Dry cat food: choose the best! What is the best kitten food

Food for kittens should take into account the factor in the formation of bone tissue, muscles, and animal fur. Therefore, it is important to know what is the best food for a kitten and provide the baby with good nutrition.

All baby food is divided into age categories. You should start with nutrition designed for 1 age group. It includes the age of pussies up to 4 months. The second category - from 4 to 8 months, the third - from 8 months. up to 1 year.

Experts do not advise feeding kittens with the usual food that the family consumes. For the growing organism of the mustache, the intake of all necessary substances is especially important., which will have a beneficial effect on the development of the animal - the formation of the skeleton, the normal functioning of all internal organs, muscle tissue, hair growth. Therefore, it is important to choose high-quality cat food.

Also, as for adult cats, lines of dry, wet food, canned food are produced.

Dry food for kittens

The specificity of dry food is that the food is in the form of pieces or granules, in which there is practically no moisture. Therefore, the animal gnaws food, cleaning the surface of the teeth from plaque, sharpening the teeth, which is important for predators. In the case of babies, this type of diet can hardly be called appropriate.

Digestion of kittens is not yet sufficiently established, teeth are just being formed. Therefore, it is very undesirable for them to resort to a dry type of food.

If there is a need to use dry feeding, then this should be done from the age of 8 months, when the fluffy has already formed, and the use of this type of food will be tolerated by the animals calmly.


Top 5 best holistic foods for babies:

  • Akana (Canada).
  • Chicken soup (USA).
  • Artemis (USA).
  • Eagle Pack (USA).
  • Felide (USA).

These are the highest quality feeds that are produced in dry form.

Super premium

According to experts, among the superpremium class nutrition, the best foods are:

  • Brit Care.
  • Bosita.
  • Gina.

They are somewhat inferior in quality of raw materials, but are quite suitable for a balanced diet of an adult pet.


In the premium class, the most favored were:

  • Hills.
  • About the Plan.
  • Royal Canin.

Royal Canin Kitten

Such feeds are cheaper than super premium, but are made from raw materials of satisfactory quality.

It is not recommended to feed the baby dry food of economy class. In the production of this type of food, many chemical additives are used, which can cause significant harm to the developing body of a young animal.

wet food

This type of nutrition for kittens is divided into age and breed of animals. The marking on the packaging of the product indicates the age for which the food is designed. Some firms make separate species, focused on the specificity of the breed. This approach satisfies the requirements of strict breeders. Animal lovers with less requirements can feed their pets with age-appropriate food.

Many cat owners who fed their kitten wet food from an early age were satisfied with the results. The baby adapts well to the new diet, as it takes into account the needs of the growing organism as much as possible.

Features of wet food in their composition. These feeds include natural products - meat, fish, vegetables. Jelly or broth, in which there are soft pieces, makes it possible for young, still forming teeth to cope with food without effort. In addition, the packaging of feed is designed for 1 meal. This is convenient, since the contents quickly deteriorate during storage. Wet food does not contain preservatives or other chemical additives. This type of food is safe for the health of the animal.

The wet food rating is the same as the dry food rating. All companies produce separate lines of nutrition for animals, designed for the age of the animals.. But still the best wet food according to veterinarians is Akana. He deserved the most flattering reviews of breeders.

canned food

This is an expensive pleasure, rather this type of food can be defined as high-quality bait for a kitten. Canned food is the most expensive type of food on the market. This is due to their composition. Often, they include from 90 to 60% natural meat - animal or fish.

Advantages of canning:

  • High calorie. It is enough for a crumb to eat 100 g of such food to satisfy hunger for a long time.
  • High quality raw materials used in production.
  • Disposable packaging.
  • Well-thought-out composition - if vegetables and meat are included, then they complement each other as much as possible.

Canned Disadvantages:

  • High cost.
  • Small list of components. It is not uncommon for a package to consist of 1 or 2 components. Such nutrition can hardly be called completely balanced.

Many veterinarians consider canned food a delicacy for pets. The top best canned food for kittens looks like this:

  • Almo Necher Alternatives.
  • Leonardo.
  • Appleus.
  • Evanges Signeisha Series.
  • Petit Quizin.

Almo Nature Alternative

Is it worth it to feed a kitten natural food

This is not an idle question. Many generations of animal lovers fed their kitten natural food. Now this approach also exists. At the same time, owners of fluffies who prefer this type of food for their pet should take into account the specifics of the animal. Cats are natural predators, so they need meat, fish. In addition, the formation of wool is an important factor. With improper feeding, she begins to climb profusely. This creates a lot of inconvenience.

Not all owners can completely balance the nutrition of a small mustache. Even if you feed your baby homemade food, a number of nuances must be taken into account.

Do not feed raw fish to a kitten. It may contain worms, eggs of worms, worms.

Without heat treatment, all this “charm” will enter the stomach and then it will be difficult to fight it. In addition, it should be borne in mind that there are many small bones in the fish. A baby (and even an adult cat) often suffers from the fact that the bones dig into the throat, palate, etc. Therefore, feeding with fish should be very careful.

You can not feed a kitten with cow's milk. It is poorly digested by the stomach of kittens and can harm the health of the baby.

Many experts advise feeding your pet a balanced diet, which is offered by various companies. The choice of food is large and is designed for various financial possibilities. The best food for a kitten according to veterinarians is wet selected according to age and breed. It will help the baby to normally transition from breastfeeding to denser food, to develop, without damage to digestion.

To maintain the good health of the cat, the owner must choose the right and balanced diet for it. The menu of a pet should include vegetables, fruits, meat, cereals, dairy products in a certain proportion. In addition to natural food, ready-made holistic and super premium class feeds are suitable for this.

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    Feed classification

    All prepared feeds can be classified according to different criteria. The most common signs by which cat food is chosen are:


    There are the following types:

    • Economy class;
    • medium class;
    • premium class;
    • super premium;
    • holistic class (Human Grade)
    cat breedMany manufacturers produce ready-made food for individual cat breeds. Their composition takes into account the features and weaknesses of each of them. On the shelves there is a diet for British, Persian cats, Bengals, Maine Coons
    Submission formDry or wet
    Animal age

    Food for each age is different in composition, content of vitamins and nutrients. There are types:

    • for kittens;
    • for adult cats and cats;
    • for older animals
    Health status and individual characteristics

    Some pets need special nutrition. For them, special or medicinal feeds are made:

    • for animals suffering from urolithiasis;
    • for animals with long hair;
    • for cats with sensitive digestion;
    • for pets with liver problems;
    • food for debilitated cats and animals after surgery

    Economy class

    Veterinarians categorically do not recommend feeding cats with economy class brands.

    The most common of them:

    1. 1. Whiskas.
    2. 2 Friskies.
    3. 3. Kitikat.
    4. 4. Darling.
    5. 5. Our brand.
    6. 6. Night hunter.
    7. 7. Felix.
    8. 8. Purina.

    They are made from low-grade raw materials and waste from the production of other products: skins, cartilage, bones. They don't have real meat. To increase the volume, a lot of soy texturate is added and seasoned abundantly with flavors and flavor enhancers.

    Economy feeds are digested poorly, by a maximum of 50%. If a cat eats cheap food for a long time, her health deteriorates significantly. First of all, the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, and liver suffer. The risk of urolithiasis increases, especially in cats. The risk of malignant neoplasms in adulthood increases.

    Medium class

    These brands are slightly more expensive than the previous ones. There is less harm in them, but there is no benefit either.

    Medium class contains natural meat, but its percentage is small (about 4%). The age characteristics of the cat, the daily need for vitamins and trace elements are taken into account. But the basis is still processed products and soy texturate. If the animal has a weak immune system or has health problems, it is better not to buy medium brands.

    The most common feed of this class:

    1. 1. Cat Chou.
    2. 2.Perfect fit.
    3. 3. Purina One.

    A kitten appeared in the house - what and how to feed it?

    Premium class

    Premium feed is sold only in specialized departments. This is a complete diet of good quality, containing meat, vegetables, cereals, essential vitamins and minerals in the right proportions. However, soy, artificial flavors and colors are often added to them.

    Premium food includes:

    1. 1. Royal Canin.
    2. 2. Hills.
    3. 3. Purina Pro Plan.
    4. 4. Eukanuba.
    5. 5. Belcando.
    6. 6.Yams.
    7. 7. Bozita.

    Super premium class

    Such food is considered professional. This is how animals are fed by cattery owners, owners of kittens with a good pedigree and ordinary people who want to give their cat the best. The composition of the super premium class diet is completely balanced, it includes natural meat and all the substances necessary for cats. Most popular brands:

    1. 1 Arden Grange.
    2. 2. 1st Choice.
    3. 3. Sanabelle.
    4. 4. Acana.
    5. 5. Origin.

    human grade

    The composition of the holistic class feed includes ingredients designated Human Grade - products that are allowed for human consumption. Such a diet is the most natural and healthy of all. Switching your cat from another food to holistic food is not easy. Manufacturers use only natural ingredients, do not add flavorings and flavor enhancers. After pronounced flavors (especially in economy and medium food), the animal often does not agree to try quality food. You need to change the diet gradually, every few days by 10% of the total.

    Representatives of Human Grade feed:

    1. 1. Innova Evo.
    2. 2. Pronature Holistic.

    High-quality superpremium and holistic class feeds are absorbed almost completely - by 90%. Due to this, food consumption is small and food costs will not be much higher than with an economy menu.

    For the health of the cat, super premium or holistic grade is preferred, as they are free from harmful additives, artificial colors and preservatives. They are available in dry and wet form.

    Dry food

    Dry food - concentrated dehydrated granules. Pros:

    1. 1. Convenient submission form. You can give the cat a full bowl of food at once. It won't fade or dry out.
    2. 2. Stored for a long time. Pathogenic microorganisms multiply in it less. It is important to strictly follow the storage recommendations indicated by the manufacturer on the packaging.

    Since the dry kibbles are too concentrated, the cat must drink plenty of water. Otherwise, the risk of urolithiasis increases.

    Some cats do not like to drink water. Sometimes experiments with the shape, size and location of the drinker help.

    wet food

    Wet food comes in a variety of forms. These are various canned food, stews, jelly, pouches, pies and more. One thing unites them: a significant moisture content. Due to this, food is well absorbed - almost 100%. Wet food minimizes problems with the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys and urinary tract.

    When feeding wet food, you need to consider some features:

    1. 1. An open pack should be stored for no more than a day and only in the refrigerator. Therefore, you should choose the amount that the animal can handle in a day.
    2. 2. Put as much food in the bowl as the pet can eat at one time.

    With such feeding, the cat also constantly needs fresh water. But the animal will drink a little less than when feeding with dry granules.

    Composition analysis

    Any cat food should include three main ingredients:

    • proteins (protein);
    • fats;
    • taurine.

    They are supplemented with essential vitamins, enzymes, trace elements.

    Proteins are the most important and indispensable element. Protein must be of animal origin: chicken, turkey, rabbit, beef, veal, seafood, offal. It is better if there are two or more sources: meat and fish or several types of meat. So the menu will include more amino acids needed by the cat. Unlike dogs, amino acids in cats are not synthesized by the body on their own, so they must be supplied with food.

    Taurine is the second essential component for a cat. It is also not synthesized by the animal's liver. High-quality feed necessarily contains this substance as an additive.

    Fats provide nutritional value. Most of them are in food for kittens and pregnant cats. The minimum amount of fat is in food for castrates and domestic cats with low activity.

    In a good feed, meat ingredients come first. The types of protein and its percentage must be listed. If by-products are added, their type is also indicated.

    Most feeds include cereals. They should not be more than 50%, ideally - no more than 25%. Too much "porridge" creates an additional load on the cat's digestive tract. For animals with allergies to cereals or with sensitive digestion, special grain-free lines are produced.

    The composition of high-quality dry food necessarily includes ash. It is a good natural preservative. But it is important to monitor its amount: an ash residue of more than 6% is contraindicated in adult cats and cats. The ash has a high content of magnesium, the excess of which provokes urolithiasis.

    Cats and cats with light-colored coats (especially pure whites) are prone to allergic reactions. Food for them should be chosen with a minimum amount of artificial additives, without dyes and preservatives.

    feed rating

    The range of ready-made food for cats is quite large. Brands that are optimal in composition, which nursery owners prefer to feed animals:

    1. 1. Origen;
    2. 2. Innova Evo;
    3. 3.Pronature;
    4. 4. Arascanidae (Felidae);
    5. 5. Go Natural;
    6. 6. Now natural;
    7. 7.1st choice;
    8. 8 Arden Grange
    9. 9. Acana;
    10. 10 Almo Nature;
    11. 11. Bozita;
    12. 12 Brit;
    13. 13.ProBalance;
    14. 14. Bosch Sanabelle;
    15. 15. Eukanuba;
    16. 16.Pro Plan;
    17. 17. Royal Canin;
    18. 18. Hill's;
    19. 19. Schesir
    20. 20. Iams.

    Under no circumstances should you feed an animal with economy brands: Felix, Sheba, Friskies, Whiskas and others.

    Some tips for proper nutrition of a cat:

    1. 1. New food should be added to the diet gradually, replacing 10% of the animal's usual food with it every few days. If the transition is abrupt, the cat may refuse to eat unfamiliar food. Also, an instant change in diet negatively affects the state of the gastrointestinal tract of the animal.
    2. 2. For food and water, ceramic bowls or stainless steel plates are preferred. They are easy to clean, do not emit harmful substances, do not absorb odors. Unwanted plastic.
    3. 3. If the cat has breed characteristics or health restrictions, specialized feeds should be used.
    4. 4. Do not mix several types of feed or ready-made feed with natural nutrition in the diet. Only the alternation of dry and wet menus of one manufacturer is allowed. Otherwise, the load on the gastrointestinal tract increases, problems with the stomach, intestines, and liver are not excluded.
    5. 5. Some people think that constantly changing the type of food will benefit the cat and diversify its diet. This is an erroneous judgment. With a well-chosen diet, the cat gets everything it needs. Replacement will be required if the food for some reason is no longer suitable or the state of health has changed.

    To determine whether the cat food is suitable, you should pay attention to its stool, coat condition, behavior. In a healthy pet, the coat should be smooth, shiny, the mood should be cheerful and playful, the stool should be regular, of normal consistency. Otherwise, a visit to the veterinarian is recommended.

Every cat breeder wants his pet to grow up healthy, playful and active. And in order to achieve these indicators, you need to feed quality food.

At present, few non-professional cat breeders will think about how good the food they feed their pet is, and that it contains all the useful trace elements that a cat needs so much.
Below we will look at the most common feeds that exist on the market, see rating of dry cat food, and find out which one is good and of high quality, and which one should never be given to your animal.

To begin with, we will create a scale by which we will measure our feed in terms of quality.

9-10 points - these foods are the highest quality on the market, but also expensive. Dry food of this class, with its high cost, is very economical. For an animal of average build and weight, 3 kilograms of feed is consumed in 1.5, -2 months. Also, all food is digested and perfectly absorbed by the body, which leads to less fecal excretion. You yourself will notice this if you feed or start feeding with such feeds. With constant feeding of these foods, cats stop shedding so much, they become active and cheerful.
For cats with various diseases or any other problems, food can be individually selected. All premium food manufacturers have developed food lines for adult cats, for cats with urolithiasis, for long-haired, for short-haired, etc. You can find out what kind of food your cat needs from your veterinarian or other competent specialist in this matter.

7-8 points - feed of this category is also good, but slightly cheaper than the first category. If you have been feeding your animal with these feeds for a long time, then continue further, it is not at all necessary to switch to the feeds described above. If a kitten has just appeared in your house, and you are ready to feed a little higher quality, but expensive food, then class 1 food will be preferable for you.

5-6 points - these feeds are inexpensive in their price category, but also of lower quality. The daily requirement for food of this class in an animal is higher than in the previous two. The animal with food will not receive all the necessary trace elements and vitamins. You will need to splurge on an additional vitamin complex, which in my opinion will come out at the same price as if fed a higher quality food.

3-4 - economy class feed. Manufacturers of this class of food do not particularly choose the ingredients, the food is not balanced. With the constant use of pedigreed cats with such feeds, various problems with the gastrointestinal tract can occur, purebred cats have better health and no serious problems. With this diet, it is necessary to give an additional complex of vitamins daily. These feeds are mainly fed to animals in shelters or families with below average incomes.

1-2 - this class of feed is cheap and of low quality. There is practically no meat in the feed, mainly meat production waste, bran, offal, and millet are added. There are no essential vitamins and trace elements that every cat needs. Would not recommend feeding this food. Have pity on your animal if it is dear to you.
0-1 - You can feed this food if you want to get rid of your pet. Your cat's diet looks like it would if you ate chips, doshirak and other chemicals for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Such feeds are not very cheap and are highly advertised, which leads all cat owners astray.
In no case do not feed these foods, they contain a drug that is addictive to these foods and the cat, having tried it once, will refuse other normal food. In the process of feeding with these feeds, diarrhea, vomiting often occur, the animal loses weight, sheds and does not look very healthy.
With the description finished, now let's get down to the feed itself:
1. Hills - 10

2. 1st Choice - 10

3. Eukanuba - 10

4. Eagle Pack - 95. Bosch - 9

6. Iams (Yams) - 9

7. Biomill - 9

8. PRO PLAN - 9

9. Royal Canin (France) - 8

10 Nutra Gold - 8


12. Pro Pac (USA) - 8

13. Flatazor (Flatazor) - 8

14. Leonardo Cat Food - 8

15. Belcando (Belkando) - 8

16. Diamond Pet Foods - 7

17. Royal Canin (Russia) - 7

18. Gimpet (Jimpet) - 7

19. Gourmet (Gourmet) - 620. Sheba (Sheba) - 6

21. Purina Food Pro Plan - 6

22. Dr. Clauder (Dr. Clauder) - 5

23. Friskies - 4

24. Oscar - 3

25. Four-legged gourmet - 3

26. Max - 2

27. Vaska - 2

28. Perfect Fit - 2

29. Whiskas - 1

30. Kitekat - 1

Our "smaller brothers" favorably affects their health and, accordingly, their appearance. The primary task of the cat owner is to find the best food for his pet. After all, this is the key to her health and longevity.

Today in any store you can see a huge selection of these products, but before choosing any product, the owner of the cat must know what nutrients the cat needs for full development. Of course, this is protein, fatty acids, vitamins and minerals, enzymes. And now you need to figure out what the food is. Perhaps then it will be easier for you to choose the best option.


In no case do not think that these are products from your table. Every cat owner must firmly remember that it is strictly forbidden to feed his furry friend with products intended for humans. According to many well-known veterinarians, the best food for cats is pieces of meat or fish. But you must remember that periodically the cat should receive mineral or vitamin supplements if you prefer natural food. The veterinarian will tell you about them and recommend which ones are best for your pet.

When inexperienced pet owners ask: “Recommend a good cat food,” many experts advise natural products.

What are the benefits of meat and fish

Low-fat lamb, veal, rabbit meat is the main supplier of protein to the animal's body. It is better to refuse pork or reduce its consumption to a minimum, and even then only in boiled form. Poultry meat - turkey and chicken should also be thermally processed beforehand. From time to time, a cat can be given beef liver as a source of vitamins D, H, A, B. Raw fish can be fed to a cat in limited quantities, as it can become a source of helminth infection. It is much safer to give it boiled.

Should I give my cat milk?

A small amount of dairy products is necessary for your cat. Veterinarians do not recommend giving milk to your pets - it is practically not absorbed by the cat's body, but sour cream, kefir, cottage cheese, low-fat cheeses will be very useful. The best cat food (we are talking about natural products) must be supplemented with plant components. These are cereals: oatmeal, corn, rice, semolina. Vegetables: cauliflower, carrots, herbs. They need to be boiled and rubbed.

canned food

Pet owners who walk into the store and stop at the shelves with these products cannot find the answer to the question of what good cat food to choose. For cats, canned food is a treat. It is rare to find an animal that would refuse it. Owners refer to canned food as an excellent "substitute" for natural products. They are attracted by the sealed packaging of these products, which significantly increases their shelf life. In addition, the use of canned food saves a lot of time for the owner.

Wet food

Wet (good!) cat food is a cross between dry food and canned food. Appetizing pieces of fish or meat are filled with sauce, which is very fond of cats. As a rule, one sachet is designed for one feeding. According to the owners, such feeds are very helpful, especially in the evenings, when after a working day there is neither time nor desire to cook.

Good cat food (reviews from owners and veterinarians confirm this) today is the product of companies such as Leonardo, Hill's, Jams, Sheb. It would be unfair not to mention good inexpensive cat food from domestic manufacturers. These are the trademarks "Four-legged gourmet", "Zoogurman", "Vaska".

Remember the so-called "black list" of this type of food - Darling, Wiskas, KiteKat, Gourment, EdelCat, "MonAmi", "Oscar", Friskies. Such cat food (reviews of veterinarians confirm this) should not be present in your pet's diet!

Dry food

The most controversial type of food. Experts argue a lot about the possibility of its application. Although it is often given to their animals even by adherents of natural feed. It is believed that it has a beneficial effect on the teeth of animals. In addition, good dry cat food is used to prevent urolithiasis. They are periodically given to adult animals that are constantly fed with low-grade feed of this species.

According to the owners, the advantage of dry food is the ability to leave it in a bowl for a long time (in case the owners leave) - it does not deteriorate, does not dry out. Adherents of this type of cat nutrition should be aware that veterinarians allow this choice, but strongly recommend choosing products from well-known and well-established companies.

These include EVO Turkey and Chicken Formula. Many pet owners say about him: "What a good food." It is completely harmless to cats. It does not contain any preservatives or other by-products. It contains chicken and chicken products, turkey. It is rich in protein (about 50%) and contains a small proportion of carbohydrates (about 7%). It is a product of Natura petfoods, which was acquired by Procter & Gamble in 2010. This is a quality cat food. Reviews of veterinarians say that it contains the whole complex of vitamins and minerals necessary for cats.

California Natural is another brand from the same Natural P&G company. According to veterinarians, this food deserves attention, although it does not contain a large amount of protein. The composition includes chicken, chicken bone meal, rice - regular and brown. Experts note the high quality of feeds from Family Foods, Onjen Cat&Kitten, BlueBuffalo Spa Select Chicken and others.

From inexpensive dry food, veterinarians recommend Nftura lBalance Ultra PremiumDry. True, it uses rapeseed oil. This is a rather controversial ingredient. There are no preservatives or synthetic additives in the feed. The protein content of 34% is a good indicator.

The advertised Purina Cat Chow has a very unappealing composition of poultry by-products, cornmeal, corn glugen, beef tallow and soybean meal.

Feed classes

Many cat owners are interested in what the division of food into classes means. Let's dwell on this issue in more detail.

Economy class

These feeds are designed to satisfy the hunger of the animal. They have a very low nutritional value, and therefore veterinarians do not recommend feeding cats with these foods all the time. The best option is to use mixed feeding, combining natural food with dry food. This class includes products such as Darling, Whiskas, Sheba, Meow.

Middle class

These feeds are made from higher quality products. They contain less grains and soy than economy class counterparts. Such feeds are more nutritious, and a smaller amount of them will be required to saturate the animal. This class includes products from Karma Organic, Acana, Royal Canin, PRO PAK and others.

Premium class

This food is quite expensive. But the health of a pet is more expensive, right? After numerous studies, the undisputed leaders in this class are Chicken Soup Adult Cat - dry hypoallergenic food. The protein content in it is more than 30%. It is based on natural meat and poultry. Grain ingredients in it no more than 35%. Grain-free Innova EVO Dri Cat Food has been highly praised by veterinarians. It contains more than 42% protein. The ingredients are vegetables and fruits, chicken and turkey meat, herring and potatoes - what a good food, for cats it has all the necessary nutrients.

Is it possible to switch a cat from one food to another

Yes, you can. But it is necessary to do this correctly so that the change goes smoothly and does not harm the animal. Gradually, over 10-14 days, you add a new one to the usual food in small portions. During this period, the cat may have impaired digestion. To prevent this, probiotics should be added to the animal's diet - special preparations that stabilize the intestinal microflora. This may be a decoction of chamomile or the drug "Smecta". A veterinarian will help you choose the right drug for you.

Quite often, pet owners ask: “How often can I change my cat's food? How to diversify her diet? We hasten to reassure you. Cats are great at monotonous diets. On this occasion, the owner himself is more worried, who for some reason begins to feel guilty about the fact that his pet does not receive something special. According to experts, the longer a cat receives even a monotonous, but completely balanced food, the less problems it has with digestion. If you are satisfied with the condition of your cat, its coat and skin, then it does not make sense to change the diet.

How to feed a spayed cat

Unfortunately, there are situations when animals need such an operation. After sterilization, serious changes occur in the animal's body that can disrupt not only its physiology, but also its lifestyle. Your pet's hormonal background is changing, she no longer takes part in mating games, having previously notified the whole district about this. Her attitude to food is also changing. She becomes the only pleasure of the cat, so very often she begins to gain weight very quickly.

The task of the owner is to distract his four-legged beauty from such an exciting activity as food. Spend more time with her, take her outdoor fun games. If the efforts made do not give an effect, and the weight continues to increase, it is necessary to transfer your kitty to low-calorie foods.

So, what should be a good food for spayed cats? If you fed your cat with natural foods before the operation, you can stay on them, but with some adjustments. The following foods should be present in the animal's diet:

  • beef or poultry meat;
  • offal;
  • milk porridge;
  • vegetables;
  • dairy products.

Attention! Fish from the diet of a sterilized cat must be completely excluded due to the high content of magnesium and phosphorus.

If before the operation you fed the cat with ready-made food, then it makes no sense to radically change the nutrition system. Let her continue to receive ready-made food, but with some amendment - these should be products for sterilized cats. Nowadays, many manufacturers are expanding this group of their feeds. First of all, we are talking about premium and super-premium products.

Such companies produce food based on the developments of their own research centers. These are Iams, Royal Canin, Purina, Hills. It is better to buy special food in pet stores, where the sales assistant can advise you on a special dietary food for the prevention of urolithiasis, taking into account the age, weight and physiological characteristics of your cat.

All animal lovers would like to advise - do not hesitate to seek help and advice from a veterinarian. In all matters of nutrition, he will become the best nutritionist. He will tell you what good cat food is right for your pet.

Feeding cats until recently fell on the shoulders of the owners of a heavy burden.

Not everyone can correctly compose a diet for a pet: this requires special knowledge and skills, and everyone wants to provide their crumbs with the best nutrition.

Today, cat food is carefully formulated based on the latest nutritional science.

There is still no clear opinion about which food is better. Some prefer dry food, others say that canned food is the best option.

Types of cat food

Feed fluffy pets need high-quality food.

This applies to any breed, both large cats like, and, and medium-sized animals like, and.

You can get acquainted with other large breeds of cats in the article.

In addition, in order to maintain a beautiful coat, and other long-haired beauties in their food, there must be a balance of trace elements and vitamins.

Catering for the purr depends on the capabilities of the owners and their free time.

Typically, owners choose one of the following methods:

  • natural feeding;
  • feeding with prepared food.

If the owners of the meowing miracle have enough time and energy to cook healthy meals and take care of the balance of nutrients, vitamins and minerals, then they can safely choose natural feeding.

But if there is not enough time, then you should think about ready-made feeds.

But how do you choose the right food for your pet? What is the best cat food?

If the owners have enough time to purr, you can feed your pets with natural food. But modern realities force us to resort to ready-made feed

The problem of choice is a common thing for the buyer. There are different types of food on store shelves. Depending on the presence of water in their composition, they are divided into:

  • dry food;
  • wet food.

Owners are afraid to give dry food to their pets because of the risk of stones in the urinary tract. But completely in vain. Manufacturers have managed to create a dry food formula that comes close to the ideal diet for a cat.

Dry cat food

Many fears are associated with this type of diet.

They are completely unfounded when it comes to high-quality food, but they are completely justified when the owner regularly feeds his cat with cheap dry food.

The main advantages of high quality dry food:

  • convenience - it can lie in a bowl for a long time without loss of quality;
  • most of the vitamins in the feed are preserved thanks to the granulation technology;
  • granules of high-quality feed are coated with digestive bacteria that contribute to the normal functioning of the cat's body;
  • dry food is more concentrated and lasts a long time.

Owners, primarily of exotic breeds like and, are afraid to give dry food to their pets because of the risk of stones in the urinary tract. But completely in vain.

You just need to know which dry cat food is best. Manufacturers have managed to create a dry food formula that comes close to the ideal diet for a cat.

In favor of dry food is the fact that many well-known companies put its release as a priority.

And the owners of eminent catteries are increasingly choosing dry cat food as a basis. Which is better?

The reviews are unanimous in only one thing: the economy class is the enemy of cat health.

Wet food

Canned food and spiders belong to this type of feed.

Canned food is the first attempt at creating an easy-to-use balanced diet.

They are pieces of meat, fish, vegetables and cereals in sauce.

Pack it all in a tin can. Spiders are the same canned food, only their packaging is not tin, but made of foil and polyethylene.

Important! Opened wet food can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 2 days. Before serving, it must be warmed up to room temperature.

Cat food classes

All over the world it is customary to divide cat food into three large groups:

  • economy product;
  • medium product;
  • premium product.

In some countries, the classification is expanded to five categories and added "Super premium" and "Human grade".

The latter include and. Separately, a group of medicinal products and diets is distinguished.

Economy class

On the packaging, manufacturers depict happy cats, but what's inside? Will this food really make a cat happy?

You can’t rely on a cat’s instinct in this matter - even spoiled purrs often eat cheap food with more pleasure than better ones.

This is a kind of cat "fast food". They smell good and contain little protein, but a lot of harmful substances. They are absorbed only by 30 - 50%.

As a result of such nutrition, animals get a whole bunch of diseases, and ready-made food - the glory of harmful cat food.

As part of the delicacies of the medium class, there is already natural meat, but its percentage is insignificant

Medium class

These products are not much more expensive. They are also sold in supermarkets, they are also found in specialized stores.

Such food harms the health of your beloved cats much less, but there is also little benefit from it.

As part of such delicacies there is already natural meat, but its percentage is insignificant.

But still, the age of the animals, their need for vitamins and minerals are taken into account.

The use of medium-class feed is not desirable for cats with weak immunity.

Premium class

Usually such feed is sold in specialized stores. With them, you can not worry about the diet.

Such feeds are produced under the brand name Purina Pro Plan, Eukanuba, Bozita, Iams, Belcando.

Super premium

Super-premium class is the choice of owners of elite kittens. Such food is called professional.

Their composition is thought out to the smallest detail, and specialists are working on recipes.

This class includes Nutram, 1st Choice, Cimiao, ProNature Holistic, Arden Grange.

Holistic food

This is an innovative line of feed. They are completely natural.

They include elements of Human grade, that is, products that are suitable for humans.

But cats need to be accustomed to such food. Manufacturers do not introduce flavors and flavor enhancers into the feed at all.

And if a mustachioed gourmet is used to strong-smelling foods, then he will not appreciate the benefits of a premium class. But does he have a caring owner?

Important! Owners of meowing pets should be aware that high-class food is digested by 80-90%. Therefore, their high price is offset by a small daily allowance.

Holistic food is an innovative line of food, they are completely natural. They include elements of Human grade, that is, products that are suitable for humans

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