates attention. When used correctly, home aromatherapy will give a 100% result.

Essential oils for cold prevention

At the time of epidemics, it is very important to resort to the prevention of SARS. Then you do not have to think about how to treat the disease. For preventive purposes, it is necessary to select immunostimulating and immunomodulating oils. It is possible to use essential oils against colds in any convenient way: take relaxing baths, spray around the living room, light special lamps or do a therapeutic massage.

Essential oils for children with colds are best used during inhalations. This is not a painful procedure, but, on the contrary, a pleasant one. It is recommended to use essential oils to strengthen the immune system, protect the body from viruses and bacteria, prevent flu and colds:

  • rosemary;
  • marjoram;
  • sandalwood;
  • eucalyptus;
  • ginger;
  • grapefruit;
  • thyme.

Essential oils for the prevention of colds in children are selected individually by the attending physician. The earlier therapy is started, the higher the likelihood of a speedy recovery. A neglected disease is much more difficult to treat. And it’s not a fact that in a neglected case, such methods are ways to help get better.

Therefore, when only the first symptoms appear, you should not be lazy. As soon as possible, go to the pharmacy to buy aroma oil for flu and colds.

Contraindications to the use of essential oils

Despite their effectiveness, essential oils for colds and flu have a number of contraindications for use:

  • first trimester of pregnancy;
  • allergic hay runny nose;
  • children under 7 years old;
  • combination with homeopathic therapy;
  • the presence of sensitive epidermis;
  • personal intolerance to aromas;
  • lactation.

The use of oils can provoke allergic reactions.


It is very important for aromatherapy during a cold to use only high-quality and real oils. In order not to be interested in what essential oil helps with colds, you should adhere to preventive measures and take care of yourself in the autumn-winter period. But if the first symptoms of SARS appear, then treatment should be started immediately.

Colds can affect both children and adults. Most often, viral infections and bacterial diseases occur in the autumn-winter period. For the treatment and prevention of various acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections, medications (antiviral, antibacterial, symptomatic drugs) are most often used, which are sold in large quantities in every pharmacy, in addition, advertising constantly recommends a variety of "miracle drugs" that effectively relieve patients from colds. But drugs often have a negative effect on the body, especially in the presence of concomitant pathology, therefore, for various reasons, they are dangerous and cannot help the patient's body cope with the infection. In such situations, it becomes necessary to look for alternative methods of treatment, and the most acceptable of them is the use of natural remedies for prevention and treatment. Essential oils are one of these.

To date, one of the most effective and safe ways to treat and prevent colds (ARI and SARS) is aromatherapy. At the same time, essential oils have a complex effect on the patient's body:

  • increase the immunological reactivity of the body;
  • destroy or inhibit the growth and reproduction of bacterial and viral agents;
  • improve mood, have an anti-stress effect.

The best essential oils in the fight against colds, viral and bacterial infections are essential oils:

  • tea tree;
  • lemon
  • eucalyptus;
  • rosemary;
  • lavender;
  • pines;
  • thyme;
  • mint.

These oils for colds and viral diseases are effectively used in the form of:

  • inhalations (hot and/or cold);
  • rinses;
  • baths;
  • compresses;
  • rubbing;
  • massage with essential oils.

Tea tree essential oil has a pronounced bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effect and has a high antiviral activity. It is recommended to use tea tree oil for bathing when the first symptoms of a cold appear, as well as for steam inhalation.

Tea tree oil effectively inhibits the growth and reproduction of bacteria: staphylococci, streptococci, pneumococci, gonococci and E. coli. Unlike antibacterial drugs, it does not kill infectious agents - viruses, bacteria and fungi, but only has an inhibitory effect on their growth and limits reproduction while simultaneously stimulating the body's resistance. Also, the essential oil has a tonic and restorative effect, ensuring the activation of the body's natural resistance to infectious agents and reducing the severity and duration of the disease.

essential oil of lemon is highly effective in the treatment of colds and has a persistent antiseptic and active bactericidal effect, lemon oil stimulates immunological reactivity as a result of the activation of the production of white blood cells (lymphocytes), which are one of the main mechanisms in protecting the body against bacterial, fungal, viral and other infectious agents. But this essential oil should be used with caution in sunny weather due to its phototoxicity and the likelihood of skin irritation.

Eucalyptus essential oil It has an excellent antiseptic, persistent bactericidal, anti-inflammatory and antipyretic effect, active antiviral, general stimulating and expectorant effect. Eucalyptus oil is used for laryngotracheitis and bronchitis, as well as for other respiratory infections and effectively stimulates expectoration and sputum outflow from the respiratory tract. Eucalyptus oil and tea tree oil are similar in their properties and therapeutic effect, therefore they are interchangeable.

Essential oil of rosemary considered a good antimicrobial and antiseptic agent. The best results in the fight against colds are recommended to use a mixture of essential oils of rosemary, lemon and eucalyptus. They are used to massage the temporal region and the bridge of the nose to reduce nasal congestion, relieve headaches and other signs of acute respiratory viral infections and acute respiratory infections. This type of essential oils is not recommended for pregnant women and patients suffering from epilepsy and arterial hypertension.

Essential oil of lavender is an effective antiseptic and antimicrobial agent, has a tonic and tonic effect, providing an increase in the body's resistance to infections, which helps to reduce the duration and severity of viral and colds. Also, lavender essential oil is used in the form of inhalations in the development of tracheobronchitis, pneumonia and laryngitis with hoarseness to eliminate inflammation and thin sputum.

Pine essential oil has a bactericidal, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, diaphoretic, mild expectorant and anticongestive effect. This type of essential oil is used for sore throat and nasal congestion. Steam inhalation with pine oil stimulates the secretory cells of the bronchi, and this contributes to the discharge of sputum. Pine essential oil is indicated for laryngitis, tracheitis, influenza and bronchial diseases.

thyme essential oil It is used to combat colds due to the fact that it has antimicrobial and antiseptic properties. It is recommended to use it in combination with eucalyptus, tea tree and lemon oils and has antiseptic and bactericidal properties. Thyme oil should be used with extreme caution in patients with high blood pressure.

Peppermint essential oil has antiseptic, soothing, anti-inflammatory and expectorant action. Peppermint oil is effectively used in the form of steam inhalations for flu and colds, especially at the beginning of the disease and in combination with essential oils of marjoram and lavender. But it is necessary to use this oil in moderation due to the possibility of developing bronchospasm and causing respiratory distress or allergic reactions.

Inhalation with essential oils for colds

Inhalations with essential oils are an excellent way to treat and prevent acute respiratory infections and viral diseases, hot and cold inhalations are used.

Hot inhalations for influenza, acute respiratory infections and SARS

To prepare a hot inhalation with essential oils, it is necessary to add the required amount of essential oils to a container with boiled water (2-3 liters). Inhalation is carried out as follows: tilt your face over the water with oils, after covering it with a towel and inhale the steam for 5-10 minutes. Also for these purposes, use steam inhalers, which can be purchased at the pharmacy chain.

To prepare hot inhalation to stimulate sputum discharge from the upper respiratory tract: add 2 drops of essential oils of lavender, tea tree and eucalyptus to the water;

For inhalation with stuffy nose: you need to take 2 drops of tea tree oil, eucalyptus and mint;

For anti-cold hot inhalation: you need to take 2 drops of lavender, eucalyptus and rosemary essential oils;

To prepare a hot inhalation to relieve dry cough: a mixture of 2 drops of eucalyptus and lavender oil is added to the water;

For hot inhalation to thin mucus and stimulate its discharge: take 2 drops of essential oils of pine, eucalyptus and lemon;

To prepare hot inhalation at the first sign of a cold: it is necessary to mix 2 drops of eucalyptus, lemon and ginger oil;

For hot inhalation for bronchitis, flu and sinusitis: in a glass bottle: you need to mix the oils 30 drops of eucalyptus essential oil, 12 drops of pine, 3 drops of thyme, 15 drops of lavender, 6 drops of oregano, and then add 6 drops of the mixture to hot water.

Cold inhalation for colds

One of the ways to relieve the symptoms of a cold is cold inhalation with essential oils using an aroma lamp.

To do this, pour warm water in the aroma lamp bowl and add the required amount of essential oil or mixture (on average, at the rate of 10 drops per 15 m3 of the room). Then you need to light a candle and place it in the lower part of the aroma lamp. The duration of the session is no more than 15 minutes.

Cold inhalations are designed not only to fight colds, but also to cleanse the room of viruses and bacteria, and therefore reduce the risk of infection to other people who come into contact with a sick person.

For cold inhalation to combat colds and flu-like viral infections during the daytime- use a mixture for which they take 2 drops of essential oils of eucalyptus, lavender, mint and tea tree.

For inhalation to fight colds at night- you need to take 2 drops of lavender and tea tree.

To relieve symptoms of a cold- 3 drops of eucalyptus essential oil and 2 drops of orange and clary sage are added to the aroma lamp.

To relieve runny nose and nasal congestion- for cold inhalation, take 2 drops of mint, eucalyptus and rosemary.

Essential oils for colds in children

For colds in children, various techniques are effectively used using essential oils, which not only alleviate the symptoms of a cold, but also activate the baby's immune system.

But before using various essential oils in children, you need to know the rules for their use and dosage.

The best essential oils for treating and preventing colds in children are essential oils:

  • chamomile;
  • lavender;
  • dill and fennel;
  • bergamot;
  • ginger;
  • - orange;
  • - eucalyptus;
  • - tea tree;
  • - rosemary;
  • - pine or cedar.

Oils when used in childhood should be:

  • natural, so you need to buy them in the pharmacy chain;
  • observe dosages and do not use them with a tendency to allergic reactions;
  • do not apply citrus oils (orange and lemon) no earlier than 8 hours before sun exposure, due to photosensitivity and tenderness of the child's skin;
  • store oils out of the reach of children;
  • do not leave the baby alone during the procedures (inhalation, baths, massage);
  • children under one month of age, the use of essential oils is not recommended.

Allowed essential oils in children

Essential oil

Mode of application

Up to 8 weeks

From 2 months to a year




cold inhalation (aroma lamp)

One to five years

Tea tree

cold inhalation (aroma lamp)

Five to twelve years old

All other essential oils are unlimited

cold inhalation (aroma lamp),

hot inhalation

The use of essential oils in children under five years of age is possible only with the permission of a pediatrician.

The end of autumn and winter is the time of colds. These insidious viruses are just waiting for our immunity to lose its vigilance. Children are especially susceptible to various kinds of colds. Trying to cure another acute respiratory disease in a child, parents give him a lot of different drugs, which often have a rather long list of side effects. But few people know that essential oils can help children with a cold. Using essential oils for colds in children can not only alleviate the symptoms of a cold, but also stimulate the immune system.

Before using essential oils for colds for children, you should familiarize yourself with the rules for the use and dosages of essential oils.

Rules for the use of essential oils for children:

1. Choose only 100% natural essential oils.

3. If your child is prone to allergic reactions, essential oils should be used with extreme caution.

4. Keep essential oils and preparations with them out of the reach of children.

5. To avoid burns, citrus essential oils should be applied to the skin of a child at least 8 hours before sun exposure.

6. Do not apply undiluted essential oil directly to baby's skin.

7. When carrying out medical procedures with essential oils, do not leave the child alone.

Dosages of essential oils for children

Child's age

Permitted essential oils


Amount of essential oil (in drops)

2-8 weeks

chamomile, lavender, neroli, rose, benzoin, myrrh, dill

Bath / 10 liters

Aroma lamp/room 15 m3


2-12 months

Bergamot, fennel, ginger, orange, ylang-ylang, patchouli, sandalwood

Bath / 10 liters

Aroma lamp/room 15 m3


Tea tree

Bath/20 liters

Aroma lamp/room 15 m3


without Borders

Bath/180 liters

Aroma lamp/room 15 m3


* For children under 2 weeks of age, the use of essential oils is not recommended.

* A pediatrician's recommendation is required before using essential oils on children under 5 years of age.

For the treatment of colds in children, mixtures of essential and base oils are used.

The best essential oils for treating colds in children: chamomile, lavender, dill, bergamot, fennel, ginger, orange, eucalyptus, tea tree, rosemary, thyme, pine, cedar.

As a basis for the preparation of children's massage mixtures, it is better to use olive, peach oils. These oils are safe for children and almost never cause allergic reactions. For infants, it is better to use sterile vegetable oils. To do this, they should be boiled in a water bath for 30-40 minutes.

You can independently compose mixtures of the above essential oils, focusing on the age of the child, or use recipes for ready-made mixtures.

Treatment of colds with essential oils in children under 1 year old

When bathing a baby, add 1-2 drops of essential oil mixed with 1 tsp to the baby bath. base oil.

After the bath, it is good to give the child a massage with essential oils. To do this, mix 1 drop of essential oil with 1 tablespoon of carrier oil. Rub this mixture on your baby's chest and back. Get a foot massage and put on warm socks.

For the treatment of colds in young children, inhalations with essential oils can be carried out. To do this, drop one of the suitable essential oils into the aroma lamp. The duration of the procedure is 10-15 minutes.

Base mixture with essential oils for colds for children 1-5 years

Base mix with essential oils for colds for children over 6 years old

10 drops of eucalyptus essential oil,

5 drops of lavender essential oil,

5 drops of tea tree essential oil

2 drops thyme or thyme essential oil.

Mix all ingredients in a glass bottle. The resulting mixture can be used for baths, inhalations, massages.

Bath: stir a mixture of essential oils with 1 tsp. base oil and dissolve in water (see the table for proportions). The duration of the procedure is 10 minutes. In addition to the general bath, you can do a foot bath.

Massage: combine the healing mixture with almond or apricot oil (see the table for the proportions). Rub the resulting massage mixture into the upper part of the chest.

Inhalations: add a few drops of a mixture of essential oils (see table) to the aroma lamp. The duration of the procedure is up to 30 minutes. You can also put 1-2 drops of a mixture of essential oils on the child's pillow or pajamas before going to bed.

Prevention of colds in children with essential oils.

For the prevention of colds in children during epidemics, it is advisable to aromatize the premises with essential oils of tea tree, eucalyptus, pine, rosemary, thyme, fir. These essential oils have the ability to stimulate and strengthen the immune system.

In order to disinfect the premises during the epidemic, it is worth carrying out wet cleaning with the addition of one of the above essential oils (5 drops per 1 liter of water).

Schoolchildren and children attending children's institutions can use aromamedalon as a prevention of colds. Put 1-2 drops of essential oil on a piece of cotton wool and place in the aroma pendant. Put it on your child's neck, the aroma of the essential oil will protect him all day long.

This article is written for informational purposes. For an accurate diagnosis and proper treatment, consult your pediatrician.

I wish health to you and your children!

There are various home use options for you to try out how essential oils work. Consider the most effective of them:

  • Rubbing into the chest and back. For rubbing, it is better to use tea tree oil, rosemary, lemon, lavender and fir. Add 8 to 15 drops per tablespoon of carrier oil and use up to five massages per day for a week.

Applied to the skin, essential oils are easily absorbed and carried by the bloodstream to every cell in the body within minutes.

  • A cool compress applied to the forehead and temples will help reduce the temperature. To make a compress, add two drops of bergamot, mint, lemon and lavender to two hundred milliliters of water. Soak a towel in the resulting mixture and apply the compress 1-5 times a day for 3-7 days.
  • Inhalation or cold inhalation. Breathe oil from a bottle 5-15 times a day for up to 14 days. You can also put a drop of oil on a band-aid and stick it on your skin under your clothes around your chest. So a useful aroma will always be with you. The patch needs to be renewed when the smell becomes almost imperceptible.
  • The aroma lamp will help fill the room with a healing aroma. Add 4-12 drops of essential oils to the lamp and enjoy the fragrance for a course of 5 to 10 days.

European Medical Community doctors prescribe essential oils to be taken orally, in addition to pharmaceuticals.

Although essential oils are considered natural remedies, this does not mean that they are completely harmless. They have a number of contraindications and can have serious side effects if used incorrectly. Here is some of them:

  • Skin irritation. Essential oils can irritate sensitive skin. When applied to the skin, they are never used in their pure form, but always in combination with base oils, various mixtures, and water.
  • Interaction with drugs. Essential oils can interact with medications and nutritional supplements. It's a great idea to talk to your doctor before using them.
  • Photosensitivity. Some oils (such as bergamot) make the skin more receptive to sunlight. It can cause burns if exposed to the sun within a day after application.
  • Allergy. Unfortunately, no one is immune from an allergic reaction to a new substance that enters our body.

One drop of peppermint essential oil is equivalent to 28 cups of peppermint tea. And to obtain approximately 450 grams of pure rose oil, more than two tons of rose petals are required!

To minimize the likelihood of side effects, you must follow a number of recommendations for the use of essential oils:

  • If you're not sure how to use essential oils, ask your doctor or aromatherapist for advice.
  • If you are pregnant, have hypertension, or have epilepsy, you should avoid rosemary and clove oils, and be sure to check with your healthcare provider about your intention to use essential oils.
  • Only diluted essential oils! If you do not dilute them, then this can lead to irritation of the skin, eyes and lungs.
  • Be sure to do an allergy test. Dilute a few drops of essential oil in 30 ml. base oil (this can be coconut oil, avocado oil, grapeseed oil, etc.) and do a patch test on the inside of your forearm to check for skin sensitivity.
  • Use quality essential oils. Buy essential oils only from trusted sources. Products of poor quality not only will not give the proper therapeutic effect, but can also be hazardous to health.
  • Remember that essential oils with a hint of citrus are phototoxic, so use these oils in small doses, especially if you go outside.
  • And most importantly - be sure to consult with your doctor!
  • Essential oils have a set of properties that help reduce cold and flu symptoms.
  • The effectiveness of aromatherapy for flu and colds has been proven by a number of scientific studies.
  • The most effective oils in the fight against flu and colds are: tea tree, clove, lemon, thyme, pine, eucalyptus, fir, rosemary, clary sage.
  • A number of contraindications and application features must be considered when using aromatic oils.
  • Essential oils are not medicines and do not replace the main treatment, but only supplement it.
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