Can Taurus and. Love game "Money comes first". Dating Taurus Woman and Taurus Man

The compatibility of Taurus and Taurus in a love relationship can be very successful, because both partners have the same idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe relationship and their characters are quite similar. Their love can be called truly earthly, because Taurus cannot be attributed to dreamers and builders of castles in the air. They know exactly what they want from life and prefer a titmouse in their hands than a crane in the sky. Let's take a closer look at the compatibility horoscope of a Taurus woman and a Taurus man in love and marriage.

Taurus: Characteristics of the sign

Anyone who was born between April 21 and May 21 can consider himself a Taurus. The element of this sign is Earth, so he is not interested in luxury or jewelry. He will not promise his partner castles in the air and something that he cannot give. This person is open to communication with others and will not intrigue behind someone's back.

Taurus treats work with responsibility and good employees are obtained from the representatives of this sign. They carry out the instructions of the authorities implicitly and will not argue with him in anything. These people do not like change and prefer to stay where they were born and raised. The house of Taurus has everything you need for a comfortable stay, but there are no luxurious things. But he does not need these things, as he considers it a waste of money.

In love, Taurus is faithful to the last. He would rather divorce his wife if he suddenly falls in love with someone else, but he will not start an affair on the side. Not even a child can keep him from divorce. But do not think that men born under this sign make bad fathers, by no means, they love their children very much and continue to take care of them and love them even after a divorce from their wife.

What are two Taurus in a romantic relationship?

A Taurus woman and a Taurus man often start their relationship with sex, and they consider this normal. Sleeping with a pretty person on the first date for a Taurus girl is not something supernatural and indecent, especially if her partner was also born under the same sign as her.

The sexual compatibility of these two zodiac signs is very high. These two easily guess each other's desires and their relationship is built easily. They do not often have to give each other fits of jealousy and violent tantrums, as they both do not like it. Between them there will be not only love, but also friendship. Taurus will prefer to be friends with their soulmate than with someone else, and it often happens that a woman of this sign has a best friend not some girl, but her own husband.

Of course, two bulls can quarrel, this happens in all pairs, but these unpleasant moments will quickly pass and lovers will easily come to peace.

And they prefer to resolve their ongoing conflicts in bed, in which they have a real idyll. Neither the guy nor the girl in this pair will be deprived of sex. There will be few romantic dates here, but none of the partners need this. They prefer to immediately create a family, and not take care of their loved one for years.

When these two will just meet, and not live with each other, then everything will be fine in their relationship and there will be very little friction. Life can bring discord in their couple, but all this can be solved if true love lives in a couple. But Taurus is in love or not can be easily determined by his behavior. This is especially pronounced in men of this sign. They are determined and courageous and prefer to win the heart of their beautiful lady at all costs.

What is the family relationship between two Taurus?

Taurus makes excellent husband and wife. They will not cheat on their partner, even if their relationship is experiencing temporary difficulties. They prefer to leave immediately if things get too bad and will never spoil the relationship with cheating. Taurus are homey and always know how to run a household.

They know how to earn money, but if they are not enough, then they will not rush to look for a part-time job. Representatives of this zodiac sign can be generally difficult to budge and push to action. They are sometimes quite stubborn and stubborn, which can annoy the second partner.

Children cannot strengthen the marriage of two Taurus and a woman in this pair should not think that if she gives birth to a child, she will be able to establish a difficult relationship with her husband.

From the outside, it may seem that such a couple lives a boring life and there is no passion in their relationship, but this is not at all the case. They are drawn to each other and these people do not have to be bored both sexually and in all other respects. Taurus do not like change, so they prefer to create a family once. They are alien to the frequent change of partners and they do not welcome divorces. A woman of this earthly sign looks at her future husband for a long time before deciding to marry him, but she is not prone to mistakes in choosing a partner for the family, therefore she knows how to immediately see a good spouse.

Taurus, both women and men, are not used to playing, as they say, in public and building someone out of themselves. Their behavior is transparent and does not contain a second meaning. A partner always knows what to expect from his soulmate and this brings harmony and understanding to the couple. They feel comfortable and protected in relations with a partner of the same sign, which cannot be said about the relationship of Taurus, for example, and Leo.

These are the relationships that two Taurus can have. It is worth noting that there will be more understanding in this couple if they learn to yield to each other and a woman should be wiser in these relationships. She should trust her man more and rely on his responsibility and masculinity, then the union will be strong and happy.

People born under the constellation Taurus have a high level of earthiness. They are driven by pragmatism and a thorough approach to any business. Even the madly in love Taurus does not lose his head. They purposefully get to know a partner from different angles before deciding to tie the knot with him.

The slowness of Taurus, their desire to weigh all the "pro-et-contra", often becomes a stumbling block at the initial stage of the formation of a relationship. However, a Taurus man and a Taurus woman will perfectly understand each other. The incredible patience that Taurus possesses allows you to calmly accept even too long a courtship process. But, if two Taurus decide to be together, then it will be a strong family in which love and mutual respect will reign.

Taurus man and Taurus woman: character compatibility

Taurus are always confident in their abilities. However, they are in no hurry to demonstrate their mental abilities in public. Both the male and female Taurus, born under this zodiac sign, have a balanced character, it is difficult to piss them off. But absolute calmness, regardless of the current situation, is often misinterpreted: Taurus is considered callous and unemotional. But despite the surrounding opinion, their inner world is always in harmony, since only true values ​​\u200b\u200bare of particular importance for the calves.

One of the main advantages of this zodiac sign is that they accept a person as he really is, in combination with the positive and negative aspects of character. Accordingly, Taurus try to avoid companies that are not inherent in sincerity. Perhaps that is why the Taurus man and the Taurus woman feel quite comfortable and calm alone with each other. Choosing friends and lovers, they ignore external gloss and success, focusing on the inner component of a person. They are attracted primarily by extraordinary personalities.

Compatibility of Taurus Man and Taurus Woman in Communication

The restraint of Taurus is reflected in their type of communication with other people. They are not verbose and do not tolerate transfusions from empty to empty. Taurus do not seek to talk about anything, they speak exclusively on the merits, even among themselves.

Their relationship is built solely on honesty and objectivity. Taurus go out of their way to help and support their Taurus spouse, regardless of the opinions of others. They prefer to act together striving for the triumph of justice. However, when you decide to spoil relations with one of the Taurus, then express unconstructive, or moreover, tactless criticism against him. This is exactly what people of this sign do not tolerate the most.

Relationship Compatibility Between Taurus

  • The incredulity of Taurus is clearly manifested at the stage of the formation of relationships. They do not trust their partner for a long time and seek to arrange a test of loyalty.
  • Taurus do not look for easy ways. Because of their natural restraint and some secrecy, they are in no hurry to reveal themselves to their partner. But they have a long way to go in order to fully know their soul mate.
  • Having taken up the matter, Taurus will not back down from it until they bring it to its logical conclusion. This is facilitated by the solidity of the sign.
  • In some situations, Taurus embellish current events and tell lies in order to present themselves in a more favorable light. They may lie to those to whom they are not disposed to avoid unnecessary explanations and questions.
  • Taste, smells, sounds - Taurus likes everything that allows them to "caress" the senses. In order to impress Taurus, you can go to a concert with him or visit a museum.
  • In general, Taurus is not jealous. But if they convict their partner of treason, they will completely break off relations with him. You can't bring back the old feelings. Taurus do not forgive betrayal, which for them is treason.

Taurus Man and Taurus Woman Love Compatibility

Two calves are a beautiful, strong couple. Taurus man and Taurus woman are 100% compatible. Basically, when two Taurus get married, the family is strong and reliable. Taurus will do everything possible to protect their loved ones. For this, they are ready to do anything.

Cozy warmth and complete harmony are associated with Taurus. People born under this constellation appreciate everything beautiful, strive to create beauty and enjoy it. They are talented and love different kinds of arts. Taurus in marriage can be firm in their convictions, but the "iron will" in most cases is combined with tenderness, warmth, care and faith in the best.

Taurus Man and Taurus Woman Marriage Compatibility

Such a pair has a double potential in perseverance. Two opposite-sex Taurus have similar interests, goals and hobbies. They understand each other almost from a glance. Therefore, the couple is truly harmonious.

Taurus man and Taurus woman will never be bored together. They have something to talk about: these are general plans, and a discussion of the film they like. With double energy and thoroughness, they take up business together, necessarily putting their plans into practice and achieving heights and success.

The Taurus woman is very patient, so there are no big scandals in the family. They do not break down over trifles, do not reproach their beloved man, and most importantly, they know how to hear and hear a partner. By nature, women born under the constellation Taurus are quite soft and good-natured. They soothe with their smile, kind look and wise advice. Taurus women know how to manage money wisely. Their house is always cozy and calm.

Taurus is not characterized by fleeting relationships. They choose a partner for a long time. However, Taurus Man is ready to court his companion passionately and romantically. They give flowers, arrange surprises - they do everything to achieve the location of their beloved.

Bonding their relationship with the bonds of a bark, Taurus will be happy all their lives. Their family will be strong and reliable. And most importantly, trust and love will reign between spouses throughout life. Even having been married for many years, the Taurus man will not seek adventure on the side. Family for them is the main life value. The marriage union of Taurus is reliable. It will rightfully be considered ideal.

Strong, emotional and accustomed to the good life. These are the characteristics by which Taurus can be easily recognized. The line of romantic relationships with him is very unpredictable, as they say: there is one step from love to hate.

Let's consider everything related to this extraordinary sign, and most importantly, let's discover love secrets, namely the compatibility of these two signs.

The patronage of Venus

A typical Taurus is a sociable, friendly, stubborn and at the same time gentle person.

His goals are always achievable, and if necessary, he will go over the heads.

Astrological characteristics of Taurus:

    Associated Element: Earth.

    Ruling planets: Venus, Moon.

    Symbols: bull, cow.

    Colors: bright spring colors, beige shades in any of their manifestations.

    Stone talismans: turquoise, sapphire, agate, opal, emerald, esmerald, green marble, jade, carisol.

    Flowers: lily of the valley, lilac.

    Metal: copper.

    Weak spots in the body: throat, neck, nose, sense organs.

    Happy days: Monday, Friday.

    Unfavorable day: Tuesday.

    Places to live and travel: Ireland, Poland, CIS, Australia, Switzerland.

First period of validity

People born in the first half of the sign, from April 21 to 30, are dependent on Mercury, think well, are passionate about the exact sciences and tend to various business projects, commercial affairs in the countryside. They are melancholy by nature. They tend to greatly exaggerate problems.

    Main years of life: 16, 24, 30, 33, 39, 42, 45, 51, 57.

    Numbers: 63 and 36.

    Stones: diamond, brilliant.

    Flower: sweet pea.

Second Coming of Taurus

Taurus born in the second half of the sign, from May 1 to 10, "walk" under the moon. They are noble and eloquent, dreamy, kind and slightly indecisive, prone to politics and literature, they are always accompanied by great luck in life.

    Numbers: 62 and 26.

    Stone: emerald.

    Lily flower.

Third decade of the sign

Those born in the third period of the sign, from May 11 to 21, are under the direct influence of Saturn. These are people striving for independence, very stubborn, but in most cases subject to a stronger will, uncommunicative, pessimistic, afraid of poverty and prefer loneliness. Due to their qualities of character, they often face financial difficulties.

    Main years of life: 16, 21, 24, 33, 41, 50, 60, 64.

    Stone and flower correspond to the second period.

Pluses and minuses, everything worked out

How to understand Taurus? Very simple if you know the features of his character. After all, they are unpredictable personalities and with their perseverance will push everyone in their path. The character is rather peculiar, and the nature is emotional.

The planet Venus gives Taurus an unusually gentle nature and love for comfort, sensitivity, and, sadly, a lot of laziness.

He is open to positive emotions and even sadness can easily turn into joy. In public, he tries to behave very calmly, but a stormy temperament is hidden under modesty.

Positive character traits: has a strong will, considers all decisions, hardworking, independent, always speaks directly and to the point, inquisitive, fighter for justice, stubborn, patient, persistent and faithful.

Negative Traits: Self-centered, very stubborn, loves a lot of luxury and will sacrifice everything for pleasure. The main characteristic of Taurus is an extraordinary desire for a better life, openness to relationships and fidelity for many years.

Subtle female nature

A magnificent wife, a passionate lover, an unstoppable careerist - all this is a Taurus woman. The characteristics of the fair sex, born during the action of this sign, are quite diverse. Let's try to understand its features.

Taurus girls are the subject of dreams for men. They harbor so much tenderness, love and affection that, when a faithful life partner appears on the horizon, they strive to give him everything. But still, with all the good attitude towards their chosen one, they occupy a leading position in the relationship.

Such a woman from early childhood knows her destiny: to be the standard of fidelity, and most importantly - a support for her man, keep a home, take care of children and become an excellent housewife.

They also love nature and children. The optimal place to live for a Taurus woman is a quiet country house, where there is a huge garden with beautiful flowering plants.

Although the representatives of this sign behave quietly and modestly, they cannot be called lazy, they are big workaholics and take care of money, counting every penny.

Taurus women behave quite reservedly and calmly, which undoubtedly captivates men. But at the same time, they do not like to be contradicted and objected to, and the slightest, at first glance, harmless remark can take them out of a state of mental balance.

It should also be noted that these ladies are insanely jealous. A Taurus woman can endure a lot and remain silent, but at one moment she will definitely “explode”. Note to your soulmate: do not bring your spouse to such a state, this can turn into a loud scandal or even a divorce.

They tend to be polygamous by nature. This does not mean that Taurus women love to cheat. No, on the contrary, if they get everything they want and feel the return from the opposite side, then there can be no question of any betrayal.

To find compatibility with a Taurus woman, a man needs to try. After all, it will not be so easy to win her, but having achieved the goal, he will find everything he dreamed of, and even more.

If you want to see a real queen next to you, you need a Taurus woman. The characteristic of this zodiac sign clearly demonstrates that she will be very passionate, but at the same time jealous. But if you surround her with attention and care, you can find a faithful and loving chosen one.

Male power is irresistible

Opening the mysteries of the stars, it should be emphasized that the sign of Taurus (especially a man) remains unknown until now. Astrologers try to make accurate predictions, but it is still easier with women, because they are more emotional and reveal themselves more. Men, on the other hand, are more secretive and try to keep everything to themselves, so it is difficult to determine matches from the horoscope. Nevertheless, there are several developments that will help you get to know the representatives of the stronger sex better. The stars will tell what the Taurus man is silent about.

The characterization of the representatives of the stronger sex is quite brief - they are latent leaders and autocrats who do not show their nature in public, but in the family circle they are not used to having their words questioned and contradicted by what they say.

Money is one of those pillars on which the world of Taurus men rests. They are careerists in the broadest sense of the word. For the sake of a "fish" position, absolutely everything will go.

At the same time, their affairs are often accompanied by success. This is due to the fact that Taurus is not prone to haste. They do everything slowly and deliberately. They do not tend to make spontaneous decisions.

Like Taurus women, men love nature and spend their leisure time there. For example, on a picnic or fishing.

The Taurus man is quite an interesting personality. He prefers a narrow circle of communication, where he can show himself from all sides, make jokes and jokes.

As for family and love, such a man is very homely and faithful. In most cases, he finds his life partner early and forever stops at his choice.

In fairness, it should be noted that there will be plenty of requirements for such a woman. Firstly, she must fully and completely correspond to his status, secondly, be extraordinarily beautiful and elegant, well-mannered, and thirdly, be able and love to cook.

He is not attracted to casual relationships, if he loves, then forever. It is safe to say that the most faithful and loving husband is the Taurus man. The characteristic of this sign is proof that such a spouse will always be a reliable support for his woman, but the requirements for her will be high.

love line

Now let's talk about such a pair as Taurus with Taurus. Compatibility at the initial stage of a relationship may look dubious, but it’s worth first understanding in detail the love characteristics of a woman and a man of this sign.

In fact, Taurus is the most loving sign. Venus controls it in the same way as the goddess of love Aphrodite.

In their youth, both a woman and a man dream of a great and bright feeling, but in adolescence they have many fleeting romances that still lead to a real relationship.

But their passion can also flare up in more mature years, feelings in such a period do not arise immediately, but flare up gradually.

Love Taurus is sometimes secretive, intimate. But often it is deeply touching, tender and lasts forever.

If the environment does not correspond to Taurus' idea of ​​​​an ideal personal life, then he goes through an avalanche of jealousy, depression, and does not strive for quick reconciliation and entertainment.

The Taurus-Taurus relationship will be doomed to happiness and success when one representative of the sign complements the other, but, of course, mutual understanding is indispensable.

Romantic whims

Whims, wild emotions and at the same time sensuality and tenderness - this is what awaits you in a relationship with the lady Taurus.

She always chooses wealthy and self-sufficient men. But such joy does not last long. If the partner somehow offends her or is not generous enough, she will immediately find a replacement for him. Here she is - a Taurus woman.

Compatibility in love with a male Taurus will still be special. At first glance, relationships look dull and short-lived. But everything will change after a while.

The burning passion of the Taurus man

What to expect from a relationship that wants to build a Taurus with a Taurus? The compatibility of this pair will directly depend on the man. He is sometimes very thoughtful, but remains a devoted and passionate lover for his woman. When he finds a companion, in most cases he strives for equality in relations. He is frank in all manifestations of passion and expects the same return from his chosen one.

Two in one

Having learned all the secrets of the unknown, we have come to know the most important secret of relationships. How do Taurus and Taurus get along?

The compatibility of two such identical at first glance people cannot raise questions. They are attracted to each other, it would seem that they meet the same soul mate. Such relationships are not threatened by bright outbreaks of jealousy, and even more so by conflicts. Representatives of this sign understand each other perfectly, feel the thoughts and desires of a partner.

The idyll will continue if they can give in and understand each other, because then - family life and domestic issues.

Such a union will last until old age, if a woman and a man have aspirations for the new and the unknown. Traveling together, going to new places or just relaxing in nature will help you relax and forget about everything.

Unquenchable passion

Taurus is very sexy and passionate, this applies to both sexes. Physical attraction and passion will become a solid foundation for the durability of such a union.

Over time, when both are ready to take on parental duty and have children, the Taurus woman and man will become very caring parents and give their children the foundation that will help them realize themselves in the future.

In such an alliance as Taurus with Taurus, compatibility is quite successful, but the main thing is that you should pay more attention to each other, try to let something new into your relationship. This pattern of behavior ensures that your relationship will last for years to come. In this pair, love is a woman. The male Taurus is a persistent, powerful guardian who protects his chosen one and gives her the opportunity to create harmony in relationships.

A man and a woman born under the sign of Taurus understand each other very well - they have the same goals, life values, as well as the degree of activity. These people always communicate with pleasure, even if they are not too familiar. They are simply pleasant to each other, and the fact that they look at the world around them the same way gives them a feeling of complete comfort.

If two calves are connected by business relations, then each of them did not dare to dream of a more reliable partner. These people do not take unnecessary risks, avoid dubious transactions, act slowly but surely. They carefully think over their every step, so their business success is natural and does not apply to luck.

Personal relationships of Taurus from the very beginning are easy and pleasant. A man and a woman understand each other even without words, neither of them has the fear of disappointing the other with their actions. From the outside, their lifestyle may look too monotonous, but the bodies do not need frequent changes and changes of impressions. Only an out of the ordinary event, such as a deliberate deception or a natural disaster, can destroy their union.

♉ + ♉: In a love relationship

THE PERFECT COUPLE- A guy and a girl born under the sign of Taurus first communicate as friends, while gradually drawing closer. A young man usually becomes the initiator of a love relationship, but such a turn of events will not come as a surprise to his chosen one. Taurus do not like to act in a veiled way, so the girl immediately noticed the guy's sympathy, but she did not hide her own either.

Lovers spend a lot of time together, avoiding noisy campaigns and crowded places. They love a calm, romantic environment where no one will stop them from enjoying each other's company. In these relationships there is no crazy passion, jealousy, scandals and major quarrels. If misunderstandings arise between lovers, frank conversations help to solve them, because the bodies do not like to be dark.

The relationship of these people can begin in early adolescence, or even in childhood, and last for years without significant changes. Of course, each of them grows up, but preferences and habits remain the same. Most often, such love affairs lead to the creation of a family, but already at a conscious age, after both gain financial independence from their parents. Of all the signs of the zodiac, Taurus is the most responsible, so he does not commit rash acts.

♉ + ♉: Married

THE PERFECT COUPLE- Representatives of the Taurus sign are very serious about creating a family, so they try to get to know each other as best as possible before the wedding. Young people can meet for several years before they decide to legitimize their relationship. A Taurus man will never propose to his girlfriend if he is not sure that he will be able to provide for his future family. The marriage of this couple becomes a kind of quality mark, which speaks of the stability of the financial situation of the spouses and their confidence in each other.

Very often, Taurus spouses join their efforts in work, as a result of which their bond becomes even stronger. The wife tries not to burden her husband with household duties, but he very often offers his help to her. The spouses have no reasons for major quarrels, and they try not to pay attention to the little things.

In intimate life, compatibility is excellent - both spouses have a low need for sex, they do not respect extreme sports and experiments. A Taurus woman is not capable of treason, and if this happens, then only in an exceptional case, but even so, she will not make a secret of what is happening. The same can be said about her husband - he is not fond of women on the side, he does not know how to lie, so the wife can be absolutely calm.

Such marriages almost never break up, but there is an exception to any rule. The divorce of two bulls can be triggered by external factors and unforeseen circumstances, but these people cannot be said to have not come together in character.

♉ + ♉: In friendship

THE PERFECT COUPLE- A Taurus guy and a girl of the same sign feel each other very subtly, in their relationship there is mutual respect, frankness and spiritual intimacy, but here it is a big question. These people can only be friends if they are relatives, because otherwise they are too attractive for each other. If, if there is no bright mutual love, the bodies will be able to be content with sympathy, but it is present. In fact, it is not so important whether these people are friends or meet - their compatibility is impeccable.

Video: TAURUS ♉ Zodiac sign

It is generally accepted that the most stubborn signs of the zodiac are Aries and Taurus. Compatibility with other signs of the latter is very peculiar. The Taurus man approaches the choice of a life partner with all seriousness. If the chosen one is really interesting to him, then he will do anything to be close. But the windiness and frivolity of a woman is a weighty reason for parting for Taurus.

Taurus man - compatibility with other signs in life, in love and relationships

The Taurus man is by nature decisive, reasonable and wise. He strives to be financially independent. If Taurus has set some goal for himself, then he will certainly achieve what he wants, no matter what it costs him. Compatibility of Taurus with other signs is possible when it is beneficial and convenient for him. But often love comes to such a man suddenly. As a result, he somewhat changes his outlook on life.

Taurus is an earth sign, it is characterized by practicality. This helps to build a long, strong and stable relationship. Inside his element, the Taurus guy will most quickly find a soul mate. Compatibility with Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn is natural and strong. Usually such relationships are not distinguished by their passion. They are built on mutual understanding, kindness and common sense. The most successful couples of the earth element look like this:

  • Taurus man and Virgo woman;
  • Capricorn man and Taurus woman.

Taurus is not afraid of work, in his endeavors he shows perseverance. It is hardly possible to see a Taurus sitting idle. To the intended goal, he goes stubbornly, although sometimes rather slowly. Slowly, Taurus is approaching what they want, regardless of whether these are love affairs or career-related issues. In any case, he will achieve the location of the woman he likes or take the desired position.

With whom a Taurus man cannot get along: characteristics, compatibility

The friendly and sexual compatibility of Taurus with representatives of fire and air is completely absent. It is difficult for him to communicate and build love with air and fire signs. Such relationships are filled with trials and conflicts.

By nature, Taurus is practical, and therefore he will not be able to get along with a frivolous partner. If such a man nevertheless takes his chosen one as his wife, then he expects absolute honesty and complete reciprocity from this union. Fire signs are distinguished by their impulsiveness and superficiality. And the air signs are not characterized by excessive emotionality, compassion is unfamiliar to them. That is why the union of Taurus with representatives of these elements is doomed to decay. A woman simply cannot give a man what he is looking for in a love relationship.

Taurus has a very sophisticated compatibility of zodiac signs. Taurus man is looking for a kind and beautiful woman, while she must fully understand him, support him in all endeavors. In addition, he expects thriftiness from his beloved. Naturally, Taurus cannot forgive betrayal. The chosen one must believe her man, dedicate him to all matters, talk about everything that happens. Despite the increased requirements, Taurus always find their soul mate. Pisces, Libra, Cancer and, in rare cases, Scorpio girls can get along with such a man. But with representatives of other signs, Taurus will be quite difficult. In particular, we are talking about Aries and Aquarius and Leo. Such women are very proud, freedom-loving and quick-tempered, which is completely unsuitable for a reasonable and practical Taurus.

What is Taurus in life and love: zodiac sign, compatibility with other signs, character

When you first meet Taurus, you cannot say that he is distinguished by romance and ardor in relationships. The practicality of a man, his natural slowness, immediately catches the eye. Despite this, romance is in the blood of Taurus. They are true connoisseurs of everything beautiful, including women. Such a man is measured, practical, does not rush "in the pool with his head." Taurus perceives compatibility with others in a very peculiar way. Before starting to seek a woman, he will weigh everything three times, think it over. However, if the choice of Taurus has stopped on you, then be sure that you will never forget this novel. Remember that your fan is a romantic at heart, and therefore you can expect huge bouquets of flowers and serenades under the window. But keep in mind that the fairy tale can end immediately after marriage.

Like no one else knows how to care for a Taurus woman. Compatibility in a love relationship with such a man will bring you a lot of pleasant moments. A calf in love forgets about his prudence. He will achieve the favor of his chosen one by all conceivable and inconceivable ways.

But you also need to be able to keep Taurus. With him, you will always have to remain a "dream woman" - beautiful, irresistible, slightly mysterious and true. Such a man will not stay with a woman "without a twist" for a long time. To part with Taurus, simply point out its shortcomings or put it in a "not the best light." Next to such an enviable groom can only be a gentle, understanding and delicate young lady.

Taurus will not tolerate criticism in his address, in particular, if you insult his vanity in public. He should be the main one in the house, because he brings money, makes all important decisions. It is better to hold all objections so as not to provoke a conflict. Accept that you will always have to adapt to your lover. Be ready to quit your job and devote all your time to the chosen one.

Persistent and persistent Taurus is a man in love. Compatibility with him is the key to a long and strong relationship. If you make your man angry, he may be rude to you. True, anger is immediately replaced by mercy. More serious grievances can last for several days. Once your chosen one cools down, do not forget to discuss the problem with him so that it does not happen again in the future. If the issue is unresolved, then a sediment will remain in the soul of Taurus, which can torment him all his life.

In his own house, Taurus will not tolerate disorder and chaos. His chosen one must certainly be able to cook deliciously, maintain order, and resolve various domestic troubles. In gratitude for this, Taurus will become your “stone wall”. He will surround you with luxury. With such a gentleman you will be cozy and comfortable.

With whom can Taurus build love? Characteristics of the sign (male), compatibility in love and marriage.

Taurus will never give. This is what he expects from his chosen one. Marriage for Taurus is a serious step. He's not used to changing girls often. Having found his one and only, he will dissolve in it without a trace. The beloved must belong entirely to Taurus. At the same time, he is pathologically jealous. Sometimes, even without a reason, he can arrange a scene of jealousy for his passion.

  1. Aries woman and Taurus man. The compatibility of these signs has certain difficulties. They are used to living at different paces. Aries' energy is overflowing, and Taurus is used to doing everything slowly and leisurely. Such relationships can be quite long. Only for this, Aries will have to be patient. Taurus will sooner or later achieve his goals, and his woman will get everything she wanted.
  2. The ideal couple is the union of two Taurus. They have the same interests, life goals, aspirations. They never get bored with each other. Together, two Taurus will enjoy life, overcome possible difficulties. This couple can move mountains.
  3. Gemini and Taurus have radically different personalities. This is the link between a man and a woman. At the first meeting between Gemini and Taurus, sympathy arises. The duration of such a relationship depends on the desire of the partners. If they complement each other without focusing on visible differences, then their union will be strong.
  4. Compatibility horoscope for Taurus man and Cancer woman. These signs have a lot in common. Their relationship is built on mutual understanding. A simple friendship between Taurus and Cancer can develop into a strong marriage, a happy family life. Lovers together will keep the hearth, create coziness and comfort.
  5. A successful union between a Taurus man and a Leo woman is unlikely. They treat money differently. Taurus carefully and carefully spends money, seeks to accumulate more. And Lions love to live "in a big way", they are generous and wasteful. If they manage to resolve conflicts in the financial sector, then the relationship can last a long time, because Lviv and Taurus are physically drawn to each other.
  6. Marriage can end the romantic relationship of a Taurus man and a Virgo woman. Mutual understanding will reign in such a family. Virgos are responsible, hardworking, Taurus is economic. They are connected by concern for the family, for the general well-being. Taurus in such a pair will be a mentor, the responsibility for the family will fall on his shoulders.
  7. Interesting compatibility of zodiac signs in love "Taurus and Libra". They don't look alike, but they have something in common. Both love comfort, eat delicious food, dress beautifully and live luxuriously. Thanks to this, their union will be strong, filled with harmony.
  8. Taurus and Scorpio pairs often form. Both of these personalities are quite strong, and therefore love flares up between them and mutual respect arises. A Scorpio woman will appreciate her chosen one for his perseverance, perseverance and independence. And Taurus in the second half will like her femininity. Such a union is ideal from a spiritual point of view.
  9. Pairs of "male Taurus and female Sagittarius" are extremely rare. As a rule, they can converge on the basis of a mutually beneficial calculation. However, if they manage to build a relationship, then they last happily ever after. Such a union is filled with positive. The witty, life-loving Sagittarius woman is a muse for Taurus. He admires her. And she is attracted by practicality and determination in her chosen one.
  10. The compatibility of the signs of the Zodiac "Taurus man and Capricorn woman" is considered ideal. Such an alliance is quite common and is very strong. Taurus and Capricorn have similar interests and views, they have common hobbies. Both are patient, practical, achieve their goals. In such a tandem, coziness, complete comfort and absolute stability reign. They are united by caring for the house, raising children, creating a home, love of travel.
  11. Aquarius woman and Taurus man. The compatibility horoscope of these signs, as a rule, promises separation. They are completely different. Only mutual love helps them to be happy together. Taurus will never be able to unravel his chosen one. She will strive for new experiences. And Taurus does not like sudden surprises and surprises.
  12. A very successful and strong union is obtained by Pisces women and Taurus men. Happiness and love accompany them all their lives. A woman will keep the family hearth, and a man will make every effort to make his chosen one happy. Nothing can destroy such an alliance. A complete idyll is found by Pisces and Taurus in bed. Sign compatibility helps them live a long and happy life together.

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