How to develop peripheral vision? Workouts and exercises. Let's start training side vision. The simplest test of peripheral vision

Focus shift

We have a tendency to focus attention on the object we are thinking about. This is inefficient because the largest number we fix information at the first glance at the object, and therefore its further consideration does not make sense. We can get much more information if we often move the focus of vision. You should learn to do this consciously in order to receive more diverse information. Wherever you are, try to look around, alternately stopping your eyes on the objects and people around you.

For example, if you are walking down the street, do not constantly look in front of you or at your feet, but look at shop windows, cars parked at the curb, trees and the sky peeping between houses. Similarly, if you are on a bus or train, consider the passengers. Try to move focus twice per second. Do not stop looking at people's faces, also look at their chests, arms, legs, etc. This exercise will not only improve your ability to perceive information, but also give rest to your eyes.

Development peripheral vision

Although we receive most of the information through direct vision, peripheral vision also contributes. In order to verify this, you can conduct the following experiments. Take the book and hold it straight in front of you, then, continuing to look in the same direction, slowly move the book aside until you can clearly see that it is a book. After that, wave it, and although you will not be able to see the book, you will notice that something is swaying on the side.

You can also try another experiment. Make a fist straight out in front of you and then, still looking forward, slowly move your fist away until it is out of your line of sight, then slowly move it again until you can barely see it. After that, open your fist and try to distinguish all five fingers. You probably won't be able to see them clearly. These two experiments show how badly your brain uses information from your peripheral vision. Therefore, it is necessary to develop this ability of vision in order to increase the perception of information, which in turn will lead to more intelligent actions on your part.

You can try to develop your peripheral vision with the following exercises. These exercises are quite tiring to perform, so we advise you to do this for no more than fifteen minutes at a time and rest whenever you feel tired. To perform the exercises, sit in a comfortable chair against an empty wall with a fixation point at eye level. You need to focus on this point, and to relieve eye fatigue, blink, and this, along with moving the focus, will remove fatigue from the eyes, as well as moving the focus.

An exercise:
Stop looking at the fixation point located on the wall at your eye level, and try to focus on what is to your side. At first you probably won't see anything, but if you do this exercise for a few days you will no doubt notice that your peripheral vision has become sharper.

An exercise:
Prepare sheets of paper measuring twenty by twenty-five centimeters and write on them the letters of the alphabet and / or numbers from one to ten. Color the letters in bright colors, and then shuffle the sheets like a deck of cards. After that, sit down in a chair and put a stack of cards on the table so that you can easily get them. After that, take one card at a time, keep it out of the field of direct vision and try to see the letter or number written on it with the help of lateral vision. Once you have made some progress with these exercises, you can increase the angle at which you look at the cards to seventy or eighty degrees, which is the outer limit of vision. After you can do this exercise at a seventy degree angle, it is recommended that you start doing the third exercise, during which you will have to deal with smaller objects.

An exercise:
For this exercise, prepare new cards with letters of the alphabet and numbers, which should be one third smaller than the previous ones. Then continue with the exercise already described above. Once you can recognize the letters and numbers on the new cards, you can further reduce their size and keep doing this until you get to sufficiently small cards. If you practice this exercise diligently, you can even learn to read printed books with your peripheral vision. large print. Of course, you are more accustomed to reading with direct vision, and the above exercise is not intended to teach you how to read using peripheral vision, but simply helps you develop it, helping to increase the amount of information you receive and awakening dormant parts of the brain that from inaction lose all their qualities. Remember that the development of peripheral vision is important for maintaining physical health brain and increase the amount of information received.

Development of the ability to capture details

Besides the fact that we do not pick up details that fall into the field of peripheral vision, we also sometimes miss the little things when looking at objects that are directly in front of us. Recall how often you were asked to describe something, and you answered that you did not notice what it looked like. To learn to capture details under normal circumstances, try the following exercise once or twice every day for at least one minute.

An exercise:
Pick up any object and carefully inspect it from all sides. Continue the examination until you are sure that you have memorized the subject in all its details. Let's say you have a pencil in your hand. Pay attention to how long it is, the color, how many faces make up its surface, what is written on it, what color the inscription is made in, how the eraser is attached to it (with a metal or plastic rim), what pattern is made on the metal rim, what shape it has an eraser attached to a pencil, etc. You will surely be surprised at how much you learn about simple pencil which had not been noticed before. You can do the same with any other object that caught your eye. You can also develop the ability to capture details by increasing the speed of perception of information. We suggest you try the following exercise, for which you will need an assistant.

An exercise:

Buy or make your own flashcards similar to the ones you used to develop peripheral vision and write on them. simple words or numbers. After that, your assistant should stand in front of you and quickly show you these cards in random order. It should not allow you to look at the cards for more than the amount of time it takes to quickly pass it before your eyes. It is clear that at first you will not be able to consider the word or number shown on the card, but then, after several exercises, it will become easier and easier for you to parse the words written on the cards.

Developing the ability to follow moving objects

Many people have difficulty following moving objects. This is most noticeable in the stadium during the match, when the spectators see only the moment when the players hit the ball. They do not see the ball in flight. If you're having trouble following moving objects, you can try different exercises. For example, you can watch the neighborhood kids play basketball or try to read the license plates of cars passing by. And for serious work at home, you can use the following exercise.

An exercise:
For this exercise, you will need an old turntable. Put the record on the player, turn it on and try to read the inscription on the record. If this seems too difficult for you (and probably it will), then take a sheet of thick paper of a suitable size and write something on it in large letters. Prepare several of these "plates" with different inscriptions and in random order (so as not to know which one) put on the player, turn it on and try to read the inscription you made. You can start at a low speed and then gradually increase it.

This page is made on Flash technologies.
The new version of the speed reading trainings is here:

The exercise reveals the reserves of vision for entering the state of speed reading (fast reading). It's easy to see that you can distinguish objects that are 100 pixels from the center of gaze concentration without any training. Let yourself here and read or soon-read in groups of words. You already have all the possibilities for this. The only thing left is to start exercising and acquiring new habits.

This training develops peripheral vision, which is necessary when reading in a zigzag way and when reading diagonally. Also, well-developed peripheral vision helps to increase reading speed due to the fact that the reader grasps several words at once and finds information that requires careful reading, and skips garbage information.

Reading good books there is a conversation with
the most respected people of past centuries -
their authors, and moreover, scientific conversation,
in which they reveal to us only
the best of your thoughts.

Description of the training for the development of speed reading skills

Click on the arrow in the lower right corner. Concentrate your eyes on the dot in the center of the screen and at the same time try to see all the numbers on the field. This can be achieved with a distracted look. See through the screen.

In the center of the screen you see a number. Count the number of digits of the same denomination on the circle and click on the corresponding number in the panel on the right. If you guessed correctly, the radius of the circle will increase, and a green circle will appear in the center of the circle. If you answered incorrectly, a red circle will appear, and the radius of the circle along which the numbers are floating will decrease.

How does training work on the perception of the number of digits.

Focus on the center of the screen. With peripheral vision, count how many numbers are spinning of the same value as in the center. Type a number on the keyboard. If everything is correct, the green circle will light up. If not correct, then red. Gradually, the circle narrows or expands depending on your progress.


Your field of view is much wider than you think. You can already now, without any training, read groups of words in one concentration of a look, or you can read the most important word in a line of text and thus increase the speed of reading.

Break the psychological barrier. Give yourself permission to read several words in one glance.

Online flash training for mastering the skill of speed reading

Schulte tables- randomly located numbers (or other objects) for training their speed finding objects in accordance with the rules. Tables are used for training, development of research, the rate of perception of information, the speed of visual search movements. Search movements are the basis of speed reading. Schulte tables allow you to increase the field of view. A wide field of view significantly reduces the detection time of informative text fragments.

How to make a Schulte table yourself

The Schulte table is a piece of paper on which a square with sides of 20 cm is depicted. The field of the square is divided into 25 cells, into which numbers fit in disorder.

A bit of physiology

    A wide field of view reduces the search for informative pieces of information.

    The maximum human vision zone is 35 degrees. The zone of clear vision is 14 degrees. The 100% vision area is 1.4 degrees.

    When the eye moves, the greatest visual acuity occurs in the central zone of the retina. Everything that lies outside the zone, on the periphery, is not clearly seen by a person. The field from which information is retrieved can be significantly expanded, for example, by using .

With regular use of Tables, peripheral vision improves and this allows you to increase reading speed by covering more space. readable text, and due to the use of a single-stage mode of analysis of printed characters.

Rules for working with Schulte tables.

  • It is necessary to list the numbers in silent counting in ascending order. As a result of such training, the reading time of one table should be about 20 seconds.
  • The time and frequency of classes should be chosen so as not to get tired.
  • Before starting work with the table, the gaze is fixed in its center of the Schulte table in order to see the entire table.
  • When searching for successive numbers, it is allowed to fix the eyes in the center of the table. Horizontal movements eyes are not allowed. The distance from the table to the eyes as usual.
  • When working with tables, remember that training is not an end in itself. The main thing is to expand the field of view.

How to choose the right reading material?

Be guided by the following principles when choosing literature:

  • Before reading, review the text and note how clear the author's language is.
  • Write down unfamiliar words. The more incomprehensible words there are, the slower the reading speed will be.
  • Pay attention to the examples given by the author.

If the choice of books is not large, then stick to the following reading algorithm:

  1. Look through the book from fifth to tenth.
  2. Postpone the text for a few days.
  3. Read the text in depth.
  4. Take notes in a notebook.

Read books with incomprehensible terminology in two passes. For the first time, you get acquainted with incomprehensible words. By reading a second time, you clean up and assimilate the material, while assimilating the structure of knowledge more fully.

But what if it is psychologically difficult to convince yourself to read the book a second time?

Choose 3-5 books in the area you need and quickly read them sequentially. Such a reading algorithm will overcome the psychological barrier of "re-reading".

How do outside stimuli affect brain function?

If you are an "audiolist" - then you perceive information through sound channels, extraneous noise for you will be serious problem while reading.

Here are some tips for those who are annoyed by side conversations:

  1. Study in the library or where the noise level is minimal.
  2. Use headphones while exercising. Turn on calm music or the noises of nature (the cry of seagulls, or the rustle of leaves).
  3. Practice late in the evening when everyone has gone to bed or early in the morning.

How to turn off intrusive thoughts

In addition to auditory stimuli, there are stimuli that have settled in the mind and require attention. obsessive thoughts spinning in circles and do not allow to concentrate on important matters.

About the peripheral vision of an athlete

The basketball player quickly breaks through to the shield. The defense of the enemy does not allow him to pass. The attacker jumps high, looks at the ring (without this, as a rule, it is impossible to make an effective throw!), swings and ... gives the ball to his partner, who also passes under the shield. Throw. Two points!
There are boxers in the ring. Both look closely at each other's faces. One of the boxers throws a sharp punch right hand. But his glove struck ... an empty place, for the opponent saw the direction of the blow and deftly dodged it.
Tennis player directs swipe to the back line of the court and goes to the net. His opponent, carefully watching the flight of the ball, quickly moves to the place of his intended rebound. Seeing that the opponent has come to the net, the player performs a high “candle”. The exit to the grid did not bring success!

What allows a basketball player who was looking at the ring to see his partner pass under the backboard? What helps a boxer watching an opponent's face to catch the movement of his hand, and a tennis player watching the ball's flight to notice where the opponent is moving?
In all these examples, we meet with the same phenomenon - the athletes fixed their gaze on a certain place (for example, a basketball hoop), but at the same time, what is aside does not escape them. This is possible thanks to important feature our vision. It is called lateral (peripheral) vision.

Well-developed peripheral vision is an essential success factor in many sports.
To better understand the essence of lateral vision, let us recall the structural features of the retina - the deepest shell of the eye. The retina consists of many differentiated in their structure and purpose nerve cells, including those that perform a photosensitive function. These cells are called (for their shape) "rods" and "cones". Thanks to these cells, the eye receives the ability to perceive light, the shape of objects and color. Rods are more sensitive to light than cones. In turn, cones are carriers of color vision and have the ability to perceive shapes. The distribution of rods and cones across the retina is uneven: rods predominate in the lateral sections, cones predominate in the middle part.

The eyeball is known to be spherical. In the region of the posterior pole of the eye is the so-called macula lutea - the most sensitive part of the retina to the perception of form. The macula differs sharply from the rest of the retina; it contains mainly cones, and its central part consists exclusively of cones. This area of ​​the retina has the finest cone elements and has the highest visual acuity.

The usual stimulus of the retina is light. The visual act begins with the fact that light, having passed through the light-refracting medium of the eye, affects the retina. Nervous irritation, which arose in rods and cones, is transmitted visual centers in occipital lobe brain, where the sensation already arises. However, this sensation is different, depending on which part of the retina is irritated. If the image falls on the area yellow spot(in particular, on its central fossa), we clearly see the smallest details of the object. This vision is called central. If light rays fall on peripheral departments retina, they cause a less distinct image, and such vision is called peripheral (lateral). Central vision is necessary for distinguishing the details of objects, peripheral - for orientation in space.
Special exercises for training peripheral vision can significantly increase its sensitivity.

The golden rule of volleyball says: "The player's gaze must be directed at the ball at all times!" There is only one possible exception to this rule: at the moment of impact, the blocker must follow the actions of the attacker in a jump. If the volleyball player who performs this or that technique violates this rule, the ball will be lost.
Some volleyball players look at the opponent's court immediately before performing the reception. This may seem like a good thing, since the player's next actions will be based on what he sees. And if then such a player really manages to spend good hit, he may decide that from now on all attention should be directed to the opponents' court. In fact, this is far from the case!
The effect achieved by the player is only external, but in fact the quality of the technique has deteriorated. The time for preparing the player to perform the technique is sharply reduced, the coordination of movements becomes much worse. In addition, the enemy performs his main movements and actions at the moment immediately preceding the execution of a particular technique. There is no time to look at the opponent's court at this moment, you have to look at the ball! Nevertheless, the actions of the enemy must be evaluated in order to take successful countermeasures. How to do it? How to control the opponent while looking at the ball? With the help of peripheral vision.

But, of course, even before serving, it is necessary to assess the position of the opponent's players and, in accordance with this, make a tactically correct decision.
Here are some examples of such solutions.
The attacker receives the first pass to strike in zone 4. Before the serve, he determined that the opponent has the strongest blocker in zone 3, and a less dangerous blocker in zone 2. The preliminary tactical decision was planned as follows: to strike at the zone of the weakest blocker. However, at the time of the jump, the attacker, due to peripheral vision, saw that both blockers took part in the block and performed it qualitatively. Then the player throws back to one of his partners, who gets the opportunity to strike against a single block. So the preliminary decision was radically changed by the data obtained through well-developed peripheral vision. The player's actions are tactically justified.
Second example. The player of zone 3, even before serving, determined that the weakest blocking opponent in this arrangement is located in zone 4. Therefore, it is most advantageous to attack through his right attacker. The opponent made a strong serve. Taking it with a fall, the player of zone 2 sent the pass to zone 3, but did not have time to stand up and prepare for the attacking blow. Seeing this (again due to peripheral vision!), the middle forward directs the pass to hit in zone 4.

One more example. The enemy has three blockers in the front line, approximately equal in strength. A player who comes from the back line to the front line to pass the ball, when receiving a pass, skillfully imitates a pass to zone 2. This draws two blockers to this zone. Seeing with peripheral vision their nee. “e-shcheniya”, the exiting player performs a pass to the left attacker, who will be opposed only by a single block.
In a word, peripheral vision plays important role, allowing players to correctly assess the game situation and tactically competently execute ^ "ps**-ems in accordance with this situation Highest value side vision is manifested during the transfer of mv-a-a-a-giving blow, conducting that
Performing the transfer, the volleyball player, due to lateral vision, is orientated in how he himself is located in relation to the net, to the attacker, who needs to direct the transfer. V.pog-ya ace the attacking blow, the player for sv-" lateral vision chooses the place of the push in relation to the net. All this shows that peripheral vision is indeed one of the foundations of high -a * -- weighty skill.

Exercises for training peripheral vision should take their rightful place 8 academic work volleyball players.
Here are some prep exercises.
1. Players line up in two lines. Each has a volleyball (basketball) ball in his hand. At the signal of the coach, they throw up and catch the ball, looking at it. 8 on next lessons the height of the toss is gradually increased.
2. Exercise of the same type, but the players toss the ball from hand to hand.
3. An exercise similar to the previous one is performed with a tennis ball.
4. Players are located two or three steps from a smooth wall. Everyone has a ball. Without looking at the ball, the players hit it against the wall and catch it. Gradually, the distance to the wall increases.
5. Throwing and catching the ball in pairs without looking at the ball. This exercise is performed with two hands, then one. In subsequent lessons, the distance between the players increases.
6. Players are divided into threes. For each trio, a circle with a diameter of one meter is drawn on the site. Two players are located at a distance of 2-3 meters from the circle. One of them performs a top pass to a partner who must return a high pass so that the ball goes into the circle. The third player, after hitting the ball on the floor, performs the top pass to the first player. As soon as someone does not hit the ball in the circle, the players change places. In the following lessons, you can change the location of the players in relation to the circle (put them on the right, on the left).

7. Players are located one meter from a smooth wall (see picture). At a height of two meters from the sing, a circle is drawn on the wall with a ** measure ~ yL me~re. and aside from him, -a rest of one measure, mamshp iruitsya is applied. The first player w "- top gears e big circle spa-ala looking at the ball, and then geo-focusing your eyes on a small circle, "" ost errors (the player from hit the circle on the ground), exercise w ~ o * - * e- the next player. This exercise -e corresponds in its nature to the "reee" situation (the volleyball player must look at the ball during the i-ra), but s-e is one of the ways of training" - peripheral vision.
- “3 basketball court players-** are arranged in two lines, so, - ~ c6s the first players in the lines were on the level of the free-throw line (6s to the backboard). One of the players in the second pair performs the top pass. -and his partner, and he, not turning to face the shield, tries to get into the ring with top gear. attempts).
9. Players in pairs, sending the ball to each other with top gears, move along the contours of the court, passing with the ball under the net and overcoming other obstacles: gymnastic benches, "corridors" of chairs, etc.
Players move first clockwise, then against it.
10. Players stand in a column one at a time at a distance of 3-4 meters from the basketball backboard and at a small angle to it. The coach is one meter behind the hoop. O-is located so as to be in the continuation of a straight line between the *-rocks and the ring. At the signal of the coach, the first player, looking at the ring, runs up to the shield and makes a high jump. If the coach raised both hands up (block!), the player must imitate a kickback in a jump, but if the coach did not do this movement, he must get the ring with his fingers.

More complex ones follow. special exercises.
1. Players are located in pairs: one at the net, the second - one step away from him into the depths of the site. Both players are slightly at an angle to the net. The back player makes an overhand pass to the player standing at the net, who, in turn, passes in the opposite direction. The rear player, having completed the transfer, is removed from the starting position back and to the side, gradually reaching the end line and returning back. These movements must be taken into account by the player standing at the net. The latter strives to accurately pass to the rear player.
2. Players in three columns in zones 6, 4 and 2. A player in zone 6 throws the first kick pass to zone 4. A player in that zone, without jumping, makes a second kick pass to zone 2. The right hitter sends the ball to zone 6. Into this moment the left attacker changes his place: goes to the edge of the net or moves closer to its middle. A zone 6 player receives a pass from zone 2 facing that zone. Remaining in this position, he must, due to peripheral vision, understand the nature of the movements of the player in zone 4 and perform an accurate hidden pass for him to strike (without turning the body in his direction). After the pass, the players move to the "tail" of the other column (clockwise).
3. A similar exercise, but the direction of the ball movement is reversed - the second pass from zone 2 to zone 4, from zone 4 to zone 6 and from zone 6 a hidden pass for a kick to zone 2. At the moment of transfer from zone 4 to zone 6, the right forward chooses the starting point for hitting at your own discretion.
4. The players are located in zones 2, 3, 4. The coach takes turns throwing the balls to the players so that they receive them in the fall. For example, the ball is received with a fall by a player in zone 3 and sends it to zone 2. If the middle attacker manages to get up and prepare for a strike, the player in zone 2 must pass to the kick in his direction, but if he does not have time, the pass to the kick must be made in zone 4. The exercise is performed with a strike and counteraction of a single block (three blockers are located on the other side of the site).
5. Players line up one at a time in zone 3. In zone 2 there is a passing player. The pass to the kick is immediately executed to zone 2. At this point, the middle forward, at his discretion, enters for a kick from a drop behind the head or in front of the player. The throwing player must see with his peripheral vision the direction of his partner's takeoff and perform a throwback in the right direction. Movement of players: attackers after the strike go to zone 2, players of this zone to the end of the column of attackers.
6. On one side of the net there are three blockers, on the other - three forwards and a zone1 1 player coming from the back line to the front line to pass the ball. The middle forward passes to zone 2, where the outgoing player moves. At this point, the middle blocker pulls up to zone 2 or 4 at his own discretion. The exiting player must see this and pass to the zone where one blocker is left.
It is advisable to use such an exercise not only for the outgoing players, but also for training all the players on the team, so that everyone has learned to assess the location of the opponent's blocking players well.
7. In zone 3, players are placed in a column one at a time. The first player in the column is at the net in the blocking starting position. There are three back row players on the other side of the net. The coach throws the counter ball to the player standing at the net. At this moment, one of the back row players performs a chest drop without the ball. The attacker must see an unprotected area and take a hit in that direction. The back row player closest to the direction of the kick must receive the ball. Then the exercise is performed by the next player.
8. One group of players in zone 3, the second - in zone 2, the third - in zone 4 with opposite side platforms (blocking). The player of zone 3 passes immediately to hit zone 2. The player of this zone, if the blocker did not jump on the block, must attack
giving a blow, and if the block took place, perform a throwback to zone 3. In the first lessons, the blockers, when performing such exercises, should raise their hands up only when they decided to jump to the block. Over time, when the players develop peripheral vision and they are good at distinguishing the actions of the blockers, it is possible to allow imitation of the block (crouching to jump, raising their arms up, etc.). In subsequent lessons, it is recommended to perform the same exercise in zones 3 and 4.
9. A similar exercise, but against a double block. If two players jumped onto the block, the attacker must make a throwback, and with one blocker, they must carry out an attacking blow.
10. On one side of the court, attackers in zone 4, passing players in zone 3. On the other side, three players of the back row. At the time of the pass, the player of zone 6 chooses at his own discretion a place for insurance - at the end line or in the offensive zone. The attacker must take into account the nature of these movements. For example, if the spotter has taken a starting position at the baseline, the attacker should make a fake hit to zone 3. If the spotter's starting position is in the offensive zone, an attacking hit should be made to the back of zone 6.
Subsequently, it is recommended to carry out the same exercises in zones 2 and 3. Then the same exercises are carried out against a single and group block.

Many people ask, why is well-developed peripheral (lateral) vision needed and important at all? We will give an answer. Peripheral vision is relevant in many cases and is used while driving a car, at home and at work. If a person does not use such vision, this is called “tunnel” vision. Intense or staring at everything exclusively from the front leads to a noticeable weakening of peripheral vision.

Such vision is very useful both in life in general and in sports.

Before learning to read, children see very sharply and clearly around, that is, they have high developed vision peripheral type. And how good are you, it turns out, to see around? Even if it’s not good, in no case be upset, because this can be fixed with. When doing these exercises, look exclusively straight ahead, and at the same time, keep an eye on what is happening on the sides.

Normally, your eye sees only one object best, but its vision is by no means limited to only one object. Well-developed peripheral vision gives you "eyes in the back of your head."


    Take one pencil in each hand and hold them in front of your eyes at a distance of 30 cm.

    Look as if through the pencils, into the distance, without concentrating your gaze specifically on them. Use your peripheral vision to see the pencils.

    Move the pencils very slowly from the eyes to the sides, so as not to lose them from peripheral vision. This exercise can be called "forward/sideways". Do it at least a dozen times.

    Move the pencil down in your left hand and up in your right hand. Watch peripherally. Repeat ten times.

    Now do the same, but with your left hand down diagonally, and with your right hand up diagonally. Do ten repetitions, and ten more, changing direction. That is, left up, right down (diagonally).

    Hold the pencils in front of you at a distance of 30 cm, looking at them, draw circles with your eyes, whose diameter is 5-7 cm. Do ten times clockwise, and ten times counterclockwise.

Have you ever wondered why drivers do not have time to stop and crash into a car moving in front? There are many different reasons prior to such accidents. For example, the driver was blinded by the sun, or the driver of another car, moving along the next lane, suddenly changes lanes into your lane and brakes sharply. You can also get into a mess if you don’t slow down in front of a “burning” red traffic light, because there may be people who don’t like to stand in their lane, they go to the next one, and there you sharply press the brake pedal, but you can no longer deceive laws of physics. The distance left to the front car, which just recently stood peacefully on the sidelines, is not enough and …

But still, most of these accidents occur due to the fact that the driver shifts his gaze somewhere and can no longer control the situation in front of the car. Dry wording of the Rules traffic about not observing a safe distance from the car moving in front does not fully reveal the essence of the problem. And the bottom line is that the driver does not have peripheral vision and (or) the necessary reflexes are not developed, allowing him to sense the danger in time and begin to slow down in advance.

First, let's find out why the driver shifts his gaze somewhere and does not look in front of him? Everything is simple here. In order to rebuild from row to row, it becomes necessary to look in the rear-view mirror (in the cabin or side). In addition, you may be distracted by another driver, forcing you to pay attention to him with your actions. At this moment, trouble occurs, as luck would have it, cars begin to stop ahead, but you no longer see this, but continue to move at the same speed towards fate.

do not hold your gaze for a long time on the rear-view mirror or on the situation on the side, it is better to quickly look in the right direction several times, focusing on what is ahead.

But the command to the right leg is given by the brain, not the eyes. It is not uncommon for a person to see brake lights lit up ahead, but press the brake pedal late. Of course, the ability to correctly assess the speed of cars and the distance between them also plays a role here, but if drivers did not think for a long time, but immediately began to duplicate the actions of the front driver, there would be fewer accidents.

develop one of the main driving reflexes: "danger - I take action."

The anticipatory reaction of the "man with the steering wheel" - essential element driving skill! By the way, an experienced driver who knows how to predict the traffic situation begins to take action even earlier than a colleague in front, who only manages to think about what needs to be, for example, to press the brake pedal.

This is where people have problems. A person sees and understands that something needs to be done, but the realization of exactly when it is necessary to start often comes too late. The main thing in this business - the sooner the better! But what is danger?

The concept of danger for each driver should be:

Lighted up, the brake lights of the car moving in front or the turn indicator turned on;

Flashing green traffic light, as well as burning yellow or red;

The slightest hint of the movement of a car from a neighboring lane to yours;

Sharp "body movements" of cars in front or behind you;

Turning front wheels of a car standing at the edge of the roadway;

The appearance of a pedestrian in the visibility zone or its movement towards your trajectory;

Other movement or signal that can be regarded as a prerequisite for a traffic accident.

So what? Now we don’t hold our gaze in the mirror for a long time and transfer our right foot to the brake pedal as soon as the brake lights at the front car light up, but that’s not all.

Let's start training side vision.

Even if you quickly return your gaze to the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe front windshield (windshield), you still do not look directly at the road for some time. In addition, when shifting your gaze to a large angle, your eyes do not immediately catch the focus, especially after sleep or when you feel bad. So add to the time when you don’t look, also the time when you look and don’t see, or rather you can’t correctly assess the situation in front of you. This time, of course, is not great, but the front driver, in order to sharply press the brake pedal, needs only a moment.

In this regard, there is a need to see "wide". The slightest movement of any object on the road should be noticed by you. For example, a dangerous approach to your car body of a car moving nearby in the adjacent lane. Even when you're not looking straight ahead in the direction where dangerous movements begin, your peripheral vision should be working for you.

Where to start? The main condition: you must move calmly, without haste, carefully monitor the traffic situation and understand that you will not learn everything at once. By and large, you will do the same thing while driving as always, only earlier you did not focus your attention on such moments, but now you will.

First, try, moving in your lane and, looking at the front car in your or neighboring lane, see with peripheral vision how the marking lanes are hiding behind the right and left wings. Try to focus on this moment and realize that you are not looking at the roadway in front of your car, but really control its movement along a strictly defined trajectory.

Secondly, you need to learn while driving, looking only at the front car (in your lane or in the next one), to see the moment when the green traffic light starts flashing or the yellow lights up together with the red when you are standing.

After that, you can already look only in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe side rear-view mirror (right or left) and try to control the front car. Start with the left one, as it is closer. First try at the moment when the traffic light allows traffic. You look at a point (let's call it the starting point) approximately halfway between the front car and the mirror and try to see the moments, concentrating your attention on them, when:

Together with the red signal of the traffic light, the yellow one lit up.

The front car's brake lights went out.

The car in front starts moving.

When the front car starts moving, you let it go forward a little, smoothly move after it and, after a couple of seconds, look at it. While driving, try to smoothly look away from the front car to the starting point and quickly return back to the car. Concentrate on the car in front while you are not looking at it.

Gradually move your eyes closer and closer to the mirror until you learn to look directly into the mirror, but remember that you will still not be able to look in the mirror for a long time and at the same time control the situation in front of the car while driving. main goal of these exercises is the ability to see with peripheral vision dangerous signals around the car. After success with the left mirror, carefully try with the right one, since the angle between the longitudinal axis of the car and the line drawn through the driver's seat and the right mirror is much larger. Then the mirrors can be alternated.

After successful attempts to control the front car during the start of movement and in motion, we try to see very important point. The moment when the brake lights come on ahead. Before starting the exercise, you must make sure that the brake lights on the front car are working.

It is easier to start at the entrance to the intersection, where the red traffic light is already on. Look away or move your gaze to any other object (a car in the next lane; a car in front of a car moving in front of you; a pedestrian on the sidewalk, road sign etc.). Concentrate on the car in front and when it flashes red lights, you will immediately begin to slow down. When your right leg It flies in a fast hawk from the gas pedal to the brake pedal, your keen eyes look at the car in front, then the gaze rushes to the central mirror that is above your head (you need to make sure everything is calm behind). Having lingered in it for a moment, we again look at the front car and, stopping smoothly, try to look away or transfer it to another object. If you feel like you are losing control of the car in front, look back at it.

When you drive up to a traffic light in splendid isolation, don't waste your time either. Try the same exercise, only instead of stoplights, concentrate your attention on the traffic light. Seeing with your perfectly trained peripheral vision the moment when the green traffic light began to flash, you must slow down.

A good training for peripheral vision is also movement in a circle. Objective: Make three to four rotations without a break, trying to control as many objects as possible from the side, back and front. First, press your left side against the curb, excluding the presence of a neighbor on the left. Remember, driving on a curved path at the same level as another car is dangerous. Better stay behind. When you feel confident in your abilities, you can leave the place to the "left" neighbor.

Once again, you are just driving your car, but you are trying to force yourself to notice any movement or signal and see as many objects around you as possible. The task is to learn to control the presence and behavior of several objects at the same time, while you look at one object, and control the other (others) with peripheral vision.

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