Does jerking hurt. Harm to the genitourinary system. Negative aspects of onanism

Many men are satisfied sex drive through masturbation. This phenomenon is normal, it is recorded in the animal kingdom. And if you masturbate often, is it possible to increase potency? Some people think so. But addicted to masturbation, you can harm your health. An article about this activity is available on our blog, but we will once again turn to the topic of self-satisfaction in order to clarify more about advising on how to increase sexual desire. You can do this if (attention! go to an online pharmacy), for example. The drug will always give a man great sex.

What can be useful masturbation for potency.

Not all men have the opportunity to enjoy sexual intercourse at any time. The reasons for this are different: for some, the beloved woman is far away, others have not yet found a partner for themselves. And everyone wants love, affection, intimacy. Of course, masturbation helps to relieve tension, this is indisputable, but as for caress ... Here it is already problematic. But the main thing is that the possibility of stagnation of seminal fluid (sperm) is excluded. Doctors have found that a quarter of the middle-aged male population of the planet masturbates once or twice a week. Such a number of acts prevent the development of prostate diseases. It must be understood that sperm needs an outlet in order to ensure normal functioning genital organs. It turns out that during the period of absence of sex, masturbation serves the purpose of satisfying the libido.

Danger of onanism.

But if self-satisfaction occurs for a long time, this can cause addiction. In this situation, a man completely ceases to perceive sex as a way to get pleasure. Or just sexual intercourse does not bring pleasure. A person eventually does not try to find a partner for sex, alienates from women, becoming unsociable. Men with different complexes suffer greatly, closed in their inner world. They are ashamed to admit to themselves that they are masturbating, but they have no other way out, because sexual desire is looking for a way out, no matter in what form: sex or masturbation. The main harm self made"is that a man can completely refuse sexual intercourse.

How can potency be increased?

Doctors say: "Masturbation should replace sex temporarily, since the latter is the main source of pleasure." How often can you masturbate? The answer of experts: “4 times a week. And this is - maximum value". The main harm, as can be seen, is caused mental health no less important than physiological. If there are no problems with having sex, sexologists do not recommend giving up onanism. You can include this lesson in the foreplay program, for example.

But to increase the potency, masturbation is unlikely to fit. Unless only the blood circulation will increase, and with it the erection. To accomplish this task, you need to use other methods. It is desirable to work with hands, from the point of view of specialists, in extreme cases: when there is no one to go to bed with.

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I am 15 years old, my period started at 11 years old. At the age of 14 appeared sexual attraction and I did not enter into a relationship with anyone, did not masturbate, but six months after the onset of attraction and abstinence, I began to have pain in the uterus, I became aggressive, then after another half a year, the pain and aggression became unbearable. I started masturbating and have been doing it for half a year now, orgasm the first time and every time. I want every day. I have a question: And if I continue to do this every day, how will it affect my future sex life? Can I just get used to myself at this rate? The teacher told us that it is possible no more than 2 times a week. Is it true?

It is not clear, does masturbation help against pain and aggressiveness? Or do they not intersect? Masturbation does not harm anyone or anything, in any amount that you WANT. 2 times a week, 2 times a day, 2 times a year - everyone has their own sexuality. Good luck!


Masturbation helps against pain and aggressiveness. True, I haven't told you yet that my heart ached. Weakness has decreased many times, but I still get tired quickly. True, now I noticed that even when masturbating, I have a day or two a few days before PMS when the temperature rises from 36.6 to 36.7 or 36.8 I feel this temperature, weakness increases, increased heart rate. Once it was 133/74. You feel heat in the uterus and just below the kidneys, the chest is burning, especially the nipples. On these days, I really want to eat. But I noticed that all these symptoms are weakened by the smell of male hormones (I specifically went on such days around 10th and 11th grade) or it helps to look at the guy I'm in love with. About this, I don't quite understand what that means. What's this?

All questions about masturbation are caused by fears and fears "how not to harm something"

I put some questions about the benefits and harms of masturbation on the site in the form of a small FAQ.

Hello dear doctor!

I'll forgive you in advance to excuse me for the idiocy of questions, but he was born solely as a result of not a normal sexual life, that is, without a girl.

This is not idiotic.

The questions are complex and ambiguous, in the literature you yourself know - a lot opposite options promoted. From stupid "hairy palms" and "organ overwork" to "masturbation cheers" in the spirit of Emmanuelle.

Is it harmful to masturbate without lube?

I want to say right away that I almost never used lubrication, because there is not very good contact with it on the one hand, and on the other, too fast arousal. As for the last point, I'm not sure anymore, but be that as it may, I'm used to doing it without it.

Let's just say - our fathers, grandfathers, great-grandfathers, great-great-great-grandfathers and so on - did without lubrication, right? And in fact, somehow they survived. The fact that they all almost masturbated at one time - and of course they definitely did not buy any lubricants.

Let me remind you, we are talking about the "classic" technique of masturbation by moving up and down foreskin. At the same time, there is no "sliding" of surfaces as during sexual intercourse, and lubrication is not required.

I'll mention the options, just in case. In the case of, for example, phimosis (narrowing of the foreskin), masturbation is carried out differently, as in its absence (after "circumcision", surgery for medical or religious reasons. Yes, lubrication may be needed there.

Well, I’ll also mention - the lubrication is normally released in a man, with enough strong arousal. A little, a few drops, but quite enough to ensure a soft opening and closing of the head. If it does not stand out - it makes sense to think about it, in particular - is not masturbation mechanical, not a release of steam, but rather a habit.

In this case, masturbation can actually be harmful! Just as food is harmful not at will, not with appetite, but habitual stress eating, for example.

Can frequent masturbation (without lubrication) darken the skin of the penis?

Pigment, that is, a substance that gives darkening of the skin of the genital organs is normal - is released as a result of the action of hormones, testosterone (conditionally). That is, these are independent processes, and darkening is the norm!

Rather the opposite - pale color the skin of the penis and scrotum causes sadness in a sexologist, andrologist, who will have to treat it ..

And darkening relative to the rest of the skin is the norm, and the degree of pigmentation suggests hormonal saturation. As with hair male type, with "the path to the mother-in-law."

Can, again, frequent masturbation reduce the sensitivity of the penis as a whole?

The phrase "frequent masturbation" has been heard many times already with a supposedly negative connotation. Fact? I would clarify - what is meant by this.

Very perishing this word, the term "often" - widely understood.

Well, I’ll clarify what is meant by a decrease in sensitivity. The fact that previously every touch on the member caused thrill and now it's not? Or the fact that earlier the penis "raised" immediately with any erotic thought, but now it doesn't? Or?

Is it really possible to increase the length of the penis with an extender or pump?

The last question is not directly related to the stated topic, but still very interesting. I read your article here on the site, and I want to say right away that I treat the topic of increase quite calmly, without fanaticism, which is what it is.

But! I'm just wondering, if it's possible in principle, then why not try to increase at least a little bit?

There are two types of magnification.

The first is reaching genetic size. This is the most common occurrence. A teenager begins "work to increase" the penis when its growth is not yet completed, and the penis has not yet "spread its shoulders". Already in the process - with joy notices how the penis is getting stronger and growing.

The second option is an analogue of the Ilizarov apparatus. They take a meter-long person and make him arms and legs like a one and a half meter.

There is such a peculiarity with the penis .. More often than not, "dwarfs" do this, but owners of the classic 13-15 cm. And therefore, on the one hand, the process is purely psychological (I want it to be no worse than Petya's), and on the other hand, functionality may decrease.

Judoka 1.60m tall - falls and jumps without injury. And he, stretched up to 2.1m, will fall with injuries ..

The second option is at the discretion of the person himself, with my disapproving IMHO

Please excuse me for all this confusion.

Thanks in advance!

Nothing, it's better when the picture clears up in my head.

And this "apologizing" phrase itself says what?

Improper masturbation is certainly harmful, like onanism in adult men

In fact, such questions are frequent, massive.

Well, how smoking is harmful, but if it is rare and little by little, then smoking seems to be not harmful ..

  • In childhood and adolescence, when unbearable sexual experiences are presented to the body too early.
  • Immoderate, excessive onanism many times exceeding the body's need for sexual activity.

There are practically only two restrictions. Onanism, in comparison with sexual intercourse, has negative characteristics, namely:

sexual intercourse is possible only with a swollen penis, so the number of sexual intercourses is limited by physical capabilities. Masturbation, on the other hand, does not know such restrictions, it is possible to masturbate on flaccid member, and on an unexcited clitoris, which, if abused, can lead to exhaustion;
Onanism carries the danger of another property - psychological - it leads to self-flagellation, dissatisfaction with oneself. Masturbation, therefore, depresses the human psyche.

I authoritatively assure you that the occasional adulthood for purposes of sexual relaxation, masturbation is harmless. Of course, there are certain requirements for it. It should take place only when a normal sexual life is possible. Masturbation should not be rude. Touches of hands or objects should be only gentle.

Masturbation is, as it were, the equivalent of sexual intercourse, it is explained by the same mechanism of sexual desire, as well as ordinary sexual intercourse.

Distinguish mechanical onanism and mental. Mechanical onanism is produced almost exclusively on the genitals / by men on the penis, by women - on the clitoris, labia minora, vaginal opening and uterus, on breast nipples/.

Mental masturbation consists in inducing voluptuous sensations and ejaculation in oneself by fantasizing about sexual themes. Mental onanism is possible only in the presence of abnormally increased excitability of the center of ejaculation in the spinal cord.

The perversions of masturbation include: prolonged masturbation, when at the moment of approaching orgasm and ejaculation, men and women deliberately stop manipulating the genitals, so that after a few minutes, when the erection weakens and the orgasm disappears, they resume mechanical irritations again and, ultimately, complete masturbation with orgasm and ejaculation; and interrupted / incomplete masturbation / when it stops before the appearance of sexual discharge.

main biological reason Onanism should be seen in the disharmony of nature. Sexual feeling develops at an age when there can be no question of sexual intercourse. For women, the cause of onanism may be later marriages.

None external signs pointing to onanism of men and women does not exist. However, often doctors go for a provocation: they tell a closed patient that there are such signs. The calculation is simple, almost all young men are engaged in masturbation - 95% and more than half of the girls - 51%. The exposed onanist confesses everything to the doctor, marveling at the possibilities of medicine. In females, onanism is suspected: significant secretion of juice from the vagina and moisture of the labia, and often stagnation and hyperemia of the clitoris, which girls and women who do not have sex should not have.

A man who engages in masturbation often does not marry until the age of 30-40, because he believes that his sexual powers are “wasted”, that he will not be able to have sexual intercourse with a woman, that he will only disgrace himself in front of her, etc.

However, sex life people who have engaged in masturbation in the past proceeds normally, without any deviations. Therefore, masturbation in connection with its mass character and the practical absence of functional disorders is now considered by specialists to be a normal, completely physiological phenomenon.

With age, the need for onanism, as the equivalent of sexual intercourse, changes as follows: a man does it less, a woman more. This is explained by the fragility of the family and large quantity divorces. A man who left the family relatively quickly acquires another family, women often do not have such an opportunity. The sexual sensitivity of a woman awakened by sexual life with her husband, the peak of her sexual desire comes by the age of 25-30, while in men it already passes.

It should be noted that even peripheral-mechanical onanism in men and women is necessarily accompanied by erotic ideas. A man often masturbates when viewing images of naked women, imagining them in a certain position, mentally performs sexual intercourse with them. For girls and women, the sight of a naked man or a male body is not a stimulus; their erotic ideas go to another area. For example, they fantasize that she is loved by a good and gentle man, almost a hero, that a man affectionately hugs and kisses “his lady”, puts his hand on her clitoris, strokes it / although at this moment she strokes the clitoris herself / and says affectionate words to her.

If a woman has lived a sexual life and her sensitivity has already awakened, then she, while masturbating, likes to look at pornographic postcards or photographs depicting sexual intercourse. At the same time, the woman involuntarily spreads her hips, as for copulation, and mentally “gives” to a certain man (sometimes such a man can be a husband who has left the family), which causes her a feeling of sympathy or sexual desire.

There are cases when, in connection with onanism in women, the so-called anesthesia appears - the insensitivity of the erogenous zones to sexual intercourse. This happens because those erogenous zones, which most often a woman irritated during masturbation by artificial means, during sexual intercourse, they are either not irritated enough, or not irritated at all, because the intensity of these irritations by its nature does not coincide with the usual ones. Most often, this happens with the following types of long-term habitual onanism: onanism on the breast nipples / a man during sexual intercourse can let them out of sight /, onanism of the uterus - touching the head of the penis to the uterus does not always occur with sufficient clarity and frequency, in addition, they can give unusual sensations, unusual sensations during onanism. And only clitoral and vaginal masturbation never lead to a violation of sexual sensations when a woman resumes sexual activity.

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