Why do adults bite their teeth in a dream. Chronic neurological diseases. What is teeth grinding

Approximately 3% of people grind their teeth during sleep. It does not depend on age or nationality. This condition is called bruxism. Translated from Greek - gritting of teeth.

Those suffering from bruxism, having fallen asleep soundly, begin to smack their lips, involuntarily lower their upper lower teeth and start to creak. If your husband began to grind his teeth in his sleep, and this is also complemented by quiet whistling and moaning, you get a good screensaver for a horror movie about vampires.

Of course, these people are harmless, they don’t bite into anyone’s necks. They just have occasional contractions. jaw muscles which they cannot control.

I think many will be interested in talking about this topic. Find out the causes of bruxism, try to find the answer to the question: how to stop grinding your teeth in your sleep.

What does it mean to grind your teeth in a dream?

Experts say: teeth grinding in a dream is on a par with somnambulism, sleepwalking, nocturnal enuresis, nightmares. All of these conditions are caused by dysregulation of sleep depth.

Sometimes bruxism occurs due to the structural features of the jaw joint, with malocclusion, other pathologies of the structure of the facial skeleton.

It has been proven that people who regularly experience stress, excitement, have a habit of grinding their teeth during sleep, nervous tension, anger and restlessness before going to bed.

Children are more prone to bruxism than adults. Most of the disease "outgrow", stop grinding their teeth in a dream over time. However, if your child is prone to bruxism, wakes up with a headache, or has pain in the facial muscles after a night's sleep, it is best to seek the advice of a neuropsychiatrist.

How not to grind your teeth in your sleep?

* To get rid of burksism, experts recommend training the jaw muscles to the point of exhaustion. To do this, carefully chew a large apple before going to bed, raw carrots but not chewing gum. This should be done vigorously, until the fatigue of the facial muscles. Tired muscles will contract less at night.

* To stop grinding your teeth in a dream, before going to bed, put on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe jaw muscles hot compress with a decoction of chamomile.

* MD, Associate Professor of Dentistry at the City University of New York, Andrew S. Kaplan, advises training yourself not to close your teeth throughout the day. “Only while chewing food should they touch each other. If you train yourself not to close your teeth during the day, it will wean you from grinding them at night, ”he says.

* To stop grinding your teeth in your sleep, buy a special “mouth guard” device. It is sold in sports stores. He needs to be kept in hot water, then put in your mouth, bite your teeth. On the advice of a dentist, you can protect your teeth, stop squeaking them at night, using a special mouth guard.

* Reduce consumption of stimulating drinks that contain caffeine, especially before bed. Try to drink less coffee strong tea. Avoid alcohol and energy drinks, such as coca-cola, sprite, bottled artificial tea.

* Wean yourself off bad habit chew on pens and pencils. When you feel like biting into the plastic cap of a ballpoint pen, remember that this is not food. Eat better apple.

* Stop chewing gum all the time. Her big lovers are most prone to bruxism.

* Try to keep a close eye on yourself during the day. If you notice that you involuntarily grind your teeth at work, study, move your tongue between your teeth. This exercise will help you relax. facial muscles.

* Before going to bed, put a warm towel under your cheek. The heat will help the muscles relax.

What to do if a child grinds his teeth in a dream?

As we have said, children often grind their teeth in their sleep. The peak of bruxism occurs in the first year of life, when teeth are cut, then when the milk teeth are replaced by molars.

When your baby grinds his teeth in his sleep, pay attention to it. big problems this is not a threat, but it may cause pain in the jaws, in the teeth themselves. Therefore, try not to upset your child at bedtime, ensure that he falls asleep peacefully. Give him a light relaxing massage, stroke his head, calm him down.

During the day, make sure that the baby receives enough water, as dehydration leads to burksism.

Take your child to the dentist. Let the specialist carefully examine his teeth.
Be sure to show the child to a specialist psychoneurologist. The fact is that the habit of grinding your teeth in older children can develop into a disease. To prevent this, the doctor will prescribe treatment and special protection for the teeth.

Grinding of teeth in a dream can seriously poison the life of a person and his loved ones. The problem can occur at any age, in both men and women. It is manifested by dental disorders, sleep disturbance, malfunction of the circulatory, respiratory and digestive organs. Let's try to figure out what threats bruxism poses to health, find out the causes of its occurrence, methods of control and prevention.

Experts attribute bruxism to somatoform disorders of the neuromuscular apparatus. maxillofacial region. From the point of view of physiology, the involuntary contraction, spasm of the masticatory muscles is the basis of grinding the teeth.

AT medical literature a symptom that occurs while awake is sometimes called bruxomania.

It's important to know! In children, the rattle disappears on its own by puberty. In adults, there is a direct correlation of incidence with age and requires special attention.

Signs of bruxism

The diagnosis can be suspected on the basis of complaints from the patient, and more often from his relatives. If the cause of teeth grinding during sleep in adults cannot be established, such bruxism is considered primary. If squeaking is a symptom of the underlying disease (depression, Parkinson's disease, stress, drug addiction), then it is secondary. It is important to understand that clinical picture not limited to unpleasant sounds.

Nighttime bruxism is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • dental and maxillofacial changes;
  • sleep disorders;
  • psychological disorders;
  • pathology of the respiratory system;
  • cardiovascular problems;
  • gastroesophageal reflux.

The patient is thinning tooth enamel, there are erosive damage to the tongue, mucous membranes of the gums and cheeks. There are four degrees of severity of abrasion of hard tissues of teeth. Stagnant saliva promotes inflammation parotid glands, changes in occlusion, structure facial skull, concerned about dysfunction of the temporomandibular joint.

A person suffering from gnashing will not be able to pass the night peacefully. The sleep of such people is complicated by obstructive sleep apnea, and dreams are complicated by nightmares. As a consequence, migraine, arrhythmias, fluctuations blood pressure, depressive mood.

In dentistry, there is a term "bruxism triad". The symptom complex includes:

  • night grinding;
  • sleep dysfunction;
  • gastroesophageal reflux.

The pathological mechanism of the reflux of gastric contents into the esophagus has not been sufficiently studied, but the relationship with bruxism has been proven by numerous clinical research. In order to confirm the diagnosis and finally distinguish the anomalous phenomenon from bad habit Grinding teeth the doctor will refer the patient to an electromyography chewing muscles during sleep.

Causes of grinding teeth in a dream

Modern science does not give an exact answer to the question of why a person grinds his teeth in his sleep. The polyetiological nature of the problem attracts the interest of specialists from various medical professions. There are several theories to explain the unpleasant creaking:

Usually, the condition is caused by several factors at once, which make it possible to suspect why an adult grinds his teeth in a dream. It turns out that each of the theories does not exclude, but complements the others.

Psychological factors

stress and excessive emotional stress cause constant neuromuscular tension, increased brain activity. If a person is very excited when falling asleep, involuntary spasms of the maxillofacial muscles occur during sleep.

Especially often negative psychological influences exposed persons young age, focused on career, business promotion, income increase. This theory does not claim that a person suffering from bruxism is sick mental disorder or emotionally unstable. Sometimes you just need the advice of an experienced psychotherapist.

Neurological disorders

Patients of neurological clinics often complain about both daytime bruxism and the development of sleep pathology. Extrapyramidal and degenerative disorders nervous system lead to dysfunction of motor neurons trigeminal nerve which causes tension in the chewing muscles. In this case, the patient needs to focus on the treatment of the underlying disease.

dental problems

Dentists associate the cause of squeaking teeth in a dream in adults with anatomical changes - bite anomalies, poorly matched prostheses, complication dental implantation, adentia, lesions of the temporomandibular joint. Deformities cause occlusion and, as a result, gnashing of teeth. An orthodontist can help fix the problem.

Contacting a somnologist

There is an opinion that snoring is a "privilege" of gentlemen. But in both sexes, night grinding is often accompanied by snoring, obstructive sleep apnea syndrome with short-term respiratory arrests. If a man or woman grinds his teeth in a dream, this does not necessarily lead to awakening, but always disrupts the sequence of sleep phases and requires a consultation with a somnologist.


Chronic infectious diseases characterized by intoxication, which negatively affects the functioning of the nervous system. One of the theories of the etiology of bruxism links inflammatory processes maxillofacial area and grinding during sleep. In diseases of the ENT organs caused by pathogenic microorganisms, - otitis media, tonsillitis, maxillary sinusitis, frontal sinusitis, ethmoiditis - teeth grinding is observed.

Other causes of pathology

The relationship between bruxism and gastroesophageal reflux has already been mentioned. Reception of some medicines can also provoke a night rattle. A characteristic creak sometimes occurs if a tooth hurts, or an adult is simply drunk. Getting rid of an unpleasant symptom is facilitated by quitting smoking or using drugs, nutrition correction.

Infection with worms and bruxism: is there a connection

People's view of helminthic invasion as the primary source of night grinding is greatly exaggerated. Scientists have not been able to find a reliable causal relationship. Although quite often as a result of deworming, the patient begins to stop grinding his teeth. This is probably connected in some way with the fact that helminthiases cause chronic intoxication negatively affecting the nervous system.

Complications of the syndrome

Complain usually relatives living in the house with the patient, more often - a husband or wife. The patient is not always aware of his condition. But that doesn't mean bruxism isn't dangerous.

There is a risk of the following complications:

  • destruction of tooth enamel and the occurrence of caries;
  • crown cutting;
  • erosive processes of the mucosa oral cavity;
  • lower inflammation jaw joints;
  • myalgia of the facial muscles;
  • violations in cervical region spine;
  • psychological problems due to sleep disorders.

If the patient suffers from night gnashing for more than a year, the process is aggravated, it becomes more and more difficult to get rid of the problem. Such a patient deprives close people of sleep, forcing them to listen to unpleasant sounds, complicates the home atmosphere, and risks their health. Therefore, in the case of the first symptoms of the disease, it is necessary to consult a specialist.

Known Treatments

It is important to remember that two people grinding their teeth in their sleep may have different causes of the disease. It is necessary to treat bruxism using a strictly individual approach.

Modern medicine offers the following methods:

  • wearing a special cap;
  • drug therapy;
  • performing exercises to strengthen the masticatory muscles;
  • nutrition correction;
  • the use of psychotherapeutic agents;
  • injection of botulinum toxin.

Perhaps the attending physician will advise you to buy a mouth guard. They are made for a specific patient. The choice of device is influenced by etiology, features of the course of the disease, the structure of the skull, and age. There are splints for sleep and wakefulness, for one or both jaws. They prevent the destruction of teeth, relieve pain, contribute to the normalization of sleep.

A specialist may prescribe sedative pills or drugs to strengthen the nervous system. You can not take medicines without the advice of a doctor. Neither positive reviews on the Internet or high price the drug does not mean that it will permanently relieve bruxism, and the risk of causing irreparable harm to health remains.

Complex of special exercise, different kinds massage, auto-training, creating a comfortable emotional environment contribute to the cessation of night grinding of teeth. There are active discussions regarding the metaphysical theories of Louise Hay and Bourbo Liz. Considering psychological version the emergence of bruxism, one cannot deny the rational grain of the above teachings, but they are unlikely to help quickly get rid of the disease.

Intramuscularly injected Botox temporarily blocks nerve impulses and causes relaxation of the muscles of the face. However, due to frequent complications, many doctors refuse to use it.

Can nighttime teeth grinding be prevented?

It is difficult to talk about the prevention of the disease, exact reason which is not installed. Therefore, the prevention of bruxism includes generally accepted health protection measures:

  • elimination of stressful situations;
  • rejection of bad habits;
  • dosed physical activity;
  • balanced diet;
  • creation comfortable conditions in the bedroom.

Advice! Sometimes it's enough for a person not to drink strong coffee, do not smoke to get rid of night grinding. The key to successful prevention is healthy lifestyle life.


Treatment of bruxism in adults is difficult but feasible task. It is necessary to fight the disease. Science has a sufficient arsenal of means and methods for this, it is only important to contact the doctors in a timely manner and be patient.

Has anyone told you that you grind your teeth at night? It can happen to anyone, but if it happens all the time, you may be suffering from bruxism. It means excessive activity chewing system. The state of rhythmic muscle movement can occur at any stage of sleep or during the day with strong tension. Grinding of teeth in a dream: the causes in adults were found out during scientific experiments. At the same time, the goal was to find a way to get rid of this disease.

What is the function of grinding teeth during sleep and where does it come from?

This "disease" belongs to the so-called class of parafunctions. It is not caused by malfunctions of organs in the body. However, grinding teeth is fraught with negative consequences for good health. Bruxism in half of the cases affects children aged 10-12 years, as well as with diagnoses cerebral paralysis or mental retardation. The disease is diagnosed and

Grinding teeth in a dream: what could be the causes in adults

Researchers from West Virginia University, who conducted experiments with dozens of volunteers who suffered from bruxism, came to the conclusion that malocclusion and other factors associated with changes in the facial skeleton do not have any effect on the occurrence of grinding. At the same time, experience has confirmed that bruxism during sleep causes nocturnal awakenings due to increased autonomic cardiac and respiratory activity, repeated 8 to 14 times per hour.

The influence of nicotine

A study on what causes rattles at night, conducted in Finland, reflects the study possible influence nicotine on the appearance of grinding teeth in people with an average age of 25 years. The aim of the project was to find a solution on how to get rid of the annoying grinding of teeth in a dream. 3124 people aged 23-28 were involved in the participation. The experiment lasted almost a year. During the observation of people who smoked 3 cigarettes a day every week, it was found that those who used tobacco containing nicotine, the symptoms of bruxism appear more often than others.

Viral and infectious diseases

Teeth grinding during sleep and its causes in adults are often manifested in this type of disease. At complete cure in most cases, unpleasant symptoms disappear.

Psychological problems

In a number scientific research it was found that grinding teeth during sound sleep 70% in adults depends on feelings of anxiety, stress and other psychological problems that affect the restoration of body functions and the resistance of immunity to diseases.

Sleep disorders

Bruxism occurs mainly in combination with other disorders, most commonly in people who snore and have shortness of breath.


The causes of grinding teeth in adults have been named the use of psychoactive substances (tobacco, alcohol, caffeine or antidepressant drugs). They lead to sleep problems and, as a result, affect the nocturnal manifestations of bruxism.

How to get rid of grinding teeth in a dream?

How to avoid grinding your teeth active phase sleep? Not found today unique recipe treatment that can completely eliminate the symptoms of bruxism. To relax the jaw, special gymnastic exercises. Some patients even keep a calendar to determine how, when and why unpleasant symptoms appear.

If you do not know how to get rid of the grinding of teeth in a dream in time, this can be harmful to health. The unnatural pressure of teeth against each other can completely ruin a smile. In phase REM sleep a person suffering from bruxism clench their teeth 10 times harder than when chewing food naturally.

Grinding teeth during sleep - is it dangerous?

Chronic bruxism in almost all cases can seriously damage the teeth. Small cracks in the enamel and fillings will gradually increase, leading to fractures, periodontal tissue damage and permanent tooth loss.

Strong squeezing of the jaw muscles becomes, over time, the cause of pain and sensitivity. Unpleasant sensations appear when opening the mouth. If the enamel is damaged, dentin is exposed, as a result of which discomfort in contact with hot, cold, salty, sweet and other irritants.

Also, damage to the temporomandibular joint leads to its chronic congestion. The process is accompanied by unnatural sounds such as popping or crackling.

Tips to help eliminate grinding in the teeth:

  1. Limit foods and drinks containing caffeine (coffee, coca-cola, chocolate).
  2. Avoid alcohol.
  3. Do not chew on pencils, pens, or other items that are not edible.
  4. Avoid chewing gum.
  5. If you find yourself clenching your jaws and grinding during the day, place the tip of your tongue between your teeth. This will help relax the chewing muscles.
  6. And, of course, do not forget about periodic visits to the dentist.

Thus, if teeth grinding in a dream is recorded, the causes in adults are quite simply diagnosed even with self conditions occurrence of the disease.

Teeth grinding in a dream, or scientifically - bruxism, occurs not only in children, but also in adults. Bruxism is an uncontrolled clenching of the teeth and / or their grinding (intense movement of the jaws relative to each other) due to hypertonicity (muscle strain) of the masticatory muscles.

Teeth grinding is more often observed at night, during falling asleep or in the morning. The child or adult himself usually does not suspect anything and learns that during sleep he grinds his teeth either from anxious loved ones, or from a dentist who has noticed the destruction (erasing) of tooth enamel.

It should be noted that the sounds that bruxism sufferers make are just as unpleasant as night snoring.

Bruxism can occur in anyone and at any age. However, the peak of teeth grinding is noted in children aged 5 to 14 years.

Bruxism is periodic unconscious, not associated with chewing and speech, contractions of the chewing muscles, observed not only at night, but also during the day.

There are nocturnal and daytime forms of bruxism. Some people suffer from grinding their teeth during sleep, others during the day, during periods emotional stress and mental strain; there is also a combination of both forms in one person.

Doctors distinguish three types of bruxism:

  1. Nocturnal bruxism- Night grinding of teeth. Most often, a person who grinds his teeth at night does not even realize that he is sick.
  2. daytime bruxism- during wakefulness occurs and is recorded more often than bruxism during sleep. The daytime form is provoked by emotional stress and occurs during psychological experiences from various life situations. During stress, depression, instead of grinding, there is a strong clenching of teeth (clenching).
  3. Mixed form of bruxism.

Difference between daytime and nighttime bruxism.

Sleep bruxism and awake bruxism differ in how they occur. The first, related to sleep disturbance, originates in the central nervous system (CNS) and is associated with bursts of brain activity during sleep, or so-called micro-excitations. The second, more often associated with many psychological disorders, such as anxiety, increased sensitivity to stress, and is considered as convulsive contraction of the jaw muscles.

Most patients with nocturnal bruxism may not experience pain, with daytime bruxism, on the contrary, patients often complain of the presence of a pain symptom.

At daytime bruxism abrasion of hard tissues of the teeth, as a rule, is absent. Sleep bruxism is characterized by grinding of the teeth with rhythmic and steady contractions of the masticatory muscles, as well as abrasion of the hard tissues of the teeth.

Causes of bruxism or why does a child grind his teeth in his sleep?

The causes of involuntary contraction of the jaw muscles can be:

  • teething or changing milk teeth to permanent ones;
  • malocclusion (malocclusion) or congenital defects of the jaw joints;
  • neurological and psychological problems;
  • lack of calcium and magnesium in the body, characterized by uncontrolled convulsive muscle contraction;
  • helminth infestation;
  • heredity.

In children suffering from gnashing, a history of more common factors such as: maternal toxicosis in the first half of pregnancy, intracranial birth trauma, childhood infectious diseases (chickenpox, rubella, measles), stressful situations and nervous tension, traumatic brain injury.

Bruxism in adults: causes

Bruxism can be hereditary, not associated with any pathological conditions, and secondary, due to pathological conditions in the maxillofacial region or pathology from the nervous system. Secondary bruxism may be associated with medicines such as antidepressants or recreational drugs (cocaine, ecstasy), with psychomotor disorders (Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease, epilepsy, depression, stress, anxiety states, stroke), as well as against the background of ill-fitting dentures, braces or poor quality treatment teeth.

The risk group for the formation of secondary bruxism in adults includes people who abuse alcohol, tobacco smoking, and strong coffee.

The development of teeth grinding may be based on a complex various reasons and that is why this pathological condition studied both within the framework of dentistry and psychology, neurology, otolaryngology, gastroenterology.

Diagnosis of bruxism

Diagnosing bruxism is quite simple. Teeth grinding is established on the basis of subjective and objective examination methods. Subjective methods include the collection of complaints of the patient or his relatives: teeth grinding in a dream, clenching of teeth during wakefulness, imaginary chewing.

A to objective methods examinations include manifestations in the oral cavity, identified immediately during the examination by a dentist: cracks in the enamel, chips, imprints of teeth on the mucosa.

Treatment of bruxism in children and adults

The need for treatment depends on the degree of tooth decay. More often, when tooth decay is minor and only a dentist notices, no treatment is required.

For decreasing negative impact muscle activity on the condition of the teeth is used individual mouthguards made of rigid plastic, which normalize the position mandible and functioning of the temporomandibular joints, as well as protect tooth tissues from the action of excessive load. Children and adults use the mouthguard at night.

However, many doctors consider the method of treatment with mouth guards and splints to be ineffective, since muscle activity decreases for a short time when using mouth guards, but after 2-4 weeks everything returns to its original level. The erasure of the mouth guard itself is a direct sign of the progression of bruxism.

At present, the main and most effective method treatment for bruxism doctors believe botulinum therapy- injections of botulinum neuroprotein (botulinum toxin, Botox) into the muscles involved in the act of chewing. Botox relaxes the chewing muscles, and when the brain sends nerve impulses, relaxed muscles perform chewing function without excessive effort. After intramuscular injection the paralytic effect occurs within 2-3 days, reaches a maximum in less than 2 weeks and gradually begins to decline over several months. The duration of the effect is 3-6 months.

If bruxism is the result of stress, the treatment is to correct emotional disorders. We are talking about walking before bed, listening to soothing music, replacing watching TV with reading books.

Kappa is a transparent removable lining that is put on the teeth and is made individually for each patient. To make a mouthguard, it is necessary to take casts from two jaws or one jaw, depending on which mouthguard will be in the future - two-jaw or one-jaw.

Wearing mouthguards is not a treatment for teeth grinding, but only prevents the development of complications, in the form of abrasion of tooth enamel.

What happens if you cut your teeth without treatment.

Regular manifestations of teeth grinding can adversely affect the health of tooth enamel and jaw joints, namely:

  1. Accelerated abrasion of the height of the teeth up to the level of the gums.
  2. Hypersensitivity of teeth.
  3. Inflammation of the parotid glands.
  4. Pain and discomfort in the ears, neck pain, headaches.
  5. Constant trauma to the oral mucosa can lead to gingivitis (inflammation of the gums).
  6. In the oral cavity, teeth marks are visible on the mucous membrane, on the cheeks, on the tongue, which indicates increased muscle tension.
  7. Insomnia and depression.

Involuntary grinding of teeth in a dream is familiar to many. Someone notices these manifestations in close people, someone was told about this feature by their relatives, because you cannot hear yourself during sleep. This phenomenon has several names, one of which is bruxism. If it appears infrequently, then it does not cause anxiety. If it becomes regular, the consequences can be unpleasant. Therefore, you need to know the causes of such a rattle and methods for its treatment.

The unconsciousness of the manifestation of bruxism means that during the day while awake, involuntarily grinding teeth or at night in a dream, a person does not control this process. But during the day you can hear this sound yourself and interrupt the action. At night, only relatives can stop this painful action and an unpleasant sound, waking up the gnashing one.

Attention! There is a popular method for diagnosing bruxism or the Carolini phenomenon - EMG (electromyography). Sensors are connected to the patient's head, which record the activity of the muscles of the oral cavity.

Before going for a diagnosis, you can identify some of the signs of bruxism yourself. Regular grinding of teeth in a dream sooner or later manifests itself:

  • change appearance and size chewing surface teeth - the appearance of irregularities and squeezing, which reduces their height;
  • wounds form on the inside of the cheeks, sores from biting during the movement of the jaws in a dream, they are unpleasantly painful.

Not so obvious, but can be caused by bruxism - tinnitus, pain and clicking when opening the mouth, neck pain, jaw numbness, headache, lack of sleep, weakness.

Bruxism - periodic paroxysmal contractions of the masticatory muscles during sleep, accompanied by clenching of the jaws and grinding of teeth. It can occur during infancy or adulthood and is often observed in patients with malocclusion.

Bruxism and its consequences for human health

Important! Grinding of teeth in sleep - bruxism or ondoterism if repeated long time, affects the health of the sufferer. First of all, the layer of enamel on the teeth is worn out, which leads to their hypersensitivity and caries.

Several years of bruxism and teeth can wear out, loosen, appear pain in the muscles of the jaws, clicking during chewing and swallowing food. Nocturnal snoring or sleep apnea can result from grinding your teeth, which threatens to stop breathing. Doctors believe that prolonged bruxism can cause mental problems over time.

Teeth grinding in a dream is associated with the fact that even in a dream the nervous system is in tension, the body cannot fully relax and rest. Another indirect consequence of bruxism is that from unpleasant loud sounds loved ones also suffer, who also cannot sleep normally.

Bruxism can cause a number serious illnesses such as: loosening and fractures of teeth, increased abrasion tooth enamel, caries, inflammation of periodontal tissues, malocclusion, spasms and pain of facial muscles.

Causes of bruxism in adults

Sometimes teeth grinding in a dream is considered a continuation of the bad habit of biting something during excitement - nails, the tip of a pen or pencil. But the main reason for it is stress. natural reaction a person to strong excitement, excessive brain activity, taking certain drugs: caffeine, amphetamines, alcohol, emotional overexcitation - this is clenching of teeth. So a person tries to restrain the torn excitement, to the creak of the jaws. This phenomenon may also be associated with problems in the oral cavity - malocclusion, incorrectly designed orthopedic structures, lack of teeth. Teeth grinding at night and during the day can be the result of insomnia, when a person sleeps too lightly or wakes up often, a symptom of Parkinson's disease.

The main cause of bruxism is stress. Stressful situations entail internal anxiety, anger, tension, an excited state before going to bed. In addition, bedwetting, nightmares, snoring, and periods of apnea during sleep can be causes of bruxism.

Important! The cause of bruxism in adults and children at night and in daytime has nothing to do with the appearance of worms in the intestines.

How to get rid of teeth grinding

In adults, bruxism is treated by eliminating the main symptom - teeth grinding, with the help of:

  • wearing a special trainer or mouthguard, but not the one used to align the teeth;
  • hypnosis;
  • Botox injections that paralyze the jaw muscles;
  • relaxing injections.

In parallel with the removal of symptoms, the cause of bruxism is clarified. If a we are talking about permanent stressful situation, then a psychotherapeutic effect on the patient's nervous system is applied in order to relieve emotional overstrain, achieve complete relaxation, methods of auto-training and self-hypnosis.

Mouthguards are the most effective treatment currently used in the treatment of bruxism, and they also protect the teeth, preventing them from closing tightly when involuntary spasm of the muscles of the face and jaw occurs. The consequence of this is the prevention of abrasion.

If the case is in the wrong bite, then the patient is sent to the orthodontist to correct it with the help of braces or implantation. When it comes to the use of certain substances or drugs, you have to cancel them, refuse to use (for example, coffee, nicotine, alcohol) or find out the specifics side effects medicines in consultation with your doctor. Recommended for relieving symptoms of bruxism:

  • take vitamins,
  • drink more liquid
  • learn to relax the muscles of the face and neck, use warm compresses or ice for this,
  • perform special stress-relieving exercises.

Restoration of tooth enamel, their appearance is possible only after the elimination of the symptoms of bruxism, otherwise this procedure will not make sense or it will have to be repeated again.

Folk remedies

The fight against bruxism with folk remedies is aimed at eliminating its main cause - stress and tension of the nervous system.

Attention! For relaxation and stress relief ethnoscience uses decoctions medicinal herbs in the form of tea - chamomile, lemon balm, mint, valerian root.

Warm milk with a spoonful of honey at night relaxes, calms and promotes sound sleep. To eliminate the main cause of bruxism - nervous and emotional tension proven folk remedies are warm baths with aromatic oils, needles, sea ​​salt, massage sessions, long vigorous hiking before going to bed, airing the bedroom, cool air in it at night. It helps well from the night grinding of teeth by applying a warm, damp towel to the face before going to bed. For sound sleep, it is recommended to listen to calm music at night, read a light, and preferably a boring book.

One of folk remedies in the treatment of bruxism warm milk with a spoonful of honey at night. It is well relaxing, soothing, relieving the body of the effects of stress.

But the help of professionals is often indispensable. To reliably and permanently get rid of unpleasant symptoms bruxism, it is best to contact one of the Moscow dental clinics. Perfectly equipped and staffed by competent specialists, they are able to provide qualified dental care of any degree of complexity, completely solve the problem of squeaking teeth.

Prevention of bruxism

Grinding of teeth in a dream is a signal that a certain failure has occurred in the body. In order to prevent such symptoms and learn how to relax effectively, moderate physical activity, which brings "muscle joy" and promotes the release of endorphins, balanced diet with an increase in the number of fruits, vegetables, nuts, a decrease in the number of sweets, fewer stimulating drinks, positive emotions, good rest.
It is necessary to increase the stress resistance of the nervous system, use meditating practices, auto-training, self-hypnosis for this, try to remain calm and have a positive perception of the world in difficult situations. Only if these simple rules you can not only overcome bruxism, but significantly improve the condition of the body as a whole, prevent many diseases, strengthen the nervous system.

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