Features of advertising in different countries of the world. Features of advertising for different countries

Differences in advertising from different countries are obvious. They are conditioned by traditions, mentality, tendencies and society's perception of certain images, symbols, economic and social realities. Advertisers and marketers from all over the world are inspired by the customs, needs, habits and everyday life of the inhabitants of their countries. Undoubtedly, advertising is part of the collective unconscious of the country.

Advertising today, like hundreds of years ago, reflects the ideals of society, the main values ​​of the target audience. When developing an advertising campaign strategy, the traditions of the country in which it will be deployed are always taken into account. Not only outdoor advertising and television commercials need to be adapted, but also trademarks. Everyone knows that symbols and even colors are perceived differently in different countries. Therefore, the trademark must be universal, international. To create it, it is necessary to conduct market research, having studied the perception of the brand on it.

Advertising handwriting

Each state has its own specific advertising style. It is especially noticeable when comparing the countries of the West (USA, Europe, Canada) and Aostok (Japan, China, India).

Western countries are characterized by an analytical, logical type of thinking; an active, proactive, strong-willed person is considered an ideal. All this is displayed in advertising - it is dynamic, full of sounds and takes on the fundamental nature of facts.

Eastern thinking is aimed at finding unity, the foundation of the world, perception is based on intuition, sensations. Japanese advertising is dominated by images, national symbols, nature.

You need to know all the features of advertising in different countries, especially if you plan to bring a brand or product abroad. Each state has its own mentality, traditions, norms of behavior, cultural and psychological subtleties that cannot be neglected.

Head & Shoulders

comments Vladimir Stupnikov, the president of iMARS Communications

The Russian video immediately and categorically declares: the country has a mission. You don’t think there, everything is serious with us: the problem has been identified, solutions have been outlined, actions have been thought out - and without any already classic “Stay here, all the best and good mood to you!”. The creators of the Russian video made a very competent and culturally sound step: they bet on the ubiquitous popular extremism. For Russians, what about sanctions, what to fight dandruff: the main thing is to have something to deal with. Confidently backed up by Suvorov's ironclad quote "Russians don't give up", the Russian video in its own way mobilizes the national consumer to go to the supermarket and become a member of the mission - to choose shampoo No. 1 in Russia. And what? A trifle, but nice: washed your hair on Monday and you feel like a hero all week. Despite the fact that the Russian video is a kind of “falling sin” of a classic attempt to combine several concepts together, it still looks organic and compact, and even cute with Zavorotnyuk, who does not overdo it for once. Patriotism, stereotypes, parting provocation, a charming "nanny" for men and a handsome athlete for women - in general, let's hook someone.


In my opinion, it was a strategically wrong step to show all the evils of the environment in one video: there is dirt, stench, and other unpleasant components of everyday life in a metropolis and the life of the human body. Too many problems for Head & Shoulders to solve. Sad video, incomprehensible to the Russian audience.


Arab country

Summing up the presented videos, I would like to note with a feeling of complete satisfaction that Head & Shoulders managed to maintain a single communication message and distribute it taking into account the peculiarities of the mentality of each country separately. Obviously, the company has done a decent job, proving that Head & Shoulders is attentive to its customers, which cannot but please and set consumers in an optimistic mood.


comments Arsen Dallakyan, behavioral marketing expert:

The video refers us to the theme of romantic relationships between a woman and a man, and the latter appears in the form of an ideal prince. Of course, this video exploits the most common stereotype about such a trait of the national character of the French as a propensity for romantic experiences, in other words, amorousness. It may seem that the video is made for women, but in fact, everything is exactly the opposite. The video states: Eat a McDonald's burger and you'll be as cool as this incredible fireman, and then all the girls will be yours. Well, isn't this the dream of any Don Juan?

So: France - sex.

In the American video, we are transferred to the office, that is, another common national cliché about the efficiency of Americans is used on the move.

Here we are told a story about the interaction of two colleagues with diametrically opposed ideas about the cleanliness of the desktop. A great metaphor for the founding principle of American society - freedom of expression. And as a result of it - the need to get along with other social groups that have equal rights with you, but different values. The video seems to say: we are so different, but there is one thing that unites us: we all love McDonald's. For the United States - a country that has defeated racism and many other chauvinist challenges - this is one of the strongest archetypal communications.

So: USA - social differences and similarities.

Alexander Bashkatov, producer of Cinematic studio

And finally, the winner of my rating. Roller of Russian production. Let's take a quick look at the picture and sound: everything is fine. As in the video of the Spaniards, the sun is shining, there are many beautiful people - life is in the frame! The sound is well done: a beautiful voice of the announcer, cheerful music. In addition, there are all sorts of additional sounds - the crunch of chips, the hiss of beer foam. In general, according to these indicators, everything is fine!

And now for the dramaturgy. The plot has all the elements of a classic detective story: the characters (young people) see something interesting behind the scenes. This is something we, the audience, are not shown, but we are already passionate about it. Because the main characters are so passionate that they forget all their daily activities and greedily devour the object of their interest with their eyes. And when the time comes, a kind of magical vehicle finally appears before the viewer, which attracts the male half of the population like a magnet. This is an oasis of fun and carelessness! But most importantly, it comes with a nice appetizer. Do you understand the difference between the first video and the third? In the first, they are trying to sell chips to us in the forehead. Here are the chips included. And the viewer himself does not notice how the hand reaches for the pack.

In addition, the scriptwriters, in addition to the plot, managed to shove a list of technical characteristics of the product into the video: taste, aroma, color, and so on. And they did it very harmoniously. The only negative that caught my eye was the bad acting of some actors. For example, a boxer who misses in the jaw. It was clearly visible that his opponent's hand was moving slowly. And not because everything was filmed in rapid motion, but simply - slowly. And you can see that it's all a game. I'm not saying that you need to hit each other, but it is quite possible to achieve more realism without getting injured on the court.

The history of the country, its traditions, peculiarities of the way of life are guessed in any advertising campaign. Advertising of each country has its own specifics, based on the rules of behavior in society, on the mentality. Let's consider the most outstanding advertising campaigns that have undeniable features and national characteristics of different countries.


The hardest thing to distinguish US advertising. This is due to the fact that, as a rule, American advertising is international advertising. America is the founder of modern advertising, therefore, as its features, one can only indicate the greatest rationality, logic and traditional adherence to advertising canons. American advertising praises the usefulness and functionality of the product, proving the need to purchase it. Also advertising in the USA is distinguished by promotion of family values: typical pictures depicting family holidays, joint trips and pastimes - a classic set for.

Americans also like to show their loyalty to gay couples, so ads often go like this:

Great Britain

UK advertisement full of traditional English humor, however, it is more elegant than American advertising. British advertising is imbued with the English spirit, traditions, with typical Englishmen in the lead roles. The restraint inherent in this nation can be traced in advertising.


French advertisement seduces the consumer more than sells. French advertising is dominated by visualization, vivid and impressive images. For advertising of this country, the words are secondary, so there are usually few of them.


German accuracy is the main thing that can be said about advertising in Germany. Impeccable accuracy combined with a beautiful picture make German advertising high quality and interesting.



Japanese advertising is impossible not to recognize. And the point here is not that the main roles are played by the Japanese with their typical appearance. No, it's just that it's quite difficult for residents of other countries to understand the main message of Japanese advertising. Sometimes it is even difficult to identify the product that is being advertised. What can we say about the description of the benefits of the product. See for yourself:

Summing up the above, it is worth noting that, it takes into account the mentality of its inhabitants, based on their habits.In advertising, the most important thing is that the target audience understands the main message that was conceived by marketers and reacts to it.

National culture and traditions. In everything: art (cinema, music), business, relationships - every nation, every country has its own, different. Advertising is no exception. It has its own characteristics, due to the realities of life in one or another corner of our planet, market requirements, and mentality.

Advertising in the USA

The United States is a leader in almost all areas: finance, business, technology. Of course, this is the world center of creativity. The best, largest advertising agencies come from the USA. They are looked at, they are guided by, they learn from them how to do it right, they imitate them. It can be said that American advertising is international advertising. That is why it is quite difficult to single out any specific, characteristic features only to her. Is it… Marlboro?

However, everything is something that makes it clear, this Made in USA advertisement. First of all, it is logic, rationality. If you don’t have to puzzle over the meaning, the message, if you perceive and understand the idea literally from the very first seconds you see the video or poster, this is probably an American advertisement. It is perfect, ideal from the point of view of the canons, rules, principles of advertising science.

Advertising in Canada

Neighborhood with the States, could not but have an impact on Canadian creativity. Advertising in this country is painfully similar to American (in fact, it is), but at the same time, it looks more marginal. Today, first of all, it is associated with Viagra advertising from the Taxi Toronto agency.

Advertising in the UK

English humor is not understood by everyone - intellectual, subtle, one might even say noble. With advertising, things are about the same - it is of high quality, elegant, intelligent. It exudes the English spirit: traditions, history, gentlemen, the queen, red double-decker buses and telephone booths - all this evokes associations with only one place on Earth - foggy Albion, the island of Britain. All this is felt in English advertising. It is extremely understandable, but at the same time, refined, cinematic (if we are talking about video clips). Huge budgets, which are able to compete with creatives from the United States, are on a large scale.

Advertising in France

The first thing that comes to mind, of course, is 99 francs by Frederic Begbeder: a novel by a former advertiser and a film of the same name.

The country is special: romance, aesthetics, art, refined taste - all this is characteristic of French advertising. And if the majority of advertisers in the US started their career as copywriters, here the majority of the representatives of the creative industry are artists. This is probably why advertising in France is laconic, but instead it is colorful, filled with images. French advertising is one of those that is a pleasure to see. This one is no exception:

Advertising in Germany

The Germans are, first of all, impeccable accuracy and accuracy, which is also manifested in advertising. Its main characteristic features: logic, appeal to facts, argumentation and beliefs, instead of emotions and feelings. Numbers and characteristics, maximum reliability, which is supported by the high quality of visualization, design in print and videos. German advertisers know how to surprise with creativity, gradually gaining positions in the global market.

Advertising in Holland

Advertising comes from the Netherlands - something between German, with its love of order and cleanliness, and English, with its respect for traditions. A small European country has managed to become quite noticeable in the global creative market. Among the most prominent agencies are 180 Amsterdam and Weiden + Kennedy Amsterdam, advertising makers for Adidas and the European Coca-Cola market, respectively.

Advertising in Ireland

The small island nation has until recently been represented by only one prominent player, Irish International BBDO, although other agencies are now entering the scene. Irish advertising can hardly boast of scope or great ambitions. The national spirit is clearly visible in the works of creative agencies.

Advertising in Brazil

Promotional videos originally from Brazil are not particularly creative. The press rules this country! The prints here are really made at a high level, skillfully executed, juicy and bright, colorful, filled with life, like a carnival in Rio de Janeiro. It is no coincidence that creative agencies in Brazil take the first places in international advertising festivals with enviable regularity.

Advertising in Argentina

Despite the territorial proximity with the previous country, the culture of Argentina, having something in common, is significantly different from the Brazilian one, the same applies to advertising. Also emotional, sensual, colorful. Along with this, as a rule, it has an unusual, often tense plot. Traditionally, the color scheme is in pastel, muted, not bright colors.

Advertising in South Africa

Soulful creativity, videos full of philosophical meaning that make you think, along with a sense of humor and cheerfulness. The largest clients of creatives from South Africa are financial and oil companies. Advertising in South Africa is usually filmed in their own country, showing life as it really is. Creatives from South Africa are well aware of social problems and human difficulties.

Advertising in Australia

Being located below the equator line gives reason to compare the Australian creative with advertising from Brazil or Argentina. Nevertheless, drama is more typical for this country, advertising here is more gloomy than positive. Actually here:

Advertising in Japan

Japanese creativity is fundamentally different from everything else, advertising made in this country is instantly recognizable. Centuries-old traditions could not bypass the creative industry. At the center of Japanese advertising is the image. It is filled with deep meaning, philosophy.

Either way, Japan's share of the global advertising market is huge. It is from this country that the advertising agencies Dentsu, Hakuhodo and Asatsu, which are among the ten largest in the world, come from.

Advertising in India

Bollywood masterpieces are "admired" by the whole world. Indian cinema is one of a kind: unique and inimitable. As for advertising, it is more down to earth, in the same turn, the Indian spirit is always present in it, even where expatriates work on it. Similar in many ways to the Brazilian one: television ads from India are hardly widely known, which cannot be said about print ads - they are impeccable.

Advertising in Thailand

The Thai creative is perhaps the only one in the world that can give odds to Japanese advertising in terms of the level of its craziness. Their advertising is surprisingly simple, almost always not without humor, but most importantly, the level of its absurdity reaches cosmic proportions.

It is in Thailand that Tanonchai Sornrivichai, one of the most awarded advertisers in the world, operates.

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