Colorblind disease. Is there any prevention? How does the human eye see colors?

Color blindness, also known as color blindness, is a visual condition characterized by the inability to distinguish certain colors. Most often it is hereditary, but sometimes there are acquired forms of color blindness.

This pathology got its name in honor of John Dalton - it was he who first described a type of color blindness, based on their own feelings. It happened back in 1794.

Colorblindness is called human inability to correctly identify colors. Most often, its development is genetically determined, but sometimes it is caused by pathological changes retina or optic nerve.

Acquired pathology observed only in the eye where the damage occurs. This form of the disease is characterized by gradual progression, as well as difficulty in distinguishing between yellow and blue shades.

Much more common is hereditary colorblindness. This form of pathology is observed in two eyes and does not progress over time. According to statistics, this disease occurs in about 8% of men and only 0.4% of women.

The hereditary form of color blindness is associated with the X chromosome, and therefore is transmitted from mother to son.

There are two forms of the disease:

  • partial color blindness- associated with only some colors;
  • complete color blindness- in this case, a person sees all colors incorrectly.

The second form is very rare. As a rule, it is accompanied by other serious eye pathologies.

Photoreceptors, which are called cones, are responsible for the perception of colors in the retina. They are located in the central region of the retina and are divided into three types:

  • some contain a pigment that is sensitive to red;
  • the latter contain a blue-sensitive pigment;
  • still others contain a pigment that is sensitive to green.

Difficulties with color perception observed when one or more pigments are missing. There are also situations when all the pigments are present, but they are not enough for normal color perception.

To determine the ability of a person to distinguish colors, various tests are used. The most famous research is pseudoisochromatic test.

During this procedure, the person is asked to look at a collection of colored dots in order to identify a pattern - it can be a number or a letter. The type of violation is determined depending on what samples the patient sees during the test.

If a person has an acquired problem color vision, apply the test of distribution of objects by colors. People who have problems with color perception cannot lay out the plates correctly.

Causes of color blindness

The most common cause of pathology is genetic predisposition.

This means that the tendency to this disease is laid down in the process of embryo formation. That is why cases of congenital color blindness are quite common.

Sometimes there are situations when color blindness becomes an acquired disease.

In this case, the main reasons include the following:

  • Aging.
  • Traumatic eye injuries.
  • Eye diseases - it can be cataracts, glaucoma, diabetic retinopathy.
  • Side effects from certain medications.

What colors are color blind people unable to see?

Many mistakenly believe that color blind people do not distinguish any colors. However only 0.1% see the world in black and white colors.

Usually, people experience a weakening of color perception:

  • Protanomaly- deterioration in the perception of red. People suffering from this pathology may confuse red with brown, dark gray, black, sometimes with green.
  • Deuteranomaly- Difficulties with the perception of green. There is a mixture of green with a light orange tint, and light green with red.
  • Tritanopia- Violet and blue hues. In this case, all shades of blue appear red or green.

Much less often there is complete blindness to green or red.

Color blindness and driver's license

Of course, people who suffer from color blindness have quite serious limitations in various fields life.

They can't drive commercial types transport. Them not allowed to work in certain professions, where the correct perception of colors is very important.

Therefore, color blind people do not have the opportunity to work as pilots, chemists, sailors, and military personnel. However driver's license such people issue.

They are eligible for category A and B driving licenses, but they will be marked "No Employment Eligibility". This means that the driver can only drive the car for personal use.

In any case, the issue of issuing a driving permit can only be decided by an ophthalmologist.

Famous people suffering from a violation of color perception

many famous people this feature of vision did not at all prevent him from achieving great success in life. One of them is artist Vrubel.

For many years, the pearl-gray scale of his paintings was explained by the gloominess of the painter's character. However, relatively recently, scientists have concluded that the choice of such shades is due to the artist's color blindness: it is difficult to find red or green shades in his paintings.

Another outstanding person, to whom color blindness did not prevent him from becoming an artist, is a French painter Charles Merion.

When he discovered that he was color blind, he switched to graphics. His etchings with views of Paris delighted such outstanding personalities as Baudelaire, Victor Hugo, Van Gogh.

One of the most famous directors, Christophen Nolan, is also distinguished by this feature of vision. He does not distinguish between green and red shades at all, but this did not at all prevent him from achieving such amazing success.

Famous singer George Michael Since childhood, he dreamed of becoming a pilot, but doctors revealed that he was color blind. He had to forget about the career of a pilot, but because George Michael became interested in music, and it was this type of activity that brought him world fame.

Unfortunately, color blindness cannot be cured, and if this feature exists, it will remain with you for the rest of your life.

However, an example famous people once again proves that this disease cannot prevent you from becoming famous and achieving great success in life - it is enough to learn how to live with it.

Among the various ophthalmic diseases, color blindness remains one of the most common. Similar pathology may occur in people different ages. As a result, they are unable to distinguish certain colors. As a result, one is unable to see exact color some items that complicate life.

Disease Definition

Color blindness is a pathological process that leads to a violation of the normal perception of certain colors. As a rule, the pathology is genetically determined in nature, but can occur against the background of the optic nerve.

The retina of the organ of vision is a layer nerve cells, which are able to perceive light rays, and then send the received information through optic nerve into the brain.

For the first time this disease was described in detail by John Dalton, who himself could not distinguish the colors of the red spectrum. He discovered this defect of vision in himself only by the age of 26, which served as the creation of a small publication in which he described in detail the symptoms of the disorder. Remarkably, two of his three brothers and sisters also had deviations in this color spectrum. After the publication of the book, the term “color blindness” was established in medicine for a long time, describing this pathology not only within the red, but also blue and green.

Types and classifications

The reason for the violation of color perception is a deviation in the work of the retina. In its central part, the macula, there are color-sensitive receptors, which are called cones. In total, there are three types of cones that respond to a specific color spectrum. Normally, they work smoothly and a person fully distinguishes all colors and shades, their intersection. If one of the types is violated, one or another type of color blindness is observed.

Shape of rods and cones

There are total and partial blindness according to a certain spectrum. For example, tritanopia - the complete absence of cones responsible for the perception of blue, tritanomaly - partial absence cones when a person Blue colour sees muffled.

At the genetic level, if there is a carrier of color blindness, then this leads to a violation of the production of one or more color-sensitive pigments. Those who see only two of the three colors are called dichromats. People with a full set of cones are trichromats.

Initially classified according to the type of acquisition of the disease: congenital and acquired.


This type of color blindness, as a rule, affects both eyes, does not tend to progress and is observed mainly in men, because. inherited via the X chromosome from mother to son.

This form of color blindness is more common in men than in women.

An example of colorblind vision with monochromasia

On the this moment research is ongoing into the treatment of color blindness, and so far the only way to correct the anomaly is the use of special glasses. But again, their action is quite difficult to describe, because a color blind person is not able to determine one or another color depending on the type of deviation.


This form of color blindness is characterized by damage to the retina of the organ of vision or the optic nerve. The disease is diagnosed equally in both women and men. Influence on the development of acquired color blindness can damage the retina by ultraviolet light, head trauma, reception medications. For the acquired form of color blindness, difficulties are inherent in distinguishing between yellow and blue. It can also lead to the development of this pathology.

External manifestation cataracts

Acquired color blindness is classified into:

  1. xanthopsia- a deviation in which a person sees the world in yellow shades. Pathology is based on previous diseases like jaundice (deposition of bilirubin in the tissues of the eye due to severe), atherosclerosis, drug intoxication, etc.
  2. erythropsiacharacteristic pathology for people suffering from retinal diseases (,

    This form disease is treatable in some cases by completely eliminating the cause of its occurrence.

    Diagnostic methods

    One of the most famous methods for diagnosing color blindness remains polychromatic. The tables contain multi-colored circles of equal brightness. Various numbers and geometric figures are made up of circles of the same shade in the images. By the number and color of figures defined by a person, one can judge the degree and type of color blindness.

    Rabkin table

    You can use the simpler tables of Stilling, Yustova and Ishihara. They were obtained by calculation, not experimentally. Doctors use the Holmgren method. According to him, it is necessary to disassemble the skeins with multi-colored woolen threads according to the three main colors.



    Daltonism is dangerous disease, which does not give a person . Because of this, his usual rhythm of life is disturbed. It is possible to treat color blindness. But here it is necessary to build on the degree and type pathological process. There are forms of the disease that are not amenable to therapy and all that remains for the patient is to come to terms with the diagnosis and adapt to a new life.

Color blindness, or a violation of color perception, is most common in men. For the first time this violation was described by John Dalton, after whom this feature of vision was named. He himself before middle age did not suspect that his own perception of the color red was different from that of most people. How color blind people see colors and about the varieties of color blindness, read in this article.

Color blindness was not considered something particularly dangerous until one day on railway there was no accident due to the driver not perceiving red and green colors. Since that time, people in professions where it is critically important have been carefully checked, and color blindness of any kind has become an insurmountable contraindication.

Causes of color blindness

Most often this congenital feature, it is due to the fact that color-sensitive receptors - cones - are damaged on the retina. They contain their own type of pigment - red, green, blue. If the pigment enough, then color perception in humans is normal. If there is a lack of it, then one or another type of color blindness occurs - depending on which pigment is missing.

Color blindness can be congenital or acquired.

Congenital is transmitted through the maternal line through the X chromosome. In women, a damaged one X chromosome can be compensated by a complete second, while in men there is no such compensatory possibility. Therefore, they have this feature more often than women. In women, color blindness can occur if the father has it, and the mother is a carrier of the mutated gene. It can also be passed on to the child

According to statistics, one or another type of color blindness exists in every tenth man and in 3-4 women out of 1000.

Acquired occurs due to age-related changes, taking certain medications, or due to injury to the retina or ophthalmic nerve, retinal burn by ultraviolet light. It occurs in women and men about the same. With this form, people most often have difficulty in perceiving yellow and blue colors.

Types of color blindness

People with normal color perception often have a question - how do color blind people see colors, how the world appears before them. It all depends on what kind of color blindness a person has. Sometimes his world is also full of colors, but only one spectrum of color is not perceived, or his vision is distorted beyond recognition.

Depending on which pigment is missing, there are various violations color perception, in which a person cannot distinguish one or another color.

Achromasia and Monochromasia

If there is no pigment of all colors in the cones at all, the eye sees only shades of black and white, and there is no color vision at all. This is the most rare form color blindness. A person distinguishes colors only by their brightness and saturation. An illustration of this perception can be black and white photography or old black and white films.

There is also monochromasia - the pigment is present in only one of the cones. This is a form of color blindness in which all colors are perceived as one color background, most often red. In this case, a person sees many more shades of this color than with normal vision - this is a compensatory function of the brain. Old photographs can also serve as an example, for the development of which some kind of paint was added to the reagents. Then a person does not perceive during the day and gray shades, they are seen in the same color scheme that is present in the cone.


With this pathology, a person daytime distinguishes between two colors. Also, this pathology is divided into subspecies


When red is not distinguished, and all shades in a given color range. The pathology is called protanopia.

This situation is fraught with danger for a person on the road - he simply may not understand the traffic lights. This pathology is most common, and instead of red, the eye perceives a color approaching yellow. At the same time, yellow remains yellow. Sometimes the eye sees instead of red grey colour, as Dalton himself did - he was explained that his favorite dark gray jacket was actually burgundy.


When you can't see green. This pathology is called deuteranomaly.

This pathology is quite rare, most often it is discovered by accident. The world for a person with deuteranopia looks unusual for normal color perception - green tones are mixed with red and orange, and red with green and brown. Therefore, a red sunset in his perception looks blue, green leaves also appear blue or dark brown.


When you can't see blue. This condition is called tritanopia.

This is the most rare pathology in which a person cannot distinguish colors in blue-yellow and purple-red. At the same time, blue and yellow colors look the same, and purple is identical to red. However, most people distinguish purples from greens. This pathology is most often congenital. With this type of color blindness in humans, most often it is also weakened twilight vision. But otherwise the eye is healthy, visual acuity is not impaired.

Anomalous trichromasia

When a person has enough of all the pigments in cones, then the state of color perception is called trichromasia, while he does not have color blindness, and in this respect his eyesight is healthy.

There is also a violation when all the pigments are evenly lacking - then the colors for color blind people remain in muted tones, not so bright and saturated, and some shades become inaccessible to him. It's also enough rare view color blindness. Recent studies have shown that something like this is seen the world dogs.

People with red and green perception disorders are able to perceive many shades of khaki, which in normal color perception appear to be the same gray.

This is a pathology in which a person sees everything in blue tones.

This is a very rare pathology, always acquired. It occurs when the eye is injured, most often after the removal of the lens, so a lot of short light rays enter the retina. This greatly complicates the perception of red and green shades. It can also occur when inflammatory phenomena on the retina. It happens that such a color perception in a person is reduced, and visual acuity is low.

This is a similar disease, also always acquired.

With this disease, the eye loses the ability to see the colors of red and blue spectrum, only green is accepted. It occurs with various organic poisoning of the body, with dystrophic and inflammatory phenomena in the retina. At the same time, the human condition may be aggravated, the perception of green shades may also narrow, visual acuity may decrease, and intolerance to bright lighting may occur.

Mainly men are subject to it.

There is also such a temporary and rapidly passing condition as erythropsia - with it, a person sees everything in red colors.

Wherein White color perceived as yellowish. This condition occurs after eye operations, with "snow" blindness in skiers and climbers - it is also known as "snow blindness", when the cornea is exposed to ultraviolet radiation (for example, when quartzing a room). It quickly passes by itself, no treatment is required. If such vision has not gone away in a couple of days, you need to contact an ophthalmologist and wear good sunglasses for several days.


To identify color blindness in a person is often obtained almost by accident during examinations by an ophthalmologist. For this, special tables and tests are used that help to identify the degree of color blindness and its type - pseudo-isochromatic tables of Stilling, Ishihara, Schaaf, Fletcher-Gambling, Rabkin. The most common self-test methods are based on the properties of color and are a set of circles that differ slightly in color and saturation. In the table, with the help of these circles, numbers, geometric shapes, letters, etc. are encrypted. Only a person with normal color perception can distinguish them. People with pathology in these tables will see other encrypted signs that are inaccessible to normal vision.

However, the quality and objectivity of the test can be affected by many factors - age, eye fatigue, lighting in the office, general state subject. And although these tables are quite reliable, if necessary, deeper verification is needed, for example, using special device- anomaloscope. With this test, a person is asked to select colors that are in different fields of view.

Colorblind children

It is very important to diagnose color blindness in children - and as early as possible. Because of this feature of vision, the child does not receive all necessary information about the world around them, and this negatively affects their development. The difficulty also lies in the fact that children under 3-4 years old cannot consciously name colors, and it is necessary to teach him to correctly identify them before this age. Therefore, you need to watch the kids - mainly how they draw. And if a child constantly makes mistakes in drawing familiar objects of nature - for example, he draws grass in red, and the sun in blue, this is a reason to suspect he has color blindness. True, confirmation of this may take several years.


To date, it is impossible to cure congenital color blindness. This is a lifelong feature, but research is being carried out and methods are being developed (so far only in a computer version) for implanting the necessary pigment into cones. Special glasses are also being developed that can help a color blind person see the world in the “correct” colors.

With acquired color blindness, this disease is most often curable. This is especially true for taking medications - it is enough just to cancel them and after some time color perception is restored.

Color blindness is a permanent color blindness that does not change over time. Colorblind people are not able to distinguish colors, and therefore their quality of life is significantly reduced.

Color blindness can be congenital - genetically laid down, and acquired, associated with ophthalmic diseases and age-related changes.

Pathology was first described by the physician John Dalton in 1794 at the very end of the 18th century, who discovered it in himself. Later it was found that the causes of color blindness are underdevelopment of the retina or damage to the optic nerve.

The components of the retina are the rod and cone photoreceptors. Rods are responsible for twilight vision and contain one pigment (rhodopsin). The function of cones is to distinguish the colors of the spectrum, they contain several pigments. If they are not enough or they are absent, color blindness develops.

The defect in the X chromosome is passed down the female line, but males are the most affected. Of all the colorblind people who got the disease from birth, only 4% are women.

Acquired color blindness is caused by ophthalmic diseases and injuries of the retina or by darkening of the lens.

Eye diseases that cause impaired color perception:

  • macular degeneration;
  • glaucoma;
  • diabetic retinopathy;
  • cataract.

These diseases interfere with the recognition of dark blue, green, and shades of gray.

If the diseases are caused by ophthalmological problems, then color perception can be restored - provided that treatment begins at the first symptoms.

Congenital color blindness is not treated.

color vision

Medical research has proven that people's ability to perceive the world in colors has developed gradually. Ancient people saw primary colors, and only then the ability to distinguish shades gradually appeared. How color vision developed can be seen from the progress visual arts- from bright pure colors to midtones.

The perception of colors in people is individual, there are racial and even national differences. It is traditionally believed that the Japanese and Chinese have the most colorful world (for example, a Chinese embroiderer distinguishes up to 200 shades of each color), the peoples of the North and Africans are deprived of color vision. In Japan, schools for children from the upper castes have long studied color vision, and therefore they could distinguish up to 3000 colors and shades.

Color vision can be developed independently. Lay out samples of primary colors in front of you - preferably black and white. You may notice that the color on paper is different from the color on the fabric, the color of the metal, etc. Gradually improving, you can learn to distinguish the slightest nuances in the shades of primary colors. Then the ability is developed further - they move on to mixed colors - green, purple and the like.

To detect color blindness in the territory of the former CIS, Rabkin's tests are used - 96 tables, on which different colors– problematic for colorblind people – printed digital images for adults and animal figurines for small children. Since the color saturation of the images and the background is the same, color blind people cannot name what is drawn. This helps to identify those suffering from color blindness in advance and help them navigate in the surrounding space.

Types of color blindness

Currently, there are 4 types of color perception disorders.

  • Anomalous trichromacy.

Occurs most often.

In turn, it is classified as:

  • tritanomaly is the most frequent pathology, at which blue and green merge;
  • protanomaly - difficulties with only red, it is perceived as yellow or brown;
  • deuteranomaly is more serious breach, difficulties with color perception concern green, yellow, orange and red.

However special problems pathology does not cause, the picture seen with tritanomaly and protanomaly from what everyone sees is not very distorted, the choice of professions is practically not limited.

  • Dichromasia.

In this case, the violation of color perception is more pronounced.

Classification of pathology of this type:

As you can see, with dichromasia, one of the spectra is not perceived.

  • Monochromatic.

Here, color perception is impaired at the level of signal transmission to the central nervous system, in connection with which all images, like in an old TV, are black and white.

Anomaly classification:

  • Monochromasia of blue cones has symptoms: myopia, loss of visual acuity, periodic trembling of the eyeballs, photophobia that develops in bright light. With monochromacy, color perception is not available.
  • cone monochromacy: in low light, images from the retina are erased, that is, colors can only be seen under bright sun or electric light, the slightest semitones - the picture of what is seen is distorted;
  • monochromatic rods - cones, which are responsible for the perception of colors and shades, are absent; information is perceived by the eyes, but does not reach the center of the brain responsible for processing;
  • Achromasia.

The complete impossibility of color perception.

The colors don't differ at all. If achromasia is congenital, this is due to maculitis - lesions of the retina in the central part of the eye. Acquired ailment caused by trauma eyeball or its infection.

In this case, not only is it impossible to distinguish colors - vision drops so much that a person orients himself in space by squinting.

In addition to Rabkin's tests, the following are used to detect color blindness:

  • a test for the distribution of objects by color - in most cases it is used for small patients;
  • pseudo-isochromatic test - shades of colored dots are evaluated from different distances and under different illumination conditions.

With an acquired pathology, a complete ophthalmological examination is carried out to identify the disease that caused a violation of color perception using:

  • tables for checking visual acuity;
  • lenses of various convexity and concavity;
  • visual field assessments;
  • inspection with a slit lamp and a mirror ophthalmoscope, etc.

Acquired color blindness is subject to correction.

How to treat color blindness?

Congenital color blindness, as already mentioned, cannot be cured.

To make life easier for colorblind people, there are special techniques - patients are taught to focus on shades, they are prescribed special glasses with colored glasses or narrowing the field of view, at least helping to create a difference between colors.

Each case is considered individually and unequivocally therapeutic regimen does not exist.

The treatment of an acquired anomaly depends on the problems that caused it. In the case of cataract or glaucoma, the patient is operated on, if the lens darkens, it is restored - if possible. Correction is helped special accessories- lenses or glasses.

Color blindness is not cured, but if the vision is normal, then it does not interfere with a full existence, limiting only the ability to engage in professional activity requiring the ability to distinguish colors.

Color-blind people are not taken as sailors and pilots; there are almost no artists and architects among them. "Almost" - because every rule has its exceptions. The famous Vrubel, Van Gogh and Savrasov suffered from color blindness.

There are visual defects that a person does not immediately guess about. What is color blindness, how is it inherited, science learned not so long ago. The self-taught scientist John Dalton did not perceive the color red, discovered a deficiency at the age of 26 and described for the first time in 1794 the signs color anomaly own vision and members of their family. The two brothers also did not perceive red tones, the sister's vision caught all shades colors. Based on Dalton's description, a doctrine called color blindness appeared.

Inheritance mechanism

Color blindness in humans is a damaged mechanism for reproducing the color image of vision. In most cases, color blindness is inherited, from the maternal side to the son. The mother normally perceives colors, but passes on the damaged X-chromosome gene through the male line. Men are 20 times more likely than women to suffer from the disease. The reason is the presence in the male of one X chromosome, received from the mother.

Girls with two X chromosomes are rarely color blind. The mother's unhealthy X chromosome is replaced in the daughter with another X chromosome. The damaged gene from the father can be passed on to the girl, who becomes its carrier and sends it to her sons. Daughters suffer from color blindness if the father and mother suffer from color blindness.

The retina of the organ of vision has nerve cells that are located in the center and are called "cones". Cell pigments sense blue, red and green color. People see the surrounding reality with various shades when mixing three main colors. The absence of one of them leads to a violation of the perception of tone.

Hereditary deviation extends to both organs of vision. There is a problematic vision of tones acquired as a result of injuries, cataracts, visual impairment, and other factors. The vast majority of cases of color blindness are manifested as a result of inheritance.

Types of disease

People with photosensitive cones with a protein pigment of three color perceptions are called trichromats, in the absence of one of them - dichromats.

There are main types of deviation:

  • protanopic dichromacy is characterized by the absence of red pigment;
  • deuteranopic dichromacy indicates a lack of a green photoreceptor;
  • tritanopic dichromacy indicates a lack of blue receptors in cones.

The most common is blindness to red tones, less often the absence of blue photoreceptors.

Immunity to any color (monochromacy) occurs in exceptional cases when both parents are color blind, as a rule, it is inherited. The world around people see how black and white cinema. Complete absence coloration is observed much more often in men than in women. Patients with monochromacy simultaneously lose their vigilance of the eyes.

When nerve receptors do not respond not only to red, for example, green leaves and trees are perceived in a yellow tone. Patients do not feel red and green shades. does not allow to perceive yellow and violet colors, the blue color is diluted with yellow and seems greenish.

Women recognize more shades than men. Scientists suggest that the reason lies in the genes responsible for the sensitivity of color recognition. In addition, the female retina contains more nerve cells, with the help of which the variety of halftones is captured.


The disease is diagnosed by Rabkin's polychromatic tables. 27 pages have images in the form of numbers, geometric shapes, consisting of circles and dots of the same brightness against the background of circles of a pale tone. The numbers in this form will be determined by trichomant, a person without a pathology of color sensations. A color-blind person with blindness to one or more colors will not see the numbers or shapes on the sheets. The table establishes which color is not perceived by sight.

Doctors define background perception disorders with the help of. On photos with stains different colors, some of them, according to a uniform shade, add up to a number, letter or figure. A patient with color blindness will not see the image.

Attention! Specialists determine the disease in a child with three years. Until this age, the child's vision does not perceive many colors. If color blindness is inherited in the family, you need to undergo an examination by an ophthalmologist upon reaching the specified period.


The genes of which are inherited from parents, it is impossible to cure. There are corrective lenses with a special coating that add color, but distort objects around. Ophthalmologists recommend that help vision better absorb tones in dim light.


People working in the transport sector must be tested for susceptibility to colors. Practice has shown that a defect can lead to transport accidents and human casualties.

A visual defect prevented young people who wanted to become a pilot, train driver, sailor, driver from fulfilling their dream. In Russia, a driver's license is not issued for color vision anomalies for driving a car. Abroad, color-blind people have the right to drive personal vehicles.

Important! To teach children with a deviation in color vision to cross the road, to remember what they look like in his perception of the colors at the traffic lights and the order in which the luminous signs are located.

A genetic defect transmitted from parents does not affect visual acuity, does not interfere with achieving high results in life situations, the disease rarely develops. Color-blind artist Vrubel, French painter Charles Merion, Hollywood film director Christopher Nolan and other celebrities achieved extraordinary success.

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