modern implants. Technology of dental implantation: modern methods. Important points in the choice of implants -

More and more older people in our time are faced with the problem of complete adentia. This is due to malnutrition, untimely treatment of dental diseases and other factors. Fortunately, prosthetics in the complete absence of teeth allows you to restore the dentition, their attractive appearance and functionality when chewing food.

The essence of adentia

Adentia is the absence of teeth. Speaking of complete adentia, we are talking about the complete absence of teeth.

Adentia can be primary and secondary. The first type is characterized by the fact that the problem becomes clear at birth or when the milk teeth replace the permanent ones.

Secondary adentia refers to the loss of teeth after they have all grown. The second type of disease is more common.

Secondary (acquired) adentia can affect both permanent and even milk teeth. It happens that from birth a person lacks the rudiments of teeth. The reasons for this have not been fully identified, and many scientists express different opinions about them.

Why does tooth loss occur?

The most common causes of tooth loss are:

  1. Diseases of the teeth. Caries, periodontitis, periodontitis, gingivitis, periodontal disease.
  2. Age changes. With age, all tissues of the human body age. Including the tissues of the oral cavity weaken, the teeth roots become exposed, the tissues of the jaw decrease.
  3. Injuries. Often, teeth are subjected to mechanical damage as a result of accidents, falls, and so on. There may be fractures of the dental organs, their loosening or destruction, which often provokes the need for removal.
  4. Heredity. Both primary and secondary adentia can be passed from parent to child at the genetic level. The second case is characterized by hereditary predisposition to dental diseases.
  5. General diseases. With ailments of the thyroid gland, the immune system (diabetes mellitus), the body can be weakened.
  6. Exposure to toxins (nicotine, narcotic substances, and so on), some medicinal substances that had a strong effect on the child when the formation of the rudiments of teeth took place.

In addition to these reasons, lack of oral hygiene can also provoke adentia, which leads to various dental diseases.

Features of prosthetics with complete adentia

  1. The entire load during chewing with artificial teeth falls on the prosthesis, so it is important that it be made of durable material.
  2. Due to the loss of teeth, atrophy of the bone tissue gradually occurs. In this case, implantation may be impossible. But today they have learned to build up the jawbone, using a sinus lift before the procedure.
  3. The period getting used to the prosthesis can be difficult. Some patients do not want to endure pain and other difficulties and put on constructions only when they need to "go out". This approach can only exacerbate the problem.
  4. For the most reliable fixation of the prosthesis, only implantation can be used, without implants there is no reliable fixation of the prosthesis, and the operation of a removable structure can be uncomfortable.

Video infographic on how a full denture is fixed on implants.
Prosthetic methods on All-on-4 and All-on-6 implants

What is prosthetics for?

If the teeth in the mouth are completely absent, then high-quality chewing of food will not work. At the same time, a person may suffer from a change in speech, his facial proportions change.

These factors reduce the quality of life, causing both physical and psychological problems.

If recently it was possible to prosthetic teeth in their complete absence only through removable structures, then today there is implantation, which makes it possible to completely prosthetic teeth.

At the same time, doctors recommend that even one lost tooth be restored as soon as possible. With the loss of the posterior chewing teeth, the chewing function suffers first of all, and if a tooth is lost in the smile zone, the patient's appearance suffers greatly.

In the complete absence of teeth, prosthetics are even more necessary. Thanks to him, a person can again fully communicate with others, smile, chew food, which prevents a large number of possible diseases.

Complete dentures

In order to restore teeth in the complete absence of teeth, both removable and fixed dentures can be used. Their number in the modern dental market is significantly high.

Fixed structures can be fixed on pre-implanted implants.

In removable structures, there is a base that is held on the teeth by suction to the gums and palate. It contains artificial teeth that replace the dentition. Also, the product can be fixed on implants.

Such prostheses have a number of negative qualities:

  1. Lack of fasteners. For this reason, the product may move and even fall out. To fix this problem, use a special glue. However, it only works for 6-8 hours.
  2. It takes a long time and hard to get used to the design. The palate is almost covered by the prosthesis, and there is little room for the tongue. This complicates articulation, and taste sensations decrease. The first time after installation, pain during chewing is also possible.
  3. Not everyone will be able to wear such a design due to the gag reflex that it causes in some patients. There is such a reaction of the body due to pressure in the larynx, which causes irritation.
  4. But besides the listed disadvantages, removable products also have positive aspects, which makes them quite popular.

They are made mainly from nylon and acrylic.

Acrylic dentures are more durable and reliable. In their manufacture, the latest plastic is used. However, their greater hardness causes rubbing of soft tissues in the oral cavity. Plus, they take longer to get used to.

The base of the product is porous, which allows it to absorb odors and food colorings. Taking care of acrylic dentures is quite difficult. Outwardly, they are not very similar to natural teeth, do not withstand a strong load when chewing and serve no more than 5 years. But they are cheap and available to almost every patient.

Nylon products. The basis of nylon prostheses is soft, plastic and flexible. When in the oral cavity, they do not cause significant discomfort. Get used to such products faster. Externally, the prosthesis looks quite natural. In the presence of an allergy to acrylic, these prostheses are an excellent choice for patients.

However, nylon dentures are not cheap, can change shape when worn, are less durable and poorly attached to the gums.

In addition to plastic and nylon prostheses, in the complete absence of teeth, partially removable (covering) prostheses and clasp prosthetics on implants can be used.

Dentures on implants

One of the new ways to restore teeth in their complete absence is prosthetics on implants. A strong rod is implanted into the bone tissue, making the structure almost indestructible. With proper work of the doctor, the products can last 25 years. Crowns themselves can break, which can then be easily replaced.

On a note: The disadvantage of implantation is that it is a surgical intervention, which implies a large number of contraindications, increases the cost of prosthetics, and also makes the treatment longer.

The main advantages of this method are as follows:

  1. Reliability and durability.
  2. There are no problems with speech and chewing.
  3. High aesthetic performance, including the preservation of the shape of the face.
  4. Atrophy of the bone tissue is excluded, because thanks to the implants, the pressure on the bone is evenly distributed.
  5. The ability to chew food thoroughly, which eliminates problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

What do patients say about full dentures on implants?

There are two ways of prosthetics on implants in the complete absence:

  1. Bridges are made from zirconium dioxide, which are then placed on implanted implants (at least 14). With such prosthetics, high aesthetics is achieved, and the wearing of structures is comfortable. But at a price it will come out very expensive, several million rubles. At the same time, for screwing in a large number of implants, the patient may have contraindications.
  2. Also, implants can become a support for removable structures. In this case, implantation of 4-6 rods is sufficient (for example, the all-on-4 technique -). They put a removable prosthesis, which, when worn, is periodically removed for cleaning. Fixation is possible to the beam, which is placed between the rods. In this case, it is necessary to make a recess for it in the prosthesis. Either fixation is carried out using a push-button method, creating the head of the implant in the form of a ball, which will then be inserted into the recess of the prosthesis.

Clasp products

Clasp prostheses are a metal arc to which the base and crowns are attached. They can be placed on natural teeth or on implants.

Attachment to the jaw of the byugels requires supporting structures that must be implanted in advance.

Clasp prostheses can be fixed in three ways:

  1. With the use of metal hooks (clasps).
  2. On micro-locks (attachments) installed on implants.
  3. For telescopic crowns. Primary crowns are attached to implants, and secondary crowns are attached to a removable prosthesis. This gives a strong fixation of the removable structure on the implants.

What is the best way to restore teeth in their complete absence?

Not every method of prosthetics is suitable for all patients. What type of dental restoration to choose in a particular case, the specialist decides based on the state of the oral cavity, mainly the gums.

In addition, it is important to examine the patient, identify possible contraindications and listen to his own wishes. An important role is played by how much the patient is willing to pay for the restoration of teeth.

Speaking of the most durable and reliable prosthetics, the leader, of course, is the installation of prostheses on implants. Once having implanted them, the patient for a long time (not rarely until the end of his life) forgets about problems with his teeth. You can chew food without fear for the prosthesis. The smile will look natural. And special care (permanent removal of the prosthesis) is not required.

What can happen if you refuse prosthetics?

Refusing prosthetics for any reason, the patient needs to understand that he takes responsibility for possible serious consequences and significant financial costs that may be required for treatment.

Among the main possible consequences are: loss of external attractiveness, atrophy of bone tissue, psychological difficulties, changes in facial features (perioral tissues can sink, the shape and position of the jaw and chin change), gastrointestinal ailments (due to the inability to chew food), diseases of the temporomandibular mandibular joint, problems with diction.

Care rules

The main rules for the care of prostheses include the following:

  1. Products need to be constantly washed and rinsed, and sometimes cleaned using special products, which will significantly extend their life and keep the oral cavity healthy.
  2. While the prosthesis is not in the mouth, it must be kept in a special container, and sometimes in a special liquid. It is important to protect products from direct sunlight, low and high temperatures.
  3. When cleaning the prosthesis, in addition to toothpaste and brush, you need to use additional tools - an irrigator, brushes, dental floss, and so on.
  4. To protect the oral cavity and prosthesis from microbes, special balms and rinses containing antibacterial substances should be used.
  5. Regular visits to the doctor (three times a year) for the prevention of diseases.


The cost of a removable denture largely depends on the material from which it is made. At the same time, domestic material will cost less, and imported material will cost more. The price also depends on the presence or absence of dentistry in the clinic.

Often, dental clinics hold promotions and make discounts on prosthetics, thanks to which you can save a lot.

If we compare implantation and prosthetics using removable dentures, the first type is quite more expensive than the second.

Consider the approximate prices for solving the problem of complete absence of teeth:

  1. Acrylic removable denture (one jaw) - from 8 thousand rubles.
  2. Nylon removable prosthesis - from 25 thousand rubles.
  3. Clasp prosthesis fixed on clasps - from 20 thousand rubles.
  4. Clasp prosthesis with micro-locks - from 80 thousand rubles.

To date, there are various technologies for implantation in the complete absence of teeth, which are used depending on the clinical picture and financial capabilities of the patient. What are the features of these methods? How to choose the optimal technology? How much does a full dental implantation cost in Moscow at NovaDent dental clinics?

Full implantation with adentia - the best method of restoring teeth

You can restore chewing function with complete adentia using:

  • removable acrylic or clasp prostheses, fixed on the gums and on the upper palate by vacuum or with a special corrector cream;
  • conditionally removable or fixed prostheses based on dental implants.

Removable dentures are relatively inexpensive, but they create a lot of inconvenience, ranging from the mobility of the prosthesis during chewing and ending with increased sensitivity and an aggravated feeling of nausea.

Prosthetics of all teeth on implants completely solves these problems. Moreover, implantation improves the quality of life of the patient, because:

  • prevents further atrophy of bone tissue;
  • improves chewing function, protecting against diseases of the stomach and duodenum;
  • restores the aesthetics of a smile;
  • provides reliable fixation of prostheses;
  • returns a sense of naturalness and makes you forget about these problems for decades.

In the absence of contraindications, such as diabetes mellitus, tuberculosis, oncology and hemophilia, implantation is the best way to restore teeth with complete edentulous upper and lower jaws.

Prices for implantation in the complete absence of teeth

Included in cost:

  • Diagnostics (initial consultation);
  • 3D modeling of implantation;
  • Implant surgery (tooth extraction, installation of 4 or 6 root-shaped implants);
  • Anesthesia;
  • Removal of casts and production of a temporary fixed prosthesis from metal-plastic;

X-ray examination - paid separately.

Attention: at the NovaDent clinic you can pay for dental implantation on credit and for complex treatment in installments.

Technologies and stages

Implantation in adentia does not imply the installation of a separate implant for each defect in the dentition, as this is expensive and not always possible. Depending on the situation, from 4 to 10 implants are placed on one jaw, on which a bridge-like prosthesis of a conditionally removable or fixed type is then fixed.

In our dental center, implantation in the complete absence of teeth is carried out in several stages:

  1. Diagnostics- includes examination, questioning of the patient, computed tomography of the jaw and referral for a blood test (clotting factors, allergic tests for plastics and metal). The purpose of the medical examination is to determine the condition of the bone tissue, the anatomical features of the jaw system, and contraindications for implantation.
  2. Planning– is carried out using 3D modeling, which allows you to select the optimal parameters of implants, determine the angle of inclination and their positioning in the jawbone.
  3. Operation– Implants are screwed into the bone in one visit to the dentist. If possible, titanium rods are implanted in a gentle way through punctures in the gums.
  4. Prosthetics- on the day of the operation or after the removal of the sutures on the gum (after 7 days), temporary bridges made of durable plastic are fixed on the abutments. After 1-3 years, the temporary prosthesis is replaced with a durable ceramic-metal, ceramic or zirconium structure.

Implantation of implants and fixation of new prostheses lasts from 2 to 7 days, after which the patient enjoys a healthy smile and can chew food normally.

Recently, implantology has been moving away from classical approaches in favor of innovative prosthetic technologies on a smaller number of supports. The most popular methods are All-on-4 and All-on-6.

Prosthetics on 4 implants using All-on-4 technology

All-on-4 technology (all-on-four) is the most economical method of implant placement, developed and patented by the Swiss company Nobel Biocare. The technique concludes that 4 root-shaped implants are implanted into the jaw with a simultaneous load. Titanium rods are installed according to the following scheme:

  • 2 implants - in the frontal part of the jaw parallel to the patient's natural teeth;
  • 2 implants - in the region of 5-6 premolars at an angle of 30-45°.

Thanks to this arrangement of artificial roots, full jaw implantation provides high primary stabilization of the prosthesis and does not require bone augmentation surgery. These factors allow you to immediately proceed to prosthetics.

In the NovaDent center, 4-on-all jaw implantation is performed with dental implants: Nobel, Astra Tech, Osstem, Dentium, Mis, Ankylos.

Prosthetics on 6 implants using All-on-6 technology

All-on-6 technology (all-on-six) is another Nobel Biocare development, which consists in the installation of 6 implantable supports in the jaw with an instant load. The rods are implanted in the same way as in the case of All-on-4.


In dentistry "Doctor Smile" the restoration of the dentition is carried out with complete adentia (absence of all teeth) using:

  • removable dentures without implants;
  • conditionally removable dentures based on implants;
  • fixed dentures on implants (All-on-4, All-on-6).

After consultation and examination, an orthopedic surgeon and an implant surgeon will select the best option, taking into account the clinical picture (state of the bone tissue: density, width, height, distance to anatomical structures) and the patient's budget.

Prices for the treatment of complete adentia

Removable laminar acrylic dentures

Removable prosthesis using 4-layer teeth with individual selection (without a set of teeth)

Complete removable plate denture (Ivokril)

Complete removable lamellar immediate denture

Covering removable immediate prosthesis based on implants, on attachments of the "locator" system, on a bar or attachments

individual spoon

Individual tray for working on implants

Determination of the central ratio of the jaws

IVOKLAR dental set

Removable plate dentures polymer

Polymer clasp prosthesis replacement of up to 3 teeth

Polymer clasp prosthesis replacement of more than 3 teeth

Silicone gasket

Thermoplastic clasp 1 pc.

Consequences of adentia

The complete absence of teeth in a row inevitably causes various complications:

  • atrophy of the jawbone;
  • deformation of the facial contour, the appearance of wrinkles, the lips sinking into the oral cavity;
  • gum recession;
  • severe speech impairment
  • chronic disorders of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • psychological discomfort.

If you understand that you need to restore some lost teeth, then check out the relevant services:

  • Dental implantation is the placement of one or more implants.
  • Dental prosthetics - the manufacture of crowns or prostheses to restore the dentition

Removable prosthetics

The most affordable way to restore teeth in their complete absence is to install a complete removable denture made of acrylic plastic, nylon or Acry-free.



  • low price.


  • fragility of "artificial teeth";
  • require a long habituation;
  • poor fixation;
  • difficulty in care.



  • excellent fixation of the structure in the mouth;
  • do not stain with food coloring and do not change color over time;
  • natural appearance;
  • hypoallergenicity.


  • difficult repair in case of breakage;
  • the need for constant correction;
  • higher price compared to plastic counterparts.



  • better fit, due to the exact correspondence of the surface of the prosthesis to the shape of the prosthetic bed;
  • secure fixation to the sky with clasps;
  • possibility of correction in case of damage;
  • no discomfort when chewing food;
  • hypoallergenicity;
  • affordable price.


  • decrease in elasticity with constant use;
  • atrophy of bone tissue due to the lack of proper load during meals;
  • the formation of cracks that affect the aesthetics of a smile;
  • frequent destruction of fixing clasps in the areas of the lateral teeth.

Conditionally removable prosthetics

Complete removable dentures do not stop atrophic processes in bone tissues, so in the absence of contraindications and the availability of financial opportunities for the complete restoration of the dentition of the lower and upper jaws, it is better to use partially removable structures, among which dentures based on a beam or with telescopic fixation are in priority.



  • Fixation of artificial teeth in the most correct position;
  • Resistance to intensive loading;
  • Optimal pressure distribution;
  • Easy replacement of artificial teeth without affecting the beam structure;
  • Complete oral hygiene.


  • The impossibility of using some popular luxury-class materials for prosthetics (for example, ceramics);
  • The need for pre-installation of the beam structure.



  • Possibility of complete oral care;
  • Reliable fixation in the mouth;
  • High aesthetics;
  • Structural strength;
  • Uniform distribution of pressure on the abutment teeth;
  • No effect on diction.


  • The need for a large space for the installation of double crowns;
  • High price.

Fixed prosthetics

If the interalveolar height does not allow the placement of a bar or the patient categorically refuses a removable prosthesis, then an All-on-4 or All-on-6 fixed prosthesis is used, depending on the possibility of placing implants in the lateral sections.



Removable and non-removable prosthetics of teeth in their complete absence is impossible in the following cases:

  • individual intolerance;
  • materials from which prostheses are made;
  • intolerance to drugs for anesthesia;
  • viral diseases;
  • severe diabetes mellitus;
  • oncology;
  • exacerbation of mental disorders;
  • impaired blood clotting;
  • anorexia or cachexia.

Are there any contraindications? Sign up for a free consultation with a dentist!

In dentistry "Samson-Dent" the restoration of the dentition of any complexity is carried out as with complete adentia, i.e. the absence of all teeth, and with partial adentia.

Primary adentia (absence of all the rudiments of teeth from birth) is extremely rare. Most often, we are treated with secondary adentia - the loss of all teeth as a result of trauma, untimely treatment of dental diseases or due to old age.

Toothlessness disrupts the aesthetics of the face, distorts speech and leads to psychological problems. We will help you recreate a beautiful smile and return to a normal lifestyle!

Prosthetic options

In our clinic, two options for effective and safe rehabilitation of patients with complete absence of teeth are practiced:

  1. Manufacturing ;
  2. Installing a fixed .


  • existing contraindications to implantation;
  • deficiency of bone tissue volume (as a temporary option before fixed prosthetics);
  • with a small budget for treatment.

1. Acrylic (plate)

They are an acrylic base, on which a number of artificial teeth are attached, also made of acrylic or ceramics.


  • low price;
  • practically invisible;
  • easily repaired in case of breakage.


  • provoke difficulties with diction;
  • cause some allergic reactions.

2. Akri Free

Removable dentures of a new generation, made from monomer-free (does not contain elements hazardous to the body) Acry-Free material based on acrylic resins. The material is patented by the German company Uniflex.


  • fast addiction;
  • strength is several times higher than that of acrylic;
  • good aesthetics;
  • do not cause allergies;
  • affordable price.


  • in the complete absence of teeth, insufficiently stable fixation in the oral cavity is possible;
  • cause diction problems.

3. Quadrotti

Removable clasp prostheses made according to the patented technology of the company Quattro Ti (Italy) from a soft and elastic material.


  • high aesthetics (significantly superior to nylon counterparts);
  • strength is 15 times higher than that of acrylic;
  • adhere well to the gums;
  • practically do not cause discomfort;
  • hypoallergenicity.


  • the price is higher than for lamellar prostheses.

4. Nylon

One-piece cast nylon structures that replaced the classic rigid acrylic and metal prostheses.


  • increased wearing comfort;
  • withstand a large mechanical load, do not break;
  • biocompatibility;
  • may not be available at night.


  • the need for special care;
  • used in dental practice more often as a temporary prosthesis before implantation. The service life is lower than that of classic types of removable dentures.


“The installation of a removable prosthesis does not stop the destruction of bone tissue, since it does not receive chewing load. Frequent relining of the structure is inevitable due to subsidence along with the gum.


It is important to understand that in the absence of teeth in the lower and upper jaws, rapid bone atrophy occurs. Classical methods of implantation involve a preliminary increase in the volume of the jawbone. It takes money and time. Therefore, in the absence of contraindications, I offer my patients prosthetics of a full dentition using the “all-on-4” or “all-on-6” system. The technology is painless, does not require bone grafting and involves minimal surgical intervention.

The most popular method of prosthetics of teeth in their complete absence.


  • 2-3 times cheaper than a bridge with 6-8 implants;
  • comfort in use;
  • reliable fixation;
  • simple oral hygiene.


  • missing.


A variation of the all-on-four technique, carried out if the patient has enough bone tissue to install 6 artificial roots.

Thanks to the distribution of chewing load on six implants, the service life is significantly increased.


  • restoration of teeth without bone grafting, even with periodontal disease or periodontitis;
  • complete restoration of chewing function;
  • ensuring a uniform load;
  • comfort in use;
  • reliable fixation;
  • simple oral hygiene;
  • short rehabilitation period.


  • missing.

People often ask - what to choose: All-on-4 or All-on-6? So, for patients with osteoporosis, periodontal inflammation and severe bone atrophy, I recommend All-on-6. In other cases, you can give preference to All-on-4.

Which option, "all-on-four" or "all-on-six", is best for you, the orthopedic dentist and implant surgeon will decide based on the results of the examination and diagnostic studies!

Comparison of fixed denture materials


The most popular material for the manufacture of fixed prostheses, which optimally combines strength and aesthetics. Crowns are made of metal covered with a thin layer of ceramic. Service life - from 5 to 10 years.


  • resistance to increased chewing loads;
  • affordable price.


  • the possibility of oxidation and allergic reactions.

Zirconium dioxide

A modern alternative to cermets with a number of unique advantages. Service life - 20 years.

The complete absence of teeth (dentia), which occurs mainly in the elderly, is a common problem. Regardless of the reasons, adentia is a complete and unconditional indication for urgent prosthetics. What are the best dentures for the complete absence of teeth? This article will help you understand the many dental services aimed at restoring the dentition.

Several factors contribute to the occurrence of adentia: natural wear of enamel and dentin, periodontal disease, untimely access to the dentist, ignoring elementary hygiene requirements, injuries, and chronic diseases.

The lack of even 2-3 teeth is very noticeable and unpleasant, and when it comes to their complete absence, it can be said without exaggeration that such a condition is a serious pathology that entails many negative consequences:

Adentia can be the result of injuries, as well as various diseases.

  • Disorders of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT), as a result of poor chewing of food and malnutrition.
  • Negative changes in appearance - a patient with a complete absence of teeth acquires a characteristic elongated oval of the face, a protruding chin, sunken cheeks and lips, pronounced nasolabial folds.
  • Significant violations in colloquial speech: teeth are the most important and integral part of the articulatory apparatus, and their shortage, and even more so the absence, lead to the appearance of diction defects that are very noticeable to the ear.
  • Dystrophy of the bone tissue of the alveolar processes (gums), which, in the absence of roots, become thinner and decrease in size, which in the most advanced cases makes it difficult or impossible for high-quality implantation (prosthetics).

The cumulative result of all the above problems is significant psychological discomfort, communication disorders, limiting oneself in vital needs: communication, work, good nutrition. The only way to return to a quality life is to get dentures.

Contraindications for prosthetics

Cases in which dental prosthetics are prohibited are rare, and nevertheless, a qualified dentist must make sure that his patient does not suffer from one of the following ailments:

  • individual allergic reaction to the chemical components that make up the material;
  • intolerance to local anesthesia (important for implantation);
  • any viral disease in the acute stage;
  • severe form of diabetes;
  • oncological disease;
  • mental and neurological disorders during the period of exacerbation;
  • blood clotting disorders;
  • severe lack of weight and depletion of the body (anorexia, cachexia).

Obviously, many contraindications are temporary, while others lose their relevance with the right choice of restoration method.

Removable dentures in the complete absence of teeth: difficulties and features

Another negative point with adentia is a very small selection of possible ways to restore teeth. Existing methods are either expensive or have many disadvantages. A nylon prosthesis is in great demand in the complete absence of teeth. But when choosing the optimal method of prosthetics, it should be remembered that a complete removable restoration of the entire dentition has a lot of features:

The main feature of complete dentures is that they do not have fasteners.

Does this mean that it is better not to resort to this method of restoration? Certainly not. Despite the fact that the best restoration method for completely missing teeth is, the use of a covering prosthesis also makes sense. It will help those who do not have the financial ability to put implants, as well as patients whose bone tissue is loose, which is a contraindication to implantation.

Types of complete dentures

Orthopedic products used to restore completely missing teeth have approximately the same design. These are arched prostheses, which on the lower jaw are held only on the gums, and on the upper jaw they also rest on the palate. The teeth in dentures are almost always plastic, and the base can be made of different materials. It is on this basis that they are classified.

Expert opinion. Dentist Yanovsky L.D.: " named after the name of the polymer from which their basis is made. Nylon is a translucent, strong, flexible and elastic material with good wear-resistant qualities. Its advantages include good aesthetic performance and hypoallergenicity, which favorably distinguish this type of dental structures from others. Considering that two out of ten people on the planet suffer from allergies to acrylic or various types of metals, for many, a nylon prosthesis in the absence of teeth is a panacea in terms of convenience and quality.

Made of acrylic - a more modern and perfect variety of plastic. It is distinguished by resistance to wear and aggressive acid-base environment, which makes acrylic a fairly popular material in dental practice. However, he has a number shortcomings, which put it an order of magnitude lower than nylon:

Both nylon and acrylic prostheses do not have any attachments - this causes difficulties in fixing them. The use of special glue, which lasts for 3-4 hours, can slightly improve the situation, but this also brings only temporary comfort. The only way to get rid of discomfort is to install polymer prostheses on implants.

Prosthetics on implants in the complete absence of teeth: advantages and types of procedures

The main advantage of implantation is reliable fixation, thanks to which the patient does not have to worry that the prosthesis will fall off at the most inopportune moment. Chewing food is also greatly facilitated: there is no need to limit oneself in taking solid and viscous foods, and this has a positive effect on the state of the gastrointestinal tract and intestinal motility.

One of the first questions of interest to people who decide on implantation is the required number of implants. In each specific clinical case, this is decided individually, and the decisive factor is the condition of the patient's bone tissue. On average, at least two implants should be installed on each jaw to hold the entire structure.

If the patient is determined to undergo surgery, and the condition of the alveolar processes does not allow it, he can undergo a sinus lift - a technique for building up bone tissue using special materials. Modern dentistry has several ways to implant implants, however, in the complete absence of teeth, it is rational to use only two of them - beam and push-button.

Button implants- a fairly reliable and relatively inexpensive method of restoration. During the operation, two implants are implanted into the gums, which end in a ball that looks like a clothes button. On the side of the prosthesis, there are holes, which are the second part of the attachment. This device allows the patient to remove the prosthesis daily for thorough cleaning.

Implantation on beams provides for the implantation of 2 to 4 implants interconnected by metal beams that increase the support area for a more thorough fixation of the prosthesis. Just like button implantation, it requires periodic removal, but at the same time pleases with good functionality.

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