Contact lenses or glasses? "Pros and cons"…. Inborn rejection. Are there any risks when wearing contact optics?

Thanks to vision, a person receives 90% of all information about the world that surrounds us. Not everyone is perfect. Some have had problems with it since childhood. Also due to tend to get worse. Some people are nearsighted, some are farsighted. For correction, the doctor may prescribe glasses with diopters or contact lenses. What is better - glasses or lenses, we will consider further.

When points are awarded

Glasses are made up of frames and spectacle lenses. They should be selected by an ophthalmologist. This accessory is necessary to improve and correct vision.

What are the indications for wearing glasses:

  • Astigmatism. With this disease, objects bifurcate in the eyes, sometimes they are seen curved. Clarity is lost, eyes quickly get tired during work. There may be headaches from overwork. With this pathology, the shape of the cornea or lens is broken.
  • Myopia, or nearsightedness. A person does not see distant objects clearly, but well up close. Focusing occurs in front of the retina.
  • Hypermetropia, or farsightedness. The gaze is focused behind the retina, so a person sees well in the distance, and near objects are blurred.
  • Aniseikonia. It is very difficult to read, to perceive the ratio of objects. Since the same image has different values ​​on the retina of the right and left eyes. Accompanied increased fatigue vision.
  • Heterophoria, or Eyeballs have a deviation from parallel axes.
  • Presbyopia. Age or senile farsightedness.

Indications for the use of lenses

Contact lenses are used:

  • With astigmatism.
  • Myopia.
  • Farsightedness.
  • Keratoconus is a disorder of the cornea.
  • The absence of a lens.
  • Anisometropia.

Lenses are also used

  • Those who cannot, according to indications, use glasses due to their profession, for example, actors, athletes.
  • For the treatment of eye diseases.
  • For drug administration long-acting after microsurgical operations.
  • For diagnostic testing.
  • To disguise cosmetic defects eye.

Contraindications to and lenses

A few reasons that do not allow you to wear glasses:

  • Infant age.
  • Eyeglass intolerance.
  • Some mental illnesses.

Reasons for not using lenses:

  • Conjunctivitis.
  • Glaucoma.
  • Strabismus if the angle is more than 15 degrees.
  • Certain diseases such as AIDS, tuberculosis.
  • Increased sensitivity of the cornea.
  • Tendency to allergic diseases century.
  • Inflammatory diseases of the eyes.

  • Colds.
  • Use of certain medications.
  • Age up to 12 years.

Points Benefits

Here are the benefits of wearing glasses:

  • Practical to use. Can be taken off or put on at any time.
  • There is no close contact with the eyes, which eliminates the possibility of developing eye diseases.
  • Improve and allow you to increase the clarity of vision.
  • They protect the eyes from dust and specks.
  • Glasses are easy to care for.

  • The life of the glasses depends on how carefully the user handles them.
  • With glasses you can change the style.
  • As a rule, they are inexpensive and accessible to most people.
  • If you want to cry, cry, glasses will not interfere with this.

Comparison of glasses and lenses cannot fail to highlight the dignity of the latter.

Benefits of wearing lenses

Let's name the advantages of lenses:

With all the advantages of lenses, there are disadvantages. About them - further.

Cons of wearing lenses

Before buying lenses, you should consult with your doctor. They may not suit you. Cons that are available when using lenses:

  • Contact lenses should not be worn by people with sensitive eyes. You can earn corneal erosion.
  • It needs to be put on and taken off at night every morning.
  • Putting on lenses is not an easy process. It is necessary to wash your hands, rinse the lenses in a special solution. At first it takes a lot of time in the morning.
  • Putting on and taking off lenses is not a very pleasant procedure.
  • If there is discomfort in the eye after the lens is put on, you will have to remove it again, perhaps you did not wash it well or did something wrong.
  • The lens is easy to lose and can also break.
  • Always carry lens solution with you.
  • They require meticulous care.
  • If you get sick colds or some medicine causes dry eyes, you will feel discomfort in the lenses.
  • Lenses can get under the eyelid if worn for a long time or incorrectly positioned. In this case, you will need someone's help to extract it.
  • If you do not remove the lenses at night, you will feel discomfort in the morning. There will be a feeling of dryness and film on the eyes.
  • Possible development allergic reactions on the lens material or solution.
  • If the lens is damaged or past its expiration date, it may cause redness, inflammatory process. Therefore, doctors recommend having in the first aid kit medicinal drops for eyes.
  • If you want to cry in lenses, know that your eyes will lose clarity, everything around will be covered with fog. Lenses will need to be removed and washed.
  • They are not allowed to take showers or baths.
  • The eye does not get enough oxygen.
  • The cost of lenses is much higher than the price of glasses.

Some of the problems described above are easy to solve if disposable lenses are used. They are very practical.

To find out which is better - glasses or lenses, consider the disadvantages of glasses.

Negative points

Let's highlight a few cons:

  • Fogging with temperature fluctuations.
  • With glasses, vision is limited and distorted.
  • With the wrong selection, dizziness, fainting and other conditions associated with malaise are possible.
  • AT dark time glasses reflect light.
  • Peripheral vision is limited.
  • You can't lead an active lifestyle while wearing glasses.
  • Stock up for the summer sunglasses with diopters.
  • This vision correction device can be broken or lost at the moment when it is needed.

It should be noted when comparing contact lenses and glasses: there is a difference in their selection. More on this later.

How to choose glasses

The selection of glasses and contact lenses can only be carried out by an ophthalmologist. They need to correct their vision.

What is important when choosing points:

1. Choose the right lenses. They can be:

  • Single vision. The optical power over the entire surface is the same.
  • Multifocal. On the surface there are several zones with different diopters, which pass one into another.

2. First of all, lenses should regulate visual acuity.

3. The doctor examines each eye separately.

4. Measurements must be taken correctly. This will help to avoid additional strain on the eyes.

5. It is important to clarify for what purposes you need glasses:

  • To work with a computer.
  • Readings.
  • Vehicle management.

6. The following parameters must be indicated in the recipe:

  • The optical power of the lenses.
  • Interpupillary distance.
  • Points purpose.

Glasses are custom made.

The next step is choosing a frame. It can be from the following materials:

  • plastics or polymers.
  • Metal alloys or metal, including gold, silver.
  • Combinations of metal and plastic.

A large number of frames gives you the opportunity to choose the right option for you in accordance with your style.

You should be very responsible in choosing glasses, and they will serve you for a long time.

It should be noted that for lenses, the doctor must write a different prescription. More on this later.

We select lenses

Only an ophthalmologist can give a prescription for glasses and contact lenses, since you will not be able to determine the main selection parameters at home. Those for lenses are:

  • Curvature of the cornea.
  • The number of diopters.
  • Intraocular pressure.
  • The work of the eye muscles.
  • Peripheral vision.

It is important to consider contraindications.

Lenses are made:

  • from hydrogel.
  • Silicone hydrogel.

The hydrogel perfectly passes oxygen to the cornea. But such lenses are usually designed for one day. The next time you need to use a new pair.

Hydrogel lenses with silicone are durable. They can be used from one week to six months.

Very popular OASYS. They have a number of advantages:

  • Comfort and ease of wearing.
  • Provide good air circulation, reducing the risk of redness.
  • They have UV protection.
  • The latest technology used in the manufacture of lenses ACUVUE OASYS . Allows you to maintain a sufficient level of moisture on the surface of the eye throughout the day.

A few more requirements for choosing lenses:

  • The number of diopters for lenses and glasses differs markedly, so a prescription from a doctor is required.
  • Lenses can be soft or hard. Hard ones are used for severe violation vision.
  • They differ in duration of use.
  • Lenses have different purposes: for the treatment of eye diseases; multifocal and bifocal; imitation of the pupil and iris.

It is known that lenses are used not only to correct vision, but also to change the color of the eyes. If a person sees well, optical power should be equal to zero.

Care rules

In order for glasses and contact lenses to last longer, you need to properly care for them. It doesn't matter if they are part of your style or necessary for vision correction.

  • Do not leave glasses in direct sunlight.
  • Do not allow particles of hot steam to get on the lenses.
  • Take off your glasses with both hands. This will save the mounts and temples.
  • Use in case of bad weather special means for lenses.
  • Use the case to store and protect your glasses.
  • Do not use household cleaners to clean lenses.
  • Plastic lenses need to be handled even more carefully.

Rules for the care of lenses

Care of lenses consists in their careful cleaning and storage:

  • Wash your hands with soap and water before handling lenses.
  • Lenses can be cleaned using mechanical cleaning or enzyme tablets.
  • After washing with a solution, the lenses are placed in a special container for at least 4 hours. In it, they are saturated with moisture.

  • The solution in the container should be changed at least once a week.

You can ask your doctor about which care products are right for you.

Which is better - glasses or contact lenses?

When making a choice, you must consider all the pros and cons.

Having considered the pros and cons of glasses and lenses, we can conclude. It is very important that both of them fit your indications. It is very convenient to have both glasses and lenses. For leisure and work at the computer, choose glasses. Use lenses for driving and sports.

Often the question is: is it possible to wear lenses and glasses at the same time? Yes, there are situations in which this is acceptable:

  • To protect the eyes from ultraviolet radiation. Great option for low vision. Use prescription lenses and sunglasses together for UV protection.
  • When working on a computer. Lenses correct vision, and glasses eliminate glare, increase contrast, and filter harmful radiation. This combination is very helpful.
  • When driving, chameleon glasses are used in conjunction with corrective lenses. They dim depending on the amount of light, which creates additional security.

Comparison of glasses and lenses led us to the conclusion that vision correction is necessary, and how to do it correctly with lenses or glasses is up to you, and only an ophthalmologist can help with this.

Science does not stand still, and every day gives mankind new discoveries that offer alternative solutions to such familiar and ordinary things. Contact lenses have become an alternative to glasses, which, it would seem, have forever solved the problems of people who are forced to wear glasses, associated with a number of inconveniences, when glasses in glasses fog up in the cold, the world around is optically distorted, and the field of view is reduced. In addition to such physical inconveniences and restrictions, a person with vision problems also experiences psychological discomfort about his appearance, his inferiority, when he is forced to give up an active lifestyle just because his glasses interfere with him.

What about your relationship with your loved one? Can you just imagine the exciting moment and the confusion of such a person “remove or leave glasses? If you take it off, then where to put it so as not to crush it? It would seem that the invention of contact lenses in one fell swoop solved all these problems. But like every coin has two sides, so contact lenses, in addition to the benefits, there are harms. That's what we're going to talk about today...

With the appearance of contact lenses in the wide sale and their obvious and impeccable usefulness, many people suffering from vision problems began to “prescribe” contact lenses for themselves, which is absolutely impossible to do. Before looking at the world through such lenses, it is necessary to consult with an ophthalmologist, undergo an examination of your vision, and only then, having weighed all the pros and cons, purchase lenses that fit your vision parameters, but nothing else. Otherwise, you expose your eyes and your vision big risk and danger.

Contact lenses should be purchased in specialized stores or pharmacies, but not in bazaars, shopping malls or over the Internet. Lenses without the accompanying instructions are not recommended.

With the advent of colored contact lenses, a real boom began in the world, because now it was possible to change the color of the eyes, a gift from nature, to the most daring and original colors, and thereby stand out from the crowd and attract attention. contact lenses with bright colors, imitating the eye of an animal - all this became available as well as ... Sunglasses. And here the majority of the population fell for the bait of self-deception, because not everything that is on sale is good for our health. People who do not have vision problems, without prior consultation with ophthalmologists, began to acquire and wear such lenses for fun. However, such "unauthorized" lens wear leads to inflammation of the cornea, conjunctivitis, swelling, redness of the eyes and allergic manifestations, the introduction of various infections on the mucous membrane of the eye, a decrease in the parameters of the contrast of vision, and even a complete loss of vision.

Contact lenses and the water that flows from our faucets

But, even with proper wearing and care of contact lenses, a person is not immune from damage to the mucous membrane of the eye. As the statistic shows - almost every second person who wears contact lenses has damage to the surface layer of the cornea, and in every thirteenth “contact lens” these damages threaten total loss vision. Constant wearing contact lenses or their “use” during working hours during the week leads to inflammation of the eyes, the formation of small erosions through which they can penetrate various infections. Interesting factmost often from damage to the cornea, as a result of wearing contact lenses, people with farsightedness suffer, then, in terms of the number of cases, those suffering from an average degree of myopia follow, and the third place is occupied by people suffering from a high degree of myopia.

With the appearance of inflammation, allergic reactions, redness of the eyes, damage to the cornea, it is better to refuse to wear contact lenses, at least for a while.

Contact lenses are not recommended for children and adolescents under the age of twelve or thirteen, as this may adversely affect the performance of vision in the direction with a minus sign.

Before all the same give preference to contact lenses and put aside glasses, you should definitely know the following things:

  • sometimes the lens (most often this happens when you put it on for the first time) cannot be removed by yourself. You must know in advance to whom and where in this case you will apply;
  • lens solution may cause allergic reactions;
  • Wearing contact lenses around the clock reduces the supply of oxygen to the eyes and increases the likelihood of infection;
  • if the life of the lens is limited, determined specific time, do not try to extend it;
  • special solutions must be used to treat lenses, but in no case should it be tap water, soap solution or saliva;
  • wear contact lenses, being in an unfavorable environment where there is a lot of dust, chemical substances- Not recommended;
  • Before buying contact lenses, be sure to consult with a specialist.

Whether to follow fashion trends and wear contact lenses or give preference to the classics and still wear glasses - it's up to you ... Take care of your eyesight!

Shevtsova Olga, World Without Harm

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6 comments on the article “Contact lenses or glasses? “For” and “against”…” - see below

Contact lenses entered the arsenal of optical human assistants not so long ago and today they have become an integral part of the life of a huge number of people. And not only those who really experience vision problems, but also a large number fans in this way to change their appearance.

because of hypersensitivity Not everyone considers this technical device to be quite comfortable for the eye. Contact lenses have their pros and cons medical point vision.

Positive points of contact eye lenses directly depend on their purpose, and negative - on the material from which they are made, and the attitude of the wearer of lenses to the implementation important rules their operation. The most safe from the point of view of the consequences of silicone hydrogel lenses (having best performance biocompatibility and water content), but they are not suitable in all cases (not used for astigmatism).

In terms of vision correction, contact lenses have significant advantages over traditional glasses:

  • Using lenses, a person looks natural, does not squint, squint or squint, which has a positive effect on the appearance. For others, ordinary transparent lenses are not visible.
  • When moving, the eye moves along with contact lenses, so there is no distortion of the picture even when peripheral vision, and the image is always clear, which cannot be said about glasses.
  • By medical indications soft contact lenses are recommended for high degrees of myopia and hyperopia, as they provide sharper and better vision than glasses in the same cases. Special contact lenses (hard) can also solve the vision problem in case of astigmatism.

The lenses are good alternative If satisfactory results cannot be achieved with spectacle correction, as well as intolerance (psychological) glasses.
Contact lenses do a better job of correcting vision in anisometropia (divergence of eyes), when there is a significant difference between the visual power of the eyes (more than 2.5 diopters).
In cold or wet weather, the lenses do not fog up, do not freeze, and do not interfere with falling snow. At active way life, sports - the lenses do not strive to constantly fall off.

But wearing contact lenses has its downsides. negative sides. Every bespectacled person who dreams of getting rid of glasses considers the pros and cons of contact lenses. The main disadvantage of this method is that any lens, even made according to the most modern technologies, - this is foreign body in the eye, which means its presence is fraught with negative consequences for the eye:

  • Prolonged mucosal contact eyeball with lens improper care behind lenses, violation of the rules of special hygiene can eventually lead to the development of eye pathologies.
  • Even the most modern contact lenses made of oxygen-permeable materials disrupt the normal gas exchange in the cornea of ​​the eye. What can provoke complications: irritation, allergic or infectious inflammation cornea of ​​the eye.
  • Incorrectly selected lenses, as well as improper use of lenses, can cause injury to the eye.
  • Handling contact lenses, placing them in the eye is a delicate procedure that requires precise movements. Often it is beyond the power of not only the elderly and children, but also adults.
  • Contact lenses are quite expensive. It is necessary to take into account not only the price of the lenses themselves, but also their regular replacement with new ones, the cost of lens care materials.
  • Incorrect selection of contact lenses will lead to permanent eye fatigue and can cause progression of visual pathologies, eventually worsening myopia, hyperopia, or astigmatism scores.

Lenses that change the color of the eyes can be both corrective and simple. Their obvious advantage lies in the aesthetic possibilities - to enhance the shade of the iris, or even radically change the color of the eyes. For such contact lenses, in addition to the disadvantages common to all lenses, there is one more - they limit vision, since they are transparent only directly above the pupil. They are not recommended to be worn in the evening and at night, in lenses that change the color of the eyes, you can simply not see a dangerous obstacle in your path. In the dark, the pupil, as you know, expands, part of it turns out to be located under the colored opaque or shaded area of ​​​​the lens.
Also, lenses that change the color of the eyes are not suitable for drivers.

Another type of contact lenses are contact lenses, designed exclusively for entertainment. Their advantage is the ability to radically change the appearance, visually changing the color and shape of the iris. Among their shortcomings are all of the above, arising from prolonged wear lenses. True, such lenses are usually not planned to be worn for a long time.

Studying different contact lenses, weighing the pros and cons of wearing them - everyone makes their own personal decision about their use. It is worth noting that medicine does not know the reasons for physiological incompatibility. human eye and appropriate contact lenses. For a successful "friendship" with contact lenses, several key conditions: psychological readiness to place, albeit as harmless as possible, but still an object alien to the eye on its mucous membrane, compliance with all the rules for using lenses, gradual addiction to contact lenses.

Lens damage. In what case does it appear? What are the advantages and disadvantages of contact lenses? When is lens damage dangerous to vision? How to choose lenses? What are decorative contact lenses? What is the difference between soft and hard contact lenses? What are overnight contact lenses? What are the rules for wearing contact lenses? When was the first contact lens installed?

Contact lenses

Contact lenses have long ceased to be a curiosity. However, in our country they are used less frequently than glasses. But in vain. Although there is some minor damage to lenses, contact lenses are much more comfortable to use and offer several significant benefits.

Elena (25 years old) switched to soft contact lenses two years ago and, in general, did not feel any particular harm from the lenses. Previously, the girl wore glasses. “I was not always comfortable with glasses. In the heat, the glasses slipped to the tip of the nose, pressed on the ears and the bridge of the nose. There were also inconveniences in the rain,” the girl says. “But the winter was the hardest. Every time I went into the room from the cold, the windows instantly fogged up. After Elena broke her third pair of glasses, she decided to try contact lenses and went to an ophthalmologist. After a thorough examination, the doctor selected soft contact lenses for her from a special material - hydrogel. The harm of lenses made of such material is almost imperceptible. “I got used to them almost immediately and no longer feel any discomfort,” Elena shares her feelings. “On the contrary, there are significant advantages.” The girl made sure that contact lenses, unlike glasses, do not sweat, do not limit the viewing angle and do not distort the image. “I feel very free, I see well and I am not afraid that the lenses will fall and get scratched,” the girl says. “And driving a car has become much more comfortable.”

Indeed, contact lenses "win" in comparison with glasses. Perhaps their main advantage is natural vision. In addition, contact lenses do not distort the image, open a full viewing angle, are not covered with sweat when the temperature changes in winter, and do not have "dead zones". This is their significant advantages, and the harm of the lenses is practically absent.

Decorative contact lenses

Decorative contact lenses allow you to enhance or drastically change the color of your eyes. They are more for beauty than sight. Such contact lenses are worn in disco clubs, on proms or to be photographed for a passport and when they go abroad. By the way, in France they prefer green lenses, in Spain - curry, in England - yellow. The choice of decorative contact lenses is very large, and there is no harm to lenses of this type when they are correct use. You want - with a red light, you want - a zebra or reflecting in the ultraviolet. A properly fitted contact lens fits well on the eye and moves with it. Therefore, a person feels at ease and comfortable. The risk of "blinking" or losing a contact lens when sudden movement or tilt is minimal.

Modern soft contact lenses are made from hydrogel, a substance that absorbs a certain amount of moisture. They are very elastic, do not cause discomfort and are not noticeable to the eye. In this case, the damage to the lenses is minimal. The probability of falling out or displacement is scanty. In addition, it happens that the glasses interfere with the use individual funds protection: masks, space suits, helmets. Then you can't do without contact lenses. The list of such professions has long been defined in the United States. Some workers fit glasses, others fit contact lenses or laser correction vision. Unfortunately, we do not yet have such an approach. But there is a need for it.

Hard and soft contact lenses

Depending on the material, there are two types of contact lenses - hard and soft. Each species has its own characteristics. So, rigid contact lenses are more mobile and durable. However, their selection is somewhat more difficult, and the adaptation period lasts longer.

Rigid contact lenses are prescribed for certain diseases. For example, when a person has keratoconus. Then the cornea of ​​​​the eye changes its shape to a cone. By the way, this disease is quite common. Rigid contact lenses are also prescribed for a high degree of myopia, astigmatism, and an irregular shape of the cornea. Glasses in such cases are ineffective.

“One of the patients with a high degree of keratoconus did not want to wear hard contact lenses,” says the doctor. “So he had to buy new glasses every few months due to a change in their formulation.” When the man was about to travel abroad, the ophthalmologist picked up hard contact lenses for him. He felt all the benefits, and did not want to go back to the glasses.

“With the help of contact lenses, almost all defects of the optical system can be corrected,” continues the physician. “In particular, the consequences of injuries, operations, albinism (a birth defect when there is not enough pigment and the eyes shine red), scars, changes in the shade or color of the eyes.”

Recently, a mother brought a nine-year-old boy to an appointment with an ophthalmologist. Having examined little patient, the doctor picked up hard contact lenses for him. Four years ago, an accident happened to the child - the boy injured his right eye with a nail. A scar remained at the site of the injury. He wore glasses for several years. However, they do not completely correct the defect: the child’s left eye sees well, but there are problems with the right one. As a result of the injury, the shape of the cornea changed in the boy. In this case, only a hard contact lens will do. Getting used to hard contact lenses is quite difficult, especially if it is on one eye. But if there is no other way out, and most importantly, the child has a desire, the adaptation process is easier than in adults.

From soft contact lenses so-called quarter lenses are in the lead. According to the duration of wearing, such lenses are divided into one-day, two-week, quarterly and annual. About 70% of our fellow citizens who are suitable for soft contact lenses prefer quarterly ones. They need to be changed every three months.

Another thing is the Western European countries, where, despite the income, two-week contact lenses are “leading”. Lenses should be removed at night. However, in life there are different situations: long vacation, business trip, childbirth, vacation in the mountains, when not necessary conditions for hygiene. In such cases, special silicone hydrogel contact lenses are suitable. They can be used continuously, ie. without taking off at night. The maximum period is 30 days. If you have any problems with contact lenses, you should contact your doctor immediately, and not try to solve them yourself.

How to choose the right lenses

Buy contact lenses should be in a designated place. They cannot be purchased according to the scheme: come-bought-leave. Mandatory selection of contact lenses qualified specialist. Trying on and assessing the position on the eye, as well as further possible even dispensary observation patient.

If you have a cold, contact lenses should be removed. In some cases, it is impossible to wear contact lenses - both hard and soft, otherwise the damage to the lenses can be significant. So, it is better to refuse lenses for chronic inflammatory diseases: inflammation of the cornea - keratitis or inflammation of the iris - uveitis.

Another contraindication in which the incision of the lenses can make itself felt is an insufficient amount of tear fluid. To determine this, ophthalmologists conduct a test - they insert special strips into the eyes, which after five minutes become damp by a certain number of millimeters. If the lacrimal fluid in a person is not enough, but in contact lenses there is pressing need, moisturizing centers containing artificial tears are added to them.

If a person has a runny nose and fever body, it is better to wait for recovery and not wear lenses for the period of illness. If this is neglected, then the harm of the lenses can manifest itself in the fact that the inflammatory process can occur directly in the eye.

As for age, age is not a contraindication to the use of contact lenses. If necessary, they are prescribed even for infants.

You get used to soft contact lenses faster. The main thing in the selection of contact lenses is a thorough examination of the patient and individual approach. Everything must be taken into account: the material from which the lenses are made, and the type of activity of the patient, and his wishes, and, of course, the features of the structure of the eye. The selection of contact lenses is preceded by full examination. The ophthalmologist examines the visual acuity and refractive power of the eye, measures intraocular pressure, conducts studies of the structures of the organ of vision and its bottom, and also measures the parameters of the cornea in order to establish the parameters of a contact lens. But that's not all. To determine whether soft contact lenses are suitable for the patient, from 15 minutes to half an hour is enough, the ophthalmologist explains. Rigid contact lenses take longer to fit. In Soviet times, this could take up to two weeks. Now we are trying to meet in a day or two: selection, production of contact lenses and installation. After 10 days - for a follow-up examination.

A person wearing contact lenses must adhere to all the conditions that the doctor pays attention to during the first selection, namely, do not neglect the rules of hygiene and make a timely replacement. Then there will be no problems with them and the harm of the lenses, as such, will not be felt at all.

Night contact lenses

Instead of surgery - night contact lenses. Day contact lenses are used to correct vision defects, and night contact lenses are used to therapeutic purpose. Today, hard night contact lenses made of a special material - paragon - are often used to treat weak and medium degree myopia in children. The child wears them only at night. After a month of use, a wearing mode is selected for him.

It all depends on the characteristics of the cornea: some patients wear them every night, others every two or three nights. The main effect of such therapy is to curb the progression of myopia in childhood without surgery. As a result of this procedure, the shape of the cornea changes, the child sees with his own eye. After a month and a half, desired effect. This is one hundred percent vision and the absence of myopia.

Rules for wearing contact lenses

  • Contact lenses should be stored in special containers (a new pair of lenses - a new container, if desired - frequent replacement).
  • Wash your hands before touching contact lenses.
  • Should not be exceeded allowable period wearing contact lenses (8-14 hours a day), otherwise the damage to the lenses can easily manifest itself.
  • Every time a person puts on lenses, you need to change the physical. solution.
  • When wearing contact lenses, be careful about using hairspray, deodorants, and aerosol perfumes.
  • If you have caught a cold or are suffering from seasonal allergies, it is better to temporarily change the lenses for glasses, otherwise the damage to the lenses will not take long.
  • If you are constantly in a smoky room, contact lenses may change color and lose their properties.
  • Choose high-quality cosmetics: mascara should not crumble, and eyeliner should not spread, otherwise, if it gets on the lenses, they and your vision may be harmed.
  • If you have sensitive eyes, use hypoallergenic cosmetics or special cosmetics for contact lens wearers. First put on your lenses, then put on your makeup, first take off your lenses, then take off your makeup.
  • If you take a shower, do not put your face under the stream of water: contact lenses may “float”.
  • If you go to the sea, then do not dive with open eyes. salty sea ​​water can change the structure of contact lenses, and they can "wash out".

Interestingly, the first contact lens was glass. It was installed in 1887 on a patient with removed eyelids. "Glass" served him for more than 20 years.

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