HR management is a management responsibility and an urgent need. If the secretary is also a personnel officer

Office work in personnel work



1.1 Documentation system in personnel records management

1.2 Mandatory personnel documents generated in the personnel department of the enterprise


2.1 General characteristics of office work in the personnel work of CJSC "Polygraph"

2.2 Orders on personnel and their registration in CJSC "Polygraph"

2.3 Leader resolution

2.4 Making entries in work books. Filling out a personal card











A feature of modern labor law is the expansion of contractual regulation of labor relations. Many of the issues that were previously resolved centrally can be the subject of consideration of a collective agreement, agreement, labor contract. Yes, Art. 179 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation defines a specific list of employees who are given the preferential right to be left at work with a reduction in the number or staff of employees, and at the same time indicates that the collective agreement may provide for other categories of workers who enjoy the preferential right to remain at work with equal labor productivity and qualifications.

The tasks of the personnel service have now increased due to the fact that the Labor Code of the Russian Federation attributed local regulations to the sources of labor law: orders and other documents containing labor law norms. It should be borne in mind that in cases provided for by the Code, other federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, a collective agreement, agreements, the employer, when adopting local regulations, must take into account the opinion of the representative body of employees. All of the above explains the relevance of this work.

The aim of the work is to study office work in personnel work.

The tasks of the work are

  • consider the theoretical foundations of the organization of office work in personnel work;
  • to study the organization of office work in personnel work on the example of CJSC Polygraph;
  • to consider methods for optimizing the organization of office work in the personnel work of CJSC Polygraph.

The subject of the work is the organization of office work. The object of the work is CJSC "Polygraph".


1.1 Documentation system in personnel records management

When applying for a job, a citizen enters into an employment relationship with an organization or an individual entrepreneur. The content of these relations is the mutual labor rights and obligations of employers and employees. The employer is obliged to provide the employee with work stipulated by the employment contract, ensure working conditions and pay wages in a timely manner, and the employee must personally perform the labor function determined by the employment contract, subject to the rules of internal labor regulations.

Labor legislation provides for documenting the relationship between the employee and the employer, as well as between the job seeker and the employer (a written refusal to hire). Proper registration of the emergence, change and termination of labor relations is important for each employee, not only during the period of work, but also after dismissal.

Work with personnel requires the employer to solve many managerial problems: recruitment, adaptation of new employees, assessment of the activities of employees, improvement of their qualifications, labor motivation, etc. Personnel management also leads to the creation of numerous documents 1 .

In view of the foregoing, all personnel documentation can be divided into two groups:

  • documents related to labor relations (for example, employment contracts, personnel orders, employee personal cards, employee applications, vacation schedules, shift schedules, etc.);
  • documents related to personnel management (plans and reports on personnel; provisions on the selection of personnel, on the adaptation of employees, on personnel assessment, etc.; questionnaires, tests, professiograms, personograms, etc.) 2 .

HR records management traditionally includes documents related to labor relations, most of which are necessary for processing such procedures as hiring, transfer to another job, dismissal, vacation, business trip, etc.

When documenting labor relations, numerous organizational, administrative, accounting, information and reference and other documents of various types and varieties are created. These documents can be divided into two groups:

  • local regulations of the organization related to labor relations;
  • documents related to the accounting and movement of personnel.

Local regulations these are documents of an organization containing labor law norms (part 1 of article 8 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation), for example, internal labor regulations. The preparation of certain types of local regulations is provided for by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Such documents are mandatory for application (for example, vacation schedule). Documents not provided for by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation are advisory in nature and are developed at the discretion of the organization (for example, the regulation on the structural unit of the organization).

A number of local regulations provided for by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation should be applied by all employers, including individual entrepreneurs. Such acts include: staffing, internal labor regulations, vacation schedule, regulation on remuneration, regulation on the procedure for processing personal data of employees.

Some of the local regulations provided for by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation are mandatory for use only by those employers who have the appropriate features of the organization of labor and work with personnel, for example, a shift schedule, a provision on certification, a provision on labor rationing, a provision on a shift work method, a provision on apprenticeship, a list positions with irregular working hours, etc.

Documents related to the accounting and movement of personnel include: documents that an employee presents when hiring, and documents created for specific personnel functions.

Documents required for employment include:

  • identity documents;
  • documents confirming the length of service, work experience;
  • documents confirming the level of education and qualifications;
  • documents related to state pension insurance;
  • military registration documents;
  • documents (if necessary) required taking into account the specifics of the future work (for example, a health certificate, driver's license, etc.) 3 .

Documents created for specific HR functions include:

  • contractual documents: labor contracts, agreements of the parties, additional agreements to labor contracts, apprenticeship contracts, contracts on full individual liability, contracts on full collective (team) liability;
  • administrative documents: orders (instructions) on personnel;
  • reference documents: statements of employees, reports and explanatory notes, protocols, acts, etc.;
  • primary accounting documents: personal cards of employees, timesheets, notes, calculations for granting holidays and dismissal 4 .

Simultaneously with the documents, books, magazines, cards are drawn up, in which the documents drawn up in the organization are taken into account (registered): a book of accounting for the movement of work books and inserts in them, an income and expense book for accounting for forms of work books and inserts in them, books of registration of employment contracts, orders, personal cards of employees, personal files, etc.

Thus, personnel records management is a set of procedures for the preparation, execution, processing, execution, formation in cases, storage and use of personnel documentation.

At present, after the entry into force of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the following main changes have occurred in personnel records management:

  • some traditional personnel documents that have been mandatory for many years (for example, an application for employment) have ceased to be mandatory;
  • new documents mandatory for the employer have appeared (for example, documents fixing the procedure for working with personal data of employees);
  • the total number of documents processed in the personnel service has increased (for example, documents when applying for annual paid leave);
  • the range of documents that must be brought to the employee against signature has expanded;
  • a number of documents adopted by the employer require taking into account the opinion of the representative body of employees;
  • personnel documentation should be freely presented to state labor inspectors when they check compliance by employers with labor laws 5 .

Registration of personnel documentation continues to occupy most of the working time of personnel services specialists and often causes serious trouble during inspections and conflict situations. An analysis of the state of work with personnel documentation in numerous modern organizations shows that the most common mistakes in this area are:

  • lack of (mandatory) documents provided for by the current legislation;
  • violation of the procedure for the development and implementation of documents containing labor law norms;
  • incorrect execution of documents, ignorance of the rules for giving legal force to documents;
  • incorrect documentation of management situations, expressed in the absence of the necessary documents or in a lack of understanding of what type of document should confirm the events taking place;
  • organization of storage and destruction of personnel documentation with gross violations of the rules for the operation of archives of organizations.

One of the main tasks of each employer in the field of work with personnel is the timely and correct conduct of personnel records management.

1.2 Mandatory personnel documents generated in the personnel department of the enterprise

Accounting for labor and wages in the organization is carried out on the basis of primary documents generated in the personnel service. Poorly organized work of the personnel service inevitably affects the work of both the accounting department and the entire organization. The consequence of this is the untimely remuneration of employees, sick leave, untimely preparation of documents for submission to state social authorities. As a result, there is a decrease in the financial performance of the enterprise as a whole.

Compliance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the correctness of the execution of personnel documentation is controlled by both the Federal Labor Inspectorate (Rostrudinspektsiya) and the Federal Tax Inspectorate. The state inspector can come to the office of any organization, regardless of the form of ownership and demand documents relating to personnel records, and other mandatory and internal regulations and orders available in the organization (Federal Law of August 8, 2001 No. 134-ФЗ “On the Protection of the Rights of Legal Entities and individual entrepreneurs in the course of state control (supervision)”) 6 .

Documenting the activities of the personnel service covers all processes related to the preparation and processing of personnel documentation in accordance with established rules, and solves the following personnel management tasks:

  • organization of work of employees;
  • conclusion of an employment contract and employment;
  • transfer to another job;
  • granting vacations to employees;
  • incentives for employees;
  • imposition of disciplinary sanctions on employees;
  • certification of employees;
  • maintaining staffing;
  • accounting for the use of working time;
  • attraction of employees to work on weekends and non-working holidays;
  • registration of business trips;
  • termination of the employment contract and dismissal from work 7 .

The list of personnel documents that organizations must maintain, regardless of the form of ownership, is given in Appendix 1. It also contains regulatory documents regulating the obligation of the employer to maintain certain personnel documents, and the terms for their storage (in accordance with the List of standard management documents formed in activities of the organization, indicating the periods of storage, approved by the Federal Archives on October 6, 2000, as amended on October 27, 2003).

Organization of labor of employees is carried out by adoption (approval by the head of the organization or an official authorized by him) of local regulations. Each employer must have internal labor regulations and a provision on the protection of personal data. Other local regulations, such as regulations on remuneration, labor rationing, bonuses and material incentives, certification, etc., are adopted if necessary.

The collective agreement (agreement) is advisory in nature, as it is concluded by agreement of the parties (Chapter 7 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). Maintaining the personal files of employees is advisory for private companies. The obligation of the employer to keep personal files applies to employees of state organizations in accordance with the Federal Law of July 27, 2004 No. FZ-79 “On the State Civil Service of the Russian Federation”. For convenience, it is still recommended to form personal files or personal folders, and fix the procedure for their formation in the local regulatory act of the organization approved by the head.

In the personal file (personal folder) of the employee, you can include copies of documents that are required when applying for a job (passport, military ID, certificate of assignment of TIN, pension insurance certificate, marriage certificate, birth certificate of children - to provide income tax benefits; documents on education, etc.) and subsequently all the main documents created during the period of the employee’s labor activity that characterize his labor activity (applications for transfer to another job, letter of resignation, characteristics, documents on advanced training, copies of orders for admission transfer, dismissal, etc.).

In addition, the employer must have the following documents on labor protection:

  • occupational safety instructions;
  • briefing log (familiarization with instructions);
  • a log of employees passing a mandatory medical examination and others 8 .

These documents can be stored in the personnel department of the enterprise, if the organization does not have a separate labor protection service, or in the office.

In accordance with sub. "a" part 1 of Art. 356 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the federal labor inspectorate exercises state supervision and control over compliance by employers with labor legislation and other regulatory legal acts.

The heads of organizations are personally responsible for the documentary fund formed in the course of their activities. For violation of the legislation of the Russian Federation and other regulatory legal acts, improper maintenance of personnel documentation or lack thereof, the legislator provides for the imposition of an administrative fine: on officials from 1,000 to 5,000 rubles, on legal entities from 30,000 to 50,000 rubles. or administrative suspension of activities for up to 90 days, and repeatedly - entails the disqualification of an official (Articles 3.11, 3.12, 5.27, 5.44 and 14.23 of the Code of Administrative Offenses).


2.1 General characteristics of office work in the personnel work of CJSC "Polygraph"

Labor relations between the employee and CJSC "Polygraph" arise on the basis of the concluded employment contract (Article 16 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). In the future, the labor relations that have arisen, as well as their change and termination, must be properly formalized (Articles 68, 73, 80 and others of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

The registration of labor relations is understood as their documentation, i.e., the creation of relevant documents.

As a result of documentation, organizational, administrative, accounting, information and reference and other documents of various types and varieties are created. Simultaneously with the documents, books, magazines, cards are issued, in which the documents drawn up in the organization are taken into account (registered).

The obligatory registration of documents is directly due to the requirement of clause 4.1.2 of the Model Instructions for Paperwork in Federal Executive Authorities, approved. Order of the Ministry of Culture of Russia dated November 8, 2005 No. 536: "... all documents requiring registration, execution and use for reference purposes are subject to registration."

It must be emphasized that the very procedure for registering documents is not limited to putting registration dates and numbers in them. Registration of documents is a record of credentials about a document in the prescribed form, fixing the fact of its creation, sending or receiving (clause 4.1.1 of the Standard Instructions for Office Work in Federal Executive Authorities).

Work with personnel documentation is not limited to the preparation, registration and execution of documents. The most important component of this work is the formation of executed documents in cases for organizing their storage and use for reference purposes.

Thus, personnel records management is a set of procedures for the preparation, execution, processing, storage and retrieval of documents on personnel management. For the timely and correct implementation of these procedures, it seems most expedient to regulate as much as possible both the composition of personnel documents and the technology for working with them by creating a set of local regulations on office work: Sheet of forms of documents, Album of forms of documents, Schedule of workflow of personnel service, Instructions for personnel office work .

One of the main tasks of these acts is to reflect the characteristics of the organization's production activities, and for beginners in the personnel service, local regulations on office work should become a guide that gives answers to their questions on documenting labor relations.

The basis of the regulatory framework for personnel records management is the Table of Forms of Documents. The purpose of preparing the Time Sheet is to determine the necessary and sufficient set of types of documents for the legal registration of situations that arise in work with personnel. The use of the Time Sheet allows you to reduce the working time and labor costs of the organization's employees in solving the problems of documenting management activities.

The form of the Time Sheet (Appendix 2) is determined by the organization itself, developed by the personnel department and approved by order of the head.

The preparation of the Table of forms of documents should be accompanied by the development of an Album of forms and samples of personnel documents included in the Table. The presence of the Report Card and the Album allows you to quickly and correctly document the work with personnel at Polygraph CJSC.

The Report Card and the Album should first of all include the documents provided for by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, i.e., which are mandatory when registering labor relations.

2.2 Orders on personnel and their registration in CJSC "Polygraph"

The basis of personnel records management are orders (instructions) for personnel issued after the conclusion of employment contracts, with their changes and terminations. The content of the personnel order must comply with the terms of the concluded employment contract. From the orders of the head of the organization on personnel, information is transferred to accounting documents and work books of employees.

According to clause 3.5.5 of the Basic Rules for the Operation of Archives of Organizations approved by the decision of the Collegium of the Federal Archives dated February 6, 2002 (hereinafter Basic Rules), orders for core activities and personnel are kept separately and are formed into different cases. This procedure also applies to small organizations where a small amount of administrative documentation is created, and one of the employees (secretary, accountant, economist, etc.) is responsible for personnel records management.

Certain types of documents on the personnel of CJSC "Polygraph" have unified forms, approved. Decree of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated 05.01.04 No. 1 (Table 2.1).

The listed forms of personnel orders relate to the primary accounting documentation for accounting for labor and its remuneration, therefore, when filling them out, one should be guided by the Procedure for the use of unified forms of primary accounting documentation, approved. Decree of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated March 24, 1999 No. 20.

Table 2.1

Types of personnel documents that have unified forms

In accordance with the named Procedure, additional details can be entered into the unified forms of primary accounting documentation, if necessary. In this case, all the details available in the forms should not change (including the code, form number, document name). Removal of individual details from unified forms is not allowed. The formats of forms indicated in the albums of unified forms of primary accounting documentation are recommended and may change.

When manufacturing blank products based on unified forms, it is allowed to make changes in terms of expanding or narrowing columns and lines for ease of placement and processing of information.

Changes to the unified forms of primary accounting documentation are made by issuing an order (instruction) of the head of Polygraph CJSC (see Appendix 3).

In the absence of a unified form of an order for personnel approved by the State Statistics Committee of Russia (for example, when issuing orders to change the biographical data of employees, to apply disciplinary sanctions, and in other cases), forms are used on which orders are drawn up for core activities (Appendix 4).

It seems appropriate to include in the Album of forms of documents the maximum number of samples of orders for personnel, as well as systematically supplement it with new examples after documenting situations that arise in the practice of working with personnel.

For orders on personnel, correct indexing and registration is of great importance. It is unacceptable to use one registration form for all personnel orders and further formation of these documents in one case. It is the requirements for the subsequent formation of cases that determine the procedure for working with orders for personnel in the “current” office work: orders for personnel are grouped into cases in accordance with the established periods for their storage (clause 3.5.5 of the Basic Rules).

Orders with different storage periods must be registered in different accounting forms and have different registration indexes (numbers). The rules for indexing personnel orders are developed by Polygraph CJSC itself. In the practice of personnel services, alphanumeric indexing is most widely used.

With large volumes of documents, orders on personnel relating to various issues of work with personnel, it is advisable to group them separately (clause 3.5.5 of the Basic Rules), applying different indexing, for example: to serial numbers of orders on the movement of personnel (hiring, transfer to another work, dismissal) the letter “k” is added, for orders on secondment of workers “km”, on the provision of vacations “o”, on encouragement “p”, on disciplinary sanctions “c”, etc.

The order indexing system adopted by Polygraph CJSC is reflected in registration books (magazines), the forms of which are established by the organization itself. When developing accounting forms, you can use the recommendation forms contained in Appendix 2 to the Intersectoral Aggregated Time Standards for recruitment and accounting of personnel (1991).

In the case of maintaining an accounting form, in which information is entered on personnel orders drawn up on various issues, we can recommend the following book (magazine) for registering orders (Table 2.2).

Table 2.2

Form of the book (magazine) of registration of orders

Accounting forms developed by CJSC "Polygraph" with various options for filling them out should be presented in the relevant sections of the Album of Document Forms.

Orders on personnel are issued if there are appropriate written grounds, which, in addition to employment contracts and amendments to them, include information and reference documents: statements of employees, memos (reports and explanatory notes), submissions, protocols, acts, etc.

Documents the basis for the orders must be properly drawn up and registered. Some documents (statements, memorandums, explanatory notes, submissions, notifications) are drawn up in an arbitrary form, others (protocols, acts) have unified or recommendatory forms.

2.3 Leader resolution

Applications of employees and memos are internal correspondence and require consideration and decision by the head of Polygraph CJSC. The decision taken is reflected in the resolution, the content of which in most cases is reduced to very brief instructions: “To order”, “Execute”, “To the personnel department”, which do not correspond to the meaning of this attribute.

Another serious mistake when putting resolutions on documents is the semantic inconsistency of the decision taken by the leader with the content of the considered document. Most often, such errors are found in resolutions on the statements of employees.

The employee asks in the application to divide the annual paid vacation into parts and provide him with a part of the vacation lasting 5 days (from Monday to Friday). The head of the organization, disagreeing with the request of the employee, indicates in the resolution: “Give a vacation of 7 days” (from Monday to Sunday).

This resolution does not correspond to the content of the statement, which means that it is not a consideration of the issue raised on the merits. In this case, the resolution must contain a refusal to provide part of the leave.

The employee, on his own initiative, wants to terminate the employment contract and warns the employer about this in writing, but not two weeks in advance, but a shorter period. Not wanting to satisfy the employee’s request, the manager makes a resolution: “Dismiss with working off within two weeks” or indicates in the resolution the date of dismissal after a two-week warning, i.e. not coinciding with the date contained in the employee's application.

Again, instead of refusing the request made by the employee, he is “made an offer” that does not meet his desire.

In order to avoid such errors in the Album of Forms of Documents, options for possible resolutions should be given when making decisions on the most typical, often recurring situations.

A feature of protocols and acts is the creation of these documents either in the process of collegial discussion and decision-making (minutes), or when several persons establish (confirm) the facts and events that occurred in their presence (acts). Therefore, the minutes additionally include information about the members of the collegiate body present (i.e., the presence of a quorum), and when drawing up most acts, the presence of disinterested witnesses is required.

To account for the internal documents created at Polygraph CJSC, the following approximate form of registration journals can be used, which are maintained separately by types and varieties of documents (Table 2.3).

Table 2.3

Registration form

2.4 Making entries in work books. Filling out a personal card

Other important information in the Album of forms of documents should be examples of making entries in the work books of employees. As you know, the current Instructions for filling out work books, approved. Decree of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated 10.10.03 No. 69 contains several samples of records (for example, on the establishment of a second profession, on renaming an organization, on dismissal, etc.), but this is clearly not enough, especially for novice personnel officers.

Sample entries in work books can be placed in the Album after examples of registration of orders for personnel or in the form of a summary table (Appendix 5).

Difficulties in working with work books, as a rule, are due to gaps or conflicting requirements contained in the current regulatory legal acts for their maintenance.

For example, in accordance with the approved Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 24, 2002 No. 555 Rules for calculating and confirming the insurance period for establishing labor pensions, the main document confirming the periods of work under an employment contract is a work book the original, not a certified copy. However, in Section IV of the Rules for the maintenance and storage of work books, the production of work book forms and the provision of employers with them, approved. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 16, 2003 No. 225, refers to the issuance of a work book to an employee only upon dismissal (termination of an employment contract). Thus, there is a problem with issuing the original work book to a non-resigning employee.

In this situation and other similar cases, when the employee must present the original work book to one or another body, it is advisable to show in the Album of document forms the procedure for documenting the procedure for issuing a work book.

The document on the basis of which the work book will be issued, in our opinion, should be an employee's statement addressed to Polygraph CJSC, and not a "receipt" widely used in practice. After registering the application, considering it by the head of the organization and putting down the resolution, the employee must confirm in writing (on the same application) the fact of receiving the work book for temporary use with the obligation to return it in a timely manner without any damage, corrections, blots, etc.

The personnel service must organize control over the return of a work book issued for temporary use and check it when the work book is returned by the employee. If the employee does not have a justified reason for receiving the original work book, only a certified copy can be issued to him.

Detailed instructions on the procedure for filling out should be accompanied in the Album of forms of documents by such accounting forms as a time sheet (forms T-12 and T-13) and an employee's personal card (T-2).

Keeping a time sheet is mandatory, since Polygraph CJSC is obliged to keep records of the time actually worked by each employee (Article 91 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). When filling out the timesheet, the following methods are used:

continuous daily registration of hours worked or an indication of the reasons for the absence of the employee (vacation, disability, etc.);

registration of only absenteeism, absenteeism, lateness, etc.

Hours worked may include: daytime hours, night work, overtime, business travel, and work on weekends and holidays. Different types of working time are taken into account and paid separately.

Marks of absence from work for good reasons must be confirmed by corroborative documents. Hours worked in part-time mode are recorded in the time sheet in accordance with the conditions included in the employment contract.

The time sheet is drawn up in one copy by a timekeeper or an authorized person, signed by the head of the structural unit and an employee of the personnel service and transferred to the accounting department. In large organizations, the time sheet is kept by structural divisions.

The employee's personal card is filled in for all employees with whom an employment contract has been concluded, including part-time workers. Personal cards are filled in in one copy by an employee of the personnel service on the basis of personal documents of a citizen applying for a job. Cards are filled out by hand or using an electronic version with a subsequent printout. When manually filling in the card, blots and erasures are not allowed.

If errors occur or changes are needed (for example, when changing a surname, changing a home address or passport data), an incorrect or outdated entry is crossed out on the card, and the correct entry is put above or next to it. The corrections made must be confirmed by the signature of the personnel officer.

An important role in filling out the personal cards of employees is played by the all-Russian classifiers of technical and economic information (OKATO, OKIN, OKSO, OKPDTR), the use of which allows you to correctly fill out the corresponding lines of the card (Table 2.4).

If it is necessary to encode information in the employee's personal card that is not included in the all-Russian classifiers, local classifiers of the organization are developed. The cards filled in when applying for a job are registered in the book of personal cards, the form of which is developed at the discretion of CJSC Polygraph.

Table 2.4

Errors in issuing personal cards of Polygraph CJSC

The logical conclusion of the development of regulatory support in the field of personnel records management is the drawing up and approval of the Schedule of the document flow of the personnel service of CJSC "Polygraph". The Schedule in tabular form reflects the procedures for documenting labor relations for the following items:

drafting documents (basis for drafting, frequency, person responsible for preparation, number of copies, etc.);

paperwork (coordination, signing, approval);

processing of documents (registration, transfer for execution, familiarization of employees);

Operational and archival storage of executed documents (place and terms of storage, frequency of archiving).

The procedure for applying the considered local regulations for working with personnel documentation, as well as responsibility for its violation, should be enshrined in the Instructions for Personnel Records Management, approved by order of the head of Polygraph CJSC.


An automated system in an enterprise today is not a tribute to fashion, but an urgent need. One of the trading companies managed to implement an automation project, literally from scratch. By the time of implementation, the staff of the organization was more than five hundred people. At the same time, there was not a single software product in the personnel service.

It was difficult to establish communication between the departments of the company. The desire to eliminate this problem, as well as the solution of the urgent task of creating a common database of employees, became the main reasons for automating business processes. The project was initiated by two divisions: the financial department and the personnel service. It was they who formulated the main parameters of automation, answering three fundamental questions:

  1. What would you like to get as a result of the project?
  2. What financial costs will the company incur in connection with this?
  3. How long will it take to prepare and implement automation?

To work on the project, an initiative group was created, which included specialists from three departments:

  • information technology services its tasks included the analysis of programs presented on the market, assessment of the possibility of their interaction with IT products that the company planned to implement in the future, as well as resolving issues related to the further maintenance of the program;
  • financial department definition of a range of automation tasks related to payroll;
  • personnel departments formulation of project objectives in terms of personnel management.

First of all, the initiative group analyzed the information services market. It turned out that from the point of view of the tasks facing the company, almost all software products need to be improved. The choice of the most convenient of them required a rather lengthy discussion, which took place during several round tables. At these events, the pros and cons of various solutions were found out. As a result, the choice was made in favor of the program "1C: Salary and Personnel 7.7". At that time, it did not yet include the “1C: Human Resources and Payroll” block, so some improvements had to be made, which were carried out by external specialists.

For the project, a detailed action plan was developed and approved, indicating the deadlines and responsible for the implementation of each item. The entire project (development, testing, implementation and training of personnel) was given 4 months (Table 3.1). First of all, the employees of each division of the personnel service decided on what data they need in electronic form. For the HR inspector the HR document flow, for the HR manager the database of candidates (previously it was collected on paper), for the training specialist the lists of those who attended the trainings (all company personnel are being trained). Thus, for the personnel service it was necessary to configure several blocks:

1. "Personnel selection". A special directory was created to store the most complete information about all candidates invited for interviews, as well as potential employees of the company who might be of interest to her if some vacancies were opened.

2. "Training". In order to record information about the passage of trainings, the already existing reference book "Employees" was improved. It included a list of everyone who works (and has worked) for the company. It turned out to be convenient, because it contained information about each employee date of birth, address, passport details, job title and department, schedule, salary, etc. Therefore, this particular directory was chosen for revision. It became possible to enter information about the date and name of the training, its results, as well as what kind of training is necessary for the further development of an employee, both new and already working.

3. "Personnel office work". This block was also being finalized in order to expand its capabilities, in particular, to enter a vacation schedule, monitor its compliance, and draw up employment contracts.

4. "Reporting and statistics". It is the compilation of reports and the collection of statistical data that allows us to analyze the work done and form plans for the future. For these purposes, the following electronic reports have been created:

  • "Procentik" it collects information as a percentage: the staff turnover rate, the ratio of the number of candidates who have passed the interview and the number of employees hired;
  • "Interesting statistics" Every month, the personnel department acquaints all employees of the company with the data of this report. It contains information about how many men and women are in the organization, statistics on education, marital status, and average length of service in the company.

Table 3.1

Project execution plan

No. p / p

Project stage



Finding out the needs for finalizing the program for the financial service



Finding out the needs for finalizing the program for the personnel service


Setting up program blocks for the financial service


Developer company

Setting up program blocks for the personnel service


Providing the company with a trial version, testing


Completion of comments


Installing a company program, setting up access rights for employees


Company developer, financial director, head of personnel service

Training of personnel to use the program


Developer company

Entering all the necessary information into the program


Head of Human Resources

After installing the program and testing the settings, it was the turn of the most difficult stage implementation. To begin with, all employees were trained to use the new program. It took place in the training center of the developer company in two stages: first of all for the personnel service, then for the financial department (at this time, the personnel officers were already entering information into the program). Classes were held during the week every morning from 9 to 11 o'clock. The process of mastering the program among employees took place at different paces, but everyone was convinced that automation allows them to work more efficiently.

After training, all information was entered into the system (Fig. 3.1).

Rice. 3.1 Entering information about personnel

After the introduction of automation, the results were summed up. The analysis of the obtained results showed the following:

1. Significantly reduced labor costs for the simplest personnel procedures (Table 3.2).

2. The interaction between the personnel service and the financial department has been simplified.

3.It has become more convenient to store and use information about employees.

Table 3.2

Changes in the hiring process

Clearance point

What was before

After automation

Entering employee data into the program

Did not have

Process time 10 minutes

Drawing up an employment contract

Registration in Excel within

15 minutes

Making an acceptance order

10 minutes

Registration in the program 5 minutes

Filling out a personal card T-2

20 minutes

Pressing a key in a program 1 minute

The personnel service should be aware of the following difficulties in automating personnel processes:

  • a good and high-quality project requires a lot of money (especially if it is necessary to significantly change or supplement the program configuration);
  • HR professionals involved in an automation project will have to communicate with software developers. Meanwhile, not all personnel officers can speak “the same language” with programmers (as well as vice versa), therefore, they will have to learn this;
  • the process of entering all the necessary information will require the maximum concentration of attention from the staff of the personnel service.


At present, the volume of work of the personnel service of enterprises in general and ZAO Polygraph, in particular, has increased significantly. This is due to the need to conclude an employment contract in writing, preparing orders at all stages of the employment relationship, from hiring to dismissal.

In practice, there is no common opinion on how best to arrange a combination of professions (positions), changes in an employment contract in the form of permanent and temporary transfer to another job. It is also necessary to distinguish between provisions that are an integral part of the employment contract, and agreements that have independent significance.

Today, the legal field in which the personnel service operates is very extensive. It includes not only the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, but also other federal laws, in particular the Federal Law of December 29, 2006 N 255-FZ "On the provision of benefits for temporary disability, pregnancy and childbirth of citizens subject to compulsory social insurance", Federal Law No. 54-FZ of April 20, 2007 "On Amendments to the Federal Law "On the Minimum Wage" and Other Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation", according to which the minimum wage from September 1, 2007 was set at 2,300 rub. per month.

An important role in the regulation of labor relations is played by the decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation, in particular the Decree of December 24, 2007 N 922 "On the peculiarities of the procedure for calculating the average wage" and other regulatory legal acts containing labor law norms.

Knowledge of extensive regulatory material, judicial practice and the ability to apply them is a necessary condition for the successful work of all personnel services.


  1. Labor Code of the Russian Federation.
  2. Decree of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated 05.01.2004 No. 1 “On approval of unified forms of primary accounting documentation for accounting for labor and its payment”.
  3. GOST R 6.30-2003
  4. Andreeva V.I. Office work: requirements for the company's document flow (Based on Gosts of the Russian Federation) .- M .: Bizn.-school. Intel Synthesis, 2004.
  5. Andreeva V.I. On the complex issues of documenting labor relations//Handbook of the personnel officer, 2006, No. 10.
  6. Barikhin A.B. Office work: textbook. M., 2006
  7. Belushchenko S. Auto order in frames//Handbook of personnel management, 2007, No. 4.
  8. Boriskin V.V. Official business. M., 2007
  9. Bykova T.A. Office work. M., 2008
  10. Vyalova V.M. Personnel records management in organizations with a separate subdivision//Handbook of the personnel officer, 2008, No. 8.
  11. Galakhov V.V. Office work in the personnel department. M., 2006
  12. Doronina L.A. Fundamentals of office work. M., 2007
  13. Journal "Documentation", 2007, N 4
  14. Iritikova V.S. Paperwork//Secretary business. 2007. - No. 1 p. 20-27
  15. Kirsanova M.V. Business course. M., 2006
  16. Koryakina Yu.S. Office work. M., 2007
  17. Kudryaev V.A. "Organization of work with documents" V.A. Kudryaev and others. M.: INFRA-M, 2006
  18. Kuznetsov D.L. Personnel management. M., 2007
  19. Kuznetsova T. Office work. M., 2008
  20. Kurnoskina L.V. Modern office work. M., 2007
  21. Lenkevich L.A. Office work: study guide. M., 2007
  22. Makarova N.A. Office work at the enterprise. M., 2008
  23. Bad weather A.V. Organization business. M., 2007
  24. Novikova E.A. Office work in the personnel department. M., 2006
  25. Pustozerova V.M., Solovyov A.A. Hiring and firing employees. M.: Prior, 2006.
  26. Pshenko A.V. Fundamentals of office work. M., 2006
  27. Smirnova E.P. Office work: textbook. M., 2006
  28. Sokolov A.V. Documentation management. M., 2006.
  29. Stenyukov M.V. Document management and office work. M., 2007
  30. Stenyukov M.V. The documents. Paperwork: Practical. Allowance for documentary support of the enterprise. M.: Prior, 2006.
  31. Stolyarov Yu.N. Document classification: solutions and problems. // Book: research and materials. Sat. 70. M., 2005. S. 24-40.


List of personnel documents required for the organization

No. p / p


What document governs


Shelf life

Internal labor regulations (PVTR)

Article 189 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation

When hiring (before signing the employment contract), the employer is obliged to familiarize the employee with the PWTR against signature. Valid until replaced with new ones.


Regulation on the protection of personal data of employees

Article 86 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation

When hiring (before signing an employment contract), the employer is obliged to familiarize the employee with the Regulations on the protection of personal data of employees against signature. Valid until replaced with a new one.


Staffing table (f. T-3) (staffing)

It is compiled every time when certain changes are made to it.


Book of accounting for the movement of work books and inserts to them

Stored in the personnel department and maintained constantly.

Income and expense book for accounting for forms of work books and inserts to them

Instructions on the procedure for filling out work books and inserts to them (approved by the Decree of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated October 10, 2003 No. 69)

It is stored in the accounting department along with the forms of work books and inserts to them; the forms are sent to the personnel department at the request of a personnel worker.

50 years (but upon liquidation of the company, it is submitted to the city archive along with other documents, the shelf life of which is 75 years)

Regulations on remuneration, bonuses and material incentives

Section 6 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, Chapter 21 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation

In the presence of complex systems of remuneration and labor and bonus systems. Valid until replaced with a new one.


Regulations on the training system

Articles 196, 197 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation

If there is a training system in the organization.


Regulations on certification of employees

Article 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation

When conducting certification at the discretion of the employer.


Vacation schedule

Approved by the employer no later than two weeks before the start of the calendar year.

1 year

Labor contract

Articles 16, 56, 57, 67 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation

It is concluded in writing with each employee.

75 years old

Job descriptions for each position in accordance with the staffing table, work instructions for professions

Accepted at the discretion of the employer.


Job Orders

Article 68 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation

Issued on the basis of an employment contract. They are announced to the employee against signature within three days from the date of the actual start of work.

75 years old

Orders for transfer to another job

Article 72.1 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation

Issued on the basis of an agreement on transfer to another job (additional agreement to the employment contract).

75 years old

Dismissal orders

Article 84.1 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation

75 years old

Orders for core business

Published as needed. Orders for core activities prepared by the personnel service are registered and stored in the office. The personnel department is conducting the case “Copies of orders for core activities”.

1 year (copies of orders kept by the personnel department)

Leave orders

Issued on the basis of the vacation schedule or the employee's application

5 years

Employee applications for unpaid leave

Article 128 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation

Unpaid leave is granted at the request (at the request) of the employee in accordance with Part 1 of Art. 128 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation or at the request of the law on the basis of the application of the employee (part 2 of article 128 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

5 years

Employee's personal card (T-2 form)

Conducted for each employee.

75 years old

Employment history

Article 66 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 16, 2003 No. 225 “On work books”, Instructions on the procedure for filling out work books and inserts to them (approved by the Decree of the Ministry of Labor of Russia of October 10, 2003 No. 69)

The employer maintains work books for each employee who has worked for him for more than five days.

Upon dismissal, the employee receives a work book in his hands. Unclaimed work books are stored in the organization for 50 years; upon liquidation of the enterprise, they are archived

Agreements on full liability

They are concluded with employees who directly serve material assets.

5 years

Book of accounting (registration log) of orders for core activities

Instructions for office work in the personnel service of VNIIDAD "Exemplary instructions for office work in the personnel service of an organization" (recommended)

Must be numbered and laced, sealed and signed by the employer

5 years

Book of accounting (registration log) of orders for employment


75 years old

Book of accounting (registration log) of dismissal orders


75 years old

Book of accounting (registration log) of orders for granting holidays


50 years

Journal of registration of travel certificates


5 years

Time sheet

Part 3 of Article 91 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation

The employer is obliged to keep a record of the time actually worked by each employee

75 years old

shift schedule

Article 103 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation

It is brought to the attention of employees no later than one month before its entry into force.

1 year

Register of inspections of inspection bodies

Federal Law of August 8, 2001 No. 134-FZ “On the protection of the rights of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs during state control (supervision)”

Conducted by all legal entities and entrepreneurs without forming a legal entity


Minutes of meetings, resolutions of attestation qualification commissions

Regulations on certification of employees of the enterprise

Issued by the certification committee

15 years

Report cards and outfits for workers of hazardous professions

Part 3 of Article 91 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation

Compiled monthly.

75 years old

Lists of workers in production with harmful working conditions

Decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR of January 26, 1991 No. 10 "On approval of lists of industries, jobs, professions, positions, indicators giving the right to preferential pension provision"

If production with harmful working conditions; is ongoing.

75 years old

Lists of employees retiring on a preferential pension

50 years

Correspondence on appointment - state pensions and allowances;

preferential pension


5 years

10 years

Occupational safety instructions by profession

Section 10 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation


Briefing log (familiarization with instructions)

Section 10 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation

10 years

Journal of obligatory medical examination by employees

Article 69 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, order of the Ministry of Health and Medical Industry of the Russian Federation dated March 14, 1996 No. 90 “On the procedure for conducting preliminary and periodic medical examinations of workers and medical regulations for admission to the profession” (as amended on February 6, 2001)

5 years

Acts of accidents

Decree of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of October 24, 2002 No. 73 "On approval of the forms of documents necessary for the investigation and accounting of industrial accidents, and the provisions on the features of the investigation of industrial accidents in certain industries and organizations"

45 years

Acts of investigation of occupational poisonings and diseases

45 years


An example of a sheet of document forms


An example of an order to amend the forms of primary accounting documentation


An example of an order for personnel on the form of an order for the main activity


An example of an application for the issuance of a work book


Pivot Table Example

1 Basakov M.I. Office work. M., 2007

2 Orlovsky Yu.P. Office work in the organization. M., 2007

3 Rogozhin M.Yu. Office work in the personnel department. M., 2007

4 Stenyukov M.V. The documents. Paperwork: Practical. Allowance for documentary support of the enterprise. M.: Prior, 2006

5 Trukhanovich L.V. Office work. M., 2008

6 Malkova E.N. Mandatory personnel documents generated in the personnel department of the enterprise//Personnel decisions, 2008, No. 7.

7 Malkova E.N. Mandatory personnel documents generated in the personnel department of the enterprise//Personnel decisions, 2008, No. 7.

8 Malkova E.N. Mandatory personnel documents generated in the personnel department of the enterprise//Personnel decisions, 2008, No. 7.

The need to set up personnel records management is not such a difficult task, but not easy for beginners HR specialists. Maybe you are a novice personnel officer, or in general an accountant or an office manager who has been “hung up” with personnel, or a novice entrepreneur. And you have little experience in this area, then our guide will surely help you. Everything is laid out step by step, simple and accessible, especially for beginners in personnel matters.

Personnel records management is a branch of activity that documents labor relations, fixes information about the availability and movement of personnel, as a result of which personnel procedures become documented. Almost any personnel document has legal value. With the help of personnel documents used as written evidence, the employer can prove his position in court.

Step 1. Organize the "workplace" of the HR specialist.

To do this, you need a personnel program, the texts of regulations in the latest edition and samples of document forms, samples of their completion. All this you will need in your work.

The best version of reference "literature" - resources for personnel officers on the Internet, electronic libraries, electronic publications - in them you will find many forms of documents necessary for personnel work, and samples of their completion, there are step-by-step procedures for basic personnel operations, books, consultations, etc. .

Discuss with management the issue of acquiring a program in which to keep personnel records. There are many such programs, paid and free, and many specialized ones are very, very convenient.

But most companies keep personnel records according to tradition in 1C. The fact is that there are plenty of 1C support specialists in any city, but you will not find specialists in supporting other programs everywhere.

Step 2. Familiarization with the constituent documents of the organization.

All documents in the personnel section must comply with the constituent documents of the company, and not contradict them in any way. Read in the Charter the procedure for accepting a director and setting his salary, the period for which an employment contract can be concluded with him, some features may be spelled out in the Charter. Sometimes the Charter prescribes the procedure for hiring key executives and establishing pay systems for them, and even the procedure for approving the staffing table.

Step 3. Make a list of documents required for HR administration in your company.

Mandatory documents to be drawn up and approved:

- internal labor regulations (Articles 189, 190 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);

- staffing (Art. 15, 57 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);

- vacation schedule (Article 123 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);

- documents on the processing and protection of personal data of employees (a document establishing the procedure for processing personal data of employees, their rights and obligations in this area (if this is not established in the internal labor regulations), written consent of employees to the processing and transfer of personal data to third parties, Articles 86-88 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, Article 6 of the Federal Law "On Personal Data");

- employment contracts (Art. 16, 56-59, 67 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);

- work books (Articles 65, 66 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 16.04.2003 No. 225 “On work books”, Decree of the Ministry of Labor of Russia of 10.10.2003 No. 69 “On approval of instructions for filling out work books”);

- a book of accounting for the movement of work books and inserts in them (paragraphs 40-41 of the Rules for maintaining and storing work books, manufacturing work book forms and providing employers with them, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 04.16.2003 N 225, Decree of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of 10.10.2003 N 69 "On the approval of the Instructions for filling out work books");

- income and expense book for accounting for work book forms and an insert in it (paragraphs 40-41 of the Rules for maintaining and storing work books, manufacturing work book forms and providing employers with them, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 04.16.2003 N 225, Decree of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation from 10.10.2003 N 69);

- time sheet (Articles 91, 99 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);

- personal cards (clause 12 of the Rules for maintaining and storing work books, preparing work book forms and providing employers with them, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 16, 2003 N 225);

- orders: orders on hiring, on granting holidays to employees, on dismissal of employees, on transfers, business trips, on the appointment of a person responsible for maintaining, accounting and storing work books, etc. (Articles 62, 68, 84.1, 193 and other Labor Code of the Russian Federation, clause 45 of the Rules for maintaining and storing work books, preparing work book forms and providing employers with them, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 16, 2003 N 225);

- bases for issued orders: memorandums, statements, acts, agreements, etc. (Art. 70, 72, 78, 80, 122, 127, 128, etc. of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);

- statements, notes-calculations and other documents related to the calculation and payment of wages, vacation pay, compensation for unused vacations, payments upon dismissal;

- the approved form of the payslip;

- a log of inspections of a legal entity, an individual entrepreneur, carried out by state control (supervision) bodies, municipal control bodies (clause 8, article 16 of the Federal Law of December 26, 2008 N 294-FZ "On the protection of the rights of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs in the implementation of state control (supervision) and municipal control.The form of the journal is approved by the Order of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation dated April 30, 2009 N 141).

There are also personnel documents that become mandatory under certain circumstances. It is necessary to clarify with the management which of the optional documents need to be drawn up for the company. At the same time, find out from the general director what special conditions he wants to see in the Internal Labor Regulations, other local regulations, and in forms of employment contracts. If the manager has wishes to include certain provisions in the documents, we check whether they contradict the law.

We draw up all the above documents, coordinate them with the CEO. We approve the final options with the director.

Step 4. We make out the general director.

First of all, we draw up a director. He is the first worker! From the documents it should be clear from what date the director has been working.

Step 5. We draw up a staffing table, internal labor regulations, and other local regulations.

Surely the company does not yet have a staffing table and internal labor regulations and other local regulations. We compose them. All these documents are coordinated with the director. We take into account the comments and wishes of the director, check whether they contradict the law. The director approves ready-made versions of the named documents.

Please note that the staffing table has a unified form, not an arbitrary one. If there are difficulties with the staffing table, then on the Internet, look at the samples of filling out the staffing table, the step-by-step procedure for developing and approving the staffing table, thematic seminars and the corresponding staffing consultation section. You can also find samples of various local regulations, step-by-step procedures for their adoption, consultations, drafting tips, etc.

Step 6. We develop a standard form of an employment contract.

We are developing a form of an employment contract that will be concluded with employees. We include in it all the conditions that are beneficial and necessary for the company. There are good employment contract templates on the Internet and how to formalize an employment relationship in favor of the employer.

Step 7. We develop other documents.

We are preparing other documents that we will need to conduct personnel work in the future: accounting books, registers, timesheets, order forms, an agreement on liability, etc. In the articles “Sample Documents” you can take the forms of these documents, print them if necessary, familiarize yourself with the samples of their filling.

Step 8. Keeping work books.

We decide with the management the question of who will keep work books. Since the workers have not yet been hired, you will first have to keep work books. We issue an order to assume responsibility for the maintenance, storage, accounting and issuance of work books. Subsequently, you can transfer these powers to an accepted personnel officer, also by order.

Step 9. We arrange for the work of workers.

You can see here. At this stage, it is necessary to draw up a lot of documents: employment contracts, employment orders, personal cards, work books, a book of accounting for the movement of work books, etc. Look for forms and samples of all these documents, consultations on their execution on the Internet.

Again, to help - methodological literature and practical guides, which are, among other things, in the public domain on personnel portals. After you master this procedure, everyday work awaits you: maintaining a time sheet and vacation schedule, processing vacations, business trips and sick leave, incentives, penalties, transfers and dismissals, and so on.

The general definition says that personnel records management is the process of registration and maintenance of personnel papers. This topic is relevant for both individual entrepreneurs and legal entities. Paperwork has strict legislative norms, and the described rules must be taken into account by all managers, personnel departments at enterprises. With the help of personnel records management, it will be possible to optimize the process of personnel management, improve the work of each team, and simplify the reporting procedure.

What is HR management

The basics of personnel records management include the entire process of preparing papers, filling them out, reporting on the personnel who work in the company. Each issued is legally binding, including those that are formed on the basis of an employee's application. Personnel production is often carried out by the personnel department, whose functions are such personnel work:

  • payroll;
  • registration of holidays, sick leave;
  • issuance of references.

Targets and goals

Tasks and objectives of this HR department:

Direction of work

Employee tasks

Accounting, registration, control

Keeping records of the number of employees, registration for work, dismissal

Work regulation

Familiarization with duties, choice of workplace, premises

Coordination, training

Conducting courses, training, advanced training, retraining, verification of performance

Work with documents

Specialists of this department are engaged in the preparation of papers, books, work schedules, register, reporting


Organization of activities according to instructions

Legal regulation

Work on personnel is regulated by a number of regulatory laws, orders and a set of rules at the regional or state level. Failure to comply with the requirements specified in the regulatory framework is a violation. The main regulations for conducting personnel production:

  • state regulation on work books (2003);
  • rules of office work and document management from 2009;
  • federal instructions for maintaining paperwork regarding employees;
  • general requirements, which are approved by the order of the ministries.

Legislative base of the enterprise

Each enterprise uses a number of documentation that regulates the work of all personnel. The movement of documents and their preparation is carried out according to the instructions, the regulatory framework prescribed above. The legal framework of the enterprise is divided into five key categories, regulated by the internal orders of the enterprise:

  • company charter;
  • work schedule;
  • regulations on the protection of personal data;
  • labor protection (regulated by federal archival decree);
  • staff work schedule (and documents on staffing).

Personnel document flow in the organization

Unified accounting systems for papers in enterprises are divided into three main categories, among which are internal regulations, staffing, and regulations on remuneration. The first category includes the turnover of papers according to the vacation schedule, filling out documents about the work schedule. The second paragraph is more global and contains a provision on the preparation of contracts and accounting policy papers. The regulation on remuneration regulates all issues regarding the payment of wages, bonuses, sick leave, vacation and severance pay upon dismissal.

Staffing in the form of T-3

The staffing table in the T-3 form is a single type of paper that describes the entire structure of personnel in an enterprise or company. The columns contain data on the full name, position of the employee, the unit where he is listed. According to regulatory and legislative norms, the official salary of a specialist is prescribed there. Any change in the registration process must be registered by the accounting department in this staffing table on the T3 form. The instructions for filling out always contain recommendations for each column. In total, the document includes 5 information points.

Working schedule

The work schedule is a document that approves the daily routine of a specialist. The workflow regulates the manager's schedule. It includes items on the need for an inspection under current legislation, about lunch and breaks, and about reporting. In some companies, the clerk requires a report to be drawn up every week or month (the document must be confirmed by the signatures of the employee and the clerk after verification). The plan, the schedule of the schedule are formed for the future working period. Recording of employees' working hours.

Contract of employment

An employment agreement is a civil law document that is drawn up between a future employee and an employer. Standard forms for this type of document are not expected, and the agreement is filled in free form indicating the qualifications (position) and period of work. The desired result is also written there. According to legal norms, this type of document is very similar to a contract document, as it prescribes the final result of the work, and not its structure. To dismiss employees, you only need to finalize before the expiration of the contract.

Personnel orders

The reinstatement of employees in positions, the hiring of specialists are carried out according to personnel orders. This type of document prescribes the appointment of personnel to the position and other movements of specialists in departments. Employees of the personnel department and the management team take part in the development of instructions and orders. Managers/administrators of the company make local decisions. Orders have a single form, it is established by the regulatory framework. According to the shelf life of the paper, they must be kept in the accounting department or in the personnel department for up to five years or more (depending on the type of order).

Job Descriptions

Job descriptions are a document that prescribes the responsibility of the parties (employee and employer), and also contains data about the instructions and duties of a particular specialist in his position. They are confirmed by the seal of the organization and the signature of the responsible person. Three copies are required for this document. One remains in the personnel department, the other with the performer himself, and the third with the manager or administrator of a particular department. The purpose of this order is to optimize the processes of personnel management in the enterprise.

How to organize office work in the personnel department

Proper HR management implies a high level of responsibility. Human Resources staff must ensure that the dates of signing correspond to the actual ones. You can entrust the maintenance of work books and other personnel documents to outsourcing companies. Responsibilities of HR Officers:

  • form a work schedule, accounting documentation related to vacations;
  • draw up documents for labor protection (required for state bodies);
  • prepare and issue orders;
  • Calculate payroll and control the payment of bonuses.

HR department

The full-time personnel service is carried out when all accounting and all registrations are carried out only by hired full-time people from the personnel department. This mode of paperwork is relevant for enterprises and companies with a staff of 20-30 people. State standards require strict adherence to the form of all orders and other requirements, otherwise a legal entity may receive a fine. In the service sector, where one legal entity has up to 30 people, it is more profitable to use the services of outsourcing companies.

Involvement of specialists of an outsourcing company for personnel work

Hiring an outsourced HR company will save money and reduce the overall headcount. Independent specialists carry out the entire volume of necessary work on the preparation of orders, schedules. They also keep a special journal and regulate the work of each specialist in the company. Outsourcing of personnel records management is marked by the fact that a legal entity does not have its own personnel department, but entrusts this task to a separate team for a moderate fee.

Personnel accounting from scratch step by step

To keep records of documents of the personnel department, office equipment and an office are needed. It is important to have a strong safe. The order should appoint the head of the document management system. After that, internal acts are formed. For each employee in the company, you must create a separate folder where his work book will be stored. Personnel records management requires the preservation of this documentation during the entire period of work of a specialist in a position. Throughout the entire activity of the department, information is entered into books, orders are drawn up.

Requirements for HR employees

Personnel records management is a relatively complex process that requires certain theoretical and practical skills. The regulatory framework for this position contains a list of conditions under which a specialist can hold this position. Educational institutions do not single out a separate profile as personnel office work. Managers and administrators are suitable for activities in the personnel department. So employers appoint people with a legal education, information protection or document management.

Rights and obligations of a personnel officer

The first obligation of such officials is to know the legal framework, to comply with the established accounting rules. Above were the articles, federal laws that should be followed when conducting personnel records management. The personnel officer has the right to receive information from employees, view personal folders, see the accounting book (salary). The powers of specialists of this profile include affixing signatures, working with employers to improve the efficiency of staff.

Managing personnel records

Today, HR records management is conducted both in writing and in digital format. Documentation is signed personally by authorized employees. For documentation, state standards are used, which unify all templates and forms. It is necessary to take into account the norms of GOST R 6.30-2003 and GOST R 7.0.8-2013. Important papers are stored in special folders or metal safes. Depending on the scope and size of the company, specialists need to adhere to different requirements for the frequency of reporting.

Search and registration of personnel

Initially, before registering employees, you need to find specialized personnel that would meet strict criteria (they must be related to the specifics of the work). To do this, use specialized bureaus, agencies, job search sites, labor exchange or private ads in newspapers, in the media, on websites. After that, mandatory personnel documents are drawn up, registration is carried out, an employment contract or a work contract is signed.

Stages of hiring

The procedures for registering people for a position begin with entering data about the job seeker in a special journal. The report card records information about experience, length of service, and previously held position. Upon approval, an order is drawn up to appoint a person to a particular post. The final stage is the formation of a personal folder, drawing up a case in a company, department. The contract contains information about the duties, about the salary in the post.

Personal cards and the formation of an employee's personal file

Types of personnel documents include an employee's personal card. It contains all the information regarding the marital status, full name, a photograph is pasted there, the date of birth is prescribed. All this is done by employers in order to form a data package about each member of the company's staff. According to the law, this data cannot be transferred to third parties. Folders, cabinets or even metal safes are used to conduct a personal file (depending on the level of equipment of the company's office).

HR magazines

Paper printed products help to systematize reporting, simplify document flow. Documentation in the form of business journals includes the following types:

  • for the control of documents, papers that are delivered to a company or enterprise;
  • to control time, periods of business trips;
  • to control any notes, statements;
  • records to ensure the safety of work books.

Maintenance of work books

Personnel records management obliges specialists to keep records of the work book. All records are kept if the person at the enterprise is formally registered. The work book is issued to the employee upon dismissal. This documentation records all changes regarding the position, awards. Training in personnel records management from scratch includes mandatory items on the correct design of work books. Any errors are corrected by members of the Human Resources staff. If they are found, specialists may be charged with an administrative violation.

Organizing and storing documents

Separate legislative norms have been created for the audit and storage of documents. It is important to mention Article 17 of the Federal Law on archiving. It prescribes the need for the management of companies and enterprises to take care of the safety of archival documentation within the prescribed period. The storage period is prescribed by law and complies with state standards. To ensure the integrity of paper documentation, metal fireproof safes and cabinets are used.

If necessary, the data from the documents are transferred to the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation. Automation, digitization of the circulation of papers is one of the priority areas in optimizing the process of managing the work of the state. Today, most reporting is not done on paper. This does not remove the obligation from the heads of enterprises, managers to preserve the archive for one, three, five or more years.

Electronic personnel records

When using electronic personnel records, it is important to comply with the security conditions of documents, to reduce access to the archive by virtue of the law on the protection of personal data. Electronic accounting of documentation has a number of advantages:

  1. quick access to documents;
  2. file password protection;
  3. there is no need to purchase safes to save papers;
  4. saving space in the office - the hard drive can store 10,000 documents or more;
  5. saving time - you can sign, find any document in 1-2 minutes in the hard disk archive on your computer.


Personnel accounting is necessary at any enterprise, regardless of the form of ownership, activity and number of employees. For its competent and qualified conduct, you need to be well versed in labor law, monitor changes in legislation and have skills in the field of personnel records management.

What is accounting of personnel and why is it needed?

An integral part of the activity of each company is personnel records. It is a legally regulated work on registration, accounting and monitoring of the movement of employees of the organization.

HR activities include:

  • reception of employees;
  • layoffs;
  • horizontal (transfer between departments) and vertical (for example, career growth) movements;
  • business trips;
  • sick leave;
  • time sheet;
  • vacations (of any kind - annual, without pay, for pregnancy, etc.);
  • personal cards for each employee, etc.

It also applies to staffing:

  • maintaining military records;
  • regulation of labor relations;
  • creation and registration of various orders and instructions (for example, on hiring, encouraging an employee, etc.);
  • organization of work and other aspects.

All documentation is drawn up only in accordance with the required norms and rules. Some forms are unified, others are established at the enterprise itself.

Competent organization of personnel records solves many problems and tasks of the company. Of course, there are thousands of nuances, but there are basic points that apply to every enterprise.

How to organize and to whom to entrust the maintenance of personnel records?

There are several ways to organize accounting. It all depends on the characteristics of the enterprise and on what choice the manager makes. The most common options:

Create an entire HR department if the company employs a lot of people

And when the staff is small, you can hire one specialist. The advantages of this method are that the work is organized by the manager in the way he likes and is regulated and controlled according to his own principles.

There are also disadvantages: it is difficult to check the professionalism of the hired specialist, so there is a risk that a not entirely competent personnel officer will be hired.

You will have to spend time and money on training or look for another employee.

The advantages of this option for organizing accounting are that if a person was recommended, then (perhaps) he really does the job, that is, he was tested in the case. Of course, with such a personnel officer, you need to negotiate working conditions so that they suit both parties.

Entrust personnel matters to an accountant or a good secretary

Pros: It saves time and money. That is, there is no need to select a personnel officer, and there are no costs for maintaining records.

Disadvantages: the main problem when choosing this method is that employees perform additional work after the main one, which leads to errors, blunders, gaps and an elementary lack of necessary documents. And, of course, professional knowledge on the topic of personnel accounting is important here. And if the same secretary has them, then the risk of complications in this case is minimized. And vice versa.

Entrust personnel accounting to an outsourcing organization

Good: all personnel activities fall on the shoulders of an outsourcing company, which assumes such responsibility on the basis of an agreement. In addition to the fact that constant, continuous assistance is provided for personnel matters, choosing this method significantly reduces costs.

Cons: you need to choose a well-established, serious company, and you also need to establish interaction, create a concept for working with specialists who will work outside the office.
The manager only has to choose the most convenient and suitable way for him to maintain personnel records, weighing all the pros and cons of each method.

Job functions of a personnel worker

The following duties are imposed on the personnel officer in accordance with the instructions and the labor agreement:

This is an incomplete list of duties of a personnel worker, the requirements are approximate. There may be more of them listed (or less), but in total it is these skills and abilities that a personnel specialist must possess.

Personnel accounting: what documents are required?

Normally, each enterprise must have the following types of documents relating to personnel:

  • administrative (personal and production orders);
  • confirming labor activity;
  • information and settlement;
  • internal correspondence;
  • logs of control and registration.

Some personnel documents must be at the enterprise without fail. These include:
PVTR (internal labor regulations);

All documents are stored for a certain number of years. Are regulated:

  • article or section of the Labor Code;
  • resolution of the State Statistics Committee;
  • Federal Law and other regulations.

If something (instructions, orders, etc.) is not available, then this fact will need to be corrected. In general, one of the principles of the work of a personnel officer is timeliness. It greatly facilitates workdays and even gives legal force to some acts. This is actually very important - not to run the current business. Otherwise, they tend to grow like a snowball.

Organization of personnel records: how to conduct, where to start?

Having settled in a new place as a personnel officer, first you need to revise the mandatory documentation. If it turns out (and it happens) that some important papers from the list are missing, then they need to be restored. Of course, it will not be possible to carry out such work in one day.

Therefore, it is necessary to highlight the most important positions and start from them. Check for availability and literacy in the design (and if you need to correct or draw up a new document): staffing, vacation schedule, employment contracts, orders, records in labor.

Keep records of employment contracts, orders for personnel. Create a workbook registration book. Understand personal cards (T-2). Work with local regulations.
The main thing is to complete all current documents on time. Work, relying on the Labor Code and the rules of office work. And do not destroy papers on personnel. The time of their storage is approved by the Federal Archives (“List ...” dated 06.10.2000).

All accounting documents are needed for the transparency of labor relations. The personnel system establishes norms and principles that provide stability for the employees of the organization, and administrations create favorable conditions for personnel management.

Accounting automation - 1C: the benefits of working with the program

Maintaining personnel records, especially in a large company, is an incredibly responsible and huge job. But here mistakes are unacceptable! But today there is a way to automate the activities of personnel officers, which can greatly facilitate and simplify the work of the department, improve activities, significantly reducing the risk of errors.

With the help of the 1C program, you can keep records in accordance with legal requirements. The database provides reliable storage of the necessary information on employees. As it accumulates, it becomes possible to build various reports that can help in analyzing the work and developing new directions. For example, reports might look like this:

  • staff turnover rate;
  • personnel statistics;
  • movement of workers, etc.

The program helps to solve almost all problems and tasks of personnel accounting. The head of the enterprise, thanks to 1C, has the opportunity to receive information about the state of affairs in this department, analyze and make the right management decisions. And also automation allows you to synchronize the activities of several company services (accounting, personnel, accounting department), which improves work efficiency, and also creates all conditions for timely payment of salaries.

What psychological may be needed? This article will tell you about all the secrets of tests.

To conduct a tax audit, read the article: all the secrets of choosing a tax audit specialist.


So, summing up, we can note the following:

  • Personnel accounting is an essential part of the work of any enterprise.
  • There are several ways to organize accounting. The choice is up to the leader.
  • The duties of a personnel worker are determined by the instruction and the employment contract.
  • There is a list of documents related to personnel work that must be present in every company. And you should start your career in the personnel department by checking these particular documents.
  • Keeping records is much easier if it is automated.

Personnel accounting is the core for the normal and efficient operation of any enterprise. Therefore, it must be approached with all responsibility.

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HR records management from scratch: a step-by-step guide 2019


a short approximate step-by-step guide to setting up personnel records management in a newly opened company

(if you want to clean up an already running campaign, then another step-by-step guide is more suitable for you - restoration of personnel records >>)

If you were instructed to deliver in a newly opened company HR management from scratch, and you have little experience in this area (maybe you are the creator, leader and so far the only employee of a new company, a novice personnel officer, or in general an accountant or office manager who was "hung" with personnel, or a novice entrepreneur), then our guide will surely help you. It is made simple and accessible, especially for beginners in the personnel business.

And by all means The rich stocks of our website will help you :

  • free reference base on personnel records management: 25 main step-by-step procedures (hiring, vacation, dismissal, etc.), 200 samples of documents on personnel, the "Employment books" block (sample filling and consultations), 5 manuals on personnel matters, consultations, articles on personnel) and much more;
  • a large reference base available to subscribers of the "HR Practitioner" magazine (the price is affordable for everyone >>): 140 step-by-step instructions on personnel work, more than 1000 samples of personnel documents, bins of consultations and articles, a course on the basics of personnel records management, a bookshelf, etc .;
  • our best HR books.

So, you have been assigned personnel. Where do we start?

1. Let's stock up on the necessary laws, special literature and programs. All this you will need in your work.

  • Needed Violation of labor laws can lead to big fine. Therefore, knowledge and compliance with labor laws must be approached responsibly.
  • From the special literature, we are pleased to offer you manuals (you can download for free) and our best HR books. The storerooms of the reference databases of the site will also be useful.
  • Discuss with management the issue of acquiring a program in which to keep personnel records. There are many such programs, and many specialized ones are very, very convenient. Some somehow bypass the functionality of 1C. But most companies keep personnel records according to tradition in 1C. The fact is that there are plenty of 1C support specialists in any city, but you will not find specialists in supporting other programs everywhere.

2. We take copies of the founding documents of the organization from the management and carefully study them.

Personnel documents will have to comply with the constituent documents of the company, and not contradict them in any way. Read in the Charter the procedure for hiring a director (you will apply for a job) and the procedure for setting his salary, the period for which an employment contract can be concluded with him - some features may be spelled out in the Charter. Sometimes the Charter prescribes the procedure for hiring key executives and establishing remuneration systems for them (for example, with prior approval of the general meeting of founders), and even the procedure for approving the staffing table.

3. We determine the list of documents that should be in the area of ​​personnel work, and which we will draw up.

It is clear that you will draw up the documents required by law in any case. Check with management which of the optional documents you will prepare for the company. Also, in advance, you can clarify with the director what special conditions he wants to see in the internal labor regulations, other local regulations, in the forms of employment contracts.

If your company is a micro-enterprise, then according to 309.2 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, you may not draw up some documents:

"The employer is a small business entity, which is classified as a micro-enterprise, has the right to refuse in whole or in part from the adoption of local regulations containing norms of labor law (rules of internal labor regulations, regulation on remuneration, regulation on bonuses, shift schedule, and others). At the same time, in order to regulate labor relations and other relations directly related to them, an employer - a small business entity, which is classified as a micro-enterprise, must include in labor contracts with employees conditions regulating issues that, in accordance with labor legislation and other regulatory legal acts containing norms labor law, should be regulated by local regulations..."

4. We make out the director

Check if the director (general director) is properly registered. If not, then first of all we draw up a director. He is the first worker! From the documents it should be clear from what date the director has been working. A step-by-step procedure for applying for a director’s job is in a large reference database and in the “Package of Personnel Officer”, the necessary sample documents, thematic consultations there.

5. We draw up a staffing table, internal labor regulations, other local regulations (see table from paragraph 3).

Surely the company does not yet have a staffing table and internal labor regulations and other local regulations. We compose them. All these documents are coordinated with the director. We take into account the comments and wishes of the director, check whether they contradict the law. Ready-made versions of these documents are agreed upon in the manner prescribed by law (if necessary, taking into account the opinion of the representative body of employees), then the head of the company approves them. We have many examples of such documents freely available on our website. There are many more such samples and thematic comments on them, step-by-step procedures for their approval are in a large reference database and in the “HR Package”. On our website in free access you can read a new useful article " Staffing: form and content". We recommend that subscribers of the magazine "Practitioner-Practitioner" read the article: " We draw up internal labor regulations: legal, thoughtful and beneficial to the employer" and see templates of local regulations.

6. We are developing a standard form of an employment contract, which will be concluded with employees.

For subscribers of the journal "Practitioner-Practitioner" we recommend a training manual: "We hire an employee: personnel issues". From it you will learn, among other things, which conditions are favorable for the employer to include in the employment contract, and which conditions, on the contrary, are undesirable and dangerous.

7. We are preparing other documents that we will need to conduct personnel work in the future:

We prepare accounting books, registers, timesheets, order forms, liability agreements, etc.

8. We decide with the management the question of who will keep work books .

If the employees have not yet been hired, then the head of the organization (director) will have to keep work books first. An order is issued for this. On our website there is a sample order for the head of the organization to take responsibility for maintaining, storing, recording and issuing work books. Such an order is mandatory, this is a requirement of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation. Failure to do so may result in a fine for the employer. Subsequently, the director may transfer these powers to the accepted personnel officer, also by order. On our website there is a form of order on the appointment of those responsible for the maintenance, storage, accounting and issuance of work books >>

9. We arrange for the work of employees.

Then the employees will begin to work and the phase of everyday work will begin for the personnel employee, you will need to keep a time sheet, draw up a vacation schedule, arrange vacations, apply incentives and penalties, business trips, combinations, dismissals and much more ... The resources of our site.

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