Well finally!!! If she does this, then you should not be fired, but her!


Article 31. The right of citizens to information about the state of health
<...>The information contained in the medical documents of a citizen constitutes a medical secret and may be provided without the consent of the citizen only on the grounds provided for in Article 61 of these Fundamentals.

Article 61. Medical secret
Information about the fact of applying for medical assistance, the state of health of a citizen, the diagnosis of his disease and other information obtained during his examination and treatment, constitute a medical secret. The citizen must be confirmed the guarantee of the confidentiality of the information transmitted by him.
It is not allowed to disclose information constituting a medical secret by persons to whom they became known during training, performance of professional, official and other duties, except for the cases established by parts three and four of this article.
With the consent of a citizen or his legal representative, it is allowed to transfer information constituting a medical secret to other citizens, including officials, in the interests of examining and treating a patient, for conducting scientific research, publishing in scientific literature, using this information in the educational process and in other purposes.
Providing information constituting a medical secret without the consent of a citizen or his legal representative is allowed:
1) for the purpose of examination and treatment of a citizen who, due to his condition, is unable to express his will;
2) with the threat of the spread of infectious diseases, mass poisoning and lesions;
3) at the request of the bodies of inquiry and investigation and the court in connection with the conduct of an investigation or judicial proceedings;
(in ed. federal law dated 24.07.2007 N 214-FZ)
4) in the case of providing assistance to a minor at the age established by part two of Article 24 of these Fundamentals, to inform his parents or legal representatives;
(as amended by Federal Law No. 151-FZ of December 1, 2004)
5) if there are grounds for believing that harm to the health of a citizen was caused as a result of unlawful actions;
6) for the purpose of conducting a military medical examination in the manner prescribed by the regulation on military medical examination, approved by the authorized federal executive body.
(Clause 6 was introduced by Federal Law No. 170-FZ of 21.12.2005, as amended by Federal Law No. 160-FZ of 23.07.2008)
Persons who, in accordance with the procedure established by law, were given information constituting a medical secret, along with medical and pharmaceutical workers, taking into account the damage caused to a citizen, bear disciplinary, administrative or criminal liability for disclosure of medical secrets in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, the legislation of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.
(as amended by Federal Law No. 122-FZ of 22.08.2004)

Well, if you cope with the work, then everything is fine, the reduced working capacity of the body is just a symptom.

If they don't want to do their job, then let them say so. We need to start communicating with them in writing.

The schedule of diseases (v. 13) says:
"Citizens who are called up for military service are recognized as temporarily unfit for military service for 6 months.

If after 6 months no diseases causing weight loss were detected in citizens, there is no negative dynamics of body mass index (according to monthly examinations), preserved physical performance(according to the results of functional load tests), then they are subject to examination under paragraph "e" - Category "B-3" "

Therefore, if one of the conditions is not met, then citizens are not "subject to examination under paragraph "e"" (category B-3),

But I think that the weight that was intended in VK can not be trusted, because. they are interested in your call. Therefore, it is necessary to insist also on the negative dynamics of BMI, let it be measured in an independent institution. Measure the weight in the same clinic with a therapist to compare. It is desirable that there really be a negative trend.

This is probably true, although depending on where to do it. It might be cheaper, I don't know. But in case of victory, legal costs can be reimbursed at the expense of VC.

You can do everything yourself and demand release according to the available documents, it will be cheaper.

Is there a thread on the forum about litigation?