Using someone else's social card. Fine for traveling in the subway using someone else's social card How to use someone else's social card when traveling

At the federal level, senior citizens have the right to use railway transport services throughout the country with a 50% discount, but some changes may be made separately by the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. And some categories of citizens, for example, military pensioners or former employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs who have retired, can use the services of rail transport for free when traveling to and from the place of treatment.

How to use a social card for travel in public transport

  • at specialized cash desks of Mosgortrans (pink flags on the map);
  • in self-service terminals "Eleksnet" - they work around the clock, located in all administrative districts of Moscow;
  • through the terminals of the Moscow Credit Bank;
  • if your smartphone supports NFC technology - using the My Travel Card application of VTB Bank (PJSC). Available for Android and Windows Mobile.

Travel compensation for pensioners in 2020: how to get transport benefits

Subsidies for travel to pensioners are one of the types of social state support for this category of citizens. Every citizen of the Russian Federation after the retirement age (women - 55 years old, men - 60 years old) has the right to receive concessions for using public transport(metro, buses, trams, trolleybuses). The rules for reduced fares do not apply when using fixed-route taxis.

Which citizens can use state travel benefits in public transport

As a standard, seniors get free travel. In some cases, money can be taken from this category of citizens for travel, however, the cost will be added taking into account a special discount - it varies from 50 to 60%. Prices are regulated at the regional level, therefore, they may differ in different cities and, which is not uncommon, even in certain areas.

Can another family member use a social card to travel in public transport

I used my husband’s social card to travel on bus 206. On that day, 3 children fell ill immediately, after the pediatrician arrived, I ran to the pharmacy, the nearest one at the 1st stop from home. My husband stayed at home with the children. The social card of a large family was issued to him. I showed my passport, they saw data about children, about a registered marriage with the owner of the card (we have different surnames). Can I challenge the fine of 2500 rubles for using someone else's social card? a benefit to one of the parents of a large family. I would like to ask that the names of both parents be indicated on the social card, but only one could travel for free at the same time. And depending on the circumstances of a large family, parents could decide for themselves who today should go on a social card .

Get compensation and benefits

In order to issue a discounted ticket, it is necessary to prepare the required package of documents, apply to the body authorized to issue the benefits, register in the Unified Citizens Database (it will also be available to enterprises providing services for the transportation of citizens) that have the right to allocate benefits to them. Upon approval of the application, you need to contact the cash desk of the transport depot with a pension certificate and a passport.

Social card

In addition to personal identification information, the card contains technical information about the manufacturer. In addition, various applications issued by banking or social institutions may be attached. For example, in Moscow there is a transport application.

Travel concessions

Disabled, veterans and pensioners Nizhny Novgorod discount is 100% , but is provided in the form of compensation by the value 700 rubles monthly. For schoolchildren, this compensation is 500 rubles. However, the number of trips on a social ticket is limited - no more than 39 per month.

YurClub Conference

if my parents at one time earned an apartment in which I can legally live, if they earned a car in which I can move freely, then why can't I use the same purely material right of free travel earned by them?

What benefits are provided to pensioners for travel in public transport

According to the Social Code of St. Petersburg, this preference is granted for all types of city transport, except for commercial. If a pensioner is a Hero of Russia or the Soviet Union, a home front worker, or a veteran of the Great Patriotic War, a resident of besieged Leningrad who lives in the northern capital, then he has the right to buy tickets at a discount for commuter trains from May to December.

Social card of students

You can activate the card on the State Services website. To do this, you need to visit your personal account, and then enter the card number. The procedure must be completed within 30 days. If this is not done, then blocking will occur. To unlock it, you will need to contact the State Services Center.

The government of the Moscow region explained how beneficiaries can use the right to free travel in public transport in Moscow

Earlier, we reported that the Moscow Regional Duma approved a law according to which 20 privileged categories of citizens received the right to free travel in Moscow. For these purposes, 1.3 billion rubles will be allocated from the regional budget. More than 850,000 residents of the Moscow region will be able to use public transport for free in Moscow.

Benefits for pensioners on public transport

Northerners belong to a separate category. Such pensioners can receive monetary compensation twice a year for travel to a place of rest in the Russian Federation by land, rail, air, sea / river transport. Only the cheapest tickets are compensated: seats on buses, reserved seats, cabins of categories 3-5, economy class seats. Compensation is negotiated separately if only comfortable seats are provided in the transport. At the same time, the beneficiary must officially receive deductions from the PF and not work. You can also refuse the privilege and receive financial compensation.

Reduced travel pass for schoolchildren

Of course, such a benefit is also in demand in small towns, when there are a small number of educational institutions in the village, and the child lives far from school. In most cases, there is no metro travel in these situations, but schoolchildren can use buses.

YurClub Conference

Everyone knows the situation - many of our fellow citizens travel in Moscow (and, probably, not only) transport using social cards for their mothers, fathers, mothers-in-law, father-in-law, etc. I know that there are decrees, I know that the cards are registered. But this is the question that worries me - if my parents once earned an apartment in which I can legally live, if they earned a car on which I can move freely, then why can’t I use the same purely material right they earned for free directions? After all, preferential travel is an exclusively earned right, why can't children use it? Why the card cannot be used when the pensioner himself does not use it? On what basis? What difference does it make who rides it? After all, we are not talking about the passage of 2-3 people on the map at the same time.

1. A fine of 2500 for using someone else's social card can be paid with a fifty percent discount.

1.1. Hello!
There is no 50% discount for such a violation.

2. What to do if information about the fine for using someone else's social card appeared on the site 3.5 years after the offense was committed. Has the fine already burned down or does it have to be paid?

3. I was stopped in the subway for using someone else's social card, they looked at my passport and card.
Receipts not issued, will there be a fine?

3.1. If they didn’t detain and didn’t draw up a protocol, nothing will happen.

4. Is there a discount for paying a fine for the first 3 or 10 days, which was received for using someone else's social card in the metro?

4.1. Hello Maria!
For this violation, the fine must be paid in full.

5. Received Residence Permit. And in half a year I managed to get two fines in the subway for using my son's social card. In short, I went to the subway on someone else's social card. Can I be denied citizenship for this? I did not know that such minor violations can affect the acquisition of citizenship. Now I'm afraid.

5.1. NOT what they can, they will refuse!

6. I paid a fine for using someone else's social card yesterday through Sberbank online, but now there is no information on the payment on the public services website, that is, it is proposed to pay the fine again. What can be done in such a situation?

6.1. Data exchange takes some time! To speed up the process, you must provide a receipt to the bailiff. He will close the enforcement proceedings and within 3-5 days the debt will not be displayed in the database.

6.2. Hello! As a rule, all payments are transferred to the recipient on the next banking day. In rare cases, it may take 2-3 days for the payment to be sent. If the money has not been received, contact Sberbank and request a debit certificate.

7. They issued a fine of 2500 for the illegal use of someone else's social card in the subway, but they did not give out the opium. I called, they promised to send it to the email, but they did not send it. Does it make sense to go to the office for a copy? 10 days have already expired.

7.1. You have missed the deadlines for appealing, in court the appeal will not give you anything, since there is an administrative violation, but you need the number and date of the decision to pay the fine so that you do not have a debt. If you are provided with such information, then the main thing is to keep the receipt of payment, so that later you can prove the fact of payment. The only way to successfully resolve your issue is with legal assistance. Always glad to help you!

8. They issued a fine of 2500 for the misuse of someone else's social card, but they didn’t give a copy of the Resolution to my hands (I was really in a hurry and didn’t wait) I called, they promised to send it to email, but they didn’t send it. Does it make sense to go to the Transportation Organizer for a copy of the Decree? 10 days have already expired.

8.1. It makes sense to go for the Resolution, since the appeal period is calculated from the day you receive the Resolution on an administrative offense.

9. I was fined for using someone else's social card 2500 rubles. Is there a 50% discount if I pay the fine within 20 days? Thank you.

9.1. No, this discount is valid only under certain articles of Chapter 12 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, that is, through traffic rules. All the best.

9.2. No, the amount of the fine will not change, the penalty for violating the rules of DD can be doubled if not paid within the prescribed period. The only way to successfully resolve your issue is with legal assistance. Always glad to help you!

10. When paying a fine for using someone else's social card at a branch of Sberbank, they claimed that they did not have the UIN indicated on the receipt (a 20-digit number on a piece of paper glued to the receipt). Is it possible? And what to do? Thank you.

10.1. Hello. You need to contact the GKU "Organizer of Transportation" for a copy of the decision.

10.2. Good time of the day.
Must "pass".
Good luck.

11. When paying an administrative fine for using someone else's social card, the Security Service department claimed that the UIN indicated on the receipt (20-digit number pasted on the receipt) does not pass. Is it possible? And what to do? Thank you.

11.1. Contact the Social Security Administration

12. I was fined for using someone else's social card. I am a student and do not have my own income, so I could not pay. A notice came about a registered letter from the Judicial category. As far as I know, the penalty has been doubled. What if I can't pay fines?

12.1. Hello!

They can put you in jail for a day - you have to pay


13. What is the punishment for using someone else's card data. For example, the map was posted on social media. network, and on it cvn, card number, full name, and issue date were indicated?

13.1. criminal liability

13.2. Nothing threatens - this is just a photo of a piece of plastic. But if they try to use the data, then yes, criminal liability.

14. In September last year, an act was drawn up in the metro about the use of someone else's social card. The fine has not been paid. Three months later I received a subpoena. I called and they said that I had to pay not 2500 rubles, but 5000. I asked them to send me the details of the bank where I need to pay. They said they would send it and still no response. What and how to do. Thank you.

14.1. you need to go to court and take a decision with a receipt.
Now you have to pay 2500+5000(fine)

15. I was fined for using someone else's social card 2500 rubles. What is the risk of non-payment and do 50% discounts work if paid within 20 days instead of 60. Thank you.

15.1. Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation

Article 20.25. Evasion of execution of administrative punishment
1. Failure to pay an administrative fine within the period provided for by this "Code", -

shall entail the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of twice the amount of the unpaid administrative fine, but not less than one thousand roubles, or administrative arrest for a term of up to fifteen days, or compulsory labor for a term of up to fifty hours.

Article 32.2. Execution of the decision to impose an administrative fine
1.3. When paying an administrative fine by a person brought to administrative responsibility for committing an administrative offense provided for by "Chapter 12" of this Code, with the exception of administrative offenses provided for by "Part 1.1 of Article 12.1", "Article 12.8", "Parts 6" and "7 of Article 12.9 ", "Part 3 of Article 12.12", "Part 5 of Article 12.15", "Part 3.1 of Article 12.16", "Articles 12.24", "12.26", "Part 3 of Article 12.27" of this Code, no later than twenty days from the day the decision on imposition of an administrative fine, an administrative fine may be paid in the amount of half the amount of the imposed administrative fine. If the execution of the decision on the imposition of an administrative fine was delayed or spread by installments by the judge, body, official who issued the decision, the administrative fine shall be paid in full.

16. Received an administrative fine for the illegal use of someone else's social card when traveling on the subway. In the same place, the employees told my friend while writing down my data that if the fine is not paid within a year, then it automatically burns out. Is it true?
I sincerely thank you for your answer!

16.1. In any case, this fine will be collected from you. Good luck.

16.2. Hello.
Yes, there will be a fine

17. Received an administrative fine for the illegal use of someone else's social card when traveling on the subway. In the same place, employees reported that if the fine is not paid within a year, then it automatically burns out.
Interested in the following. I am an EU citizen. Can the presence of an administrative fine create problems for traveling abroad, as well as any other administrative problems (registration, obtaining a visa to Russia, etc.).
I sincerely thank you for your answer!

17.1. Hello.
Federal Law No. 114-FZ of August 15, 1996
"On the procedure for leaving the Russian Federation and entering the Russian Federation"

With changes and additions from:

July 18, 1998, June 24, 1999, January 10, June 30, 2003, June 29, 2004, June 15, July 18, December 30, 2006, January 10, December 1, 4, 2007, May 6, 13, July 22, 23, December 3, 30, 2008, February 9, June 28, December 21, 27, 2009, March 9, April 5, 7, May 19, July 23, 27, 23, December 28, 2010, March 20, April 5, 21, July 18, December 6, 2011, July 28, November 12, December 28, 30, 2012, June 7, July 2, 23, November 25, 21, December 28, 2013, April 20, May 5, June 4, December 1, 22, 29, 31, 2014

If the IG violated the laws of the Russian Federation, he is subject to expulsion. Yes. there will be a ban in Russia

18. An administrative fine was issued for using someone else's social card on 01/24/2014, until what date can I pay? And what will happen if the decision was issued for registration in another city, although in fact I am in Moscow?

18.1. Zhenya, you have 2 months to pay. You can pay in any city if you have payment details.

19. I was fined for using someone else's social card - 2500 rubles. They told me to pay by November 19th. It's now January 2nd and I haven't paid the fine. Will I be charged late fees and if so, how much?

19.1. Foam - no. They can attract under another article.

"Article 20.25. Evasion of the execution of an administrative penalty

1. Failure to pay an administrative fine within the period provided for by this Code -
shall entail the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of twice the amount of the unpaid administrative fine, but not less than one thousand roubles, or administrative arrest for a term of up to fifteen days, or compulsory labor for a term of up to fifty hours.

20. What is the punishment for traveling on a bus using someone else's social card of a Muscovite? The inspectors took away the card and said that the relative who handed over his card to travel in transport to me would be punished in the form of deprivation of a pension for 10 months. Is it true? What would happen if you had to go along with the controllers to the police (if a fine, then in what amount)? What is the use of someone else's document in this situation? The controllers demanded to pay them personally a certain amount. I had to pay, they didn’t go to the police, they returned the card. Thank you!

20.1. Olga, the use of a knowingly forged document takes place in your case. Part 3 of Article 327 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation is provided for, a sanction-fine in the amount of up to 80 thousand rubles or in the amount of the salary or other income of the convicted person for a period of up to 6 months, or by compulsory work, or by corrective labor, or by arrest. Part 3 of this article does not provide for deprivation of liberty.
Controllers of pensions do not deprive.
If you need more detailed advice, make an appointment.

21. I work in a store as a sales assistant - cashier. Our store provides discounts on social cards. There is a poster hanging next to the cash desk, which says that "Discounts are provided to cardholders, the graphic image of which is printed on the back of the card." The buyers of this poster, of course, do not see it, and immediately there are claims and complaints "what an arbitrariness", "what a pity you", "why don't they give me a discount"?
My question is: is there any responsibility in our legislation, both for the use of someone else's social card, and does the cashier who accepts someone else's social card bear any responsibility?
Thanks in advance for your reply.

21.1. Sophia, hello! As I understand it, we are talking about social. Muscovite map. According to it, many stores give discounts when buying products.
Using someone else's card is a crime under Art. 165 of the Criminal Code, but it all depends on the amount (they are scanty, basically, therefore there will be no corpus delicti). And you can not accept a card that does not belong to a citizen. There is a photo on the map. Even if you have doubts, you can ask to show your pension or passport.
Kharchenko O.V.

22. In April 2010 T.D.A. 11/11/1995 "added as a friend" in the social network "Vkontakte" to I.A.Yu. 10/30/1990, with the goal of establishing friendly relations and correspondence. I.A.Yu., being in a negative mood due to high workload, regular lack of sleep, physical and mental overwork, annoying offers to get acquainted with users of the social network "Vkontakte", expressed his unwillingness to establish friendly relations with T.D.A. In further communication, which took place on the initiative of T. D.A., on the part of I.A.Yu. rude language was used to make a bad impression on T.D.A. to stop any attempts of acquaintance on her part.
However, T.D.A. She continued her efforts and after some time succeeded. Between T.D.A. and I.A.Yu. regular communication began through the Vkontakte social network, the Agent instant messaging service, SMS messages and phone calls. Common interests, similarities of characters and habits were found. On this basis, mutual sympathy and affection, a trusting relationship arose. In one of the messages I.A.Yu. as a joke suggested T.D.A. to marry him, but his proposal was taken seriously. In the course of subsequent correspondence and strengthening of mutual sympathy, this proposal began to be considered seriously by both sides, while it was repeatedly mentioned that its implementation was possible only after reaching T.D.A. eighteen years of age, or upon reaching the age of sixteen with the permission of her parents. In correspondence with I.A.Yu. T.D.A. indicated that she already had sexual experience, had the intention to marry and give birth to a child by I.A.Yu., barely reaching the age of sixteen. I.A.Yu. made attempts to convince her of the need not to do this because of the difficulties that would arise in such a situation: the likely disapproval of these actions by the parents of T.D.A., financial difficulties, residence of I.A.Yu. in another city, due to which he would not be able to regularly support T.D.A., difficulties in teaching T.D.A. college and other factors.

T.D.A. in the course of correspondence and telephone conversations, she repeatedly mentioned the rough treatment of her by her parents, bullying and threats on their part, regular beatings by her father, T.A., prohibitions on communicating with friends. According to T.D.A., she repeatedly took large doses of toxic drugs in order to cause poisoning, or at least feel unwell, in order to avoid the anger of her parents for poor academic grades. No actions were taken to save T.D.A. at the time of poisoning, diagnosing the consequences of taking medications in large doses, and no attempts were made to protect her from the possibility of taking them by her parents.
Also T.D.A. it was mentioned that her parents force her to eat, which supposedly caused her a mental disorder - an aversion to any food and, as a result, the initial stage of anorexia.

In correspondence with I.A.Yu. and T.D.A. sexual proposals were contained, but it was repeatedly mentioned that their implementation is possible only after reaching T.D.A. sixteen years of age.
In moments of sometimes disagreements on both sides, but mainly on the part of I.A.Yu. foul language was used.

At the beginning of September 2010, I.A.Yu. for two days he was in St. Petersburg in order to meet with comrades whom he had not seen for a long time: S.V. and K.A.. In the second half of the second day of stay in St. Petersburg, I.A.Yu. was in the vicinity of the Baltic Station, from where he was supposed to leave for the city of Luga. At the Baltic Station I.A.Yu. met with T.D.A. , which was agreed by them in advance by phone, for the purpose of walking and talking. Approximately an hour later, the time came for the departure of the electric train to the city of Luga and I.A.Yu. rode on it.
In late September - early October 2010, I.A.Yu., while in St. Petersburg on business interests, met with T.D.A. in the passage of the metro station "Vyborgskaya", which was agreed by them in advance by phone, for the purpose of walking and talking. Approximately three hours later I.A.Yu. went to the Baltiysky railway station for departure to the city of Luga by electric train.

October 30, 2010 was the twentieth birthday of I.A.Yu. Approximately two or three weeks before it, i.e. in mid-October 2010, I.A.Yu., after consulting with his comrades and choosing the most convenient option for everyone, planned October 30, together with his friend L.R.A. go to Saint Petersburg. There he was going to help L.R.A. find a store selling photographic equipment and buy a Canon EOS D1000 camera, which L.R.A. I wanted to buy to increase my experience in photography. Then it was planned at different times and in different places to meet with the comrades of I.A.Yu., living in St. Petersburg, to communicate with them, to accept congratulations and gifts from them. On the night of October 30-31, 2010, I.A.Yu. and L.R.A. wanted to take photographs of the city at night to train I.A.Yu. L.R.A. new for him methods of photography, fully accessible only with the help of a SLR camera. On the afternoon of October 31, 2010, they were going to return to Luga.
I.A.Yu. suggested T.D.A. accompany him in St. Petersburg in order to communicate and get to know his comrades. T.D.A. answered that her parents would be against it, but she would run away from home and spend time with I.A.Yu., and then she would live with her friend, get a job and not return home, despite the likely requests of her parents to return. I.A.Yu. dissuaded T.D.A. run away from home, for reasons of absence from T.D.A. necessary to provide themselves with the necessary products and things of earnings, the impossibility of regular assistance from I.A.Yu. due to the far distance from his place of residence to St. Petersburg, she would have difficulties with the law. I.A.Yu. suggested T.D.A. spend a few hours with him and leave for home at a time that would not arouse the disapproval of her parents. T.D.A. agreed not to run away from home, but refused to return on the same day, citing her desire to be with I.A.Yu. the maximum time possible, also saying that he would not return home on October 30 in any case, because. can't stand parents. Some of them suggested that on the afternoon of October 31, 2010, they go together to the summer house of the T. family in order to commit acts of a sexual nature and shelter from the weather; before that, it was planned to conduct L.R.A. to the electric train Luga direction. However, some time later, I.A.Yu. told T.D.A. that he did not intend to commit sexual acts against her, because she has not reached the age of sixteen, and intends to sleep at the dacha.

On October 29, 2010, it was revealed that L.R.A. will not be able to accompany I.A.Yu. due to the fact that his 30th and 31st October L.R.A. will be called to work, as a result of which the purchase of a camera and shooting a night city is canceled.
October 30, 2010 I.A.Yu. at about 6:00 am together with his mother, I.M.A., a hired driver and two dogs belonging to I.M.A. went in a car of a hired driver went to St. Petersburg to a dog show, where I.M.A. helped. control the dogs. After the end of the exhibition, I.A.Yu. took the subway to st. m. "Gorkovskaya", where he agreed to meet with his friend K.M. and T.D.A. At about 13:00 they met, K.M. handed over to I.A.Yu. their congratulations and Sony headphones as a gift. Then I.A.Yu., K.M. and T.D.A. made a walk in the direction of the Hermitage, and then in the direction of the station. m. "Nevsky Prospekt". There they went down to the subway and at about 15:00 K.M. left in the direction of m. "st. Dybenko”, and I.A.Yu. and T.D.A. let's go to st. m. "Devyatkino". At the station "Devyatkino" they bought tickets for an electric train to the railway station "Sosnovo", where the cottage T. is located. On the platform of the railway station. "Devyatkino", waiting for the electric train, T.D.A. handed over to I.A.Yu. as a gift wrist watch "Avon". When asked about the cost of the watch and the method of obtaining the money for which the watch was bought, T.D.A. She refused to answer in detail, explaining only that she had saved up for a watch.
At approximately 17:15 T.D.A. made a phone call to her mother, telling her that she had gone to her friend's house and would return home on Monday, November 1; After that, she turned off her phone.

At 18 hours 06 minutes I.A.Yu. and T.D.A. by train from st. "Devyatkino" went to the station. "Pine".
At st. "Sosnovo" they arrived at about 19:20, after which they went to the Ottawa store located near the railway station in order to buy food. In the store I.A.Yu. a box of mashed potatoes, a can of stewed pork, and a loaf of bread were purchased. After which I.A.Yu. and T.D.A. We went on foot to T.'s dacha, located about one and a half kilometers from the railway station. Arriving at the summer cottage, T.D.A. opened the fence gate and the front door to the country house. To the question of I.A.Yu. about whether he can enter someone else's house without the knowledge of its owners, T.D.A. answered that she was one of the owners of the house and had the right to bring guests. T.D.A. showed I.A.Yew. the location of a toilet, a woodshed and a bathhouse in the summer cottage, separately showing the internal structure of the bathhouse, because I.A.Yu. is a city dweller and only heard about the bathhouse, but never saw it. After that, T.D.A. showed I.A.Yew. the layout of the country house and retired somewhere. I.A.Yu. believing that she had retired to the toilet, he lay down on one of the beds in the house and, due to lack of sleep over the past few days, quickly fell asleep. Approximately 30 minutes later he woke up and saw that T.D.A. makes a fire in the stove. For some time they sat at the stove, then, having discovered that the design of the stove did not emit enough heat to heat the house, they went outside and made a phone call to L.R.N., who is a specialist in heating and ventilation systems and could give advice. L.R.A., inquiring about the details of the stove, replied that the stove of such a system is a fireplace and is not designed to keep the house warm, its use for heating is ineffective, but advised to increase the amount of fuel burned in the stove. I.A.Yu. brought firewood from the woodshed and heated the stove with it for about 30 minutes, which caused a slight and short-term increase in the air temperature in the house. I.A.Yu. on the phone thanked L.R.A. Soon T.D.A. and I.A.Yu. undressed and went to sleep on one bed, embracing in order to keep warm.

Waking up on the afternoon of October 31, I.A.Yu. discovered that T.D.A. already got up. She said that she saw a neighbor through the window at T.'s dacha and suggested not to leave the house and not make noise so as not to attract the neighbor's attention. I.A.Yu. and T.D.A. They ate, then lay down on the bed again and talked for a while. T.D.A. complained of constant reproaches and prohibitions from her parents, dreamed of living separately from them. Then I.A.Yu. and T.D.A. fell asleep.
Waking up in the evening, I.A.Yu. discovered that the battery of his PDA was low, which prevented the PDA from making and receiving calls. T.D.A. turned on her phone and found many missed calls from her parents and numbers unknown to her, as well as SMS messages: from T.D.A.'s mother. – a report that a statement was filed with the police about the escape of T.D.A. from home and her search began; from a person who introduced himself as a juvenile inspector - advice to call her parents and indicate her location, as well as that her phone was allegedly on the “bearing”.
In addition, on the phone T.D.A. continued to receive calls to which she did not answer, explaining this by her unwillingness to communicate with her parents. I.A.Yu. convinced T.D.A. in the need to write a message that she is alive and well and will return home soon. T.D.A. wrote a message with such content and sent it to a person who introduced himself as a juvenile inspector.
T.D.A. remembered that the man who introduced himself as a juvenile inspector was a friend of her father, T.A.

After talking about something else, T.D.A. and I.A.Yu. fell asleep and woke up at about 5 am on November 1, 2010. They dressed and went to the Sosnovo railway station, bought tickets to the Devyatkino railway station, and took the nearest electric train to Devyatkino.
While in the car, T.D.A. turned on the phone and received a call from her mother, talked about something with her. After a telephone conversation, T.D.A. told I.A.Yu. that the mother reported that she knew where T.D.A. was at home during her absence, it is known that she was with I.A.Yu., his address and mobile phone number are known. Also, both of them, allegedly, were registered in the children's room of the police (apparently, the age of I.A.Yu. of T.D.A.'s mother was not known).

Arriving at the station Devyatkino, in a conversation I.A.Yu. and T.D.A. concluded that the mother of T.D.A. does not have accurate information, but only makes assumptions based on indirect data: a neighbor, noticed by T.D.A. at their summer cottage, could call T.D.A.'s mother. and report that the country house, woodshed and bathhouse are open; in the social network "Vkontakte" on the personal page of T.D.A. one could see in the column “marital status” the text “meets with I.A.Yu..”; on the personal page of I.A.Yu. see his mobile phone number and (incorrectly) address, day and month of his birthday and, by simple reasoning, come to the conclusion that T.D.A. and I.A.Yu. were at T.'s dacha together.

Together, it was decided to ask the parents of T.D.A. answer as follows: October 30, 2010 at about 13:00 at the station. m. "Gorkovskaya" T.D.A. handed over to I.A.Yu. as a gift a wristwatch, together with K.M. they took a walk and then T.D.A. went to the dacha in order to protest the cruel treatment of her parents, and I.A.Yu. went for a walk in St. Petersburg.

After deciding on the answer to the questions asked by the parents, T.D.A., T.D.A. and I.A.Yu. We went to the station cafe, where we bought coffee and a hot dog for two.
After a telephone conversation, T.D.A. with his mother, I.A.Yu. she was observed to gradually turn pale, trembling, and have trouble coordinating movements. In a cafe, T.D.A., having hardly eaten, reported that she was feeling sick, she was experiencing pain in her head and stomach, and weakness. She refused the offer to call an ambulance, saying that this had already happened to her and should soon pass. I.A.Yu. associated this state with the fear of T.D.A. before her parents' reaction when she gets home.

T.D.A. I was going to go to the college where I am studying and then go home. On the way from the station cafe to the station. m. "Devyatkino" I.A.Yu. asked T.D.A. after college really come back home.

In a subway train car, call T.D.A. received a call from her friend, who said that she would meet her at the station. m. "Vyborgskaya", from where they will go to college together.
T.D.A. got out of the subway car at the station. "Vyborgskaya", and I.A.Yu. went to st. metro station "Leninsky Prospekt", and some time later left for the city of Luga, boarding the electric train of the Luga direction at the railway station "Leninsky Prospekt".

Arriving home, I.A.Yu. discovered that a message was sent to him on the social network "Vkontakte" from a person who introduced himself as T.A. statement of claim for the seduction of a minor and inducement to cohabitation and advice to contact the parents T.D.A.
Having charged the PDA battery to a state sufficient to start the device, I.A.Yu. turned on the PDA, which soon received a call from an unknown I.A.Yu. numbers. The caller introduced herself as T.D.A.'s mother. and asked to tell the famous I.A.Yu. circumstances of loss T.D.A. from home. I.A.Yu. outlined the version agreed with T.D.A. previously. The woman who introduced herself to T.D.A.'s mother told It.A.Yu. about the loss of a large amount of money from her house shortly before the disappearance of T.D.A.. I.D.A. suggested that this money, stolen from his parents, was used by T.D.A. and bought a watch given to him. The unwillingness of T.D.A. tell him where she got the money for the gift. I.A.Yu. told the woman, who introduced herself as T.D.A.'s mother, that he had no desire to wear an item bought with stolen money and was ready to transfer the watch and any amount of money to T.D.A.'s parents. so that they do not punish her severely. The woman, who introduced herself as T.D.A.'s mother, refused this offer, saying that these were their family problems, and she did not want to involve strangers in them. She also asked I.A.Yu. stop communicating with T.D.A. for the maximum possible time. This ended the conversation.
After about 30 minutes on the PDA, I.A.Yu. received another call. The caller introduced himself as a juvenile inspector and asked to tell the well-known I.A.Yu. circumstances of loss T.D.A. from home. I.A.Yu. outlined the version agreed with T.D.A. previously. A man who introduced himself as a juvenile inspector told I.A.Yu. about the loss of a large amount of money from the house of T. shortly before the disappearance of T.D.A.. I.D.A. suggested that this money, stolen from his parents, was used by T.D.A. and bought a watch given to him, also said about the refusal of a woman who introduced herself to the mother of T.D.A. accept the watch and any amount of money in reparation. A man who introduced himself as a juvenile inspector asked if I.A.Yu. about whether T.D.A. drugs or alcohol, for which I.A.Yew. answered in the negative. The man, who introduced himself as a juvenile inspector, clarified whether I.A.Yu. registered in the city of Luga, and whether he can, if necessary, come to St. Petersburg, for which I.A.Yu. answered positively. This ended the conversation.
It is worth noting that the person, who introduced himself as a juvenile inspector, asked questions quickly, inconsistently, did not listen to the answers to the end and in every possible way hurried I.A.Yu.

Reasons to consider a person who introduced himself as a juvenile inspector, a woman who introduced herself as the mother of T.D.A., a person who introduced himself on the social network “Vkontakte” T.A., really those who they introduced themselves, I.A.Yu. didn't have.

The next day, November 2, 2010, between 9 and 10 am, I.A.Yu. received a call from an unknown number. The caller turned out to be T.D.A. and said that she was calling from someone else's phone, her phone was taken away by T.A.'s father. and read her SMS messages, on November 1, he hit her with a belt with a metal ribbed buckle multiple times on her back, as a result of which T.D.A. has numerous bruises on his back; reported that her father, T.A. told her that one of his friends came to Luga, found I.A.Yu. and beat him at T.A.'s request. She also reported her father's intention to force her to undergo a gynecological examination. I.A.Yu. advised T.D.A. go to the hospital and document the beatings she received, or, if this is not possible, take photographs of the results of the beatings with improvised means. Also I.A.Yu. advised T.D.A. do not give any evidence before consulting a lawyer, because T.D.A. not required to say anything.

In the next few days, during the correspondence in the social network "Vkontakte" between I.A.Yu. and by a man who introduced himself as T.A., the latter was told that: he refuses to give him a watch or any amount of money; he knows the history of T.D.A.'s text messages; he denies using it against T.D.A. any violence, denies taking her medicines in large doses, calls her words not true; he knows by circumstantial evidence that I.A.Yu. was present at T.'s dacha; the owner of the SIM card used by T.D.A. he is and, therefore, has the right to read messages sent to / from this card (it is worth noting that I.A.Yu. is not the owner of the SIM card that he uses for mobile communications); claims that T.D.A. nevertheless testified; reports that on November 8, 2010, a medical examination of T.D.A. was carried out; denies having T.D.A. any disease; indirectly indicates that I.A.Yew. in the near future will be charged under Part 1 of Art. 135 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

23. The situation is as follows: I bought a tablet, the seller inserted a SIM card in the store. When I pulled it out for the first time, I couldn’t pull it out and generally found clear signs of use (there were other people’s data on the social network). On the third day I took it and handed it over to the store. They refused to return the money (everything in words), agreed to accept it for warranty repairs. I had to surrender, although now I realized that it was illegal. I'm coming to pick up. I see two scratches on the case (of course, nothing was written about them in the certificate of acceptance for warranty repairs, but scuffs were written, although I used only 3 days). She refused to take the money, the seller refused to return the money.
Please answer two questions:
1. Is it exactly the 14-day period that is restored (after all, in fact, I used it only 3 days) or now I can’t return it due to scratches, since they are not a significant drawback?
2. What actions are possible in this situation to return the money?

23.1. Dear Elena!

The tablet is a technically complex device that cannot be returned. It can only be given for repair, as a result of which it will either be repaired and given away, or (if the repair did not help) they will issue the same one, but a new one, or return the money.
In your situation, there is an improper registration of the delivery and acceptance of goods for warranty repairs. Proving this will be very difficult.
Scuffs and scratches are different things, here it is clear even without a linguist.
You have the right to write a complaint to Rospotrebnadzor with attached photos of the tablet and a copy of the transfer act.

24. 04/16/2013 I asked the following question: I have such an interesting question?!? The essence of the matter: Once upon a time there was a Grandmother (the owner of the apartment), her two children, a son and a daughter, and a granddaughter - the son's daughter. Grandmother since the 2000s does not hear, does not see, and is not very oriented in reality. The daughter signed a donation agreement in 2006. Before that, everyone was registered in the apartment, but the son was homeless (the sister, the daughter of the grandmother, kicked out, the granddaughter was also kicked out, but she was discharged in 2009). I signed the contract for myself (as no one knows, we learned about it in April 2013). The grandmother's son died in 2008. The granddaughter challenged the donation agreement (currently in court proceedings) Question: are there any grounds and chances to invalidate the donation agreement? Thank you! I would like to add the following on this issue: First, we applied to the Court with a statement of claim for recognition of the right of ownership and compensation for non-pecuniary damage with the following content:

about the recognition of the right of ownership to a dwelling
and compensation for moral damage

I, full name,, are currently temporarily registered and live at the address: 00, g.00000000, , d-sq.
Until 03/17/2009, I was registered at the address: 00, 0000000, st. , d-sq. (grandmother's son, my father's full name), I am full name and my son, full name. My father, full name, died on 10/14/2008, as evidenced by the record of the death certificate under No. No. (attached).
Together with us, i.e. four family members registered in the specified residential premises lived my father's sister F.I.O., (hereinafter referred to as the Respondent). At that time, the Respondent had no legal rights to this apartment. Although “de jure” I was registered at the specified address from 06/28/1990, but “de facto” I did not live there since 1992 - the Respondent kicked me out of the house. Due to her arrogant nature, the hidden qualities of an informal leader and a criminal mindset, in fact, the Respondent turned out to be an unofficial mistress, and against the background of her grandmother’s deteriorating health, she was no longer able to object to her, and she was simply afraid of her, like my father and I. Thus, we had to look for shelter elsewhere - we began to live where we have to: in porches, on benches, in squares, in a forested area, with girlfriends and friends who can also confirm this. At the end of 1998 I became pregnant and my son was born. Having learned then that the Respondent was in the city of Sarapul (as it later turned out, she also has housing there), taking advantage of the situation, I was able to register my son at the address: st., d-kv. and again for some time to live at the place of registration, since at that moment in time she herself was still registered there. Having learned that I was living there again, and even with a recently born child, the Respondent, having become furious, immediately arrived in 000000 and kicked me out with the child again on the street. I had to live with the father of my child, full name. I endured constant humiliation and frequent assault. When I was subjected to physical violence on his part, which was already unbearable, I took the child “armpit” and ran away from him.
In mid-March 2009, the Respondent asked me to check out of the apartment and to check out my son, arguing that she, like all other family members registered in the premises, has the right to claim this living space on the grounds that she, allegedly, also has equal rights in the inheritance and, most importantly, she is ready to buy a separate one-room apartment for my son and me in exchange for a two-room apartment, that she will help me get a job and take my son from the shelter. When I asked how she was going to do this, she replied that she had friends in the department of guardianship and guardianship of the local administration who would definitely help her. When I was called to the guardianship department, the Respondent was with me and on the same day I checked out of the apartment. Taking advantage of my helpless state, inability to understand the nature and meaning of the actions being performed, as well as my inability to resist, due to a serious illness, sudden fright, emotional shock, illiteracy, legal “unskilledness”, a difficult combination of life circumstances and other related factors, the Respondent brought me into delusion, put psychological pressure on me, through deceit and deliberately false persuasion, I had to check out of the apartment, still hoping that the Respondent, being not a stranger to me, really wants to help me, will actually buy my son and me a separate one-room apartment, help you get a job and pick up your son from an orphanage. But then I refused to discharge my son and was discharged alone. After I was discharged, the Respondent assured me for another year (until March 2010) that she was looking for a one-room apartment for my son and me and that we would be able to move into it just about now. Since she was still my aunt, all this time I kept hope and believed in her. One day I came to her again to find out when, finally, she would fulfill her promise to buy an apartment, she, as usual, was not at home, and one of the neighbors told me that she was already the owner of the apartment. After that, the Respondent abruptly terminated relations with us, changed all the locks on the front doors and stated that she had discharged my son, that there was no question of buying an apartment, since now she is the sole and full owner of the said residential premises and there are grounds to claim We don't have any in this area. Also, I ask the Court to pay attention to the fact that during the privatization of the said residential premises, the Respondent was not included in its composition. How she became the owner of the apartment and how she managed to draw up all the title documents for the apartment, provided that her grandmother, since the beginning of the 2000s, senile dementia, complete deafness, partial loss of vision, I still do not know.
After as a result of the unlawful actions of the Respondent, I actually turned out to be homeless, I again had to return to the father of the son, F.I.O. who, having learned about my practically disenfranchised state (I am a homeless person), began to beat me even harder, both my physical and mental state of health deteriorated extremely. The realization that I had nowhere else to go and that I had lost my “last shelter”, that my own son would be brought up in an orphanage without knowing the caresses of motherly love, and that I would remain an inferior member of society until the end of my life, a victim of cruel deception, they pushed me on thoughts of suicide, I began to be haunted by constant headaches, prolonged neurosis, emotional stress, mental shocks and other mental disorders. Life became unbearable, and at the end of 2010 I could hardly move, and at the beginning of 2011 I literally fell ill, as evidenced by the numerous calls to the doctor, evidenced in the medical record (attached). The consequence of all these physical and psychological traumas, mental suffering and endless ordeals was GROUP I DISABILITY. I am in this state to this day.
Article 25 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights includes such an obligatory component as housing in the standard of living of a person necessary to maintain the health and well-being of himself and his family. The inalienable right of every person to housing is also enshrined in the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (Article 11). At the same time, as follows from paragraph 1 of Article 12 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, the right to housing must be realized subject to the freedom of choice of a place of residence by a person. The need to respect a person's home is also stated in Article 8 of the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms.
Taking into account the provisions of international legal acts, Article 40 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation enshrines the right of everyone to housing.
The constitutional right of citizens to housing is one of the fundamental human rights and consists in ensuring by the state stable, permanent use of residential premises by persons occupying them legally, in providing housing from state, municipal and other housing funds to the poor and other citizens specified in the law who need housing, in assisting citizens in improving their living conditions, as well as in guaranteeing the inviolability of their homes, excluding cases of arbitrary deprivation of citizens of their homes (Articles 25, 40 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation).
Taking into account the fact that my father died on October 14, 2008, and in accordance with Art. 1142 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, it is he who is the heir to the first stage, inheritance by right of representation (Article 1146 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation) passes to me, i.e. granddaughter of the testator as a direct descendant. Thus, when my father died, family relations with the Respondent as with my father's sister were terminated, which I also consider to be the basis for her unlawful possession of the said residential premises.
I also consider the Respondent an unworthy heir on the basis of Art. 1117 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, since by her deliberate illegal actions directed against my minor son and me as legal heirs, she has deprived and continues to deprive us of our legal right to housing.
I believe that by deception, having taken possession of the living quarters, the Respondent's actions are also seen as signs of a crime under Part 3 of Art. 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, i.e. acquisition of the right to someone else's property by deceit and breach of trust, on a large scale (the cost of the apartment exceeded 250,000 rubles, both at the time of the crime and to this day). In this case, a large amount is a qualifying sign, this crime is serious, since imprisonment for this crime does not exceed ten years, as well as the statute of limitations for this crime is ten years.
At the moment I am temporarily registered with my mother. My mother is registered in a neuropsychiatric dispensary and suffers from an acute mental personality disorder (schizophrenia), in which she is shown individual isolation from society. Although she is partially aware of objective reality, she understands and tries to deal with her condition, but temporarily she has attacks with massive psychosis, in which she is not aware of her actions, becomes insane and inadequate, which in turn directly threatens my life. During periods of demi-season and seasonal remission, I become not only a witness to these terrible conditions of varying severity, and sometimes the object of mental breakdowns caused by bouts of aggression and anger - it becomes simply scary, but I have nowhere to go.
The unlawful actions on the part of the Respondent caused me indelible moral and moral suffering, caused irreparable damage to the psyche, and therefore I consider it legal and reasonable to demand compensation for moral damage on the basis and in accordance with Articles 12, 151, 1099-1101 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.
In paragraph 2 of the Resolution of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation of December 20, 1994 on certain issues of application of legislation on compensation for moral damage (as amended by the Resolutions of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation of October 25, 1996 N 10, of January 15, 1998 N 1, of February 6, 2007 N 6) says: Moral harm is understood as moral or physical suffering caused by actions (inaction) that encroach on intangible benefits belonging to a citizen from birth or by virtue of the law (life, health, personal dignity, business reputation, privacy, personal and family secret, etc.), or violating his personal non-property rights (the right to use his name, the right of authorship and other non-property rights in accordance with laws on the protection of rights to the results of intellectual activity) or violating the property rights of a citizen.
Moral harm, in particular, may consist in moral feelings in connection with the loss of relatives, the inability to continue an active social life, the loss of work, the disclosure of family, medical secrets, the dissemination of untrue information that discredits the honor, dignity or business reputation of a citizen, temporary restriction or deprivation of any rights, physical pain associated with injury, other damage to health or in connection with a disease suffered as a result of moral suffering, etc.
For more than twenty years, I have suffered enough and I want to receive at least a small compensation for a little, a lot of crippled life, which I estimate at 850,000 (Eight hundred and fifty thousand) rubles:
- 100,000 (one hundred thousand) rubles for separating me from my family, lost childhood, adolescence, youth;
- 300,000 (Three hundred thousand) rubles for depriving me of the opportunity to raise my son in normal family conditions;
- 200,000 (two hundred thousand) rubles for becoming a disabled person of the 1st group;
- and 250,000 (One hundred thousand) rubles for alimony for the son of Aminev V.V.

By virtue of Part 2 of Article 45 of the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation, I consider it necessary for the prosecutor to participate in the case.

Based on the foregoing, guided by Article 25 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Article 11 of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, paragraph 1 of Article 12 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, Articles 8 of the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, Art. Art. 25, 40 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, part 3 of Art. 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, art. 12, 151, 1099-1101, 1117, 1142, 1146, Civil Code of the Russian Federation, paragraph 2 of the Resolution of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation of December 20, 1994 on certain issues of application of the legislation on compensation for moral damage, part 2 of article 45 of the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation,


1. Recognize my right of ownership in accordance with the law for a dwelling located at: 00, g.00000000, st. , q-sq.;
2. Establish on what grounds the Respondent lives in the specified premises and determine her legal status in this premises.
3. As witnesses, I ask you to call in full name, full name, full name, full name, full name, full name, full name, Full name, full name, full name.
4. To collect from the Respondent as compensation for non-pecuniary damage 850,000 (Eight hundred and fifty thousand) rubles.
5. Attach the following documents to the case file as written evidence:


1. Photocopy of passport
2. A photocopy of the certificate of the ITU-2011 series,
3. A photocopy of an individual rehabilitation program for a disabled person
4. A photocopy of the notice of registration for the provision of technical means of rehabilitation
5. Photocopy of the study protocol
6. Photocopy of certificate No. of registration at the place of stay
7. A photocopy of the notice of registration of an individual with a tax authority dated 1
8. Photocopy of certificate of discharge from
9. Photocopy of my father's death certificate
10. A photocopy of the son's birth certificate;
11. A photocopy of an extract from the medical record (medical history).

Total applications on 13 (Thirteen) sheets.

Plaintiff /Full name/ Date

At the preliminary hearing, the judge ruled on the distribution of the burden of proof, rights and obligations, etc. etc., in the last paragraph of which he suggested that the plaintiff clarify the grounds for the emergence of ownership of the dwelling. Subsequently, it turned out that there had been an agreement to donate the apartment of the grandmother to the defendant.

We then filed the following application
about changing the subject of the claim
In pursuance of clause 6 of the decision of the Judge, full name dated, I explain to the Court the following:
At the beginning of April 2013, I became aware that the owner of the apartment at the address: 00, 0000000, st. , d-kv is the Respondent, as evidenced by the Certificate of state registration from 18 AA 0000000. This right, in turn, she had on the basis of a donation agreement dated
In the absence of a donation agreement, the only basis for the emergence of the right of ownership on a gratuitous basis to the contested residential premises would be inheritance by law or by will. In the event of the death of my grandmother, the apartment, according to the rules of Art. 1142 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation would be divided between my father and the Respondent, as the children of the testator, and after the death of my father, the inheritance by right of representation would pass to me as a direct descendant (Article 1146 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).
I think that I can challenge the donation agreement on the following grounds:
Firstly, as stated in the statement of claim (p. 4 par. 5), my father died on 10/14/2008, while the donation agreement was registered on 12/05/2006, i.e. two years earlier. Like me, my father, during his lifetime, also did not know anything about the existence of a donation agreement. A number of questions arise: What was the reason for the need to draw up a donation agreement? Who was its initiator? And why was donation chosen as the method of transferring the right, because the Respondent was guaranteed such a right by inheritance under the law (Chapter 63 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation)?
Secondly, given the fact that grandmother, due to her advanced age, since the beginning of the 2000s, there has been a tendency that she does not quite adequately assess objective reality, although she was not recognized as incompetent, but in my opinion there is there is every reason to believe that at the time of signing the donation agreement she did not realize the nature of her actions. Thus, as evidence, I consider it possible to use the testimony of witnesses, stated earlier, and, if necessary, the appointment of a forensic psychological and psychiatric examination.
Thirdly, there is in fact the fact that when concluding the transaction, my grandmother was mistaken about the legal nature of the gift agreement, namely, the Respondent could promise her that she would provide her with constant care, including medical care, would supply her with food, money, or other tangible and intangible goods.
Based on the above, guided by Article.Article. 166, 167, 177, 178, 1142, 1146, art. 39 Code of Civil Procedure,


1. Change the subject of the claim;
2. Recognize the donation agreement as invalid.

– A photocopy of the certificate of state registration of rights dated

Also, in the trial, petitions were filed to summon the grandmother and mother of the plaintiff as witnesses, and also in accordance with Art. 265 requests to request information and the state of both the physical and mental state of the grandmother to the relevant authorities to establish whether she could, at the time of signing the contract, be aware of the nature of her actions and manage them. The court dismissed the petitions, explaining that they were not relevant to the case, and did not listen to a single witness, also explaining that this was not relevant to the case, not a word about moral damage at all. Decided to leave the claims without satisfaction, while saying, I apologize for the jargon, that you guys are just BATOKATS and everything that was about nothing, whatever one may say! So think: either the skis do not go, or something is wrong with me?

Please give a legal assessment of the situation, share your experience, help deal with the situation?

Thank you so much!

Plaintiff: Date:

Refine the question.
Repeat question.
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In March, the capital's controllers fined more than 30,000 "hares" on public transport. The fine for ticketless travel in the capital is 1,000 rubles, another 2.5 thousand Muscovites pay for using someone else's social card. "Hares" who have accumulated debts in fines of more than 10 thousand rubles can be included in the list of citizens who are prohibited from traveling abroad.

Electronic payment methods

The fine can be paid on the city portal of public services. To do this, you must specify the unique identification number (UIN) of the decision on the offense, its series and number, as well as the date of issue. After verifying the data, the portal will offer to choose one of four payment methods: by bank card, using the Yandex.Money, Qiwi or Webmoney electronic wallet, from a mobile phone account or via Internet banking of Sberbank, Bank of Moscow and Alfa-Bank .

In addition, you can remotely pay off the debt under the decree using the Sberbank Online mobile application. To do this, you need to install the program on your smartphone, select the "Payments" tab, the "Taxes, fines, traffic police" section. After that, in the proposed list of organizations, you need to indicate the GKU "Organizer of Transportation", enter the UIN and pay using the Internet bank.

Payment using ATMs and payment terminals of Sberbank

"To pay through the terminal, violators will only need a receipt issued by the Transportation Organizer, in which the UIN is mandatory," Andrey Stepanov, manager for working with key partners of the department for the development of payment services, management of Bank XXI of the Moscow Bank of Sberbank of Russia, said. . You can pay the fine in cash or by card. When paying in cash, the payer needs to press the "Payments" button in the device's menu and select the "Taxes, fines, duties" section, select the "Organizer of transportation" organization. Next, the payer will be asked to enter the UIN and pay the amount. When paying by bank transfer, it is enough to immediately select the section "traffic police, taxes, duties, budget payments".

When paying through the terminal, a commission is charged. If the fine is paid in cash, it will be 1.25% of the amount, minimum - 10 rubles, maximum - 1000 rubles. When paying by card, 1% is charged, there is no minimum commission threshold, the maximum is 500 rubles.

You can also pay off your debts on fines using ATMs in the subway. "Such ATMs have an individual menu, especially for paying fines. The first thing the payer sees on the screen is the button fines on transport. By clicking on it, the payer selects the Transport Organizer section, enters an identification number and pays," Andrey Stepanov said.

Payment of a fine at a bank branch

To pay off the fine debt at the bank, you need to bring a copy of the decision on an administrative offense or a receipt for payment. They contain the details required for payment. After paying off the debt, the specialist must give the client a bank receipt confirming the payment of the fine. It is best to keep this document in case of disputes.

What happens if you don't pay the fine on time?

Residents of the capital are given ten days to appeal the fine and another 60 days to pay it. If the “hare” does not pay the required amount, then a new one will be added to the already issued resolution, imposing a double fine on the violator. Thus, if a resident of the capital used someone else's social card and did not pay a fine for 70 days, then his debt will be not 2.5 but 7.5 thousand rubles, for ticketless travel - 3 thousand rubles.

To be on the list of people banned from traveling abroad, a resident of the capital must "accumulate" fines for more than 10 thousand rubles. Accordingly, the stowaway must delay payment of four or more fines for stowaways or two for the misuse of concession cards.

1. Is it possible to pay a fine of 50% for traveling in the metro on someone else's social network? map?

1.1. No 50% of the fine is paid in case of violation of the Rules of the road, and you have a different type of administrative offense.

2. Can they be deported for taking the subway on someone else's social network? map?. The fine has been paid.

2.1. Can they be deported for taking the subway on someone else's social network? map?. The fine has been paid.
for one administrative offense (of this kind) - no.

3. Today in the subway they issued a fine for traveling on someone else's social card, by mistake I took the wrong one from home, in the amount of 2500. The receipt contains only the amount, can I not pay the fine, there is no such possibility and what will happen in case of non-payment?

3.1. Hello, there will be enforcement proceedings against you and the bailiffs will collect 50% of your income every month as soon as you have money in your account.

3.2. Hello Victoria!
You may not pay. In this case, the fine will be sent to the bailiffs for enforcement.

I wish you good luck and all the best!

3.3. In case of non-payment within the established period, the amount of the fine may double from a certain period.
In addition, the real owner of the card can also be punished.

4. They issued a fine for traveling in the subway on someone else's social card for 2500, on the data of the old passport (which was lost), what will happen if it is not paid?

4.1. Hello!
Article 20.25. Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation Evasion from execution of administrative punishment

5. Penalty for traveling in the metro on someone else's social card, UIN current account and Resolution No.

5.1. Please ask a normal question. It's not entirely clear what you need to know.

5.2. What is your question?

6. What should I do if I have lost a receipt for paying an administrative fine for traveling in the metro using someone else's social card?

6.1. Contact the metro for a new receipt.

7. Fined in the subway for traveling on someone else's social card, you need to pay the fine before November 17th. I'm a student and don't want to pay. What are the possible consequences, besides doubling the fine, what is the probability that the fine will burn?
P.s. The receipt remains. When they wrote out the fine, they said that some kind of receipt would come by mail, it still hasn't arrived.
In general, I count on your help.

7.1. The probability is low. because the case will be handed over to the bailiffs and they will run after you for a very long time. in addition, there is a possibility of falling under administrative arrest under Article 20.25 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

7.2. Hello! if you do not pay the fine, then enforcement proceedings will be initiated against you by the bailiff department, and this is a plus to the principal amount of the fine, penalties, bailiff fees, etc. I recommend paying a fine in order to avoid red tape and high costs.

7.3. Do not pay immediately, you will have to pay later on the writ of execution. And that's just too much hassle. You will run after bailiffs for a long time. You will hang in debtors in the databases.

8. A fine of 2500 was issued for traveling in the subway using someone else's social card. What measures can be applied to me if I did not pay it due to the loss of the receipt? Thank you.

8.1. If you do not pay an administrative fine within 60 days, you may be held administratively liable under Art. 20.25 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

Article 20.25. Evasion of execution of administrative punishment

[Russian Code of Administrative Offenses] [Chapter 20] [Article 20.25]
1. Failure to pay an administrative fine within the period provided for by this Code -

shall entail the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of twice the amount of the unpaid administrative fine, but not less than one thousand roubles, or administrative arrest for a term of up to fifteen days, or compulsory labor for a term of up to fifty hours.

9. A fine of 2500 was issued for traveling on the subway using someone else's social card, the girl who wrote it out to me said that she was making concessions and would not withdraw it, but asked her to show it, she was confused and showed it, she wrote down her number and full name, she can block it without seizures and how can I restore it and will they charge a fine for this in addition to 2500? Can it be blocked without a withdrawal protocol by card number and that's all?

9.1. You've been asking the same question over and over again!

9.2. Without documents, no one will block it.

10. I was issued a fine of 2500 for traveling in the subway on someone else's social card, the card was not taken away, but its number was rewritten, can it be blocked and how to restore it? The girl who wrote out the fine said that she would make concessions to me and did not withdraw it, somewhere I heard that if the card is blocked, then it can no longer be restored, is that so?

10.1. No, you can restore.

11. I was issued a fine for traveling in the subway using someone else's social card, the card was not taken away, but its number was rewritten, can it be blocked and how to restore it? Thank you.

11.1. They can block, only the owner can restore.

11.2. They can certainly block it, but only the owner of this card can restore it.

Moskvich social card - how to drive safely on it when meeting with controllers.

Those who often use public transport in Moscow (GUP Mosgortrans and GUP Moscow Metro) definitely know that one of the ways to competently “bend” a blunt turnstile and get into the salon / station is to pass on a social card, quite often not one’s own. For example, it could be your grandmother's or another relative's SCM. I do not urge anyone to ride like that, but I do not dissuade. I don't give a damn how other passengers pay or don't pay fares. A large number of former hares who paid the fare this month will not in any way reduce the cost of buying me a travel card for the next month. Hares do not affect the level of travel of the rest. This is your business. In this topic, I want to raise a question on such a problem as the withdrawal of these cards by controllers. For far from all cases of finding someone else's social card in your pocket, and even an obvious passage through it, controllers can seize it and impose a higher fine (2500r instead of 1000r).

Let's see. According to the job description of the controller of passenger transport, it is clearly visible in what situation he can withdraw the card:
The controller is obliged: 3.14. Take from passengers presenting to the controller during the check on the correctness of fare payment, non-legitimate (fake) travel documents, including illegally used social cards of Muscovites (SCM), or social cards of residents of the Moscow Region, as well as student travel cards that do not belong to the persons who presented them for confirmation fact of fare payment.
It is clearly seen that the reason (right) for withdrawal can be one single situation:
The controller asks what the passenger has for the fare, and he himself takes it out and shows it as his ticket for the fare ... Well, EVERYTHING! All other withdrawal options are illegal!
If your card was withdrawn from you in any other situation, then you are just a stupid person and do not know your rights (I call such Vegetables). This means that you should never, under any circumstances, take a card out of your pocket, no matter how the controller requires it, no matter what threat, etc. Practice has shown that they will do almost anything to take away your relative's card, which you yourself can easily return. And as soon as you take out this card (present, it means) - that's it, the controller already has the right to withdraw. If you do not want your grandmother to have to run a lot on social security and spend nerves on restoring this card, you need to at least study your rights a little and take precautions if you are not using your social card. In many ways I will try to help you with this, but a lot will depend on you.

In what situations does the controller NOT have the right to confiscate someone else's social card?

The only situation in which he has the right to do so has already been sorted out. Now I give examples of the most frequent situations when they are not entitled to seize, but often try to do it. For your general literacy, my beloved passengers, whose rights I consider it my duty to protect for nothing. If you want to help, then you don’t have to thank me, but teach this knowledge to other passengers, because my goal is to make all passengers literate so that they can protect themselves from the arbitrariness of controllers and drivers. Which in the future will lead to friendly protection of each other in cases of attempted divorce by the controllers. After that, the fare payment system with filthy turnstiles and an inconvenient entrance through one door + bandits controllers will become flawed and die. Which in the future will lead to a change in fares to more convenient for passengers. Most likely it will be either an example of Tallinn (free travel with the introduction of a transport tax with equal opportunities), or the return of conductors. When you just sat down, and already during the movement they approached you and flew around (or showed you a travel card), and do not stand like a slave in line at the entrance to one door through the turnstile, which has not held back hares for a long time. Just do not confuse 2 different problems. When the conductor pushes and annoys everyone, the problem is not in him. The problem is that there is too little transport on the line, and there is an overabundance of passengers. Under normal workload, the conductor will not interfere with anyone. And in case of refusal to pay and get out, he can call the police (as well as the controller, without the right to delay the bus or push him out by force). Such is the paradox, the more rabbits there are now (with an inconvenient fare system), the better and more comfortable the journey will be in the future, and not vice versa. The more they pay for travel now, the faster the old comfortable rolling stock (Ikarus, comfortable different trolleybuses) changes to a new low-floor stuffy shit, with much fewer seats and standing places. Okay, I digress a little. In what situations the controller does NOT have the right to confiscate someone else's social card:
1) When a passenger presents his social card, not even charged in fact. Not someone else's cards, they have no right to withdraw under any circumstances absolutely.
-But, sometimes, they try to withdraw even in such situations.

2) When a passenger travels on someone else's card, but to the question of the controller "What is your fare" he answers "Nothing, I'm a hare." Even if the controller saw how this person passed on some kind of ticket, and did not crawl under the turnstile.
- The contents of the controller's pockets are not affected. The controller has the right to withdraw someone else's social card only in case of presentation. Everything, on this point. But, in such situations, they often try to threaten that it would be better to give the card. They can use force, do not release (directly grab with their hands, force the driver not to open the doors) and other violations.
3) When a passenger passes through a social card with the controller, without having time to remove it, he snatches it without asking.
- First, the controller should politely ask to show that the passenger has a fare. Present your ID if the passenger wants it, etc., and not immediately snatch tickets.
4) When a passenger says that there is no ticket, and the controller, without the consent of the passenger (which is also a violation), checks his pockets and bags with some kind of scanner that can show the presence of a social card in his pocket (which is proof of the presence of a social card, and not that that she is a stranger). After that, he begins to demand that she be returned, again using intimidation or force.
The use of other people's SCM by passengers is the result of shortcomings in the turnstile fare collection system. Another argument in favor of the fact that it is time to remove the turnstiles. There will be no turnstiles - there will be no those who use other people's cards. But, even if a passenger travels on someone else's card (commits an administrative offense), this does not give any right to commit controllers more serious violations against him by the controller!

How to REDUCE the likelihood of SCM withdrawal? Knowing this does not guarantee 100% success, but it will greatly help any passenger.

The passenger should better understand the rules for using public transport. Especially in the duties of a passenger, which he is. Here is an important point for us:
6. 2. The passenger is obliged:
6.2.4. Present for check ALL TYPES travel tickets, as well as documents for the right to free travel or incomplete payment of travel to the controller, conductor or other persons authorized to exercise control over the payment of travel and compliance with these Rules.

- And the term "present" according to Ozhegov's dictionary means: TO SHOW in confirmation of something. So, speaking in Russian, the passenger is obliged to SHOW the ticket to the controller, and that's it. And the phrase "ALL TYPES of travel tickets" - removes any questions regarding contactless types of tickets (smart cards, troikas, not other people's social cards, etc.). So, no one is obliged to give anything to the controller! And accusing the controller of stowaways in this case is not legitimate! Because LEGAL duty to SHOW the ticket - you have fulfilled. And you have no obligation to give a ticket in your hands. And according to the Code of Administrative Offenses (Article 1.5. Presumption of innocence):
1. A person shall be subject to administrative liability only for those administrative offenses in respect of which his guilt has been established.
4. Irremovable doubts about the guilt of a person brought to administrative responsibility shall be interpreted in favor of this person.

- and since ALL TYPES, then magnetic tickets, social cards - too. So, by showing the ticket from your hands, you fully fulfill your obligations to the controller. And his further doubts prove nothing. It is in the SDA that the driver of the car is obliged to hand over the documents for the car to the traffic police officer, and the passenger is obliged to present the ticket to the controller ... 2 different words, 2 different meanings, 2 different rules, 2 different duties.
- You should always use this nuance when traveling on any type of ticket, not only on the SCM. And, in particular, in questions about social cards - when honestly using your social card, or when using your own, but not charged card. So that the controller does not steal it from you, and to set an example for others.
Here is an explanation of why, in fact, the controller does not have the right to confiscate the card if you go through it with him, and tell him that you do not have a ticket. And when his scanner shows the presence of the card in your pocket. Yes, it's clear that you need to be careful and not go through someone else's social card with the controller. But situations are different. Anyone can make a mistake and not notice them.
It is worth starting with the fact that the phrase on the part of the controller “I saw how you passed something, let's get it here” is just a subjective opinion. Which absolutely does not prove that the card does not belong to the one who passed through it, even if this passenger refuses to present it for strange reasons, recognizing stowaways. Secondly, the contents of the pockets absolutely do not concern any controllers, it is none of their damn business what the passenger has in his pocket. If the passenger says that he does not have a ticket, the controller has the right only to ask for a passport to issue a fine of 1000 rubles for ticketless travel, which the passenger admits ( and then, the passenger is not required to present this passport and has the right to leave freely, incl. – with the use of force, if the controller is the first to use force and try to hold. But, you can read about this in my other posts or in the Vokntakte group dedicated to the problems of arbitrariness of controllers: There is only everything you need regarding social cards). But, the passenger is not obliged to show the contents of the pockets to the controller. From which there is a small conclusion that the controller is not able to establish that the passenger does not have his social card, even despite the fact that, allegedly, if he has a ticket, the passenger is recognized as having traveled without a ticket. Paradox, but such is Russia. Nothing objective, not contrary to the law - the controller can not oppose or do in this situation.
Further, when you, a person who understands your rights, refuse to show the contents of your pockets to the controller, various types of blackmail or threats may follow from him.
1) For example, they can check against a validator and record the details of a card that has recently been passed. And, after that, they will begin to threaten that they will block it if you do not give it back. Which, again, has no objective evidence that the card is someone else's. Numbers and figures. Where is the confirmation that the card is someone else's? This proves only the passage on some card, but does not prove that it is someone else's, and that it is she who is in your pocket. And, if they dare to block, then the owner can safely sue that his card was blocked when he was driving on it. But, 99.9%, that this is a scam, a means of intimidation, so that you would give the card yourself, thereby creating a situation in which the controller will already have the right to withdraw. Yes, and if everything was so simple, the cards would be blocked and that's it. But, this is not an option. Yes, and acquaintances said that they were so threatened, and then nothing happened. So don't fall for it. Similarly, data from the portable scanner of the controller, which he may unlawfully put on you.
2) Any other types of intimidation, in the style of “We will now call (go) to the police, and there the card will be confiscated anyway. So don't waste your time, give it away now." They can also spin something about a higher fine if it comes to the police. In general, these creatures will take advantage of any illiteracy on the part of the passenger, just to intimidate him and fulfill the norm. Only here is the most important thing - controllers miss. They have the right to call the police, but not to hold until she arrives. Those. They called - you rightfully left. Controllers are not the police or other security forces, and have no right to be held by force.
If attempts to intimidate you do not work, and you start to leave, then, most likely, the controllers will commit even more serious violations. They will try to keep you by force. This is either an illegal inducement to the violation and the driver, forcing him not to open the door to the exit. Either blocking the exit of your fat carcass, or direct use of force, grabbing with your hands (both in the cabin and at the bus stop). All this is illegal. The controller does not have the right to hold by force, the driver is obliged to open all exit doors at stops, the passenger has the right to freely go free at any stop, and is not obliged to remain with the controllers. Including, if required, the passenger has the right to use force in an adequate amount, if necessary, in accordance with Article 14 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation (Self-defense of civil rights). For example, if the driver does not let you out, you have the right to press the door by force and leave. Does not allow the controller to pass - you have the right to move him, grabs him with your hands (directly uses force) - you have the right to respond with force (push, hit your hands), and even with the use of improvised means in an adequate amount, if a verbal warning that the controller does not have the right to do this - it does not work. Those. you can stick a pen or keys in your hand, and use peppercorns (but not in the cabin if there are other passengers), etc. Only here the whole trouble is that such controllers allow themselves precisely against someone who physically cannot really defend himself. In this connection, for example, students are recommended to travel together from the institute to the metro, which will equalize the chances at least somewhere.
The use of portable scanners by controllers without the consent of passengers is illegal. But when the controllers have a numerical superiority, and there is only one passenger (more often a girl), they can scan these pockets with the use of force. Unpleasant - yes. But, in addition to your right to shove this scanner up their ass (figuratively speaking), you can use additional device so that this scanner does not detect the card in your pocket. This is useful if you are not particularly physically strong, and do not have the ability to legally prevent controllers from illegally scanning your pockets, and it simply will not be superfluous for any person. This tool is a cover for a social card made of foil. This idea was submitted by lovers of physics. According to them, such a cover will create shielding of the card, which will make it impossible to detect it by the scanner of the controller. They say that one layer of foil is enough, but 2-3 is better for reliability. On the one hand, leaving the opportunity to get it. Or just from foil, or wrap it on top with tape for strength. Well, or wrap a standard case with foil. You will have to get the card very often, it is better not to save on the reliability and durability of the case. Because in order to get into the salon, you will have to take the card out of the case every time, and the shielding due to the foil will not allow the validator to see the card either. In fact, the scanner of the controller acts in the same way as the validator at the turnstile, only several times weaker. As a result, you can check if there is enough foil - on the validator itself. And, if the validator does not see the card, then the scanner of the controller will not see it all the more.
The cover should be used by everyone who does not use their social card. How additional a precaution, so to speak. But, it is especially recommended to use it for all, not too physically strong passengers who ride, most often alone. Those. to all those who cannot legally stop the illegal detention by the controller by force. You won’t be able to leave by right when you want, this creature will only laugh angrily at your voicing that the controller has no right to hold you by force, and will shove its scanner into your pockets. And, if a card is found in your pocket, then his impudence will be even stronger. All the same, it will not stop illegally holding you until you give back the card, and a larger fine will be issued (2500r, instead of 1000r). And if the card is in a case, the controller's cattle will break off. The cover will not make excess weight. But as a precautionary measure - it does not hurt. Eat a couple of chocolate bars and reduce the fulfillment of the norm for the withdrawal of cards to arrogant controllers.

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