Monthly cash payments to federal beneficiaries. One-time and monthly cash payments to war veterans

Many disabled people of the 3rd group prefer to draw up a UDV, rather than use the proposed state.

But is there any benefit to this? Would it be better to get social services?

And how to issue an EDV, if there is a need for this? Is it possible to refuse it? Let's consider these questions in more detail.

Legislative regulation

The accrual and procedure for providing EDV for disabled people of group 3 is regulated by the same legislative norms as.

In more detail about this, it is about such laws:

Terms of accrual and withdrawal procedure

To apply for a UDV instead of the prescribed package of social services, it is enough comply with several conditions:

It is worth noting that it is necessary to apply for registration of the EDV at your place of residence to the territorial department of the PF.

Every disabled person, regardless of his disability group, has the full right to both issue and refuse the EDV.

Failure procedure and, however, as well as the design is quite easy. It is as follows:

  1. Submit an application for a social package of services by October 1 inclusive (in this case, you need to indicate the refusal of the UDV).
  2. Wait until the beginning of the next year and receive the required list of services (it should be borne in mind that the receipt of the EDV or the NSU (service package) can only be at the beginning of the next year).

At the same time, you can refuse the entire list of services or from any items and receive jointly both the UA and the NSO (but at the same time the UA will be recalculated accordingly).

The amount of these payments and what they include

Under the very definition of “EDV”, Federal Law No. 122 clearly defines a cash payment that can be issued as a result of the refusal of the social package of services laid down by the state.

Speaking of what exactly included in this package, then the list is as follows:

  • the possibility of obtaining expensive drugs either free of charge or at a 50% discount. But at the same time, the drug must be prescribed exclusively by prescription, otherwise you will have to pay the full amount for it;
  • travel by suburban railway transport, as well as by intercity transport to the place of treatment where the disabled person was sent (free tickets in both directions);
  • provision of a free voucher for sanatorium treatment (if there is a corresponding recommendation from the treating specialist).

Depending on which list of services the disabled person refuses, the final amount of the UDV can be reduced (if the entire package is refused, the UDV is paid in full, which is established by the state).

After the indexation of these payments on February 1, 2019, amount of EDV for disabled people of the 3rd group is 2162 rubles 67 kopecks. This is the amount taking into account the cost of a set of social services. If a disabled person of the 3rd group is provided with a full set of social services, then the amount of the UDV will be equal to 1041.25 rubles.

Registration procedure

The process of obtaining this monetary compensation is quite easy and anyone can handle it.

Let's break down the process step by step.

Where to go

Registration of the EDV is carried out at the territorial office of the Pension Fund directly at the place of residence of the disabled person.

But it is worth considering some nuances:

  • in the absence of registration, the applicant for registration of monetary compensation must apply to the Pension Fund, which is located at the address of actual residence;
  • if the disabled person has already issued a pension, you should contact the Pension Fund where it was issued earlier;
  • when living in a social institution, disabled people of the 3rd group must apply to the nearest branch of the Pension Fund, regardless of what kind of registration and whether there is a pension.

The documents

First of all, it must be understood that this monetary compensation cannot be issued without relevant statement.

In addition to the application itself, it will be necessary to present accompanying documents, which include:

  • a copy and original of the disabled person's passport (all completed pages);
  • a copy and original certificate of a disabled person of group 3.

These documents are transferred to the PF employee together with the written application.

Drawing up an application

It must be understood that this document must not necessarily contain any errors and blots. If errors are found, the application will not be accepted.

When compiling it, you need to keep in mind content, which should contain the following information:

  • Full name of the disabled person (written without abbreviations);
  • passport data (address of residence according to the passport, and so on);
  • actual address of residence;
  • on what grounds is issued EDV;
  • the consent of the disabled person to the mandatory notification of PF employees in the event of a change of residence;
  • signature of the applicant (disabled person);
  • the date the application was written.

In the event that the disabled person himself, for some reason, cannot independently process financial compensation, he has the right to entrust this to his relatives or friends. But at the same time, the person who will submit the documents must have a notarized power of attorney.

The procedure for registration and the conditions for obtaining it remain the same, however, indexation is carried out only once a year.

This leads many recipients of monetary compensation to think about what is beneficial? EDV or a package of social services? It all depends on the preferences of the disabled person himself, if it would be more profitable for him to receive an increase in his pension, he draws up monetary compensation. If there is a need for medicines, he receives social services instead of compensation.

Considering that the increase will now be very slow, most people with disabilities are likely to prefer services rather than an increase.

The Pension Fund of the Russian Federation makes a one-time cash payment to 15.6 million federal beneficiaries, including disabled people, combat veterans, citizens exposed to radiation, and others, - AiF reported Stanislav Degtyarev, Press Secretary of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. - The amount of indexation of the EDV is determined based on the growth in consumer prices in 2016. The PFR budget for 2017 provides for an increase in these payments by 21.3 billion rubles.

5.4% also indexes the set of social services (NSO), which is part of the UDV. By law, it may be provided in kind or in cash.

The cost of the full cash equivalent of a set of social services from February 1, 2017 increased to 1048.97 rubles. per month. According to this list, medicines, medical devices, medical food products - 807.94 rubles are provided, vouchers for sanatorium treatment for the prevention of major diseases - 124.99 rubles, free travel by suburban rail transport or intercity transport to the place of treatment and back - 116.04 rubles.

In addition, the funeral allowance, which the Pension Fund pays to the relatives of the deceased pensioner, is also increasing. From February 1, the amount of the allowance is 5562.25 rubles.

How much has the fixed pay increased?

A fixed cash payment is a guaranteed amount that the state pays to each recipient of an insurance pension. Its total amount since February 1, 2017 is 4805.11 rubles. per month.

1. If dependent family members are disabled:

  • with 1 dependent - 6406.81 rubles;
  • with 2 dependents - 8008.51 rubles;
  • with 3 dependents - 9610.21 rubles.

2. For citizens over 80 years old and disabled people of group I - 9610.22 rubles.

3. For citizens who have worked for at least 15 years in the Far North, with an insurance period of at least 25 years for men and at least 20 years for women (regardless of place of residence) - 7207.67 rubles.

For those over 80 years old and for disabled people of group I - 14,415.34 rubles.

4. For citizens who have worked for at least 20 years in areas equated to the regions of the Far North, with an insurance period of at least 25 years for men and at least 20 years for women (regardless of place of residence) - 6246.64 rubles.

For those over 80 years old and for disabled people of group I - 12,493.28 rubles.

5. Fixed payment to the survivor's insurance pension:

  • for each disabled family member - 2402.56 rubles.

Round orphans - 4805.12 rubles.

6. Fixed payment to the disability insurance pension, taking into account increases to it:

  • disabled people I gr. - 9610.22 rubles;
  • disabled II gr. - 4805.11 rubles;
  • invalids III gr. - 2402.56 rubles.

7. For citizens who have worked for at least 15 calendar years in the regions of the Far North, with an insurance period of at least 25 years for men and at least 20 years for women (regardless of place of residence):

  • disabled people I gr. - 14,415.34 rubles;
  • disabled II gr. - 7207.67 rubles;
  • invalids III gr. - 3603.84 rubles.

8. For citizens who have worked for at least 20 calendar years in areas equivalent to regions of the Far North, with an insurance period of at least 25 years for men and at least 20 years for women (regardless of place of residence):

  • disabled people I gr. - 12,493.28 rubles;
  • disabled II gr. - 6246.64 rubles;
  • invalids III gr. - 3123.33 rubles.

If the recipient of the payment has disabled family members as dependents, its amount increases depending on the number of dependents.

The amount of the UDV paid while maintaining the full NSO,
from February 1, 2017 (NSU = 1048.97 rubles)

Federal Law of January 12, 1995 No. 5-FZ "On Veterans"

War invalids.

Participants of the Great Patriotic War who became disabled.

Military personnel and persons of the rank and file and commanding staff of the internal affairs bodies, the State Fire Service, institutions and bodies of the penitentiary system who became disabled due to injury, concussion or injury received in the performance of military service duties (official duties).

Members of the Great Patriotic War.

Military personnel who served in military units, institutions,
military educational institutions that were not part of the army in the period
from June 22, 1941 to September 3, 1945 for at least six months, military personnel awarded orders or medals of the USSR for service in the specified period.

Persons who worked during the Great Patriotic War at the objects of air defense, local air defense, construction
defensive installations, naval bases, airfields and other military installations within the rear borders of active fronts, operational zones of active fleets, on front-line sections of railways and highways,
as well as crew members of the ships of the transport fleet, interned at the beginning
Great Patriotic War in the ports of other states.

Persons awarded the badge "Inhabitant of besieged Leningrad".

Combat Veterans:

1) military personnel, including those discharged to the reserve (retirement), those liable for military service, called up for military training, private and commanding personnel of internal affairs bodies and state security bodies, employees of these bodies, employees of the USSR Ministry of Defense and employees of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, employees institutions and bodies of the penitentiary system, sent to other states by the state authorities of the USSR, by the state authorities of the Russian Federation and who took part in hostilities in the performance of their official duties in these states, as well as those who took part in accordance with the decisions of the state authorities of the Russian Federation in military operations on the territory of the Russian Federation;

2) military personnel, including those who have been retired (retired), private and commanding officers of the internal affairs bodies and state security bodies, persons who participated in operations in the course of carrying out government combat missions to clear mine territories and objects on the territory of the USSR and the territories of other states in the period from May 10, 1945 to December 31, 1951, including in combat minesweeping operations from May 10, 1945 to December 31, 1957;

3) military personnel of automobile battalions heading to Afghanistan
during the period of hostilities there for the delivery of goods;

4) servicemen of the flight crew who made sorties from the territory of the USSR
on combat missions in Afghanistan during the period of hostilities there.

Family members of the dead (deceased) war invalids, participants of the Great Patriotic War and combat veterans.

Family members of those who died in the Great Patriotic War from among the personal
composition of the self-defense groups of the facility and emergency teams of the local
air defense, as well as family members of the deceased workers of hospitals and hospitals in the city of Leningrad.

Family members of military personnel, private and commanding officers of the internal affairs bodies, the State Fire Service, institutions and bodies of the penitentiary system and state security bodies who died in the line of military service (official duties).

Family members of military personnel who died in captivity, recognized as missing in the established order in the areas of hostilities, since the exclusion of these military personnel from the lists of military units.

Parents and wives of military personnel who died as a result of injury, concussion or injury received in the defense of the USSR or in the performance of military service duties,
or due to illness associated with being at the front.

Federal Law No. 122-FZ dated August 22, 2004 “On Amendments to Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation
and recognition as invalid of certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation in connection with the adoption of federal laws "On the introduction of amendments and additions to the Federal Law" On the general principles of organizing legislative (representative) and executive bodies of state power of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation "
and "On the general principles of the organization of local self-government in the Russian Federation".

Former juvenile prisoners of concentration camps, ghettos, other places of detention created by the Nazis and their allies during the Second World War, recognized as disabled due to a general illness, labor injury and other reasons (with the exception of persons whose disability was due to
their wrongdoing).

Former juvenile prisoners of concentration camps, ghettos, and other places of detention created by the Nazis and their allies during the Second World War.

Federal Law No. 181-FZ of November 24, 1995 “On the Social Protection of the Disabled in the Russian Federation”

Disabled people (I group).

Disabled people (II group).

Disabled people (III group).

Disabled children.

Law of the Russian Federation of January 15, 1993 No. 4301-1 “On the status of Heroes of the Soviet Union, Heroes of the Russian
Federation and full cavaliers of the Order of Glory"

Heroes of the Owls Union, Heroes of the Russian Federation, PKOS, family members of deceased (deceased) Heroes

Federal Law No. 5-FZ of 09.01.1997 “On the provision of social guarantees to Heroes of Socialist Labor, Heroes of Labor of the Russian Federation and full holders of the Order of Labor Glory”

Heroes of Socialist Labor, Heroes of Labor of the Russian Federation, full cavaliers of the Order of Labor Glory

Information on the EDV for other categories of beneficiaries (Law of the Russian Federation of May 15, 1991 No. -1244-1 “On the social protection of citizens exposed to radiation as a result of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant disaster”, Federal Law of November 26, 1998 No. 175-FZ “On the social protection of citizens of the Russian Federation exposed to exposure to radiation due to an accident in 1957 at the Mayak production association and discharges of radioactive waste into the Techa River”, Federal Law No. 2-FZ dated 10.01.2002 “On social guarantees for citizens exposed to radiation due to nuclear tests at the Semipalatinsk test site” ) see

In 2005, as part of the next pension reform, the concept of UDV was introduced - a monthly cash payment, which was intended for citizens who refused to receive social benefits. Only federal beneficiaries, recognized as such on the basis of federal regulations, could become recipients of the UDV. As of 2018, the list of categories of such citizens includes 46 items. Among the main ones:

  • disabled people of 1, 2, 3 groups;
  • disabled children;
  • combat veterans;
  • WWII veterans;
  • Heroes of the Russian Federation, USSR;
  • liquidators of the Chernobyl accident;
  • former prisoners of concentration camps;
  • citizens who are "residents of besieged Leningrad", etc.

The monthly cash payment is designed to replace all existing social benefits, that is, it is the main tool for their monetization. In other words, the need to introduce the EVD is caused by an attempt to compensate for the losses from the non-use of benefits by their legitimate recipients. In the case of pensioners and the disabled, this social benefit becomes a significant addition to the pension. The main regulatory acts regulating the accrual of UDV are the Federal Laws:

  • No. 122-FZ "On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation" dated August 22, 2004 (as amended on July 3, 2016);
  • No. 5-FZ "On Veterans" dated January 12, 1995;
  • No. 181-FZ "On the social protection of persons with disabilities in the Russian Federation" dated November 24, 1995

About a set of social services (NSO)

By law, the monthly cash payment includes a certain set of services provided in kind. This means that CAU recipients can expect either to receive a payment without VAT (when using these services) or a payment with VAT (without using services, the cost of which is then included in the amount of CAU). The set of social services includes (with an indication of their cost as of 2018):

  • Issuance of free medicines prescribed by attending physicians, as well as medical equipment and special health food products for disabled children - 766 rubles.
  • Getting a free ticket to a sanatorium in the presence of medical indications - 118 rubles;
  • Free use of suburban rail and any intercity transport when traveling to the place of treatment and back - 110 rubles.

Amount of EDV in 2018

In February 2017, another indexation of the UDV took place, which established the following amounts of payments:

  • Disabled people of group III from February 1, 2017, the monthly cash payment is 2022,94 ruble.
  • Disabled people of group II from February 1, 2017, the monthly cash payment is 2527,06 rubles.
  • Disabled people of group I from February 1, 2017, the monthly cash payment is 3538,52 rubles.
  • The amount of the monthly cash payment to children with disabilities from February 1, 2017 is 2527,06 rubles.
  • Monthly cash payment to war veterans from February 1, 2017 is set at 2780,74 rubles.
  • The monthly cash payment to the participants of the Great Patriotic War from February 1, 2017 is set at 3790,57 rubles.
  • The monthly cash payment to the Disabled of the Great Patriotic War from February 1, 2017 is set at 5054,11 rubles.
  • The amount of UDV for citizens who have become disabled as a result of the Chernobyl disaster since February 1, 2017 is 2527,06 rubles + EDV per disability group.

Usually, the size of the CU is reviewed once a year - along with the next planned indexation of pensions. The main indicator for indexation of the EDV is the amount of inflation. In 2018, the indicator coefficient should be about 4.5-5%, which will correspond to the inflation rate for 2017.

Each recipient of the UDV is obliged to inform the Pension Fund about his desire or unwillingness to use a set of social services. In 2018, the corresponding accruals will be made according to the data received by the FIU before October 1, 2017.

EDV in 2018 from February 1

The next indexation of the EDV is scheduled by the Government of the Russian Federation for February 1, 2018. It is known that the increase will be about 4% - this is exactly the figure cited by official sources, although the final decision, enshrined in the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation, has not yet been issued.

For reference: on an annualized basis for 10 months of 2017, official inflation in the country amounted to 2.7%.

EDV for combat veterans in 2018

When accruing and disbursing UDV to combat veterans, the Pension Fund specialists use a more detailed classification of citizens of this category. The FIU distinguishes between ordinary participants in the Second World War and veterans of the Second World War with disabilities. Separate payments are due to the parents and spouses of dead military personnel equated to participants in the Second World War, etc. In addition, representatives of some subcategories can count on additional material support provided for by Decrees of the President of the Russian Federation issued in 2005 (No. 363 of March 30, 2005, No. 887 of August 01, 2005) These regulations increase the UC by 500 or 1000 rubles (depending on the subcategory).

UDV in 2018 for combat veterans will be 2,780.74 rubles, and Federal Law No. 5-FZ names those who took part in hostilities as recipients of these funds:

  • military personnel (including those in reserve - pensioners);
  • "warriors-Afghans";
  • employees of law enforcement agencies (Ministry of Internal Affairs, Federal Security Service, Federal Penitentiary Service, etc.);
  • citizens-conscripts who participated in military training;
  • military personnel who performed the tasks of demining objects in the period from 1945 to 1951;
  • participants in post-war combat trawling operations in the fleet in the period from 1945 to 1957.

As for pensioners who are labor veterans, there are no citizens with such a status in the federal list of recipients of monthly cash payments. At the same time, Article 22 of Federal Law No. 5-FZ indicates that any additional or lump-sum payments to labor veterans can be assigned at the regional level.

The size of the EDV for disability in 2018

According to the provisions of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation No. 181 “On the Social Protection of Disabled Persons in the Russian Federation” dated November 24, 1995, the Pension Fund is obliged to calculate the values ​​of the UAV separately for each category of persons with disabilities. It is planned that from February 1, 2018, the current amount of payments will increase by 4%.

When making a decision by the medical and social examination to assign a different disability group, the recipient of the EDV is obliged to notify the specialists of the Pension Fund about the changes that have occurred. Recalculation of monthly payments will be carried out, starting from the date of such a decision.

An important clarification: in some cases, people with disabilities may have other reasons for receiving a monthly cash payment. In such situations, the payee is allowed to choose any of them so that the Pension Fund has accurate information on the amount of the payment due.

Monthly cash payments to regional beneficiaries

Many constituent entities of the Russian Federation actively use their right to assign monthly cash payments, as well as provide all kinds of social benefits to citizens who are or are not included in the list of categories of “federal beneficiaries”, for example, pensioners. Another common example is the provision of the EMU to labor veterans: for example, in Moscow such citizens receive monthly cash payments in the amount of 495 rubles, and in the Krasnoyarsk Territory such assistance amounts to 300 rubles per month.

One has to talk about the indexation of UDV, appointed at the regional level, only when the regional authorities find money to increase the amount of payments. They do not have any obligation to carry out annual indexation, moreover, many subjects are not at all ready to spend their budget money on such needs. In some places, this is offset by the provision of various tax and social benefits: tax deductions, exemption from transport or property taxes, the provision of discounts on commuter train travel, etc.

Volumes of material and non-material support for beneficiaries, incl. ordinary pensioners vary greatly depending on the subject of residence, therefore, it is strongly recommended that disabled people, military veterans, and other current or potential recipients of EVs contact any nearest multifunctional center, where you can always get comprehensive information about all the required benefits, allowances and payments . And since changes in legislation occur annually, such visits to the MFC should also be regular. Also, we must not forget about our legal right to monetize certain benefits, which in certain cases can take the form of one-time payments or monthly benefits.

Features of receiving a monthly cash payment for disabled people of the 3rd group (EDV). The concept of EDV, the composition, the process of registration and the amount of payments.

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The monthly cash payment was introduced in 2005 to replace some benefits with cash payments.

In fact, such a payment was introduced in order to equalize the rights of recipients, since not everyone could actually take advantage of the benefits provided, and funds can be directed to any purpose that the recipient considers paramount.

Main Aspects

The monthly cash payment, in fact, is a replacement for the previously existing benefits to which some categories of the population were entitled, including the disabled of the third group.

In fact, social assistance to the needy is carried out at the expense of budgetary funds. At the same time, the benefits that were provided to citizens also had to be funded.

But at the same time, some citizens did not have the opportunity to use such, or they did not need them.

In fact, the legislator decided to give the right to dispose of funds and independently determine their purpose in connection with existing needs.

At the same time, persons who receive such payments are entitled to a certain set of social services, called NSO

This set is part of the EFA and aims to provide a person in need with some services free of charge.

In fact, each person has the right to choose whether to receive a monthly payment or replace it with a set of services. In this situation, each recipient must evaluate which option seems more profitable to him.

There is also the possibility of partially replacing payments with services, for this you need to submit an appropriate application to the PFR department.

Initial concepts

Monthly cash payment (MU) This is the amount of funds paid by the state to certain categories of persons. The payment aims to replace existing benefits and may replace them in whole or in part
Disabled person This is a person who, due to his illness, injury or damage, cannot independently provide for his needs in whole or in part.
Disability group This is a state-established criterion for the severity of disability, depending on the actual capabilities of the person. There are three groups, where the first is considered the most difficult
Set of social services (NSO) This is a measure that can be used to replace the EFA at the option of the individual

Includes a range of services, such as dispensing medicines or free public transport.

Terms of accrual

A monthly cash payment is assigned in cases where a person belongs to one of the following categories:

In addition, in order to receive this payment, a person must submit an appropriate application and a list of required documents to the FIU. Until then, no payment will be made.

Assigned on a permanent basis or temporarily EDV to disabled people of group 3 in 2019. How much the payment will be assigned depends on the period for which the person has been assigned the status of a disabled person.

If a person has several grounds for accruing a payment, then the one for which the amount of payments appears to be the largest will be used. Payouts are not cumulative.

Current regulations

The legislator has issued several legal acts on each category of citizens who are entitled to receive a single tax.

At the same time, regarding the disabled, there is. Establishes the right of persons with disabilities of any of the groups to receive this payment.

In addition, it establishes the duty of the state to ensure the social rights of citizens and the support of various strata of society.

What is EDV for disabled people of group 3

Disabled people of the 3rd group in 2019 have the right to EDV. What amount will eventually be received depends on which of the list of NSOs will be replaced by payments.

The accrual of funds and the distribution of services is carried out on a general basis, as well as in the case of other recipients.

The difference will be only in the amount of payments, since for each category it is set differently.

The amount of deductions

The amount of deductions for the disabled, including the third group, will be as follows:

In some situations, a citizen is a disabled person of the third group (or another), while he has a different status, for example, a participant in the Second World War.

It turns out that he has two or more grounds due to which he is entitled to the appropriate payment. Whichever is greater will apply.

So, the amount of payments for other categories of citizens is as follows:

Category of citizens Payout amount
Disabled during WWII 5054.11 rubles
Person who participated in WWII 3790.57 rubles
Veteran of other military operations 2638.27 rubles
Heroes of Russia and the USSR, as well as holders of the Order of Glory 59 591 rubles 94 kopecks
Concentration camp prisoners who became disabled 5,054.11 rubles
Prisoners who have not received disability status 3,790.57 rubles
Persons who have been exposed to radiation as a result of certain disasters From 505.73 to 2527.06 rubles

The monthly payments were changed at the beginning of the year. The increase was almost five and a half percent. At the same time, the cost of a set of social services also increased.

How much a person receives depends on which services the citizen has chosen from the NSO list. Based on the remainder, the exact size of the EDV will be formed.

At the same time, the cost of a set of social services is 1048 rubles 97 kopecks, which includes:

The legislator allows replacing these services with payments both in full and in part.

What does it consist of

The monthly cash payment consists of the principal amount of the CFA and the Social Services Bundle.
NSO, in turn, consists of three components:

  1. Free travel in suburban and intercity transport.
  2. The cost of drugs that are provided free of charge.
  3. The cost of sanatorium vouchers.

Most often, these services are replaced by citizens with payments, since travel and vouchers are not required for everyone, and in practice there are many difficulties with the actual availability of free medicines. Often they are simply not enough and the disabled person cannot get them on time.

Registration procedure

The EVD is issued at the local branch of the Pension Fund. The registration is declarative in nature, that is, until the person entitled to this type of payment submits an application, they will not be paid.

The application must contain all the necessary information, including the grounds for the payment of the UDV. The FIU will make a decision within a period not exceeding ten days from the date of filing the application.

Then, within a period not exceeding five days, the citizen must be notified of the decision taken by the FIU.

The payment will be established from the day the person submitted the application, however, this day cannot come earlier than the person has the corresponding right. If a person subsequently "lost" the status of a disabled person, then the payments stop.

Required Documents

To apply for the EDV, you need to submit an application to the FIU and the following documents:

  1. A document that can confirm the identity of the applicant. This may be a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation or another document with a similar function.
  2. A paper that confirms the citizenship of the applicant.
  3. Documentation that confirms the applicant's right of residence in the territory of the Russian Federation and his place of residence.
  4. Documents that confirm disability.

All documents must be provided in the form of copies, but you will need to take the originals with you.

Drawing up an application

It must be drawn up correctly, on the basis of the form provided to the FIU. All information must be taken from official documents and correspond to them.

The application must include the following information:

  1. Full name of the applicant and documents confirming their replacement (if such a fact took place).
  2. The series and number of the identity document, as well as its other details.
  3. Information about the person's citizenship.
  4. Address, both postal and actual.
  5. The address of the PFR department in which the pension file is located.
  6. Indication of the basis for calculating the EDV.
  7. Agree to the obligation to notify the FIU of the changes that have occurred (for example, the cancellation of the status of a disabled person or a change in group).
  8. Information about the representative of the applicant.
  9. Date and signature.
  10. List of applications.

The application must be signed by the applicant or his representative.

The procedure for receiving a package of social services

The person receives the amount of UDV for the current month. If the recipient is a pensioner, then he will receive this amount along with pension payments in the same manner (for example, through the Russian Post).

If the recipient is not a pensioner, he will have to separately select the delivery method

Can payments be denied?

You can refuse to pay EDV for the following reasons:

  1. The citizen does not have the status required for accrual (disabled person, participant in the Second World War, and so on).
  2. The application was incorrect.
  3. The attached package of documents does not meet the requirements of the law.

Other reasons for refusal to pay are not allowed.

The latest news regarding payments to citizens with disabilities concerned the determination of the amount of the UDV. The state classifies such people as the most vulnerable segments of the population, so the disabled are provided with various measures of social support in the form of benefits, discounts and other preferences. In addition to in-kind assistance, we are talking about material support for citizens with disabilities.

The most well-known and popular form of financial assistance in Russia is considered to be the payment of the UDV. Any person who has been officially recognized as incompetent can receive a single cash payment. In this article, we will talk about what types of benefits people with disabilities receive from different groups, and also consider the issue of the amount of assistance offered in monetary terms.

Before you find out in what amounts the UDV is paid to disabled people of group 3 in 2019, as well as to persons with the status of disabled people of groups 1 and 2, you will need to find out what UDV is, which groups of citizens are entitled to such a payment and in what amount it is calculated.

UDV is a cash benefit that is provided to certain categories of citizens in exchange for refusing to receive benefits that are due by law. For example, if a disabled person does not want to use benefits, but wants to receive an increase in pension benefits, then he can visit the FIU and arrange a payment.

The procedure for issuing a EDV is detailed in Federal Law No. 181 “On the social protection of persons with disabilities in the Russian Federation”. In Art. 28.1 spelled out the names of state bodies involved in the calculation of UDV to citizens with disabilities. The provision of benefits is carried out by the FIU without taking into account the category of disability of a citizen.

How is the payout amount determined?

The amount of the benefit is determined every year on April 1st. From this date, the current allowance is indexed taking into account the level of current inflation. To date, payments for people with disabilities are as follows:

For certain categories of citizens, their own amounts of payments are also provided. For veterans of the Second World War who received a disability, material assistance is provided in the amount of 5,054.11 rubles, and for disabled children, the payment once a month is 2,527.06 rubles.

The size of the social package for the disabled for the next year is not yet known, the inflation rate used to recalculate in early April 2019 will be of great importance. If a person cannot receive funds on his own, then he must delegate this right to a third party.

If there is a review of status and the group is given with a decrease or increase, then the amount of the payment must be reviewed. The basis for the payment may be a medical report drawn up in the relevant institution.

The procedure for obtaining the right to payment

The right to apply for an EVA arises when a disabled person wishes to receive monetary compensation instead of the entitlement to state benefits and privileges. It is important to remember here that you cannot just start receiving a payment. A citizen is obliged to go through a special transfer procedure, which is mandatory for every person.

First, a citizen who has expressed a desire to receive a UDV must apply to the PFR department at the place of his registration to submit an application in the prescribed form. If the payment will be made in relation to the child, then one of the parents (legal representatives) of the baby must apply to the Pension Fund.

Sometimes there are situations in which the parents of the baby do not live together. In this case, the parent who is the official guardian of the baby and with whom the child lives applies for payment.

An application should be submitted at the place of registration of the minor and the parent. On their own, a child has the right to visit the FIU only after reaching the age of 14, while the presence of parents or other official guardians is not required.

Deadlines are also not set in this case. This means that a disabled person can apply any day after receiving the group. Together with the application, you will need to provide documents such as:

  • applicant's passport;
  • confirmation of the right to assign and pay UDV;
  • certificate from the place of residence on the presence of registration;
  • a passport or other identity document confirming the right of the child's representative if he has not reached 14 years of age.

The application is submitted to the PFR department and considered by the fund staff within 10 days. If a positive decision is made, the payment begins to accrue from the moment when the person has every reason for this.

The funds are transferred to a special personal account with the FIU, however, if the person who submitted the application is already registered with the FIU, then opening such an account is not required. In case of refusal to pay to the applied citizen, an appropriate response is sent within five days.


If you think that you do not need the benefits provided by the state, then you can contact the FIU at the place of your residence and apply for monetary compensation in the amount established by the state. The procedure for issuing a benefit consists in submitting an appropriate application and a mandatory package of documentation and in the further use of the granted right.

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