How to increase the content of leukocytes in the blood. How to increase white blood cells after chemotherapy? Why is there a decrease in leukocytes

Leukocytes, like other blood cells, are produced by the bone marrow and develop through several stages. The rate of leukocytes varies within 4.0 - 9.0 * 109.

But if there are low white blood cells in the blood, how to increase their level and maintain immunity? First of all, you need to identify the causes.

A decrease in the number of leukocytes is not a disease, as such, but a symptom of failures occurring in the body. To restore effective hematopoiesis, it is necessary to act on the cause low level leukocytes, which led to its violations.

Reasons for the decline

So why are leukocytes in the blood lowered, what are the reasons, and how to increase their production? can lead to both pathological changes in the bone marrow itself, as well as diseases that contribute to the depletion of the body. The first ones include:

Diseases and pathological conditions leading to a decrease in leukocytes:

  • lingering infectious diseases such as tuberculosis, rheumatoid lesions.
  • Hyperactive disorders in the work of the endocrine system.
  • Acute liver and kidney failure.
  • Trauma and burns.
  • Cachexia.
  • Acquired or hereditary immunodeficiency states.

The so-called physiological decrease in leukocytes in adults and children (temporary, not dangerous to health) can be observed for some time after recovery, with course treatment with hormones, pregnancy.

It is important to remember that the main disorders occur in the bone marrow, this is insufficient or incomplete maturation of leukocyte cells. A decrease in immunity and an increase in morbidity is only a natural result. You can influence with the help of diet, folk remedies, drug therapy.

Treatment of the number of leukocytes with nutrition refers, rather, to the question of how to increase leukocytes at home, and is not a complete treatment.

Firstly, you can use only one diet if at least 3.0 * 109, i.e. does not require emergency intervention.

Secondly, quick effect and high numbers cannot be achieved by this method. The nutritional value diet should be shifted towards proteins, fats and easily digestible carbohydrates subject to restriction, vitamins, microelements and polyunsaturated fats, on the contrary, increase their share.

The required list that increase leukocytes will look like this:

  • Seafood and fatty fish
  • Lean meats
  • Vegetables, fruits, nuts
  • Vegetable oil, preferably olive and linseed
  • Eggs, leafy greens

Good results are obtained by drinking juices: carrot, beetroot, broccoli, citrus, raspberry, cranberry. For best result worth adding daily walks to fresh air and moderate exercise.

How to increase white blood cells folk remedies? The most effective are oatmeal decoction and sweet clover infusion.

Pour 50 grams of unpeeled washed oats into a saucepan, add 400 ml of water there, bring to a boil and simmer for 15 minutes over low heat. Then for 10-12 hours this decoction should be infused. Used twice a day before meals, 1/3 cup. The course of treatment for increasing leukocytes is one and a half months.

Dried and crushed sweet clover grass is poured with boiling water in proportions of 750 ml of water per 50 g of dry grass. Infuse for four hours, strain and drink three times a day between meals. This course is one month long.

A good result is a decoction of rose hips, an infusion of barberry, which can be purchased at a pharmacy. Plantain juice, diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 1 and brought to a boil, then cooled and consumed 1 st / l three times a day.

Medicines from natural herbs safe, but the effect is not immediately given, for this they need to be taken for a long time. And how to quickly increase leukocytes in the blood? With a decrease in the number of white cells below 3.0 * 109 / l, emergency intervention is required. The person is experiencing constant drowsiness, depressed mood.

Since the defenses are weakened, there are frequent infections, colds, escalate hidden infections such as herpes, candidiasis. In such cases, drug therapy is used.

The most commonly prescribed drug is methyluracil. The drug, acting on the bone marrow, enhances the production of leukocytes and accelerates their maturation, has a relatively not a large number of side effects. However, any synthetic medications can be used strictly according to the appointment of a specialist.

Treatment after radiation and chemotherapy

During treatment malignant neoplasms along with surgical method chemotherapy and radiation therapy are used. Drugs used to treat malignant tumors are so aggressive that they indiscriminately suppress the growth of both immature cancer cells and blood stem cells, especially leukopoiesis.

Using radiotherapy the affected area and adjacent tissues and organs fall under irradiation. Irradiation almost completely suppresses the work of the bone marrow and the body needs a significant time to recover. And while this time runs, a person remains defenseless against any infection.

When asking questions, it is important to understand that this case a fast solution is needed. Therefore, drug therapy becomes the basis of treatment, and prescriptions traditional medicine are used as an aid.

The drugs are prescribed both in injections and in tablet forms. These are drugs that act directly on the bone marrow tissue, stimulate the production of white cells and lengthen their life span. The course of treatment usually lasts more than a month under the supervision of an oncologist or hematologist.

How to increase white blood cells after radiation therapy? The drugs used are the same severe cases patients benefit from transfusion of donor leukocytes. This helps to support the body until full recovery.

For a prolonged effect, traditional medicine is used: a decoction of oats, a decoction of rose hips, dry nettle leaves ground with honey.

Features of leukopenia in women

By virtue of physiological characteristics can change, and this is completely unrelated to the presence of pathology. The reason may be: taking contraceptives, drugs to combat PMS, pregnancy.

To decide how to increase white blood cells in a woman's blood, you need to figure out what caused their decrease. If no pathology is found during the examination, it may be due to a lack of vitamin B12, folic acid, iron. In this case, a diet and herbal teas are prescribed.

White blood cells - leukocytes - play an important role in the human body - protection against infections. They are able to pass through capillary walls, penetrate tissues, recognize internal and external pathogenic agents, remember them, capture and destroy them. These cells are called phagocytes, and the process is called phagocytosis. When foreign bodies are consumed, they increase in size and are destroyed. The substances released during this process cause inflammatory response(swelling, redness, fever), and also attract new leukocytes to the site of penetration of harmful agents, which continue to attack foreign bodies. As a result, a large number of white blood cells die, and the resulting pus is the dead white blood cells.

The number of leukocytes reflects the state immune system, that is, the level of protection of the body. The deviation of this indicator from the norm in any direction may indicate a pathology. For example, leukocytes are low viral infections, oncological diseases. In addition, they may decrease severe stress, taking certain medications, low blood pressure, fasting. A condition in which their level is below normal (less than 4x10⁹ per liter of blood) is called leukopenia. To provide the body reliable protection, you need to control the number of white cells in the blood, and if their level drops, it is important to know how to raise white blood cells.

The norm of leukocytes

The norm in adults and children is different. In the first case, this figure should be 4-9x10⁹ per liter of blood. In children, the level of leukocytes is higher. The norm for newborns is 9.2-18.8x10⁹, from one to three years old - 6-17x10⁹, from 4 to 10 years old - 6.1-11.4x10⁹. Their number at healthy people varies throughout the day and increases after meals, hot bath, physical effort. If the level of leukocytes is normal, then we can say that the body's resistance to disease is good.

Treatment of leukopenia

Leukopenia is not independent disease therefore, an examination is required to determine the pathology that provoked it. In order to increase white blood cells, doctors carry out complex therapy. If the reason for the low level of white cells is autoimmune disease prescribe corticosteroids if bacterial infection- antibiotics, if liver pathology - hepatoprotectors.

Aplastic anemia requires a blood transfusion. For leukemia, chemotherapy or bone marrow transplantation. In addition to prescribing medicines for the underlying disease, they prescribe drugs (pills, injections) that contribute to the more rapid formation of leukocytes (if the problem is associated with a disruption in the bone marrow), as well as agents that activate cellular metabolism. AT without fail recommend special food. Even after eliminating the cause of leukopenia, the level of white cells can long time stay low, so you should continue treatment and eat right.

For people with oncological diseases the task of increasing leukocytes after chemotherapy is very relevant. As you know, you can’t do without it, and at the same time it has a lot side effects, including leukopenia.

In this case, special preparations are prescribed that accelerate the maturation of white cells and increase their lifespan. Among them:

  • Methyluracil;
  • Lenograstim;
  • Neupogen;
  • Filgrastim;
  • Pentoxyl;
  • Lekomax;
  • Leucogen.

Increasing white blood cells through nutrition

Proper nutrition is essential to maintaining a healthy immune system. Food should include foods that are rich in:

  • potassium;
  • zinc;
  • polyunsaturated acids Omega-3;
  • vitamins C, E.

The diet should contain more citrus fruits (tangerines, oranges, lemons), which stabilize cell membranes. Omega-3 rich walnuts and salmon help cells defend themselves against microorganisms. Zinc and vitamin E, found in chicken and turkey meat, spinach and white cabbage, are needed to strengthen and stabilize cells.

It is impossible to increase leukocytes without proper nutrition, important role this is played by seafood and fish

With a low level of leukocytes in the blood, the patient receives recommendations on nutrition from a doctor. Must be included in the diet more products rich in protein and vitamins. At the same time, it is required to reduce the consumption of animal fat, meat, and liver.

Many vitamins are found in plant foods: vegetables, herbs, berries, fruits. Beets are especially useful for leukopenia. It can be eaten raw and boiled. Good to drink beetroot juice, which must be allowed to brew in the refrigerator for at least two hours. From fruits it is recommended to eat citrus fruits and pomegranates.

Protein sources during this period should be chicken eggs, chicken and turkey meat, walnuts. As for dairy products, it is recommended to eat them without restriction.

The menu should include more seafood and fish. Preference should be given to red fish, such as salmon. In addition, caviar (red and black) is useful. Seafood - shrimp, crabs and others.

Folk methods

What else can raise the level of leukocytes is folk remedies.

A decoction of oats

To prepare it, you need to pour unpeeled washed oats (two tablespoons) hot water(cup). Put on fire, boil for about a quarter of an hour. Then remove from heat, let it brew (about 12 hours) and strain. It is necessary to take a decoction within 1 month. Drink half a glass three times a day before meals.

Oats - one of the effective means to raise leukocytes

Sweet clover infusion

Another effective remedy from leukopenia is prepared as follows. Grind sweet clover grass (two teaspoons) and pour cold water(one and a half glasses). Leave to infuse for 4 hours, then strain. Drink this portion during the day in three divided doses. Treat for a month.

Wormwood tincture

Pour boiling water (three cups) bitter wormwood (three tablespoons). Infuse for four hours, then filter. You should drink tincture before meals, one glass three times a day.


Well raises leukocytes unripe beans. Juice is squeezed out of the pods and taken 5 times a day for two teas. spoons before meals.


Another proven remedy for leukopenia is beer with sour cream. To raise leukocytes, you need to take a dark drink and fatty sour cream, you can use cream. Put sour cream (three tablespoons) into a glass with beer and mix. Drink once a day. Contraindicated in children and women during childbearing and breastfeeding.

dried herb powder

Mix the following ingredients: motherwort (3 parts), horsetail (6 parts), knotweed (4 parts). Grind to powder. Add powder to food (6 grams at a time).

In addition to the above recipes, for leukopenia, plantain juice, chicory tea, royal jelly, Rhodiola rosea extract, barley decoction. It should be said that for different people fit different means, so you have to try and choose the most effective.

To increase white blood cells after chemotherapy, it is recommended to use other traditional medicine recipes.

Video about the role of leukocytes in the body and their varieties:


To prepare a decoction of flax seed, you need to take 75 grams of seeds and pour water (two liters). Then simmer in a water bath for about 2 hours. Drink at least two weeks without restrictions in the 2nd half of the day.

barberry rhizome

In order to raise the level of leukocytes, barberry rhizome (50 grams) is poured with alcohol or vodka (100 ml), kept for 18 days in a dark place. Then take 15 ml three times a day.


Leukopenia indicates weakening defensive forces. Any of its forms requires careful diagnosis and long-term therapy. For treatment to be effective, medication must be combined with proper nutrition and traditional medicine methods.

Leukocytes (or white bodies) are blood cells that perform protective function. When their amount in the blood decreases, the body loses its ability to resist infections and viruses.

The article will tell you how to increase the number of leukocytes in the blood of an adult or a child - quickly and at home.

In contact with

The course of treatment with drugs prescribed by a doctor can last several weeks, depending on the degree of the disease that caused leukopenia. The reasons for the low and do not differ. Before you increase the white cells with drugs, a doctor's examination is mandatory.

What does leukopoiesis depend on?

Leukopoiesis is the process of forming new white blood cells. directly depends on:

  • the person's age (than adults);
  • the use of drugs that stimulate the increase in leukocytes.

The cause of low white blood cells is determined by a specialist. Blood is donated to morning time, on empty stomach.

Why white blood cells fall in the blood and how to raise them - there is no definite answer to this question. The reason, as a rule, is hidden in diseases.

What should an adult do at home?

To quickly raise the level of leukocytes in a patient, the doctor makes an individual diet and recommends taking certain products. Also, a person needs to give up bad habits: alcohol intake, poor quality food, etc.

The need for diagnosis and treatment of the underlying disease

To increase white blood cells at home, we must not forget that the main cause of low white blood cells must be eliminated in the first place. Otherwise, a weakened immune system will not be able to resist serious illnesses. Home therapy is a companion element drug treatment, not replacing it!

Vegetable dishes will be useful

Minor role of food intake

To increase white blood cells in the blood, the body must be regularly saturated with essential trace elements. You can increase leukocytes by eating foods containing copper, iron, vitamins (B1, B2), folic acid.

What products boost?

Products to increase white blood cells:

  • eggs;
  • cereals;
  • fish;
  • "live" food (vegetables, fruits, greens).

To increase the number of white cells, the diet should be compiled by a hematologist or therapist. The main task of the diet is to reduce carbohydrates and increase natural protein. You can not engage in the preparation of the diet on your own, since only a specialist will be able to take into account individual characteristics body and replace products with similar composition in case of manifestation allergic reaction.

Is it possible to raise folk remedies?

Many sources claim that it is possible to raise white cells in the blood quickly with folk remedies. oatmeal broth, / chamomile, beetroot juice. In fact, these tools are ineffective without complex treatment and increase leukocytes by themselves cannot.

Chamomile tea can be sweetened with honey

Leukopenia in children always indicates the presence of diseases. The body of infants contains the largest amount of leukocytes, as it needs a high degree of protection. With age, they decrease, while the person feels good. If the bodies have decreased after past illnesses, you need to see a doctor to increase them.

Useful video

Find out if there are effective ways increase in the number of leukocytes in the blood:


  1. Only a doctor determines how to raise the leukocyte level, based on the characteristics of the patient's body.
  2. Folk remedies do not eliminate leukopenia.
  3. An effective solution to the problem lies in drug therapy and a balanced diet.

A person who has undergone such a procedure has a question, how to raise leukocytes in the blood after chemotherapy, what is recommended in this case? Let's try to find out everything in detail.

How to raise leukocytes?

There are medications that can increase the number of white blood cells in the blood. These drugs include Cefarasin, Pyridoxine, Batilol, Leucogen and many other drugs in this group. It is possible to raise the level of white cells in the blood by taking certain means, but it is important to combine them with “therapeutic” nutrition, as well as taking special decoctions.

It is recommended to increase white blood cells in the blood after chemotherapy with the help of a certain diet, which must be complete.

  • fresh berries and fruits;
  • buckwheat;
  • raw vegetables;
  • oats.

In this case, it is recommended to use any red vegetables. If a low rate has been diagnosed, it is recommended to drink beetroot and pomegranate juice. To prepare beetroot juice, grind raw beets on a fine grater and add a teaspoon of sugar. To form juice, it is recommended to leave the gruel overnight.

In the morning it is recommended to squeeze and drink the resulting juice, take 30 minutes before breakfast, one tablespoon on an empty stomach. The duration of therapy is at least two weeks. It is important to know that it is forbidden to immediately consume freshly squeezed beetroot juice, it is ready to drink after two hours.

When an increase in white blood cells is required, it is recommended to reduce the amount of meat and liver consumed, and add chicken eggs, nuts and seafood to the daily diet. It is recommended to regularly drink beetroot juice, with its help the state of the blood normalizes.

A great home recipe, raising leukocytes: pour a handful of vodka with a glass of vodka walnuts. Infuse the composition for several weeks, then put it in a dark place.

Drink the remedy several times a day for a tablespoon. According to doctors, such a recipe for raising leukocytes is quite effective and efficient, but the length of time it takes to infuse nuts leads to long expectations of the final result.

Traditional medicine

Also, many people are concerned about the question of how to increase white blood cells after chemotherapy with traditional medicine? This can be done without much effort, for this you will need to take 4 teaspoons of unpeeled oats, which must be poured into two glasses boiled water, after boiling the composition for about 15 minutes. It is recommended to take about 0.5 cup 3-4 times a day. The mixture is taken for several months.

infusion of honey and flower pollen(1/2), infused for three days, take 1 dessert spoon with milk. If there is reduced level leukocytes - it is recommended to take a decoction of barley, pour 1.5 cups of the product with two liters of boiling water. After boiling the infusion until half of the liquid has evaporated.

Raise white blood cells and improve general state blood allows red wine, with its help hemoglobin increases, the work of blood cells improves - leukocytes and platelets.

According to oncologists, great way to increase leukocytes after chemotherapy is to take buckwheat with kefir. It is recommended to pour one spoonful of buckwheat at night with three tablespoons of kefir, and you can eat it in the morning. Such porridge is useful for normalizing digestion.

Also, therapy that increases the level of red blood cells and white blood cells includes taking medications. But special medicines, whose action is aimed at increasing platelets - no. Patients are advised to take prednisolone. For the body, sparing methods of therapy are useful, although few people know how to raise the level of platelets. After all, they are quite important components of blood cells, playing a very important role in blood clotting.

Ways to increase platelets in the blood

An excellent way to increase platelets is an infusion of caper bark and roots, it is recommended to take the remedy before breakfast on an empty stomach, half an hour before meals. It is recommended to take any decoctions after consultation with your doctor, starting self-medication in this case can be extremely dangerous to health.

  • dicynone, take not only in the form of tablets, but also as injections;
  • sodecor, a remedy from the infusion of various herbs;
  • deximethasone is a hormonal agent;
  • Derinat, it is recommended to use in the form of injections or drops;
  • thrombopoietin, which stimulates the production of the hormone thrombocytopoiesis.

Before you start accepting funds, you need to understand that all these medical preparations unable to give complete healing, after completion of treatment, an increase in the number of platelets by 5-10 times is observed. As can be judged from practice, sodecor is considered the best drug.

Speaking about how to increase leukocytes in the blood, one cannot fail to mention this good remedy like birch sap. Due to the intake of birch sap, there is a sharp increase in platelet production. This suggests that the patient will be able to quickly cope with thrombocythemia. In order to reduce the impact low quantity platelets on the bone marrow, it is also recommended to add ginger to food.

In the event that a completely critical situation is observed, or if there are factors for which it is impossible to take drugs and traditional medicine, you can use the method of thromboplasm transfusion. However, this option cannot be called absolutely safe, since with a low platelet count, there is a decrease in blood clotting, which means that bleeding may occur during transfusion. At the same time, you need to understand that it will be quite difficult to stop the bleeding of such a plan.

Unique properties of caviar

Speaking about how to raise leukocytes after chemotherapy, one cannot fail to note black and red caviar, the miraculous properties of which allow you to quickly restore blood after chemotherapy.

The composition of red caviar contains nuclein, which indicates that it is used to observe fast recovery levels of platelets and leukocytes, improving the overall condition of the blood.

Accordingly, if there is low hemoglobin, then soon it should return to normal. For enough a short time the blood formula will be able to come in order.

There is also another good tool that can solve all problems. It is recommended to grind one glass of buckwheat and walnuts into powder. We mix the components together, after which we add a glass of honey to the composition. In the end, you should get a mass resembling halva. You can store it in the refrigerator. It is recommended to take the remedy two teaspoons several times a day, it is possible with tea. The duration of taking the drug is from 7 to 10 days.

Black elderberry syrup is recommended for general improvement of the blood condition, as well as freshly squeezed apple juice (made from green fruits) diluted half and half with water. In the presence of low rate leukocytes and platelets are recommended to drink plenty of water. As drinks in this case, it is recommended to use plain water, and for good, you can give a choice of cranberry, lingonberry and currant fruit drinks, cranberry, orange, pomegranate and sea buckthorn juices.

The last rule - try to walk in the fresh air, it is recommended to perform moderate physical exercise. All these tips are recommended to be combined with taking medications and complex nutrition. Only in this case can one achieve Get well soon and improved overall well-being.


Reduced hemoglobin, thrombocytopenia and leukopenia, during chemotherapy, is a natural phenomenon. Correcting one problem automatically improves the other. In the human body, all processes are interconnected, all blood components work together.

Patients, in addition to treatment and proper nutrition, are advised to be in the fresh air. It is necessary to fight this and remember that you should not be zealous with raising platelets and leukocytes.

Make sure that homemade recipes for getting rid of low hemoglobin, platelets and white blood cells do not cause an allergic reaction. Any of the above procedures should be carried out only on the recommendation of a doctor after consultation with him. In some cases, such measures can aggravate the result.

To combat malignant processes in the body in oncology, specific pharmaceuticals- cytostatics. These drugs have a pronounced therapeutic effect, consisting in the suppression of the processes of formation of atypical cells. However, in parallel, the action of cytostatics is extremely toxic for all others. structural elements organism, first of all, the hematopoietic system is affected. After the treatment, the solution to the question of how to raise leukocytes after chemotherapy with folk remedies and at home comes to the fore.

Cytostatic drugs inhibit the division of leukocyte cells. At the same time, their action in the body is not selective (only on cancer cells), which leads to damage to the structural components of the bone marrow. After a course of chemotherapy, abrupt change indicators clinical analysis blood.

Normally, leukocyte forms of cells in healthy body contained in the amount of 4 - 9 * 109 / l. After chemotherapy, the processes of blood renewal are inhibited and their number decreases by more than 5 times. This has an extremely negative effect on immunity, the risk re-development malignant processes increases sharply. Therefore, doctors strive to normalize indicators as soon as possible. This can be achieved by using various methods correction of blood composition.

Medically, the state of leukopenia (decrease in the level of leukocytes) is corrected with the help of drugs such as:

  • Polyoxidonium or Imunofal.

If the desired result is not achieved in the shortest possible time, drugs are prescribed for low white blood cells with a more serious effect:

  • Leucogen, Neupogen, Batilol, Pyridoxine and others. good reviews uses the drug Sodecor, which significantly increases the level of leukocytes in the blood in 3 days.

Extracorporeal pharmacotherapy (hemocorrection) helps to quickly eliminate the deficiency of leukocyte cells, the essence of which is that medications to raise the level of leukocytes are injected into circulatory system together with donor blood components.

Specialists in discharge recommendations pay increased attention to the balance of the diet of a patient who has undergone chemotherapy. The daily menu must necessarily include products that have the ability to increase the number of leukocytes in the blood.

Food and products that are useful after chemotherapy to raise leukocytes in the body:

  • AT daily menu must be present fresh fruits and vegetables, berries, preferably with a red color. They should not only be eaten, but also fresh juices should be prepared from them, slightly diluted with water before use.
  • Give preference to products that contain easily digestible proteins (beef or chicken broths, as well as their boiled meat, from fish dishes it is preferable to eat ketu and red caviar, seafood).
  • Try to eat a few walnuts every day.
  • From cereals, preference should be given to buckwheat. Very useful for breakfast raw buckwheat, the night before filled with kefir.
  • Increase the amount of dairy products consumed.
  • It is very useful to eat a couple of spoons of honey every morning on an empty stomach.
  • In consultation with the attending physician, it is permissible to occasionally drink a small amount of red wine.
  • Drink per day pure water not less than 2 liters.

Enough good results in relation to the leukocyte composition of the blood, it can be achieved by using at home, on the recommendation of doctors, means alternative medicine to increase white blood cells.

Ingredients for cooking medicinal decoctions and infusions folk recipes serve as separate parts medicinal plants and food products:

  • Infusion of walnut kernels to increase leukocytes. Nut kernels are peeled, laid out in a glass container and poured with vodka so that the liquid completely covers the kernels. The composition is placed in a well-lit place, insisted for 2 weeks, after which the resulting infusion is transferred to a darkened cool place. Use it for a rather long period 3 times a day, 1 tablespoon before meals.
  • A decoction of partitions of walnuts. The nuts are split and disassembled into their component parts, the shell partitions are laid separately. The scheme for preparing the infusion is the same as in the previous case, however, the period of exposure to light is shortened to one and a half weeks. The dosage of the drug is also reduced - 1 teaspoon.
  • A decoction of oatmeal. Washed cereals in the amount of 2 tablespoons are poured with half a liter of water, placed on an open fire. After the liquid boils, the flame is reduced, and the broth is boiled for another quarter of an hour. Duration treatment course- 1 month, during which the drug is drunk daily, 100 ml 3 times a day. After a short break, the course of treatment can be repeated again.
  • A decoction of rose hips. The preparation of the decoction should be carried out in evening time. The fruits of the shrub (both fresh and dried can be used) are crushed and poured clean water at the rate of 5 tablespoons of wild rose per 1 liter. The container is placed on an open fire, brought to a boil, the intensity of the flame is reduced to a minimum and wait another 10 minutes. After that, the container with the resulting broth is wrapped in a towel and insisted. Since morning finished product filter through gauze folded in several layers and drink throughout the day instead of tea.
  • Tincture from sweet clover stalks. For getting this tool take 2 tablespoons of the crushed plant and pour 300 ml of pure cold water. The tincture is infused for a couple of hours, filtered and drunk 2 times a day for a quarter cup.
  • A decoction of barley. Cereal grains are poured with cold water (at the rate of 1.5 cups of grains - 2 liters of liquid), placed on fire, brought to a boil and boiled until the liquid is reduced by half. It is recommended to add natural honey to the finished product.

Avoid chemotherapeutic course of treatment when developing in the body malignant forms oncological processes impossible. However strict observance all the doctor's recommendations allows you to quite short time restore the physiological disturbances that it causes in the body. We hope we helped you and now you know how to raise leukocytes after chemotherapy with the help of medicines and traditional medicine.

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