The influence of the time of day on the work of our body and individual organs. Daily temperature fluctuations

Satisfaction with sex, depending on the time of day is very different.

Depending on the time, a woman perceives the same caresses from you differently. So look at your watch and think about what you can get from her in this moment And what can you offer her? 6.00 - 8.00 She: Even if she is already awake, her body is not yet ready for sex. The level of melatonin in the blood (sleep hormone) gradually decreases, and the body temperature has not yet risen after sleep (the body temperature drops slightly at night). Although sometimes it is very nice to wake up during lovemaking. The main thing is that you are not in a hurry, but let her wake up under leisurely caresses. You: Most men are at their peak during these hours. sexual activity, now the level of testosterone in your blood reaches its maximum value. You need to cheer up and gain strength before the new day. But you're not ready for long long caresses. Quick sex is what you can offer her. 8.00 - 10.00 She: Finally awake and ready for sex. Now in her blood the level of endorphins - "hormones of joy" - reaches its maximum value. It doesn't take long for her to get excited. You: Already tuned in to the working mood. The level of testosterone in your blood has decreased and returned to normal. So right now it's hard enough to stir you up. 10.00 - 12.00 She: During these hours, all her taste buds are sharpened. Right now she can get maximum pleasure from oral sex. By the way, to this kind love games you must always be ready. You: In men, mental activity dominates. Therefore, instead of having sex, you will talk about it for hours, but you are unlikely to be active yourself. And you will begin to mentally analyze any of her actions and build "deep" conclusions. 12.00 - 14.00 She: Her activity reaches its maximum value. But this is not the case for sexuality. During these hours, it is difficult for a woman to relax and focus on sex. But at the same time, if she was going to engage in your sexual education of your beloved, you should not be shy, but try everything in practice. You: Set in a playful way. At this time, the level of "hormones of joy" in a man reaches its maximum value. Therefore, you want something unusual, even extreme, and you will gladly accept any of her ideas. 14.00 - 16.00 She: At this time, her body is maximally prepared for conception. But she is not ready for long and prolonged caresses. Fast, even a little hard sex - that's what she needs now. Also during these hours, her olfactory senses are aggravated, and the most important thing for her is that a pleasant smell comes from you. You: About four in the afternoon male body reproduces the highest quality sperm. Therefore, if you are thinking about procreation with her, this is the time. 16.00 - 18.00 She: At this time, she has a decline in activity. Most women during these hours are not capable of active caresses. But she is not averse to accepting your caresses. Therefore, it will not stop you if you are eager to fight. You: Ready to fight, although not capable of long caresses. You need to relieve fatigue and negative energy through sex. So all you have to offer is quick sex. 18.00 - 20.00 She: You need to make up for the lack of energy, so you should not refuse dinner. At this time, her auditory senses are most acute. She is ready to listen to your long declarations of love and compliments addressed to her. You: At this time, a man is not capable of sexual games. Now all you can think about is satisfying your hunger and resting after dinner. Your body uses all of its energy to digest food. Although, if you are invited to a light banquet in bed, then you are unlikely to refuse. 20.00 - 22.00 She: It's time for long love games. She is full of energy (if she did not refuse dinner) and is ready to take the initiative in her own hands. It's time to experiment in bed. You: Rushing into battle and ready to fulfill her every desire. At this time, your sexual hours with her completely coincide. 22.00 - 0.00 She: Closer to midnight, the level of melatonin in her blood increases sharply. The body gradually falls asleep, even if she is used to staying up late. So now her sexual sensitivity is declining. But at the same time, romantic feelings are exacerbated when you just want to hold hands, hug, kiss and nothing more. You: As relaxed as possible, but still not sleeping. So now I'm ready for long and prolonged caresses. In order to sleep well, you need to throw away the rest of the energy. And sexual games are best suited for this. 0.00 - 6.00 She: Her body needs rest. But you can make love half asleep. By the way, many women who have not previously experienced orgasm, it is in a half-asleep state that they reach the peak of sexual pleasure. This is due to the fact that in a dream they are able to completely relax. The most important thing is that you do not sleep at this moment.

You: You are fast asleep, and it is very difficult to wake you up.

I wish everyone to achieve harmony in sex!

Do you agree with this schedule?

Many of you have come across websites with different designs day and night. For example, during the day it is light, and at night, in order not to blind too much, it, on the contrary, becomes darker. In this article, I will show you how to do this change of design depending on the time of day.

First of all, you need to do 2 CSS files: daytime and nighttime. Let it be files day.css and night.css respectively.

Calculating the time of day and connecting the corresponding style file can be done as in JavaScript, so on PHP. But in the second case, it will be difficult for us to find out the visitor's time zone, and, as a result, his time. We can have a day on the server, and the visitor deep night, and it will display the daily design, which is very strange. Whereas in JavaScript there are no problems in this regard. Therefore, we implement with you design change script through JavaScript to make it work as correctly as possible.

So, the complete code for all this is given below:

The code is very simple. By default, the daily stylesheet is included. And by the way, it will remain with those who have it turned off JavaScript. For those who have it enabled and it's nighttime, it will change to a nighttime stylesheet. As you can see, the script is very simple.

If you want to practice, you can improve script to change the design of the site depending on the time of day by adding an account current day and months. It's obvious that December 20 at 18:00 it is actually night on the street, while June 20 and at 21:00 still light. Therefore, as a training, you can come up with an algorithm that will take this into account.

Cyclicity is characteristic of all biosystems and this is explained by the fact that no processes can last indefinitely, a break must necessarily follow, during which rest, restoration and accumulation of strength take place. For each living organism, the alternation of periods of minimum and maximum is much more efficient and economical than long-term maintenance of functions at an average level of intensity.

The human body is a real symphony orchestra. We most often do not even fully realize the incredible coherence of the work of all its organs, tissues and cells. All processes occurring in our body are very complex and attuned. One of amazing features our body is a set of changes that are called biorhythm.


So, the biorhythm is periodic changes in the increase and decrease in activity biological processes, which are independently supported and reproduced independently in any conditions.

It's no secret that nature is cyclical. These cycles have different duration: daily, annual, lunar month etc. The change of day at night, the seasons, the passage of the Moon around our planet - all this is the initial conditions for the existence of all life on our earth, therefore, of course, biorhythms are inherent not only to humans, but also to other living organisms. Flower buds closing at night, bears hibernating, ants closing the entrances to the anthill are all examples of biorhythms associated with the change of natural cycles.

The high life efficiency of a person is directly related to his biorhythm. Physical activity should fall on periods that are most conducive to this. If you become tense during the decline phase of activity, nothing good will come of it. As well as trying to sleep during the period of maximum activity. Each biorhythm is characterized the following criteria: period, frequency, phase and amplitude.

The biorhythm period is the duration of one cycle of changes per unit of time (for example, 24 hours of the duration of the daily biorhythm)

Biorhythm frequency - the frequency of periodic processes per unit of time.

Phase of the biorhythm - part of the period of the biorhythm per unit of time ( initial phase, active phase, etc.)

Amplitude of the biorhythm - the range of fluctuations in activity during the period of the biorhythm.

Humans are characterized by a huge variety of biological rhythms: these are cellular periods, and blood cycles, and respiration, and daily changes, and seasonal ones. And the most amazing thing about all this is that between different duration biorhythms there is the finest synchronization, multiplicity and consistency.

In this article we most attention let's pay attention to the daily biorhythm, which is expressed in the change of phases wakefulness - sleep.

Average daily human biorhythm

4-5 am(in real time of your geographic location) - preparing the body for awakening. Gradual increase in activity.

5 o'clock in the morning- Decreased production of melatonin, a gradual increase in body temperature, an increase in the production of activity hormones, an increase in the level of adrenaline, hemoglobin and sugar, increased heart rate, increased pressure. All this is intensified under the influence of growing street noise, changes in illumination, changes in temperature. Please note that the preparation of the body for activity takes place at a time that most consider deep sleep.

6 a.m- the production of cortisol by the adrenal glands, which is also called the "awakening hormone". It is at this time that your physiological awakening occurs, the optimal time to start a new day, if you also went to bed in accordance with the daily biorhythm.

7 am to 9 am- the time of charging, morning training, physical activity. And then choose a more attractive value system for you. Orthodox medicine and dietetics say that this is the period of time you should have your breakfast. Modern biochemistry and biorhythmology insist that from 4 am to 12 noon the body goes through a stage of self-purification, therefore it should not be interfered with in this matter for the sake of maintaining health and you should not eat until 12 noon, only drink.

9 am- high mental activity, good working capacity(but only if you woke up on time. For those who hardly opened their eyes at 8 o'clock and did not actively work out, it will be difficult to detect high performance at 9 in the morning), it works well short term memory. It's time to digest new information, you should not load yourself physically.

9-10 hours- time for planning and easy rest.

9-11 hours- strengthening your immunity, therefore, competent doctors will prescribe medications at this time that increase the body's resistance to diseases.

12 hours- reduce physical exercise if they exist. At this time, mental activity also decreases, blood slowly flows to the digestive organs, because. (as mentioned above) 12 hours is the optimal time for eating. Muscle tone, pulse rate and blood pressure are declining.

13 hours- lunch break for adherents orthodox medicine. End of lunch for supporters of biorhythmology.

13-15 hours- relaxation. It is not just that in southern countries it is at this time that a siesta falls. In northern countries, where the daytime sun is not at all so active and does not interfere with wakefulness, nevertheless, activity also decreases during this period, the body is busy absorbing what was received during meals.

In this period, at about 14 hours, there is a minimum pain sensitivity Therefore, the effect of painkillers is most effective. It is very convenient, for example, to visit a dentist at this time.

15 hours- maximum activity of long-term memory.

16 hours- another increase in performance.

16-19 hours- high physical activity. Ideal time for sports. Also high intellectual activity. Those who are late at work by this time, as a rule, quickly and successfully complete their cases.

19 hours- Dinner (may be a little earlier, but not later). Preferred carbohydrate food. Maintaining a still high reaction and activity.

After 20 hours mental condition stabilized, improved memory. After 21:00, the number of whites almost doubles. blood cells(immunity increases), body temperature drops, cell renewal continues.

21-22 hours- preparing the body for a night's rest, lowering body temperature and pressure, slowing down body functions.

22 hours- immunity is in active phase to protect you as much as possible while you sleep. It is at 22:00 that you should go to bed. Just a systematic violation of the biorhythm leads to a weakening of the body, diseases and psychological discomfort.

22-2 am- renewal of body cells. Susceptibility to depression in those who are chronically awake at this time of day.

3-4 am- the deepest sleep, the most low level activity hormones during the day, the most low temperature body. The period during which physical activity has the worst effect on the body.

As you can see, biorhythm is a stubborn thing. He is indifferent to your work schedule, your hobbies and weaknesses. No matter how you justify your regimen, sleep should fall between 10 p.m. and 6 a.m. Otherwise, you daily undermine your own strength.

Life modern man has turned a lot on its head, and often, despite the opportunity, we still, due to long-term habits, continue to be awake during the period of decline in physiological activity and sleep during the period of high activity of the body, missing favorable moments.

Remember what our article began with: the human body is an orchestra, the most precise mechanism with many synchronized functions. And the long-term coherence of this mechanism depends only on you, on rational use own forces, from timely sleep and rest. published

P.S. And remember, just by changing your consumption, we are changing the world together! © econet

The time of day affects the functioning of the brain and the process of perception and processing of information. Scientists have found that the brain of older people works better in daytime hours, while the brain of young people is able to absorb the information received well in the evening and at night.

A few years ago, scientists tested the cognitive abilities of a group of students and older people.

At the first stage, the study was carried out at night. The result showed that students' ability to perceive and process information is much higher at night.

During the next phase, the scientists tested both groups at eight in the morning. The results were unexpected: students perceived information much worse during the day, and older people - in the evening and at night. Accordingly, the scientists hypothesized that different age groups have various indicators on the activity of the mind and the perception of information depending on the time of day.

The brains of larks and owls work differently.

At the same time, scientists from the Australian University of Alberta, in Canada, found that the brains of morning larks and night owls are most active in different time days. Neurologists reviewed brain activity two groups of people: those who woke up early and felt most awake in the morning and those who, on the contrary, typically perked up at night.

Study participants were grouped after answering questions about lifestyle and sleep patterns. With the help of magnetic resonance imaging, brain stimulation was examined by testing the work of muscles and the excitability of pathways through the spinal cord and brain.

It was found that the brain of "larks" is most active at nine o'clock in the morning, and during the day brain productivity decreases. Completely opposite data were obtained about the "owls": the peak of brain activity was recorded at nine o'clock in the evening.

The specialists were also surprised to note that the "owls" were physically stronger throughout the day, but the physical capabilities of the body of the "larks" did not increase during the day. Initially, it was assumed that strong night sleep increase the endurance of the body. In addition, the reflex excitability of the brain pathways in spinal cord increased throughout the day in both "larks" and "owls".

The findings indicate that the nervous system carries out different functions in a different mode of wakefulness and plays important role for maximum performance not only of the brain, but of the whole organism.

1. From 6 to 7 in the morning - the “window” when long-term memory works best, all the information received during this period is easily absorbed.

2. 8 to 9 turns on logical thinking, this is the most right time for any activity connected - at the same time - with memorization and analytics.

3. From 9 am to 10 am - optimal hours to work with information and statistics.

4. From 11 to 12 days, the effectiveness of intellectual functions decreases, therefore, you can switch your attention to something abstract. For example, listen to music.

5. From 11 to 14:00 is the best time for lunch. During these hours, there is a peak, as they say in the East, of the “digestive fire”, when the food taken is digested and assimilated. the best way.

6. From 12:00 to 18:00 - perfect time for active work. Labor in the later hours forces the brain to work for wear and tear. The first signs of such an overstrain are difficulty falling asleep.

7. From 21:00 to 23:00 there is the most complete rest of the mind and nervous system.

8. From 23:00 to 1 a.m., in a dream, there is an active restoration of subtle energy. AT Chinese medicine it is called “chi”, Indian yogis call it “prana”, modern science exalts nervous and muscular strength.

9. From 1 to 3 o'clock, in a dream, a person restores emotional energy.

The influence of the time of day on the functioning of our body and individual bodies

The human body works in rest mode at night, and in wakefulness mode during the day. The organs of our body also work with rest. This is important to know, because certain procedures are best carried out at the time of wakefulness of the organ or system.

Waking up an organ or system is just as useless as abruptly waking up a person who is fast asleep. Otherwise, there is a strong failure in the work of the whole organism.

We will begin to describe the hours of the day and the work of the organs from the night, as is customary among Europeans.

1 o'clock in the morning - if you wake up by this time, then the person will feel very cheerful and confident; gallbladder especially sensitive to pain; he seems to be sleeping, but he is already waking up.

2 a.m. - the liver works in cleansing mode and removes poisons from itself.

3 a.m. - the whole body as a whole experiences physical exhaustion, it freezes. All bioimpulses and bioindicators are low. Sleep better.

4 o'clock in the morning - this time is often called the "hour of death": the body balances on the verge of the end of sleep and the beginning of awakening. Hearing is greatly heightened. At this time, as at 3 o'clock in the morning, it is especially harmful to wake people up.

5 o'clock in the morning - at this time it is good to get up, awakening will be easy and vigorous. All sleep phases have been completed by this time, but the kidneys are sleeping. The large intestine begins to work.

6 o'clock in the morning - the body wakes up. Colon continues to work.

7 o'clock in the morning - the stomach is not yet ready to eat, it is restored and cleansed; immune defense increased. At this time, it is good to take herbal medicines, homeopathy is even better. You can drink warm, highly diluted juice, preferably vegetable and honey.

8 o'clock in the morning - the liver completes its cleansing work: in no case take any medicine. If you smoke, don't smoke! The stomach starts new cycle.

9 p.m. - decreased sensitivity to pain; the heart is working at full capacity. You can do procedures that you find not very pleasant. The stomach continues its preparatory work.

10 o'clock in the afternoon - the body is in excellent condition and excellent performance. The brain is especially active. At this time, intellectual activity, concentration and meditation are shown. Spleen at work.

11 p.m. - ongoing good job the whole organism as a whole. The heart is connected to the spleen at full capacity.

12 noon - all the forces of the body are mobilized; food, if taken at this time, should be light, because the body is mobilized for work, but not for rest or eating. The heart is in optimal condition.

13 hours - the liver sleeps; it must not be disturbed, it must not be cleansed of the liver, tubage, etc. At this time, you can rest, and for some, rest becomes simply necessary. Small intestine at work.

14 hours - rapid decline all reactions of the body; "low peak" of the day; Recreation is a necessity for everyone.

15 hours - all feelings and perceptions are sharpened to the highest manifestations. At this time, you need to monitor your behavior in order to avoid any negative situations and reactions. It's better not to date people you don't like - they can get irritated.

By sixteen o'clock everything is back to normal. The small intestine complements the activity of the bladder.

4 p.m. - high blood sugar! Especially take care of yourself for those who have problems with blood, circulatory system, heart. Avoid stress. The peak of the bladder.

17 hours - a very high performance of the organism as a whole and of the person - at work. A new cycle begins in the kidneys.

18 hours - reduced reaction to pain; the nervous system wants to calm down; put off making big decisions. The kidneys are working great.

19 hours - high mental instability; reactions to stimuli are very sharp and contradictory. Headaches are possible in people prone to pressure drops, suffering from heart failure, spasms of cerebral vessels.

Allergy prone: do not take irritating substances, possible allergic reactions. The kidneys begin to rebuild for rest.

20 hours - the whole body works perfectly; maximum performance. Overreactions to what is happening: accurate, correct, fast. However, irritable people should moderate themselves. activity of the pericardium.

21 hours - memory and intellect work great. The brain is alert and functioning well. The peak of the pericardium. Turn on three heaters.

22 hours - the body is engaged in the destruction of poisons, microbes, viruses. There is leukocytosis. The body temperature is lower and lower. Calming the pericardium. The peak of three heaters and calm by 23 o'clock.

23 hours - all reactions are weak, reduced, the body began to completely rest. At this time, it is better to sleep. gallbladder activity.

00 hours - the peak of work and the calm of the gallbladder. The organism is engaged in the synthesis of the past day, starting from each organ separately and ending with the events that took place on that day.

However, the intellectual presence of the owner of the body is not expected, because introspection and self-healing (regenerative) function, inherent in man by nature, work. Beautiful dream.

If a person goes to bed at 22 o'clock and immediately falls asleep, then before 1 o'clock in the morning he sleeps in the best way, and you can not spend much time sleeping. These three hours of sleep are equivalent to five hours of deep rest.

Three heaters - their basis is the pericardium, which at this time cannot be overloaded. Do not take during the three heaters any narcotic substances, coffee. "Three heaters" - this term came to us from oriental medicine, which establishes its medical methods at work with energy channels and points that are located almost throughout the body (skin) of a person.

A bioenergetic point is not a projection of a diseased organ or part of the body on a person's skin. The bioenergetic point is connected with the work of this or that organ through a certain channel. According to this principle, for example, auricle, on the palms, on the back of the hand, on the feet, there are all the points through which the impact occurs on almost all organs of our body.

Three heaters can also be considered as a channel extending from the tip ring finger through the 4th and 5th metacarpus to the wrist, then through the back of the forearm to the cubital fossa, then to the lateral part of the arm, to the shoulder, to the collarbone, into the supraclavicular fossa, then it branches into chest and goes partially to the pericardium, then to the diaphragm, in solar plexus. Three heaters are the "connecting line" of the whole body.

It has been scientifically proven that people who do not get enough sleep regularly cannot make fully adequate decisions throughout the entire time they are awake. All this is due to the fact that the body is tired. He needs good sleep, the value of which can be judged by the clock, by each of its phases.

Energy value of sleep

Before proceeding to a more detailed consideration of such a rich value of sleep, we should mention its stages, or rather the stages slow sleep, which lasts up to 90 minutes:

  • Stage I is nothing more than the usual state of half-asleep;
  • Stage II lasts no more than half an hour, it is during this period that the sleeping person is easiest to wake up;
  • III stage characterized by the onset of slow sleep;
  • Stage IV affects the appearance deep sleep during which a person sees dreams.

The illnesses of many people are caused, first of all, by the fact that an insufficient number of hours of sleep is devoted to rest. After all, at different times it has a different value for the restoration of each cell. human body. Moreover, it is chronic sleep deprivation opens the door to many ailments.

Recovery occurs during sleep energy forces organism, strengthens, exhaustion is prevented nerve cells, muscle fibers are restored.

The value of sleep at certain times of the day

It is impossible to say exactly how much a person needs to sleep. After all, this indicator depends on individual characteristics, age-related changes and from the regime of the day. So, the baby sleeps at least 10 hours, preschoolers - about 7 hours.

Experts say that in order to be healthy, you should sleep at least 10 hours. So, below is a table that perfectly shows the value of sleep by the hour. Thanks to this data, everyone has the right to create their own sleep schedule. Of course, the best time for a night's rest is the period before midnight. It is then that every cell of the body is restored.


In the period of 22-24 hours there is, let's say, a reboot of the nervous system. If a person for some reason does not go to the kingdom of Morpheus at this time, then her nerves will be at the limit. As a result, the body will require daytime rest. If this is not provided, memory impairment, inhibition of reactions are the main companions of lack of sleep.

If we consider the value of sleep by the hour from the point of view of esoteric knowledge, then we can safely say that those who manage to restore their strength and wake up at 3-4 in the morning can easily develop their abilities. After all, right now the world provides such an opportunity.

4-5 hours is a period of good for the whole day, the time of the sun.

5-6 - calmness dominates on the planet, and in the interval from 6 to 7 people are stocked with optimal vitality.

The value of daytime sleep

It is not for nothing that children are put to sleep in the kindergarten during the day. Indeed, even if it is short, a break for sleep increases efficiency, the ability to concentrate by 50%, or even 60% more. Many have noticed that they often want to sleep between 3-5 o'clock in the morning and 13-15 o'clock. This is explained by the fact that in given period body temperature reaches its minimum.

American physiologists have found that daytime rest has a beneficial effect on the speed of the visual reaction of any person. So, according to studies, during the day it is 10 milliseconds, in the evening it is already 40. If the body has at least a little rest during the day, then the indicator of this speed remains at around 10.

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