Vaccination of dogs, complex vaccinations and their cost. Vaccination of dogs. Types of vaccines, rules for conducting

In many countries, vaccination of dogs is considered a necessary condition for their maintenance. Exhibitions, moving, taking pets abroad - all this requires that animals have vaccinations and a properly issued veterinary passport.

This passport must contain information about the breeder, the owner of the dog, the names of the animals, and its breed. Be sure to indicate age and color. The veterinarian must enter in the passport the series number of the administered vaccine, its name, dose and date of vaccination, put the stamp of the organization and his seal. Only in the presence of a correctly issued passport is a permit issued for the export of a pet. However, such a permit will not be issued if less than one month or more than one year has passed since the dog was vaccinated. The export permit is valid for three days.

Of course, the main function of this procedure is the prevention of infectious diseases. Such as, etc. Vaccination of pets is a very important event that should never be ignored. Veterinarians often have to deal with cases where it was necessary. If vaccinations had been done in a timely manner, there would not have been such a sad outcome.

Dog vaccination rules

For the most effective result, pet owners need to follow a number of simple

  • So the most first rule of dog vaccination- This is a vaccination of exceptionally healthy pets. It is for this reason that vaccinations are done after a thorough examination of the animal. As a rule, depending on the type and manufacturer of the vaccine, the doctor draws up an individual schedule of preventive vaccinations. So, for example, dogs are vaccinated against parainfluenza and plague, hepatitis and viral enteritis, rabies and leptospirosis. The place of residence of the dog is not decisive for vaccination. This is due to the high resistance of viruses to various conditions. Even a pet that does not appear on the street can easily become infected with any infection brought by the owner on outerwear or shoes.
  • The second rule of dog vaccination- This is a special preparation of the animal, which includes mandatory deworming and treatment of wool from fleas and ticks. Limit all possible contact of the pet with strangers and other animals. This preparation is carried out a couple of weeks before vaccination.
  • The third rule of dog vaccination- holding it two or three months before the proposed mating. Otherwise, the possibility of obtaining defective offspring is high.

Puppy Vaccination Schedule

The puppy vaccination schedule implies the first vaccination when the animal is 8 to 9 weeks old. Re-vaccination is carried out at the age of 12 weeks. Before this period, it is not recommended to carry out the procedure, since the development of the baby's immunity is hindered by the high content of antibodies in his blood, which he received with the mother's colostrum in the early days of his life.

The level of antibodies in the blood of puppies gradually decreases and they can become susceptible to infections when they are 6 to 12 weeks old. Since the pathogens that are part of the vaccines are not as aggressive as the natural forms, an immune response to the vaccine in a puppy can only form at a lower level of antibodies, that is, at a later date: 8 - 12 weeks.

Persistent immune protection against infections develops only 1-2 weeks after vaccination. It is important to remember that during this period of time the puppy's body is weakened and even more susceptible to natural infection. For vaccines that need to be re-vaccinated, in the primary vaccination, final immunity to infections will be achieved after 14 days have passed from the time of RE-VACCINATION, that is, two weeks after the re-vaccination of the vaccine.

In the future, to maintain immunity, vaccination is carried out once a year.

Carry out, starting from the age of 12 weeks, the vaccination is done once, and then an annual revaccination is carried out.

All dog owners should know that in the life of a puppy there is a so-called immune gap - this is the period of time when the mother's immunity, transmitted with colostrum, no longer protects, and the vaccine has not yet formed. At this time, the puppy should be especially carefully protected from possible infection. You should not allow the puppies to come into contact with the alleged sources of infection, in addition, it is necessary to ensure that the pet does not have overwork, hypothermia and stressful situations.

Particular attention should be paid to a complete, balanced diet containing vitamins and minerals. After vaccination, for at least 10 days, do not allow the puppy to exercise for a long time, do not allow hypothermia or overheating, exclude long and tiring trips and do not contact other dogs.

After the animal has been vaccinated, it needs to be observed for a couple of days. If any complications occur, you should contact your veterinarian.

Dog vaccination price

How much does dog vaccination cost? The cost of the procedure depends on a number of factors. Firstly, do you want the animal to be vaccinated at home or in a veterinary clinic, and secondly, which vaccine do you prefer - domestic or imported.

Vaccination of dogs is a medical procedure when antigenic material is introduced into the body of an animal. The purpose of this procedure is to develop in the dog the immunity it needs, as a barrier against many diseases.

Before proceeding to consider the issue of vaccination, it is worth knowing what types of vaccines are and how they can differ from each other. So vaccines are divided into:

  • monovalent used against one type of virus, disease;
  • polyvalent- the so-called complex vaccination, general, which is done from several diseases and viruses at once.

In addition, the composition of the vaccine itself can be created both using live bacteria and viruses, previously weakened in the laboratory, and from the already dead pathogenic microflora. The composition of the vaccine created specifically from live cultures is considered the best - such a drug forms a stronger immunity in the dog, fixing it for a longer period of time.

List of the most common vaccines

The name of the vaccine will not say anything to an ordinary layman, but most often veterinarians use the following drugs:

  1. Asterion DHPPiL- a composition used to give the animal a strong immunity against plague and adenovirus type of infection, leptospirosis and parainfluenza, viral enteritis.
  2. Biovac- most often it is used as a prophylaxis against the plague and the infectious nature of hepatitis, leptosperosis.
  3. Hexadog- 6-valent composition of the vaccine used for vaccination against such diseases as plague and leptospirosis, rabies and adenoviruses, parvovisors.
  4. Hexakanivac- the composition of the vaccine used to form immunity against plague and the infectious nature of hepatitis, leptospirosis and parvovirus enteritis.
  5. Multikan- the drug can be of several subspecies, it is used for vaccination of dogs and the formation of immunity against diseases such as plague and adenovirus types of infections, enteritis.
  6. Nobivak- a fairly frequently used vaccine that makes it possible to make the animal's immunity capable of resisting diseases such as plague and an infectious nature of hepatitis, parvovirus infection - enteritis.

List of diseases against which dogs are vaccinated

With regard to what vaccinations are given to dogs, most often animals are vaccinated, creating immunity against such diseases:

  1. - vaccination in this case of the animal is required, since the dog can infect a person. Most of them end in death.
  2. Parvovirus enteritis- a contagious disease in which dehydration occurs, vomiting and diarrhea manifest themselves. For a puppy, this disease can be fatal.
  3. - infection occurs by airborne droplets, is difficult to treat and a large percentage of dogs die.
  4. parainfluenza- affects the respiratory system of the dog, manifesting itself as a cough and discharge from the nasal passages. The pathology itself is not fatal, but can provoke serious complications in the animal in the form of pneumonia.
  5. Leptospirosis- a dangerous pathology, has a severe form of the course, manifesting itself in the form of diarrhea and bouts of fever, abdominal pain. It can also affect a person - it is necessary to put the vaccine in this case.
  6. Coronavirus enteritis- a viral nature of the disease, manifesting itself as general weakness and diarrhea, can be transmitted to humans.

Each disease of dogs has its own vaccinations - in each individual case, the duration, the composition of the vaccine itself is prescribed by the doctor, after a preliminary examination of the animal. With the help of vaccinations, it is possible to neutralize many viruses and form immunity in an animal - if the vaccination is carried out correctly, the animal will be healthy, live for many years, delighting its owners.

Vaccination rules

Mandatory vaccinations for dogs are carried out in accordance with the vaccination schedule, while it is worth remembering that they are given only to a healthy animal. If the dog is ill during the vaccination period, seems lethargic, has a fever, it should be rescheduled for another date.

Spring and summer is the most favorable period for vaccination, allowing the dog to develop immunity before the unfavorable autumn and winter months. But before vaccinating - the dog must be driven out 2 weeks before the date of vaccination. At the same time, it is worth doing for dogs so that the gap between them is at least 3 weeks.

After vaccination, it is recommended to keep the animal in quarantine for 10-12 days - do not overwork with long walks and do not bathe, keep warm so that the dog does not get cold and does not catch a cold. The vaccination must have an unexpired expiration date and must be carried out by a veterinarian, taking into account the number and volume of the dosage, the dates and periods of its implementation.

Animal vaccination schedule

If you have purchased a puppy for your home, you should know when to vaccinate, on what dates and at what intervals. The vaccination scheme provides that the first vaccination is given at the age of 2 months with a polio vaccine - immunity is formed in the animal for 10-12 days, during which you should not bathe the dog and walk it, protect it from hypothermia. During this period, the temperature may rise and general weakness can be noted - this is a normal reaction of the body. So that the formed immunity can stand in the dog throughout its life - at the age of 12 weeks, revaccination is carried out, the animal is re-vaccinated, and is also done against. After 2 weeks, the dog's immunity is formed, and the animal can already be safely walked on the street.

It is not necessary to vaccinate the animal during the period of teeth change - if you decide to vaccinate the animal before this date, then the dog is vaccinated at 10-12 weeks of age, and re-vaccination is carried out at the age of 14-16 weeks of age.

The third vaccine is given by veterinarians after a complete change of teeth in a dog - most often this is the age of 6-7 months. During this period, the animal is vaccinated against rabies. It is enough to remember that this is an approximate scheme for vaccinating a dog - in each case, the date of the conduct is set exclusively by the doctor, taking into account the condition of the animal, its development and formation.

In the year the dog is also vaccinated - the first routine vaccination is carried out during this period. Further - according to the following scheme:

  • complex vaccinations of adult dogs up to 8 years old are done annually against diseases such as parvovirus, adenovirus, plague and leptospirosis, three vaccinations against;
  • after 8 years of age, the dog is given injections of a polio vaccine, and from a disease such as rabies - annually.

And finally, it should be noted that re-vaccination of the bitch should be carried out by the dog no later than a month before its intended mating. And for the period of bearing offspring - it is best to postpone vaccination until the birth of puppies, since the introduction of the vaccine can provoke the birth of defective offspring.

Do dogs need vaccinations?

Veterinarians unanimously claim that yes - certain pathologies and diseases from a dog can be transmitted from a dog to a person, while they can be deadly for him. So the plague can proceed without pronounced symptoms and in the absence of appropriate measures - the results can be fatal. It is also dangerous and such a disease as a virus is dangerous both for a dog and for a person, ending in some cases in the absence of prompt measures with a fatal outcome.

After vaccination

After vaccination with any vaccine, the animal's immunity will be greatly weakened - it is during this period of time that all its forces are aimed at fighting the introduced viruses and forming protective forces. This happens until a stable immunity is formed - for this period of time it is worth protecting the dog from possible infection.

The main thing is to comply with the quarantine period after vaccination, which is 2 weeks. It is forbidden to bathe and walk the animal, provide comfortable conditions for keeping and ensure that it will alleviate the condition of the pet, form its immunity.

dog vaccination cost

Regarding how much a dog vaccination costs, prices will vary from manufacturer, domestic composition or imported, it is used from one disease or from several at once. Also, a lot depends on where the vaccine is given - whether you do it at a veterinary clinic, having arrived there with your pet, or calling a doctor at home.

So if vaccination is carried out with a domestic drug, such as Biovac, Multakan, with a doctor's visit to the house, the cost of vaccination will vary within 1000 - 1100 rubles. If vaccination is carried out using an imported composition, for example, Vanguard or Nobivak, Duramun, Eurikan are administered, while the doctor visits the client at home, the cost of vaccination can vary between 1400 - 1500 rubles.

When an animal is vaccinated against rabies or distemper in a clinic, regardless of the drug used, the cost of vaccination will be 400-600 rubles cheaper. At the same time, the above prices are based on the vaccination procedure in the capital, while in the regions the cost of such veterinary services is one third lower. All vaccinations made are entered into the veterinary passport, indicating the date and name of the vaccine - the cost of issuing a veterinary passport is about 150 rubles.

What is worth knowing about the vaccine itself?

On the modern market of veterinary drugs, there is a huge variety of formulations, both domestic and imported - they can be from one disease, i.e. monovaccines, and against several at once, complex compositions.

The vaccine itself can be both live - it is developed from live cultures of bacteria and microorganisms, previously weakened, as well as disinfected viruses. It is the vaccine with live but weakened cultures that is considered the most effective and effective - it is she who forms a stable immunity, stronger, longer lasting.

The cost of the vaccine itself directly depends on how many strains of viruses and bacteria it is used, its quality and manufacturer. In any case, when carrying out routine vaccination, it is worth looking at the expiration date of the composition and the conditions under which it is stored in the veterinary clinic - improper storage can cause the dog to die after being vaccinated with a poor-quality vaccine.

Basic rules for preventive vaccination of dogs

1. Vaccination can only be given to a healthy dog ​​that has been dewormed in advance 1-2 weeks before the scheduled vaccination.

2. Vaccination can be done no earlier than three weeks after the previous one.

3. After vaccination, you must observe the quarantine regime: do not overwork the dog, do not catch a cold, do not bathe. The duration of this period depends on the type of vaccination.

4. When drawing up the schedule of vaccinations, all terms should be coordinated with the terms of vaccination against plague.

5. Vaccinate only in compliance with the expiration date, the rules for storing vaccines and dosages.

Everyone who has or wants to have a dog should know these rules.
Compliance with them will help to vaccinate correctly and on time, avoid complications after them, and most importantly - the diseases themselves, save the health and life of your dog, and you - time, nerves and money.

The problem of preventive vaccinations is one of the most serious problems facing dog breeders. When, where and in what sequence, from what diseases and what vaccine to vaccinate a dog - these are the main questions of a dog breeder. The most dangerous and common infectious diseases of dogs are parvovirus enteritis, coronavirus enteritis, viral hepatitis, distemper and rabies.

To prevent viral infectious diseases, dogs are vaccinated. Both in our country and abroad, there are monovalent vaccines (against one disease) and polyvalent vaccines (against several diseases at once). Before vaccinating, it is very important to check the expiration date of the vaccine: it must be indicated on the vial label. If the vaccine is expired, it is useless to get vaccinated. If you are vaccinated at home, you should also check the conditions in which the vaccine was stored. The vaccine must be stored in accordance with the attached instructions. Imported vaccines should be checked especially carefully - you need to know the conditions under which they were transported and stored.

In addition to vaccines that give long-term active immunity, there are also sera, the introduction of which causes short-term passive immunity (serums contain ready-made antibodies). Serums are used in the treatment of infectious diseases, but not for preventive vaccinations.

Against parvovirus enteritis, puppies can be vaccinated with both domestic and imported vaccines. Unfortunately, there is no vaccine against coronavirus enteritis either in our country or abroad. Against viral hepatitis, monovalent vaccines are only imported; In our country, the bivalent vaccine Parvovac, a vaccine against parvovirus enteritis and viral hepatitis, has been developed and has been successfully used for several years now.

It is advisable to vaccinate puppies with a domestic vaccine. The fact is that in practice there have been cases of plague after vaccinations made with imported vaccines. Three anti-plague vaccines are mainly used in our country: Vakchum, 668-KF and EPM. The EPM vaccine has one significant drawback - it can be vaccinated in animals at least 3 months old. Therefore, when vaccinating puppies, it is better to use two other vaccines.

Recently, a new, higher quality, well-purified rabies vaccine has appeared in Moscow veterinary clinics - the "Cultural anti-rabies phenol vaccine". It is more easily tolerated by dogs than the previous one, and gives fewer complications.

From the main, most common and dangerous infectious diseases during the first year of life, the dog has to be vaccinated in total 4-5. Wouldn't it be desirable to do all this (or at least part of it) at once, that is, to vaccinate a dog with an imported polyvalent vaccine? But don't be in a hurry to do it. Often, imported vaccines do not create reliable immunity and you risk losing money and not protecting your pet.

Polyvalent vaccines have been successfully used in adult dogs to maintain already developed immunity. Currently, preparations are underway for the introduction of a domestic trivalent vaccine (plague, enteritis, hepatitis), which received a high preliminary assessment by specialists.

So, you brought a month-old baby into the house. For a month he ate mother's milk and did not leave the apartment. In terms of infection, the puppy is usually healthy. In the embryonic period of development through the placenta, and after birth with colostrum, the puppy receives the necessary antibodies - maternal immunity, which is enough for him for the first weeks of life. No matter how much you want it, do not rush to walk with the baby. If you really want the puppy to breathe fresh air, and the weather is fine outside, you can carry it in your arms, but in no case lower it to the ground.

Observe your pet's behavior and health for two weeks. What do you need to pay attention to? On the puppy's appetite, his stool, whether he is sluggish or active, how much he sleeps. It is advisable to measure his temperature several times a day (the dog's temperature is measured by introducing a thermometer smeared with cream or vaseline about 1/3 of its length into the anus for 3-4 minutes). Do not measure the temperature immediately after sleeping or eating; it is better to wait 10-15 minutes. The normal temperature for a puppy is 38 to 39 degrees and for an adult dog 38.5 to 39 degrees. All this will help you later determine how the puppy tolerates the vaccine.

In addition, during this period it is usually recommended to deworm the puppy. The fact is that if a puppy has worms, then he tolerates the vaccination worse, since helminthic invasion weakens the body. As an anthelmintic agent, we recommend pyrantel as the least toxic drug with a fairly wide spectrum of action.

The first vaccination of a puppy is done at the age of about 1.5 months. Depending on which disease is more common at the moment in your area, either enteritis or hepatitis are vaccinated first (a bivalent vaccine can be used). Puppies up to six months of age are vaccinated twice with an interval of 10-14 days (if no signs of the disease appear after the first vaccination). After that, after two weeks, stable immunity is developed for 1 year. A year later, the vaccination is repeated. Dogs tolerate vaccination against enteritis and hepatitis easily. But before vaccination against distemper, the puppy should not go outside. Until immunity is developed, the puppy can still get enteritis or hepatitis, and one more of the most important vaccinations is ahead - against the plague.

The first vaccination against plague, according to the instructions, is done at 2.5 months. It is impractical to vaccinate earlier, and later it is dangerous. Puppies should stay at home for 3 weeks after being vaccinated against distemper. During this period, you need to be especially careful to ensure that it does not overcool and does not overwork, it cannot be washed. If the puppy caught a cold during this quarantine period, then serious complications are possible, up to the plague. After three weeks, immunity is developed and you can start walking.

Re-vaccination of a puppy against distemper is carried out at 6-7 months, when the growth of permanent teeth has ended. In the future, vaccination against plague is repeated once a year at the same time.

There is an opinion among dog breeders that dogs of some breeds and mongrels do not get sick with plague, therefore they cannot be vaccinated, because it is precisely from her that they get sick. This opinion is fundamentally wrong. After vaccination, a dog can get sick only if the rules for preparing for vaccination and quarantine are not followed. As for breed sensitivity to the plague virus, we can say the following: indeed, there are breeds that are more susceptible to plague (German shepherds, pointers, setters, poodles, etc.) and less susceptible - some types of terriers and mutts. Unfortunately, this does not mean that they do not get plague at all. Of course, the owner himself has the right to decide whether to vaccinate a dog or not to vaccinate him. But an unvaccinated dog is at risk of the disease and may be a carrier of the infection.

But there is a disease against which vaccination is mandatory for all dogs - rabies. The vaccination against rabies is indeed not among the easily tolerated, after it it is necessary to observe the same quarantine regime as after vaccination against the plague, only for two weeks. Rumors that a vaccinated dog becomes ill with rabies are groundless. The first vaccination against rabies is recommended for a dog at least 6 months of age, and in fact this is obtained after repeated vaccination against distemper. In the future, dogs are vaccinated once a year throughout their lives.

The vaccination schedule is as follows:
1.5 months - vaccination against enteritis (hepatitis), after 10-14 days - re-vaccination;
2.5 months - vaccination against plague;
7 months - repeated vaccination against plague;
after 8 months - vaccination against rabies.

And the last question: where is the best place to vaccinate a dog? Of course, it's good if there is an opportunity to get vaccinated at home - you don't have to take a puppy who is not used to the street, there are fewer dangerous contacts. But here the already mentioned question about the quality of the vaccine arises. Sometimes caring breeders collect their puppies at home and inoculate them with good vaccines. If these opportunities are not available, you will have to go to the veterinary clinic of your pet. But first you need to inquire by phone on what day of the week and at what time they are vaccinated in your veterinary clinic. In addition to these diseases, there are other infections that are not so widespread, but are life-threatening for our animals.

Leptospirosis is a disease that is most often carried by rodents - mice, rats and others. From this it follows that hunting dogs are most susceptible to this disease. Dogs older than 4 months of age are vaccinated once a year (for puppies under 6 months of age, the vaccination is repeated after six months), the quarantine regime after vaccination is the same as after vaccination against enteritis. The vaccine against leptospirosis is included in many imported polyvalent vaccines.

Adenovirus is a lung infection introduced to our country in 1988. We do not yet have a vaccine against this disease in our country, but it is part of some imported polyvalent vaccines. In practice, it has been established that dogs vaccinated against distemper and hepatitis are much more likely to tolerate this disease (it has been established that the adenovirus virus has much in common with the hepatitis virus).

The market for veterinary drugs offers a wide range of vaccines for the prevention of various infectious diseases.

Preparations of the company "INTERVET" (Holland):
Nobivac DH - against plague and hepatitis;
Nobivac DHP - against plague, hepatitis, parvovirus infection;
Nobivac DHPPi - against plague, hepatitis, parvovirus infection and parainfluenza;
Nobivac L - against leptospirosis;
Nobivac LR - against leptospirosis and rabies;
Nobivac Puppy DP - against plague and enteritis;
Nobivac Parvo-C - against parvovirus infection;
Nobivac Rabies - against rabies;
Nobivac Solvent is a sterile solvent.
The letters in the name of the vaccine indicate the disease against which the vaccination with the corresponding vaccine protects.
They are deciphered as follows: D - plague; H - hepatitis, adenovirus; P - parvovirus infection; Pi - parainfluenza; L - leptospirosis; R - rabies.
Each of the above vaccines can be used separately. But the following vaccination schedule is usually recommended:
I option
The first vaccination is given to the puppy at 6 weeks of age with the Puppy DP vaccine. Revaccination (at 8 - 9 weeks) - LR and DHP vaccines (or instead of DHP - DHPPi vaccine). And the third stage is revaccination at 12 weeks with LR and DHP vaccines (or instead of DHP with DHPPi vaccine).
II option
The first vaccination is given at 8-9 weeks with LR and DHP vaccines (or instead of DHP with DHPPi vaccine) and revaccination at 12 weeks with LR and DHP (or instead of DHP with DHPPi vaccine).
III option
The first vaccination is given at 12 weeks with the LR and DHP vaccines (or instead of DHP with the DHPPi vaccine) and revaccination at 14-16 weeks with the L vaccine. Revaccination. First year - DHPPi + LR. Second year - DHPPi + L. Third year - DHPPi + LR

Preparations of the firm "RHONE MERIEUX" (France):
Trivirovax (DHP);
Tetradog (DHPL);
Hexadog (DHPLR);
Leptodog (L);
Leptorabishin (LR).

7-8 weeks. Trivirovax (DHP) or Tetradog (DHPL).
12-13 weeks. Tetradog (DHPL) or Hexadog (DHPLR).
15 - 16 weeks. Leptodog (L).
1 year. Tetradog (DHPL) or Hexadog (DHPLR).
2 years. Leptodog (L) or Leptorabishin (LR).
3 years. Tetradog (DHPL) or Hexadog (DHPLR).
4 years. Leptodog (L) or Leptorabishin (LR).

Preparations of the company "PHIZER" (USA):
Vanguard CPV - against parvovirus infection;
Vanguard 5/L - against plague, hepatitis, adenovirus infection, parainfluenza, parvovirus, leptospirosis;
Vanguard 7 - against plague, infectious hepatitis, adenovirus infection, parainfluenza, parvovirus, leptospirosis;
Defensor - against rabies. Practically does not cause post-vaccination complications.

A series of vaccines of the brand "DURAMUNE" of the American company FORT DODGE:
These vaccines appeared on the Ukrainian market relatively recently.
A wide range of vaccines are offered:
Duramune Max 5-CvK / 4L (Duramune Puppy-shot Booster Max) is intended for active immunization against canine distemper, adenovirus, parvovirus (type CPV-2b), coronavirus infection, parainfluenza, leptospirosis (leptospira canicola, interohaemorragiae, gripotifosa, pomona);
Duramune Max 5-CvK (Duramune Puppyshot Max) - against canine distemper, adenovirus, parvovirus (type CPV-2b), coronavirus infection, parainfluenza;
Duramune Max 5/4L - against canine distemper, adenovirus, parvovirus (type CPV-2b) infection, parainfluenza, leptospirosis (leptospira canicola, interohaemorragiae, gripotifosa, pomona);
Duramune Max 5 - against canine distemper, adenovirus, parvovirus (type CPV-2b) infection, parainfluenza;
Duramune Puppyshot Booster Lyme - against canine distemper, adenovirus, parvovirus (type CPV-2b, type CPV-2a), coronavirus infection, parainfluenza, leptospirosis (leptospira canicola, interohaemorragiae), boreliosis;
Duramune L - against leptospirosis (leptospira canicola, interohaemorragiae);
Bronchi-Shield III - against adenovirus infection, parainfluenza, bordeteliosis;
Lyme Vax - against boreliosis;
Duramune Puppyshot Booster - prevention of canine distemper, adenovirus, parvovirus (type CPV-2b, type CPV-2a), coronavirus infection, parainfluenza, leptospirosis (leptospira canicola, interohaemorragiae).
Duramune Puppyshot - prevention of canine distemper, adenovirus, parvovirus (type CPV-2b, type CPV-2a), coronavirus infection, parainfluenza;
Duramune DA2LP+Pv - against canine distemper, adenovirus, parvovirus (type CPV-2b, type CPV-2a) infection, parainfluenza, leptospirosis (leptospira canicola, interohaemorragiae);
Duramune DA2P+Pv - prevention of canine distemper, adenovirus, parvovirus (type CPV-2a, type CPV-2a) infection, parainfluenza, leptospirosis (leptospira canicola, interohaemorragiae).
The most popular vaccines from this series are Duramune Max 5-CvK / 4L (Duramune Puppyshot Booster Max), Duramune Max 5 / 4L, Duramune Puppyshot Booster.

Russian-made vaccines:
Biovac D - against the plague;
Biovac L - against leptospirosis;
Biovac RA - against enteritis, hepatitis, adenovirus. For puppies weighing less than five kilograms, 0.5 doses are used on the first injection, and the full dose on the second;
Biovac DPA - against plague, parvovirus enteritis, hepatitis, adenovirus;
Biovac DPAL - against plague, parvovirus, hepatitis, adenovirus, leptospirosis.
Puppies are vaccinated from the age of eight weeks twice with an interval of 7-14 days. Immunity is developed two weeks after the second injection. Adult dogs are vaccinated once.
Vakderm - against animal dermatophytosis. It is used for preventive and therapeutic purposes for dogs from the age of six months twice or thrice.

Doctor of veterinary medicine, candidate of biological sciences, head of the clinic of the State Veterinary Medicine of the Pechersky and Starokievsky districts of the city of Kyiv - S. Velichko
Magazine "Your dog", №2/2002

All over the world, the necessary condition for keeping dogs is their vaccination. A timely vaccination not only keeps your beloved pets alive and healthy, but also helps to keep the growth of viral epidemics.

If your pet is not vaccinated, then he will not be allowed to participate in competitions and exhibitions, they will not be allowed to travel with you by plane or train.

In order for vaccinations to work effectively, you need to follow a certain schedule for their implementation. When the dog is vaccinated according to the required scheme, it will be possible to say for sure that your pet has immunity, with which it can cope with dangerous infectious and viral diseases.

Exists two types of vaccines for pets:

  1. Polyvalent vaccination is a comprehensive vaccination for dogs that helps to avoid a large number of diseases.
  2. Monovalent vaccination is a vaccine that protects against a specific disease.

Veterinarians believe that the most basic function of vaccination is to prevent serious infectious diseases in dogs. Rabies, distemper, parvovirus enteritis and many other diseases pose a serious health hazard, even death, so vaccination is vital for your pet.

Dogs are vaccinated to create a strong immunity to a specific disease. A vaccinated animal, faced with a virus, will not get sick with a 90% probability. But, if it still turns out that the dog is overcome by the disease, then it will suffer the disease in a mild form and quickly recover.

The main thing, injections should be done regularly, since the lifetime of the antibodies contained in them is limited.

When the animal's immune system encounters a virus, it forms antibodies, which is quite a serious burden on the body, so the vaccine seems to mislead the immune system, and does not cause the disease. The vaccine itself does not contain the virus, but only its fragments that are in an inactive state, and even vaccination against rabies - a serious and deadly disease - does not pose a danger. After vaccination, your pet will not get sick, it is simply impossible.

The most dangerous diseases:

  • Plague.
  • Rabies.
  • adenovirus.
  • Leptospirosis.
  • infectious hepatitis.
  • Parainfluenza.
  • Parvovirus enteritis.

From these viruses, the dog must be vaccinated regularly according to the schedule. Mandatory vaccination is carried out against viral enteritis, rabies, plague, parainfluenza, adenovirus. Puppies can be vaccinated at six weeks of age with childhood vaccines. But if the kids grow up in perfect cleanliness with a healthy mother, the vaccine can be skipped.

The first adult vaccination should occur when the puppy is 8–12 weeks. Then re-vaccinate after 21 days. Another vaccination is carried out after the change of teeth in the baby. The rabies vaccine is given once a year. Adult dogs should be vaccinated every year, once, at regular intervals. The procedure is quick and painless, so your pets will not experience any discomfort.

Every dog ​​owner should know that vaccinations are carried out according to the vaccination schedule. Therefore, there are simple rules that must be followed before the procedure:

  1. Only a healthy dog ​​can be vaccinated, so it must be carefully examined before visiting the veterinarian.
  2. Contact only a professional doctor who will competently draw up an individual vaccination schedule for your dog based on the type of drugs and its manufacturers.
  3. Do not inject puppies up to two months. It is not recommended to vaccinate babies under eight weeks old, as they still have a very weak immune system and they can get sick.
  4. Vaccinations are necessary for all pets, regardless of their living conditions and pastime.
  5. It is advisable to carry out this procedure before or after the change of teeth in the dog, as many vaccines can lead to darkening of the tooth enamel.
  6. Before vaccination, the animal must be subjected to special preparation, which includes taking funds from worms, processing wool from fleas and ticks. Two weeks before the vaccination, you need to limit the contact of the pet with strangers and animals.
  7. It should be remembered that you need to vaccinate a dog 2-3 months before mating, this is very important, otherwise there is a big risk of getting unhealthy offspring.
  8. Be sure to find out if your pet suffers from allergies, since the vaccine, especially the primary one, can cause a negative reaction, even cause anaphylactic shock. In this case, before vaccinating, it is necessary to give the dog an injection of Suprastin or Tavegil, you can also give the drug in tablets.

The first injection should take place when the puppy is 8 to 9 weeks old. Then re-vaccination is scheduled after 3 weeks.

Before this age, vaccination is not necessary, because the baby's immune system receives immune antibodies through mother's milk and does not yet develop on its own.

Another vaccination is given after the change of all the puppy's teeth, that is, to 5–6 months. Modern drugs contain less aggressive microorganisms than their real forms, so a protective reaction to their administration can only appear at the age of 2–3 months.

Stable immunity to infection appears only 2 weeks after vaccination. It must be taken into account that during this period the puppy is in a weakened state and is very susceptible to infection around. As soon as all vaccines are affixed, the baby is allowed to communicate with other animals and people.

For some vaccinations, it is required to repeat it - revaccination, after 2 weeks, after which immunity is formed. Then, for the constant support of the immune system, vaccinations are carried out once a year.

Once a year, you need to be vaccinated against rabies if the puppy often walks on the street, communicates with other animals. They make it starting from 3-4 months every year. Animals kept in enclosures and limited in contact with other dogs, this vaccination can be carried out from the age of 9 months.

During this period, your pet really needs a complete and balanced diet containing vitamins and minerals. After vaccination, within two weeks it is worth saving the puppy from stressful situations, long trips and physical exertion.

Vaccination is a serious process, the pet should be closely monitored for the first two days after vaccination, especially the first. If any complications occur, contact your veterinarian immediately.

The sequence of vaccinations for puppies up to 1 year of age:

  • One month. Vaccination of the PUPPY series, should be done as needed.
  • Two to two and a half months. Vaccination against plague, parainfluenza, enteritis, hepatitis, leptospirosis - primary vaccination.
  • Two and a half to three months. Revaccination of previous drugs.
  • About three months. Primary rabies vaccination. Re-vaccination against plague, enteritis.
  • six to seven months- Vaccination against parainfluenza, hepatitis, leptospirosis.
  • Seven months. Re-vaccination against rabies. The next one is a year later.
  • One year. Another vaccination against plague, hepatitis, enteritis, parainfluenza, leptospirosis. Next one in a year.

Adult dogs also need protection from infections, so vaccinations are necessary for them. An adult animal should be vaccinated every 12 months. It is necessary to vaccinate against rabies every year (which is often included in a comprehensive vaccination), and the rest to be done every two or three years if the dog is absolutely healthy.

If the pet is more than 8 years old, then it will be necessary to carry out mandatory vaccinations, taking into account its health. You can refuse vaccination if the dog has any chronic diseases, as this can negatively affect its health. Only an injection of rabies is required, the owner of the animal does not have the right to refuse it, as this is prohibited by law.

Preventive vaccinations in most cases are performed intramuscularly. Exceptions may be any individual contraindications. Medication can be administered to dogs in the following ways:

  • Intramuscularly (in the back thigh or at the withers).
  • Subcutaneously.
  • Orally (through the mouth).
  • Rectally (into the rectum).
  • Intraosseous and intraarticular administration.

If your pet has lost activity after the injection, refuses to eat, sleeps too long, this indicates a normal reaction of the animal's body to it. Even small jumps in temperature are possible, but the owner should not be afraid of this, since an increase in it indicates the struggle of the body with the injected dose of the virus. Such a reaction may also be the result of a stressful situation associated with a visit to the doctor.

Painful symptoms should disappear after a few days, but in case of a long-term deterioration in the animal's health, you should immediately contact the clinic where the vaccinations were performed.

The price of vaccination depends on the following factors:

  • The level of the veterinary hospital.
  • Imported or domestic manufacturer of the drug.
  • Vaccination category.
  • Place of injection (at the patient's home or in a veterinary clinic).

Average cost of vaccination:

  1. For injections at home, using a polyvalent Russian vaccine (Multakan, Biovak) - 1100 rubles.
  2. Use at home of a polyvalent imported vaccine (Nobivak, Eurikan, Vanguard) - 1400 rubles.
  3. Vaccinations in the clinic are 500-600 rubles cheaper.
  4. Issuing a passport with all veterinary marks costs about 150–200 rubles.

What are the vaccines

Animal vaccines are divided into five types:

  1. Live weakened, which include viable strains of pathogenic pathogens, with a low ability to influence the body.
  2. Killed drugs are made from microorganisms that have died due to chemical or physical exposure.
  3. Chemical, which are obtained by purifying the antigens of pathogens from harmful components using a chemical or physical method.
  4. Toxoids, which are vaccines made from neutralized substances of pathogens.
  5. In addition to existing vaccines, more advanced drugs are being actively developed, for example, genetically engineered, subunit and others.

Learn how to properly prepare your pet for vaccination to ensure it is as effective as possible.

Why are dogs vaccinated?

A dog is a social animal that actively explores its environment and seeks to communicate with relatives. Unlike cats, walks are an integral part of any dog's life. It is on a walk while playing with other animals or in contact with their excrement that a dog can become infected with a deadly disease.

Vaccination promotes the production of antibodies in the animal's body. The life of a dog whose blood contains antibodies against viral diseases will be more comfortable and safer than the life of an unvaccinated pet.

In addition, a dog that has not been vaccinated will be a danger to its owner and surrounding people and animals. The reason is that some viral diseases can be transmitted from animal to human. One such disease is rabies, for which there is no cure.

What infectious diseases are dogs vaccinated against?

Various types of vaccines for dogs allow you to develop a stable body immunity to the following infectious diseases:

  • Plague;
  • Parvovirus enteritis;
  • Infectious hepatitis;
  • adenovirus;
  • Leptospirosis;
  • Rabies.

We will talk about the most dangerous of them in more detail.

Canine infectious hepatitis

Infectious canine hepatitis (canine adenovirus-1, or Rubart's disease) is a viral disease that is very easily transmitted from one animal to another. Only dogs get sick, this virus is not dangerous for humans.

Rubart's disease affects the kidneys, liver, endothelium of blood vessels. In veterinary practice, both mild and severe course of the disease, which can lead to death, is noted.

A few days after infection, the dog becomes extremely dangerous for other unvaccinated animals: the infection is transmitted by direct contact, as well as through saliva, urine and feces. Recovering or already recovered dogs can shed the virus in their urine for several months.

Vaccination for dogs against this disease is required from 2 months of age.

Plague (Distemper)

This is an extremely contagious disease. Plague is caused by morbillivirus Carré, and its counterpart in humans is the measles virus. Distemper is the leading cause of death for dogs worldwide.

The plague virus can survive for many years even when frozen. In the spring, the activity of the virus increases, which explains the increase in the number of diseases in dogs in the spring months.

Especially often morbillivirus Carré affects unvaccinated puppies aged 3 to 8 months. However, older dogs can also get sick. The first vaccination against plague is given to animals at the age of 2 months.


This is a disease that leaves the animal no chance of survival. The disease can be transmitted to humans and is incurable. The average incubation period for dogs is 3 to 8 weeks. The virus enters the brain through nerve fibers, the duration of the incubation period depends on the distance of the bite site from the head.

After that, the virus infects the salivary glands, where it begins to multiply and is excreted with saliva - during this period, the dog begins to pose a serious danger to other animals and humans.

There is no cure for this virus. The owner must be sure that his animal is vaccinated. The first rabies vaccination is given to a dog at the age of 2-4 months. Then the dog must undergo an annual vaccination against rabies in a veterinary clinic without fail and a mark on the vaccination in the veterinary passport. In municipal animal clinics, this vaccination is given free of charge.

There are various forms of rabies, the common symptoms of which are:

  • Photophobia;
  • Rabies;
  • Profuse salivation (hypersalivation);
  • Cloudy look, divergent strabismus, viscous discharge from the eyes;
  • Protruding third eyelid;
  • Aggressive behavior.

Why is it necessary to vaccinate a dog before mating?

Before mating animals, both owners must make sure that the dogs are completely healthy. The reason for the need for vaccination lies not only in the fact that an unvaccinated dog can be a carrier of a dangerous disease. A healthy and vaccinated mother dog will provide puppies with stable immunity through the placenta. Thus, the health of puppies born from a vaccinated mother will be protected from dangerous infections during the first two months from the moment of their birth.

Peculiarities of vaccination of puppies. Dog vaccination by age

It is important to know that it is impossible to take a young unvaccinated animal outside. Only 14-21 days after the second vaccination, the baby will be able to walk. At this point, his age should be at least 11 weeks. If the owner of the dog lives in a country house, walking a puppy at an earlier age can be supervised in a yard where there are no other dogs.

Do not rush to accustom the puppy to the street. Failure to vaccinate a dog while walking can cost your pet's life.

The first vaccination is done at the age of 8-9 weeks, after 1 year the vaccination of dogs is carried out every year, until the end of the animal's life.

Dog vaccination schedule

8-9 weeks

From canine distemper, parvovirus enteritis, infectious hepatitis, adenovirus infection, parainfluenza, leptospirosis.

Revaccination against canine distemper, parvovirus enteritis, infectious hepatitis, adenovirus infection, parainfluenza, leptospirosis, rabies.

After changing teeth

Vaccination against canine distemper, parvovirus enteritis, infectious hepatitis, adenovirus infection, parainfluenza, leptospirosis, rabies.


Revaccination (canine distemper, parvovirus enteritis, infectious hepatitis, adenovirus infection, parainfluenza, leptospirosis, rabies).

How to prepare your dog for vaccination and why it may not be effective

Given that the vaccination costs a lot of money, doing it to an untreated animal, you risk simply losing your money.

Also, non-compliance with this rule often leads to infection of the animal with dangerous diseases for which the body could not develop antibodies. Sometimes tens of thousands of rubles are spent on the treatment of such diseases.

Mandatory deworming of a cat before vaccination with Prazitel will be effective because:

  • Prazitel acts on all types and stages of development of helminths in cats and kittens (protects the animal from round and tapeworms, their eggs, larvae and adults);
  • The therapeutic effect of Prazitel is achieved in 95-100% of cases with a single application.

Safety for the health of the cat:

  • The optimal content of active ingredients and high-quality foreign-made substances make the drug safe for animals;
  • When using Prazitel, there are no side effects, the drug is well tolerated by animals of all breeds and ages.
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