Need to become an honorary blood donor. Benefits for honorary donors of Russia

Donation, or donation of blood, refers to the donation own blood, as well as its components on a voluntary basis. Given the constant demand for blood transfusions, we can note the demand for donors. Except whole blood, the donor can donate:

  • Plasma, including its immune part;
  • red blood cells;
  • platelets;
  • Leukocytes;
  • Granulocytes.

Obtaining components from blood is a complex biochemical process carried out by passing whole blood through a separating extractor. The required components are removed from the blood, and the rest is returned back to the donor. Many are interested in the amount of donation. The standard norm is no more than 450 ml at a time. It takes 10 to 15 minutes to get this amount of solid material. To obtain plasma, the sampling time increases to 30 minutes, platelets - more than an hour.

How to become a donor

You can become a donor and receive a payment:

  • any adult citizen of Russia;
  • registered or registered at the place of actual residence;
  • which has no contraindications;
  • body weight exceeds 50 kg.

Contraindications may be permanent ( serious illness) or temporary (restrictions to certain persons for time intervals).

Donation payment

The law provides for certain benefits for blood donors, including the provision of meals, extra days recreation, etc.

Last year, it was officially forbidden to replace food for those who donated blood and its components with a cash payment. Today to replace food with money, the donor will need to write an application.

Value cash payment depends on the subsistence minimum in the subject of the Russian Federation, is 5% of this amount. Regions can increase this percentage at their own discretion.

For gratuitous blood donation a certain number of times, a citizen is awarded the badge of an honorary donor and he is assigned an annual cash payment.

The issue of payment for donations is often raised, this is especially true when donating a rare 4th blood group with a negative Rh factor.

List of Benefits for the Donor

The prescribed benefits and payments to blood donors in Russia in 2019 did not change much compared to previous periods.

The legislation establishes the following benefits for Russian donors:

  • - the day of donation and any at the choice of the donor;
  • When donating 2 maximum doses of blood in the current year, the donor can count on getting a ticket to the sanatorium without a queue;
  • For free blood donation, the donor receives the Honorary Donor badge. This sign gives the right to payments and some benefits.
In the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, authorities may establish additional benefits for donors, for example, free travel by public transport or some agreed free services household character.

If you want to learn more about what benefits blood donors have, you need to refer to the current legislation on this issue.

Honorary Donor in Russia

The Government of the Russian Federation approved the “Honorary Donor” badge for donating blood, which is a distinction and provides the owner with certain benefits and an annual payment to an honorary donor.

To receive the title of "Honorary Donor of Russia", any person needs to donate his blood, plasma or some components without charging a material fee of forty or more times.

If blood components, blood and plasma are donated more than 15 times, then there is also the possibility of obtaining a status. Decrees on the presentation of a certificate, as well as on awarding, are issued only by the Ministry of Health and Social Development. "Honorary Donor of the USSR" has all the rights to the same benefits.

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List of documents required to obtain the status of an honorary donor

  • medical certificates confirming that you donated plasma or blood;
  • the passport.

Benefits for honorary donors

For honorary donors, the following benefits are provided:

  • wellness services out of turn in public hospitals, clinics and similar organizations;
  • annual free rest in any period of time for the donor;
  • non-taxable cash compensation that changes with inflation;
  • issuance of travel tickets for a trip to sanatoriums or resorts so that a person can pass complex treatment. Delivery is carried out without queues.

The procedure for obtaining benefits for an honorary donor

At each visit to the blood donation station, the donor fills out a questionnaire, undergoes an examination by a doctor and an initial laboratory examination. After the donation procedure, a person receives a certificate stating that he is a donor and can already use monetary compensation for lunch at a rate of 5% discount.

To apply for benefits with the title of "Honorary Donor", you must contact the Ministry of Health and social development and submit documents. The Ministry will consider and study your application within forty-five days, then it will decide whether or not to award the person with the status of "Honorary Donor".

To receive an annual payment, you need:

  • statement;
  • certificate of "Honorary Donor";
  • the passport.

Benefits in the regions

There are two types of benefits: federal benefits and regional.

Moscow provides for people who have donated blood free of charge additional social benefits of such kind:

  • if a Muscovite has a special social card, a well-deserved donor can public transport travel is completely free;
  • has the right to dentures and their repair absolutely free of charge, these benefits do not apply to other prosthetics;
  • this person uses housing and communal services with a fifty percent discount and can buy medicines with the same discount, which is a very good bonus, especially for pensioners;
  • also possessing the “Honorary Donor” badge, a person automatically has the right to the possible assignment of the “Veteran of Labor” status to him.
The pension does not depend on donation and does not change in any way, even if you have the status of "Honorary Donor".

What benefits are provided by St. Petersburg, Ufa, Novosibirsk, Nizhny Novgorod, and other regions? There are no additional benefits other than federal ones in these areas. Regional fringe benefits were abolished in 2004. Annual payments in other regions, they are produced taking into account the prices of the region, in Moscow they are slightly higher.

Replacing meals with cash

The payments to donors returned by the Ministry of Health in 2015 imply the possibility of replacing free food with money, namely 5% of the subsistence minimum in the region.

Currently, this amount is about 400 rubles.

The order to replace hot meals with compensation was signed by the Russian Ministry of Health. Hot food - necessary measure to restore the healthy tone of the donated blood human body. Mobile stations that are unable to provide people with such support are a separate issue. In them, due to the lack of the ability to organize food, payments for blood donation are made without an application.

To receive compensation in cash, the donor must write an application. What amount is due to a person who donated blood, for example, in Moscow? This is 5% of the subsistence minimum established in the 1st quarter of 2018 (14,800 rubles), which is about 740 rubles.

Earlier, other payments to donors were made in the capital. For example, 100 ml of whole blood was estimated at 650 rubles, plateletpheresis - 4500 rubles, erythrocytes - 6000 rubles. Today, after the introduction of the new version of the Law "On the donation of blood and its components", only the donation of rare blood groups and its components is paid. For the rest of Muscovites, only free hot meals (full lunch) are offered.

Our state provides for a number of benefits and subsidies for citizens who have been awarded the titles of "Honorary Donor of Russia" and "Veteran of Labor". How to get both of these statuses, and what kind of preferences are provided for at the legislative level?

The concepts of "Honorary Donor of Russia" and "Veteran of Labor"

"Veteran of Labor" is a special title that is awarded to persons who have a certain length of service and awards for work. () This status gives the right to insurance pension payments in an increased amount.

The length of service for obtaining this category is established by the current Federal and regional legislation, and depends on working conditions, the climatic zone and other factors.

Usually for women this is at least 20 years of continuous experience, and for men - 25.

The status of "Honorary Donor" is regulated by other norms of legislation and is assigned to citizens who have donated blood or its components in a certain amount throughout their lives (40 or more times).

To encourage people to useful cause, the state has developed special programs, and amended the pension legislation, allowing an honorary donor to be equated with a veteran of labor, and receive similar pensions and benefits.

These two statuses are governed by different regulatory framework, so they cannot be identified. Each of them provides certain benefits and compensations.

It must be remembered that such a title as "Honorary Donor" is assigned by the Government on the basis of the Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation in accordance with dated 07/20/2012.

Legal framework

Can an honorary donor of Russia receive the title of "Veteran of Labor" and take advantage of all the benefits and other material compensation?

This issue is clearly regulated by the following legal acts:

  1. Federal Legislative Act No. 125 of July 20, 2012 “On Donors”. Articles 23, 24 of this law establish the legal grounds for obtaining this status, as well as the amount of donation of blood and its components that a person must donate in order to be awarded this title.
  2. Federal legislative act under the number of the year, regulating the procedure for calculating pensions. The norms of its articles 30 and 32 say that citizens who have received the status of "Honorary Donor" have the full right to receive a special pension.
  3. Regional legal documents that regulate the receipt of donor and veteran statuses in specific subjects of the Russian Federation.

Based on the above regulations, the titles of "Honorary Donor of Russia" and "Veteran of Labor", although they differ from each other, give citizens the opportunity to enjoy all the benefits and privileges given to these categories of people. But it's worth considering! The title of "Honorary Donor" does not give privileges for conferring the title of "Veteran of Labor" because donation is not considered a contribution to employment.

Special attention should be paid to judicial practice on such issues. The Supreme Court in 2009 put an end to disputes related to the appointment of pension payments to people who often donate blood, and receive state preferences from this.

You need to know that an honorary donor is entitled to a special distinguishing sign and a corresponding certificate. According to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation, the medal "Honorary Donor" does not apply to state awards.

Who is given this title?

Stateless persons can also count on such a status, but at the time of registration of documents they must have a residence permit and prepare to become citizens of Russia. Registration of citizenship for such persons is necessary in order to take advantage of the benefits and other compensations provided for by the PD, and receive an insurance pension.

It is important to remember that stateless people, even if they donated a lot of their blood, cannot count on pensions, benefits and other privileges in the Russian Federation. Only citizens of our country have the right to this.

How many times do you need to donate blood

To earn this title, a person must fulfill the condition specified in Federal Law No. 125 (donate blood a certain number of times).

PD statuses are assigned to the following people:

  • donating blood or its constituent components (excluding plasma) more than forty times;
  • those who donated blood or its components more than 20 times;
  • individuals who donated blood plasma more than 60 times;
  • people who donated blood with its constituent components and plasma more than 60 times.

In some regions, separate requirements for the amount of donated blood are established in order to receive donor payments and other compensations. For example, to receive the title of "Honorary Donor of Moscow" it is enough to donate more than 20 times blood and more than 30 times plasma.

To receive the title of "Honorary Donor", only free donated blood is considered.

What documents do you need to provide

If a labor veteran wants to become an honorary donor, then such a person must submit a certain package of documents to the Ministry of Health:

  • medical certificates from the relevant institutions on the fact of donating blood, its components, certified by the seals and signatures of the relevant employees (in the case of free blood donation);
  • medical papers on paid blood donation and its constituent parts, duly certified, indicating the amount of funds paid;
  • a medical donor card (book), where each fact of the donation of this biological material is recorded;
  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation or a document confirming a residence permit.

It must be remembered that all facts of blood donation must be recorded. If, for example, it was rented out for acquaintances, friends, and in medical institution that does not specialize in accepting, processing and transporting donated blood will not count.

Benefits for honorary donors

Having figured out whether an honorary donor is a labor veteran or not, we now need to determine what kind of benefits are due to such people.

They fall into several categories:

  1. Labor preferences. The right to additional paid time off, separate holidays for up to two weeks, regardless of the main one.
  2. Assignment this status at the same time gives the right to receive annual material compensation in the amount of 13 thousand rubles, benefits and compensations provided for by Federal and regional legislation.
  3. Extraordinary medical service in state and municipal health care institutions.
  4. Getting free wellness vouchers to boarding houses and.

Need to know what regional bodies also have the right to give such citizens additional preferences. For example, discounts on utility bills.

Early retirement for honorary donors

Since the status of "Honorary Donor" does not give privileges for conferring the title of "Veteran of Labor", then there can be no talk of accruing an early pension. This is directly regulated by the norms of Articles 30 and 32 of the Law "On Insurance Pensions", which state that badges and statuses of this category of citizens do not apply to departmental distinguishing signs, letters of honor and other equivalent documents. Therefore, PD cannot count on such a preference.

You need to know that if someone who often donates blood has sufficient seniority or departmental orders and awards, he is entitled to early retirement, but not according to the above status.

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How to become an honorary donor

Earn extra money, double your vacation and get benefits for the rest of your life

I gave my first blood at 19 for money. Now I am 27 years old and I am an honorary donor of Russia.

I have donated blood for the last nine years, I have already done this more than 75 times.

Donor blood transfusion will be required for every third person at least once in a lifetime. If there is no spare blood in hospitals, the patient may die.

Donating blood is not painful or scary. You help other people, and the state will thank you. I'll tell you how to become a donor and get bonuses from it.

Viktor Sikirin

honorary donor

Who can become a donor

Anyone can become a donor in Russia healthy man over 18 years old. Donation has contraindications:

donors per 1,000 inhabitants is needed to cover the need for donated blood, according to the WHO. In Russia, they are three times less

  • chronic or contagious diseases;
  • weight less than 50 kg.

Those who have had the flu, SARS or tonsillitis should temporarily refrain from donating blood. To become a donor after piercings, tattoos, childbirth or surgery, you need to wait 6-12 months.

What is blood donation

Whole blood. At one time, doctors take 450 ml of blood from a vein. Men can donate blood no more than once every two months, women - once every three months.

platelets or plasma. AT modern medicine It is not the whole blood that is needed, but its components: plasma and platelets. When donating, the components are separated from the blood, the rest is returned to the vein along with saline to normalize pressure. Blood components can be taken every 2 weeks. Every 4-6 donations take a break for a month.

If you become a regular donor, you will most often donate blood components. Donate them 10-20 times a year and become an honorary donor in 3-6 years.

Donate blood ahead of time it will not work: all donors are entered in a single register and they simply will not let you in at the transfusion station. Violating the deadline is harmful to health, because the body does not have time to recover.

blood in quarantine

After the first blood donation, she is placed in quarantine for 6 months. During this time, the donor must once again donate blood for examination in order to rule out infection. If this is not done, the blood is disposed of.

You should be called from the blood transfusion station and invited again. But in reality, donors are often forgotten. It is better to come yourself a few months after the first surrender.

Where to donate blood

In some donor centers they accept only by appointment, I advise you to call and clarify. Single reference phone of the donor service: 8 800 333-33-30.

I advise donating blood at a transfusion station, not in a hospital. Everything is well organized at the station: the offices are nearby, the process is automated, the equipment is modern. Hospitals can be worse.

How to donate blood

Aspirin and analgesics should not be taken three days before the test, and alcohol should not be consumed two days before the test. The day before, it is advised not to eat fatty, spicy and smoked foods, dairy products. Be sure to sleep well and have a light breakfast with sweet tea and something low-fat. Do not smoke before the procedure.

The earlier in the day you donate blood, the easier the body will tolerate the donation. The best time to donate blood is before 11 am. Only experienced donors come to lunch.

What to bring

For the first blood donation at the transfusion station, you need to take a passport and the results of fluorography. Men also need to bring a military ID or registration certificate. From the second donation, only a passport is required.

Present the documents at the transfusion station. Fill out a wellness questionnaire and an application for monetary reimbursement of meals.

For the first time, blood will be taken from a finger to determine the blood type and hemoglobin level. You will be received by a therapist: he will examine you, weigh you, measure your blood pressure and ask about your well-being. Then you will be invited to the procedure room.

In the treatment room donate blood or plasma. It usually takes an hour. If you are asked how you will hand over - manually or automatically - choose manually, it's faster.

Donating blood is not painful. Most likely, you will not feel anything but a slight prick. A lot depends on individual characteristics, sometimes the donor may feel dizzy or nauseous and even lose consciousness. You should not be afraid of this: experienced staff is always ready. In the nine years of donation, I only felt sick once, and that was because I didn't eat breakfast. A couple of times I saw how the girls became ill, but they easily bounced back after airing. If you feel strange, tell the staff right away.

After that, you will be issued a certificate for the employer and will be allowed to go home. In the next couple of days you need to eat well and properly, drink plenty of fluids. It's better to give up physical activity.


The puncture site of the vein is liberally treated with a disinfectant solution. All instruments are disposable and sterile, they are unpacked right in front of you. With modern donation, it is impossible to get infected.

What do donors need

Additional holidays. After blood donation, the donor is entitled to 1-2 additional days off: a day off with the preservation of the average salary on the day of blood donation, as well as an additional day of rest. These days can be used immediately, or you can transfer them to any other day during the year or add them to your vacation. If you go to work on the day of donation, you have two days off. Important condition- going to work must be agreed with the employer, otherwise the second day of rest will not be given. This is also true if you donated blood before the start of the working day or after it ends. If you donate blood or components several times a year, you can get 6 to 20 extra days off and extend your vacation.

Holidays cannot be reimbursed in cash.

To receive rest days, submit certificates from the donor institution to the accounting department: 401 / y (on medical examination) and 402 / y (on subsidies) or a certificate certified accordingly in any form. Two days of rest will be paid, even if you donated blood on the weekend.

We write about how to make money on donation, elections and old things, how to be treated at the expense of the state, issue a tax deduction and agree with the boss on a salary increase.

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Lunch reimbursement. The donor is paid 400-700 R in compensation. Instead, by law, they can provide a free lunch, but I have not seen this.

Discounted vouchers. If you donate blood at least twice, then you can ask for extraordinary preferential vouchers for spa treatment. Vouchers are received at the place of work or study.

1💉 = 2 days off + 400 R

Donation for a fee

A donor can donate blood for money in public or private clinics. But paid donors are not needed everywhere. Rare blood types are usually required. If you want to donate blood for money, call 8 800 333-33-30 and ask where it is accepted. Better yet, to a specific station or donor site.

How to become an honorary donor

To become an honorary donor of Russia, you need to donate blood free of charge 40 times or donate blood with components 60 times. Then the donor fills out an application at the transfusion station, and after a few months receives the main documents: a certificate and an honorary donor badge.

Honorary donors of Russia receive an annual cash payment ( in 2017 - 13 000 R). They are served without a queue in public institutions, give a 50% discount on prescription drugs. An honorary donor goes on vacation when he wants to, and not when his employer releases him. In practice, benefits may vary depending on your region.

Donation for a fee is not taken into account in the standards for honorary donation.

Honorary Donor of Moscow

In the capital there is the title of honorary donor of Moscow. The standards here are 20 times to donate blood or 30 times components. Donations must be made at donor centers subordinate to the Moscow City Health Department. They are located at city clinical hospitals Moscow, as well as research institutes and blood transfusion stations.

An honorary donor of Moscow with a Muscovite social card travels free of charge on public transport, receives a 50% discount on utility bills and a 50% discount on payments medicines in city pharmacies.

After receiving the title, you must donate blood at least 3 times or plasma at least 7 times within a year. After receiving an honorary donor of Russia, all the benefits of an honorary donor of Moscow remain.

How to negotiate with an employer

I heard that some employers do not like regular donors: they cost more than ordinary employees.

I didn't have these problems. When I worked at school, I donated blood before school and did not bother anyone. He went to work after the blood donation. At the end of the year, he went on vacation a little earlier due to unused time off.

By law, you may not tell your employer that you want to donate blood. They handed it over, left for the weekend, then brought certificates to the accounting department.

But I always warn: it's more honest and easier. The manager may be dissatisfied: the employee unexpectedly took and arranged a mini-vacation for himself. In order to negotiate with the employer, a few days before the donation, I draw up a free-form application, where I indicate what I plan to do with the days off: whether I will go to work on the day of donation or take a day off.

In my experience and the experience of acquaintances of donors, it is better to negotiate with the manager in advance. Tell them that you are a donor and you are entitled to benefits. Check with your manager and colleagues when your absence will not be so noticeable. Make compromises.


  1. You can donate blood if you are healthy and weigh more than 50 kg.
  2. For the first change, you will need a passport and fluorography, for men - a military ID.
  3. After the first blood donation, you need to donate blood again within 6 months.
  4. The donor is compensated for food and given 1-2 paid days off.
  5. You can donate blood for money. In 2016, in Moscow they paid 3000 R for 450 ml of blood.
  6. For 60 donations they give the title of "Honorary Donor of Russia", for 30 donations - "Honorary Donor of Moscow". Honorary donors have benefits.
  7. An employer cannot forbid you to become a donor or give you days off, the law is on your side.

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What does it take to become a blood donor? What are the benefits for blood donors in 2019 and how much are donors paid? Honorary donor - how many times you need to donate blood to become ? How often can I donate blood to donors (women and men)? What are the requirements for submission? We will figure out how to become a donor in the Russian Federation and what benefits we will receive.

For those who are thinking about how to become a blood donor, first of all, you need to familiarize yourself with the Law "On donation" dated July 20, 2012 No. 125-FZ. The legislation of the Russian Federation provides for donation on a gratuitous and paid basis. According to articles No. 22 and 23 of the Law "On Donation", people who donate blood for free have benefits. At the same time, the number of benefits provided by the state directly depends on your status - just a donor or an “honorary” donor.

What do you need to become a blood donor for free?

From a moral point of view, gratuitous donation, based on the desire to help people, is a very positive phenomenon and an example for the younger generation. Naturally, the state encourages such an impulse of its citizens. Firstly, according to part 1 of Article 22 of the Law “On Donation”, when donating blood, you are required to provide food free of charge at the expense of the organization that carries out the collection.

It should be noted that in some cases it is possible to replace free meals for money. Such cases include blood donation in mobile harvesting complexes and in blood collection stations at military institutions.

It is important to note that the Order of the Ministry of Health of April 26, 2013 N 265n “On monetary compensation for blood donation” provides for the possibility of replacing free meals with monetary compensation for blood donation based on a written application. The amount of compensation is 5% of the subsistence level of the able-bodied population on the date of blood donation. Let's see how much it will be in money.


Today for Moscow minimum size the subsistence minimum for the working population is 13,896 rubles. In this regard, for the delivery of one portion you are required to pay compensation - 694 rubles. At the same time, even if this compensation is paid, blood donation is free of charge.

If you decide to be a blood donor on a gratuitous basis and donate it in the amount of 2 maximum allowable doses for yourself in a year, then you are entitled to priority purchase of preferential vouchers and treatment at the place of work or study. The maximum allowable intake dose for you will be determined by the doctor during the examination.

How much do blood donors get paid in 2019?

We have already said that even gratuitous delivery provides for the opportunity to receive a small monetary compensation. However, the Law “On Donation” establishes the possibility of donating on a paid basis if you have a rare type of blood. How much does it cost to donate blood as a donor? For paid delivery, payment is set at 8% of the subsistence minimum for the able-bodied population on the date of collection. Based on the calculations indicated above, the reward for paid rent in Moscow will be 1,111 rubles. Citizens who donate blood for money are deprived of all benefits provided for ordinary and honorary donors.

If you are thinking about how to become a donor, then it is best to help people for a small fee. The difference between paid and free donations is just over 400 rubles, and in the future, respect for others, preferential vouchers at work and the opportunity to become an honorary donor, for the title of which the state itself will pay you significant compensation as an encouragement of a positive example for society!

How to become an honorary blood donor, how many times do you need to donate blood?

According to Part 1 of Article 23 of the Law "On Donation", an honorary donor is a citizen who has donated blood more than 40 times, and plasma - more than 60 times.

Benefits for blood donors in 2019

An honorary donor receives significantly more benefits, you will be granted annual paid leave at a selected time, extraordinary provision medical care in state healthcare institutions, preferential vouchers for resort and sanitary treatment, as well as a one-time monetary reward once a year. The amount of the payment is indexed every year. In accordance with paragraph 5 of Article 9 of the Law "On the Budget" dated 02.12.2013 N 349-FZ for 2014, a remuneration for honorary donors in the amount of 11 thousand 728 rubles was established.

In addition, according to article 186 Labor Code any citizen, on the day of delivery, regardless of status, is released from work. If donating blood does not interfere with your work, then, in agreement with the employer, it is possible to transfer the official day off provided by the state to any other day.

How often can I donate blood to female and male donors?

How many times can you donate blood to a donor? Exist different types donation – whole blood donation and component donation. Men can donate whole blood no more than 5 times a year, women - no more than 4 times a year. After the donation, at least 2 months must pass before the donor can donate blood again.

After donating plasma, at least 2 weeks must pass before the donor can donate plasma or blood again.

How much blood is taken from a donor? When donating whole blood during a short procedure, 10-15 minutes, 450 ml are taken from the donor. Currently, whole blood is not transfused, but its components are separated and used: plasma, erythrocytes, platelets, leukocytes.

What can not be eaten before donating blood to a donor?

  • No need to donate blood on an empty stomach! Be sure to get enough sleep and eat a light breakfast.
  • On the eve and on the day of delivery, it is forbidden to eat fatty, fried, spicy and smoked foods, sausages, as well as meat, fish and dairy products, eggs and butter (including vegetable), chocolate, nuts and dates.
  • It is better to drink sweet tea with jam, juices, fruit drinks, compotes, mineral water and eat bread, crackers, dryers, boiled cereals, pasta in water without oil, vegetables and fruits, except for bananas.
  • 48 hours before the visit to the transfusion station, you can not drink alcohol, and 72 hours before you take medicines containing aspirin and analgesics.
  • Don't smoke one hour before delivery.

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I gave my first blood at 19 for money. Now I am 27 years old and I am an honorary donor of Russia.

I have donated blood for the last nine years, I have already done this more than 75 times.

Donor blood transfusion will be required for every third person at least once in a lifetime. If there is no spare blood in hospitals, the patient may die.

Donating blood is not painful or scary. You help other people, and the state will thank you. I'll tell you how to become a donor and get bonuses from it.

Viktor Sikirin

honorary donor

Who can become a donor

Any healthy person over the age of 18 can become a donor in Russia. Donation has contraindications:

donors per 1,000 inhabitants is needed to cover the need for donated blood, according to the WHO. In Russia, they are three times less

  • chronic or contagious diseases;
  • weight less than 50 kg.

Those who have had the flu, SARS or tonsillitis should temporarily refrain from donating blood. To become a donor after piercings, tattoos, childbirth or surgery, you need to wait 6-12 months.

What is blood donation

Whole blood. At one time, doctors take 450 ml of blood from a vein. Men can donate blood no more than once every two months, women - once every three months.

platelets or plasma. In modern medicine, it is not the whole blood that is needed, but its components: plasma and platelets. When donating, the components are separated from the blood, the rest is returned to the vein along with saline to normalize pressure. Blood components can be donated every 2 weeks. Every 4-6 donations take a break for a month.

If you become a regular donor, you will most often donate blood components. Donate them 10-20 times a year and become an honorary donor in 3-6 years.

It will not be possible to donate blood ahead of time: all donors are entered in a single register and they simply will not let you in at the transfusion station. Violating the deadline is harmful to health, because the body does not have time to recover.

blood in quarantine

After the first blood donation, she is placed in quarantine for 6 months. During this time, the donor must once again donate blood for examination in order to rule out infection. If this is not done, the blood is disposed of.

You should be called from the blood transfusion station and invited again. But in reality, donors are often forgotten. It is better to come yourself a few months after the first surrender.

Where to donate blood

In some donor centers they accept only by appointment, I advise you to call and clarify. Single reference phone of the donor service: 8 800 333–33–30.

I advise donating blood at a transfusion station, not in a hospital. Everything is well organized at the station: the offices are nearby, the process is automated, the equipment is modern. Hospitals can be worse.

Blood transfusion station in Voronezh on Transportnaya street. The main donor point of the city. Here they donate blood and issue an honorary donor certificateHow to donate blood

Aspirin and analgesics should not be taken three days before the test, and alcohol should not be consumed two days before the test. The day before, it is advised not to eat fatty, spicy and smoked foods, dairy products. Be sure to sleep well and have a light breakfast with sweet tea and something low-fat. Do not smoke before the procedure.

The earlier in the day you donate blood, the easier the body will tolerate the donation. The best time to donate blood is before 11 am. Only experienced donors come to lunch.

What to bring

For the first blood donation at the transfusion station, you need to take a passport and the results of fluorography. Men also need to bring a military ID or registration certificate. From the second donation, only a passport is required.

Present the documents at the transfusion station. Fill out a wellness questionnaire and an application for monetary reimbursement of meals.

For the first time, blood will be taken from a finger to determine the blood type and hemoglobin level. You will be received by a therapist: he will examine you, weigh you, measure your blood pressure and ask about your well-being. Then you will be invited to the procedure room.

Registration at the blood transfusion station
Donors give blood reclining in special chairs

In the treatment room donate blood or plasma. It usually takes an hour. If you are asked how you will hand over - manually or automatically - choose manually, it's faster.

Donating blood is not painful. Most likely, you will not feel anything but a slight prick. Much depends on the individual, sometimes the donor may feel dizzy or nauseous and even lose consciousness. You should not be afraid of this: experienced staff is always ready. In the nine years of donation, I only felt sick once, and that was because I didn't eat breakfast. A couple of times I saw how the girls became ill, but they easily bounced back after airing. If you feel strange, tell the staff right away.

After that, you will be issued a certificate for the employer and will be allowed to go home. In the next couple of days you need to eat well and properly, drink plenty of fluids. It is better to give up physical activity.


The puncture site of the vein is liberally treated with a disinfectant solution. All instruments are disposable and sterile, they are unpacked right in front of you. With modern donation, it is impossible to get infected.

What do donors need

Additional holidays. After blood donation, the donor is entitled to 1-2 additional days off: a day off with the preservation of the average salary on the day of blood donation, as well as an additional day of rest. These days can be used immediately, or you can transfer them to any other day during the year or add them to your vacation. If you go to work on the day of donation, you have two days off. An important condition is that going to work must be agreed with the employer, otherwise they will not be given a second day of rest. This is also true if you donated blood before the start of the working day or after it ends. If you donate blood or components several times a year, you can get 6 to 20 extra days off and extend your vacation.

Holidays cannot be reimbursed in cash.

To receive rest days, submit certificates from the donor institution to the accounting department: 401 / y (on medical examination) and 402 / y (on subsidies) or a certificate certified accordingly in any form. Two days of rest will be paid, even if you donated blood on the weekend.

Lunch reimbursement. The donor is paid 400-700 R in compensation. Instead, by law, they can provide a free lunch, but I have not seen this.

Discounted vouchers. If you donate blood at least twice, then you can ask for extraordinary preferential vouchers for spa treatment. Vouchers are received at the place of work or study.

1💉 = 2 days off + 400 R

Donation for a fee

A donor can donate blood for money in public or private clinics. But paid donors are not needed everywhere. Rare blood types are usually required. If you want to donate blood for money, call 8 800 333–33–30 and ask where it is accepted. Better yet, to a specific station or donor site.

How to become an honorary donor

To become an honorary donor of Russia, you need to donate blood free of charge 40 times or donate blood with components 60 times. Then the donor fills out an application at the transfusion station, and after a few months receives the main documents: a certificate and an honorary donor badge.

My ID and Honorary Donor Badge

Honorary donors of Russia receive an annual cash payment (in 2017 - 13,000 R). They are served without a queue in state institutions, they are given a 50% discount on prescription drugs. An honorary donor goes on vacation when he wants to, and not when his employer releases him. In practice, benefits may vary depending on your region.

Donation for a fee is not taken into account in the standards for honorary donation.

Honorary Donor of Moscow

In the capital there is the title of honorary donor of Moscow. The standards here are 20 times to donate blood or 30 times components. Donations must be made at donor centers subordinate to the Moscow City Health Department. They are located at city clinical hospitals in Moscow, as well as research institutes and blood transfusion stations.

An honorary donor of Moscow with a Muscovite's social card travels free on public transport, receives a 50% discount on utility bills and a 50% discount on medicines in city pharmacies.

After receiving the title, you must donate blood at least 3 times or plasma at least 7 times within a year. After receiving an honorary donor of Russia, all the benefits of an honorary donor of Moscow remain.

How to negotiate with an employer

I heard that some employers do not like regular donors: they cost more than ordinary employees.

I didn't have these problems. When I worked at school, I donated blood before school and did not bother anyone. He went to work after the blood donation. At the end of the year, he went on vacation a little earlier due to unused time off.

By law, you may not tell your employer that you want to donate blood. They handed it over, left for the weekend, then brought certificates to the accounting department.

But I always warn: it's more honest and easier. The manager may be dissatisfied: the employee unexpectedly took and arranged a mini-vacation for himself. In order to negotiate with the employer, a few days before the donation, I draw up a free-form application, where I indicate what I plan to do with the days off: whether I will go to work on the day of donation or take a day off.

In my experience and the experience of acquaintances of donors, it is better to negotiate with the manager in advance. Tell them that you are a donor and you are entitled to benefits. Check with your manager and colleagues when your absence will not be so noticeable. Make compromises.

What to do to increase wages


  1. You can donate blood if you are healthy and weigh more than 50 kg.
  2. For the first change, you will need a passport and fluorography, for men - a military ID.
  3. After the first blood donation, you need to donate blood again within 6 months.
  4. The donor is compensated for food and given 1-2 paid days off.
  5. You can donate blood for money. In 2016, in Moscow they paid 3000 R for 450 ml of blood.
  6. For 60 donations they give the title of "Honorary Donor of Russia", for 30 donations - "Honorary Donor of Moscow". Honorary donors have benefits.
  7. An employer cannot forbid you to become a donor or give you days off, the law is on your side.

A person who has earned the status of an honorary donor, first of all, deserves great respect from all mankind.

general information

For to become a donor, you need to clearly set a specific goal for yourself, why do you need it. Many people start donating blood because they want to save the lives of loved ones who are in dire need of help. Some want to save all the people who need support, help, who are in a critical situation.

BUT there are also donors who donate blood for their health. But in any case, both of them, by doing certain norm upon delivery, they become honorary donors to Russia, and new opportunities open up before them.

In order for a person to become a full-fledged blood donor, he must follow certain and important rules:

  • this process is carried out on a voluntary basis, forcibly or under duress, absolutely no one can be forced to donate blood;
  • to become a blood donor, you must be at least 18 years of age, otherwise this process may turn into reverse side and harm your health;
  • and the most important thing, to start donating blood, you need to get all the necessary certificates from the hospital, indicating that you are absolutely healthy and can begin this difficult task.

To donate blood It won't take long, it's a very short process., but this is the first time, then in subsequent cases of blood donation, much more time will be required.

Doctors and all those involved in this will be able to detect all kinds of diseases and infections that are difficult to trace in the process of donating blood.

If you decide to start donating blood, then Don't stop at small results. You will be considered a donor even after two or three of your donations, but to become an honorary donor, it is worth putting a lot of effort and time.

But on the other hand, when you are given the status of an honorary blood donor in Russia, you will definitely be given a badge indicating your new status, you will receive some benefits and begin to receive payments.

But in order to achieve this success, you will need to donate blood to help other people absolutely free of charge at least 40 times, and also donate blood plasma at least 60 times.

How to become?

In order to earn the status of an honorary blood donor in Russia, you need to donate your blood a certain number of times, and you should pay attention not only to the blood itself, but also to the plasma, which is also taken into account on the way to donation. Having earned this honorary title, you will receive a badge. There are several options for becoming an honorary blood donor:

  • you can donate your blood at least 40 times, then you will receive the coveted title and can rightfully consider yourself an honorary donor of Russia, and it does not matter whether you donated blood or its other components, with the exception of plasma;
  • you can donate your plasma exactly 40 times, while donating blood only at least 25 times, or, again, its components, then you will become an honorary blood donor in Russia;
  • the next option, which can bring you an honorary title, is to donate blood even less than 25 times, but the plasma must be donated 60 times or more;
  • or you can just donate blood plasma 60 times and then you are guaranteed to become an honorary blood donor in Russia.

Once all blood donations have been scheduled, you will be able to receive a well-deserved award from the Ministry of Health, then you will be able to enjoy many of the benefits that are due to each honorary donor.


In general, not only honorary donors have benefits, but also those who start their activities in this direction. Which donors have benefits and what they consist of:

  1. regular donor just starting to donate blood. It has a minimum number of benefits, but nevertheless they exist on a general basis.

    - such a donor must be released from work without explanation the day the blood was donated.

    The donor receives a certificate at the place where he donated his blood, the document has a certain sample, which is established in accordance with the law.

    He needs to submit this certificate to the accounting department at the place of work, and he will get another well-deserved day off at any time when it is convenient for him, or he can simply add another day to his vacation. And these 2 days must be paid at the place of work in the amount of the average wages per day;

    - if suddenly blood donation was carried out on the days of a well-deserved vacation period, on holidays or weekends, then in this case you will be given another day off, which must be paid twice;

    - on the day of blood donation, the donor is offered food absolutely free of charge. This includes warm sweet tea, a bun, chocolate - everything you need to restore strength.

  2. A donor who donates his blood absolutely free of charge.
    If a donor visited blood collection points during the year and donated blood in total in the amount of 2 maximum doses, i.e. from 600 to 900 ml, then he gets certain types benefits. For example, if the donor is a student, then his scholarship will be increased by 25 percent, and sick leave for employees will be paid at a rate of 100 percent.
  3. Honorary Donor of Russia. He receives a sign attached to the chest and the status of an honorary donor of Russia, there are many benefits and opportunities open to him:
  • honorary level donors are granted free treatment in public clinics;
  • this type of donor receives entitlement to free dentures repair;
  • these donors in pharmacies public order can purchase medicines at a 50 percent discount;
  • if vouchers to health-improving institutions, sanatoriums suddenly begin to be issued at the place of work or at school, then honorary donors become priorities in their receipt;
  • honorary donors can receive desired vacation when they themselves want it;
  • travel in transport public order provided to donors free of charge;
  • all honorary donors pay utility bills at a rate of 50 percent;
  • if suddenly this donor decides to take a loan in order to build a house for himself in the future, then here he will also be provided with preferential conditions.

In addition to all kinds of benefits for honorary blood donors, they are also paid cash benefits.


Honorary blood donors in Russia are provided with certain payments.

If you wanted to know how much blood donors are paid, then know that every year donors are paid a lump sum equal to 12 thousand rubles, but it is constantly indexed and changed.

How much indexing takes place, this issue is regulated by federal law about the federal budget for a particular year.

The most important thing is that This payment amount is not subject to taxation.. But in order for the donor to receive this amount annually, he needs to submit a certain package of documents to the proper authority. This package includes the following documents:

  • written a statement that the donor has been provided with payments in full;
  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • and directly honorary donor certificate blood in Russia.

In order for payments to be received annually, it is necessary to confirm the right to receive each subsequent year with these documents.

As for the indexation of this amount, in 2014 indexation amounted to 5.3 percent of the total amount and the amount was determined at 11,728 rubles of the annual payment to donors.

And 2015 will delight honorary donors with a newly indexed amount, which will eventually amount to approximately 12,200 rubles.

If donors used to receive cash payments due to them for donation on a monthly basis, while the total amount was divided by the number of months and was given in part, now this payment for donation will be made strictly once a year, usually in the first quarter.

Few people will want to become blood donors. Perhaps such a desire may appear only after they themselves face a medical problem, when they or their relatives find themselves in vital need of blood.

But all the blood banks constantly need it, because there is not enough of it, and

there are very few good and responsible donors. And for this reason alone, the title of an honorary blood donor of Russia is provided with all the ensuing benefits and payments.

Any person, if desired, can become a blood donor, the main thing is that he has excellent health, and then everything else will follow. After all, becoming a donor, you can not only receive payments and benefits, but proudly call yourself an honorary person of Russia, because this title is very difficult to earn.

Honorary donor of Russia - a special status of a citizen who regularly donates blood, its components and plasma for good purposes. It is confirmed by the appropriate badge and certificate, presented in a solemn atmosphere by the authorities executive power subjects of the Russian Federation.

How to become an honorary blood donor in Russia and how many times do you need to donate blood? What benefits and payments are due to an honorary donor of Russia under the new law, how difficult is it to obtain the status described above and how to confirm it? You will read about this and much more in our article.

The procedure for granting status under the law of 2005

The status and privileges of an honorary donor in our country are regulated by the order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, published on March 31, 2005 under number 246 based on government decree No. 663 Russian Federation for November 19, 2004.

The order spelled out and approved the updated forms of documentation for obtaining and confirming the status, samples of certificates attached to the badge have been published, explanations are given on the presentation of citizens of the Russian Federation for an award, and other informative data appear, one way or another related to this issue. This order replaced the similar document of the Ministry of Health dated October 8, 2002 No. 299 (the latter has lost its legal force).

Basic provisions:

  • Citizens of the Russian Federation who donated blood at least 40 times or plasma at least 60 times can be presented for the award;
  • The submission for the award is made on the basis of form No. 446-05 / y, signed by the head of the regional, regional, krai or republican blood transfusion center with the preliminary signature of the local head of the health department and certified seals. In addition, a corresponding letter is required from the executive authorities that are authorized to nominate citizens for the "Honorary Donor of Russia" award and a document confirming the person's identity;
  • Making a list of names of people presented for the award, carried out by the authorized body on the basis of a petition from a blood transfusion center or station, regardless of their departmental affiliation;
  • The above named list also includes citizens who were previously awarded the badge "Honorary Donor of the USSR" in the presence of a certificate for issuing a duplicate of documents and a new badge "Honorary Donor of Russia". In case of loss of a certificate of a new sample, the procedure for issuing a duplicate of it is carried out separately from general idea to the reward;
  • Within 95 days, the applicant for the award receives a notification of status submission or a corresponding denial;
  • The awarding procedure itself is carried out by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation which issues the corresponding order. The solemn presentation of the badge and certificate is carried out by the local executive authority that submitted the candidate for presentation for the award.

How many times do you have to donate blood to become an honorary donor of Russia

A high and honorary status is not given just like that - in order to receive an award and a certificate, you must comply certain rules for a donor country, according to the amount of donated material.

The general criteria established by the current domestic legislation are 40 or more blood sampling procedures or 60 or more plasma donation procedures. In the explanatory note to the order, the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation specifies these figures.

Nomination for awarding a badge and a certificate is possible in the following cases:

  • Donating whole blood or taking its components more than 40 times (excluding cases of donating plasma);
  • Donating whole blood or taking its components more than 25 times and donating blood plasma more than 40 times in total;
  • Donating whole blood or taking its components less than 25 times and donating blood plasma more than 60 times in total.

Only successful procedures for the collection of whole blood or its components that are not rejected according to the results of express analysis are taken into account.

All delivery procedures are recorded in a single database official centers transfusion and blood sampling, after which they are summed up - a person can count on receiving status, awards and certificates even if he was a donor in different cities of the Russian Federation.

Description of the badge and certificate

The badge "Honorary Donor of Russia" is made of a complex material based on brass, copper and zinc. It has the shape of a sphere with a size of 33 millimeters and relief elements. In addition, on the surface of the product there is enamel and finishing types of metal, stylized as gold.

The main image is a red drop of blood with a cross of the corresponding color, having equal sides. The contour of the latter is made of metal "gold". At the top of the badge there is a white enameled ribbon with an inscription in gilded letters. Parallel to it, a similar white ribbon with the letters "Russia" is also located below. On the sides, the product is framed with an image of laurel branches, which have a structural relief and are made of gold-like metal.

FROM reverse side the sign has a pin to secure it to clothing. The badge, in accordance with generally accepted rules, is worn on right side chest, below other state awards of the Russian Federation (if any).

The certificate confirming the status and receipt of the award is made in the form of a rectangular booklet. Brown color, on the outside there is an inscription "Honorary Donor of Russia". When opening the document, on the left side there is an empty white field for fixing and carrying the sign, on the right side it is indicated basic information- the number of the certificate, to whom, when, by whom, on the basis of what order it was issued, as well as the signature of the authorized person (Minister of Health or his deputy) and the main stamp of the department.

Federal and regional payments

An honorary donor of Russia, after receiving the appropriate status and supporting documents, is entitled to cash payments. Their sizes and Required documents to obtain are presented below.

As part of federal support the donor is paid an annual tax-free financial aid.

The amount of assistance is not fixed and is subject to adjustment depending on the level of inflation, agreed with the Ministry of Finance and other government departments based on the decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation. So, in 2016, payments and benefits to honorary donors amounted to 12,373 rubles, in 2017 they will already receive 13,041 rubles and 14 kopecks.

The required package of documents includes a standard application to provide Money, copies of a civil passport and a valid certificate of granting the corresponding status.

Apart from federal payments regulated by a national law, individual subjects of the Russian Federation may own initiative provide cash payments at the regional level if there is an appropriate decision and funds in the local budget.

So, people who have the status of a respected donor of Russia, who retired and registered in Moscow, in the absence of official labor activity, can receive a one-time cash payment in the amount of 1,162 rubles.

Honorary Donor Privileges and Benefits

An honorary donor, in addition to monetary payments, is entitled to a number of privileges and benefits. Some of them were excluded from the mandatory national list as a result of the 2004 monetization - this is free travel in any public regional transport, as well as a discount on utilities in the amount of 50 percent of average consumption rates.

Other perks include:

  • Priority receipt of preferential vouchers to institutions of a sanatorium-resort type, both from social security authorities and from trade union committees of enterprises where the donor works;
  • Free treatment, out of turn carried out in municipal and government bodies health care provided within the framework of the norms of free medical care;
  • Priority right to choose the time interval for annual paid leave.

In addition to the above points, within the framework of the general rules for everyone who donates blood for free, the donor on the day of donation receives the right to be released from work, regardless of the form of his own enterprise or company, and is also provided with a free lunch at the expense of funds allocated by the regional budget.

If the donor goes to work on the day of blood donation or the procedure was performed on a weekend or public holiday, then he has the right to an additional day of rest at another time agreed with the employer.

In addition to federal benefits, honorary donors may also receive regional privileges. provided by the constituent entities of the Russian Federation as part of their own support programs for regular donors.

So, on the territory of Moscow, citizens registered at their permanent place of residence, who have received the appropriate status, have the right to:

  • Reducing utility bills(a 50 percent discount on the basic social norm) and a 50 percent discount on prescriptions issued by a doctor of a municipal medical institution, prescriptions for medicines purchased in the relevant social pharmacies participating in the city program (their full list is presented on the website of the mayor's office in the appropriate section);
  • Free production and repair of dentures in municipal dental clinics (if necessary medical indications and a referral from a dentist)
  • 50% discount on public transport in the presence of social card a resident of Moscow (does not apply to fixed-route and ordinary taxis).

Donation features

The status of an honorary donor of Russia is issued for permanent basis and according to general rules does not require periodic confirmation when it comes to the use of federal benefits.

In case of receiving an annual cash payment through the authorities social protection population, a person is obliged to confirm his own right to financial assistance from the state.

In the period from December 1 to December 31 of each reference year that precedes the future payment, the donor submits a newly drawn up application to the social security authorities with a request for the issuance of money. A copy of a civil passport proving the identity of a person is attached to it, as well as a certificate of obtaining the status of an honorary donor of Russia.

In the case of granting benefits and payments at the regional level, local executive bodies have the right to develop their own status verification schemes.

So, in Moscow, where the fullest range of additional preferences is available for this category of citizens, it is necessary to confirm the current donation not only with a certificate, but also with a certificate from the blood donation center on successful material sampling during the reference period.

The minimum limits are 3 whole blood donations or 7 plasma draws per year. This takes into account the procedures carried out only in local official metropolitan medical institutions.

Who is a blood donor and who can become one?

The donor is a person age category from 18 to 60 years old, who voluntarily and free of charge donates blood, as well as blood components for the needs of medicine. This person must go medical examination, which should not reveal any barriers for a person to donate blood, diseases are also excluded.

Diseases such as reduced vision from minus five or more diopters, syphilis, people with removed organs, hepatitis A, C, B, HIV, as well as other serious diseases, cannot be allowed to donate blood. The person who has endured colds must wait about thirty days. If vaccinations were given, then the waiting period is from three to six months. Weight less than 50 kg will also not allow you to become a donor.

Before actually donating blood, a person must exclude fatty, spicy, eggs and dairy products from eating, do not eat butter, fried and smoked. Can't drink alcoholic drinks within 48 hours before donating blood. It is necessary to avoid the use of drugs, as well as quit smoking within 12 hours. All these points can greatly affect the result.

Blood sampling lasts about ten minutes, it does not cause any particular inconvenience. There is minimal pressure on the area of ​​the cubital fossa without causing pain. It is necessary after the end of the process to sit a little, relax, and only then get up from your seat. Increased water intake during the day is recommended, as well as tight tricks food. All this is necessary for speedy recovery, also do not allow any physical exertion, without special need.

List of Benefits for Blood Donors

What are the benefits for blood donors? Blood donors have some bonuses from their activities. Benefits for blood donors in 2018 represent:

  • two days of rest are paid (any day to choose from for donation);
  • a distinctive “Honorary Donor” badge, which the Russian government gives out to people for donating blood free of charge. It gives the person who donated blood an annual payment and gives some benefits to donors;
  • a voucher to a sanatorium out of turn is given to a donor who has passed two maximum doses blood.

The list of benefits is contained in the Federal Law of the Russian Federation of July 20, 2012 N 125-FZ "On the donation of blood and its components."

Honorary Donor in Russia

To obtain rank « Honorary Donor of Russia”, any person needs to donate his blood, plasma or some components without charging a material fee of forty or more times. If blood components, blood and plasma are donated more than 15 times, then there is also the possibility of obtaining a status. Decrees on the presentation of a certificate, as well as on awarding, are issued only by the Ministry of Health and Social Development. "Honorary donor of the USSR" has all the rights to the same benefits.

Benefits for honorary donors

Honorary Blood Donor Benefits:

  • health improvement services out of turn in public hospitals, clinics and similar organizations;
  • annual free rest in any period of time for the donor;
  • non-taxable cash compensation that changes with inflation;
  • issuance of travel tickets for a trip to sanatoriums or resorts so that a person can undergo complex treatment. Delivery is carried out without queues.

The procedure for applying for benefits

At each visit to the blood donation station, the donor fills out a questionnaire, undergoes an examination by a doctor and an initial laboratory examination. After the donation procedure, a person receives a certificate stating that he is a donor and can already use monetary compensation for lunch in the amount of 5% discount.

To apply for benefits with the title of "Honorary Donor", you must contact the Ministry of Health and Social Development and present documents. The Ministry will consider and study your application within forty-five days, then it will decide whether or not to award the person with the status of "Honorary Donor".

List of documents

Required for status:

  • medical certificates confirming that you donated plasma or blood;
  • the passport.

To receive an annual payment, you need:

  • statement. View and download here: ;
  • certificate of "Honorary Donor";
  • the passport.

Benefits in the regions

There are two types of benefits: federal benefits and regional. Social support from donors did not change in 2018.

Moscow provides for people who have donated blood free of charge additional social benefits in 2018 of such kind:

  • if a Muscovite has a special social card, a well-deserved donor can travel in public transport completely free of charge;
  • has the right to dentures and their repair absolutely free of charge, these benefits do not apply to other prosthetics;
  • this person uses housing and communal services with a fifty percent discount and can buy medicines with the same discount, which is a very good bonus, especially for pensioners;
  • also possessing the “Honorary Donor” badge, a person automatically has the right to a possible assignment of the status “ veteran of labour».

The pension does not depend on donation and does not change in any way, even if you have the status of "Honorary Donor".

What benefits are provided to blood donors in St. Petersburg, Ufa, Novosibirsk, Nizhny Novgorod, and other regions? There are no additional benefits other than federal ones in these areas. Regional fringe benefits were abolished in 2004. Annual payments in other areas are made taking into account the rates of the region, in Moscow they are slightly higher.


  1. The title of "Honorary Donor" is assigned to donors who have donated blood more than 40 times.
  2. Benefits for donors are established by federal law.
  3. They are also entitled to an annual cash payment.
  4. Regions have the right to establish additional measures social support.
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