From what a huge belly can swell. Getting rid of flatulence and pregnancy. What Not to Do

The appearance of a hard and swollen abdomen is a sign of a malfunction in the body. Sometimes the reasons are quite banal, for example, this phenomenon often occurs after overeating, but in some cases a serious illness becomes a provoking factor.

The feeling of an increase in the size of the abdomen can be subjective. Then there are complaints about a feeling of fullness, heaviness. As a rule, this is a temporary condition that does not require specific measures.

The causes of the temporary appearance of a hard abdomen are hidden in the disruption of the functioning of the digestive tract. A medical examination will only confirm the real factors of subjective sensations.

The bulge may be due to excess weight and a defect in the spine (forward bend - lumbar lordosis). The specialist will easily determine these conditions from real swelling after studying the anamnesis and external examination.

Why does a hard stomach appear in healthy people

If a person does not have any diseases, then this phenomenon is caused by the accumulation of gases or air:

  • Swallowing air during meals, excessive consumption of carbonated drinks leads to temporary bloating. In this case, frequent eructations may appear. Partially, air exits through the anus and is absorbed by the intestinal walls;
  • The abdomen hardens with the formation of gases during the digestion of food, as well as after taking soda, which neutralizes the gastric secret;
  • Hardness is observed after eating a large amount of sweet foods and muffins. They are easily digestible carbohydrates, cause a fermentation reaction, respectively, increasing gas formation;
  • A large amount of fiber and starch in the body also causes discomfort (black bread, legumes, potatoes, cabbage, etc.).

Pathological causes of the appearance of a swollen and hard abdomen

Gases may occur due to the presence of fermentopathy. For example, it is very common among adults to be deficient in an enzyme needed to break down complex milk sugar (lactose) into monosaccharides (fructose and glucose). This enzyme is called lactase and is synthesized in the small intestine.

With a deficiency of this substance, milk passes into the large intestine and is only digested there with the participation of local microflora. It is this process in lactase deficiency that causes increased gas formation, a painful feeling of fullness and bloating after eating.

A hard stomach in a small child most often occurs due to dysbacteriosis. It should be noted that this violation is quite common among adults. This disease is characterized by an imbalance in the intestinal microflora, that is, the number of opportunistic bacteria increases, while beneficial ones decrease.

Both the first and the second are constantly present in the body, but when an imbalance occurs, the normal absorption of food is disrupted, it is poorly digested, putrefactive processes dominate, gas production suddenly increases.

If the abdomen is inflated only in a certain place, then a mechanical obstruction to the movement of gases can be suspected, for example, a tumor or intestinal obstruction for other reasons. This phenomenon is observed in violation of intestinal motility (often occurs with invasions that provoke intoxication of the intestinal muscles), problems with blood circulation (varicose veins that affect the lower abdomen). Discomfort can be caused by mental pathologies, for example, hysterical disorder.

How to determine why the stomach has become hard and swollen

Usually, the first symptoms are detected by the person himself, who constantly loosens the belt, wears large clothes, and feels constant discomfort. However, in some cases this phenomenon goes unnoticed for a long time, for example, with significant obesity, asymptomatic ascites (abdominal dropsy).

The presence of a violation may be indicated by a feeling of tension in the groin, on both sides of the lower back, pain in this area.

Pain syndrome, as a rule, occurs as a result of the body's reaction to the defeat of the pathology of any internal organ. For example, it can be an enlarged spleen, a congestive liver, a tumor in the large intestine. Local pain, which is uncharacteristic of ascites, occurs against the background of the development of cirrhosis. In addition, it may be inflammation of the peritoneum (peritonitis) or pancreas (pancreatitis), primary liver cancer (hepatoma).

A distended, painful, and hard abdomen may be a symptom of progressive ascites or growing tumors. This increases intra-abdominal pressure. As a result, the digestion of food is disturbed, it moves back into the esophagus (reflux), provokes heartburn. When the diaphragm rises, there is shortness of breath in the supine position (orthopnea), superficial rapid breathing (tachypnea).

Diffuse swelling should be the reason for a more thorough examination. The doctor is interested in a tendency to alcohol abuse, a history of hematuria, jaundice, intestinal disorders, rheumatic heart pathologies. The data obtained make it possible to detect cirrhosis, colon cancer with metastases to the peritoneum, kidney pathologies (nephrosis), and congestive heart failure.

What to do if the lower abdomen is painful and hard

It is not recommended to self-medicate, especially with the frequent occurrence of this condition or its constant presence. Consult a gastroenterologist for advice. The doctor will diagnose, study the anamnesis, exclude or confirm the presence of diseases.

Often, diagnosis in a child and an adult involves the following studies:

  • Analysis of feces for intestinal microflora;
  • Examination of gastric juice;
  • Bacterial analysis of feces;
  • Study of bile;
  • Ultrasound of the digestive system.

Without fail, if the stomach is hard, it is necessary to adjust the diet of the patient. Foods that can increase gas formation (cabbage, potatoes, rice, whole milk, etc.) are excluded from the menu. Every day they eat wholemeal bread, a limited amount of vegetables and fruits, sour-milk products.

It is recommended to increase physical activity, while it is not necessary to do exercises in the gym, it is enough to walk 3 km a day. In the absence of serious diseases characterized by the appearance of a hard abdomen, a change in diet and lifestyle will certainly relieve discomfort.

Medical treatment of a hard abdomen

Often, doctors prescribe a whole range of drugs to reduce gas formation. It necessarily includes adsorbing agents - polysorb, activated carbon, smectite. Enzymatic drugs are also used - mezim, pancreatin, panzinorm. Sometimes drugs are prescribed that replace bile or stimulate its production - karsil, LIV 80, allochol.

Why do patients have a swollen, hard abdomen? The answer to this question can be given by an experienced doctor after the diagnosis. One of the main and most common problems faced by modern medicine is bloating or, in other words, excessive distension. This symptom can speak not only about the beginning of a disease, but also be the only manifestation of a disease of the internal organs that are located in the abdominal cavity.

The feeling that the stomach swells and it has slightly increased in size is quite subjective. People in this case often complain that they feel a feeling of fullness and internal swelling. This condition sometimes goes away on its own, and the cause may be a violation of the functioning of some organs of the gastrointestinal tract.

A hard belly can be associated with an overweight patient or even some spinal defects, which an experienced specialist can easily distinguish from ordinary bloating. After all, it will not be difficult for a competent doctor after a studied history and, with a detailed external examination, to determine why the discomfort appeared.

What could be the causes of bloating in a perfectly healthy person?

In absolutely healthy people, bloating often comes from accumulated air or gases.

  1. In the process of eating, a person can easily swallow a rather large portion of air, consume a large amount of all kinds of carbonated water, which can provoke bloating. But don't be afraid. If the reason is really only this, then the swelling will soon pass. Excess air that has entered the human body is partially belched, and the remaining air enters the intestines directly, and there are only two ways out: either all the accumulated air comes out naturally, or it is absorbed by the intestinal walls.
  2. Gas can be formed during the digestion of food, which is known to enter the stomach and intestinal tract. Gas formation can also be triggered by the intake of soda, which is able to neutralize the gastric secret.
  3. Another cause of bloating can be a large number of sweets and sweets eaten. The fact is that such products are very rich in carbohydrates, which are easily digested and can cause a fermentation reaction. As a result, gas formation increases.
  4. Eating potatoes, legumes, cabbage and some other foods quite often, remember that they can also become one of the main causes of bloating. The thing is that these products contain a fairly large amount of starch and fiber.

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Diseases that cause bloating

If the patient has at least some kind of fermentopathy, then gases can easily form bloating. For example, in the body of many adults there is a lack of an enzyme that is necessary for the breakdown of lactose into two main components: glucose and fructose.

This enzyme is produced in the small intestine. If the body does not get enough lactose, then milk, together with unsplit milk sugar, goes straight to the large intestine and is already processed there, thanks to the local microflora. As a result, active gas formation occurs, which is also after eating.

One of the main causes of flatulence in people of completely different age categories can be dysbacteriosis. With this disease, the intestinal microflora changes significantly, and the balance between harmful and beneficial bacteria in the body is disturbed.

It is important to remember that both types of bacteria live in the body of each person. If a person is healthy, then positive microorganisms suppress pathogenic (harmful) ones with great ease. If there are signs of dysbacteriosis, then the pathogenic microflora increases significantly, disrupting the digestion process and causing severe bloating and gas formation.

In medicine, there are still many other diseases that can be accompanied by bloating constantly or after eating.

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What to do in case of pain and hardening in the lower abdomen?

The first and foremost advice is to avoid self-medication, especially if the pain and stiffness occur often enough or constantly.

To undergo an examination and get advice, the patient needs to contact a gastroenterologist. The specialist will conduct a thorough diagnosis and only then will be able to name the causes of the disease, confirm or exclude the presence of a particular disease. When diagnosing, the following studies are most often carried out:

  • analysis of feces for intestinal microflora;
  • study of gastric juice in the human body;
  • specially designed bacterial analysis of feces;
  • careful examination of bile;
  • Ultrasound of all organs responsible for digestion in the human body.

If the patient has a hard stomach, then it is imperative to correct and balance the diet. Products that can increase gas formation should certainly be excluded from the menu. Every day, eat only hard-ground bread, limit the amount of vegetables and fruits (do not overdo them), eat fermented milk products in small sizes.

Increased physical activity can help the body fight the disease faster. Do not exhaust yourself with classes in the gym - a daily three-kilometer walk will be enough. If after the diagnosis no disease is confirmed, then a balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle will help a person get rid of annoying discomfort.

Often, bloating and mild pain appear when overeating. These symptoms disappear within an hour. This time will be required for the stomach to partially empty and a portion of food to enter the duodenum, where the splitting process continues and absorption begins.

Heaviness in the abdomen can also be felt after certain foods or if you eat incompatible dishes, for example, drink herring with milk. But if the stomach is swollen and it hurts for a long time after eating, or the symptoms are not associated with food intake, then this indicates the development of a pathology of the digestive system. The sooner the cause of increased gas formation is detected, the lower the risk of complications.

Where does gas in the digestive tract come from?

Flatulence in Greek means "raising", "swelling", as synonyms, the concepts of "tympania" or "swelling" can also be used. These terms refer to the excessive accumulation of gases in the abdominal cavity, which happens if a lot of gas is produced or it cannot be effectively excreted from the body.

Normally, the amount of gas in the intestines varies depending on the characteristics of nutrition, activity, age and other factors. Gases are usually found in the stomach and at the turn of the colon, much less of them are concentrated in the sigmoid and caecum, and very little in the jejunum.

Gas in the stomach appears:

  • when swallowing air;
  • excreted during digestion (most);
  • when neutralizing digestive secrets with bicarbonates;
  • a small amount can pass into the intestines from the blood.

Intestinal bacteria play an important role in gas production.

Gases exit mainly through the rectum, and a small part of it enters the lungs (from the intestine they penetrate into the bloodstream, and then into the alveoli).

Causes of bloating

One of the most common causes of swelling and pain in the stomach is malnutrition. Some foods help increase gas production. If a person consumes a lot of flour products and products containing yeast, as well as cabbage in any form or legumes, then when they are split, a lot of gas is formed, which leads to stretching of the walls of the organ and pain in the abdomen.

Normally, undigested food components should not enter the large intestine:

  • carbohydrates begin to break down even in the mouth under the action of salivary enzymes (amylase and maltase). The process continues in the stomach and small intestine, where carbohydrates break down into glucose, which enters the cell and is oxidized to water and carbon dioxide, or is converted into fat or glycogen;
  • proteins in the stomach are exposed to hydrochloric acid, causing them to swell and denature. Then pepsin breaks them down to amino acids that enter the bloodstream and are converted by cells to the necessary protein molecules;
  • a small part of the fats breaks down in the stomach under the action of lipase. The main process of digestion takes place in the small intestine due to the action of acids and enzymes.

Thus, all food must be broken down before it enters the large intestine. In an unchanged form, only water, vitamins and trace elements, as well as indigestible substances (for example, cellulose) penetrate here.

If there are too many carbohydrates in the human diet and they cannot be broken down during the time that they pass through the stomach and duodenum, then once in the large intestine, they begin to ferment. During fermentation, alcohol, organic acids, acetone, carbon dioxide, hydrogen and other organic compounds are formed.

If proteins penetrate the large intestine, they begin to rot under the action of bacterial enzymes, resulting in the formation of methane, carbon dioxide, hydrogen, acetic and lactic acid, and toxins. These compounds adversely affect the intestinal mucosa and lead to the fact that the stomach hurts from the resulting gases.

The more food putrefactive bacteria have, the faster they will displace the beneficial intestinal flora (dysbacteriosis will develop). If the breakdown of fats is disturbed, which may be associated with a hormonal background, proteins and carbohydrates are poorly digested, since fat surrounds food molecules and does not allow enzymes to act on them.

Fermentation and putrefaction can occur not only in the large intestine, the process can also begin in the stomach if an insufficient amount of hydrochloric acid and trypsin is released. In this case, pain occurs in the upper abdomen and the disease is accompanied by dyspeptic disorders.

It is rotting and fermentation that leads to the formation of gas in the abdominal cavity, but the reasons for which these processes occur are different.

The penetration of proteins and carbohydrates into the large intestine may be due to the development of organic or functional pathology, and also be a variant of the norm.

If motility is reduced, then putrefaction and fermentation begins in the stomach or small intestine, as food stagnates. If the peristalsis is increased, then the enzymes do not have time to break down the components before they enter the large intestine.

Even in the absence of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT), overeating, drinking carbonated drinks or an unbalanced diet will cause bloating and pain in the abdomen.

Part of the air that is in the stomach is swallowed while drinking or eating food. Normally, it exits through the mouth when burping with air. But if at the same time there is an unpleasant aftertaste in the mouth or gas with a sour smell, then this indicates serious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Bloating and pain in the abdomen is felt not only with an unbalanced diet and not always, in order to eliminate the symptoms, it is necessary to review the diet

In some cases, the cause of pain in the lower abdomen is in a serious organic pathology, in which the activity of the gastrointestinal tract is disturbed. This leads to a lack of enzymes necessary for the breakdown of proteins, fats or carbohydrates.

In the pathology of the gallbladder, pancreas, stomach or intestines, enzymes or hormones that should digest food or contribute to this process are not synthesized. There are many factors that cause bloating and abdominal pain.

For practical purposes, there are:

  • Alimentary flatulence. It develops due to the breakdown of products that contribute to increased gas formation. A lot of gas is released when eating foods high in fiber and starch. These are legumes (peas, beans, lentils, chickpeas, peanuts), potatoes, black bread, any cabbage.
  • Flatulence due to a digestive disorder. Enzymatic deficiency, deterioration of the absorption function, dysbacteriosis lead to putrefaction and fermentation in the gastrointestinal tract. During these processes, a lot of gas is released, the stomach may swell after eating.
  • mechanical flatulence. It develops due to the deterioration of the evacuation function. That is, gases accumulate in a certain part of the intestine, because they cannot pass further due to the presence of some kind of obstacle. It can be adhesions, neoplasms, stenosis, fecal stones.
  • Dynamic flatulence. Occurs due to impaired motility of the gastrointestinal tract. Gases are poorly excreted with peritonitis, aerophagia, acute infections and poisoning, after childbirth or vagotomy. This form includes senile and childhood flatulence, as well as reflex, which appears when the mesentery is compressed.
  • Circulatory flatulence. It appears because there are general or local circulatory disorders (for example, due to stagnation of blood in the intestinal veins), which lead to a decrease in the absorption of gas from the intestines into the blood and an increase in the flow of gas from the circulatory system to the intestines.
  • Psychogenic flatulence. It develops due to mental disorders that affect the activity of the digestive system, for example, with hysteria.

Pregnant women often suffer from flatulence. It is caused by the pressure of the enlarged uterus on the intestinal walls and the action of the hormone progesterone, which leads to relaxation of the smooth muscles of the organ and inhibits peristalsis. This leads to a violation of the movement of feces and a deterioration in the absorption function.

Small children often experience bloating because the digestive tract is not yet fully formed, the enzymes are not active enough, and the gastric juice is less acidic. The more varied the diet of the child, the faster his enzymatic system will ensure the normal process of digestion.

Symptoms such as bloating and cramping in the abdomen may indicate an intestinal blockage that requires emergency surgery. In pathology, there is a violation of the passage of intestinal contents due to a narrowing of the intestinal lumen as a result of a disorder of hemodynamics, innervation, its compression or spasm.

With intestinal obstruction, pain syndrome, vomiting, stool and gas retention occur, the stomach is asymmetric.


With an increased amount of gas, patients complain of a feeling of heaviness and bloating in the abdomen or its parts, pain of a pulling or aching nature, which do not have a clear localization. In some cases, the pain radiates to the lower back.

In addition to pain, dyspeptic disorders (belching with air, constipation or diarrhea, nausea, taste in the mouth, lack of appetite) are also observed, which may be the result of a primary disease or dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract due to gas retention and an increase in the intestine.

With a sharp gas formation, colic (an attack of severe cramping pain) may appear, which disappears after the gases leave

With the disease, some patients experience frequent and noisy excretion, while others, on the contrary, have gas retention. Swelling can lead to a burning sensation in the heart area, rapid heartbeat, sleep problems, mood swings, severe weakness, headache and muscle pain, and numbness in the arms and legs. Sometimes patients say that there is a strong shortness of breath, the so-called dyspeptic asthma.


To understand why the stomach hurts and bloating appears, it is necessary to undergo a medical examination. Flatulence is only a symptom of a certain pathology, so it is necessary to diagnose the underlying disease, which leads to bloating.

On examination, the gastroenterologist may note that the abdomen is completely swollen (general flatulence) or that it is partially swollen, only in the right or left side (local flatulence). The whole abdomen swells if gases have accumulated in the small intestine, for example, with obstruction of the small intestine, and only part of the abdomen swells if there is a large volume of gas in the large intestine, which happens with colonic blockage of the lumen.

When listening to the abdominal cavity, intestinal noises can increase before the narrowing of the lumen, or weaken or disappear altogether. If, when probing, it is felt that the caecum is enlarged, then this indicates that there is an obstruction in the large intestine, and if, on the contrary, it was asleep, then this indicates a small intestinal ileus.

During an x-ray examination, it is clear that the intestinal loop, most often the thick one, is greatly swollen due to gas. To find out if the digestion process is proceeding normally, a fecal analysis is prescribed. Ultrasound examination of the abdominal cavity shows the condition of the mucosa, whether there is fluid in the abdomen or an atypical arrangement of organs.

The diagnostic criterion is the duration and frequency of pain. If gases accumulate after eating, regardless of the products and their quantity, and continue for two hours, then this may indicate stomach diseases (gastritis, ulcers, tumors).

With the pathology of the duodenum, the stomach swells strongly two hours after eating. Heaviness and pain in the abdomen does not go away with exacerbation of pancreatitis. With lactase deficiency, it swells only after dairy products.

If swelling is in the upper abdomen, then this indicates a decrease in the motor or secretory function of the stomach, which leads to stagnation of food and the onset of fermentation and putrefaction. With these disorders, the patient is worried about belching with an unpleasant odor, reflux is somewhat less common, and the stomach also hurts due to inflammation of the mucosa.

The lower abdomen hurts and swells in case of violation of intestinal motility, lack of enzymes, development of pathogenic microflora, narrowing of the intestinal lumen.

To avoid bloating, you need to follow the diet


The underlying disease that provokes bloating and pain should be treated. To reduce the amount of gas in the stomach, it is recommended to follow a diet that excludes the use of cabbage, legumes, freshly baked bread, and also does not eat foods high in starch (potatoes, sweet potatoes, flour dishes) and easily digestible carbohydrates.

You can not follow a diet that restricts the intake of proteins, fats or carbohydrates, since they are necessary for the functioning of all body systems. To balance the diet, it is recommended to seek the advice of a nutritionist. The specialist will select a diet depending on age and physical activity.

With fermentopathy, for example, with lactase deficiency or celiac disease, it is required to exclude from the menu a product that cannot be broken down due to the absence of the enzyme or its inactivity. This diet must be followed throughout life. Only in this way will the stomach stop swelling.

For bloating and pain in the stomach, the following groups of drugs can be used:

  • adsorbents (Smecta, Polysorb). Colloidal substances are capable of removing intestinal gases, for example, magnesium trisilicate, activated charcoal (there is a benefit only when taking a large amount), white clay, colloidal gels;
  • enzymatic (Pancreatin, Mezim, Panzinorm, Festal). They stimulate or replace enzymes;
  • defoamers (Zeolate, Disfatil, Espumizan) reduce the tension of air bubbles, due to which they burst or are absorbed into the intestinal mucosa and excreted naturally.
  • carminative. bismuth-based preparations (De-nol, Vikalin, Vikair) and carminative herbs such as chamomile, dill, yarrow, mint;
  • probiotics ("Bifidumbacterin", "Bifiform", "Lineks" "Lactobacillus"). Suppress the activity of putrefactive and gas-forming bacteria inhabiting the intestines;
  • antispasmodics (No-Shpa, Drotoverin) help eliminate pain caused by spasm of the intestinal wall.

The choice of remedies will depend on the cause and severity of the swelling. So, if gas formation is increased due to, then drugs are prescribed that improve digestive function (enzyme preparations, hydrochloric acid with pepsin,) and drugs that help restore the intestinal microflora (probiotics and prebiotics).

If the accumulation of gas is provoked by aerophagy (swallowing air), then the patient is recommended to chew food more thoroughly, limit fluid intake, and tranquilizers and anticholinergics are prescribed to reduce salivation.

If the swollen abdomen is disturbing due to the narrowing of the intestinal lumen, then surgical treatment is indicated.

A balanced diet, physical activity, timely treatment of gastrointestinal diseases, preventive measures carried out in the postpartum and postoperative periods (physical education, wearing a bandage, massage, stool normalization) will help to avoid flatulence, and you should not abuse laxatives and bowel cleansing through enemas.

If the symptom often worries, then you should not self-medicate, as this can lead to complications of the underlying disease and contribute to its transition to a chronic form. Only after the pathology is detected, the gastroenterologist will tell you what needs to be done to eliminate the swelling of the abdomen.

Bloating is a pathological condition that is characterized by a large amount of accumulation of gases, leading to abdominal pain and colic.

Why is my stomach sore and swollen?

Bloating and abdominal pain can bother anyone. Often it is not at all clear what caused such a reaction.

Pain and bloating can be caused by intestinal colic seen in most children. The main problem of the appearance of such an unpleasant condition is the underdevelopment of the intestine. With age, the intestine matures, and colic disappears on its own.

Many people experience stomach pain and bloating, especially when celiac disease manifests itself with age, because the amount of lactase formed decreases - this is an enzyme that is necessary for lactose to be digested in the stomach. If its amount is insufficient or this enzyme is not formed at all, then milk sugar begins to ferment, resulting in the formation of gases. All these processes lead to the fact that there is bloating and a feeling of fullness.

Poorly digested foods such as nuts, seeds, oats, honey, barley, legumes, Brussels sprouts, yeast. Therefore, after eating them, a person may experience bloating as a result of increased gas formation.

If a person eats quickly, they can swallow air along with food, which leads to bloating. In almost all cases, a person feels discomfort and mild pain.

Improper nutrition as a cause of bloating and pain

First of all, a person complains that his stomach hurts due to malnutrition, fatty and low-quality foods. There are people who can eat everything in a row and nothing happens to them, but there are people who only need to overload the stomach, as a series of unwanted abdominal pains, discomfort, nausea and bloating begin. In addition, if you catch it at the wrong time, you can earn a disease such as gastritis. Then it turns into gastroduodenitis (suspicion of an ulcer) and, if you do not seek help in time, then a stomach ulcer appears.

If the stomach hurts and is swollen, this may be a consequence of consumed foods that are not suitable for the human body. In particular, there may be frequent constipation, which enhances the process of fermentation and large gas formation in the intestines - this leads to constant bloating.

As for pain, they appear both in the inflammatory process of the organs, and when the abdominal muscles are stretched when it is swollen.

Flatulence as the cause of pain and bloating

When the stomach hurts and is swollen, this is a sign of flatulence. The main symptoms of bloating can be:

  • Improper nutrition
  • Swallowing large amounts of air while eating and drinking
  • All kinds of chronic diseases of the digestive tract.

Flatulence speaks of increased gas formation, which can appear for a number of reasons. Often, after eating dairy products, milkshakes, ice cream, cheese, cottage cheese, a person develops bloating, experts attribute this to individual lactose intolerance. That is, the stomach cannot digest milk sugar, which is found in all dairy products, and therefore bloating occurs.

Why does the stomach swell and hurt with problems with the small intestine?

If bloating is accompanied by severe pain, then most likely this indicates diseases of the small intestine. For example, such a symptom accompanies chronic enteritis, this is an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the small intestine, in humans it can occur together with damage to the large intestine.

The disease occurs after intestinal infections, giardiasis. The pain has the following character - unsharp, dull, aching, most often appears after eating and in the evening. There may be bloating, rumbling. Associated symptoms of the disease:

  • dry skin,
  • brittle nails,
  • weakness,
  • fatigue,
  • gum bleeding.

In this case, urgently seek help from a doctor - a gastroenterologist, only timely and proper treatment will help you get rid of this problem.

How to treat if the stomach hurts and is swollen?

You can get rid of abdominal pain and bloating if:

Diet strictly

Correct pancreatic enzyme deficiencies

Use, as prescribed by the doctor, special medicines that help to release the intestines from gases.

To avoid bloating, you should eat lighter food, not fried, not sour, not spicy. You can also take drugs that relieve spasm and free the intestines from gas formation. These are drugs such as Espumizan, Noshpa, Mezim forte, Panzinorm, etc. In addition, you can add dill to your diet, drink chamomile teas and dried fruit uzvar.

There are also folk methods for the treatment of bloating, if it is not associated with serious disorders in the intestines. If you go for a walk after eating, this contributes to the speedy digestion of food.

Normally, in a healthy person, a small amount of gases is formed in the intestines and stomach after eating, which does not annoy the body and is excreted during defecation. But with an excess of them, pain, a feeling of heaviness appear. The stomach seems to be bursting from the inside. It becomes easier only after the discharge of gases.

This condition is also called flatulence. It occurs when there is a certain malfunction in the digestive system. If bloating constantly worries a person, this indicates some diseases:

  • dysbacteriosis;
  • neurosis;
  • intestinal infections;
  • helminthiases;
  • problems with the stomach, gallbladder and liver;
  • intestinal obstruction.

In some cases, the stomach swells after eating foods that contain a lot of carbohydrates, or after swallowing air during meals.

1. Which cause active formation of gases: cabbage, bell pepper, pickled vegetables, legumes.

2. Promoting fermentation: beer, kvass, rye bread.

People with low lactase levels can also experience bloating after ingesting dairy products.

Overview of funds

To get rid of flatulence once and for all, you need, firstly, to find out the causes of bloating. With systematic violations of the activity of the digestive tract, doctors will prescribe appropriate treatment. The best remedy for flatulence is proper nutrition and exercise. But sometimes it is necessary to quickly remove the symptoms. In any pharmacy without prescriptions, various drugs are sold that will help:

  • sorbents (Smecta, Polyphepan, activated carbon, Maalox, Enterosgel);
  • carminative (simethicone);
  • prokinetics (Motilium);
  • probiotics and prebiotics (Laktofiltrum);
  • herbal preparations.

1. Adsorbents and absorbents may help, but not in all cases. Smecta is very popular today. It is often prescribed for chronic diarrhea, but it is powerless against bloating, it can even contribute to an increase in the accumulation of gases. However, the absorbent properties of Smecta can also be very useful for the treatment of flatulence.

  • Adults use the medicine three times a day, one sachet.
  • Children under one year old are allowed to use no more than one sachet of Smecta per day.

2. As a replacement for adults, Polyphepan may be suitable, but it is prohibited for peptic ulcers, intestinal atony and anacid gastritis. There are side effects even with activated charcoal, which absorbs beneficial minerals, vitamins and intestinal bacteria along with harmful substances. Adsorbent Maalox or Almagel also has a number of contraindications: renal failure, pregnancy.

3. Doctors also prescribe special carminative drugs. A popular carminative medicine for flatulence in adults is Simethicone (sold as Bobotik, Espumizan, Simecon). It quickly helps, breaks down gases in the intestines and makes it difficult for bubbles to form. As a result, gases are absorbed by the intestines or exit during peristalsis. Adults take 1-2 capsules (25 drops of suspension or 1 teaspoon of powder) after meals. The tool is still used for colic in babies, but clinical studies have shown that it does not have the desired effect.

4. Gastrointestinal motility stimulants are called prokinetics. Motilium and Cerucal are in demand.

5. Stimulates intestinal peristalsis and Duphalac. The composition contains lactulose, which is not absorbed in the intestines, but serves to thin the stool and increase the secretion of bile. Laktofiltrum is also actively used for bloating, it also contains lactulose, is a sorbent with prebiotics.

6. With insufficient work of the pancreas, products with enzymes can help. This, for example, pancreatin (Mezim forte, Festal).

7. Herbal preparations usually contain extracts of fennel, cumin or dill. Herbs stimulate bile production, peristalsis, eliminate abdominal cramps and have an antimicrobial effect.

What to do with severe swelling?

With severe pain from an abundance of gases, take one of the remedies that improves digestion and intestinal motility, remember about contraindications (check out such medicines). Try not to be nervous, because nervous tension can be an independent cause of pain in the stomach. In this case, it is better to lie down for a while, not to do any hard work.

If bloating has become a constant companion, be sure to consult a doctor, you may need qualified help and treatment of the stomach and intestines.

flatulence in pregnant women

Bloating in a pregnant woman can occur as a result of the growth of the uterus (therefore, flatulence often worries pregnant women in the second and third trimester) or an increase in progesterone levels in the blood, which leads to a decrease in the motor functions of the intestine.

Most drugs that are used to relieve symptoms are contraindicated in pregnant women or should be taken with caution. Simethicone (Espumizan) is considered a safe remedy during the period of gestation, and it is allowed to be used for a long period of time and combined with other medicines.

For the treatment of dysbacteriosis, doctors sometimes prescribe Linex to pregnant and lactating women, which is also combined with other medicines. Pregnant women can also use activated charcoal for bloating and heartburn. However, if coal is taken with other drugs, such as vitamins, it will neutralize their effect. For every 10 kilograms of the body there is one tablet, this dosage is also suitable for pregnant women.

What can you eat and what can't?

The right diet helps to cope with flatulence. First you need to eliminate from the diet some foods that contribute to bloating. We also advise you to keep a diary and make notes in it about the products, after which there are discomfort in the stomach. Limit the consumption of fatty, hot and cold foods, strong coffee and tea. All meals should be at a normal comfortable temperature.

Do not rush while eating, swallowing air is often the cause of bloating and pain in the stomach. Carbonated drinks and chewing gum stimulate the swallowing of air. It is better to drink more plain purified water with the addition of fresh citrus juice or green tea.

Diet for bloating and flatulence also involves reducing the use of milk, but not sour-milk products, if you can tolerate them normally. Natural yoghurts, kefirs improve digestion and help get rid of frequent bouts of flatulence.

What is undesirable to eat with constant bloating:

  • all legumes;
  • bananas;
  • grapes and raisins;
  • cabbage;
  • pears and apples;
  • fresh pastries;
  • salted fish;
  • fatty foods;
  • millet and pearl barley;
  • whole milk.

What can you eat with bloating:

  • carrot;
  • lean meat (stewed or boiled);
  • poultry (lean);
  • fish (lean);
  • scrambled eggs;
  • pureed soups;
  • grenades;
  • cereals (except millet and barley);
  • green tea;
  • beets;
  • pumpkin;
  • prunes.

It is better to eat in small portions, but often (up to 6 times a day).

Prevention with folk remedies

Not only the right diet and the rejection of bad habits (smoking, frequent drinking), but also short courses of taking folk remedies are suitable.

For example, you can drink the following home-made decoction during the day in small sips:

  • in a glass of water, add two teaspoons of the collection of cinquefoil, wormwood, yarrow and horsetail;
  • boil the herbs over low heat;
  • remove from the burner and strain.

There is another fee that is taken at home before bedtime, 100 ml each:

  • pour a glass of boiling water (a teaspoon) valerian roots, calamus, mint leaves, fennel, chamomile flowers;
  • insist collection for an hour;
  • strain.

But the most common remedy all over the world are dill, fennel and their seeds. They are used even in pediatrics, adults just need to add these herbs to salads, various dishes. You can also make a tincture at home: a tablespoon of finely chopped dill is poured into 500 ml of boiling water, and then the water is allowed to brew for 60 minutes. The resulting tincture is drunk 100 ml 20 minutes before a meal. When preparing water from fennel, take 2 tablespoons of herbs, and water - 250 ml.

Bloating exercises

Help to get rid of frequent bouts of bloating and special exercises. Everyone can do them at home and without much preparation. The only condition is the absence of serious pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract.

Exercises for bloating:

1. Lie on your left side, slowly pull your legs bent at the knees to your stomach. Lie down for a minute in this position. Roll over onto your back and then onto your right side. Also pull your legs up to your stomach. Bloating after such a procedure should pass.

2. Get on all fours. Take a deep breath slowly. As you inhale, raise your head and pelvis, and pull your back to the ground. Just as slowly arch your back as high as possible, and press your head to your chest as you exhale. Repeat 8 times.

3. From the pose on all fours, put forward the right leg, and push the knee of the left leg back. Raise your arms up, as if pushing the air with your chest and hips. Stretch up for 8 deep breaths. At the same time, keep your shoulders relaxed, and the muscles of your back and abdomen, on the contrary, strain and stretch.

Pregnant women can give themselves a light massage: put your hand on your stomach and lightly stroke it in a clockwise direction. Sometimes it also helps with bloating and cramps in the abdomen, if, after such a massage, lie on your left side and slightly raise your right leg.

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