Determine the disease of the organs by the face. Small white dots, wen. Diagnosis of eye diseases

Diagnostics by the face at first causes slight bewilderment in readers. Is it possible? Although ... In the frantic pace of our lives, we often do not have enough time, we are in a hurry, we are late, we get sick, we are unwell, and we stop only when the disease hits us with all our might on the forehead. But sometimes, by external signs, you can determine that the disease is approaching. After all, nothing is taken from nowhere and the disease does not arise in one day. So there are certain signs, signs, noticing which, we can suspect something is wrong ..

Not so long ago I wrote an article, but today ... Today we will read and make a diagnosis in the face.

This problem is the definition of diseases by the face, diagnostics by the face have been dealt with for a long time, in China the science of pathophysiognomy is even highly developed, in the countries of the East it is believed that a doctor who cannot identify diseases by the face is not a doctor. Our surgeon Pirogov generally compiled an atlas with the speaking title “The Face of the Patient”, where he wrote that every disease leaves its own trace on the face of a person.

At least once a day, but we look at ourselves in the mirror and are able to notice changes. This is especially true for women. It's not that they were more attentive, the weaker sex is just more concerned about how he looks and, accordingly, more scrupulously approaches all bad signs that sometimes even appear overnight.

face diagnostics

What do we most often notice in the reflection of a mirror that catches our eye?

Most often this acne and comedones (blackheads), who have chosen some part of your face for themselves.

Pimples in the lower part of the face make you think about endocrine problems - something with (especially our chin hints at this), adrenal glands, ovaries.

If the rash appears in T-shaped area of ​​the face, this indicates problems with gastrointestinal tract, especially attention should be paid to the intestines. Dysbacteriosis is possible. It is in this zone that teenage acne is most often localized. (this is a word about what eats in large quantities the younger generation, all sorts of chips, snacks, crackers, fast food, filled with Coca-Cola, and even beer. In general, which does not add health to their body) And the appearance of a rash suggests that the kidneys and organs of the gastrointestinal tract can no longer cope with the removal of toxins and toxins, and therefore the skin is forced to turn on its additional function.

acne on the wings of the nose and enlarged pores report bronchial problems. Rash in o nasolabial triangle a - problems with the pelvic organs, both in men and women.

Appearancewrinkles speaks not only of impending old age, but also of new ailments.

The appearance of a well-defined brow crease (it is clearly visible when we frown) makes us think about problems with the liver and gallbladder. If wrinkles appear on the bridge of the nose or near one of the eyebrows in combination with frequent ones, this alarm signal disturbances in the central nervous system. Lots of small wrinkles upper lip, located horizontally, report problems with gynecology. Wrinkles above the bridge of the nose, at the junction of the eyebrows, in the form of crosses, speak of inflammatory-degenerative diseases (hernia of the vertebrae, developing osteochondrosis).

Will tell about the formation of sand and kidney stones . Papillomas there also indicate the presence of cystic formations.

We continue the diagnostics on the face and move on to the nose.

When a clearly visible appearance appears on the wings of the nose vascular network, the nose increases slightly, turns red - this is a symptom of incipient lung diseases. A pale or bluish tip of the nose heralds. elongated nasolabial fold can also report that the heart is working for wear and tear. The nose with numerous streaks of blood, uneven, bumpy, speaks of changes in blood pressure.

Lips as an element of face diagnostics

Blue lips will report heart failure and hypoxia (lack of oxygen). If a jam often appears (a crack in the corner of the mouth) - hard work of the kidneys, a violation water-salt metabolism. Paleness of the lips will indicate anemia. Rough lips - dehydration. There are many specks on the lips - problems with the organs of the gastrointestinal tract.


If the hair turns gray early, this indicates circulatory disorders. Abundant hair loss indicates a malfunction thyroid gland and prolonged stress. Other hormonal imbalances are also possible. expressionless dull hair- lack of trace elements, primarily selenium, zinc and iron. Greasy hair talk about digestive disorders and endocrine problems.

Diseases in the face

There is a good face diagram with problem areas by organs. Depending on which area you have irritation, spots or rashes, you can tell which internal organs suffer and work to the limit.

Do not wait for pain to appear, look at yourself carefully and then you will be able to react in time and not start developing disease. Your health is your priority.

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Natalya Olshevskaya

Diagnosis of diseases by face

Diagnosis of diseases by face

Why, when we see a person, first of all we pay attention to his face? To understand if he is familiar to us, cute, pleasant, how old is he? Of course, we only need one glance to instantly answer these and many other questions. But our ancestors were able not only to assess the appearance, but to see the state of human health, carefully examining the face. folk yes and modern medicine do not deny this relationship. Doctors, when making a diagnosis, pay attention to external signs patient.

The main sense organs are concentrated on the face. Any pathological process in the body - both physical and emotional - through the subconscious mind changes facial expressions. Experienced Doctors according to the expression of a person's face, they can almost infallibly make a diagnosis, judge the potential of the body's resistance. The well-known Russian scientist N. I. Pirogov even compiled an atlas “The Face of the Sick”. He argued that almost every disease leaves its characteristic mark on a person's face. However, the method of diagnostics by the face (pathophysiognomy) was especially widespread in the countries of the East (especially in China). No Chinese physician who has studied Tibetan medicine, will not make a diagnosis without a thorough examination of the patient's face. After all, this diagnostic was first studied and applied in China. It was called Xian Ming or The Art of Reading the Face. "Xian-Ming" was practiced by great masters who kept it in deep secret and only verbally transmitted their experience to the most gifted students. doctor looking at appearance the patient and determines the cause of the disease, is called the Highest (Nei-Ching).

The face is a mirror of the internal organs of a person. If violations occur in the organs, rashes may occur on it in certain places corresponding to these organs. Skin problems that are not associated with any internal failures, according to some dermatologists, account for only 5%.

Many symptoms of diseases can be seen in the color of the skin, its vascular pattern, wrinkles, eyes, mouth and other parts of the face. So, cheeks characterize the condition of the lungs, tip of the nose - hearts, nostrils - bronchi, middle part nose - stomach, upper part of the nose - pancreas, eyes - kidneys and ovaries in women, left eye - spleen and pancreas right eye - liver and gallbladder the area between the eyebrows - liver, whiskey on both sides - spleen, forehead as a whole - the small intestine, peripheral region forehead - large intestine upper forehead Bladder, mouth- digestive tract, upper lip- stomach, inner part lower lip - small intestine peripheral part of the lower lip- large intestine, corners of lips duodenum, the area around the mouth genitals. Nasolabial folds, skin color and condition, facial expressions, visualization of the blood supply process, proximity nerve endings- all this makes it possible to observe on the face all the changes taking place in the body (Fig. 1).

Rice. one. Diagnostics by face: 1 - zone of the heart; 2 - nasolabial fold reflects the state of the heart and stomach; 3 - wrinkled earlobe - a sign of predisposition to myocardial infarction; 4 - elongation of the nasolabial fold indicates too much stress on the heart; 5 - zone of numbness between the chin and lower lip indicates the possibility of developing myocardial infarction; 6 - nodules on the earlobe - overload of the left ventricle; 7 - puffiness lower eyelids with a waxy tint warns of cardiac or kidney failure; 8 - additional folds on the nasolabial fold reflect the pathology of the heart and stomach, as well as congenital heart defects, or diphtheria suffered in childhood From the Ayurveda book for beginners. The ancient science of self-healing and longevity the author Vasant Lad

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Diagnosis of diseases by the eyes Even the ancient healers of the eyes could make almost any diagnosis. There is a saying that “the eyes are the mirror of the soul”. But it is not only a mirror of the soul, but also a mirror of the whole organism. Looking into our eyes, we have a unique opportunity

Since ancient times, people have been able to identify diseases by their faces. The people who mastered this technique kept their knowledge secret in order to gain respect and authority. Nowadays, anyone who wants to determine their illnesses by their face can do it on their own.

But we still don’t know all the subtleties, for this we need to master this art - to determine the diseases, existing and acquired, by the face of a person. But everyone can master some secrets by reading this article.

When my son was one year old, he became ill. The doctor prescribed pills and sent him home. There was no improvement, the condition was not severe, in my opinion. I was calm (after all, I was young and inexperienced).

After the examination, I heard a conversation between a doctor and a nurse, they spoke quietly. One said to the other: “Look, there is swelling and redness under his nose, apparently there is not enough air. He might suffocate." I cried. They ask me: “Did you hear our conversation?” and began to console me.

Then they sent me to a specialist who confirmed this serious disease like swelling of the larynx (false croup).

A very bad disease. In those days, this disease was not so effectively treated. While we were in the hospital, a girl died. She was 8 months old. My son is one year and two months old. Thanks on time measures taken my son survived.

And if she had not noticed the first symptoms? With this disease, every minute counts. By the way, the disease became possible due to the use of "Kameton", apparently, he was allergic to this drug. And if it was real inflammatory disease, it is not known how it would have ended at that time.

When we come to work, meet relatives, friends or friends, we can hear such expressions as: “How good you look!”, Or “What's on your face?”, Or “Are your acne gone?” etc. That is, we notice some changes on the face. These changes can be used to judge the health of a person. How to learn to identify diseases in the face?

To do this, it is enough to familiarize yourself with the literature on this topic and apply the knowledge gained on yourself. Below I have given examples that will help you determine the state of internal organs in yourself and your loved ones. I collected them from different sources. Of course, if you find any abnormalities in your body, do not immediately panic. Diagnosis is based on a combination of coincidences. Just knowing about such observations, you can prevent some diseases. In addition, we must remember about the constitution of a person, about his heredity.

Diseases are "written" on the face

Our ancestors were able, just by looking at a person, to say what a person is sick with. If a person looked very thin and was pale, and there was a feverish blush on his cheeks, then he was assumed to have tuberculosis. Circles under the eyes indicate overwork (even you probably know about it), fused eyebrows indicate a predisposition to cramps.

Any part of the face can be used to judge violations in some internal organ. Top part the forehead is connected with the intestines, the lower - with small intestine. In the upper part of the forehead near the hair appear, on the temples - the gallbladder. If acne and redness appear on these parts of the forehead, then there are some negative changes in these organs.

In the forehead above the bridge of the nose - diseases in the liver. Soreness or swelling jaw joints point to . Redness of the sclera of the eyes and a decrease in visual acuity also indicate liver disease. Swelling under the eyes indicates trouble in the kidneys.

The appearance of acne and papillomas

If in youth acne and papillomas are not very disturbing, then with age they become more. The appearance of acne and papillomas on the bridge of the nose means the appearance of abnormalities in the work of the pancreas and stomach. If they occur on the eyelids, check the kidneys. Fatty plaques indicate education. If acne appeared on the chin, pay attention to the genitals.

Acne on the face

Acne on the face is a violation of the digestive function, and redness at the wings of the nose is a disorder in the spleen or pancreas.

Heart disorders

If the tongue is coated heat and other symptoms of inflammation, it is clear that this is no longer a stomach, but an inflammatory process.

There was such a case in my life, which I can tell you about. My son fell ill about two years ago, woke him up at night, said that he was suffocating. When they went to bed, there were no health problems. They decided not to call an ambulance, the son did not want to go to the hospital. It was evident that the problem with the bronchi. Has made inhalation, has given tablets. It seems to have eased.

For some reason, she asked to show her tongue, but there was such a coating on her tongue! The color is yellow-green and the coating is very thick, I was even scared. After that, she immediately called an ambulance. In the hospital, they put me behind some kind of apparatus to make breathing easier. The plaque on the tongue disappeared only after complete recovery. And the doctor didn't leave the hospital until he disappeared.

"Eyes are the mirror of the soul"

In the eyes you can, his well-being. But not everyone succeeds in doing this, eye diagnostics are not available to everyone. For example, it is difficult to determine visually whether a bone has grown together after a fracture or not. Turns out, white line on the iris of the eye indicates the formation of bone tissue.

You can even tell your age by looking at your eyes. So that they do not give out your age,. And not just behind the eyes. You have to love yourself, love your body the way it is. We must teach our children to be attentive to all the changes that occur in their body and to recognize diseases in time in order to be able to prevent them.

This is how you can determine some diseases in the face. In fact, this is a special science that every person can master if desired.

Be attentive to each other. Good health to all!

Since ancient times, people have been able to identify diseases by their faces. The people who mastered this technique kept their knowledge secret in order to gain respect and authority. Nowadays, anyone who wants to determine their illnesses by their face can do it on their own.

But we still don’t know all the subtleties, for this we need to master this art - to determine the diseases, existing and acquired, by the face of a person. But everyone can master some secrets by reading this article.

When my son was one year old, he became ill. The doctor prescribed pills and sent him home. There was no improvement, the condition was not severe, in my opinion. I was calm (after all, I was young and inexperienced).

After the examination, I heard a conversation between a doctor and a nurse, they spoke quietly. One said to the other: “Look, there is swelling and redness under his nose, apparently there is not enough air. He might suffocate." I cried. They ask me: “Did you hear our conversation?” and began to console me.

Then he was sent to a specialist who confirmed such a serious illness as laryngeal edema (false croup).

A very bad disease. In those days, this disease was not so effectively treated. While we were in the hospital, a girl died. She was 8 months old. My son is one year and two months old. Thanks to timely measures taken, my son survived.

And if she had not noticed the first symptoms? With this disease, every minute counts. By the way, the disease became possible due to the use of "Kameton", apparently, he was allergic to this drug. And if there was a real inflammatory disease, it is not known how it would have ended at that time.

When we come to work, meet relatives, friends or friends, we can hear such expressions as: “How good you look!”, Or “What's on your face?”, Or “Are your acne gone?” etc. That is, we notice some changes on the face. These changes can be used to judge the health of a person. How to learn to identify diseases in the face?

To do this, it is enough to familiarize yourself with the literature on this topic and apply the knowledge gained on yourself. Below I have given examples that will help you determine the state of internal organs in yourself and your loved ones. I collected them from various sources. Of course, if you find any abnormalities in your body, do not immediately panic. Diagnosis is based on a combination of coincidences. Just knowing about such observations, you can prevent some diseases. In addition, we must remember about the constitution of a person, about his heredity.

Diseases are "written" on the face

Our ancestors were able, just by looking at a person, to say what a person is sick with. If a person looked very thin and was pale, and there was a feverish blush on his cheeks, then he was assumed to have tuberculosis. Circles under the eyes indicate overwork (even you probably know about it), fused eyebrows indicate a predisposition to cramps.

Any part of the face can be used to judge violations in some internal organ. The upper part of the forehead is associated with the intestines, the lower part with the small intestine. In the upper part of the forehead near the hair appear, on the temples - the gallbladder. If acne and redness appear on these parts of the forehead, then there are some negative changes in these organs.

In the forehead above the bridge of the nose - diseases in the liver. Soreness or swelling of the jaw joints indicate. Redness of the sclera of the eyes and a decrease in visual acuity also indicate liver disease. Swelling under the eyes indicates trouble in the kidneys.

The appearance of acne and papillomas

If in youth acne and papillomas are not very disturbing, then with age they become more. The appearance of acne and papillomas on the bridge of the nose means the appearance of abnormalities in the work of the pancreas and stomach. If they occur on the eyelids, check the kidneys. Fatty plaques indicate education. If acne appeared on the chin, pay attention to the genitals.

Acne on the face

Acne on the face is a violation of the digestive function, and redness at the wings of the nose is a disorder in the spleen or pancreas.

Heart disorders

If the tongue is lined, high fever and other symptoms of inflammation, then it is clear that this is no longer the stomach, but an inflammatory process.

There was such a case in my life, which I can tell you about. My son fell ill about two years ago, woke him up at night, said that he was suffocating. When they went to bed, there were no health problems. They decided not to call an ambulance, the son did not want to go to the hospital. It was evident that the problem with the bronchi. Has made inhalation, has given tablets. It seems to have eased.

For some reason, she asked to show her tongue, but there was such a coating on her tongue! The color is yellow-green and the coating is very thick, I was even scared. After that, she immediately called an ambulance. In the hospital, they put me behind some kind of apparatus to make breathing easier. The plaque on the tongue disappeared only after complete recovery. And the doctor didn't leave the hospital until he disappeared.

"Eyes are the mirror of the soul"

In the eyes you can, his well-being. But not everyone succeeds in doing this, eye diagnostics are not available to everyone. For example, it is difficult to determine visually whether a bone has grown together after a fracture or not. It turns out that the white line on the iris indicates the formation of bone tissue.

You can even tell your age by looking at your eyes. So that they do not give out your age,. And not just behind the eyes. You have to love yourself, love your body the way it is. We must teach our children to be attentive to all the changes that occur in their body and to recognize diseases in time in order to be able to prevent them.

This is how you can determine some diseases in the face. In fact, this is a special science that every person can master if desired.

Be attentive to each other. Good health to all!

When it comes to really serious diseases, the most important thing is not to waste time and find the disease on the very early stage. To do this, it is important to carefully monitor any changes that occur with the body and consult a doctor in time. Fortunately, many serious illness at the beginning they always give a sign that is easy to notice - if you know where to look.

Heart attack

Small yellow bumps around the eyes may indicate elevated level cholesterol, which in turn can lead to heart attack or diseases of cardio-vascular system. Do not waste time, do an ECG and see a cardiologist!


There are no perfectly symmetrical faces - except perhaps in the paintings of artists. But still, in most cases, asymmetry is not striking. But if you suddenly notice that your face or someone close to you has become less symmetrical, if one half of it seems frozen or just with a duller facial expression - urgently consult a doctor It could be a sign of a disease nervous system and even a stroke.

Diseases of the endocrine system

“Extra” facial hairs are not only a reason to turn to a beautician or a depilation specialist. Most often, facial hair in women begins to grow intensively with impaired hormonal balance- most often hirsutism or polycystic ovary syndrome. Consult with an endocrinologist - most likely, it will be more effective and useful.


This serious disease can be warned by a network of small wrinkles that suddenly appear on the face. Also, suddenly discovered wrinkles can be a symptom of another disease. endocrine system- hypothyroidism, insufficient levels of thyroid hormones. See an endocrinologist and have your blood sugar checked, just in case.


"Aristocratic" pallor - maybe it's beautiful, but it's still worth it to see a doctor and check the level of hemoglobin if your usual complexion is getting closer to white. This may be a sign of anemia - along with constant feeling fatigue, weakness and fatigue.


Highly serious illness, in which a person stops breathing in a dream - for a period of 10 seconds or more. Associated featuresheavy snoring feeling tired in the morning, headaches. And also - an unusual, as it were, "sloping" chin, a reduced size of the neck and jaw If you notice something similar in yourself or your loved ones, consult a doctor, sleep apnea is a deadly disease!

Autoimmune diseases

They can be signaled by a red rash that appears on the face. So, if the rash is dense and itchy, this may indicate celiac disease, a disease in which the body does not absorb gluten well. But a red butterfly-shaped rash that appears on the cheeks can warn of lupus.

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