Chicken butt. Why does a chicken butt wart appear and how can it be removed? All the symptoms of a growing wart

Wearing tight, uncomfortable shoes is a risk factor for dry, bloody, wet blisters. The diversity of the problem does not end there. There are factors due to the influence of which chicken callus appears, how to treat this problem is known to a small number of people. Its appearance causes pain, discomfort, discomfort in a person. In 90% of cases, chicken corn is formed on the soles of the feet, 10% suggest the possibility of this problem on the hand. For treatment, modern surgical techniques, ointments, traditional medicine are used.

The appearance of this type of blister is accompanied by severe pain, physical discomfort. A benign formation is a small growth that has protruding, rough areas. The root of the formation is located deep in the skin, the rough processes become black.

The appearance of the zholka occurs in stages. The education process includes the following successive moments:

  1. The appearance of a small seal.
  2. The formation of corns of the usual size.
  3. The formation of additional growths, roughness.

Note! The appearance of this callus often indicates the presence of serious problems. A person, after noticing this problem, should contact a qualified specialist, because it is impossible to independently determine the cause of the formation of chicken zholki.

Causes and symptoms

What a chicken zholka looks like, each person had the opportunity to understand for himself. The next step in considering this issue will be the process of finding out the reasons that contribute to the emergence of benign education. Among them, experts note:

  • problems associated with poor quality shoes, incorrectly selected size;
  • significant weakening of the immune system;
  • the awakening of the papillomavirus that lives in the body of every person;
  • increased sweating, flat feet;
  • improper skin care, excessive dryness of the skin.

To clarify the cause of the formation of growth, a person needs to visit a dermatologist, immunologist, and take tests. First, it is necessary to treat the cause due to which the chicken zholka formed, and then deal with the removal of an unpleasant growth.

Be careful! Attempts to remove the growth on their own, to extract it somehow along with the root in 95% of 100% of the possible ones end up with infection of the wound. This leads to problems of particular complexity, which will have to be dealt with in a hospital setting.

The main symptoms of chicken zholka on the leg, arm, in children, adult women and men appear in the same way. During the period of emergence, growth of education, a person experiences the following:

  • significant discomfort in the affected area;
  • uneven structure of the skin;
  • the appearance of growing pain;
  • formation of black dots.

The top of the chicken zholka resembles the crater of a volcano. This manifestation does not accompany corns of other varieties. It is difficult to confuse with other formations, but some people mistake it for a wart.

Methods of treatment - traditional medicine, drugs, surgery

When asked how to treat chicken zholka, experts offer three possible answers:

  1. By surgical intervention, using modern technologies.
  2. Means of traditional medicine.
  3. Pharmaceutical preparations for external use, internal use.

Note! Each method has its own specific impact on the problem area. The productivity of a particular type of treatment depends on additional factors - the possibility of using the technique for a particular person, the initial conditions that led to the problem, the individual characteristics of the organism.

Methods of surgical impact on the problem

Modern medicine quickly and painlessly copes with chicken callus. Surgery is performed in one of the following ways:

  1. laser removal.
  2. Electrocoagulation.
  3. Cryodestruction.
  4. Removal by radio waves.

For the patient, the operation will be painless, its duration is calculated in minutes after laser removal, traces of corns are not noticeable at all. Cryotherapy is the effect on the chicken zholka with cold, electrocoagulation, removal by radio waves are accompanied by the presence of small scars.

Chicken callus treatment is done at home. For its gradual removal, wound healing after the formation has fallen off, a person can use ointments, medications intended for oral administration.

Be careful! Self-medication is not always helpful. You need to know how to properly apply ointments, which pills, how long to take. Only a doctor can help you figure this out.

To remove chicken zholki on the legs or arms, ointments are used that contain the following components:

  • acetylsalicylic acid;
  • nitric acid;
  • lactic acid.

The doctor, as an additional remedy, may prescribe an antiviral drug, the patient will be advised to use funds to increase immunity.

Traditional medicine - effective ways to deal with chicken corn

At home, it will take several days to get rid of a benign formation. Self-prepared medicines, if used correctly, will help to remove completely.


Vinegar treatment is a painful, unpleasant process. If you have to remove the corn in children, you should not use it, but for an adult, the following algorithm of actions is provided:

  • gently apply a few drops of table vinegar to the corn area, the skin around it does not need to be touched;
  • seal the problem area with a band-aid, leave it overnight;
  • remove the patch, repeat the procedure.

Such actions should be performed until the zholka completely falls off.

Note! To make the vinegar treatment more pleasant, a person can soak an onion in it, applying it to the affected area. The effect will be the same, but the strong pain will go away.


To make the unpleasant formation fall off faster, the victim can use aloe juice. It is not necessary to squeeze it out of the leaf; it will be more convenient for a person to apply a cut scarlet leaf to a person. The sheet must be fixed, the procedure is done at night. The duration of the course depends on the size of the problem.

Treatment with celandine and potato juice is done as follows:

  • squeeze juice from potatoes, drip on the wound, leave overnight;
  • the next day, perform such actions with celandine;
  • alternate these two methods until the problem disappears.

It will take several days to cure a chicken zholka with such folk remedies, but if it is not possible to turn to specialists, such treatment will be the best way to get rid of the problem.

It is important! Before each procedure, it is worth steaming the diseased area. Soda baths help with this. It is enough to put 2-3 tablespoons of soda in warm water, hold your feet in it for 20 minutes, wipe it dry.

For children, so that they do not feel severe pain during the procedure, it is worth using a green apple and a banana peel. Both ingredients must be applied to the neoplasm, well fixed.

Preventive measures

Since chicken callus removal requires a time resource or cost, it is better for people to avoid this problem. Everyone can protect themselves from the formation of zholki in this way:

  1. Eat foods that boost immunity.
  2. Properly monitor the skin, moisturize it in a timely manner.
  3. Wear only comfortable shoes.
  4. Constantly monitor your overall health.

A number of such simple measures is a guarantee that there will be no chicken corns on the arms and legs. It is worth constantly monitoring your own appearance, health, well-being, eating right, choosing comfortable shoes. In case of a problem, you need to consult a doctor, then deal with the removal of the problem, the elimination of the consequences that it entailed.

"Chicken Butt"(also called "Chicken butt" or "chicken ass"), which is also called, is one of the most painful skin neoplasms.

It is located on the sole, and responds with a sharp pain every time you step on it, turning ordinary walking into real torture.

We read about the callus "chicken zholka", photos and how to treat in our article.

Is it a corn or a wart?

Often "chicken ass" called corn.

From the point of view of medical science, this name is erroneous, since they are formed as a result of mechanical influences - friction or pressure, and "chicken ass" is benign neoplasm.

What does it look like?

The wart looks like a small growth similar to a cauliflower plant due to the numerous horny scales sticking out in all directions. characteristic feature- black dots over the entire surface of the warts, which make it easy to identify this type of neoplasm.

The shape of the wart is round, sometimes around it. Above the level of the skin, it is raised by a few millimeters.

A photo

What does "Chicken zholka" corn look like? Photo of a wart on the legs and its structure.

Symptoms and Diagnosis

The growth of the wart begins with a small nodule, which is rapidly overgrown with a layer of dry keratinized cells. As the nodule grows, it hardens and acquires a yellow-gray color.

main symptom, in addition to a small tumor, is pain with mechanical pressure.

For a full diagnosis of appearance and pain is not enough: a comprehensive study is needed. In this case, dermoscopy is performed, in which the top layer of keratinized skin is removed, and the presence of clogged capillaries is visually determined. It is these capillaries, which form a characteristic pattern, that make it possible to distinguish a wart from a common callus.

Then the analysis is carried out on human papillomavirus (HPV), which is the causative agent of this disease.

Is it dangerous?

For life plantar wart not dangerous and even if left untreated, it can go away on its own. But the “chicken ass” is painful and not very aesthetic, so sooner or later it will have to be removed, and when large warts are removed, the likelihood of infection increases. That's why treat plantar wart better early stage X.

Reasons for education

The reason for the formation of "chicken ass" is the human papillomavirus, which is found in 60% of the world's population, but does not manifest itself in most of the infected.

Only under certain conditions, the virus is able to begin to actively multiply and cause the growth of neoplasms.

These ones terms:

  • Weakened immunity
  • Individual susceptibility to the virus
  • sweating
  • tight shoes
  • The presence of microtrauma of the skin
  • Chronic diseases (diabetes mellitus, atherosclerosis and others).

You can become infected with the virus through microtraumas and skin cuts, so people whose lifestyle is associated with the risk of such injuries are most often infected. These are builders, workers of fish and meat processing plants, lovers of often shaving their legs, etc.

papilloma virus in fact not alone, and today 43 species are known, united in 5 genera. Moreover, these 43 species are divided into 170 types, sometimes by analogy with bacteria called strains, some of which are harmless, others cause various neoplasms. Plantar warts are caused by virus types 1, 2, and 4.

Important! Some types of HPV can cause cancer. For example, squamous cell carcinoma of the cervix does not occur at all in women who are not infected with the virus.

Questions arise, if there are so many types and types of viruses of the occurrence of "Chicken corn" corn, how to treat it then? What methods and means exist for the treatment of "chicken zholki" corns? How to treat folk remedies?

Medical methods of removal and treatment procedure

The wart hurts, bleeds, increases rapidly, how and how to treat chicken corn?

You need to get rid of it. To do this quickly and safely, there is several ways:

  • Cryodestruction (freezing with liquid nitrogen followed by removal).
  • Burning out with a laser (the capillaries are cauterized by the beam, and left without power, the wart dies).
  • Electrocoagulation (cutting with a special scalpel, which is under alternating current).
  • Surgical removal under local anesthesia.

- a good way to remove young warts. Liquid nitrogen has a temperature of -196 degrees Celsius applied to the surface of the skin with a layer of up to 2 mm and destroys the affected area along with viruses. Usually the wart is frozen until a whitish halo appears around, but there is also an aggressive treatment method when the wart is frozen up to 20 seconds after the halo appears.

The frozen wart is removed, and a bubble with liquid forms in its place. In order not to bring the infection, it can not be opened. Instead, the skin area is lubricated with salicylic alcohol and bandaged. Until complete healing, dressing and treatment with salicylic alcohol should be repeated 2 times a day.

The disadvantage of this method- low efficiency in the fight against old warts (if the wart is more than six months old, cryodestruction allows you to remove no more than 40% of the affected cells).

Allows layer by layer to cauterize the affected cells, simultaneously cauterizing the blood vessels, which prevents bleeding and does not interrupt the blood supply to the wart. The most efficient is the dye laser with a wavelength of 586 nm. It not only destroys capillaries as efficiently as possible, but also stimulates the immune system. At one time, in this way, you can destroy up to 95% of the wart.

Electrocoagulation is based on the surgical removal of the wart with accompanying cauterization of the resulting wound. A current of precisely calculated frequency passes through the scalpel, due to which the blade heats up to 80 degrees. This temperature allows you to cauterize the wound immediately, preventing bleeding, but preventing burns. A scab is formed from dead cells, which then falls off painlessly.

Removal with a scalpel under local anesthesia is traumatic and risky, because associated with the possibility of infection. In addition, a scar is formed at the site of the wound after its overgrowth. These shortcomings have made surgical removal unpopular. It is used only when removing large warts, against which other methods are ineffective.

After wart removal the resulting wound is washed 2 times a day until complete healing with 2% salicylic alcohol or a strong solution of potassium permanganate. This should be done until complete healing, while protecting the wound from contamination and getting wet.

You can see more clearly what the removal of a plantar wart looks like in the video:

Important! To get rid of the recurrence of warts, take care of strengthening the immune system. An effective remedy for these purposes is echinacea tincture.

And how to remove chicken corn at home? What to treat?

Plasters and ointments

Therapeutic ointments and patches against the "chicken ass" are used only when it appeared on the leg or on the arm not so long ago and still does not cause much discomfort.

The most effective are ointments based on salicylic acid, which contribute to the destruction of excess keratin (this is the protein that makes up the horny scales), and have anti-inflammatory properties. Salicylic ointment applied 3 times a day until the complete destruction of the wart (3-4 weeks).

To eliminate the cause of the disease, use 3% oxolinic ointment. It prevents the reproduction of HPV. It is advisable to use this ointment at night, after steaming your legs in hot water.

Very effective skin ointment against neoplasms Stefalin, which, like salicylic acid, eliminates the external manifestations of the disease, but does not fight the virus.

Plasters from warts are made on the basis of the same salicylic acid and are effective only against external manifestations. The therapeutic plaster is simply glued onto the wart, fixing it with a regular plaster on top. The patch has little active ingredient, so it needs to be changed every 12 hours. The course of treatment is 2 weeks.

Carefully! Means based on salicylic acid are contraindicated in children under three years of age, persons with renal insufficiency and hypersensitivity to this substance.

How to get rid of folk remedies

"Chicken zholka" callus appeared, how to treat with folk remedies?

There are also means of how to get rid of chicken corns at home with the help of folk remedies.

The most famous folk remedy was and remains. The highest concentration of medicinal substances is contained in the lower branches adjacent to the root of the plant. During the growing season, you can use this plant 2-3 times a day until the wart disappears completely.

Can be prepared from celandine and extract. To do this, juice is squeezed out of the aerial parts of the plant, which is settled for 2-3 days, diluted with vodka in an amount of 2: 1. If you use Vaseline instead of vodka, you get a healing ointment.

Another folk recipe - plum pulp. To prepare it, a saline solution is prepared - dissolve a tablespoon of table salt in 100 ml of warm water, then add a tablespoon of vinegar. The pulp of a ripe plum is lowered into this solution, and infused for two hours. Then the plum is crushed, turning into a pulp, and applied to the wart. A plum compress is placed for three hours once a day.

lemon peel from two lemons infused in 100 ml of table vinegar for seven days in a closed container. Once or twice a day, the container should be shaken, and when the infusion is ready, strain it. Warts are lubricated with this solution 2-3 times a day.

Attention!Celandine is a poisonous plant, accidental ingestion of its extract may cause poisoning!

You can learn about other folk remedies for how to cure chicken callus on your leg by watching the video:


To prevent infection with the papillomavirus, it is enough to follow the elementary hygiene rules:

For those who already contracted HPV should pay attention to the health of the immune system. For this, immunomodulators, natural remedies based on echinacea, St. John's wort, etc. are used. Also, the immune system is strengthened by interferons, which are found in chicken broth, caffeine, the sources of which are coffee and tea, vitamin C.

Thus, the wart "chicken zholka" - harmless neoplasm caused by certain types of human papillomavirus. The virus is transmitted by direct contact and the presence of skin lesions, neoplasms occur when the immune system is weakened.

Surgical removal, cryosurgery and laser therapy are used to treat this type of wart. Each of the methods has its pros and cons.

Spikes and plantar growths are popularly called "chicken ass". Today it is one of the most common neoplasms of viral origin. It refers to benign, but a small risk of malignancy still exists. To the greatest extent, this applies to warts that appear on the legs as a result of their rubbing during movement.

Classification unit

Often this neoplasm is called a corn. However, this approach is not entirely correct, since the causes of their occurrence are external factors. Warts are caused by conditions within the body. Therefore, "chicken asshole" should be one of them.


Most often formed "chicken buttocks" on the leg. They may appear on:

  • heel;
  • sole;
  • fingers;
  • between them.

The chicken butt between the toes is like a dry corn. This is due to the fact that from above it is covered with a stratum corneum, consisting of dead cells of the dermis. The wart does not have a “leg”, and its roots go deep inside, so it is quite difficult to remove it.

With careful steaming of the foot and removal of the stratum corneum, dark blotches can be seen, which are clotted capillaries. On top is a small part of the "chicken ass". Basically, its mass is made up of roots, which can be several times larger than the “top”.

A distinctive feature, in comparison with other types of warts, is that this neoplasm has black dots on the surface. In addition, it has the shape of a circle, which is slightly raised above the surface of the skin.

The reasons

The main cause of this trouble is infection with the human papillomavirus (HPV). The main way of its penetration into the body is contact-household. The following conditions contribute to infection:

  • violation of hygiene rules (going to the pool without rubber slates, trying on shoes without socks, using someone else's bath accessories, wearing shoes belonging to other people);
  • close contact with a carrier of the virus.

The following causes of "chicken ass" are related:

  • existing chronic diseases (varicose veins, atherosclerosis, diabetes mellitus);
  • microcracks and wounds on the epidermis;
  • wearing uncomfortable and tight shoes;
  • deformity of the foot, resulting in the development of flat feet, curvature of the toes, protrusion of the bone;
  • insufficient limb hygiene;
  • the epidermis is dry and cracking;
  • sweating of the limbs.

HPV does not manifest itself for a long period, which is called the incubation period. It is in a dormant state until the human immune system is weakened.


The “chicken ass” wart does not form immediately, but over a certain period of time in several stages:

  • a smooth spot appears;
  • scales form on it;
  • a dense knot is formed, having a spherical shape, with a keratinized surface and clear boundaries;
  • The growth grows further, up to a diameter of about 2 cm.

In the presence of a "chicken ass" on the leg, after its formation, painful sensations appear when making movements with the lower limbs. As the neoplasm grows, the roots begin to compress the nerve endings, which leads to painful syndromes when walking. If no action is taken, the pain will constantly increase, which will make a disabled person out of a full-fledged person who will not be able to move independently.


After such a neoplasm appears on the body or hands, you need to contact a specialist. Which doctor should I contact with "chicken ass"? Since this is a skin disease, you need to visit, first of all, a dermatologist. He will prescribe special tests:

  • blood test for HPV;
  • dermatoscopy (scraping, which is made from the top layer of the wart and studied under a microscope using special reagents).

In addition, the doctor will examine the neoplasm visually.

wart danger

As noted above, occasionally it can turn into a malignant neoplasm. The following factors contribute to this:

  • her injury;
  • attempt to cut with a knife;
  • constant chafing with shoes.

To prevent this process, it is necessary to identify and cure this problem in time.

Treatment Methods

Any neoplasms caused by HPV require the use of complex measures. This provides for the passage of special procedures, the use of antiviral agents in order to get rid of the growth, strengthening the immune system.

The neoplasm can be removed with the help of surgery, which is performed in the following ways.

Depending on the capabilities of the clinic, the patient, the state of the body of the latter, the doctor will offer to choose one or another method of removing the wart. It should be borne in mind that laser and cryoscopy contribute to cauterization of neighboring tissues, which helps to prevent their suppuration and inflammation.

Medical therapy

The drugs used to treat HPV contain aggressive acids and alkalis, so to prevent chemical burns around the wart, stick a band-aid or apply a greasy layer of cream.

The main means for the destruction of infection at the cellular level are the following:

  • "Acyclovir";
  • "Imiquimod".

In addition, creams, solutions, ointments, patches are used to remove growths:

  • "Salipod";
  • "Lapid pencil";
  • "Ferezol";
  • "Super Cleaner";
  • "Verrukacid".

Special plasters or ointments based on salicylic acid can also be used, which eliminates the external manifestations of the wart.

For faster penetration of the active substance and destruction of the root, before using any drug, it is better to steam the damaged area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe epidermis in a hot bath, in which soda and sea salt are added.

Immunomodulators are used to produce interferons in the body. With their help, the risk of relapse is reduced.

The most used remedy in the fight against HPV is celandine. Its name is borrowed from the name of the chemical preparation mentioned earlier, however, it is not included in the composition of celandine.

Treatment of "chicken asshole" with folk remedies with the help of this representative of the flora (otherwise called the warthog) is effective when used in the flowering phase (early May - late June). If this period is missed, you will have to purchase the plant extract in pharmacies. With its juice or a small amount of extract, the wart is treated 2-3 times a day until it disappears completely. On average, the duration of the course is 3-4 weeks.

You can also use crushed garlic in the fight against HPV. To do this, the clove is cleaned, chopped with a knife or on a grater (you can use a garlic press). The product is placed on parchment or cling film and applied to the area of ​​the skin that is damaged - it must be pre-steamed. For a better effect, you need to leave the compress until the morning, so it is fixed with a plaster or bandage. The full course lasts 2-3 weeks, after which the wart disappears.

In addition, table vinegar can be applied to the damaged area in the amount of a few drops, avoiding its contact with healthy epidermal areas. The course lasts for 2-3 weeks when applied three times a day.

This disease is also cured with the help of propolis, for which it is carefully kneaded and the neoplasm is covered. Fix with adhesive tape and wear without removing for two weeks. If a bath is taken, then this piece should be replaced with a new one. After two weeks, the cake is removed, the top layer of the wart is cleaned, a piece of propolis is again applied for another two weeks. The full course of treatment is 1-2 months.

You can also use a decoction of spruce branches. In this case, they are preliminarily cut into pieces about 15 cm long, poured with water, boiled for 5 minutes and cooled. Baths are made every other day with the help of this decoction. After a week, pain will begin to disappear, but a complete cure is possible only after 1.5-2 months.

An infusion of lemon peel is also used. To prepare it, the peel, removed from two lemons, is infused in 0.5 cups of 70% vinegar essence. Infusion occurs within a week with periodic shaking. The resulting infusion lubricates neoplasms 2-3 times a day until they are completely destroyed.

Warts can be lubricated with dandelion juice officinalis, milkweed. It is applied to neoplasms 4-5 times a day. You can also apply a slurry of Kalanchoe leaves, with a daily change of dressings for a week.

Another recipe: the onion is placed in a glass of vinegar, kept for 2 hours, after which it is applied to the wart and fixed overnight. In addition, lubrication or application of compresses made from infusion or decoction of bitter wormwood is used. You can also use rubbing the neoplasm with sour varieties of apples 3-4 times a day.


As with any other virus that has entered the human body, it will not be possible to completely get rid of HPV. However, it is quite possible to avoid defects on the epidermis. It's easier than later thinking about how to display a "chicken ass".

To do this, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  • the skin needs to be moisturized with nourishing creams;
  • shoes should be purchased and worn only suitable for a particular person;
  • try it on at any outlet only in socks;
  • do not use other people's hygiene products;
  • maintain hygiene of the whole body, especially the extremities.


"Chicken butt" is the common name for a wart that is characterized by being raised above the skin, with dark inclusions. It is benign in nature, but with constant rubbing with uncomfortable shoes (when located on the foot), it can degenerate into a malignant one. Therefore, it is necessary to consult a doctor in a timely manner to eliminate the disease. There are surgical, conservative and folk methods of treatment. The surgical method performed with a scalpel has recently been resorted to quite rarely.

A wart that appears on the body becomes the cause of not only aesthetic, but also medical. This is due to the frequent unintentional injury of neoplasms. In addition to being unsightly in appearance, such growths can be hazardous to health.

Plantar outgrowths or spines are popularly called chicken assholes. This is one of the most common varieties of neoplasms of viral etymology. The chicken ass on the leg is a benign formation with a low risk of malignancy. However, rubbing with shoes can lead to the transformation of growth cells into an oncological neoplasm.


Most often, wart growths appear on the lower extremities: on the toes, between them, on the sole or heel. At first, a yellowish smooth spot appears on the foot, which eventually becomes covered with scales and becomes brown. Often, a chicken butt between the toes is mistaken for a dry callus. This is due to the keratinized top layer covering the wart. It consists of dead cells of the upper layer of the epithelium - the dermis. The chicken ass has no “legs”, its roots grow in depth, so it is rather difficult to remove such a growth.

If you carefully steam the foot and use a pumice stone or a foot file to remove the keratinized top layer of the wart, dark blotches become noticeable. These are clotted small vessels - capillaries.

Chicken wart resembles an iceberg. The part located on the surface makes up a small fraction of the entire neoplasm. Most of the roots grow in depth and can exceed the size of the "top" several times.


The main reason for the appearance of any wart is infection with papillomavirus (HPV). The main route of infection is contact-household. HPV infection can occur:

  • In close contact with its carrier;
  • Due to violation of hygiene rules (wearing someone else's shoes, trying on without a sock, using someone else's bath accessories, visiting the pool without rubber slates).

Increase the risk of infection:

  • sweaty feet;
  • Dry cracked skin of the feet;
  • Lack of foot hygiene;
  • Deformity of the foot (the appearance of a bone, curvature of the fingers, especially the little finger, flat feet);
  • Wearing tight, small or uncomfortable shoes;
  • Wounds or microcracks on the skin of the foot;
  • Concomitant chronic diseases (diabetes mellitus, atherosclerosis, varicose veins).

A distinctive feature of HPV is a long incubation period. As long as the human body is able to give an immune response to the attack of the virus, HPV is in "hibernation". Its activation is facilitated by the weakening of the immune defense or its switching to another "enemy".

Therefore, the appearance of chicken growths is an alarming bell! This is a signal of a weakened immune system.


The formation of a chicken butt goes through a number of stages:

Discomfort, and then pain, is associated with the location and deep roots of chicken growths. Growing, the roots of the wart compress the nerve endings. This leads to pain when walking. Over time, the pain syndrome intensifies, turning a person into a disabled person, unable to move independently.

How to establish a diagnosis

The appearance of a neoplasm on any part of the body requires a mandatory visit to a specialist. Contacting a medical institution is the key to an accurate diagnosis, timely correct appointment, as well as a prerequisite for quick and effective treatment.

Diagnosis of wart neoplasms includes:

  • Visual inspection of the wart;
  • Dermoscopy (scraping of the upper layer of the growth);
  • Blood test for the presence of papillomavirus.

The danger of a chicken wart on the leg

Papillomavirus strains that cause the appearance of plantar outgrowths are not oncogenic. However, the risk of malignancy of the neoplasm remains. The transformation of the growth from benign to oncological can occur due to:

  • Constant rubbing of corns with shoes;
  • An unsuccessful attempt to get rid of the formation by cutting it off with a knife;
  • Unintentional injury to the wart.

To prevent the process of degeneration of the neoplasm into a cancerous tumor, the wart should be removed as soon as possible.

How to cure chicken corn

Therapy of chicken warts, as well as other types of neoplasms caused by papillomavirus, is a complex event. It includes getting rid of the build-up, taking antiviral drugs and strengthening the immune system.

It is best to have a doctor prescribe a treatment regimen. He will confirm the diagnosis, prescribe the most appropriate drugs, taking into account the course of the disease, a history of chronic diseases, allergic reactions and other physiological characteristics of the patient.

You can try to cure the chicken ass on your own, using pharmaceutical preparations or folk remedies. But you should be patient, such treatment is usually long and less effective than the radical methods of traditional medicine. You should not do home treatment of warts in children or people suffering from chronic diseases such as diabetes. atherosclerosis or varicose veins.

Specialized clinics

The easiest way to cure a chicken wart is to contact a medical center. Qualified doctors can quickly and painlessly remove unwanted growth using one of the radical methods:

  • Laser destruction. One of the most effective methods of getting rid of chicken growths. The laser beam, pointwise acting on the neoplasm, evaporates its tissue layer by layer. The remaining small recess is tightened on its own within seven to ten days;
  • radio wave removal. The latest non-contact method of influencing the build-up, using radio waves of various frequencies. The advantage of the method in preventing the spread of HPV, due to capillary coagulation, and the absence of the risk of developing a secondary infection;
  • Cryodestruction. It is possible to treat chicken callus not only by cauterization, but also by freezing its tissues. Liquid nitrogen, cooled to minimum temperatures, leads to necrosis of the wart tissue. The skin first turns white, then reddens. A bubble forms at the site of the removed growth, which resolves on its own within a week. The disadvantage of the method is the inability to estimate the depth of nitrogen exposure. Therefore, several procedures may be required to achieve the result;
  • Electrocoagulation. Burning out of a neoplasm with a high-frequency current closed in a loop. Dried blood and lymph form a natural bandage over the wound, protecting it from the ingress of pathogens. Not suitable for old formations with deep roots;
  • Surgery. The surgeon removes the growth with a scalpel. The technique is recommended only for large neoplasms or in case of suspected malignancy. The most traumatic procedure requiring the use of local anesthesia. A scar remains in place of the excised growth.

Which way to remove warts to choose, the doctor will advise, taking into account the characteristics of the body, the wishes and financial capabilities of the patient.

Medical therapy

For adherents of conservative treatment, pharmaceutical companies offer a wide range of medications. You can buy them at any pharmacy without a prescription. However, given that such preparations contain aggressive alkalis or acids, it is better to consult a doctor before use.

Principles for the use of medications:

  • Comprehensive treatment is the key to success. Therapy that combines the removal of growths with the use of antiviral and immunostimulating drugs is the fastest way to get rid of them forever;
  • Strict adherence to the instructions drawn up by the manufacturer will save you from undesirable consequences;
  • A greasy cream or adhesive plaster will help protect the healthy skin around the wart from chemical burns.

The basis of drug therapy are antiviral drugs: Acyclovir, Imiquimod. The destruction of HPV at the cellular level in most cases leads to the disappearance of warts.

If the growths remain, you can remove them at home with the help of medicines. They are available in the form of an ointment, solution, cream or patch. The most successful are:

  • Verrukacid;
  • Super cleaner;
  • Ferezol;
  • Lapis pencil;
  • Salipod.

To enhance the effect before using these drugs, it is recommended to steam the damaged area of ​​the skin in a hot bath with sea salt and soda. So the active substance will quickly get into the focus of infection, remove not only the surface layer, but also the root of the chicken ass.

Immunomodulators - Imiquimod, Viferon contribute to the production of their own interferon. This substance is produced by the body of a healthy person in response to a viral attack. They accelerate the destruction of papillomavirus cells and strengthen the body's defenses, reducing the risk of recurrence of neoplasms.

Folk remedies

You can bring out a chicken ass with the help of recipes from healers from the people. Perhaps some of them will not inspire confidence in you, but their effectiveness is confirmed by the reviews of patients who have tried the treatment on themselves. Harmlessness, accessibility, the ability to carry out treatment without leaving home are the main advantages of therapy with the help of folk remedies.


The cauterizing properties of this plant gave it a second, popular name - the warthog. Juice from the stem of plucked celandine is an excellent remedy for getting rid of chicken assholes. But such treatment will be effective only during the flowering period of the plant: from the beginning of May to the end of June. In another period, you can buy Mountain celandine at the pharmacy, containing an extract of a medicinal herb.

A small amount of juice or extract of celandine is treated with a neoplasm two to three times a day until it disappears completely. The average course of treatment is three to four weeks.


If you get the flu or a cold, eat more garlic. If garlic copes with such viral infections, it can be used against HPV as well.

To do this, the peeled clove of garlic is crushed with a garlic press, grater or knife. The resulting slurry is spread on cling film or parchment. The resulting compress is wrapped in a pre-steamed affected area of ​​the skin, fixed with a bandage or plaster. Leave until the morning. Repeat the manipulation for two to three weeks until the growth completely disappears.


Such a household remedy as vinegar can be found in the kitchen of any housewife. To remove plantar growths, you only need a few drops of ordinary table vinegar. Gently apply vinegar to the neoplasm, avoiding contact with healthy skin. Repeat three times a day for two to three weeks.


Take a small piece of propolis and knead. Cover the wart with the resulting mass. Fix with adhesive tape. A propolis compress should be worn without removing it for two weeks. After taking a bath, replace with a new one. After two weeks, remove the propolis cake, clean the top layer of the neoplasm and apply a new compress.

Usually, three to four procedures will be required to completely get rid of a chicken ass. And the course of treatment will take from one to two months.

Relapse prevention

It will not be possible to completely cure the papillomavirus, but it is possible to avoid the recurrence of defects on the skin.

For this you need:

  • Maintain foot hygiene
  • Do not use other people's hygiene products;
  • Try on shoes in a sock;
  • Wear comfortable leather shoes;
  • Moisturize the skin of the feet with a nourishing cream.

These simple measures will protect your legs from repeated manifestations of papillomavirus, and chicken warts will forever remain in the past.

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A person entering the body through small cracks or cuts in the skin of the feet can cause plantar warts. This is a benign formation, popularly known as "chicken ass". How to treat this problem and whether something needs to be done at all, we will find out below. However, people should know that thorns (this is another name for the disease) is a benign formation that mainly affects the soles of the feet. For the most part, such warts do not pose a serious threat, but if they cause discomfort, then they should be disposed of. What methods to do this, read in the article.


Before understanding the diagnosis of "chicken ass", how to treat the disease, you need to understand the factors of its appearance. So, the cause of the plantar wart is the infection of a person with a virus. And it can be picked up in common areas (bath, sauna, swimming pool) with insufficient observance of the rules of personal hygiene.

Why such a name - "chicken ass"?

Among the people, this name of the plantar wart is not accidental: it was precisely because of the appearance that people began to call it that. In medicine, this disease has a different name - "spike". "Chicken ass" is yellow, inside it is a small papilla, from which vertical formations appear. Outwardly, it looks like the anus of a chicken, hence the name.

Spines mainly appear on the feet and toes, on the fingers, and also on the eyelids (rarely).

Is it necessary to get rid of warts?

Often "chicken butt" goes away on its own without treatment at an early stage. This happens if a person has a good, strong immune system. Then the body suppresses the virus, and at the same time the skin heals. Self-healing can last from 2 weeks to 1.5 years.

However, the thorn may not always go away on its own. If the immune system is weakened, then the virus can feel great in the human body, and then the “chicken ass” can manifest itself. A plantar wart should be treated in such cases:

If it hurts a lot;

interferes with walking;

Rapidly increases in size;

If child growths are already beginning to appear nearby.

Ways to get rid of neoplasm

"Chicken ass", the treatment of which is both traditional and non-traditional, is subject to elimination using the following methods:

Chemical elimination methods at home

How to get rid of the "chicken ass" without torturing yourself with trips to the hospital? To do this, you can use the chemical method of removing the wart, due to which the neoplasm is destroyed by caustic substances. Since the altered skin of the “chicken ass” is rough, it can be subjected to aggressive influences. For this, various ointments are used, for example, salicylic, oxolinic, and also camphor alcohol. A bandage is applied to the affected area. This treatment is longer than other methods of eliminating the formation, but it is safe and also painless. After some time, the "chicken ass" on the finger or on the heel disappears by itself.

An equally effective remedy is the Ferezol solution for warts. It remarkably cauterizes the neoplasm, and also has an excellent bactericidal property. When treating with the Ferezol solution, the warts on the soles of the feet are first thoroughly steamed, then the growth is lubricated without stopping for an hour. Then you don’t need to put anything on the foot, the affected area should dry in the air. Usually, treatment with Ferezol ends after the fifth procedure.

Surgical removal

"Chicken ass" can be quickly eliminated with a scalpel. The operation itself is simple, but after it a relapse is possible, since parts of the wart tissue still remain. Also, another unpleasant moment after surgery is the formation of scars.

Removal with liquid nitrogen

"Chicken ass" on the leg can also be removed by cryodestruction. This means that the wart is pre-frozen, after which it turns white, and after a few days it disappears by itself. The main advantage of removing a neoplasm with liquid nitrogen is that no scars and scars remain after the procedure. However, this method, unlike others, is better not to use in relation to people with a weakened immune system. The fact is that under the influence of cold, blisters can form on the body, and during those few days until the “chicken ass” is rejected, an infection can penetrate through these water bubbles.

Getting rid of the plantar wart by electrocoagulation

In this case, the neoplasm is cauterized using a special electrical device. This procedure is done under local anesthesia. After some time after electrocoagulation, the sore spot turns black, but heals quickly enough. The plantar wart in this case is removed along with the root, but a small scar may still remain.

Laser elimination

This is the youngest method of getting rid of the "chicken ass". The doctor burns the plantar wart in layers with a laser, and this leads to rapid healing of the foot. This method has an advantage: it allows you to control the depth of removal. However, as with other methods of physical destruction of such a formation, it can leave scars. But do not worry, because plantar warts are not in prominent places.

Non-traditional methods of treatment

How to remove the "chicken ass" without involving medical personnel? You can try to get rid of it at home. There are many methods to eliminate this formation, but the most common are the following:

  1. Garlic therapy.
  2. Celandine treatment.
  3. Prayers and conspiracies.
  4. Acetic acid.

Treatment of plantar warts with garlic

Everyone knows that this plant kills viruses, and some people are even sure that it can also eliminate the papilloma virus in the human body. The recipe for getting rid of thorns is as follows:

Treatment of spikes with celandine

The juice of this plant also kills the papilloma virus. For the proper effect, you need to lubricate the affected area on the leg with celandine juice twice a day. You can, by the way, cut the spike a little. If there is no celandine, then you can replace it with milkweed or dandelion. The juices of these plants also promote healing. If you still want to try to get rid of the growth with the help of celandine, but it is nowhere to be found, then you can buy it at a pharmacy.

Prayers and conspiracies

Some people resort to this method of eliminating warts. Patients are even sure that it is the petitions to God that help get rid of the “chicken ass”. There are special prayers for plantar warts. But in general, the clergy say that it does not matter what the words in the petition will be. The most important thing is that the prayer comes from the heart, and not just a set of words, a recitative. Since only a sincere petition to God can cure not only plantar warts, but also any other ailment.

Removing a spike with acetic acid

Often people use such a liquid with a pungent odor. Once a day, you need to apply a drop on the spine. The duration of treatment is usually 5-7 days. But with acetic acid, you need to be extremely careful, even though the skin on the foot is rough, but it can still suffer. Therefore, it is better to seal the skin around the wart with a band-aid, leaving only the window with the growth itself. For the convenience of using the acid, it must be poured onto a small napkin or cotton sponge, which should then be applied to the spike. You need to seal the whole thing with a bactericidal plaster.


How to cure a "chicken ass", or a spike in a scientific way, you now know, but now we'll find out how to prevent this disease from appearing. So, so that the plantar wart does not overshadow your life, you need to follow these rules:

  1. Wear shoes that fit.
  2. Treat excessive sweating of the feet in time, since a moist environment for the papilloma virus is ideal.
  3. Timely treat various cuts, injuries, scratches on the legs and feet.
  4. Lead a healthy lifestyle: exercise, eat right, sleep at least 8 hours a day, do not drink alcohol, and do not smoke. All these activities will help increase immunity, and if the body is strong, then it will be able to cope with any ailment. And the papillomavirus will be nothing to him.

Now you know what a “chicken ass” is, where such a name came from and how differently you can call this ailment. We have identified ways to get rid of this build-up, as well as in which cases it is not necessary to remove it. Medical methods for eliminating a plantar wart are surgery, laser therapy, electrocoagulation, and the use of liquid nitrogen. Also, some people turn to non-traditional methods of treatment: prayers, the use of garlic, celandine, acetic acid. However, the result of such treatment has not been proven, so if you have a plantar wart on your foot, it is better to first go to the doctor so that he will prescribe the appropriate therapy.

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