Vitamin B2 in food. Why is it necessary and what foods contain vitamin B2

Everyone is aware of the benefits of vitamins, but rarely does anyone eat properly and balanced. A large number of people of different age categories experience a lack of B vitamins. This article will tell you which foods contain vitamin B2 and how you can maintain its balance in the human body.

Vitamin Benefits

B2 (vitamin, which is also known as riboflavin), is actively involved in the course of vital processes in the human body. It is required for the full-fledged formation of certain hormonal substances and erythrocyte blood cells.

B2 is a vitamin that helps the organs of vision adapt to the dark. He is the guarantor good vision person, makes it sharper, enhancing color and light perception.

Riboflavin is involved in the breakdown of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, is integral part a large number of enzymes. According to experts, without this vitamin impossible normal growth and constant renewal of fabrics.

B2 - a vitamin that positively affects the health of the liver, skin and nervous system person.

Signs of riboflavin deficiency

The main symptom of vitamin B2 deficiency is the presence of peeling on the mucous membranes, wings of the nose and ears. sign this disease also considered to be the presence of cracks in the corners of the mouth, causing pain.

Patients with riboflavin deficiency may experience discomfort In eyes. They begin to pursue itching, tearing and redness of the organs of vision. The red color of the tongue is also a symptom of riboflavin deficiency.

It is important to know that during heat treatment, the amount of this vitamin in foods decreases. Riboflavin is not able to be absorbed and processed by the human body if combined with alkalis. Vitamin B2 in foods is also negatively affected by sunlight.

The norm of vitamin B2

The daily rate of riboflavin directly depends on the characteristics of the human body and its gender. There are groups of people who feel the need for an increased amount of this vitamin. These include women who are expecting a baby or breastfeeding a child, and people who drink alcoholic beverages.

The body strongly requires vitamin B2 when eating foods saturated with fats and carbohydrates, when using certain contraceptives, as well as sharp drops temperature regime.

If you have symptoms that indicate a deficiency of riboflavin, you should seek help from specialists. They will help identify real reasons this violation and recommend remedies to remedy it.

The role of a balanced diet in the fight against vitamin B2 deficiency

In order to prevent and control riboflavin deficiency, initial stages it is recommended to adjust the diet. Having an idea of ​​what kind of food contains vitamin B2 in sufficient quantities, you can, without resorting to help special means replenish the supply of this vitamin in the human body

50 grams of products that include a record amount of riboflavin in their composition are able to saturate the body with a daily dose of this vitamin. In this article, we will try to answer the question of which foods contain the largest amount of vitamin B2, because it is mandatory to get it with food.

Riboflavin Rich Foods

There is an opinion that a lot of vitamin B2 is found in vegetables and fruits. However, they do not top the list of foods with a record content of this vitamin. And the list looks like this:

  1. Yeast (the amount of riboflavin depends on the form of their preparation).
  2. Liver (a large amount of the vitamin is found in the liver of elk, walrus, fur seals, as well as in lamb liver).
  3. Hemp seed, cleaned.
  4. Dried spirulina.
  5. Beef kidneys.

The kidneys and liver of a large number of animals play the role of a kind of storehouse of vitamins. They are the richest sources riboflavin. People living in the North eat mostly meat and offal, and this saves them from vitamin deficiencies.

Vitamin B2 is also saturated in certain food concentrates, however, they are not considered as the main sources of this vitamin. It is hard to even imagine that it is realistic to include 100 grams of these concentrates in your diet.

This also applies to the liver and kidneys of various exotic animals. Eating elk or walrus liver every day is just as problematic as spirulina, especially since vitamin B2 is found in foods that are easier to purchase and prepare.

Vitamin B2 (which foods contain)

It is believed that vitamin B2 deficiency is not experienced by people who eat the following foods:

  • Meat products and by-products, as well as products prepared from them.
  • Dairy.
  • Cereals, slightly processed (rice, buckwheat, oatmeal).
  • Mushrooms.
  • Bread products with bran.

It is important to know that B2 is a vitamin that cannot accumulate in the human body. Excess consumption of foods containing riboflavin does not guarantee the formation of a supply of this vitamin for the following days. Vitamin B2 leaves the body with urine.

Deficiency of this vitamin can be side effect ill-conceived strict diets. It also affects vegetarians who do not rely on plant sources of this vitamin. They are advised to eat almonds, mushrooms and berries or to replenish vitamin B2 with tablets.

Pregnant women, in order for the child to develop well and be born healthy, should saturate their body with the necessary amount of riboflavin. The fair sex is recommended to introduce the vitamin into the body with food, and not with the help of expensive medicines.

Vitamin B2 tablets

"Riboflavin" in the form of tablets, experts advise to use:

  • For the prevention and treatment of vitamin B2 deficiency.
  • With dermatological diseases.
  • in the treatment of radiation sickness.
  • As a means of healing wounds and scratches.
  • With a lack of iron in the body.
  • In case of malfunctions in the digestive tract due to a lack of riboflavin.
  • In diseases of the liver: in combination with other drugs.
  • In the prevention and treatment of diabetes.

"Riboflavin" in tablets should be used according to the prescriptions of doctors. The daily dosage of drugs depends on age category patients.

Vitamin B2 in tablets has almost no contraindications for use. It is not recommended to take it in the presence of individual intolerance in the patient. Riboflavin tablets should be taken two hours before a meal with plenty of water.

Vitamin B2 is one of essential vitamins necessary for the human body. For supporting wellness importance has control over daily intake daily allowance of this vitamin.

B2 is a vitamin that saturates the body not only with health, but also with beauty. To have skin, attracting attention with their youth, smoothness and elasticity, it is recommended to include in the diet foods that serve as sources of this vitamin.

Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) – required component to ensure the full functioning of the body. It is important to get it with food, and occasionally replenish stocks. required substance by using pharmaceutical preparations. To do this, you should figure out where vitamin B2 is most contained, and which vitamin complexes guarantee complete absorption of the substance.

Riboflavin is involved in every process in the body. With its lack, various failures and diseases begin. But it’s quite difficult to achieve an overabundance if you don’t eat dishes with high content B2.

The role of vitamin B2 in the human body:

  • important for maintaining carbohydrate and lipid metabolism;
  • children need for full growth;
  • impossible without it proper assimilation protein and a set of muscle mass;
  • helps the process of hematopoiesis and is involved in the production of other important enzymes such as glycogen (burns sugar);
  • prevents the formation of blood clots;
  • facilitates the absorption of fats from the intestines;
  • speeds up metabolism;
  • reduces eye strain and improves vision;
  • in combination with vitamin A helps maintain the beauty and health of the skin, hair, nails;
  • strengthens sleep;
  • relieves stress;
  • prevents the occurrence of mental disorders.

What foods contain the most?

Vitamin B2 is found in many vegetables and fruits. However, among the richest in riboflavin content, animal products predominate. Moreover, in red meat and offal it is more than in fish or chicken.

Record holders in the list of foods rich in vitamin B2 per 100 g:

  • brewer's and baker's yeast - from 2 to 4 mg;
  • lamb liver - 3 mg;
  • beef and pork liver - 2.18 mg;
  • chicken liver - 2.1 mg;
  • beef kidneys - 1.8 mg;
  • pork kidneys - 1.56 mg;
  • - 1 mg;
  • almonds - 0.8 mg.

It is important to take into account that simple products Not all vitamins are 100% absorbed in food. Some of them are lost heat treatment, and part - in the process of growing animals, poultry, fish, crops for mass production of food.

Other Foods Rich in Vitamin B2

One way or another, vitamin B2 is part of many foods, but not all foods are rich in riboflavin in enough. To provide the body with the necessary amount of B2, you should pay attention to additional products.

Here are more food groups with vitamin B2 content at a concentration of 0.1 to 0.5 mg per 100 g:

  1. Vegetable oilsgrape seed, almond, wheat germ. It is important to use unrefined products. Butter animal origin is also rich in vitamin.
  2. natural juices from vegetables and fruits. Lots of B2 in grapes.
  3. nuts- , cashews, pecans, pistachios and brazil nuts.
  4. Porridges and cereals- buckwheat, rye, wheat. When choosing flour, give preference to whole grain or coarse grinding, but not the highest grade.
  5. Cabbage all varieties, and green salad and spinach rich in vitamin B2.
  6. Dried fruits- figs and dates.
  7. Dairy. 100 g of high-quality cottage cheese and hard cheese contains 1/5 of daily dose vitamin A. But in yogurt and kefir it is not so much.

If you follow the principles proper nutrition, then to a greater extent you can provide your body with the necessary amount of B2.

The daily norm of vitamin B2 and the rules for assimilation by the body

For the full functioning of the body, you need to take a certain amount of vitamin per day:

  • women- 1.8 mg;
  • pregnant- 2 mg;
  • breastfeeding mothers- 2.2 mg, in some cases up to 3 mg;
  • children and newborns- from 2 mg to 10 mg;
  • men- 2 mg.

For the full assimilation of riboflavin, additional trace elements are required -, copper and. They are found in meat and offal, so liver and other meat ingredients are considered better sources of riboflavin.

The best pharmacy complexes with vitamin B2

Riboflavin is included in most multivitamin preparations, and is also available in mono-products - ampoules and tablets. They are most often prescribed for the treatment of diseases, when it is necessary to increase the dose of the enzyme tenfold. It is impossible to use such forms without the advice of a doctor.

AT optimal amount vitamin is contained in complexes, Vitrum. Special men's and female preparations, for example, Men's Formula or Complivit Perinatal for pregnant women also contain the right dosage enzyme.

Vitamin B2 should be present in the optimal amount in the diet of every person and especially a growing baby. To maintain in the body required amount riboflavin is not enough to be limited to animals alone and herbal products. It is also important to select proven, popular vitamin complexes with vitamin B2, after consulting with your doctor first.

Riboflavin is responsible in the human body for many important processes, for example, for the state of cardio-vascular system and normal exchange substances, it helps convert fats and carbohydrates into energy, promotes muscle growth and protects the lining of the stomach and intestines. And this vitamin is simply necessary for beautiful skin and normal vision, protects the retina from negative impact UV rays. It is consumed by the body much faster than other vitamins, especially during times of stress, so it is important to include foods rich in riboflavin in your diet every day.

Most vitamin B2 is found in brewer's yeast. There are 5.5 mg of riboflavin per 100 g of this product, which is twice as much necessary for a person daily amount. It is no coincidence that the Red Cross Society distributed such a product among people during the epidemic of pellagra, one of the types of beriberi. Bread yeast contains twice less vitamin IN 2.

Extremely rich in riboflavin Pine nuts. Only 50 g of such a product will provide the human body with a two-day supply of vitamin B2. Next on the list is the liver, with beef containing about 4 mg of riboflavin, while chicken and pork have slightly less.

By the way, B2 is one of the few vitamins that are best absorbed from foods that have undergone heat treatment. That is why not only the liver, but also other offal and vegetables containing such a substance are best eaten boiled or baked. However heat treatment should be minimal and held under a closed lid, as riboflavin is destroyed by light.

About 0.80 mg of vitamin B2 is found in 100 g of wheat germ, about 0.65 mg in almonds. Next on the list of riboflavin-rich foods are turnips and button mushrooms. After them - chicken eggs, processed, fatty and salty cheese. In these products, the amount of vitamin B2 varies from 0.4 to 0.44 mg. Slightly less riboflavin is found in mackerel, bran, butter, porcini mushrooms and chanterelles, rose hips, cottage cheese, spinach and goose meat.

In an amount of 0.28 to 0.2 mg, vitamin B2 is present in foods such as dried peas, lamb, boiled cauliflower, Rye flour, fresh parsley, fatty herring, boiled or baked asparagus, veal, dry lentils and dark chocolate.

Well, very little riboflavin is found in fresh green peas, figs, peanuts, corn, watercress, walnuts and cashews, dried peaches, cream and sour cream. A certain amount of vitamin B2 is also present in dried dates, chicken meat, black and rye bread.

Vitamin B2 or riboflavin starts the metabolism in the human body. This vitamin is involved in the formation of red blood cells and antibodies, which are needed in the process of cell growth or respiration. The presence of riboflavin increases the absorption of oxygen by the epithelium, hair and nails.

Vitamin B2 has a positive effect on the condition of the eyes, during the adaptation of vision to darkness, increases the activity of the organs of vision and profiles the formation of cataracts, the condition gastrointestinal tract, removes negative impact exposure to toxins during respiration.

The daily norm for women and men varies between 1.2 -1.6 milligrams during pregnancy daily intake should increase to three milligrams per day.

In addition to the fact that vitamin B2 is also a vitamin of beauty and health, its deficiency in some cases significantly reduces life expectancy, disrupts the digestive and nervous systems, and reduces the quality of vision.

Foods containing vitamin B2

Vitamin B2 is found in many foods in large numbers, but meat and dairy foods, eggs, fish, cereals, meat, legumes and leafy foods are most rich in riboflavin vegetable crops and herbs.

Vitamin belongs to a specialized group of B vitamins, each of which has one feature - it is not able to accumulate in the human body.

Vitamin B2 has several names, but the most common is riboflavin. It is produced in small quantities in the intestines, and in order for a person not to experience a lack of it, he needs to consume a daily norm of riboflavin.

  1. Vitamin B is found in large quantities in nuts, most of all in peanuts and almonds. In addition to this vitamin, they are also rich in other trace elements, so these products must be introduced into your diet. daily diet.
  2. A lot of riboflavin is also found in various cereals available to everyone: hercules, rice, buckwheat. By including them in your daily diet, you can forget about riboflavin deficiency.
  3. All vegetables are rich in this vitamin, but most of it is found in green vegetables. Riboflavin is destroyed during cooking, and therefore they must be eaten raw.
  4. Legumes, especially lentils, beans and peas are real pantries in terms of vitamin content and world and macroelements.
  5. Fruit. The largest amount of this vitamin is found in apricots.
  6. Greens - rich in various micro and macro elements. Most vitamin B2 is found in parsley, nettle, dandelion leaves and green onion feathers.
  7. All seafood has a large set of not only various minerals, but also micro and macro elements.
  8. Mushrooms are a real pantry of vitamins. They are similar in nutritional value to meat.
Product The amount of vitamin in 100 grams per milligram, or in one unit of the product Percentage of daily allowance
Pine nuts 88,05 100
beef liver 2,2 100
Sprouted grains of wheat 2,05 98
liver sausage 1,1 50
Sesame or sunflower seeds 0,8 48
Almond 0,57 26,2
Lean pork 0,56 25,8
beef heart 0,56 25,8
Cereal mix 0,53 24,2
Fresh champignons 0,45 20,4
Fatty cheese 0,45 20,4
Game 0,45 20,4
Egg 0,44 20,2
processed cheese 0,40 19,7
Honey mushrooms 0,38 19,2
Bran 0,36 18,8
Mackerel 0,36 18,8
Chanterelles 0,35 18,2
fresh corn 0,33 17,7
Trout 0.32 16,5
Dark Rice 0,32 16,5
Rose hip 0,30 15,8
Cottage cheese 0,30 15,8
Boletus or white mushroom 0,30 15,8
Bread with bran from rye flour 0,30 15,8
Oilers 0,30 15,8
dried cod 0,30 15,8
Mackerel 0,26 13
Spinach 0,25 12,8
Goose 0,23 10,01
Atlantic herring 0,22 10
Lean beef 0,20 9,4
Sardines in oil 0,20 9,4
Bread made from rye flour 0,18 9,2
oysters 0,16 8,4
Whole milk 0,16 8,4
raw asparagus 0,16 8,4
Medium fat kefir 0,14 7,1
walnuts 0,13 6,5
Dark chocolate 0,13 6,5
Soya beans 0,12 6,3
Parsley 0,12 6,3
Cherry plum (dried plums) 0,10 5,8
Sweet turnip 0,9 5,2
Green peas 0,8 4,8
Rice white varieties 0,7 4,2
Carrot 0,6 3,5
beans 0,5 3,4
Apples 0,4 2
Green pepper 0,4 2
Beef stew 0,3 1,5
Tomatoes 0,3 1,5

As the table shows, it is not at all difficult to feed a family with what is necessary for proper health.

With a lack of vitamin B, the entire working capacity of the body is completely disrupted - appetite disappears, sudden weight loss, fatigue, irritability, a feeling of sand in the eyes, tearing or redness of the eyes, an enlarged red tongue, long wound healing, phlegm, problems with digestive tract, peeling of the skin, various rashes and non-healing cracks in the corners of the lips. If the deficit occurs in childhood, then the child begins to lag behind in development, problems with memory begin, attentiveness is lost.

If you take B vitamins in a synthetic form, then it is advisable to do this after a meal - this is how they are most in the best way are digested.

Foods rich in vitamin B2 should be stored in a dark place, and if possible, try not to leave it out of the light. This vitamin, unlike others, is perfectly heat-treated, but in order to better preserve all the useful trace elements, you should try to eat foods in their natural form, and what needs to be boiled, processed under the lid and quickly.

With a lack of vitamin B2, coupled with vitamin B1, the development of such a disease as pellagra begins. Without B vitamins, the proper absorption of food products is disrupted. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully take care that this vitamin is regularly included in the diet.

In addition, riboflavin in certain quantities is produced by the body in a certain amount.

If there is a visible deficiency of vitamin B2, then it is necessary to increase the consumption of foods rich in riboflavin and carotene. Within one week it is desirable to take peeled almonds or brewer's yeast. If these products are not available, then vitamin B2 deficiency can be replenished with beef or pork liver, heart or kidneys.

Taking riboflavin in the form of a synthetic drug can make up for the deficiency in the shortest possible time.

In the first place in terms of the content of vitamin B2 is brewer's yeast - one hundred grams accounts for twice the daily norm of an adult. Bread contains half the amount of the vitamin.

In second place is beef liver. Chicken, sheep and veal contain a smaller amount, but still significantly exceeding the daily allowance.

Daily intake of one hundred and twenty grams of the heart and kidneys fully provide daily requirement. Chicken heart in terms of riboflavin content significantly exceeds the liver in this indicator.

All other products that are in the table also contain riboflavin in the required amount in order to provide the daily requirement in the complex. But, there are still such products that contain vitamin B2 in a smaller amount, but they bring undeniable benefit for human body.
All B vitamins have a fairly close relationship. And this means that when taking a synthetic drug of one of them, there is an unintentional increase in the need for other vitamins of the same group. Whatever it was, you need to organize your diet in the most correct way, and with a lack of this vitamin, it is best to include natural product, such as brewer's yeast or beef liver.

Foods rich in vitamin B2

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Most of the vitamin B2 (riboflavin) enters the human body only with food. Adults have the ability to independently synthesize a small amount of this vitamin. But it is better not to use the additional reserves of the body and that's it.

vitamins get through food

What is the norm for the use of riboflavin? What does it contain maximum amount vitamin B2? How does it affect the body and does it help to lose weight?

What is vitamin B2 for?

Vitamin takes part in the formation of enzymes that support the human body in healthy condition. Riboflavin is extremely important for the health of the skin, hair and nails, with its help it functions well. thyroid. In addition, it plays a huge role in good

growth in children

and affects the formation of red blood cells. A lack of vitamin B2 can lead to both aesthetic problems (chapped lips, split nails and brittle hair), and to serious health problems (stomatitis, dermatitis, conjunctivitis, etc.).

When a person adheres to proper nutrition, he usually limits the use of meat products and prefers fiber in the form of vegetables and cereals. At the same time, people rarely ask the question, where is vitamin B2 found. But it is the meat that provides the largest number riboflavin. At balanced diet it is important to pay attention not only to the amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the diet, but also to the content of vitamins and microelements. At lack of riboflavin a person will feel tired, his iron content in the blood may decrease, and his vision will slightly deteriorate.

Products with a maximum content of B2

Vegetable and animal oils

Among the oils rich in riboflavin, there are mainly those used in the cosmetics industry: these are vegetable oil grape seed, wheat germ and almond. They are usually used for skin and hair care, but you should also refer to them when preparing salads as a healthy dressing.

For riboflavin to enter the body, you can do

which contain fresh

Vegetables are suitable for this purpose. Green colour that squeeze out like in pure form(for example,


or cucumber juice) and mixed with

apple juice

Vitamin B2 is usually not found in fat-rich foods. At the same time, it is quite a lot contained in nuts, especially in peanuts and almonds. These products are used to make nut paste, which is then spread on bread. Nuts are also good for a quick snack.

Vitamin B2 is rich in wheat, rye and buckwheat. In order to receive a sufficient amount of this vitamin, it is necessary to regularly eat flour products, eat bread and bread, and also do not forget about buckwheat, which is rich not only in vitamin B2, but also in iron.

Riboflavin is found in large quantities in green vegetables, as well as in various types cabbage. For this reason, the table should always have cabbage, spinach, salad, as well as parsley and dill. Those adherents of proper nutrition who limit meat in their diet should take a closer look at vegetables.

Fruits and dried fruits cannot boast great content vitamin riboflavin. Of the richest representatives can be called dates, grapes and figs.

Milk and dairy products

Milk is rich in riboflavin in almost any form. Vitamin B12 is especially high in

hard cheese and cottage cheese

Where 100 g accounts for a fifth of the daily norm of the element. AT

yogurt kefir

riboflavin is already much less.

Below is a table with information about which products and in what quantity contains vitamin B2.

Product The content of vitamin B2 in 100 g of the product, mg
Lamb liver 3
beef liver 2,19
chicken liver 2,1
Instant coffee 1
Almond 0,8
Wheat flour 0,48
Champignon mushrooms 0,45
milk chocolate 0,45
Pasta 0,44
chicken eggs 0,44
Cod liver 0,41
Turnip 0,4
Cottage cheese 0,4
honey mushrooms 0,38
Condensed milk 0,38
Mackerel 0,36
Chanterelles 0,35
white mushrooms 0,3
butter mushrooms 0,3
Broccoli 0,3
Rose hip 0,3
Beef 0,29
Mackerel 0,28
Mutton 0,26
White cabbage 0,25
Spinach 0,25
Buckwheat 0,24
Rye flour 0,22
Pine nuts 0,2
Veal 0,2
Green pea 0,16
cow's milk 0,15
Peanut 0,13
Pork 0,13
figs 0,12
Cereals 0,12
Dates 0,1
Cauliflower 0,08
Potato 0,03

Vitamin B2 in dietetics and weight loss

Since vitamin B2 affects metabolism and work thyroid gland, he is important element for weight loss. Most obese people have thyroid problems. If on initial stage weight loss examination by a doctor showed problems with this organ, then simply using this vitamin will not help the problem, and it will take additional treatment. But if serious problems not detected, riboflavin will become good helper for

metabolism acceleration

Daily intake of vitamin B2

Women need to consume 1.8 mg of B2 per day, during pregnancy 2 mg, and while breastfeeding 2.2 mg. The norm for men is 2 mg per day. it approximate values calculated for the average person. In case of severe physical work or with systematic sports, this value can be increased. To determine your own rate of riboflavin, it is enough to donate blood for analysis and consult a general practitioner. Hypervitaminosis (excess) of vitamin B2 harmful effects does not cause, but independent experiments its best to avoid it.

Compatibility of riboflavin with other vitamins

Vitamins are divided into fat-soluble and water-soluble. On this basis, there are recommendations for sharing certain products. For example, since childhood, everyone knows that

should be eaten with sour cream to absorb fat-soluble

vitamin A

Riboflavin belongs to

water soluble group

and is better absorbed when taken with other vitamins,

zinc iron copper

That is why a dietary supplement of vitamin B2 is often sold as a vitamin complex with cations of these metals. By itself, riboflavin will be poorly absorbed, but if you eat it in the form of meat or

That effect will be much better. B2, in turn, helps to absorb other vitamins:

So, vitamin B2 is responsible for both the health of the body from the inside and the beauty of the body from the outside. Foods containing the maximum amount of vitamin B2 are meat, milk products, green vegetables and nuts. To avoid B2 deficiency in the body, these products must be present on every table. In addition, riboflavin has an effect on metabolism and helps the process of losing weight. And in order for this vitamin to be better absorbed, it should be taken along with copper and zinc.

Share with us what you think you would do lack of riboflavin in the body? Which would you prefer: use biologically active additive with vitamin B2 or will you compensate for the lack with food?

Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) is a necessary component to ensure the full functioning of the body. It is important to get it with food, and occasionally replenish the stocks of the necessary substance with the help of pharmaceutical preparations. To do this, you should figure out where vitamin B2 is most contained, and which vitamin complexes guarantee complete absorption of the substance.

Why does the body need B2?

Riboflavin is involved in every process in the body. With its lack, various failures and diseases begin. But it is quite difficult to achieve an overabundance if you do not eat meals with a high content of B2 every day.

The role of vitamin B2 in the human body:

  • important for maintaining carbohydrate and lipid metabolism;
  • children need for full growth;
  • without it, it is impossible to properly digest protein and gain muscle mass;
  • helps the process of hematopoiesis and is involved in the production of other important enzymes such as glycogen (burns sugar);
  • prevents the formation of blood clots;
  • facilitates the absorption of fats from the intestines;
  • speeds up metabolism;
  • reduces eye strain and improves vision;
  • in combination with vitamin A helps maintain the beauty and health of the skin, hair, nails;
  • strengthens sleep;
  • relieves stress;
  • prevents the occurrence of mental disorders.

What foods contain the most?

Vitamin B2 is found in many vegetables and fruits. However, among the richest in riboflavin content, animal products predominate. Moreover, in red meat and offal it is more than in fish or chicken.

Record holders in the list of foods rich in vitamin B2 per 100 g:

  • brewer's and baker's yeast - from 2 to 4 mg;
  • lamb liver - 3 mg;
  • beef and pork liver - 2.18 mg;
  • chicken liver - 2.1 mg;
  • beef kidneys - 1.8 mg;
  • pork kidneys - 1.56 mg;
  • instant coffee - 1 mg;
  • almonds - 0.8 mg.

It is important to consider that not all 100% of vitamins are absorbed from simple foods. Some of them are lost during heat treatment, and some - in the process of growing animals, poultry, fish, crops for mass food production.

Other Foods Rich in Vitamin B2

One way or another, vitamin B2 is part of many foods, but not all foods are rich in riboflavin in sufficient quantities. To provide the body with the necessary amount of B2, you should pay attention to additional products.

Here are more food groups with vitamin B2 content at a concentration of 0.1 to 0.5 mg per 100 g:

  1. Vegetable oils- grape seed, almond, wheat germ. It is important to use unrefined products. Butter of animal origin is also rich in the vitamin.
  2. natural juices from vegetables and fruits. Lots of B2 in grapes.
  3. nuts- peanuts, hazelnuts, cashews, pecans, pistachios and Brazil nuts.
  4. Porridges and cereals- buckwheat, rye, wheat. When choosing flour, give preference to whole grain or coarse grinding, but not the highest grade.
  5. Cabbage all varieties, and green salad and spinach rich in vitamin B2.
  6. Dried fruits- figs and dates.
  7. Dairy. 100 g of high-quality cottage cheese and hard cheese contains 1/5 of the daily dose of the vitamin. But in yogurt and kefir it is not so much.

If you follow the principles of proper nutrition, then to a greater extent you can provide your body with the necessary amount of B2.

The daily norm of vitamin B2 and the rules for assimilation by the body

For the full functioning of the body, you need to take a certain amount of vitamin per day:

  • women- 1.8 mg;
  • pregnant- 2 mg;
  • breastfeeding mothers- 2.2 mg, in some cases up to 3 mg;
  • children and newborns- from 2 mg to 10 mg;
  • men- 2 mg.

For the full assimilation of riboflavin, additional trace elements are required - zinc, copper and iron. They are found in meat and offal, so liver and other meat ingredients are considered better sources of riboflavin.

The best pharmacy complexes with vitamin B2

Riboflavin is included in most multivitamin preparations, and is also available in mono-products - ampoules and tablets. They are most often prescribed for the treatment of diseases, when it is necessary to increase the dose of the enzyme tenfold. It is impossible to use such forms without the advice of a doctor.

The optimal amount of vitamin is contained in the Complivit, Supradin, Vitrum complexes. Special male and female preparations, for example, "Men's Formula" or "Complivit Perinatal for Pregnant Women" also contain the right dosage of the enzyme.

Vitamin B2 should be present in the optimal amount in the diet of every person and especially a growing baby. To maintain the required amount of riboflavin in the body, it is not enough to be limited to animal and plant products alone. It is also important to select proven, popular vitamin complexes with vitamin B2, after consulting with your doctor first.

Most of the vitamin B2 (riboflavin) enters the human body only with food. Adults have the ability to independently synthesize a small amount of this vitamin. But it is better not to use the additional reserves of the body and that's it. get through food.

What is the norm for the use of riboflavin? What contains the maximum amount of vitamin B2? How does it affect the body and does it help to lose weight?

What is vitamin B2 for?

Vitamin takes part in the formation of enzymes that maintain the human body in a healthy state. Riboflavin is extremely important for the health of the skin, hair and nails, with its help the thyroid gland functions well. In addition, it plays a huge role in good growth in children and affects the formation of red blood cells. Lack of vitamin B2 can lead to both aesthetic problems (chapped lips, split nails and brittle hair) and serious health problems (stomatitis, dermatitis, conjunctivitis, etc.).

When a person adheres to proper nutrition, he usually limits his intake and prefers vegetables and cereals. At the same time, people rarely ask the question, where is vitamin B2 found. But it is meat that provides the greatest amount of riboflavin. With a balanced diet, it is important to pay attention not only to the amount of fats and carbohydrates in the diet, but also to the content of vitamins and. At lack of riboflavin a person will feel tired, his blood content may decrease, and his vision will also slightly deteriorate.

Products with a maximum content of B2

Vegetable and animal oils

Riboflavin is found in large quantities in green, as well as in. For this reason, the table should always have cabbage, spinach, salad, as well as parsley and dill. Those adherents of proper nutrition who limit meat in their diet should take a closer look at vegetables.

Milk and dairy products

Milk is rich in riboflavin in almost any form. Vitamin B12 is especially high in hard cheese and cottage cheese, where 100 g accounts for a fifth of the daily norm of the element. In and riboflavin is already much less.

Below is a table with information about which products and in what quantity contains vitamin B2.

Product The content of vitamin B2 in 100 g of the product, mg
Lamb liver3
Instant coffee1
Wheat flour0,48
Champignon mushrooms0,45
milk chocolate0,45
Cod liver0,41
honey mushrooms0,38
Condensed milk0,38
white mushrooms0,3
butter mushrooms0,3
Rye flour0,22
cow's milk0,15

Vitamin B2 in dietetics and weight loss

Since vitamin B2 affects metabolism and the functioning of the thyroid gland, it is an important element for weight loss. Most obese people have thyroid problems. If at the initial stage of losing weight, an examination by a doctor showed problems with this organ, then simply using this vitamin will not help the problem, and additional treatment will be required. But if no serious problems are found, then riboflavin will be a good helper for metabolism acceleration.

Daily intake of vitamin B2

Women need to consume 1.8 mg of B2 per day, during pregnancy 2 mg, and while breastfeeding 2.2 mg. The norm for men is 2 mg per day. These are approximate values ​​calculated for the average person. In the case of hard physical work or systematic sports, this value can be increased. To determine your own rate of riboflavin, it is enough to donate blood for analysis and consult a general practitioner. Hypervitaminosis (excess) of vitamin B2 does not cause harmful effects, but it is better to avoid independent experiments with its reception.

Compatibility of riboflavin with other vitamins

Vitamins are divided into fat-soluble and water-soluble. On this basis, there are recommendations for the joint use of certain products. For example, since childhood, everyone knows what to eat with sour cream in order to assimilate fat-soluble. Riboflavin belongs to water soluble group and is better absorbed when taken with other vitamins, and. That is why a dietary supplement of vitamin B2 is often sold as a vitamin complex with cations of these metals. By itself, riboflavin will be poorly absorbed, but if you eat it in the form of meat or, then the effect will be much better. B2, in turn, helps to absorb other vitamins:, PP, and B9.

So, vitamin B2 is responsible for both the health of the body from the inside and the beauty of the body from the outside. Foods containing the maximum amount of vitamin B2 are meat, milk products, green vegetables and nuts. To avoid B2 deficiency in the body, these products must be present on every table. In addition, riboflavin has an effect on metabolism and helps the process of losing weight. And in order for this vitamin to be better absorbed, it should be taken along with copper and zinc.

Share with us what you think you would do lack of riboflavin in the body? Do you prefer to take a vitamin B2 supplement or make up for it with food?

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