How to drink nettle to cleanse the blood. Verbena medicinal herb. Infusion of nettle flowers

Healthy clean blood, in addition to supplying organs and tissues nutrients and oxygen, it also protects our body from harmful agents, bacteria and viruses. But her powers are not unlimited. High level toxins and unnecessary substances in the blood, weakens its transport and protective properties, and also reduces immunity and worsens health. Therefore, periodic blood cleansing with medical or folk remedies is simply necessary.

IN official medicine blood purification methods are called by efferent methods detoxification (previously they were called methods of gravitational blood surgery).

Traditional methods of blood purification

Except medical methods You can use blood cleansing with folk remedies. Herbal medicine is most often used, and various vegetables, fruits, grains and other foods are also used.

Blood cleansing with herbs

The choice of herbs for blood cleansing is quite large:

☀ dandelion;

☀ wormwood;

☀ celery and parsley;

☀ rosehip;


☀ a mixture of yarrow and calendula;

☀ series and many others.

Herbs used to cleanse the blood are usually used to brew tea, make a decoction, or prepare an infusion.

Pine, cedar or fir needles cleanse blood and lymph well. Pine decoction helps reduce slagging in the body, improves immunity due to high content it contains vitamin C (it was previously used to treat scurvy). The decoction is prepared at the rate of 10 tbsp. spoons of pine needles per 1 liter of boiling water.

Blood cleansing at home can be done using various juices: cherry, beetroot, apple, Jerusalem artichoke juice, cranberry, etc. Cleanse blood vessels from cholesterol and lime deposits, strengthen cardiovascular system You can use red rowan. 5 berries are eaten every day after meals for 4 days. Then, with weekly breaks, the course is repeated 2 more times.

In addition to cleansing the blood with herbs and juices, people often used bloodletting using leeches. They were prescribed for headaches, aches in the joints and lower back, pain in the liver and other health problems. An effective remedy blood purification considered strong green tea with fresh milk. In the first half of the day you drink this tea with a pinch of salt, and in the second half of the day you add honey.

☕ Cranberry juice

Cranberry juice perfectly cleanses the blood. You need to drink it three times a day, one hundred milliliters, for three weeks.

☘ Blackcurrant

For three liters of water, take a glass of black currant berries, boil for about 5 minutes, set aside and let it infuse, it is advisable to drink this decoction during the day without adding any sugar or honey, the course is 5-7 days.

☘ Carrot

People widely use blood purification using carrot juice To cleanse the blood you need to drink 50 milliliters of freshly squeezed carrot juice three times a day.

☘ Viburnum and calendula

You need to take fifty grams of calendula flowers, pour them with three liters of water, and simmer over low heat for thirty minutes in a closed saucepan. Then you need to cool, strain and add one glass of honey and two glasses of viburnum juice, mix everything, pour into a jar. Store the mixture in the refrigerator. We take half a glass every morning on an empty stomach.

☘ White willow

Take a spoonful of white willow bark, pour a glass of boiling water, simmer over low heat for about 10 minutes, leave for about an hour. Take 10 days, two tablespoons three times a day before meals.

☘ Curly parsley

Parsley cleanses the blood. Two tablespoons of dry parsley roots need to be poured with 1.5 cups of boiling water. You need to leave for three hours at room temperature, then strain. Take a tablespoon three times a day before meals for two weeks. Take one teaspoon of parsley seeds, fill the floor with liters of water, which should be room temperature. You need to leave it for 10 hours, and then filter it and take half a glass three times a day.

☕ Birch sap

Drink one liter of birch sap per day for about a week. Dog-rose fruit. Rosehip cleanses the blood, has a diuretic effect and removes toxins from the body, improves blood composition. A tablespoon of fruit per glass of boiling water, boil for about 10 minutes in a sealed container, leave for a day, take 1-2 glasses during the day.

☕ Juice mixture

Mix the juice of carrots, beets, garlic, lemon, radish, two hundred milliliters each, honey and Cahors wine two hundred milliliters. Mix everything and store this mixture in the refrigerator. This mixture improves general state body, cleanses blood vessels and blood. Take this mixture half an hour before meals, one tablespoon three times a day. This mixture of juices lasts for one and a half months.

☘ Blood cleansing with nettles

To cleanse the blood with nettle, you need to take 100 g of dry roots of the plant, chop them and pour vodka (0.5 l). Place in a dark place for 20 days. From time to time the contents of the bottle need to be shaken. The finished tincture is taken 10-25 drops in the morning on an empty stomach, washed down with water.

In addition to nettle tincture, you can make tea. It is convenient to use a thermos for this. 2 tablespoons of herbs are poured with two liters of boiling water and allowed to brew. Take in the evening for two weeks, preferably on the waning moon.

Blood cleansing with nettle is also used for diseases of the kidneys, bladder, digestive organs, and skin. Nettle contains a large number of vitamins and minerals that help the body cope with fatigue and drowsiness.

☘ Blood cleansing with garlic

To cleanse the blood with garlic, you can use the following recipe:

peeled garlic – 400 g;

freshly squeezed lemon juice– 800 g.

Mix the ingredients and leave in a cool place. 1 tsp The mixture is stirred in a glass of water and taken once a day. Garlic juice cleanses the blood well various toxins, salts heavy metals, cholesterol. But it cannot be used for diseases of the liver, kidneys and urinary system, exacerbations chronic diseases digestive tract.

When cleaning blood with folk remedies, it is important to consider contraindications to the use of a particular method. If necessary, it is better to consult a doctor.

☘ Folk remedy for cleansing the blood and strengthening bones - Needles

For folk cleansing blood and strengthening bones, especially in old age, this traditional medicine is effective. Five tablespoons chopped pine needles pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, boil for 10 minutes, wrap and leave to brew for 20 minutes. In this case, the infusion should become raspberry in color.

Take 2-3 sips before and after meals, in between meals. It is very important to drink this decoction during the day. Do this every day for a week.

Blend for blood and liver cleansing

We put three hundred grams of garlic, half a kilo of cranberries, two lemons with zest and two apples into a meat grinder, mix everything and add 400 grams of honey. Store the mixture in the refrigerator, take two teaspoons in the morning and evening for a month.

Recipe for blood purification

Take one glass of kefir and add two tablespoons of minted blueberries, two tablespoons of beet juice and the juice of half a lemon. All ingredients are mixed and this cocktail is drunk twice a day for a week.

☘ Herbal tincture. Cleanses the blood and tones the body.

Take half a glass of dandelion along with leaves, buds, roots, half a glass of young nettle, a tablespoon of calamus root and a tablespoon of wormwood herb. Pass everything through a meat grinder and add half a liter of vodka. We insist for ten days in a dark place. Then the tincture should be strained and taken half an hour before meals in the morning and evening; a teaspoon of tincture should be diluted in 50 milliliters of water.


Take 200 grams of May nettle and half a liter of vodka, these components need to be mixed in glass jar, the jar needs to be tied with gauze, for the first day we put the jar on the window, and then put it in a dark place for 8 days. Then strain the tincture. Take half an hour before meals, one teaspoon in the morning, one teaspoon before bed. Drinking the entire bottle improves blood composition, cleanses the blood, and improves heart function.

☘ Regular consumption of horseradish also perfectly cleanses the blood. To do this, mince the horseradish root and consume one teaspoon per day. Also this folk remedy can be dried, salted and added to dishes as a seasoning.

But remember, oversaturation with tobacco and alcohol has a negative impact on the blood. And also excessive consumption of fats, proteins, starches can lead to the formation of toxins in the blood. Before using traditional medicine to cleanse the blood, consult your doctor. Watch your health. Be healthy!

Come on, in childhood, which of us didn’t climb into the raspberry patch for juicy berries and, shouting “Ay!”, “Oy,” “Ay-yay-yay,” endured and gobbled on? Who were we so afraid of? Babayek? Moles? No, in the raspberry fields, in the fields, meadows, forests - biting nettles or, according to science, stinging nettles lay in wait for us everywhere.

Nettle is, in fact, a weed that no one specifically grows, but everyone knows it: children and adults, doctors, cosmetologists and even chefs. Interestingly, nettle, the medicinal properties of which are known to everyone, grows exactly where there is something to profit from - in raspberry thickets, among flowers. It’s as if the healer knows that we’re going to stick our noses in there - and she’s eager, really eager to treat us... And we, like a hedgehog of all things, famous cartoon“Hedgehog in the fog”, we still climb into the thickets, getting burned, groaning, but heroically enduring these torments. We are not hedgehogs and oh, how we feel the sting of the grass.

What are the benefits of nettles?

Common sense dictates that since nettle stings, then probably the most useful thing is contained in the leaves, or rather, in the stinging hairs that frame both the leaves and the stems. This is true. Nettle contains so many vitamins and minerals that the first aid kit is resting. Remember what we said when the nettles beneficial features which was unknown to us at that time, stung: “It’s all for health, don’t worry and chew raspberries.” And they endured.

Contraindications to the use of nettle

Stinging nettle due to its powerful therapeutic effect can also harm a person.

It increases blood clotting, so it should not be taken by people at risk of developing blood clots.

For the same reason, hypertensive patients and those suffering from atherosclerosis should be careful.

Scientists have proven that active substances, which are part of nettle, can cause growth cancer cells, if they are already present in the body. Therefore, cancer patients or suspected cancer the use of nettle is contraindicated.

Nettle heals the kidneys, liver, bladder. However, when acute course It can be harmful to diseases – take it in small quantities.

And do not forget that there may be allergies or contraindications to any other herbs included in a particular recipe.

In general, with such a list of contraindications, you should think carefully before using nettle internally.

By the way, this video tells you quite a lot about nettle in 4 minutes, including contraindications:

Nettle in cosmetology

The same vitamins and microelements can improve the condition of the skin and hair, help cope with acne, make the skin elastic, strengthen the walls of blood vessels, even out the complexion, moisturize the skin. Nettle is useful for hair; reviews of masks and decoctions can be found on various forums.

Lotion for oily skin and acne

1 cup of crushed nettle leaves pour 1 tbsp. vodka. Leave in a dark place for 10 days. Strain and dilute with 2 tbsp. water. Wipe cleansed facial skin. Do not drink under any circumstances, alcohol is a dangerous poison, do not forget about it.

Rejuvenating face mask

Grind fresh leaves nettles, add the same volume of honey melted in a water bath. Apply the mask and leave for no more than 10 minutes, rinse with warm water.

Anti-acne lotion

2 liters cold water(a lot of water, because it’s better to make more lotion - don’t drink it, wash your face with it), 12 tablespoons of nettle leaves - boil, strain and cool. Wash after sleep and before bed.

Mask for problem skin

1 tablespoon of crushed nettle leaves, pour the same amount of chopped plantain leaves into 4 tablespoons cucumber juice. Apply the mask and leave for no more than 10 minutes, rinse with warm water.

Against dandruff and hair loss

To solve hair problems, rub nettle infusion into slightly damp hair. This can be done no more than once a week, but the course is quite long - at least three months.

Pour a tablespoon of nettle leaves into a glass of boiling water, leave for 1.5 hours, strain.

Nettle in cooking

We talked about medicine, about cosmetology too. What about food? After all, what goes into your mouth is useful.

If young nettle is poured with boiling water several times, its pungency will disappear. Add it to salads and preserves, baked goods, and crushed into green oils and pates.

And what an amazing taste the sorrel soup will have if you add scalded nettles along with the sorrel. Try it, you will like it.

Oh, and nettle is useful, even though it stings. Therefore, it is necessary to prepare it with gloves so that your hands do not become covered with blisters. Although such treatment also has its place - in children's fairy tales, grass turns swans into people. Do you remember the fairy tale about a sister and her 12 brothers? They were doomed to remain beautiful swans during the day and only at night turn into young guys. They were saved by their sister, who with bare hands I picked nettles and knitted shirts. It’s just a pity that my youngest and most beloved brother didn’t have time to tie up his sleeve - so he was left with a wing instead of an arm. Although... The fairy tale is a lie and there is no hint in it, wear gloves and don’t play the savior of the swans!

(Lavender body gel, Innisfree foam cleanser, Queen Helene rejuvenating gel mask, Neutrogena water anti-aging gel, E.L.F. Cosmetics mascara, EcoTools hair brush, etc.)
I share my cart and impressions of shopping at iHerb

Neutrogena, Hydroboost Water Gel (48 g)
Light in texture and quickly absorbed, Hydro Boost gel, pale blue in color, with a pleasant fresh sea aroma is simply a godsend for dry and aging skin prone to irritation and allergies. After using it, the skin feels great all day long, ideal for summer. Due to its light Oil-Free texture, it goes well under makeup, instantly absorbing - eliminates the feeling of tightness and irritation, restores elasticity and firmness, the complexion becomes fresh, wrinkles are smoothed out. I recommend the cream very, very much!

Jason Natural, Powersmile toothpaste (100 g)
Whitening, quite thick toothpaste with a non-aggressive mint aroma, non-chemical composition, with constant use - a whitening effect. Very economical consumption - a tiny drop is enough for complete cleansing oral cavity. Cleans, disinfects and refreshes for a long time.

Jason Natural, Sea Fresh toothpaste (100 g)
Good paste, we just took it to “finish off” the package, after trying it we decided that it was definitely worth taking it again. Pleasant taste, cleanses and whitens teeth well, foams moderately when used, strengthens gums, refreshes the oral cavity for a long time, has a chemical-free composition, convenient volume.

Desert Essence shower gel with Bulgarian lavender (237 ml)
Wonderful in composition and effective gel for the shower - an unobtrusive aroma of lavender, the foam is not high, but it washes the body efficiently and most importantly - after washing there are no irritations or allergic manifestations, there will definitely be a repeat purchase.

Desert Essence conditioner with extra. red grapes (237 ml)
Wonderful conditioner for the weakened and fine hair with Italian red grape extract - natural composition, wonderful aroma, reasonable price, good volume of the tube - after it your hair becomes smooth, silky and manageable. The consumption is very economical.

Innisfree, Green Tea Facial Cleansing Foam (150 ml)
An effective cream for cleansing the skin of the face, when applied it turns into a persistent foam, after washing it off, the skin becomes lighter, cleaner, pores noticeably narrow, the face simply glows - it is easily washed off, the skin does not dry out or tighten after use. Ideal for combination skin prone to acne (PMS), blackheads, enlarged pores, irritation and allergic manifestations and those who don’t shy away from using Korean skincare products. Hardly suitable for those with dry and thin skin.

Queen Helene face mask-gel with extra grapes (170 g)
Remarkably cleanses and tightens pores, removes blackheads, gets rid of acne, refreshes and brightens the skin after use. Nice price, good tube size, fairly economical consumption (you shouldn’t use it more than twice a week) - for the skin mixed type and summer season - ideal for cleansing. Apply to clean face(except the area around the eyes) thin layer, leave for 10-15 minutes, after which the frozen mask is simply removed with your hands (like a second skin), after which rinse your face with warm water and apply moisturizer. I really like the feeling after this mask.

E.L.F. Cosmetics, Studio, lengthening mascara black (6.2 g)
An aesthetic container made of matte plastic, a very comfortable silicone brush with elongated bristles, thanks to which you can perfectly separate and evenly paint the lashes, does not fall off during the day, and is easily removed at the end of the day. cosmetic oil applied on a cotton pad, it is easily washed off with washbasins (without streaks). Ridiculous price, good product - minus not very little mascara itself in the tube.

Crystal deodorant body spray with lavender and white tea (118 ml)
The solid crystal has been living in our house for a long time and is used with success by all family members - each has their own, this time we decided to take it for testing in the form of a spray. The result is wonderful, we will definitely get different scents for the summer. The composition is natural, the smell is unobtrusive, pleasant, does not leave marks on clothes or the body, does not irritate the surface of the skin, does not cause allergies, works effectively as a deodorant - it does not interfere with sweating, but stops the proliferation of bacteria that cause the smell of sweat - a wonderful product. The volume is small, but the spray dispenser is quite economical.

EcoTools, Best Air Drying Brush
The comb is unusual and cool! Thanks to its donut shape (hole inside), it dries and styles hair very quickly and efficiently. Lightweight, fits comfortably in the hand - it performs its functions perfectly - it dries and styles hair efficiently, and wonderfully massages the scalp.

Nettle has been used in folk medicine for centuries. This weed, which grows near every home, in vacant lots and fields, has unique medicinal properties. During wars, nettle was considered an indispensable medicine - it healed severe wounds and stopped bleeding. And that’s not all the beneficial properties of nettle!

Did you know that nettles can reach a height of approximately 2 meters?

Nettle differs from all other plants in that when you touch it, it begins to burn the skin very strongly, up to the formation of blisters. Therefore, it is recommended to wear thick gloves when collecting nettles, which will reliably protect the skin.

The two most common types of nettles in the world are stinging and stinging nettles. They are what are used in medicinal purposes, all other species and subspecies of nettle are considered a weed.

The stem and leaves of nettle are covered with small hairs, which can cause a burn to a person. At the tips of each such hair there is a large amount acetic acid and the substance histamine. If you do get burned by nettles, then prepare concentrated solution salt and treat the affected areas several times a day.

Nettle and blood

Known for its effective blood purifying properties.

Daily consumption of nettle is aimed at improving the chemical and physical composition of the blood, and therefore at improving human well-being.

With abundant internal bleeding ethnoscience recommends using nettle infusions internally.

Fresh nettle juice stops bleeding and heals wounds, as well as in the presence of large purulent cuts prevents blood poisoning by clearing bacteria and infections.

If a woman’s periods are heavy and painful, then here too help will come nettle. To do this, it is enough to consume 1 tsp every day. nettle 2-3 times a day with meals.

During breastfeeding and the formation of lactation, it can be used to increase the amount of breast milk.

The cleansing properties of nettle are also evidenced by the fact that with its help they get rid of acne, pimples and other inflammatory processes on both the body and face.

How to collect nettles?

If you decide to take a blood cleansing course, then you need to learn how to collect nettles. Unfortunately, the nettle that is sold in dried form in pharmacies does not have such beneficial medicinal properties.

The collection of nettles, rich in useful elements, can begin in May. Try to collect small, fresh and green leaves of the plant. Moreover, you should not collect nettles “for reserve” - focus on a certain amount. Even if you keep nettle in the refrigerator, it will still lose its medicinal properties.

On a note!

It is better to cleanse immediately after you have collected required amount nettles It is not advisable to postpone this procedure until later.

Making cleansing nettle tea

If you are going to cleanse the blood with nettle tea, then you will need to devote 2 weeks to this. Preparing the drink is simple: you will need 2 tbsp. fresh green nettle leaves (pre-cooked cool water). Pour boiling water (2 liters) over the nettles and leave to steep in a warm place for 3 hours.

After the tea has cooled, it can be consumed. It is advisable to start cleansing the body in the second half of the day and before night it is recommended to drink 2 liters of prepared tea. After 8-9 pm we stop drinking tea.

Getting ready every day fresh tea from nettles. Well therapeutic cleansing blood treatment with nettle lasts 14 days. Afterwards, you need to take a break for a month and then the cleansing can be repeated as desired.

Nettle infusion for cleansing

For nettle, traditional medicine recommends using a tincture prepared with vodka. Pour 10 tablespoons of fresh nettle with 30 tablespoons of vodka (1:3 ratio must be maintained) and infuse this mixture in a cool, dark place (preferably in a glass jar). You need to infuse this nettle infusion for 10 days and then strain the medicine through 2-3 layers of gauze.

On a note!

To improve heart function, circulatory system and the body as a whole, introduce the dietary habit of adding nettle leaves pre-treated with boiling water to green borscht, cabbage soup and salads.

Who should not use nettle?

The use of nettle as remedy has its contraindications. It is not recommended to use nettle internally for those who have increased coagulability blood, increased arterial pressure, heart problems. Chemical substances, contained in nettle, increase blood clotting, increasing its density. It is forbidden to use nettle for patients with varicose veins veins

It is not recommended to take nettle decoctions or add this plant to food during pregnancy, since this plant is quite dangerous and insidious - nettle can cause premature birth in a woman.

If a woman is diagnosed inflammatory processes in the uterus, then nettle will only make you feel worse. It is very dangerous for elderly people to take nettle in any form. Also, it is unacceptable to use nettle for allergic reaction per plant. It is advisable to consult a doctor before purifying the blood with tea or nettle infusion.

Indications for use

Nettle in the form of infusion, tea or decoction can be used not only to cleanse the blood, but also for diseases gastrointestinal tract, as a diuretic, anti-inflammatory and improves metabolism. Nettle is effective remedy to relieve pain from rheumatism and joint problems.

Cleansing the blood with nettle is effective folk method which shows good results. Everyone has known nettle since childhood as a very stinging plant. Almost every child developed a rash after it. But this herb is considered medicinal. Almost every person knows this. It’s not for nothing that salads and borscht are prepared with nettles; this is especially in demand among people who prefer healthy image life. In spring it is useful plant gives the human body a large amount of vitamins, which prevents the onset of vitamin deficiency. You can also use nettle to cleanse the blood. This method of cleansing the body is considered very effective.

How to properly prepare and assemble nettles to cleanse the blood?

In order for nettle to help cleanse the blood as much as possible, it is necessary to collect this plant correctly. It is best to collect in the spring months.

Most optimal time- it's May. It is during this period of the year that plants turn green, including nettles. In May, it is considered to be maximally saturated with useful elements. To cleanse the blood, it is necessary to collect young leaves.

They should be a soft green color. These are the leaves that are not yet hot. By the way, these leaves are collected for salads. It is best to use gloves. The most useful thing is the tops of the plant, and they need to be picked while they are young.

There is no need to store the plant in the refrigerator for a long time. While it is fresh, it must be used.

If you want to stock up on this plant for winter, nettle leaves can be dried. The leaves should be washed carefully and then left to dry, spread out in the shade on a table covered with a clean, natural fiber cloth. Leaves can be stored whole year and the plant will not lose its healing properties, so that blood cleansing can be carried out not only in spring and summer, but even in winter.

Return to zmistNettle tea

Nettle is known for its beneficial properties and ability to cleanse the blood. To do this, you need to brew tea with this plant. The course of cleansing treatment is calculated over a couple of weeks.

The drink for this procedure can be prepared very easily. First take two tablespoons of nettle leaves (dry or young). Fill with two liters of hot boiled water. Now the product should be infused for more than three hours. It is better to drink this tea after lunch. If possible, you need to drink completely two liters of the drink. On this day, it is necessary to remember that after eight o’clock in the evening it is prohibited to drink any liquids. When the two-week course is completed, you need to take a break for the same period, and then you can repeat the course again, which cleanses the blood.

Return to zmistNettle infusion

A tincture is prepared from nettle leaves. To do this you need to use vodka. To cook something like this medicine, you must use the leaves of the plant. For one part of raw material there are three parts of vodka. You need to infuse such a remedy for at least 10 days. The container with the tincture should be stored in a cool, dark place. The container itself must be glass. A closet or refrigerator is suitable for storing the tincture. After the product has infused, the liquid must be carefully strained.

These medications must be taken every day, twice a day. To take it, you need to drop no more than 30 drops into a glass with 50 ml of purified water. The best remedy drink in the morning on an empty stomach, and in the evening before bed, 3 hours after meals. The course of cleansing should be at least two weeks. Then you can take a break for two weeks and start treatment again.

You can also cleanse with this juice. unique plant. Freshly squeezed nettle juice has many useful elements. It is necessary to select young leaves and pick such leaves before the plant begins to bloom. After collecting, the leaves must be washed thoroughly. Then you need to chop the leaves and add a little water. Next, the mixture must be passed through a meat grinder or mixer. As a result, the drink will turn out quite thick. It should not be filtered, that is, you should drink nettle juice mixed with leaves. You can add honey to the drink for taste. To cleanse the blood, you should drink just a couple of spoons of this drink before meals three times a day. Ready product Can be stored for no more than a couple of days in the refrigerator. Then the beneficial properties of the juice are lost.

Return to nettle remedies

Many people love to eat deliciously, but no one wants to be treated. In this case, nettle becomes unique means. After all, this plant can be used not only to brew tea, decoction and make tinctures with this remedy, which will help cleanse the blood.

For example, nettle has been used for borscht since ancient times.

Green borscht with nettles will not only be very tasty, but also healthy.

This tasty dish will have all the beneficial properties that were in nettle. Instead of using cabbage or sorrel in green borscht, try adding young nettle leaves to it. You can do the same when preparing green cabbage soup. You can also add nettle to them. By the way, not every person knows, but nettle is popular not only in Russia, but also in Western countries. It is used to prepare green eco-salads. It turns out that you can introduce nettle into your diet, mix it with various fresh vegetables and greens. It will not only be tasty, but also very healthy! Remember that only the top young leaves of the plant should go into the salad; they do not yet cause a burning sensation and will be more easily absorbed by the body.

Of course, dry nettle leaves are not suitable for dishes, so it’s better to cook tasty and healthy dishes during the period when the plant is green and young. Thus, for proper nutrition and introducing nettles into your diet It is better for you to choose the period of late spring and early summer. Starting in May, you can pick nettle leaves and use them in cooking. By the way, you shouldn’t ignore nettle stems - they contain much more useful substances than in the leaves.

As for dried nettle leaves, in winter, autumn and spring, when the picking season has not yet begun, they can be used like all other seasonings. After all, dried dill is in demand, so why not add ground nettle leaves to dishes? This will add an interesting taste to your dishes, and will also make the food more healthy. Such culinary experiments with dry and young nettle can be used as an addition to the main course of treatment and cleansing of the human circulatory system.

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