Who went in for sports with dysplasia and subluxation. Hip dysplasia in children. What is connective tissue dysplasia

Is this good or not? Dear parents, let's work it out together. I will tell you what I myself know about it, and then we will draw conclusions together.

Of course, you all remember the pitiful story for children “The Gutta-Percha Boy”, the fate of the child was decided by the unreasonable exploitation of the amazing flexibility of his body. Actually, my article could have ended there, but I will continue for those who like to receive an answer to the question: “Why?”.

The flexibility or inflexibility of our body depends entirely on the condition of the connective tissue. Connective tissue (CT) ubiquitous. It is called the soft skeleton of the body. If on the image of our body, for example, a computer image, we remove all tissues: bone, muscle, nerve, etc., leaving only the connective tissue, then a complete, somewhat enlightened, image of our body with eyes, bones, heart, kidneys and all other organs, that is, connective tissue is the framework for the whole organism. As with any structure, the stability and functional reliability of the organism depend on this framework.

Connective tissue, as part of our body, can be normal or with deviations in one direction or the other. With a deviation towards increased elasticity, no deviations from the normal function of the body have been recorded in medical practice, but with a deviation towards increased extensibility, there are so many of these deviations that scientists have identified a complex of these symptoms as a separate syndrome -. This will be discussed further on.
Visible, the most striking manifestations of connective tissue dysplasia syndrome (CTDS) are manifestations of the musculoskeletal system. The one gutta-percha. Normally, almost all joints of our body (except the spine, hip and shoulder) move only in the direction of flexion. In these same children, we see hyperextension of the fingers, knee and elbow joints, and excessive flexibility of the spine. Typical for the manifestation of this syndrome is flat feet and curvature of the spine. It is from such children that masters of sports in gymnastics are obtained at the age of 11-13. But our joints are not programmed for such a range of movements, and nature takes its toll, in 10-15 years early osteochondrosis and osteoarthrosis develop.

We already understand that connective tissue is the basis of any organ, including the eye. The acuity of our vision depends on the ability to compress and stretch the lens, with SDST this ability is impaired, in addition, the eyeball itself is overstretched, which leads to myopia in children.

But what happens in the heart? I think that you represent the mechanism of the pump-valve work of the heart. It's like a pump. When fluid is sucked into the chamber, the bottom valve is open and the top valve is closed. Heart valves are movable flaps on the ropes (chord) that open only in one direction, but with SDST, the chords are overstretched, the valve seal is broken, the valve turns into the adjacent chamber (in medicine this is called valve prolapse), the work of the heart is disrupted. The doctor can listen to the murmur in the work of the heart, the so-called functional murmur. This is not a heart disease, such a heart copes well with normal loads. But increased, especially outrageous (for athletes in competitions), can end in disaster.

In the kidneys with SDST, the permeability of membranes and tubules is disrupted, which leads to various nephropathies.

The gallbladder becomes more distensible, a "kink of the gallbladder" occurs, which is a good breeding ground for the development of inflammation. Pediatricians call this condition biliary dyskinesia. Or valvular insufficiency of the gastrointestinal tract develops.

Thus, with the isolation of all these symptoms from various organs in connective tissue dysplasia syndrome (CTDS) everything is in order. It became clear which children should expect such changes in health.

It should be said that connective tissue dysplasia syndrome (CTDS) is not yet a disease. This is a feature of the body, by the way, inherited, which predisposes to the possible development of the above diseases and dictates the need to choose a child's lifestyle and preventive measures.

The only system that can somehow compensate for the insufficiency of connective tissue is muscular system. Hence the way of life of gutta-percha children. These children should have a well-developed muscular system, and not only the muscles of the skeleton, but also the muscles of the eyes, heart, and other organs. There are many sets of training exercises for various organs. To prevent early visual impairment, oculists have their own methods, nephrologists have developed methods for treating nephropathies, cardiologists are engaged in preventing the transition of functional changes in the heart to more severe ones, and orthopedists have great opportunities in their arsenal to correct connective tissue deficiency through strengthening various muscle groups. On the part of the gastrointestinal tract, manifestations of SDTS can begin at an early age, due to insufficiency of the valvular apparatus, a competent gastroenterologist will help your child avoid the development of inflammatory diseases.
And, of course, children with TDST should not be sedentary and should not be professional athletes. Swimming and skiing are considered therapeutic sports for many diseases of the musculoskeletal system, and for gutta-percha children these are optimal activities. You can add running, dancing and other sports, where all the muscles of the body are evenly involved. Children do not need to be exempted from physical education at school, but it is necessary to limit participation in competitions.

The conclusions are self-evident, aren't they? If the excessive flexibility of the child is a lack of connective tissue, therefore, for attentive parents, this is additional trouble associated with the need for preventive measures to prevent the development of diseases and avoid the temptation to exploit gutta-percha to quickly achieve a short-term goal.

  • diathermocoagulation (cauterization and / or excision of the pathological focus using electric current);
  • After the procedure

    The main cause of cervical dysplasia is the long-term existence of the human papillomavirus (HPV-16 and HPV-18 oncotypes) in the mucous membrane.

    In some cases, the treatment of the disease is not carried out:


  • Colposcopy is an examination of the cervix with a special apparatus (colposcope) under a magnification of 10 times or more. Colposcopy is a completely safe and painless procedure.
  • chronic infectious diseases of the genital organs

    In addition, predisposing factors play an important role in the development of the disease:

    Cervical dysplasia often develops against the background of genital warts of the vagina, vulva, anus, chlamydia. gonorrhea.

  • itching and burning of the external genital organs,
  • cervical injury.

    On the eve of the study, you need to abandon sexual contact, the use of lubricants and douching.

    Cervical dysplasia affects the lining of the vaginal part of the cervix. Unlike erosion of the cervix. in which there is a violation of the integrity of the mucosa, with dysplasia, structural violations of the structure of the mucosa occur.

  • Postpartum bleeding. May begin on the second day after birth. It will require urgent medical intervention, the adoption of emergency measures to restore the health of the puerperal.
  • immunodeficiency (chronic stress, treatment with antibiotics and other drugs, HIV infection).
  • Colposcopy is a gynecological research method with a targeted and detailed examination of the cervix using a microscope of a special design.

    Some predisposing factors contribute to this disease:

  • 3-4 weeks after the abortion,
  • 2. electrocoagulation (electroscalpel)

    Required tests:

    Temporary contraindications for colposcopy can be:

    Typical signs of inflammation:

  • parity (multiple births);
  • The doctor is able not to diagnose early dysplasia, the disease does not manifest itself in any way, does not make adjustments to the intimacy of partners. Pregnancy can proceed against the background of dysplasia, however, during the planning period for the unborn child, one should undergo an examination, cure possible hidden diseases, avoiding complications during the bearing of the baby. There are a number of types of dysplasia during pregnancy.

    The structure of the mucous membrane of the cervix:

  • cytological examination of a smear - examination under a microscope of scraping (allows you to identify atypical cells, marker cells of papillomavirus infection)

    The cervix is ​​the lower part of the uterus that protrudes into the vagina.

  • lack of vitamins A, C and trace elements in the diet;
  • Surgical treatment of dysplasia

    The reasons

  • Laser vaporization - laser removal of damaged cells, a side effect of the intervention is tissue burns.
  • Contraindications for surgical treatment:

    The main methods of examination:

  • aching pain in the lower abdomen for 3-5 days (longer after laser destruction)

    After colposcopy, sexual intercourse, douching and the use of tampons, vaginal preparations and intimate hygiene products are prohibited for 5 days.

    After colposcopy, it is necessary to wear panty liners for about 3 days, there may be small spotting bleeding due to vascular damage. There may be a liquid discharge of a dark or green color without odor, this is acceptable.

    The attending physician will prescribe medication, in parallel, prescribe therapy for concomitant infectious diseases. In the absence of positive dynamics in the treatment, the doctor will advise an operable intervention. There are a number of methods for removing affected epithelial cells. For example:

    In the postoperative period, it is necessary to observe sexual rest, exclude douching, lifting weights, using hygienic tampons and following all doctor's orders.

  • laser vaporization - the method is based on the impact of a low-intensity laser beam on the damaged lesion of the cervix, as a result of which pathological tissues are destroyed when heated, forming a zone of necrosis at the junction with healthy tissue;
  • Premature birth in the early weeks of pregnancy. Childbirth can begin from the 20th week of pregnancy, which carries strong risks for the health and life of the baby. As a rule, subject to a number of recommendations, bed rest, and the absence of stressful situations, this threat can be avoided and the baby can be brought up to 36 weeks.

    After a general examination of the cervix with a microscope, it is treated with acetic acid - this can be unpleasant, it can resemble a burning sensation. After a couple of minutes, inspection and further processing with lugol with glycerin will begin.

    Symptoms of cervical dysplasia

    Treatment of cervical dysplasia

    The international classification distinguishes the following stages of the process:

    Dysplasia of 1-2 degrees is treated by a district gynecologist, and severe dysplasia is supervised by a gynecologist-oncologist.

  • infection of the cervix and vagina;
  • After 3 months, a control colposcopy and a cytological examination of the smear are performed. In case of a negative result, the woman is removed from the dispensary register after a year.

    Colposcopy is indicated for all women over 30 years of age as the main screening and diagnostic method.

    3. Severe cervical dysplasia - non-invasive cancer (CIN III, dysplasia III) - pathologically altered cells are present in all layers of the epithelium. but they do not grow into blood vessels, muscles and other surrounding tissues.

  • advanced colposcopy. This is an examination of the cervix and its evaluation with the help of treatment with special substances. Usually, a 3% solution of acetic acid is used with an assessment of the reaction of the vessels and the allocation of neoplasia due to this. The second stage is the treatment with a solution of glycerin with Lugol. Pathological areas are not stained with this solution and are clearly visible on examination.
  • Do not use tampons or douche.
  • Delayed development of the fetus, with this type of dysplasia, the nutrients received from the mother with the food consumed, vitamin complexes do not enter through the bloodstream of the placenta, the baby does not receive them.
  • pronounced inflammatory process,
  • cicatricial deformity of the cervix;
  • pain during intercourse,
  • Cryodestruction - exposure to low temperatures strictly on the affected tissue areas.
  • When conducting a special, extended colposcopy, a contraindication is an allergy to iodine or acetic acid.

    Dysplasia during pregnancy, detected in the cervix, must be cured on time, preventing the chance of degenerating into a malignant tumor. Dysplasia is a change in the cells of the structure of the epithelium, the layer that forms the cervix. Three degrees are known. Mild degree - easy to treat, but you should not delay the process. From a mild degree, dysplasia will easily pass into the middle one, where the deep layers of the epithelium are affected. Then comes a severe degree, where a consultation with a gynecologist-oncologist is already required, it is possible to remove part of the cervix.

    The recovery period lasts 4 - 6 weeks.

    After the operation, the control of the cure of cervical dysplasia is carried out after 3-4 months by a cytological examination of smears. A negative result indicates the absence of cervical dysplasia and allows further annual routine examination.

    Without treatment, the process progresses and over time, mild dysplasia flows into a severe stage, and then into squamous cell carcinoma.

    With the birth of the child, the placenta will be removed, a new pregnancy passes without complications. In the case of a favorable outcome of delivery, the disease will not affect the child in any way, if connective tissue dysplasia is not transmitted at the gene level.

    The study is carried out by a gynecologist in a special treatment room, where there is a colposcope. This is a special system on a tripod with illumination and the possibility of additional magnification of the image with lenses up to 15-40 times.


  • The outer vaginal part of the cervix is ​​lined with stratified squamous epithelium. In the area of ​​the external uterine os, there is a transition from a single-layer cylindrical epithelium of the cervical canal to a multi-layered squamous one, covering the outer part of the cervix and vagina.
  • bleeding from the uterus or cervix, including menstruation,
  • During pregnancy, with folic acid deficiency, many women develop cellular pathology in smears. You will need to undergo a course of treatment with folates, after a couple of weeks you will be examined again, cellular changes should return to normal, DNA synthesis will stabilize.

    The doctor made such a diagnosis, I am clarifying the details I assume from myself, I am looking for confirmation / refutation I am a doctor, I am clarifying the symptoms My version

    The method of treating cervical dysplasia depends on the degree of dysplasia, the age of the patient, the size of the affected area, and concomitant diseases.

    Cervical dysplasia - what is it?

  • colpomicroscopy method with magnification up to three hundred times, which allows to evaluate the microscopic structure of cells and their constituent elements (nucleus, cytoplasm, inclusions).
  • pregnancy;
  • Preparation for the procedure

    Cervical dysplasia refers to precancerous diseases and is a change in the structure of the cells of the mucous membrane of the cervix, which is expressed in thickening, growth, violation of the "specialization" of cells, as well as in the maturation and rejection of the epithelium.

    As a rule, mild to moderate dysplasia does not manifest itself clinically. Approximately every tenth woman has a latent disease.

    Anatomically, the cervix is ​​divided into:

  • increased bleeding
  • Methodology

  • do not visit baths and saunas, do not take a bath,
  • Depending on the level of damage to the mucous membrane, cervical dysplasia has three degrees:

    Examination for cervical dysplasia includes a number of instrumental and laboratory studies that make it possible to confirm or refute the diagnosis. When visually examining the cervix in the mirrors, there are often no visible changes.

  • discharge from the genital tract - sometimes abundant 3-4 weeks (longer - after cryodestruction)

    Treatment principles for cervical dysplasia include:

    On average, the study takes 20 minutes, before it you need to undress from the waist down and lie down on a gynecological chair.

  • Surgical removal of an area of ​​cervical dysplasia (conization) or the entire cervix (amputation).
  • promiscuity;
  • There are several different methods of colposcopy that allow you to identify all possible anomalies in the structure of the cervix and cervical canal, which allows you to identify areas of erosion and dysplasia (degeneration) of the epithelium. This method is the earliest and life-saving diagnosis of tumor processes.

    Degrees of dysplasia

    This disease is most widespread among women of reproductive age - 25-35 years old and is 1.5 cases per 1000 women.

    Colposcopy is performed in several types:

  • histological examination of a biopsy specimen (a piece of tissue taken from an area suspicious of cervical dysplasia). This method is the most reliable method for detecting cervical dysplasia.

    The disease can be diagnosed with the help of ultrasound, cystic drift has similar signs. You will need to do a control ultrasound in two weeks and confirm or refute the presence of mesenchymal dysplasia syndrome. After confirming the syndrome, the pregnant woman is placed in a hospital, the woman has various threats and the degree of their development associated with an unfavorable course of pregnancy:

    Mesenchymal placental dysplasia is the growth of placental tissues that exceed the gestational age by several times. Such an anomaly will lead to impaired blood flow to the fetus, causing chronic fetal hypoxia. The disease is not treated.

  • Preeclampsia. The complications of the course of pregnancy are manifested by high blood pressure, muscle cramps in the legs, loss of protein in the urine, swelling of the limbs or abdomen. It provokes high mortality among women in labor, high perinatal mortality among children.
  • Colposcopy is performed before a two-handed examination and other procedures in the gynecologist's chair, but at the same time, the discharge is removed from the surface of the cervix.

    It is possible to plan a subsequent pregnancy in 1.5-2 years from the moment of successful delivery. Dysplasia during pregnancy is detected early and is carefully monitored throughout the gestation period.

  • cytological smear (no more than 6 months),
  • Types of cervical dysplasia

    Violations of the structure of the placenta

  • chromocolposcopy method with the treatment of the cervix with special dyes. Abnormal tissue areas are not stained.
  • dysplasia has not spread into the cervical canal;
  • Today, doctors tend to conduct colposcopy for any in-depth gynecological examination, especially if the patient has complaints.

  • early onset of sexual activity (up to 16 years);
  • Cytological examination of the smear - is carried out annually for preventive purposes in all women and allows you to identify atypical epithelial cells and marker cells of human papillomavirus infection.
  • The mucous membrane of the vaginal part of the cervix has a layered structure:

  • smear for the degree of purity of the vagina (no more than 10 days)
  • The tactics of the doctor when choosing a method of treatment depends on the age of the patient, the size of the pathological focus, the presence of concomitant diseases, the degree of dysplasia.

    The procedure is carried out as part of a routine gynecological examination in a clinic or diagnostic center.

  • The vaginal (outer) part is available for inspection in the mirrors.
  • placental insufficiency. A variety of complications during the course of pregnancy, in which a delay in the development of the fetus is formed.
  • Surgical treatment of dysplasia is carried out in the first phase of the menstrual cycle (6-10 days) and in the absence of inflammation.

  • refrain from sexual activity for 4-6 weeks,
  • 1. The basal layer is the deepest. It borders on the underlying tissues (muscle tissue, blood vessels). The function of this layer is the continuous renewal of the mucosa by dividing and multiplying cells.

    Indications for colposcopy

    Complications of surgical treatment

  • PCR method (polymerase chain reaction) - is the most reliable way to determine HPV in any body fluid (blood, urine, mucus).
  • In preparation for surgery for dysplasia, a course of treatment with anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial agents is carried out to sanitize the infectious focus. As a result of this treatment, there is often a cure or reduction in the degree of cervical dysplasia.

  • recent treatment of the cervix with cryosurgery or surgical treatment.
  • heredity (genetic predisposition to cancer);
  • Normally, the basal layer contains cells of a rounded shape, with a single nucleus (large and round). In this layer, cells are constantly dividing and moving to the overlying intermediate layer - as the cells move to the surface layers, the cell nucleus decreases and its flattening (maturation of the mucous cell).

  • abortion and curettage of the uterine cavity;
  • 1. Mild cervical dysplasia (CIN I, dysplasia I) - the structure of the cells is slightly expressed and affects only the lower third of the epithelium.

    If HPV is detected, antiviral therapy is preliminarily prescribed, followed by colposcopy (often after treatment, dysplasia disappears or becomes milder).

    Symptoms of cervical dysplasia

    2. intermediate layer (contains maturing mucosal cells)

    Treatment of cervical dysplasia

  • The cervical canal is lined with a single-layer columnar epithelium with mucus-producing cervical glands. It prevents the penetration of microbes from the vagina into the uterus. The mucus is permanently impermeable to germs and spermatozoa, except for a period in the middle of the menstrual cycle, when it liquefies, becoming permeable to spermatozoa.
  • diet rich in vitamins (features of vitamins A, group B)

    Mesenchymal placental dysplasia

  • infertility.
  • Surveillance and prevention of cervical dysplasia

    Without timely and adequate treatment, after 1-1.5 years of existence in the epithelium of the cervical mucosa, the virus causes changes in its cells, as a result of which dysplasia develops.

  • barrier contraception (for casual sex)
  • immunological PCR method - used to detect the concentration of papillomavirus in the body. This method is used to identify oncogenic types of papillomavirus.

    3. functional layer (superficial) contains mature squamous epithelial non-keratinized cells.

    Cervical dysplasia occurs without symptoms, but the appearance of discharge with a characteristic color should alert the woman. The only way to identify the disease is to undergo an annual examination by a gynecologist, passing a cytology test. During the planning period of pregnancy, it is necessary to first cure the disease, then prepare for happy motherhood.

    Depending on the level of disturbance in the structure of the epithelium, 3 degrees of dysplasia are distinguished. The more layers have a disturbed structure and morphology, the more severe the disease.

      During pregnancy, it is better to refuse treatment and return to the disease after the birth of the long-awaited miracle.

      Paracetamol may be taken before the procedure to facilitate the examination process.

    • age 20 and under;
    • Kinds

    • cryotherapy (destruction of the focus of dysplasia with liquid nitrogen);
    • absence of papillomavirus infection.
    • Colposcopy is a painless procedure, although it may cause some discomfort during the handling of reagents or taking a biopsy.

    • background processes of the cervix (erosion, leukoplakia, ectropion and others);
    • Prevention of cervical dysplasia and its recurrence includes:

    • The cervical canal is a canal that connects the vaginal cavity with the uterine cavity.
    • tests for sexually transmitted infections (chlamydia, ureaplasmosis, mycoplasmosis).
    • Survey or simple colposcopy is an examination of the cervix and cervical canal without the use of any means. Gives an idea of ​​the shape and size of the cervix, its condition, the presence of injuries and ruptures, the nature of the discharge, the condition of the mucous membranes and blood vessels.
    • hormonal changes (pregnancy, premenopause, taking hormonal birth control pills);
    • unfavorable social conditions;
    • the first (mild) degree - 1/3 of the thickness of the epithelium is involved in the process;
    • 3. argon or carbon dioxide laser

    • Amputation of the cervix. The operation is possible in two ways: knife or ultrasonic.
    • Postoperative management of a patient with cervical dysplasia

      Despite the simplicity of the study, there are a number of contraindications to colposcopy:

    • Argon plasma coagulation, a non-contact method of tissue removal, a clear effect of argon on the depth of the focus. The method does not leave scars on the fabric.
    • Why are you interested in this disease?

      The device is placed at a distance of approximately 20-25 cm from the cervix. Inspection of all areas of the cervix is ​​​​carried out by rotating special screws on the microscope.

      Treatment of dysplasia is desirable to carry out before pregnancy, in severe cases of the disease, part of the cervix is ​​removed. For the conception and bearing of a child, the fact does not play a role. Childbirth proceeds naturally with any degree of dysplasia, in the absence of other contraindications.

      The operation during the planning period of the child will reduce the risk of deviations during pregnancy. After 2-3 months after the operation, it is permissible to try to get pregnant, the attending physician is called upon to monitor the condition of the cervix.

      Colposcopy is a safe and rarely complication method.

    • pronounced state of ectocervix atrophy.
    • During pregnancy, during a planned ultrasound examination, the ultrasound doctor is able to detect an enlarged placenta that does not correspond to the degree of development of the calendar or obstetric gestational age.

      Cervical dysplasia is a violation of the histology of the mucosa, caused by a violation of maturation and cell division. This process can lead to the appearance of atypical (not characteristic of this type of tissue) cells. Over time, atypical cells can begin aggressive growth and reproduction - with germination in the vessels and surrounding tissues (malignant dysplasia).

      Complications during or after surgical treatment are quite rare and depend on the complexity of the procedure, the conditions for its implementation, the qualifications of the doctor and the patient's compliance with the recommendations in the postoperative period.

      These symptoms, which do not go away on the second day, are a reason for an immediate consultation with a doctor.

    • point lesions of the cervical mucosa;
    • colposcopy with colored filters, especially with green ones, allows you to assess the state of the vascular network.
    • adenocarcinoma;
    • With dysplasia of the І and ІІ degrees, small sizes, and a young age, expectant tactics are chosen, because. high probability of self-treatment of pathology. In this case, it is necessary to be under the supervision of a leading doctor - a gynecologist. It is recommended to conduct a cytological examination every 3-4 months - with two results confirming the presence of cervical dysplasia, the issue of surgical treatment of the disease is decided. With grade III dysplasia, treatment is carried out by gynecologists-oncologists, resorting to a more extensive operation in terms of the amount of tissue to be removed or amputation of the cervix.

    • early onset of sexual activity and early childbirth

      Unlike erosion of the cervix. dysplasia captures not only the superficial layers of the epithelium, but also the deep ones.


      Cervical dysplasia shows a reversible process, it is important to monitor your health and seek medical help in time. A woman's health is important for the future of children.

    • the second (middle) degree - up to 2/3 of the thickness of the epithelium is affected;
    • The causes of dysplasia in women aged 15 to 45 years, leading a vigorous sexual life, are elementary. Premature onset of sexual life, periodic active change of partners, possible infections and diseases obtained through sexual contact. This includes the lack of a healthy and sporty lifestyle, smoking. Long-term use of hormonal oral contraceptives or COCs, possible hormonal disorders in the body of a woman of any childbearing age. The cause of the origin of dysplasia is the presence of the human papillomavirus, weakening of the immune system during pregnancy or stressful experiences.

    • violation of the menstrual cycle;
    • In addition, there are contact spotting (after intimacy, gynecological examination, douching). With severe cervical dysplasia, aching pains in the lower abdomen are possible.

      In the postoperative period, aching pains in the lower abdomen and abundant mucous discharge from the genital tract are possible. If the temperature rises, bleeding occurs, you should immediately consult a doctor.

    • Electrical excision, or cauterization by current, during the operation, rough scars are formed, which do not allow the cervix to be fully opened during delivery.
    • Colposcopy is performed outside of menstruation, best immediately after or before menstruation.

      An important point during pregnancy is to conduct a cytological examination on time and, based on the results, discuss further treatment with your doctor. With a positive picture, one should not agree to a colposcopy, acetic acid is used in the study, unnecessary intervention in the body of a pregnant woman is at least inappropriate. It is better to refuse a biopsy, the procedure is carried out in case of urgent need.

      Causes of cervical dysplasia

      The key to success in the fight against cervical dysplasia lies in the early detection of this disease, timely and adequate treatment. After applying the surgical operation, the cure rate is 86-95%. Recurrence of dysplasia is observed in 5-10% of cases after surgical treatment. In the absence of treatment, 30-50% of cases of dysplasia, cellular atypia degenerates into invasive cancer.

    • with prolonged bleeding. acute pain in the lower abdomen, fever up to 38 o C and above - an immediate gynecological consultation is necessary.
    • the third (severe) - the entire layer is pathologically changed, the cells of the intermediate and deep layers have an atypical structure.
    • The functioning of the placenta in a pregnant woman can fail. With a thorough clinical examination, histological examination, it becomes possible to identify the formation of complications in the mother, perinatal abnormalities in the fetus. The state of the placenta in pregnant women with forms of mesenchymal dysplasia is characterized by immaturity of the villi, signs of infection of the placenta in pregnant women, combined with low placenta previa in the uterine cavity. The consequence of a violation of the structure of the placenta is the insufficient development of the fetus, including slow growth.

    • smoking (increases the risk of the disease by 4 times);

      Methods for diagnosing cervical dysplasia

      The main purpose of colposcopy is to identify foci of degeneration of the epithelium into erosion or even into neoplasia (precancer).

      In addition, colposcopy is indicated for monitoring the cervix after treatment, for examining women of any age at risk for oncology.

      1. liquid nitrogen (cryotherapy),

      early birth

      female dysplasia

    1. Targeted biopsy - a piece of tissue is excised from the most suspicious part of the cervix under the control of colposcopy for further histological examination. Histological examination is the most reliable diagnostic method and confirms the diagnosis in 100% of cases.
    2. The cause of 95-98% of detected dysplasias is the long-term persistence of oncogenic types of human papillomavirus (HPV-16 and HPV-18) in the cervical mucosa. As a rule, the presence of these types of virus in the cervical mucosa for 1/1.5 years causes pronounced changes in the structure of the mucosa - dysplasia.

    3. Natural termination of pregnancy or miscarriage can occur at any week of pregnancy, possibly in the early stages. A woman may not know about the pregnancy that has happened, write off everything for a long delay in menstruation or an unusual malaise during her course, not realizing the possibility of becoming pregnant.
    4. Dysplasia of the cervix for a long time may not manifest itself. Asymptomatic course of dysplasia is observed in 10% of women. Often, dysplasia manifests itself when a microbial lesion is attached in the form of colpitis (inflammation of the vagina) or cervicitis (inflammation of the cervical canal). itching, burning, painful intercourse, discharge from the genital tract, sometimes mixed with blood. As a rule, pain in cervical dysplasia is absent. This disease can have a protracted course, disappear on its own, or regress under the influence of adequate treatment. But more often the process of cervical dysplasia progresses.

      Dysplasia during pregnancy

    5. Excision, or biopsy - removal of the affected area with an electric knife.
    6. Scrupulous control of pregnancy, the general condition of the mother, control of the development of the fetus become the main points after a thorough study of the analyzes of the pregnant woman in order to diagnose various pathologies early and plan the method of delivery in advance. In the presence of the disease, doctors often allow a natural birth, with stable indicators of the mother and fetus, constant monitoring of the cervix. Local anesthesia is used during childbirth.

    7. examination in the mirrors of the cervix (visible changes in the color of the mucosa, pathological luster around the external pharynx, pathological spots and epithelial growths are detected)
    8. regular examination by a gynecologist (1-2 times a year) with a cytological examination of scrapings from the mucous membrane of the cervix.
    9. to give up smoking

      Symptoms of the pathological process appear with severe dysplasia or with the addition of a secondary infection (colpitis, cervicitis).

      2. Moderate cervical dysplasia (CIN II, dysplasia II) - changes in the structure of the epithelium affect two thirds of the thickness of the epithelium, the level of morphological cellular changes progresses.

    10. Fetal hypoxia due to oxygen starvation. Lack of oxygen due to an enlarged placenta negatively affects the fetus, the child does not receive sufficient nutrition through the placenta for full growth.
    11. Complications after colposcopy

    12. immunodeficiency - a decrease in the protective properties of the immune system (chronic diseases, stress, treatment with certain medications, malnutrition and lifestyle)
    13. amputation of the cervix.
    14. Fading pregnancy in the first trimester. Diagnosed by ultrasound or fetal ECG.
    15. abnormal discharge,

    Physiology of the cervical mucosa:

    After operation

  • pain in the lower abdomen for more than one day after the procedure.
  • If a biopsy is necessary, the doctor will take a piece of tissue no more than 2-3 mm with a special tool, this can cause short-term discomfort. If necessary, the doctor will also perform curettage of the cervical canal, which gives pulling discomfort due to cervical spasm.

    What is the cervix?

    After receiving the results of the ultrasound examination, it is urgent to visit a doctor who observes the pregnancy. Perhaps the doctor will offer to take tests or conduct an additional examination. An enlarged placenta is dangerous for the fetus and is diagnosed as a disease - mesenchymal placental dysplasia.

    Most often, cervical dysplasia affects women of childbearing age, from 25 to 35 years.

  • exacerbation of chronic inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs;
  • copious discharge from the genital tract with an unpleasant odor.
  • Cervical dysplasia - is a structural change in the structure of the mucous membrane of the cervix (refers to precancerous diseases). Changes in the early stages of dysplasia are reversible, so timely detection and treatment of this disease is necessary.


  • Radio wave coagulation using high frequency current.
  • During the planning period of pregnancy or after its onset, the examination of a woman sometimes reveals various pathologies, including dysplasia.

    In this case, observation and delivery of smears for cytological examination every 3-4 months is indicated.

  • knife conization of the cervix - a surgical intervention during which the cone-shaped portion of the cervix is ​​removed (usually performed with a diathermocoagulator loop after anesthesia);
  • Preoperative management of patients:

  • timely treatment of infectious diseases
  • cancer of the glans penis in a partner;
  • Early rupture of amniotic fluid, as a result, artificial childbirth. With the flow of part of the amniotic fluid detected by ultrasound, there are small degrees of probability to keep the pregnancy. In the event that most or the mass of amniotic fluid flows out, labor should be stimulated with medication or an unscheduled caesarean section should be started, otherwise, after four hours, the child may die.
  • 2. Surgical intervention:

    Causes of the syndrome, methods of treatment

    Complications of pregnancy in the diagnosis of mesenchymal dysplasia

  • sexually transmitted infections (gonorrhea, chlamydia and others);
  • limit heavy lifting
  • colposcopy - examination of the cervix with a colposcope (an optical device that magnifies the image by more than 10 times). It is possible to pre-treat the cervix with Lugol's solution and acetic acid (reveals hidden defects of the mucosa)

    Causes of dysplasia

  • temperature rise,
  • relapse of the disease (incomplete or inaccurate examination);
  • destruction (destruction) of the pathological area using:
  • In the cervical canal there is an internal pharynx (the transition of the cervical canal into the uterine cavity) and an external one (bordering on the vaginal cavity).

    Prospects for the treatment of cervical dysplasia

    1. Immunostimulation (immunomodulators, interferons and their inducers)

  • the first 8 weeks after childbirth,
  • The causes of mesenchymal placental dysplasia are not fully understood, most practitioners assume the presence of congenital pathologies of the mother. Connective tissue dysplasia found in the future father can affect the development of the joint fetus. When an egg is fertilized by a sperm with dysplasia pathology, part of the DNA is transferred to the unborn child, respectively, diseases are inherited.

  • inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs.
  • The doctor will conduct a visual examination of the vagina and cervix by inserting speculums into the vagina. The speculum will remain in the vagina during the procedure. In the process, the walls and cervix will be irrigated with saline to prevent the mucus from drying out.

    In the course of the study, it is possible to conduct a targeted biopsy of especially suspicious areas and establish an accurate diagnosis.

    The presence of dysplasia, detected during the pregnancy of a woman, will not affect the course of pregnancy or the health of the baby. If the likelihood of carrying a healthy child is established, it is not worth doing an operation to remove dysplasia, the possibility of infection of the fetus, miscarriages, and the risk of intrauterine death of the fetus is high.

  • active or passive smoking - increases the likelihood of cervical dysplasia by 4 times

    After surgery for cervical dysplasia, the rehabilitation period is about 4 weeks. During this period, there may be:

    • There are common cases when he cares about his health and regularly donate aimed at preventing relapse. Settling on the neck, or in the body and prevention of these. However, most often a rash - a scab is formed that gradually disappears. Depending on the type of virus, diseases also differ: warts are caused by […]
    • The second scheme is a classic "slide" according to the intensive method of Valery Tishchenko ("VN" No. 45, p. 14 or collection No. 5, p. 103). Cysts, intraductal papillomas and fibroadenomas can form in the breast. Apply a fresh leaf with the pubescent (lower) side to the body, changing 2-3 times a day or steam dry leaves (2 tbsp. […]
    • In many countries, Wobenzym is officially considered a dietary supplement, while in Russia the drug is registered as a drug and is taken only on prescription. The course of taking the decoction is 1 month. After one course, take a break for 1 - 14 days, and then repeat the course. Radiola When mastopathy is useful in […]
    • You can treat chlamydia with the following drugs: Symptoms of chlamydia infection are: Azithromycin (Sumamed) - effective for uncomplicated and sluggish course of the disease. In the first case, 1.0 g of the drug is prescribed once a day. With a sluggish course, the drug is prescribed according to the scheme, designed for 7 days. 1 day - 1.0 g, 2 and 3 days - […]
    • Two weeks after the end of the antibiotic, you can take the first control analysis. blepharitis (inflammation of the eyelids); White, oblong, film-coated tablets containing 500 mg of the active substance josamycin. In a carton box there is a blister of 10 tablets. The destruction of chlamydia with a modern remedy for […]
    • The entire body is involved in cleansing at once, it is recommended to carry it out 2 times a year - in spring and autumn, and also during cleansing it is necessary to adhere to a vegetarian diet and it is advisable to do wormwood enemas (1 time per day) and douching for women (morning and evening). Wormwood is a perennial wild plant with a […]
    • Filiform - occur in women over forty years of age. They appear as a yellowish spot, which eventually develops into a formation up to six millimeters in length; Fibropapilloma is considered benign, having a different shape and size. The formation has a dark brown color and a dense texture. Can be localized to […]
    • If the patient's immunity decreases, herpes can appear in him up to 6 times a year. Bubbles appear in the affected area, which cause rather unpleasant and painful sensations. And even a few days before the appearance of this lesion, there may be painful feelings on the skin. The manifestation of the disease lasts up to 10 days. Pour […]
  • Many women are concerned about the question, is it possible to have sex with cervical dysplasia? When a patient is diagnosed with dysplasia, it can often seem that this is a kind of collapse of the physiological and reproductive potentials of the body, the first step towards a terrible and inevitable diagnosis - oncology. However, the reality is quite different from these stereotypical ideas.

    In order to determine what can and cannot be done with cervical dysplasia, it is worth familiarizing yourself in more detail with the nature of the onset and development of the disease, its main manifestations and predicted clinical consequences.

    So, cervical dysplasia is directly related to the formation of atypical cellular material in the cervical canal. That is, this pathology represents some specific changes in the structure of the epithelial layer of the uterine cervix, as well as the internal structure of cells, associated with the processes of restructuring and genetic transformation taking place in the body.

    It is difficult to say what factors contribute to the development of cervical dysplasia. However, modern gynecological studies identify certain risk groups, the patients belonging to which are at high risk of dysplasia. Namely, it is:

    • patients who have undergone one or more abortions, curettage or other aggressive gynecological interventions;
    • women using intrauterine contraceptives (spirals);
    • patients with untreated or chronic diseases of the reproductive system, infectious or inflammatory;
    • women who are promiscuous and prone to sexual experimentation.

    However, having sex directly does not affect the development of the pathology and its possible aggravation. The exception is when a woman experiences pain during sex - this indicates a significant extent of the spread of the lesion.

    Typical symptomatic manifestations

    Symptoms of the disease may not appear in principle - and some pronounced clinical signs are likely to be associated with the development of concomitant gynecological diseases, including lesions of the cervix.

    The symptoms of cervical dysplasia are especially intense with the parallel development of fibroids, polyposis, inflammatory, as well as infectious processes affecting the uterus and appendages.

    It should be noted that in the early stages of the development of pathology, it is almost asymptomatic. Depending on the development of concomitant diseases, in a patient diagnosed with cervical dysplasia, the following clinical manifestations are possible:

    • anovulatory vaginal bleeding;
    • viscous, smearing white discharge associated with the possible development of vaginitis;
    • pain manifestations of a spasmodic nature, localized in the groin and lower back;
    • menstrual irregularities;
    • difficulties with conceiving a child, prolonging into possible infertility;
    • weakening of the immune system;
    • dysfunction of the organs of the circulatory system;
    • general weakness, anemia.

    If the patient has found at least a few signs from the indicated list, it is necessary to urgently contact the attending physician for advice. It is also worth taking into account the fact that cervical dysplasia is a disease characterized by a high level of individual progress. That is, the development of this disease is determined by individual factors, which are difficult to predict.

    Psychosomatics of dysplasia and sexuality as an indicator of a healthy body

    Psychosomatic causes of a wide range of gynecological diseases have already been established by modern medical science, and at the present stage, a more thorough study of the influence of psychosomatic factors on the implementation of the reproductive and sexual functions of the female body is being carried out.

    The nature of female sexuality is significantly different from male - it is determined by non-physiology, namely psychosomatics. Therefore, when a woman loses confidence in the future, is disappointed in her partner, is subjected to prolonged and systematic stress, the degree of her sexuality automatically decreases.

    At the same time, she can continue to have sex - however, on a psychological level, she will feel discomfort. If she has a permanent, reliable partner, he will definitely feel that his woman does not get real pleasure from having sex, and some serious problem oppresses her.

    If a man is ready to adequately respond to such changes, if he is sufficiently informed and sensitive, and most of all, if he is ready to accept his partner as she is and help her remain herself, such a man will be able to recognize the crisis of his woman’s sexuality, and will do everything necessary measures to prevent it.

    Many couples face the problem of lack of sex with dysplasia every day - and they all try to somehow solve this problem, guided by their own experience or the recommendations of specialists.

    However, the truth is that cervical dysplasia is a disease characterized by a high degree of individual development and the manifestation of atypical signs. Cervical dysplasia is recognized as one of the most common precancerous conditions, but to date, gynecology has not been able to establish the underlying factor that provokes the onset of the disease.

    Thus, in search of an answer to the question of whether it is possible to have sex with cervical dysplasia, we analyzed a number of factors and found that this disease is not only physical, but also psychological and psychosomatic.

    Sexual activity after dysplasia treatment

    Few people talk about this, and gynecologists do not always focus the attention of patients on this, but, nevertheless, if there are no characteristic pain manifestations during sex that are directly related to the act of sexual intimacy, in all other cases sex cannot negatively affect the development one or another pathology of the uterus and appendages. Rather, on the contrary, the range of psychological, physiological and hormonal factors associated with the implementation of sexual contact is almost always a kind of stimulant for the body, launching all its recovery and compensatory mechanisms in an intensive mode.

    Having sex with cervical dysplasia is possible and even necessary. This form of physiological intimacy with another person, the feeling of being a full-fledged, healthy person usually contributes to a more rapid restoration of the resources of an organism that has been exposed to a serious pathology.

    Without claiming that sex is a panacea for diseases of the gynecological spectrum, we note that the fact of sexual intimacy almost always improves hormonal balance, blood pressure, digestion and increases the overall tone of the female body.

    To suspect that against this background some kind of malignant form may develop is, at least, absurd.

    At the same time, one should not exclude the influence of the sexual factor as a certain indicator of the moral and psychological health of the patient.

    Having sex with a diagnosis of cervical dysplasia is possible - and most likely necessary - but there is another side to the coin. Do not succumb to the temptation and reduce all the denominators of the gynecological health of the body to this single indicator.

    Pathology of dysplasia and reproductive function

    With the diagnosis of cervical dysplasia, the opportunity to become pregnant and successfully bear a child seems to many to be irretrievably lost. However, it is not. A woman who has recovered from dysplasia is quite capable of becoming a mother and giving birth normally.

    One of the most significant obstacles on this path is the fear inspired by the media sources and other false stereotypes and prejudices. You should not limit yourself and stop having sex with cervical dysplasia, if it does not cause you pain on a physical or psychological level. It is important to understand that regular sex is an essential component of sexual health and psychophysiological well-being.

    According to medical statistics, patients with cured dysplasia normally have sex, quite successfully cope with the task of bearing a fetus, and childbirth in 95% is successful.

    All these facts indicate that if a woman seeks to conceive a child, the risk of negative consequences for her is minimized. And of course, sex as a method of physiological fertilization in such cases is quite acceptable. Although sex here is not only intense physical activity - it is the path to in-depth self-knowledge and comprehension of simple psychological and philosophical truths.

    Only by having sex, in unity with another person, are we able to fully realize our identity, see the ways and methods of its improvement. Therefore, sexual intimacy has been and remains one of the most effective mechanisms for one's own physical and social resuscitation, restoration of lost potential and wasted resources, including energy ones. You should not refuse to have sex, due to the development of the pathology of cervical dysplasia. You can have sex with many gynecological diseases, if this is not excluded by the doctor's recommendations, and your own feelings.

    Contraindications for treatment

    When a woman undergoes treatment for uterine dysplasia and the recovery process after it, it is recommended that she refrain from certain activities and forms of activity that can disrupt the body's natural rehabilitation process.

    In particular, women who have recovered from dysplasia are not recommended:

    • weight lifting;
    • swimming lessons;
    • intense physical activity and sports;
    • sunbathing on the beaches and in solariums;
    • a variety of spa treatments, baths;
    • sexual activity.

    It is clear that after a gynecological operation, the patient is not ready to have sex, both on a physical and psychological level. Depending on the choice of treatment method, recovery can last from 3 months to 1 year. Having sex in the later stages of rehabilitation is quite possible if there are no alarming symptoms and the patient herself is ready for such a step. However, it is very important to monitor your own well-being, and regularly consult with your doctor.

    When undergoing surgery to eliminate dysplasia, a woman may temporarily lose her sexual desire - therefore, it is very important to provide her with timely help and support.

    To have sex, a woman must feel attractive and desirable, and if you delve into the medical context of the issue, healthy. Therefore, it is necessary to provide her with all the opportunities to restore the health of the body, including sexual.

    A woman in this period especially needs support and emotional empathy, which will give her the opportunity to regroup and mobilize all resources for the fastest and most effective recovery.

    CTD or connective tissue dysplasia in children leads to the appearance of a complex of syndromes. Their presence reduces the quality of life of the child, negatively affects his physical development and psycho-emotional state. If a young patient is not provided with qualified assistance in a timely manner, he may become disabled in the near future.

    Features of connective tissue dysplasia in children

    Connective tissue dysplasia (CTD) is a complex of syndromes, the appearance of which is provoked by a disorder in the processes of formation and development of connective tissue (CT). This violation begins during the intrauterine formation of the fetus and continues after the birth of the child for many years.

    Due to the constant deficiency of substances necessary for the structure of the connective tissue, the skeleton, the structure of the respiratory, cardiovascular and other systems begins to deform in children. A feature of CTD is the absence of symptoms in the newborn. In the first year of life, articular dysplasia can be detected, and in adolescence, doctors already diagnose the presence of several syndromes at the same time. Inadequate treatment of connective tissue insufficiency leads to disability or sudden death of the patient.

    ICD-10 code

    There is no code for "connective tissue dysplasia" in ICD-10. When making a diagnosis, doctors write down the cipher of the leading syndrome of the disease as the main pathology, and supplement it with secondary (background) disorders and complications.

    Causes and provoking factors for the development of CTD

    The cause of connective tissue dysplasia is considered to be a qualitative, quantitative defect in the formation of proteins, from which elastin, fibrillin, collagen and other substances necessary for the development of TS should be formed in the future. This phenomenon provokes a mutation of genes, which leads to the birth of a baby with defective connective tissue.

    The provoking factors of DST include genetic predisposition (the presence of this disease in a family history), deficiency of magnesium and other nutrients, bad habits of a woman, toxicosis or drug treatment during pregnancy. This also includes work, therapy or cosmetic procedures associated with radiation, bad ecology.

    Classification of CTD in children

    According to the type of disease, undifferentiated and differentiated connective tissue dysplasia in children is distinguished. Violation of the development of ST is also qualified by the predominant syndrome or localization of pathological changes.

    Differentiated DST includes dysplasia with a pronounced clinical picture, certain defects. This group includes imperfection of bone tissue (crystal people), Eilers-Danlos syndrome, Marfan syndrome and flaccid skin. Undifferentiated DST includes a violation of the formation of ST, in which structural changes occur in several body systems simultaneously. With the development of this type of connective tissue insufficiency, the children's card is full of diagnoses.

    Clinical picture of CTD and signs of the development of the disease in children

    In a child, a dysplastic change in the connective tissue becomes noticeable in the period from 2 months to 12 years. Symptoms of the disease can be manifested by single or multiple disorders.

    What syndromes do a child have against the background of connective tissue dysplasia:

    The external signs of the progression of CTD in a child include the onset of skeletal curvature: scoliosis, crooked teeth, long fingers on the hands, or other deviations from the norm of physiological development. He also has noticeable muscle insufficiency, malformed ears, overextensible skin, and joint flexibility. The child often has subluxations, tendon injuries, arthralgia, pain in the heart, abdomen or other body systems that undergo pathological changes.

    Children with connective tissue insufficiency constitute a psychological risk group with suicidal tendencies. Due to asthenia and the presence of a cosmetic syndrome, they often become depressed, do not have psycho-emotional stability, become pessimists, and there are other neurological signs.

    Which doctor treats DST

    Connective tissue dysplasia syndrome in adults and children is dealt with by geneticists and doctors in specialized medical centers. But DSP is also treated by pediatricians (therapists) with the involvement of neurologists, cardiologists, orthopedists, gastroenterologists, and, if necessary, other doctors.

    Diagnosis of connective tissue dysplasia

    Children with suspected development of connective tissue dysplasia undergo a clinical genetic examination. The pediatrician collects an anamnesis, gives a referral to other doctors. Each specialist carries out a physical examination (examination, measurement of parameters, the presence of one or more syndromes, and so on), then makes a primary diagnosis.

    Mandatory diagnostic methods for detecting disorders against the background of DST:

    To confirm the disease, molecular genetic blood tests are performed.

    Treatment of DST in children

    With connective tissue dysplasia, diet therapy, drug and non-drug therapy are used. It is advisable to apply these methods in a complex way up to 2 times a year. The optimal course of treatment is 4 months.

    Non-drug therapy of DST

    Non-drug treatment of children with CTD includes massage, correction of the structures of the musculoskeletal system with orthopedic structures (insoles, corsets, orthoses), physio- and psychotherapy. Exercise therapy and breathing exercises are also prescribed up to 4 times a week for 20 minutes. Exercises to strengthen the muscular corset are performed lying down. For 3-5 years, it is recommended to carry out sanatorium-and-spa treatment.

    Physiotherapy for DST:

    With minor dysplastic disorders, the child is shown a general daily regimen with dosed work / study and a normal alternation of work / rest. If osteogenesis imperfecta is diagnosed, corsets are prescribed and it is recommended to lead a sparing lifestyle (you can’t run, jump, and so on).

    Diet therapy for DST

    An unbalanced diet accelerates the progression of dysplastic changes in the body. The type of treatment table according to Pevzner is prescribed after examination of the gastrointestinal tract by a gastroenterologist.

    With connective tissue dysplasia, it is recommended to use foods rich in protein and B vitamins, nuts, fish and beef, dietary supplements with combined chondroprotectors. They normalize protein metabolism. Food containing ascorbic acid, tocopherol and trace elements improves collagen synthesis. With excessive growth, it is useful for a child to consume soybean oil, lard, pumpkin seeds and drugs that inhibit the production of somatotropic hormone.

    Medical therapy

    Drug treatment is aimed at relieving symptoms and eliminating the pathological causes of connective tissue dysplasia. In symptomatic therapy, painkillers, adaptogens, sedatives, β-blockers and other medications are used.

    Pathogenetic drug treatment is aimed at:

    • activation of collagen synthesis;
    • correction of violations of the formation of glycosaminoglycans;
    • normalization of mineral, vitamin metabolism;
    • increasing the bioenergy reserve;
    • normalization of peroxidation processes and the level of free amino acids.

    Children with CTD need replacement therapy with the use of proline, arginine, tyrosine and other substances necessary to correct the processes of connective tissue development.

    Of particular importance is the treatment with magnesium-containing drugs. Magnerot, Magne B6, and other products with the Mg element increase the body's tolerance to physical exertion, reduce the severity of symptoms of vegetative, asthenic and cardiac disorders.

    A common treatment regimen for connective tissue dysplasia:

    1. First stage. Mildronate intravenously, 5 ml for 10 days, then 250 mg twice a day for 12 days, and later they switch to Actovegin drip or inside. Magnerot for a week, 2 tablets three times a day, then 1 tablet / 3 times / day for a month. Vitamin C (if there are no contraindications) at 0.6 g / day - up to 4 weeks.
    2. Second phase. Zinkit is taken 2 tablets / day for 4 months. Riboxin is prescribed 1 tab. / 3 times a day for 8 weeks.
    3. Third stage. Drink a solution of 1% copper sulfate, 10 drops three times a day for a month. Structum twice a day and Calcium Sandoz 3 times a day - 500 mg for 3 months. Mexidol 2 ml intravenously for two weeks.


    Surgical intervention is carried out according to strict indications, if the identified violation threatens the life of the child, there is a pronounced pain syndrome. Thorocoplasty, removal of the lens, prosthetic valves and other types of operations are performed with severe deformation of the skeleton, in case of anomalies in the structure of blood vessels, heart, eye structures.

    DST forecast

    Doctors give a favorable prognosis for treatment with a localized type of pathology. If a child has an undifferentiated form of CTD with multiple dysplastic changes, therapy stops the progression of the disease, but does not return the normal physiological structure.

    In case of untimely detection of CTD or incorrect selection of treatment methods, the risk of early disability of the child or sudden death due to irreversible processes in the cardiovascular system is increased.

    Indications and contraindications for CTD in children

    With connective tissue dysplasia, parents need to scrupulously follow medical recommendations and monitor the dosage of loads for a sick baby.

    A child with CTD is shown:

    • daily performance of muscle-strengthening exercises for 15-30 minutes (in the supine position);
    • walks;
    • swimming;
    • a ride on the bicycle;
    • exercise therapy according to a weakened program;
    • adherence to the principles of proper nutrition;
    • the use of food enriched with protein, vitamins C, A, groups B, E, PP, selenium, calcium, magnesium, copper, phosphorus, zinc;
    • annual survey;
    • psychologist consultations.

    With connective tissue insufficiency, a child is not recommended to live in areas with a hot climate or a polluted ecosystem, it is impossible to lift more than 3 kg, dance or engage in contact sports. It is also contraindicated for children with CTD to perform spinal traction, work (gymnastics) that requires great physical or mental stress associated with vibration.

    Prevention of DST

    Prevention of DST by non-drug methods is recommended not only for the child, but for all family members. These include diet therapy, exercise therapy, physiotherapy, psychotherapy. Also, people with TS dysplasia should annually undergo drug correction of metabolic disorders to activate collagen formation, visit sanatoriums, and follow other medical recommendations.

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    With arthrosis of the hip joints, Evdokimenko's healing gymnastics is an important part of the successful treatment of the patient. Only an integrated approach to the treatment of the disease will help to achieve an improvement in the state of health, especially when large joints are affected. Exercise therapy will successfully strengthen muscles and ligaments, activate local blood circulation and ensure the delivery of all the necessary nutrients to the cartilage tissue.

    The principles of exercise therapy from Evdokimenko

    A set of exercises is developed depending on the localization of the affected joint individually for each patient. This takes into account the state of health of the patient, the degree of development of the pathological process, the severity of the course of the disease, the presence of complications and concomitant diseases. Incorrect selection of movements can significantly worsen the patient's well-being. It is desirable that the set of exercises be agreed with a specialist in physical therapy.

    Dr. Evdokimenko with arthrosis has developed special exercises for all large joints, which must be taken into account. A personal approach will ensure the achievement of a positive result in the shortest possible time, while minimizing the risk of side effects.

    Gymnastics is aimed at strengthening muscles, ligaments and improving tissue trophism. At the same time, there are no exercises in which the patient must bend, unbend or rotate the damaged joint. After all, increased loads lead to further progression of the disease and deterioration of the patient's health.

    When performing gymnastics, there may be slight soreness due to the load on muscles that were not previously intensively involved. This condition will pass after a few days of regular practice. If the movement is accompanied by a sharp pain, you can not do it. There are 2 explanations for this: either the execution is incorrect, or it does not suit you.

    Exercise therapy should be done only during remission. It is strictly forbidden to carry out gymnastics during an exacerbation of the disease. Pavel Evdokimenko has developed a fairly large set of exercises for large joints. However, it is not necessary to do them all at once. Among them there are movements not only to strengthen the affected joints, but also on the muscles of the back and the press. One session of physical therapy should include about 2-3 exercises for stretching, and 5-7 for strengthening. A large selection will diversify the workout, its duration should be about 15-30 minutes daily.

    Types of exercises for joint diseases

    In diseases of the joints, complicated by degenerative-dystrophic processes, it is strictly forbidden to make fast dynamic movements. These are squats, swinging arms, legs with maximum amplitude and others.

    All exercises should be static, in extreme cases - slow dynamic. With their help, you can strengthen weakened muscles and ligaments of the joint, because with pain in the knee, a person will spare this leg, which will eventually lead to their atrophy.

    The most common example of a static exercise is to lift your leg 10-20 cm above the level of support while lying on your back and hold it in this position for 1-2 minutes. Slow dynamic movement - slowly raise and lower the limb several times.

    An important role in the successful treatment of diseases of large joints is played by exercises aimed not only at strengthening, but also at stretching the joint capsule and ligamentous apparatus. These movements must be done very slowly and carefully. You can not do gymnastics through force, overcoming pain. You need to be patient, and after a few weeks of regular gymnastics, joint mobility will increase slightly.

    Exercise therapy for coxarthrosis

    Physiotherapy exercises for diseases of the hip joints should be carried out very carefully, taking into account the patient's condition. Classes should begin with static exercises. In this case, the thigh muscles are involved, and the joint itself remains motionless. Coxarthrosis involves training in the position of the patient lying on his back or sitting.

    The main exercises for physiotherapy exercises for diseases of the hip joints at home:

    1. Spread a rug on the floor, lie on your back. Slowly and carefully lift each leg 15-20 cm and hold for 30-40 seconds. During classes, you need to follow the rules of training: raising the legs should be carried out using the muscles of the thigh and buttocks. Do the exercise with both limbs and rest a bit. After that, repeat the load in a dynamic version: gently raise the leg by 10-20 cm and slowly lower it, holding it at the highest point for a few seconds. It is necessary to complete 10-12 approaches, each time taking a short break.
    2. Roll over on your stomach, stretch your arms along the body, and bend one leg at the knee. Raise it above the floor by 10-15 cm and hold for 30-40 seconds. Lower the limb, relax and reproduce the movement with the other leg. Repeat the exercise in a dynamic form - gently raise and lower several times. Gymnastics for arthrosis should be carried out correctly and slowly, it is worth following the recommendations. Your goal is to increase circulation and strengthen muscles, not to lift the limb as high and fast as possible.
    3. Lying on your stomach, stretch your arms along the body and straighten your legs. Suitable for physically strong people, as it is a rather difficult exercise, and can provoke an increase in blood pressure levels. To perform it, you need to slightly raise both legs, spread them apart and bring them together. Movements should be slow and smooth. It is necessary to do 8-10 approaches.
    4. Lie on your right side, bending the limb of the same name at the knee. Raise the left leg to 45° and hold for 20-30 seconds. Turn to the other side and repeat.
    5. Starting position - similar to the previous one. Raise the straight leg to a level of about 45 °, and holding it at a height, slowly turn it out and back. Repeat rotational movements 8-10 times. You should twist not only the foot, but the entire limb, starting from the hip. The exercise is quite difficult, it must be done very slowly and smoothly so as not to provoke damage to the diseased joint.
    6. Lie on your back, bend your knees, and stretch your arms along the torso. Raise the pelvis, leaning on the shoulders and feet. Stay in this position for 20-30 seconds, lie down and relax. Repeat the movement several times in a slow dynamic version.

    Exercise therapy for gonarthrosis

    With arthrosis of the knee joint, physiotherapy exercises include certain types of exercises that are performed from different positions. The first 4 movements are similar to those that need to be done with coxarthrosis.

    Subsequent workouts should be carried out sitting on a chair or standing. To achieve a positive result from physiotherapy exercises, the load must be increased gradually, increasing the number of movements and the total time of the lesson. After the end of the workout, the patient should rest and relax. To do this, you can lie on a horizontal surface: this will improve blood circulation in the joints. It is advisable to take a contrast shower.

    The following set of exercises will help cure the knee:

    1. Sitting on a chair with a flat back, alternately straighten and raise each leg. If possible, it is desirable to hold it in this position for about 40-50 seconds.
    2. The patient should face the chair and lean on its back. Rise on your toes and stand like this for 3-5 seconds. Repeat the exercise several times.
    3. Without changing position, rise on the toe of one leg, and then completely stand on the sole. At the same time, stand on the toe of the other limb. Repeat the movement several times. You will get a “roll”, due to which blood circulation is activated in the area of ​​​​the knee joint.
    4. The final stage of any workout is a light massage. You can do it yourself, without resorting to the help of relatives and friends. It is necessary to gently stretch the muscles of the anterolateral surface of the thigh.

    Gonarthrosis is quite difficult to treat, so you need to make every effort to achieve a positive result. Physiotherapy exercises can provide effective help, but for this you need to do classes regularly for a long time.

    24.09.2004, 21:21

    Daughter 7 years old. At 4 months of age, hip dysplasia was diagnosed. For 3 months she wore a plaster corset (struts). They took it off. They did an X-ray, everything was fine. Until the age of 4, they were registered with an orthopedist. They took pictures - cartilage developed normally. For a couple of months, they began to notice that their daughter began to "walk somehow wrong." Checked. The right leg was about 2 cm shorter than the left. Have made an roentgen - with joints everything is normal.

    Now questions:

    24.09.2004, 21:39

    Daughter 7 years old. At 4 months of age, hip dysplasia was diagnosed. For 3 months she wore a plaster corset (struts). They took it off. They did an X-ray, everything was fine. Until the age of 4, they were registered with an orthopedist. They took pictures - cartilage developed normally. For a couple of months, they began to notice that their daughter began to "walk somehow wrong." Checked. The right leg was about 2 cm shorter than the left.

    Have made an roentgen - with joints everything is normal.
    Have attributed medical gymnastics.
    Now questions:
    1. How did we "miss"?
    Orthopedic pathology is often manifested by a combination of several symptoms. Slowly developing unequal leg length very often goes unnoticed in the early stages.

    2. My daughter is engaged in figure skating. Is it possible to continue to do this sport or is this sport dangerous for such a disease?

    3. What sports are useful for such a disease?

    4. What food should I use?
    Food doesn't really matter here.
    5. What is the course of this disease in time? What can be expected in the future?
    If we are talking about shortening the leg by 2 cm in a child of 7 years old, then most likely it will progress.
    6. What can and should be done to avoid lameness in the future?
    it is necessary, firstly, to accurately determine the value of the unequal length of the legs, and secondly, to compensate for it.
    You can contact me in person. Opportunities for remote consultation in this case are very limited.
    Good luck.

    24.09.2004, 21:48

    Thanks for the quick response!

    2. My daughter is engaged in figure skating. Is it possible to continue to do this sport or is this sport dangerous for such a disease?
    With this - what is it? What specific disease are you referring to?
    I'm not a doctor, I wanted to say that most likely the consequences of dysplasia.
    Is figure skating dangerous? After all, when jumping, there is a shock load on the joints.

    3. What sports are useful for such a disease?

    / You can contact me internally. Opportunities for remote consultation in this case are very limited.

    Unfortunately, we are far away. In Germany. Again, unfortunately, the level of medicine is very low. Otherwise, I would not write to the forum!
    So for now the options are:
    a. something from the correspondence consultation.
    b. As soon as we get ready to go, we will write to you.

    Is it possible to get some kind of correspondence consultation?

    24.09.2004, 21:58

    May I ask how you checked?
    Both the orthopedist and the massage therapist were placed on a flat surface and their legs were matched. Visually .... they didn’t measure with any tools

    24.09.2004, 22:05

    To be honest, it seemed to me that the main problem now is the unequal length of the legs.
    I will answer to the point.
    1. It is advisable to stop figure skating.
    2. The method for determining the difference in leg length is not very complicated, but requires special equipment and experience.
    3. There is no urgency, so when you are in Russia, please.
    Good luck.

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