Why did a dental implant fail? Dental implant rejection. Dental implant contraindications

Rejection of a dental implant is a serious complication of implantation, which occurs in only 1-2% of cases, but brings a lot of trouble. Rejection of the pin can occur both immediately after its implantation, and after a certain period of time after the operation. The causes, symptoms and prevention of complications are detailed below.

On average, implants take root 2-4 months for mandible and about 6 months at the top. There is an explanation for such differences in terms: the bone of the lower jaw has a better blood supply, it is voluminous and receives most stress in the process of chewing food. In addition, over bone tissue upper jaw the maxillary sinuses are located, which in some cases complicates the process of implantation of implants.

The process of fusion of the implant with the jaw bone is called osseointegration. The duration of this period largely depends on the condition of the jaw and oral cavity the patient before prosthetics, as well as the implant model and the quality of the specialist's work.

It is important that the method of installing the prosthesis does not play a role in this. According to statistics, the rejection of a tooth implant in most cases occurs in the first days after implantation. Simply put, if something goes wrong, the patient will feel it already in the first days after the procedure.

Main symptoms

After implantation of the implant, the patient must come for a check-up after 2-3 days. Such preventive examinations make it possible to identify problems in a timely manner and eliminate them.

Persistent pain, swelling and redness of the gums - anxiety symptoms, which indicate the beginning of rejection of the implant by the body.

The specialist evaluates the stability of the prosthesis, the condition of the tissues around it. During the examination, the doctor sees how the structure fuses with the bone, whether there are signs of inflammation, and whether there is a need for additional intervention to prevent complications.

What are the symptoms that indicate that the body has not perceived foreign body and is it rejected? It must be understood that the implantation of a pin into the bone is a serious surgical intervention, after which there are always some discomfort and symptoms expressed to some extent:

  • swelling of the gum tissue (in some cases, the cheek also swells),
  • gum redness,
  • pain in the area of ​​implantation of the pin.

Expert opinion. Doctor-implantologist Voevutsky O.K.: “The above symptoms should normally disappear within a few days after the operation (a week maximum). If pain, swelling disturb the patient much longer, this is warning sign. This does not mean that the process of rejection has begun, but it is not worth delaying a visit to a specialist, since it depends on his actions and the responsibility of the patient further fate implanted prosthesis.

What symptoms indicate a deviation of the normal course of osseointegration? These signs are very similar to the usual manifestations after implantation of the prosthesis, but they are more pronounced and may intensify:

  1. Acute pain syndrome that does not go away for 1-2 weeks after surgery.
  2. Swelling of the gums, which does not subside for 3-4 days.
  3. Prolonged bleeding and discharge of exudate from the wound (more than a week) is an alarming symptom.
  4. Implant mobility.
  5. The occurrence of an unpleasant odor.
  6. The appearance of a fistula, the release of pus.
  7. When pressing on the prosthesis, pain occurs.
  8. Increase in body temperature.

Why does an implant fail?

In fact, there are not so many reasons for implant rejection, in most cases this is due to the fault of a specialist. But rejection due to the fault of the patient is also not uncommon: disregard for the doctor's recommendations during the period of osseointegration, as well as non-compliance with the rules for caring for the oral cavity, can lead to such complications.

Most common cause implant rejection - medical errors.

Let us consider in more detail the reasons for the rejection of implanted implants:

  1. medical errors

Unfortunately, medical errors are the most common cause of rejection. It could be:

  • improperly selected type of denture,
  • foci of inflammation in the oral cavity were not eliminated,
  • non-sterile instruments,
  • tissue overheating during bone drilling for pin placement,
  • incorrect position of the prosthesis in the bone,
  • if the doctor has not read the patient's health data (there is a fairly large list of contraindications).

Often, difficulties for a specialist arise when there is not enough bone tissue to install the pin. This may occur as a result of its atrophy or inflammatory processes oral cavity.

This problem is solved by the operation bone grafting(when the missing volume of bone tissue increases) or basal implantation. Implantation of prostheses against the background of periodontal tissue diseases is possible, but not every specialist will undertake such a difficult task.

  1. Poor quality prosthesis

Large dental clinics work only with trusted suppliers of dental implants, the situation is more complicated is the case with small clinics. The quality of the product directly depends on how it will take root in the bone tissue. The quality of engraftment also depends on the material of the implant, today the best option for dental implantation is medical titanium. It is important that the material has a porous structure, so that the growing cells of the jaw bone will penetrate into it, providing a strong connection between the structure and the bone tissue.

Even if the implantologist did his job perfectly in accordance with all the rules and standards, subsequent wrong actions the patient can nullify all the efforts of a specialist. The patient should pay attention to the following points:

  • during the engraftment period, it is not recommended to overload the implant,
  • it is impossible to overheat or supercool for the first time after the operation (taboo on baths, saunas, pools),
  • if the doctor prescribed any medicines be sure to take them as instructed,
  • pay Special attention oral hygiene, as plaque is worst enemy health of teeth and gums,
  • smokers should refrain from smoking for the first time after surgery.

Important: Statistics show that dental implants are rejected much more often in smokers than in non-smokers. In 30% of smoking patients, rejection symptoms appear within five years after prosthetics. Nicotine disrupts the nutrition of the cells of the oral mucosa, which negatively affects the condition of the tissues around the prosthesis.

  1. Health problems after implantation

If engraftment was successful, problems may occur even after a few years due to serious illnesses patient: oncology, tuberculosis, AIDS, hepatitis, diabetes, pathology of the heart.

  1. Jaw injuries.

How to prevent a complication, and is re-implantation possible?

To minimize the possibility of complications after implant placement, observe the following: recommendations:

  • responsibly approach the issue of choosing a clinic and an implantologist,
  • give preference to a quality product that has been on the market for at least 5-7 years and has already gained a good reputation among doctors and patients,
  • strictly follow all the recommendations of a specialist during the engraftment period,
  • pay special attention to oral hygiene, undergo preventive examinations with a specialist in a timely manner in order to promptly eliminate the problems that have arisen.

Is re-implantation possible after rejection? Yes, in most cases it can be implanted new prosthesis, but after the dismantling of the rejected implant, 1-2 months should pass. If necessary, bone grafting and drug therapy are performed to restore damaged tissues and create favorable conditions to insert a new pin.

The most frequently asked question by a patient during a consultation with an implant surgeon before dental implantation is “why does the implant not take root?”. In this article, we will analyze under what conditions implant rejection can occur. Implant rejection can be initial stage implantation of teeth (first week - in most cases), and later.

If the implant did not take root at the initial stage, then this can happen for several reasons:

1. Not high quality titan, himself implant, or poor-quality processing and sterilization. It happens quite rarely, and mainly when using dubious implantation systems unknown to anyone, and even then, not with one hundred percent probability. When an implant is rejected, most reputable, well-established firms will exchange it for free if it's the cause, but this is usually rare.

2. Infection in the hole or on the implant itself during its installation. Most common mistake and the reason for all unsuccessful operations, because the main condition for success is engraftment of the implant, as he himself stated Brånemark, is absolute sterility. The operating room must be completely sterilized, from small instruments to large instruments, the presence of an assistant is mandatory. Any ingress of saliva into the implantation hole will cause it to be rejected. Majority auxiliary tools- disposable, from the supply hose nat. solution and pilot drill to the clothes of the surgeon and assistant.

3. Implantation of teeth contraindications.

There are both absolute and relative. To absolute contraindications applies to:

— Diseases immune system: lupus erythematosus, severe infections, thymus hypoplasia and parathyroid glands, HIV infection;

– Blood diseases: leukemia, hemophilia, thalassemia, lymphogranulomatosis, hemolytic anemia;

— Diseases endocrine system: pituitary gland, adrenal pathology, severe forms hyper- and hypothyroidism, hyper- and hypoparathyroidism;

— Diseases of the central nervous system: schizophrenia, paranoia, dementia, psychosis, neurosis, alcoholism and drug addiction, etc.

– Chronic diseases such as: tuberculosis, rheumatic disease, insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus;

— Pathologies of the oral mucosa: chronic recurrent aphthous stomatitis, lupus erythematosus, pemphigus, Sjögren's syndrome;

Malignant tumors various organs and systems, during special therapy and some time after its completion.

– Diseases of the skeletal system: osteoporosis, congenital osteopathy, osteonecrosis, dysplasia;

Systemic diseases connective tissue: systemic lupus erythematosus, scleroderma, rheumatic, rheumatoid and other diseases make the implant installation process impossible.

To relative contraindications applies to:

— Pregnancy

- Lack of sanitation of the oral cavity.

- Bruxism (teeth grinding at night)

- Poor oral hygiene

- Diseases of the temporomandibular joint.

Pathological bite and increased abrasion teeth

– Precancerous and tumor-like diseases of the oral cavity and jaws

– The presence of metal implants in other areas of the body (Kirchner wires, mini plates, screws, wire sutures, artificial joints, heart valves, pacemakers, etc.)

– The specificity of the structure of the jaws, which excludes the possibility of implants (atrophy of bone tissue, impacted teeth, proximity of the maxillary sinuses, etc.)

In this case, implantation is possible after complete examination and mutual consent of both the attending physician and the patient, including due to the correction of all contraindications.

4. Iatrogenic factor. Or the so-called doctor's mistake.

This may include incorrect choice implant size, improper treatment planning, placement and design of the implant, overheating of the bone during processing, infection, installation in places where there is no bone, perforation of the maxillary sinus or mandibular canal, installation of the implant in an infected hole after removal, and so on.

Implant rejection in early dates happens within a week.

Late rejection is extremely rare, if the implant has already integrated into the bones, then be sure - this is for a long time ..) or even forever. But rejections are still present and here are some reasons why:

- Violation of oral hygiene, non-compliance with doctor's recommendations, lack of preventive examinations Twice a year.

- Incorrectly made orthopedic construction on the implant.

- The development of a disease related to the list of absolute and relative contraindications.

- Injuries in the area of ​​implantation.

- Bad habits.

Yes, that's probably all.

How long does an implant last?

Usually on the bottom implant engraftment occurs much faster than on the upper jaw - about 2 months, whereas on the top - 3 months. There are the latest developments in leading implant systems and technologies that help to reduce the time of osseointegration.

Modern science, long-term results and ongoing research have proven that success with all critical aspects, both on the part of the doctor and the patient during dental implantation is 99%

Dental implant failed and somehow I didn't even notice it. Tooth, the bottom seven, when chewing food, you could do without it. Someone even advised me not to suffer with another implantation, they say, why on back tooth spend money, well, who will notice him there. It is clear that I do not smile like a horse to the molars, but, nevertheless, I decided that prosthetics should be done. Firstly, there must be order in the mouth, and secondly, the emptiness always begins to be filled with something. AT this case these will be the remaining teeth of the lower jaw, which will begin to be distributed in the mouth in such a way that there is no empty space left. And I have two more dental implants there and they can also start to move. Of course, I cannot explain all the processes that take place in the jaw, but in my opinion, dental implants require a particularly careful attitude.

Symptoms of Dental Implant Rejection

I talked about previous dental operations for the installation of dental implants. Another dental implant failed and I had to remove it. Here I want to talk about implant rejection symptoms that I felt myself. To begin with, I climbed into the Internet and read articles about implants that did not take root. They write it there! If I had read all this before my first operation, then I would never have decided on implantation. I give a list signs of implant rejection mentioned on the internet:

  • sharp pain
  • persistent bleeding for two days after surgery
  • swelling and redness of the gums
  • purulent discharge from the wound.

Well, I didn't have any of those symptoms. After the operation, I lived quietly for four months, and none of the above did not bother me:

  • I did not have acute pain it wasn't even spicy
  • NO bleeding from the wound
  • There was NO swelling and redness of the gums
  • There was also no purulent discharge

It’s just that when I came to one of the Moscow clinics on the recommendation of the head physician of the IDent clinic, Toder Mikhail Semenovich, for prosthetics, I was told that the implant did not take root.

Chief Physician - Toder Mikhail Semenovich

Reasons for rejection of dental implants

  • medical error
  • low qualification of the doctor
  • poor quality tools
  • the presence of diseases in the patient
  • poor oral hygiene
  • mechanical damage

I found a couple of reasons because of which my dental implant failed. First, I violated the doctor's recommendations to refrain from smoking at least on the day of the operation. I violated this prohibition in the first two hours after the operation. Secondly, even a fool understands that it is impossible to chew on a newly placed implant.

Well, here's what to call me after I brazenly chewed on the side with a new implant? If I were my doctor, I would simply stop saying hello to myself, and would not negotiate with the capital's clinic about the removal of an implant that did not take root.

Removal of dental implants

Removal procedure went quickly and absolutely painlessly, and I expected that a new one would immediately be put in place of the old implant, but I was mistaken. It turns out that the lower jaw is more problematic in terms of dental implantation, and for further treatment I decided to build up an artificial tissue, into which a new dental implant will then be screwed. Implants have certain dimensions and they cannot be less than a certain minimum. When there is little bone in the jaw, an artificial increase is required.

I had a bone augmentation in Moscow. It sounds scary, but it doesn't really hurt, and it's pretty quick. They didn’t take any money from me, they said that the IDent clinic pays. Wow. It happens like that.

Implant replacement at the IDent clinic in Novosibirsk

The IDent clinic in Novosibirsk is my love from the first time. I absolutely do not blame the IDent clinic for having to do a second operation, it was just a small setback that could happen in any other job. I know that Mikhail Semenovich wanted to save me from unnecessary torment and do everything at once, especially since I live in Moscow, and fly to Novosibirsk a maximum of once every six months.

Three months after the bone grafting, I was at the IDent clinic in Novosibirsk, where they put something in my gum in two minutes. On my next visit in three months I installed a new crown. On the last step In my wonderful story, a student of Mikhail Semenovich Toder, an implant surgeon Alexander Andreevich Shevela, worked with me, who takes his work very seriously and responsibly, and no giggles and hahanki go away with him. It is Mikhail Semenovich who likes to joke while working, and Alexander Andreevich will have such a cheerful attitude to operations with experience.

Surgeon-implantologist - Alexander Andreevich Shevela

I will add that I did not have to pay not a single ruble in excess of what I gave under the contract on the first visit to the IDent clinic with this tooth. Treatment continued under warranty, that is, at the expense of the clinic. At the same time, the attitude towards me from the staff remained polite and friendly. And the director of the clinic, Inna Vitalievna Toder, generally remembers each client by name, and what problem he addressed, and when. It is very important for her that the person visiting her clinic becomes a little happier. I'm not exaggerating, go and check for yourself. If you are tired of problems with your teeth, then give these problems to the doctors of the IDent clinic, they know what to do with them.

Dentistry does not stand still, and today the loss of one or more teeth is not an insoluble problem. Modern technologies make it possible to restore lost dental units and their functions through implantation. However, implant placement is not final result. The process of its engraftment in the oral cavity is important, which can sometimes occur with complications. It is important to understand in time that something is going wrong and take appropriate measures.

How long does an implant last?

One of the first questions that patients planning to implant ask is how long it takes for the implant to fully heal. The average period of its survival is determined by the place of installation: in the lower jaw, complete healing of tissues occurs within 2-4 months, and in the upper jaw - six months.

Such a difference in how much takes root installed implant, associated with physiological features jaw structures. In large and strong mandibular bones, the process of blood supply proceeds better, plus they have huge pressure when chewing. As for the maxillary bones, their proximity to maxillary sinuses significantly complicates implantation.

Other factors that affect how long an implant takes to heal include:

  • initial state of the maxillofacial system;
  • design model and quality of materials;
  • specifications.

Concerning unpleasant symptoms caused by the trauma of soft and bone tissues, they should disappear after 3-7 days. Maximum allowable period- 2 weeks.

How to understand that the process is going wrong?

This article talks about typical ways to solve your questions, but each case is unique! If you want to know from me how to solve exactly your problem - ask your question. It's fast and free!

If there is a rejection of a dental implant, the signs of this process appear almost immediately, within a few days after the operation. However, to relax after installing a crown or even finishing recovery period not worth it either. Regardless of whether rejection occurred immediately or after a long time, there are signs that help to understand that the process is proceeding with disturbances. Causes of adverse effects and complications of implantation in different time their occurrence is due to various factors.

Signs of rejection

The implant procedure is surgical intervention, resulting in injury to nearby tissues, mucous membranes and, in some cases, crowns neighboring teeth. As a result, after the operation, during the healing process, symptoms appear that are considered normal. These include:

  • bleeding from a wound;
  • swelling of the gum tissue;
  • soreness of adjacent dental units.

However, sometimes designs do not take root. This does not happen often, but in such cases, the help of professionals is required. Rejection of a dental implant is evidenced by:

  • severe sharp pain;
  • redness and swelling of the gums;
  • profuse and prolonged bleeding;
  • the appearance of purulent discharge;
  • mobility of the installed structure.

In case of rejection of implants, such symptoms do not go away for a week or more, and their severity does not decrease with time, but only increases. Against this background, the temperature may rise, chills will appear and bad smell from mouth. If you have these symptoms, you should not delay contacting your dentist.

Causes of Violation of Survival

Dental implant rejection occurs in only 1–2% of patients. Depending on the time of occurrence of the problem, three periods are distinguished:

  • short-term - 3-6 months after installation;
  • medium-term - up to 2 years;
  • long-term - when the implant is rejected after 2-5 years of operation.

As for the reasons for the rejection of dental implants, they are largely determined by the period when the complication occurred. In the short term, the dentist is most often responsible for implant failure. medical error possible due to the inexperience of the specialist or due to inaccurate operation and installation of a titanium pin.

The product itself, including the crown, can also become a source of the problem. Inexpensive and low-quality materials cause fibrosis of bone tissue and lead to loss of the structure. Allergy is also one of the probable causes quick rejection.

Among the reasons for the rejection of the installed product in the medium term, it is worth noting:

  • incorrect design selection;
  • low-quality materials that oxidize over time;
  • anatomical features of the structure of the jaw, such as malocclusion;
  • jaw trauma leading to displacement of the product;
  • exacerbation chronic diseases such as allergies.

Why did the implant fall out in the long term? In this situation, the patient himself is most often to blame. The reason may be elementary non-compliance oral hygiene, bad habits, especially smoking, or not following the recommendations of the dentist regarding the care of artificial teeth.

Re-implantation: indications and contraindications

In most cases, re-implantation is possible. It is allowed to implant the implant for the second time only 1-2 months after the removal of the non-engrafted structure. Sometimes before surgery, additional bone grafting and drug treatment may be required to restore injured tissues. It is also important to find out the cause of rejection in order to exclude its recurrence, whether it is a dentist's mistake, an allergy or improper care.

The main contraindication to re-implantation of the implant is a strong destruction of bone tissue. It occurs if the problem of rejection is not solved in a timely manner and the inflammatory process is not stopped.

If an implant falls out

An important point in preventing serious complications in case of rejection of the implant, it is necessary to take timely appropriate action. If the design suddenly fell out or the first suspicious signs appeared, you should immediately contact your dentist.

Based additional diagnostics condition of the jaw, the doctor draws up a further plan. Most often, bone restoration is required. It is also necessary to carry out therapeutic measures that help restore the body's immune system. Only then can the issue of re-implantation be considered.

How to prevent implant rejection?

The probability of a normal course of implantation and engraftment of the product is very high, however, it is possible to initially reduce the risk of rejection of the structure to a minimum. For this you should:

  • choose a highly qualified specialist and clinic where the procedure will be performed;
  • do not save on materials, choosing a quality, well-proven product, time-tested;
  • comply with all requirements for the care of implants and recommendations regarding oral hygiene;
  • regularly visit the dentist's office for preventive examination;
  • closely monitor the engraftment process and the subsequent condition of the implant and immediately consult a doctor at the first sign of a problem.

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